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Marcy Drummond

Mary Gallagher


Faculty Convocation, 2009

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Marcy Drummond, VP Workforce and Economic Development (Co-Chair)

Mary Gallagher, VP Administrative Services (Co-Chair) Bill Elarton (Senate Rep) Bill Gasper (Resource Person) Marilyn Maine (Senate Rep, Program Review Co-Chair) Lori Hunter (Classified Staff Rep) Eddie Afana (Resource Person, Program Review Co-

Chair) Kathleen Yasuda (AFT Rep) Bill Smith (Classified Mgr Rep) Joe Ratcliff (Chair of Chairs)

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The college and district’s mission, goals, and objectives drive the process—particularly as they relate to the achievement of student’s educational goals.

The process ensures the opportunity for broad and effective participation by all college stakeholders, including students, faculty, staff, and administration and facilitates continuity of participation from cycle to cycle.

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The process fosters accountability, is internally consistent, and is consistently applied.

The process integrates annual and multi-year planning at the unit, department, division, and college level.

The process at each organizational level draws on useful, relevant, and reliable information for self-study of effectiveness, student needs, community requirements, and external imperatives. Responsibility for ongoing reliable and substantial research that supports the program review, planning, and budget process is clearly assigned and carried out.

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The priorities and recommendations developed in the process guides college decision making; resource allocation; reforms in policies and practices necessary to improve programs and services; and the development, evaluation, revision, and discontinuance of instructional and non instructional programs and services.

The process is flexible, and adapts readily to changes in priorities, needs, opportunities, technology, funding, external requirements, and other circumstances.

The evaluation of the results of past years’ plans is an integral part of preparing plans for subsequent years.

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The process itself is regularly evaluated.

The process--including timelines, responsibilities, and the specific recommendations that result--is realistic and capable of implementation.

The responsibility for planning is considered the responsibility of all administrators, faculty, staff, and students.

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Program Review

All College units (disciplines) prepare a thorough evaluation of their units that is based on data compiled over a specified period (to be recommended by the Program Review Committee) and develop SLOs. The units Chair/Manager/Supervisor meets with the unit’s faculty/staff to review the data and to discuss areas for improvement. Career Technical Education units perform this evaluation every two years while other academic units perform their evaluation (to be determined). Non-academic units perform their program review (to be determined). This review is based on outcomes from the current period and student learning outcomes or service area outcomes assessment. The analysis involves evaluating the unit’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges to identify the strategic direction of the unit for the coming period.

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Unit Plan

The periodic program review informs the planning of the college. The unit plan is derived from the resulting recommendations of program review. If the program review is multiple years, unit plans will be broken down by year. The unit plan takes the strategic direction identified in the program review and specifies the objectives and actions that need to be accomplished in order to meet each goal. This is mapped in a matrix with the objective/tasks/person(s) responsible. Budget requests of the unit must be linked to the tasks. The budget requests must be prioritized by the unit. The plan must ensure linkage with the college strategic plan, district strategic plan, and the accreditation standards.

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Department Plan

Each unit submits its unit plan to their department/program dean or manager. The dean/manager meets with the units to develop the department plan and prioritizes budget requests from the department.

College Committee Plans

Each college committee will evaluate its plan on an annual basis and review what was accomplished and adopt the strategic direction of the committee for the coming year. Budget requests that are prioritized may also come to the PBC from college committees.

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Division Plan

Each department submits its plan to the division vice president for development of the division plan. The division dean/managers work together to prioritize division budget requests for submission.

Planning and Budget Committee (PBC)

The planning and budget committee receives all division plan and prioritized budget requests and ensures alignment of the plans with the college and district strategic plan and the goals for the year as set by College Council at their Annual Retreat. The Budget Subcommittee prioritizes all division and college committee requests for submission to the full PBC for recommendation to College Council. The PBC in conjunction with the President arranges communication venues to the campus community throughout the process.

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College Council

Receives a recommendation from the PBC for the annual operating plan linked with the budget and approves and sends it to the President for final approval.

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Sept 2 - Oct 15 - Program Review Training Sessions

Sept 9 - College Council Meeting to Approve Strategic Direction (Accreditation Planning Agenda Items and

Planning Goals/Objectives) for 2009-10 and 2010-11

Sept 9 - College Council Meeting to Approve Integrated Program Review, Planning, & Budget Principles, Flow, and 2009-10 Timeline of Activities

Sept 21 - Academic Senate Meeting to Approve Integrated Program Review, Planning, & Budget Principles, Flow, and 2009-10 Timeline of Activities

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Beginning of Sept - Budget Worksheets Distributed

Month of Sept - Budget Training Sessions

Week of Oct 12 - Collegewide Program Review, Planning, and Budget Forum

Oct 23 - Discipline/Unit Completed Program Reviews Due to Dean/Director/Manager

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Oct 23 to Dec 18 - Resource Request Prioritization

Dec 4 to 14 - Senate Hiring Prioritization and Other Personnel Hiring Prioritization

Dec 14 - Collegewide Plan and Resource Prioritization Presentation

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