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 OLIVAIN Marie-Rose 2° A. GIDO

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1.Definition : 

• Health: Health is defined in the WHO constitution of 1948 as: A state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

• This term around so many areas of health and issues related to health (scientific research, medical discovery, wellness, diseases, treatments)


Presentation of the theme

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Choice of the theme

1. Why choose this theme?

 Health is at the heart of today vie.De health and issues surrounding it are an important issue, a major company.The research and discoveries can save vies.Voilà why I chose this topic to keep us informed of progress in health, and many others.

=> With all the innovations and disease studies will we find a long-term treatment to cure disease?


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Used Methods to find piece of information

Online newspapers

The Independent 

The Guardian

The Daily Telegraph

The Times


Google Alerts

" Health"

" Health care"

" Health problems"

" Health progress"

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Presentation of first article

By Jeremy Laurance, Health EditorFriday, 21 October 2011

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Abstract : This article deals with,trials of pig tissue transplanted into humans to treat diabetes, Parkinson's disease and blindness are 'imminent' but solid organ transplants - hearts, kidneys, livers - are still 'several years away'.Extract :  "In a review of xenotransplantation – using animal tissue and organs to replace human ones – experts from the Thomas Starzl Transplantation Institute at the University of Pittsburgh say the technology has made "great strides".During the mid-1990s, Imutran, a small biotechnology company in Cambridge, became the first in the world to transplant pigs' hearts into monkeys, demonstrating that cross-species transplantation was possible. However, immune system rejection 

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problems proved more difficult than expected and safety fears dampened enthusiasm.

A decade on, attention has focused on the transplant of cells and tissues rather than organs – pancreatic islets for diabetics, brain cells for Parkinson's disease and corneas for the blind.Problems remain, including loss of transplanted cells, blood clots and other rejection problems. New, genetically modified pigs will shortly become available which could overcome these issues and make human trials of transplanted tissue "imminent". "

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Indexation : - Health-  Pig tissues-  Human-  transplantation-  the Thomas Starzl Transplantation Institute at the University of Pittsburgh  Source : The Independent  (UK daily broadsheet)URL : with : Google Alerts, "Health"MRO

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