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Chapter 4: Bauer EDUC 202Learner Differences

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• Language & Labels• Intelligence• Ability Differences and Teaching• Creativity, Giftedness, and Talent• Cognitive and Learning Styles• Changes in the Law: Integration,

Mainstreaming, and Inclusion• Prevalent Problems and Mild Disabilities• Less Prevalent Problems and More Severe


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Concept Map for Chapter 4

AbilityDifferences and


The Law:Integration,

Mainstreaming, &Inclusion

Less PrevalentProblems, More

Severe Disabilities

Learner Differences

Cognitive andLearning



Creativity,Giftedness, &


Prevalent Problems,Mild Disabilities



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Labeling Exceptional Students

• Cautions:– Treatments


– Self-fulfilling prophecy

– Stigma– Labels

mistaken for explanations

• Benefits:– Can Protect a

Child– Eligible for :

• Special services

• Information• Equipment• Funding

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Important Distinction!

• Disability– Inability

• Handicap– Situational

disadvantage• See Figure 4.1,

Woolfolk, p. 107

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Individual Differences in Intelligence

ï Capacity to learnï Total knowledge acquiredï Ability to adapt to the environment

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Views of Intelligence

ï Spearman : g (general)ï Carroll : ëgí with 70 specific abilitiesï Thurstone : 7 major mental abilitiesï Guilford : faces of intellect (180)ï Gardner : multiple intelligences (8)ï Sternberg : triarchic (3)

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Gardnerís Eight Intelligences

ï Logical-mathematicalï Linguisticï Musicalï Spatialï Bodily-kinestheticï Interpersonalï Intrapersonalï Naturalist

See Figure 4.2, Woolfolk, p. 110See Figure 4.2, Woolfolk, p. 110

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Emotional Intelligence

ï EQ intrapersonal aspects:ñ Know your own emotionsñ Managing your emotionsñ Self-motivation ñ Ability to monitor your own and otherís

feelingsñ Ability to guide your actions based on

accurate monitoring

ï Related to Gardner intrapersonal intelligence

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Emotional Intelligence

ï Interpersonal aspects:ñ Recognizing emotions in othersñ Handling relationships

ï Related to Gardnerís interpersonal intelligence

ï Success in life requires more than just IQ

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Intelligence as a Process

ï Sternbergís Triarchic Theoryï Components

ñ Analytic / componentialñ Creative / experientialñ Practical / contextual

ï See Figure 4.4, Woolfolk p. 114

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Measuring Intelligence

ï Binet & Simon: childrenís mental age

ï IQ =

Mental AgeMental Age__________________ __________________

*Group versus individual IQ tests

Chronological AgeChronological AgeX X


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What Does an IQ Score Mean?

ï Average score is 100ï 50% of people score over 100ï 50% of people score under 100ï 68% of people score between 85 ñ 115ï Scores are based on White, native-born

Americans, English as their first languageï IQ scores predict achievement wellï IQ and real life?ï Heredity or environment?

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Reflection Question

ï Sarita Valdezís score on a group IQ test is 86. Brandon Smithís score on an individual IQ test is 112.

ï How should these scores be interpreted?

ï What factors may have contributed to the difference in the two scores?

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Ability Differences and Teaching

ï Between groupï Within groupï Purpose of groupingï Effects of grouping

See Guidelines, Woolfolk, p. 119See Guidelines, Woolfolk, p. 119

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Creativity, Giftedness, & Talent

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ï Imaginative, original thinking or problem solving

ï Restructuringï Incubationï Divergent thinkingï Torrance : OFF

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Creativity in the Classroom

ï Brainstormingï Recognize &

acknowledge creativity

ï Use brainstormingï Playï Encourage thinking

& reflectionï See Guidelines:

Woolfolk p. 122

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Gifted & Talented Students

ï Poorly served by most public schools

ï Up to 50% are underachievingï Their own set of problemsï Often not recognized in class by


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Gifted & Talented Students

ï Fast learners - retain information easily

ï Common and practical knowledge ï Easily retain what they have heardï Know many things other children

donítï Strong vocabulary

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Gifted & Talented Students

ï Recognize relationships & comprehend meanings

ï Alert and keenly observantï Persistent and highly motivated on

some tasksï High level of creativity - original


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Giftedness and Formal Testing

ï Individual IQ tests are best, but expensive

ï Group tests underestimate abilities in gifted

ï Case study approach recommendedï Include creativity testsï Minorities are often under-

represented in gifted programs

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Teaching Gifted Students

ï Accelerationï Enrichmentï Encourage high level & abstract thinkingï Outside resource people for:

ñ Independent studyñ Mentoring programsñ Summer programs

ï Cooperative learning is NOT a good option

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Cognitive and Learning Styles

ï Cognitive styles: information processingñ Field dependent / independentñ Impulsive / reflective

ï Learning styles: learning & studyingñ Deep- & Surface- Processingñ Learning Preferences : environmentñ Modalities : audio, visual, tactile

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Changes in the Law: Integration, Mainstreaming, & Inclusionï Education for All Handicapped

Children Actï Regular Education Initiativeï Individuals with Disabilities

Education Actï Americans with Disabilities Act

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Changes in the Law

ï Least Restrictive Placementñ Mainstreamingñ Full inclusion

ï Individualized Education Programï Families Rightsï See PointPCounterpoint, Woolfolk, p. 131 and

Family and Community Partnerships, Woolfolk, p. 132

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Prevalent Problems and Mild Disabilities

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Learning Disabilities

ï Struggles with learningï NOT mentally retarded,

emotionally disturbed, deprived, impaired, or brain damaged

ï Varied symptomsï Most have difficulty readingï Learned helplessness

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Teaching Students with LD

ï Emphasize study skillsï Teach subject-specific learning

strategiesï Work with the special ed teacherï See Tables 4.4 & 4.5, Woolfolk pp.

135 & 136

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Hyperactivity & Attention Disorders

ï Term used too often & too widelyï Short attention spanï Impulsive ï Excessive restlessnessï Drug therapy for ADHD

ñ Side effectsñ Academics often donít improve

ï Teach learning & memory strategies

See Table 4.6, Woolfolk, p. 137See Table 4.6, Woolfolk, p. 137

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Communication Disorders

ï Speech Impairmentsñ Articulation disorderñ Stutteringñ Voicing problems

ï Language Disordersñ Differences versus disordersñ Seldom speakñ Rely on gestures

See Table 4.7, Woolfolk, p. 140See Table 4.7, Woolfolk, p. 140

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Mentally Retarded

ï Substantial limitations in mental functionñ Intermittentñ Limitedñ Extensiveñ Profound

ï Basic skills:ñ Social, academic, vocational, domestic

ï Transition programming

See Table 4.8, Woolfolk, p. 141, and Guidelines, p. 142See Table 4.8, Woolfolk, p. 141, and Guidelines, p. 142

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Emotional or Behavioral Disorders

ï Conduct disordersï Anxiety-withdrawal disordersï Attentional problems / immaturityï Motor excessï Socialized aggressionï Psychotic behavior

See Guidelines, Woolfolk, p. 144

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Less Prevalent, More Severe Disorders

ï Health Impairmentsñ Students with orthopedic devicesñ Cerebral palsyñ Seizure disorders

ï Deaf & hard of hearingï Low vision and blindness

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Authentic assessment: How will you ACT?ñ Awareness - What should you

know about this student?ñ Classroom changes - What

changes are necessary to accommodate the student?

ñ Teaching strategies - How should you teach this student?

ï Choose scenarios from the next 7 slides

Exceptional Student Scenarios

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Hannah : 1st Grade

ï Very quiet: shyï Will not speak out loud in classï Will not maintain eye contactï Poor reading skillsï Draws beautifullyï Writes poetryï Autistic?

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Jake : 4th Grade

ï ADHDï Child of divorceï Monday depressionï Dad is ex-Marine drill sergeantï 15% of homework handed inï Loves class discussions

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Brandon : 6th Grade

ï Birth defectsï One lungï One kidney: dialysis, padsï One leg: prosthesis, crutchesï Resource roomï Inconsistent gradesï Lethargic but class clown

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Pablo: Junior High

ï Very brightï Inconsistent performances on work

after board or overhead presentations

ï Very athletic: uses lots of strategiesï Homework & seatwork usually


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Diona : Junior High

ï Emotionally disturbedï Sexual abuse victimï Severe mood swingsï Occasional outbursts in classï Currently in therapy with

professional counselorï Average ability student

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Rhonie : High School

ï Epilepticï Generalized seizuresï Frequency : 2 - 3 weeksï Above average student

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Jim : Secondary

ï 15 years old in 7th gradeï ADHDï Behavioral disorderï Aggressiveï Currently taking Ritalinï Victim of abuseï ìBad attitudeîï Poor grades

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Discussion Time: How would you have ACTed?

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ï Language & Labelsï Intelligenceï Ability Differences and Teachingï Creativity, Giftedness, and Talentï Cognitive and Learning Stylesï Changes in the Law: Integration,

Mainstreaming, and Inclusionï Prevalent Problems and Mild Disabilitiesï Less Prevalent Problems and More Severe


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Review Questions

ï What are the advantages of and problems with labels?

ï What is a person-first language?ï Distinguish between a disability and

a handicap.ï What is ëgí?ï What is Gardnerís view of

intelligence and his position on ëgí?

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Review Questions

ï What are the elements in Sternbergís theory of intelligence?

ï How is intelligence measured and what does an IQ score mean?

ï What are the problems with between-class ability grouping?

ï What are the alternatives available for grouping in classes?

ï What is creativity and how is it assessed?

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Review Questions

ï What are the characteristics of gifted students?

ï Is acceleration a useful approach with gifted students?

ï Distinguish between cognitive style and learning preference.

ï What are the advantages and disadvantages of matching teaching to individual learning styles?

ï Describe the main legal requirements that pertain to students with disabilities.

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Review Questions

ï What is a learning disability?ï What is ADHD and how is it handled in

school?ï What are the most common

communication disorders?ï How can schools accommodate the needs

of physically disabled students?ï How would you handle a seizure in your

class?ï What are some signs of hearing and visual


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End Chapter Four: One of Bill’s Stories: On the way to hospital.

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