
Copyright 2007-2011, Synchrony Systems, Inc.

EGL Rich UI / Web 2.0GUI to RUI Transformation with

Enterprise Application Modernizations

Slavik ZorinFounder and CEO

Copyright 2007-2011, Synchrony Systems, Inc.

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About Synchrony

Provide end-to-end software migration and modernization solutionsProvide methodology and technology for entire application modernization lifecycleCompleted nearly 50 Migrations/Modernizations since 1994

Insurance, Banking and Finance (Underwriting/Rating, Commercial Loans, Risk Management, Trading)Telecommunications (Network Management/Decision Support)Healthcare and Pharmaceuticals (Simulations, Inventory Management)Utilities (Call Centers)ManufacturingEducationGovernment and Military

IBM Business Partner since 1996 Migrations across Smalltalk platformsMigrations of Smalltalk platforms to Java and JEELegacy Modernizations

VA/Gen TUI and GUI migrations to EGL/RUI3270 and 5250 migrations to EGL/RUI

Copyright 2007-2011, Synchrony Systems, Inc.

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The Challenge

1980 1980








No innovation in legacy technology Acceptance and

adoption of new technology

Latest Infrastructures and Platforms

Java, Web 2.0, SOA…Java, Web 2.0, SOA…

Legacy Infrastructures and Platforms

COBOL, 3GL, 4GL, …COBOL, 3GL, 4GL, …

2010 2010

How can a business effectively make the transition?How can a business effectively make the transition?

Disruptive paradigm shifts in technology Hard to change & keep up with the pace of change

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The New Thing – Web 2.0/SOA

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Web 2.0 – The Proper Balance

Client Server

Client-server computing“Smart” Personal Computer clients

Simple file and database servers

Web (1.0) computingLight Web Browser clients

Rich application and database servers

Web 2.0 computingRich Internet Application clients

Lighter application and database servers

Mainframe computing“Dumb” green screen clients

Omnipotent big mainframe servers

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Rich User Interfaces with EGLSimplify creation of Rich Internet Applications

Deliver end-to-end Web 2.0 quickly in a single languageBuild rich user interfaces to modernize existing applications

Generates standard JavaScript and AjaxEGL does NOT replace HTML or JavaScript

Easy-to-learn languageFully open and extensibleUse a rich, extensible widget library

Including support for Dojo

Eclipse-based development, testing, and debuggingConsume all types of Web services

Copyright 2007-2011, Synchrony Systems, Inc.

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The Solution

RBD and EGL - Powerful programming language and IDE

- GUI Transformation TechnologyCompatibility Layer in EGL/RUI


Mapping of GUI widgets to RUI widgets Transformation to Widget Attachments EGL/RUI Compatibility Transformation to Connections EGL/RUI CompatibilityGeneration of Services

Modernization roadmap to Web 2.0 and SOAAutomated and incremental transformationStepping stone to modern architecture

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GUI to RUI Transformation with



EGL Artifacts





EGL Services



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GUI to EGL/RUI Modernization Strategy

First go to modern platform; then to modern architecture

Retain original design of program logicNo re-design of program logicNo redesign of screen control and navigation

Maximum transformation automation to RUI

Modernize UI navigation and presentation on target platform – EGL and RBD

Copyright 2007-2011, Synchrony Systems, Inc.

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GUI to RUI Transformation Stages

Standard “As-Is” transformationWindows on a browserUse CSS formattingProgram logic on middle tier

Enhanced transformation Modern web widget usage (dojo)Client-side presentation semanticsDe-couple clients-side database access

Post migration modernizationRedesign navigation UIValue-added services

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Visual Programming in VA/Gen

Challenge:Retain existing presentation layout built with VA/GenRetain existing presentation logic built with VA/Gen

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Aspects of GUI Transformation

Layout AttachmentsConnections


Record PartsCustom WidgetsService InterfacesCustom Client BehaviorProgram Logic

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Layout Attachments

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Attribute-to-Attribute Connections

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Event-to-Action Connections

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Record Parts

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Custom Widgets

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Service Interface

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Custom Behavior / Scripting

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VA/Gen Program Logic

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Windows on the Desktop

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Windows in the Browser

Retain existing designNo retraining“Web OS” look and feel

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Native EGL/RUI – no screen scraping!Separation of presentation logic from business logicHighly automated and highly customizable solutionFast, low risk and cost-effectiveSOA ready!

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