

Visualizing a Complete Siphoviridae by Single-particle Electron Microscopy: 1

The Structure of Lactococcal Phage TP901-1 2


Cecilia Bebeacua1,3, Livia Lai1, Christina Skovgaard Vegge2, Lone Brøndsted2, Marin van 4

Heel1, David Veesler3*§ and Christian Cambillau3* 5


7 1 Division of Biological Sciences, Imperial College London, South Kensington Campus, 8

London SW7 2AZ, UK. 9 2 Department of Veterinary Disease Biology, University of Copenhagen, Stigbøjlen 4, DK- 10

1870 Frederiksberg C, Denmark 11 3 Architecture et Fonction des Macromolécules Biologiques, UMR 6098 CNRS and 12

Universités Aix-Marseille I & II, Campus de Luminy, Case 932, 13288 Marseille Cedex 09, 13

France; 14 §Present address: Department of Molecular Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550, 15

N. Torrey Pines Road, La Jolla, California 92037, USA, [email protected] 16


*Corresponding authors: [email protected]; [email protected]. 18


Running title: A complete EM structure of Siphoviridae Phage TP901-1 20


Key words: Lactococcus lactis, Siphoviridae, crystal structure, electron microscopy, phages 22






Copyright © 2012, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.J. Virol. doi:10.1128/JVI.02836-12 JVI Accepts, published online ahead of print on 7 November 2012

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Tailed phages are genome delivery machines exhibiting an unequaled efficiency 30

acquired over more than 3 billion years of evolution. Siphophages from the P335 and 31

936 families infect the Gram+ bacterium Lactococcus lactis using receptor-binding 32

proteins anchored to the host-adsorption apparatus (baseplate). Crystallographic and 33

electron microscopy studies have shed light on the distinct adsorption strategies used by 34

phages of these two families suggesting that they might also rely on different infection 35

mechanisms. We report here electron microscopy reconstructions of the whole phage 36

TP901-1 (P335-species) and propose a composite EM model of this gigantic molecular 37

machine. Our results suggest conservation of structural proteins among tailed phages 38

and add to the growing body of evidence pointing to a common evolutionary origin for 39

these virions. Finally, we propose that host-adsorption apparatus architectures have 40

evolved in correlation with the nature of the receptors used during infection. 41







The abbreviations used are: SEC, size-exclusion chromatography; SLS, static Light 48

scattering; DLS, dynamic light scattering; MALS/UV/RI, on-line multi-angle laser light-49

scattering, absorbance, and refractive index; RBP, Receptor Binding Protein; MTP, Major 50

Tail Protein; TMP, Tape Measure Protein; Tal, Tail Associated Lysozyme; Dit, Distal tail 51

protein; IC, Initiation Complex; BP, Baseplate; EM, Electron microscopy; MS, Mass 52

Spectrometry. 53


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Bacteriophages of the Caudovirales order are exquisitely evolved nanomachines possessing a 56

tail appendage used to recognize the host and ensure genome delivery with high specificity. 57

They are the most abundant biological entity on earth with an estimated number of 1031 tailed 58

phages in the biosphere (4). Tail morphology serves as a basis to classify Caudovirales 59

phages into three distinct families: Myoviridae, having a complex-contractile tail (e.g. T4, 60

(16)) Podoviridae, bearing a short non-contractile tail (e.g. P22; (17, 18)); Siphoviridae, 61

characterized by their long non-contractile tail (e.g. SPP1; (31)). 62

The first steps of phage infection require interactions between the phage receptor-binding 63

proteins (RBPs) and the receptors at the host cell surface. Despite the diverse infection 64

mechanisms displayed by Siphoviridae, using surface proteins and/or cell-wall saccharides as 65

receptors, their tail architecture is rather conserved. It is characterized by a long non-66

contractile tube, assembled by stacking several tens of homo-hexameric major tail protein 67

(MTP) rings, and a central core formed by a few copies of the tape measure protein (TMP) 68

extending between both tail extremities and determining its length. The proximal tail end 69

harbors the homohexameric terminator that stops tube elongation during assembly, whereas 70

the distal tail end is characterized by the presence of the tail adsorption apparatus. In phages 71

of Gram+ bacteria this structure is composed of the distal tail protein (Dit) as well as the tail 72

fiber and is termed baseplate or tip depending on the presence or absence of peripheral 73

proteins, respectively. 74

During the last few years, we have characterized the mechanisms underlying the initial steps 75

of infection by bacteriophages targeting Gram+ bacteria. Structural studies of the host 76

adsorption apparatus of the Lactococcus lactis phages p2 and TP901-1 revealed distinct 77

baseplate architectures and diverse strategies used by these two virions to initiate infection (2, 78

5, 36, 37, 39, 50). The phage p2 baseplate undergoes large conformational changes in the 79

presence of Ca2+ ions to appropriately orientate its RBPs and establish multiple interactions 80

with host saccharides at the onset of infection (36). In contrast, the TP901-1 baseplate harbors 81

RBPs already pointing in the direction of the host, suggesting that this organelle is in a 82

conformation ready for host adhesion (50). In vivo infection experiments confirmed and 83

extended these observations by demonstrating that Ca2+ ions are required for host adhesion 84

among p2-like phages (936-species) but have no influence on TP901-1-like phages (P335-85

species). Upon host recognition, a firing signal is generated and propagated along the tail up 86

to the connector to inject the dsDNA genome into the host cell, which leads to the production 87

of progeny virions (21, 31). 88

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The highly flexible nature of Siphoviridae tails makes structural characterization of such 89

phage particles difficult and explains the paucity of data reported for this organelle (31). We 90

report here the electron microscopy reconstructions of the entire TP901-1 virion using single 91

particle protocols and a methodology specially implemented to characterize its tail. Mature 92

TP901-1 virions have thin angular capsid shells filled with dsDNA, and long tails when 93

imaged by transmission electron microscopy. Based on our EM reconstructions and 94

bioinformatics analyses, we propose pseudo-atomic models for most parts of this 95

Siphoviridae virion. The conservation of canonical phage structural protein modules support 96

the evolutionary connection proposed between all tailed phages and provides insights about 97

the putative TP901-1 assembly and maturation pathway. We also put forward the idea that a 98

striking correlation exists between host adsorption device architectures and the strategies 99

employed to recognize and adsorb onto the host. 100




Native Phage Production and Purification 104

TP901-1 phages were purified as previously described (Vegge et al., 2005). Briefly, phages 105

were induced with 3 µg/ml mitomycin C from lysogenic L. lactis 901-1 grown at 30 °C in 106

GM17 broth. Following cell lysis, the phage particles were precipitated and purified by 107

isopycnic centrifugation using a CsCl gradient. 108


Specimen preparation 110

Negative Staining. Approximately 3 µl of sample was applied onto glow-discharged carbon-111

coated grids and incubated for 1 min. The grids were blotted and 10 µl of a 2% uranyl-acetate 112

solution was added and incubated for 30 sec. Stain excess was then blotted and the grids 113

transferred to the microscope or stored. 114

Capsid cryo-EM. The sample (3µL) was applied and incubated onto glow-discharged 115

Quantifoil grids for 1 minute and subsequently blotted for 3 sec before plunging into liquid 116

ethane for vitrification using a FEI Vitrobot. 117


Data collection 119

Negative Stain data. Approximately 1,000 CCD images were collected using a Phillips 120

CM200 microscope with a field emission gun operated at 200 kV (CBEM, Imperial College 121

London) and a 4Kx4K TVIPS CCD camera. We used a magnification of 38,000x resulting in 122

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a pixel size of 2.32 Å/pixel (4.64 Å/pixel coarsened by 2) over a range of nominal defocus 123

values comprised between 0.5 and 1.5 µm. 124

Capsid cryo-EM. We collected 200 CCD images using the same setup as for stain data but 125

with a magnification of 50,000x (resulting in a pixel size of 1.765 Å) and nominal defocus 126

values ranging from −1.5 μm to −3 μm. 127


Image Processing. 129

All processing was carried out using the IMAGIC software (44). Defocus estimation and 130

correction for the microscope CTF was carried out using IMAGIC CTF2D_FIND and 131

CTF2D_FLIP programs. Particles were selected using the program PICK_M_ALL and 132

filtered, normalized and masked before further processing. The number of particles used in 133

each reconstruction is presented in table 1. 134

Full phage. In order to evaluate the overall dimension of the tail and the number of MTP 135

rings, 1000 particles were manually selected from the images where the phages were observed 136

in isolation and with a relatively straight tail. The full-phage particles were extracted into 137

boxes of 1200x1200 pixels, coarsened by 2 to speed-up processing and submitted to single-138

particle analysis imposing c6 symmetry. Particles were then pre-treated as described above 139

and submitted to five rounds of alignment by classification (7), and subsequently MSA 140

classified with 10 images per class (43). An initial model was generated by back-projecting a 141

selected class average with C6-fold symmetry. The initial model was re-projected and the re-142

projections were used for the initial angular assignment of the aligned particles by projection 143

matching (12, 43). As previously described (36), particles were positioned in a side view 144

orientation with the symmetry axis perpendicular to the projection direction. Therefore, maps 145

were re-projected along the equator (IMAGIC Euler angle β equal to 90°) with a difference of 146

20°. Subsequent cycles of refinement over the entire dataset including alignment, projection 147

matching, and model calculations were iterated until stabilized. 148

Fragments processing. The EM map generated for the full phage was cut into 7 continuous 149

segments of 72x72x72 pixels corresponding to: 1) the connector, 2-6) the tail, and 7) the 150

baseplate. The aligned particles resulting from the full-phage refinement described above 151

were cut in the same way and re-masked to generate 7 subsets. The 1st (connector) and 7th 152

(baseplate) subsets were further refined by projection matching using the corresponding 153

segment of the map obtained from cropping the full-phage initial map. Refinement was 154

carried out for several rounds over 2° imposing c12 symmetry for the connector and c6 155

symmetry for the baseplate. For further analysis and interpretation, however, we used the 156

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baseplate that we previously obtained (2). Fragments 2 to 6 (corresponding to the tail) were 157

combined (~4000 particles) and submitted to helical processing. 158

Tail helical processing. The 4000 particles combined as described above were submitted to 159

helical processing (Table 1). The helical map was produced using the package IHRSR++ (8). 160

The rotational symmetry used was c6 and, as the particles were already aligned, the maximum 161

allowed in-plane rotational angle was set to 10°. The initial helical parameters were 162

determined using the Brandeis Helical Package (27) to calculate the Bessel orders of the basic 163

layer lines (6 and -6) (Fig. 1A,B) and the Ruby-Helix package to estimate a repeat distance of 164

110 Å (23). These were later refined by IHRSR to a helical rise of 38 Å and a rotation 165

between subunits of 22.4°. 166

Reconstruction of the capsid. 1500 particles were manually selected and extracted into boxes 167

of 256x256 pixels and submitted to MSA classification (Table 1). An initial model was 168

created by back-projecting a single class average with icosahedral symmetry. The initial 169

model was refined by projection matching over the entire dataset and with an angular 170

sampling rate of 1° for several rounds imposing icosahedral symmetry until stabilized. 171

Resolution. The resolution of the reconstructions was estimated by Fourier shell correlation 172

and the 1⁄2 bit threshold correlation criterion (45) (Fig. 1C). 173


Fitting and analyses were carried out using the UCSF Chimera package (29) (Resource for 175

Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics at the University of California, San Francisco, 176

with support from the National Institutes of Health). 177


Sequence alignments were performed using the profile-profile alignment and fold recognition 179

algorithm FFAS03 (Fold and Function Assignment System) as well as HHpred. Typically, 180

predictions with FFAS03 scores lower than −9.5 contain <3% of false positives. 181


Accession codes. The capsid, connector and tail reconstructions have been deposited at the 183

EMDB with accession codes EMD- 2133, EMD- 2227 and EMD- 2228, respectively. 184




The capsid 188

Bacteriophage capsids are robust containers designed to carry and protect the viral genome 189

that is packaged at liquid crystalline density within its interior (48). We computed a 190

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reconstruction of the TP901-1 capsid at 15 Å resolution using ~1500 particle images and 191

applying icosahedral symmetry (Fig. 2A). The mature capsid is approximately 660 Å wide 192

along its 5-fold axes and is made of 60 hexamers and 11 pentamers of the ORF36 major 193

capsid protein (MCP), organized with a T=7 symmetry, as well as a dodecamer of the portal 194

protein occupying a unique vertex. Due to the 60-fold averaging applied during the 195

reconstruction process, the portal density is averaged out and its structure has been 196

independently investigated by reconstructing the connector region only. The capsid interior is 197

filled with the dsDNA genome organized as concentric layers regularly spaced by ~25 Å (Fig. 198

2B), as typically observed in other Caudovirales phages (48). 199

The plethora of MCP structures reported to date demonstrates the conservation of the so-200

called HK97 “Johnson fold” among tailed phages, herpesviruses and some archaeal 201

counterparts (46, 48, 53). Hence, we expect the TP901-1 MCP to exhibit a similar fold and 202

this is further supported by the detection of weak sequence similarity (but with high 203

confidence) with the T7 and HK97 MCP sequences using the FFAS03 server and HHpred 204

(Table 2) (13). A pseudo-atomic model of the TP901-1 MCP shell was thus produced by 205

rigid-body fitting of the icosahedral asymmetric unit of the mature HK97 capsid (PDB 206

1OHG) within the EM reconstruction (Fig. 2C). The seven subunits of the icosahedral 207

asymmetric unit are well accommodated in the capsid density and form a 32 Å thick shell 208

surrounding the viral genome. 209


The head-to-tail connecting region 211

The connector ensures the cohesion of the phage capsid with its tail and is often made of three 212

different components organized as successive rings: the portal protein and two head 213

completion proteins. It is located at a unique capsid vertex where it replaces a penton motif 214

(Fig. 3A-C). We achieved a reconstruction of the connector using ~1000 particles and 215

applying 12-fold symmetry along the connector channel axis. 216

The portal is a dodecameric protein, disclosing a conserved fold in tailed phages and 217

herpesviruses (46, 48), which is involved in DNA packaging during assembly and allowing 218

release at the onset of infection. The TP901-1 portal (ORF32) has an overall length 219

comparable to the equivalent protein in phage SPP1 (452 vs 503 residues) and both sequences 220

share 26% identity and 45% similarity. We used a SPP1 dodecameric portal model (19) to fit 221

into the proximal region of the connector reconstruction revealing a good agreement between 222

the atomic model and the EM map at this resolution (Fig. 3D-E) and confirming the structural 223

similarity between TP901-1 and SPP1 portal proteins suggested by FFAS03 and HHpred 224

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(Table 2). Sequence analysis of the TP901-1 portal indicates that no P22-like coiled-coil 225

structure is present at its C-terminal region suggesting that this phage only relies on the 226

turbine region of the dodecamer to trigger packaging termination when the genome reaches 227

the headful density (18, 26, 40). 228

The remaining region of the connector reconstruction reported here was assumed to account 229

for the two rings of head-completion proteins and the tail terminator. Sequence analyses using 230

the FFAS03 and HHpred servers allowed us to link the TP901-1 ORF38 and ORF39 to the 231

SPP1 head-completion proteins gp15 and gp16, respectively (Table 2). These latter two 232

proteins form dodecameric rings of known structures in vivo (21). We docked the SPP1 gp15 233

(PDB 2KBZ) and gp16 (PDB 2KCA) rings directly underneath the portal dodecamer in the 234

connector EM map. The SPP1 gp15 head-completion protein ring matches reasonably well 235

the dimensions of the corresponding TP901-1 connector moiety (Fig 3D, F) while the SPP1 236

gp16 dodecamer is only moderately accounted for by the density (data not shown). Due to the 237

symmetry mismatch between the connector and the tail, we have not attempted to fit any tail 238

terminator model in the connector reconstruction and this region is analyzed in the next 239

section. 240


The tail 242

Bacteriophage tails ensure genome delivery to the target cell with an unequaled efficacy in the 243

viral world. To investigate the tail structure, we first produced a low-resolution, 6-fold 244

averaged, reconstruction of the whole TP901-1 phage from selected virions exhibiting a 245

straight (unbent) tail. We used this reconstruction to assess that the tail tube is made of 34 246

stacks comprising a tail terminator hexamer, located at the interface with the connector, and 247

33 MTP hexamers forming the rest of the tube. We then boxed small tail segments (each 248

including seven complete MTP stacks) from the tails and combined in one dataset 249

subsequently processed with the appropriate helical symmetry. 250

The TP901-1 tail extends over 1180 Å (Fig. 4A), between the connector and the baseplate, 251

and its diameter varies between 110 Å (at the level of the MTP rings) and 90 Å (at the 252

intersections between rings) (Fig. 4B). The MTP hexameric stacks are rotated by 22.4° 253

between each other from the distal to the proximal tail extremity, and the interhexamer 254

distance is 38 Å (Fig. 4B). The tail tube delineates a 42 Å wide central channel that is 255

continuous with the connector and baseplate ones to form the genome ejection pathway (10, 256

19, 21, 31, 49, 50) (Fig. 4C,D). We attributed the 28 Å wide elongated density filling the tail 257

interior to the Tape Measure protein (TMP), the molecular ruler controlling the tail length 258

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during assembly (28) (Fig. 4C,D). The TMP is believed to be oligomeric and to form a long 259

helical region extending through the tail tube and anchored by one globular domain at each 260

extremity. Consistent with what has been observed in phage SPP1, no contacts are observed 261

between the TMP and the surrounding MTP rings, either due to their nonexistence or because 262

of a symmetry discrepancy between the two structures. Weak interactions between the TMP 263

and the MTP hexamers probably facilitate ejection of the former before DNA ejection 264

through the tail channel. Although of lower resolution, the overall dimensions of the TP901-1 265

tail components are in good agreement with the equivalent ones in the SPP1 tail, supporting 266

the validity of our reconstruction. 267


The host-adsorption device 269

The baseplate is the control center for infectivity and is in charge of host recognition, 270

attachment and initiation of infection. Combining our recently reported TP901-1 baseplate 271

crystal structure with the EM reconstruction (2) shows the detailed organization of this 280 Å 272

wide and 150 Å high organelle exhibiting an overall 6-fold symmetry (Fig. 5A-B). From the 273

proximal to distal end, it is formed by 18 copies of BppU (ORF48) arranged around a central 274

Dit hexamer (ORF46) and holding 54 RBPs (ORF49) organized as eighteen trimers (50) (Fig. 275

5A-C). The RBPs orientate their 54 receptor-binding sites toward the distal extremity in a 276

way suitable for establishing interactions with the pellicle layer of the host without requiring 277

conformational changes (6, 50). The Tail-associated lysine (Tal, ORF47) forms a 150 Å long 278

trimeric tail fiber appended to the Dit ring and extending beyond the baseplate core at its 279

distal extremity. We modeled the tail fiber N-terminal domains using the closed p2 ORF16 280

trimer, which is expected to share a virtually identical fold and to undergo a similar 281

conformational change to open the DNA ejection conduit during infection (10, 36, 46, 49, 282

50). While no structure is available to model the tail fiber central region, the last ~150 283

residues of each monomer form a domain belonging to the peptidase M23 family that is 284

probably involved in peptidoglycan digestion at the onset of infection to allow the virion 285

accessing the cytoplasmic membrane (Table 2) (15, 51). 286




The overall structure of TP901-1 phage 290

The structure determination of the TP901-1 phage capsid, tail, connector and baseplate makes 291

it possible to have an intermediate resolution view of this large viral molecular machine (Fig. 292

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6). The TP901-1 capsid is 660 Å wide along its 5-fold axes and is virtually identical to the 293

phage HK97 one (53). Indeed, the TP901-1 MCP seems to harbor the so-called HK97 294

“Johnson fold” that is conserved among Caudovirales phages and in some viruses infecting 295

Eukaryotes and Archaea (46, 48, 53). Analysis of the TP901-1 MCP sequence reveals that the 296

protein does not harbor a scaffolding domain fused at its N-terminus, in contrast to the HK97 297

situation. Instead, the virion genome exhibits an upstream ORF encoding a protein product of 298

~200 residues predicted to possess a high helical content and likely acting as a scaffolding 299

protein. Based on these observations, we propose that the TP901-1 capsid assembly and 300

maturation pathway is reminiscent of that of phage P22, which expels the intact scaffolding 301

proteins upon initiation of dsDNA packaging rather than via proteolysis (11). 302

The TP901-1 connector structure is globally similar to that of SPP1: the SPP1 portal 303

dodecamer as well as the most proximal dodecamer of head-completion protein (SPP1gp15) 304

are reasonably well accommodated in the corresponding regions of the TP901-1 305

reconstruction. The most distal ring of head-completion protein should logically correspond 306

to the SPP1 gp16 dodecamer (the “stopper”) according to sequence comparisons and to the 307

observed density occluding the DNA exit channel in the reconstruction. However, the EM 308

density appears to only moderately account for it probably due to the limited quality and 309

resolution of the map in this region. Interestingly, an additional ring-like structure surrounds 310

the connector at the level of the gp15 dodecamer and we propose that this additional region of 311

density might result from binding of additional proteins forming the collar/whiskers observed 312

in micrographs of TP901-1 and that have been averaged out during the reconstruction (14, 313

51). This additional ring might also be due to large conformational changes occuring upon tail 314

attachment 315

Considerable efforts have been made to understand how the dsDNA genome is driven from 316

the phage capsid up to the host cytoplasm during infection. In the case of phage SPP1, it has 317

been demonstrated that the high pressure with which the genome is packaged into the head is 318

not enough to power its complete entry into the target cell (34). Other proteinaceous factors 319

have been shown to participate in this phenomenon in bacteriophages T5 and T7, by pulling 320

DNA into the host cell (20, 24). All the proteins building the central channel that allows DNA 321

transit from the capsid to the host cell form a ~40Å wide central channel with conserved 322

negative electrostatic properties. No structure of the hexameric (biologically relevant) form of 323

the MTP has been reported so far. However, considering the low pI observed for most MTPs 324

(e.g. pI~4.8 in TP901-1 or pI~4.7 in SPP1), it is likely that this protein contributes to the 325

overall negative potential of the central ejection tunnel. The fact that the genome transit 326

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pathway is negatively charged has an obvious functional implication: as the dsDNA backbone 327

is negatively charged too due to the presence of phosphate groups, a strong repulsion occurs 328

with the corresponding phage regions to which it is exposed favoring genome transit. 329

Besides ejection, this property might have an impact on phage assembly. A survey of the pI of 330

various TMP proteins revealed that these tail components are strongly basic (e.g. pI~8.8 in 331

TP901-1 or pI~10 in SPP1). Therefore, association of the central TMP oligomer with the 332

surrounding tail tube (formed of stacked MTP hexamers) is likely to rely, at least partially, on 333

strong complementary electrostatic interactions. 334


The distal tail architecture is governed by the host adsorption strategy 336

All bacteriophages belonging to the Siphoviridae family share a canonical tail organization 337

but differ mainly at their distal tail part. Dairy phages belonging to the P335 and 936 species 338

harbor complex baseplates in comparison to other phages of the same family and this seems 339

to correlate with the different host adsorption strategy. Indeed, they interact only with host 340

cell-wall saccharides, putatively the phosphosaccharides present in the pellicle of Gram+ 341

bacteria, for specific recognition and attachment (6, 32, 36, 38, 39, 41). Besides, many other 342

siphophages, such as SPP1 and the lactococcal phages belonging to the c2-species, bind 343

reversibly to saccharidic receptors in a first step before interacting irreversibly with a 344

membrane protein that initiate infection (1, 9, 25, 31, 33, 35, 42, 52). As the affinity between 345

phage antireceptors and their saccharidic partners is generally moderate (in the low 346

micromolar range), several RBPs are involved in binding to ensure strong interactions based 347

on avidity (22, 47). In contrast, the interaction between antireceptors and their proteinaceous 348

receptors is strong, as illustrated by the tight binding reported between the T5 pb5 protein and 349

the outer membrane transporter FhuA (30) or the λ gpJ and LamB (3). Siphoviridae members 350

can therefore be dichotomized in two categories based on the observation of their distal tail 351

architecture. On one hand, some phages harbor a large baseplate accommodating up to several 352

tens of RBPs to interact only with the saccharidic part of the host cell wall. On the other hand, 353

bacteriophages devoid of any baseplate and possessing a simplified tail-tip rely on an 354

irreversible binding with a transmembrane protein present in the target cell to ensure their 355

commitment. 356


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This work was supported, in part, by grants from the Marseille-Nice Génopole, the CNRS and 359

the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (grants ANR-07-BLAN-0095, "Siphophages" and 360

ANR-11-BSV8-004-01 “Lactophages”). A PhD grant from the "ministère Français de 361

l'enseignement supérieur et de la recherche" no. 22976-2006" was attributed to D.V. MvH 362

acknowledges financial support from the EU/NOE (NOE - PE0748), from the Dutch ministry 363

of economic affairs (Cyttron Project: BIBCR_PX0948) and from the BBSRC (Grant: 364

BB/G015236/1). Molecular graphics images were produced using the UCSF Chimera 365

package from the Resource for Biocomputing, Visualization, and Informatics at the 366

University of California, San Francisco (supported by NIH P41 RR-01081). 367



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Figure legends 534


Figure 1: EM parameters of TP901-1 structure. (A, B) Determination of the helical 536

parameters of the TP901 tail. An average of aligned tail tube segments (A) was used to 537

generate the Fourier transform (B). The meridional line is marked by a dotted line. The layer 538

lines are marked by arrows that also indicate their Bessel orders (6, 6). This indexation 539

showed the six-fold rotational symmetry of the TP901 helical tail. (C) Fourier Shell 540

Correlation (FSC) curves of the final 3D reconstructions obtained by correlation of two 541

different 3Ds created by splitting the particles set into two subsets. The resolution was 542

estimated by the ½-bit cutoff threshold criterion as 15Å for the capsid, 21Å for the connector, 543

21Å resolution for the helical tail, and 25Å resolution for the baseplate. 544


Figure 2. The 15 Å resolution CryoEM reconstruction of the TP901-1 mature capsid. (A) 546

Surface rendering of the icosahedral reconstruction low-pass filtered at 15 Å and viewed along 547

an icosahedral 2-fold axis. The capsid measures 660 Å along its 5-fold axis. (B) Cross-section 548

of the capsid reconstruction showing the layers of the dsDNA genome organized as concentric 549

shells. (C) Pseudo-atomic model of the TP901-1 mature capsid fitted in the reconstruction. 550


Figure 3. The 20 Å resolution reconstruction of the TP901-1 connector. (A-C) The 552

connector occupies a unique capsid vertex. (A) Side view. (B) View from the distal extremity 553

along the tail tube. (C) Cross section of the capsid showing the portal protruding into it. (D) 554

The SPP1 portal and the first head completion protein dodecamer (SPP1 gp15) are fitted into 555

the connector reconstruction. Note the additional density surrounding the gp15 ring that likely 556

corresponds to the collar/whiskers. The stopper (equivalent to SPP1 gp16) and the tail-557

terminator are postulated to account for the remaining density. (E) Side view showing the 558

fitting of the SPP1 portal dodecamer into the corresponding TP901-1 EM density along the 559

tail axis (the region corresponding to the capsid density has been computationally removed for 560

clarity). (F) Side view showing the fitting of the SPP1 first head completion protein into the 561

corresponding TP901-1 EM density along the tail axis 562


Figure 4. The 20 Å resolution reconstruction of the TP901-1 tail. (A) 6-fold averaged, 564

reconstruction of the TP901-1 phage tail from a few selected virions exhibiting a almost 565

straight tail, making it possible to obtain the number of MTPs. (B) Detailed view of the 566

reconstruction of a segment of the tail (7 MTP rings) using helical symmetry. The helical 567

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parameters of the tail are shown. (C) Cross-section of the tail segment (blue) along its long 568

axis revealing the internal TMP (violet). (D) Cross-section of the tail segment orthogonal to 569

its long axis (the coloring scheme is the same as in (B)). 570


Figure 5. The 20 Å resolution reconstruction of the TP901-1 distal tail region (the 572

baseplate). The TP901-1 baseplate crystal structure was rigid-body fitted in the 573

reconstruction. The color-coding is as follows: Dit (green), BppU (red) and BppL (light blue). 574

The MTP hexamers were modeled using the Hcp type VI secretion system protein (dark blue). 575

The N-terminal region of the tail fiber was modeled using the phage p2 ORF16 in closed 576

conformation (pink). (A) Side view. (B) View along the tail axis from the distal extremity 577

toward the capsid. (C) Cross-section of the baseplate EM map. The assignment of the EM 578

density to the different ORFs has been performed using the Xray structure. 579


Figure 6. The assembled complete structure of TP901-1 phage. The complete phage 581

assembled by fitting the individually refined reconstructions into the map obtained for the full 582

phage. 583


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Table 1: Summary of the data processing strategies employed for the various TP901-1 reconstructions. Method Symmetry resolution Nr. of particles Capsid Cryo-EM Icosahedral 15 Å 1500 Connector Negative-staining EM c12 21 Å 1000 Tail Negative-staining EM Helical 20 Å 4000 Baseplate Negative-staining EM c6 25 Å 10000

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Table 2 : Sequence analyses of TP901-1 structural proteins. FFAS03 scores lower than -9.5 are considered significant.

TP901-1 ORFs FFAS03 score

FFAS03 %identity

HHpred e-value

To (sequence)

ORF36 – Major capsid protein -62.0 -38.6

17 16


5.1x10-28 T7 MCP-10A HK97 gp5

ORF32 - Portal -89.5 19* 3.4x10-60 SPP1 gp6 ORF38 – Head completion protein

-33.2 14 1.8x10-19 SPP1 gp15

ORF39 – Head completion protein, stopper

-12.8 10 0.0034 SPP1 gp16

ORF42 – Major tail protein -22.3 11 8.5x10-10 Lambda gpV ORF47 – Tail associated lysin -53.3 31 4.6x10-26 S. aureus glycyl-glycine

endopeptidase LytM

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