






Waqas Ullah Khan

A thesis submitted in conformity with the requirements

for the degree of Masters of Science

Graduate Department of Nutritional Sciences

University of Toronto

© Copyright by Waqas Ullah Khan (2011)





Master of Science, 2011

Waqas Ullah Khan Graduate Department of Nutritional Sciences

University of Toronto


Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and calcium deficiency affect millions of children globally.

Sprinkles is a multi-micronutrient powder (MNP) that has successfully treated anemic infants

and can be modified to include additional micronutrients. The efficacy for treating IDA and

preventing calcium deficiency requires evaluation due to potential nutrient interactions. We

assessed the efficacy of Sprinkles MNP including iron with and without calcium on

hemoglobin (Hb) response in 100 anemic rural Bangladeshi infants for 2 months. Sprinkles

MNP with and without calcium resulted in a significantly higher Hb concentrations in both

groups (P<0.0001 and P<0.0001). However, infants who received Sprinkles MNP without

calcium had a significantly higher change in Hb concentration (P=0.024) and rate of recovery

from anemia (P=0.008). No differences in socio-demographic or dietary characteristics were

documented between groups. Although both groups had an improvement in Hb status, the

antagonistic interaction between iron and calcium requires further study.



To my mother (Shahida Khan), father (Rajab Khan), brother (Imran), sisters (Sofia, Saema,

and Shafia), Dr. Zlotkin, and the wonderful people of Bangladesh




First, and foremost, I would like to thank God for blessing me with this life learning

experience and keeping me safe during my adventures.

I would like to acknowledge all of the infants and their mothers, fathers, and villages

who participated in our study. Without them, the work presented in this thesis would not

have been possible. With them, we were able to fill the knowledge gap on two global health

concerns plaguing not only millions of Bangladeshi children, but many others around the

world. I hope we have made a positive impact on the lives we touched just as they have

made on mine.

I would also like to thank my supervisor Dr. Stanley H. Zlotkin for all of his support

throughout my Masters career. He has been a source of inspiration, an excellent role model,

and I am extremely grateful to him for trusting and believing in me, and giving me this

opportunity to mature scientifically and otherwise. I would also like to express my deepest

gratitude to my thesis advisory committee: Dr. Daniel Sellen, Dr. Pauline Darling, Dr.

Harvey Anderson, and Dr. Zia Hyder for bringing their expertise and support to this project.

I am grateful to our colleagues at BRAC for their hospitality and support. I thank all

of the data collectors, community health workers, and field managers Azad Bhai and Bashir

Bhai for their extraordinary work throughout this study. It was truly an honour to be apart of

such a highly motivated, hard working, and sincere group of people. The warmth of their

faces will always be engrained in my memory. Also, I would like to thank the following

people at the BRAC head office: Jalal, Turjo, Raniya, Anindita, Rehnuma, and Sabia. One



person whom I would especially like to thank at BRAC is Hasina Shikder (Aka “Super

Mohilla #2”) for the important role she played in this study. Her guidance and support

throughout my stay in Bangladesh are greatly appreciated and I am truly honoured to have

met such a wonderful, intelligent, and caring person.

To my colleagues and friends Sohana Shafique (aka “Super Mohilla #1”) and Yaseer

Shakur, your wisdom, intelligence, and kindness have truly been appreciated throughout

these past years. I look forward to seeing big things coming from the both of you in the

future and can’t wait to hear about your adventures! I would also like to thank my good

friends Greg Staios, Fawad Chughtai, Ali Shahzada, Kristy Hackett (aka “Super Mohilla

#3”), Kevin Ferreira, Paul E. Kwan, Laszlo Csampai, Andre Dos Santos, Bawa Prashar,

Brian Caceras, Adrian Nicolucci, Lilatool Shakur, and Heather Miller for being there for me

during the good, the bad, and the ugly times of my Masters career.

Lastly, I would like to extend my deepest thanks to my family for always supporting

and motivating me. To my siblings Sofia, Saema, Imran, and Shafia, although we all have

our own unique personalities, I don’t think I could get along with anyone better than you

guys. To my brother-in-law Sameel, your friendship has been appreciated, to many more

NHL and table tennis games to come! I would especially like to thank my parents for their

love and support, and sacrificing so much for my siblings and I. They have given us the

opportunity to pursue our dreams and I shall always be grateful to them. Mommy your

guidance, lessons, and warmth are always going to be apart of me. Likewise, Baba your

words of wisdom have always been appreciated.



This research was funded by a grant from the H.J. Heinz Company Foundation.

Personal support was from the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges, and Universities

Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS).



Table of Contents

Abstract _________________________________________________________________ ii

Dedication _______________________________________________________________ iii

Acknowledgements ________________________________________________________ iv

Table of Contents ________________________________________________________ vii

List of Tables _____________________________________________________________ x

List of Figures ___________________________________________________________ xii

List of Abbreviations _____________________________________________________ xii

Chapter 1.0 Introduction ___________________________________________________ 1

Chapter 2.0 Review of the literatrue 4

2.1 Micronutrients_______________________________________________________ 4 2.1.1 Importance of Micronutrients ________________________________________ 4 2.1.2 Definition of Micronutrients _________________________________________ 4 2.1.3 Micronutrient Deficiency____________________________________________ 5 2.1.4 Populations at Risk of Developing Micronutrient Deficiencies ______________ 5 2.1.5 Global Burden of Micronutrient Deficiencies ____________________________ 5

2.2 Anemia _____________________________________________________________ 6 2.2.1 Definition of Anemia _______________________________________________ 6 2.2.2 Global Burden of Anemia ___________________________________________ 7 2.2.3 Etiology of Anemia ________________________________________________ 8

2.3 Iron_______________________________________________________________ 10 2.3.1 The Importance of Iron in the Body __________________________________ 10 2.3.2 Iron in the Body __________________________________________________ 11 2.3.3 Regulation of Iron Metabolism ______________________________________ 11 2.3.4 Absorption, Uptake, and Transport of Iron _____________________________ 12 2.3.5 Cellular and Systemic Regulation of Iron Homeostasis ___________________ 13 2.3.6 Souces and Bioavailability of Iron ___________________________________ 13 2.3.7 Iron Status During Infancy _________________________________________ 14 2.3.8 Stages of Iron Deficiency __________________________________________ 14 2.3.9 Etiology of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Infants 6 months and Older _________ 15 2.3.10 Health and Socioeconomic Implications of Iron Deficiency Anemia _______ 17 2.3.11 Global Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia _________________________ 20 2.3.12 Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Bangladesh ___________________ 21 2.3.13 Screening Methods for Iron Deficiency Anemia _______________________ 21 2.3.14 Hemoglobin Cut-Off Value ________________________________________ 22

2.4 Calcium ___________________________________________________________ 23 2.4.1 The Importance of Calcium in the Body _______________________________ 23 2.4.2 Calcium in the Body ______________________________________________ 24



2.4.3 Calcium Absorption, Uptake, and Transport ____________________________ 24 2.4.4 Calcium Excretion _______________________________________________ 25 2.4.5 Regulation of Calcium Homeostasis __________________________________ 25 2.4.6 Sources and Bioavailability of Calcium _______________________________ 26 2.4.7 Calcium Status During Infancy ______________________________________ 27 2.4.8 Calcium Deficiency ______________________________________________ 27 2.4.9 Etiology of Calcium Deficiency _____________________________________ 28 2.4.10 Health and Economic Implications of Calcium Deficiency _______________ 29 2.4.11 Global Prevalence of Calcium Deficiency ____________________________ 31 2.4.12 Prevalence of Calcium Deficiency in Bangladesh ______________________ 32 2.4.13 Screening Methods for Calcium Deficiency ___________________________ 33

2.5 The Interaction between Iron and Calcium _____________________________ 34 2.5.1 Studies Examining the Interaction between Iron and Calcium ______________ 34 2.5.2 Mechanisms of Iron and Calcium’s Nutrient-Nutrient Interaction ___________ 37 2.5.3 Other Nutrient-Nutrient Interactions of Importance 38

2.6 Strategies for Preventing and Treating Micronutrient Deficiencies __________ 38 2.6.1 Strategies for Preventing and Treating Micronutrient Deficiencies __________ 38 2.6.2 Multiple Micronutrient Powder (MNP) Formulation – “Sprinkles Home-Forticiation __________________________________________________________ 42

Chapter 3.0 Rationale, Objectives and Hypotheses_____________________________ 46

3.1 Rationale __________________________________________________________ 46

3.2 Objectives ________________________________________________________ 47

3.3 Hypotheses_________________________________________________________ 47

Chapter 4.0 Thesis Study ___________________________________________________ 48

4.1 Introduction__________________________________________________________ 48

4.2 Methods _________________________________________________________ 50 4.2.1 Study Setting ____________________________________________________ 50 4.2.2 Study Collaborative Partner - BRAC_________________________________ 51 4.2.3 Study Subjects _______________________________________________ 51 4.2.4 Ethical Approval _______________________________________________ 52 4.2.5 Multi-Micronutrient Powder (MNP) Formulations 52 4.2.6 Sample Size ___________________________________________________ 53 4.2.7 Study Design ____________________________________________________ 54 4.2.8 Study Logistics, Data Collection, and Compliance _______________________ 54 4.2.9 Anthropometric and Biochemical Measurements ________________________ 57 4.2.10 Study Questionnaires ____________________________________________ 57 4.2.11 Statistical Analysis_______________________________________________ 60

4.3 Results __________________________________________________________ 61 4.3.1 Study Attrition _________________________________________________ 61 4.3.2 Infant Baseline Characteristics ______________________________________ 61 4.3.3 Household Socio-demographic Characteristics __________________________ 62



4.3.4 Primary Outcome: Effects on Infants Hemoglobin Concentration ___________ 63 4.3.5 Infant Food Consumption with an Emphasis on Dietary Intake of Iron and Calcium ____________________________________________________________ 64 4.3.6 Adherence and Side Effects_________________________________________ 65 4.3.7 End-line Anthropometric Characteristics ______________________________ 65

4.4 Discussion ________________________________________________________ 77

4.5 Study Limitations ___________________________________________________ 85

Chapter 5.0 Conclusions and Future Considerations 87

5.1 Conclusions 87

5.2 Future Considerations _____________________________________________ 88

References ____________________________________________________________ 90

Appendices ___________________________________________________________ 107

Appendix A: Baseline Questionnaires_____________________________________ 107

Appendix B: Morbidity, Monitoring, and Compliance Forms_________________ 135

Appendix C: Self-Coaching Material _____________________________________ 140

Appendix D: End-line Questionnaires ____________________________________ 144



List of Tables

Table 2.2.1 Public health significance of anemia in populations based on the estimated prevalence of anemia _______________________________________________________ 7  Table 4.2.5 Sprinkles MNP formulations used for the control and intervention treatments 53  Table 4.2.6 Sample size calculation using different parameters _____________________ 54  Table Infant characteristics at baseline by treatment group __________________ 67 Table Household socio-demographic characteristics by treatment group at baseline 69 Table Hemoglobin concentration and the percentage of non-anemic children by treatment group, at baseline, and after 2 months of treatment _______________________ 70 Table Correlations between covariates and change in infants' hemoglobin _______ 73 Table Univariate analysis of variables associated with change in infants’ hemoglobin _________________________________________________________________________74 Table Multivariate analysis of variables associated with change in infants’ hemoglobin ______________________________________________________________ 74 Table Mean baseline iron and calcium nutrient intakes from complementary foods and breastmilk compared with recommended1 nutrient intakes for infants 6 to 11 months of age _____________________________________________________________________ 75

Table Mean end-line iron and calcium nutrient intakes from complementary foods and breastmilk compared with recommended nutrient intakes for infants 6 to 11 months of age_____________________________________________________________________ 75  Table Proportion of infants who met the recommended dietary allowance for iron and adequate intake for calcium based on treatment group ____________________________ 76  




List of Figures

Figure 2.2.2 WHO geographic distribution of anemia prevalence _____________________ 8  Figure 4.3.1 Study design and attrition _______________________________________ 66  Figure Box plots of hemoglobin concentration for the two treatment groups at baseline of the study _____________________________________________________ 68  Figure Box plots of hemoglobin concentration for the two treatment groups at the end-line of the study _____________________________________________________ 71  Figure Box plots of the change in hemoglobin concentration between the two treatment groups ________________________________________________________ 72  Figure Number of children remaining anemic (hemoglobin < 100 g/L) in each group at the end of the 2 month treatment period ____________________________________ 73  



List of Abbreviations

AI Adequate Intake

ALP Alkaline Phosphatase

CHW Community Health Worker

DASH Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension

DC Data Collector

DRI Dietary Reference Intake

FAO Food and Agriculture Organization

FFQ Food Frequency Questionnaire

FSNSP Food Security and Nutrition Surveillance Project

Hb Hemoglobin

IDA Iron Deficiency Anemia

INACG International Nutritional Anemia Consultative Group

IOM Institute of Medicine

MNP Micronutrient Powder

PR Principal Researcher

PTH Parathyroid Hormone

RA Research Assistant/Translator Receptor

RCT Randomized Controlled Trial

RDA Recommended Dietary Allowance

RNI Recommended Nutrient Intake

SES Socioeconomic Status

TNO Thana Nirbahi Officer

UN United Nations



UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund

WAZ Weight-for-Age Z-score

WB World Bank

WHO World Health Organisation



Chapter 1.0 Introduction

Evidence suggests that micronutrient deficiencies are associated with problems in early

development and behaviour (Grantham-McGregor and Ani 2001). Iron deficiency is the most

common nutritional deficiency in the world and is considered a major cause of anemia,

particularly during infancy and early childhood when there is rapid growth and high nutritional

demand (Stoltzfus 2001; UNICEF 2001; Zlotkin 2003; Zlotkin, Arthur et al. 2003; Dewey 2007).

In terms of absolute numbers, the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations

Children’s Fund (UNICEF) estimate that approximately 750 million children suffer from iron

deficiency anemia (IDA), with the majority coming from developing countries (Stoltzfus 2001;

Yip 2002; Shamah and Villalpando 2006). Less is known about the prevalence of calcium

deficiency, but epidemiological studies and supplementation trials in both developed and

developing countries suggest low calcium intake among infants and children (Thacher, Fischer et

al. 1999; Flynn 2003; Pettifor 2004; Combs, Hassan et al. 2008). This leads to the consensus

that both iron and calcium deficiency are major public health problems (Viteri 1997; UNICEF

2001; Flynn 2003; WHO 2004; Pettifor 2008).

In low income countries, providing a diet that is nutritionally adequate and safe for

children 6 to 24 months of age is difficult to achieve (Mensah and Tomkins 2003). This is

because the majority of complementary foods consumed are based on plants, cereals, or roots

that have a low micronutrient content, poor micronutrient bioavailability, and contain high

amounts of phytates, oxalates, dietary fibre, and polyphenols which are known inhibiters of iron

and calcium (Gibson, Ferguson et al. 1998; Lind, Lonnerdal et al. 2003; Mensah and Tomkins

2003). Due to these conditions, the WHO has raised concerns about the ability of local

complementary foods to meet the dietary requirements of iron and calcium (Lutter 2003). This,



in turn, has helped push the agenda for supplementation, food fortification, and home-

fortification strategies to guarantee the adequate intake of micronutrients that are otherwise

lacking in the diet of the general public (Latham, Ash et al. 2003; Shamah and Villalpando 2006;

Dewey 2007; Hettiarachchi, Liyanage et al. 2008).

Most randomized controlled supplementation trials have examined the effect of single

nutrients, either iron or calcium, on infants’ development and behaviour. Short-term studies

examining iron supplementation among anemic infants have shown no differences in motor or

mental performance (Black, Baqui et al. 2004). In contrast, long-term iron supplementation

trials have shown a significant improvement in children’s development and behaviour

(Idjradinata and Pollitt 1993; Stoltzfus, Kvalsvig et al. 2001; Lozoff, De Andraca et al. 2003).

Calcium supplementation studies have also shown beneficial effects on reducing bone fractures,

hypertension, and rickets in children (Appel, Moore et al. 1997; Cumming and Nevitt 1997;

Obarzanek and Moore 1999; Thacher, Fischer et al. 1999; Shea, Wells et al. 2002; Pettifor 2004;

Combs, Hassan et al. 2008).

Although single nutrient studies allow investigators to isolate the effects associated with

specific nutrients, infants with low-nutrient diets often have multiple deficiencies (Black, Baqui

et al. 2004; Borwankar, Sanghvi et al. 2007). There is a large body of literature supporting an

inhibitory effect of dietary calcium on iron absorption (Kletzein 1935; Greig 1952; Barton,

Conrad et al. 1983; Deehr, Dallal et al. 1990; Hallberg, Brune et al. 1991; Preziosi, Hercberg et

al. 1994; Gleerup, Rossander-Hulthen et al. 1995). However, very few of these studies were

conducted in a pediatric population and none to our knowledge have examined this nutrient-

nutrient interaction in infants diagnosed with anemia and calcium deficiency. Moreover, the

studies performed were often short-term (single-meal) trials, used interventions that are not

readily available in the developing world (iron-fortified infant formula), and included healthy



subjects with adequate iron and calcium intakes (Dalton, Sargent et al. 1997; Hallberg 1998;

Ames, Gorham et al. 1999; Lynch 2000). Although highly informative, many of the conditions

do not adequately reflect the realities seen in most developing countries.

Micronutrient powders (MNP) are an innovative home-fortification strategy to increase

the dietary intake of iron and other micronutrients in complementary foods with no significant

changes in their colour, flavour, or taste (Schauer and Zlotkin 2003; Zlotkin, Antwi et al. 2003).

Community-based trials have shown that using Sprinkles MNP containing iron, Vitamin A, zinc,

Vitamin C, and folic acid over an 8 week period either once/day, weekly, or flexibly can treat

IDA infants and young children aged 6 to 24 months (Zlotkin, Schauer et al. 2005; Christofides,

Asante et al. 2006; Hyder, Haseen et al. 2007; Ip, Hyder et al. 2009). Interestingly, the Sprinkles

MNP formulation has never included calcium (Zlotkin and Tondeur 2007).

In this study, we incorporated calcium in the Sprinkles MNP formulation. Our primary

objective was to compare the hemoglobin (Hb) status of infants’ age 6 to 11 months with anemia

that are receiving Sprinkles MNP (containing iron) with and without calcium. Our secondary

objective was to investigate whether calcium intake can be increased to its AI in anemic infants

(age 6-11 months) via calcium and iron-containing Sprinkles MNP without interfering in the

absorption of iron.



Chapter 2.0 Review of the Literature

This review of the literature begins with a brief discussion on micronutrients and their

importance. This section is followed by an overview of anemia, its global burden, and etiology.

A more in-depth analysis of iron and calcium’s importance, bodily stores, regulation,

deficiencies, consequences of deficiencies, diagnoses, and treatments follows. Subsequently,

there is a discussion on nutrient-nutrient interactions with an emphasis on calcium and iron. The

review concludes with an examination of the current strategies used to prevent and treat

micronutrient deficiencies.

2.1 Micronutrients

2.1.1 Importance of Micronutrients

When a panel of the world’s leading economists were asked how $75 billion should be

invested for advancing global welfare, particularly of the developing countries, they ranked

providing “micronutrient supplements for children” first. In their opinion, providing

micronutrients would offer a better cost/benefit ratio than trade liberalization, new agricultural

technologies, reducing the cost of education programs, climate change, water and sanitation

programmes, and addressing other global concerns (Consensus 2004; Consensus 2008).

2.1.2 Definition of Micronutrients

Called “micronutrients” because they are required only in small amounts, they consist of

vitamins and minerals that are necessary for the body to produce enzymes, hormones, and other

substances. As miniscule as their amounts may be, the absence of micronutrients in one’s diet

can have severe consequences on growth, development, and survival (Sanghvi, Ross et al. 2007;

WHO 2010).



2.1.3 Micronutrient Deficiency

According to the WHO, one out of three people in developing countries are affected by

micronutrient deficiencies (WHO 2010). Deficiencies are caused by habitually low dietary

consumption of micronutrients in relation to their physiological need or excessive losses due to

illness, poor absorption, or bleeding. In most environments, deficiencies are often due to a

combination of both low micronutrient intake and micronutrient exhaustion; conditions found in

every region of the world (Tontisirin, Nantel et al. 2002; Borwankar, Sanghvi et al. 2007)

2.1.4 Populations at Risk of Developing Micronutrient Deficiencies

Countries in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia have the highest prevalence and absolute

numbers of people suffering from micronutrient deficiencies in the world. Additionally,

countries in East Asia, Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America have sizeable

populations with a high prevalence of micronutrient deficiencies. Interestingly, economic

prosperity does not always protect communities or countries against these deficiencies.

However, it is often the poorest segments (both urban and rural) of a population that suffer from

the more severe forms of micronutrient deficiencies. Moreover, deficiencies usually cluster in

individuals, households, and communities with the same populations often affected by more than

one micronutrient deficiency at a time. This, in turn, creates a need to address multiple-

micronutrient deficiencies (Borwankar, Sanghvi et al. 2007).

2.1.5 Global Burden of Micronutrient Deficiencies

Although all age groups are vulnerable to the harmful effects of micronutrient

deficiencies, they are particularly damaging and difficult to reverse when they occur during fetal

development and early childhood (Sanghvi, Ross et al. 2007). Micronutrient deficiencies in

infants and young children increase the risk of acquiring an infectious illness and death from



diarrhoea, measles, malaria, and pneumonia (West 2002). In addition to affecting the morbidity

and mortality of infants and children, micronutrient deficiencies cause an immeasurable burden

on families, healthcare services, education systems, and economies. Studies conducted by the

World Bank (WB) have found that countries whose populations suffer from a high prevalence of

micronutrient deficiencies can experience economic losses as high as 5% of their gross domestic

product (Mannar and Sankar 2004). With substantial evidence supporting the negative impact of

micronutrient deficiencies and the availability of proven cost-effective interventions, there has

been a global commitment to address this concern. In May 2002, the United Nations (UN)

General Assembly held a “Special Session on Children” where former UN Secretary General

Kofi Annan, 70 heads of state, and high ranking government officials from 187 countries

committed to reducing vitamin and mineral deficiencies among children. Unfortunately, only a

small percentage of these vulnerable populations have been reached with effective interventions

and, thus, the magnitude of micronutrient deficiencies continues to grow (Sanghvi, Ameringen et

al. 2007).

2.2 Anemia

2.2.1 Definition of Anemia

Anemia is a condition characterized by a reduction in the oxygen carrying capacity of

blood. In a clinical setting, it is observed by reduced levels of hemoglobin (Hb) and red cell

mass (hematocrit). To better assess the prevalence of anemia for various population groups, the

WHO has recommended specific cut-off points of Hb. Concerning children between the ages of

6 months to 5 years, an Hb concentration below 110 g/L is considered anemic (WHO, UNICEF

et al. 2001). An epidemiological criterion for measuring the public health significance of anemia

has also been developed. When the number of individuals with Hb values below normal is



greater than 5.0% in a given population, anemia is considered a public health concern

(Zimmermann and Hurrell 2007). The criteria for assessing the magnitude of anemia in relation

to its public health significance are shown in Table 2.2.1:

Table 2.2.1. Public health significance of anemia in populations based on the estimated prevalence of anemia.

Public health significance Prevalence of anemia (%)

Severe ≥ 40

Moderate 20.0 – 39.9

Mild 5.0 – 19.9

Normal ≤ 4.9

Adapted from WHO Guidelines (WHO, UNICEF et al. 2001).

2.2.2 Global Burden of Anemia

Anemia is a major public health concern and is the most prevalent nutrition problem in

the world (Solon, Sarol et al. 2003; Gera, Sachdev et al. 2007). Recently, the WHO estimated

that over 2.15 billion people suffer from anemia, with women and children predominantly

affected (Solon, Sarol et al. 2003; WHO 2004). Although it has been recognized as a public-

health problem for many years, little progress has been made towards improvement and its

prevalence in children and non-pregnant women has declined only in some countries. However,

from a global perspective, the overall prevalence of anemia has remained steady over the past 20

years and is still unacceptably high (Figure 2.2.2)(Borwankar, Sanghvi et al. 2007; Jamil,

Rahman et al. 2008). The most affected populations are found in the developing countries of

Africa and Asia where the WHO estimates 39% of children younger than 5 years old, 48% of

children between 5 and 14 years of age, 42% of all women, and 52% of pregnant women are

anemic (Zimmermann and Hurrell 2007; Jamil, Rahman et al. 2008). These values, however,

vary depending on the region being assessed. For example, in South Asia, it is estimated that 60

to 75% of children less than 5 years of age suffer from anemia (Ip, Hyder et al. 2009).






Africa  The Americas South/SoutheastAsia

Europe Eastern Mediterranean


WHO Geographic Region


ce of A

nemia (in millions) 

Children 0‐59 months

Women 15‐59 years

Figure 2.2.2. WHO geographic distribution of anemia prevalence (in millions). Adapted from: WHO/UNICEF/UNU (WHO, UNICEF et al. 2001).

2.2.3 Etiology of Anemia

Anemia has been called a “sickness index” for the body and has a multi-factorial etiology

(Scholl 2005). The main causes of anemia include:

a. Iron deficiency: Anemia caused by iron deficiency is referred to as “iron deficiency

anemia” (Lutter 2008).

b. Hemoglobinopathies: Hemoglobinopathies are genetically inherited disorders that cause

anemia by a deficient or abnormal synthesis of Hb (Iannotti, Tielsch et al. 2006; Jamil,

Rahman et al. 2008). Examples of hemoglobinopathies include sickle cell disease and

thalassemia; their prevalence among other etiological factors of anemia is the least

explored (Rush 2000; Irwin and Kirchner 2001; Jamil, Rahman et al. 2008).





c. Other Nutritional Deficiencies: Vitamins B-12, B-6, A, riboflavin, and folic acid are all

essential in directly or indirectly promoting hematopoiesis (Rush 2000; Cook 2005;

Iannotti, Tielsch et al. 2006; Lutter 2008). Similar to hemoglobinopathies, the magnitude

of their effect on anemia prevalence is unclear (UNICEF 2004).

d. Conditions that Cause Blood Loss or Hemolysis:

• Hookworm/Parasite Infection: Hookworm/parasite infections cause anemia by

way of chronic intestinal bleeding (Rush 2000). Adult hookworms attach to the

mucosa in the upper small intestine where they ingest the host’s tissue and blood.

Blood is primarily lost when it passes through the hookworm’s intestinal tract and

is expelled during feeding, but can also occur through the host’s damaged mucosa

(Stoltzfus, Dreyfuss et al. 1997).

• Malaria: Malarial disease causes destruction of the red blood cells while

preventing erythropoiesis (Stoltzfus, Chwaya et al. 1997).

e. Chronic Disease: In some countries anemia as a result of chronic disease ranks second to

iron deficiency in prevalence. This form of anemia develops as part of a host response to

a wide range of disorders that involve the body’s red blood cells. While often associated

with an underlying condition, anemia of chronic disease can also develop when an

infection or inflammatory process is acute (Scholl 2005).

Although there are numerous causes of anemia, from a public-health perspective, iron

deficiency is the primary etiological factor worldwide and particularly effects children living in

developing countries (Surico, Muggeo et al. 2002; Sachdev, Gera et al. 2005; Mahoney 2008).

As a global average, the WHO estimates that approximately 50% of all anemia cases are

diagnosed as IDA (Qu, Huang et al.). However, in some populations, as much as 90% of anemia



cases can result directly from iron deficiency (Stoltzfus 2001). Moreover, when other causes of

anemia are recognized, iron deficiency is still often seen as the predominant nutritional

deficiency causing anemia (WHO, UNICEF et al. 2001).

2.3 Iron

2.3.1 The Importance of Iron in the Body

Iron is an essential micronutrient because it plays a vital role in several physiological

functions including: transporting and storing oxygen (as a heme cofactor in hemoglobin and

myoglobin), enzymatic transfer of electrons (in cytochromes, ribonucleotide reductase, and

enzymes that manage oxygen radicals), ATP production, DNA synthesis, mitochondrial

functions, protection of cells from oxidative damage, and cellular proliferation (Bendich 2001;

Andrews 2004; McCann and Ames 2007; Nair and Iyengar 2009). Moreover, iron is a redox

metal and participates in many reversible one-electron oxidation-reduction reactions by

switching between two oxidation states, ferrous and ferric. This redox activity of iron allows it

to produce free radicals responsible for cell signalling processes and iron mediated toxicity (Nair

and Iyengar 2009). Regarding specific organs, iron is required by enzymes in the brain that are

involved in the myelination of neurons used in sensory systems (visual and auditory) and

learning and interactive behaviours. The synthesis of the neurotransmitters dopamine (tyrosine

hydroxylase) and serotonin (tryptophan hydroxylase) are also sensitive to changes in the body’s

iron status (Iannotti, Tielsch et al. 2006; McCann and Ames 2007). Similar to humans,

pathogens also require iron to survive and many have developed complex mechanisms for its

acquisition and proliferation in iron deficient environments. In response to this threat from

pathogens and free radicals, the human body has thus developed its own intricate mechanisms to

regulate iron supply for cellular growth and function (Nair and Iyengar 2009).



2.3.2 Iron in the Body

Iron in the body can be classified into two categories: functional or storage iron.

Functional iron refers to the iron used by Hb, myoglobin, and enzymatic reactions. Iron in its

functional form accounts for approximately 80% of the total body iron, with the majority being

found in Hb (roughly 65%) (Yip and Dallman 1996). Hb is a tetrameric hemeprotein present in

erythrocytes and is responsible for oxygen transport in the blood. Approximately 10 to 12% of

functional iron is located in myoglobin, which is a monomeric hemeprotein found in the muscles

and is responsible for fixing oxygen supplied by Hb. Only a small percentage of the body’s

functional iron (roughly 3%) is used for enzymatic activities (Yip and Dallman 1996; Oliveira

and Osorio 2005). Storage iron accounts for the remaining 20% of iron in the body and has no

physiological function. It is found in the form of ferritin and hemosiderin, serves only as a

reserve to replace losses of functional iron, and is present in the liver, spleen, and bone marrow

(Oliveira and Osorio 2005).

2.3.3 Regulation of Iron Metabolism

The primary function of iron metabolism is to recycle the iron released from destroyed

erythrocytes and incorporate it into the Hb of newly formed erythrocytes (erythropoiesis). Iron

is tightly conserved as it moves from circulating red blood cells (Hb) to iron stores (ferritin).

The main iron carrier in the blood is transferrin, which is located in the extracellular fluid and

plasma. Transferrin carries iron to the bone marrow where it is incorporated into newly formed

erythrocytes. Moreover, it also transfers iron from the monocyte and macrophage system where

iron is released from the erythrocyte. Once iron is released from the erythrocyte, it binds again

to transferrin and is taken to the bone marrow. During each cycle, a small amount of iron is

added to the stores as ferritin while a small percentage of the storage iron is passively released



into the plasma. Although the body tightly regulates the iron metabolic system, it is not 100%

efficient and iron is lost daily through urine, sweat, feces, and blood (Bendich 2001).

2.3.4 Absorption, Uptake, and Transport of Iron

In a healthy individual who has negligible iron loss, iron balance is regulated by the

control of iron absorption. Iron absorption occurs in the small intestine, where it is taken up by

the mucosal cells lining the intestinal lumen. Once exiting these cells, iron enters the capillaries

where it is bound to transferrin. Transferrin carries iron in the blood and delivers it to cells via

the transferrin receptor. Iron can remain bound to transferrin in the blood, within cells as

intracellular iron, or stored as ferritin. When iron intake is low and is not available for

absorption, ferritin iron is released to maintain optimal levels of iron needed for erythropoiesis

(Bendich 2001). Regarding the intestinal absorption of iron, there are at least four conditions

that can result in measureable changes: abnormal iron availability caused by iron overload or

deficiency, accelerated erythropoiesis, hypoxia, and inflammation. When the body experiences

iron overload and inflammation, iron absorption and plasma availability must be decreased.

Conversely, iron absorption and plasma availability are increased in response to iron deficiency,

accelerated erythropoiesis, and hypoxia. Overall, situations that require decreased iron

availability are coordinated with an interruption of intestinal absorption and retention of iron by

recycling macrophages. Conversely, when the situation requires an increase in iron availability,

there is an increase in intestinal absorption and enhanced macrophage iron release (Andrews

2004). Recently, hepcidin (a peptide protein produced by the liver) has been identified as

playing a vital role in iron homeostasis by controlling its absorption from the small intestine,

export from macrophages, and release from bodily stores. Hepcidin activation inhibits iron

absorption and release from stores and its synthesis is decreased by anemia and hypoxia, but



increased by inflammation and iron overload (Brittenham 2007; Borgna-Pignatti and Marsella


2.3.5 Cellular and Systemic Regulation of Iron Homeostasis

Approximately 20-25 mg/day of iron is required to allow erythropoiesis to occur at an

optimal rate for adults. With only 0.5-2.0 mg of iron obtained through intestinal absorption, the

majority comes from the recycling of iron already present in the body. The main contributor of

this source of iron is a specialized population of tissue macrophages that phagocytose damaged

erythrocytes, scavenge the iron from their Hb, and return it into circulation. The amount of iron

acquired through the macrophage recycling system enables the body to meet its daily iron needs.

Additional iron can also be obtained through the mobilization of cellular iron stores, especially

hepatocytes (Andrews 2004).

2.3.6 Sources and Bioavailability of Iron

Humans obtain their iron from food, which is in the form of heme or nonheme iron.

Heme iron is found in meat, poultry, and fish, accounts for approximately 5 to 10% of the daily

iron intake in most developed countries, and is 2 to 3 times more readily absorbed than nonheme

iron. Additionally, its absorption is less influenced by iron stores and the only dietary factor that

can inhibit heme iron absorption is calcium (Olivares, Walter et al. 1999; Panagiotou and Douros

2004). The main sources of nonheme iron are plant-based foods (fruits, vegetables, grains, and

nuts), eggs, dairy products, and iron fortified foods (Yip and Dallman 1996; Nair and Iyengar

2009). During digestion, nonheme iron is reduced from the ferric to ferrous form, which is more

readily absorbed. Nonheme iron absorption is enhanced by ascorbic acid and hydrochloric acid,

but is inhibited by polyphenols (found in certain vegetables and legumes), phytates (in cereals),

tannins (in tea), calcium, oxalic acid, and phosphate (Panagiotou and Douros 2004). In South-



East Asia, nonheme iron accounts for almost 95% of the total daily iron intake with cereals,

pulses, vegetables, and fruits being the main sources. As a result of this dietary pattern, many

South-East Asians are plagued by low iron content and absorption (Nair and Iyengar 2009).

2.3.7 Iron Status during Infancy

Due to the rapid rate of growth and subsequent doubling of the blood volume (from 4 to

12 months after birth), iron requirements during infancy are very high (Zlotkin 2003; Dewey

2007). To ensure appropriate iron requirements are obtained, the WHO has recommended iron

intakes for infants 6 to 12 months of age at 9.3 mg/day. However, only 0.8 mg of this amount

needs to be absorbed to support normal growth and prevent iron deficiency (Carley 2003; Dewey

2007). Breastmilk provides approximately 0.2 mg/day of iron, which means the remaining 9.1

mg/day has to be supplied by other sources. Although some infants have sufficient iron stores at

birth (if they had a normal birth weight, were born to an iron-replete mother, and received

optimal placental transfer of blood via delayed umbilical cord clamping) that can last until 8 to 9

months of age, most infants exhaust their iron stores by 6 months and depend on fortified

complementary foods for the majority of their iron intake after that (Yip 2002; Dewey 2007). In

developing countries, however, the majority of infants consume unfortified complementary foods

that are cereal based and have low iron content and bioavailability. Even when foods containing

meats and vegetables are fed, daily iron requirements for 6 to 24 month old children are seldom

met, making iron the most limiting nutrient at this age (Yip 2002; Giovannini, Sala et al. 2006;

Dewey 2007).

2.3.8 Stages of Iron Deficiency

Three stages of iron deficiency have been described to better assess individual health.

The first stage is marked by iron depletion, which occurs when iron stored in the bone marrow



diminishes due to an insufficient supply. This stage is typically asymptomatic, has no major

effect on erythropoiesis, and often escapes detection by Hb and hematocrit screening. Continued

depletion of iron stores results in the second stage called “iron deficiency.” Iron deficiency is

observed when iron storage levels become significantly reduced and Hb synthesis is affected.

The third, and final stage, is called “iron deficiency anemia” and occurs when iron stores are

insufficient to maintain Hb production. IDA is reflected by Hb levels that are two standard

deviations below the distribution mean in an otherwise normal population of the same gender

and age (WHO, UNICEF et al. 2001; Carley 2003). When the prevalence of IDA exceeds 40%

in a given population, the WHO recommends daily iron supplementation of 12.5 mg for all

infants between the ages of 6 to 24 months (Duncan, Schifman et al. 1985; INACG, WHO et al.


2.3.9 Etiology of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Infants 6 months and Older

IDA can result from one or a combination of factors. The four primary causes of IDA


a. Inadequate Dietary Intake or Low Dietary Bioavailability of Iron: During periods of

rapid growth, such as infancy, the body’s blood volume expands with a corresponding

increase in iron requirement. If there is a negative balance between the dietary intake of

iron and iron loss during this stage, IDA can ensue (Yip 1994). However, a high dietary

intake of iron does not necessarily protect one from developing IDA. In many

developing countries, iron intake is relatively high and, in some cases, meets the

recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for the United States. Unfortunately, most of the

iron ingested in developing countries is derived from cereals and legumes with little meat

consumed. In meat, 30 to 70% of iron is heme iron, which has an absorption rate of 15 to



35%. Conversely, cereals and legumes contain nonheme iron, which has an absorption

rate of less than 10%. Moreover, cereals and legumes often contain high levels of

phytates and polyphenols, which impede iron absorption by binding to it in the gut and

forming complexes that cannot be absorbed. The intake of foods that can enhance iron

absorption such as fruits and vegetables containing vitamin C or meat is often limited in

these countries (Hurrell 1997; Hurrell 2002; Zimmermann, Chaouki et al. 2005). Of the

2.15 billion individuals affected by anemia, it is believed that approximately 85% suffer

from an inadequate dietary intake of iron or low iron dietary bioavailability (Boccio and

Iyengar 2003).

b. Increased Iron Needs: The most critical period at which IDA develops is between 6 to 18

months of age. This period in life is where iron requirements are the greatest and

according to some estimates are approximately 10 times higher by body weight when

compared to an adult man (Ahmed 2000; Yip and Ramakrishnan 2002).

c. Chronic Iron Loss Due to Infection: Infections can block iron utilization in the body and

cause infants to develop IDA. Upon infection, it is believed that iron is sequestered in the

macrophages and hepatocytes while iron absorption is reduced. This response by the

body is designed to limit the supply of iron to invading pathogens and hinder their spread.

However, this process can also cause a decrease in plasma iron levels which can lead to

reduced erythropoiesis and ultimately IDA (Nair and Iyengar 2009). Helicobacter pylori

infection is one of the most common infections in the developing world, although the

mechanism in which it causes IDA is still not fully known (Sarker, Mahmud et al. 2008).

d. Impaired Iron Utilization after Absorption: Impaired iron utilization after absorption can

occur due to chronic and repeated infections as well as other vitamin and micronutrient

deficiencies (Ahmed 2000).



IDA during infancy is also dependent on other conditions (birth weight, maternal iron status,

cord-clamping practices, and exclusive breastfeeding), but these risk factors are almost

universally compounded by a diet that is low in bioavailable iron (Hutton and Hassan 2007;

Chaparro 2008; Stoltzfus 2008).

2.3.10 Health and Socioeconomic Implications of Iron Deficiency Anemia

The effects of IDA can be categorized according to its negative impact on childhood

development and behaviour, morbidity and mortality, and work performance and productivity.

a. Childhood Behaviour and Development: For many years researchers have focused on the

relationship between iron status and cognitive, motor, and behavioural development.

Consistently, children with IDA were found to have lower test scores in psychomotor

development and impaired cognitive performance when compared to children with

sufficient iron stores (Yip 1994; WHO, UNICEF et al. 2001). This finding has been

conclusively seen in studies conducted on IDA infants in Chile, Costa Rica, Guatemala,

and Indonesia (WHO, UNICEF et al. 2001). When standardized cognitive tests were

used, infants with IDA averaged 6 to 15 points lower than those who had an optimal iron

status (Lozoff 2007). Although short-term iron treatment has been shown to reverse

some aspects of cognitive effects, the few long-term studies conducted suggest that IDA

in early childhood can lead to irreversible developmental damage (Yip 1994; Lozoff

2007; Walker, Wachs et al. 2007). In ten follow-up studies that compared children who

had IDA during infancy to those without, former IDA individuals often had a lower IQ

(approximately 1.73 points lower for every 10 g/L decrease in hemoglobin), a higher

likelihood of repeating grades, attention difficulties, and a reduction in cognitive scores in



early adulthood (Lozoff, Jimenez et al. 2000; Lozoff, Beard et al. 2006; Lozoff, Jimenez

et al. 2006).

Regarding motor development, IDA infants have significantly reduced gross

motor control. This is often seen by their lower performance scores in tests such as the

Peabody Developmental Motor Scales, Infant Neurological Battery, the motor quality

factor of the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, and the bimanual coordination toy

retrieval task. Achieving low scores in these tests indicate that motor skill development

and the related ability to explore and interact with the environment are both affected by

IDA (Beard 2008). Similar to motor control studies, there is a strong relationship

between IDA and the behaviour of infants. Infants diagnosed with IDA are often more

wary, hesitant, irritable, less happy, and easily tired. They are also less engaged with

others and stay closer to their caregivers. It has been suggested that these behaviours

may contribute to impaired development through functional isolation (Lozoff, Klein et al.

1998; Grantham-McGregor and Ani 2001; Zlotkin 2003). Although the mechanism by

which IDA affects brain development is not fully known, evidence from animal and

human studies indicate that IDA affects cognitive, motor, and behavioural development

by impairing myelination, altering neurotransmitter receptor (primarily dopamine)

function, and hindering neuronal metabolism (2007; Collard 2009; Geltman, Hironaka et

al. 2009).

b. Morbidity and Mortality: IDA reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood, which

interferes with aerobic functions of the body. Very severe IDA is associated with

increased infant and maternal mortality and is listed as an underlying cause of death.

Deaths associated with severe IDA often occur during periods of increased physiological

stress when oxygen delivery and cardiovascular function are compromised by a reduced



hemoglobin level (Yip 1994). The WHO estimates that approximately 800,000 deaths

worldwide are attributed to IDA and lists this condition among the 15 leading

contributors to the global burden of disease (Gleason and Scrimshaw 2007). Pregnant

women with IDA have a significantly higher risk of maternal mortality, prenatal infant

loss, and premature delivery. According to some estimates, roughly 18.4% of global

maternal deaths and 23.5% of global perinatal deaths are caused by IDA. Moreover,

infants born to mothers that suffer from IDA are more likely to be low birth weight

babies, have poorer iron stores and subsequently develop IDA before 6 months of age,

and have an increased risk of morbidity and mortality (Gleason and Scrimshaw 2007;

Sanghvi, Ross et al. 2007). In Bangladesh, approximately 26% of maternal deaths are

caused by IDA and postpartum hemorrhaging (Ahmed 2000). Regarding morbidity, IDA

predisposes individuals to diseases through reduced immune function. For example,

humoral, cell-mediated and nonspecific immunity as well as cytokine activity (which

plays an important role in various immunogenic mechanisms) are all influenced by IDA

(Ahmed 2000). The type of infection that predominantly affects children with IDA are

upper respiratory tract in nature (Zimmermann and Hurrell 2007).

c. Work Performance and Productivity: IDA can reduce physical work performance by

negatively affecting aerobic capacity, which reduces endurance capacity, voluntary

activity, and work productivity (Zhu and Haas 1997; Haas and Brownlie 2001). In

developing countries, a large proportion of economic output is based on physical labour

and, thus, a reduction in work capacity can have severe economic consequences (Yip

1994). To address this concern, iron supplementation studies were conducted among

anemic rubber tappers in Indonesia, tea pickers in Sri Lanka, agricultural workers in

India, Guatemala, and Colombia, and industrial workers in Kenya and China. The results



from these studies revealed that an increase in work productivity can be achieved through

iron supplementation (WHO, UNICEF et al. 2001). Current estimates by Dr. Susan

Horton, a health economist at the Wilfrid Laurier University, reveal that the worldwide

economic impact of childhood iron deficiency is a 4.5% reduction in gross domestic

product (Horton and Ross 2003). Concerning Bangladesh, the annual per capita loss due

to iron deficiency is roughly 1.9% of the gross domestic product (Ahmed 2000).

2.3.11 Global Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia

Most infants, children, and women of childbearing age, particularly in the developing

countries, are iron deficient. Over time, more than half of these individuals will develop IDA,

the most advanced stage of iron deficiency (Hurrell, Lynch et al. 2004). As mentioned before,

approximately 2.15 billion people suffer from anemia with 85% of these cases attributed to iron

deficiency (Viteri 1997; WHO 2004). According to the UN, the prevalence of IDA in

developing countries is approximately 42% and 17% in developed countries. In Africa and Asia

the prevalence of IDA is higher at 42% and 53% respectively, whereas in Central America it is

30% and 26% in South America. The lowest prevalence of IDA is found in Europe and North

America where only 2 to 5% of the population is affected (Shamah and Villalpando 2006).

Regarding infants and children, IDA is a major public health problem and remains the most

prevalent nutritional deficiency affecting them worldwide (Domellof, Dewey et al. 2002;

Yurdakok, Temiz et al. 2004). According to some estimates, IDA affects up to 60% of children

globally (Cole, Grant et al.). Once more, Africa and South Asia experience the highest

prevalence rates of IDA with some countries reporting up to 80% of young children affected. In

terms of absolute numbers, the WHO and UNICEF estimate that approximately 750 million

children have IDA (Stoltzfus 2001; Yip 2002). As a result of these stark findings, the



“UNICEF/WHO Joint Committee on Health Policy” endorsed a strategy for reducing IDA

among children (Chang, El Arifeen et al.).

2.3.12 Prevalence of Iron Deficiency Anemia in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, anemia is prevalent among both genders and all age groups. However,

women (both pregnant and non-pregnant) and children are most susceptible (Jamil, Rahman et

al. 2008). According to studies conducted by “Hellen Keller International” and Kimmons et al.,

more than two-thirds of Bangladeshi children are anemic. More specifically, there is a 92%

prevalence rate among infants 6 to 11 months of age and an 85% prevalence rate among children

between the ages of 12 to 23 months. Similar to global trends, the major causes of anemia in

Bangladesh are an inadequate intake of iron rich foods and poor bioavailability of iron in foods

consumed (Kimmons, Dewey et al. 2005; International 2006).

2.3.13 Screening Methods for Iron Deficiency Anemia

The adverse affects of IDA on growth and development provide the rationale to screen all

children for this nutritional deficiency (Bogen, Krause et al. 2001). Hematologic tests commonly

used to assess iron status include measuring the Hb, hematocrit, mean cell volume, and red blood

cell distribution width. Biochemical tests that are used include serum iron, serum ferritin,

transferrin receptor, total iron-binding capacity, transferrin saturation, and erythrocyte

protoporphyrin. Of all the tests available, measuring Hb is most often used to screen for anemia

(as a proxy indicator for iron deficiency) because of its low cost, simplicity, speed of the

procedure, and better performance when compared with hematocrit assessment (Mei, Parvanta et

al. 2003). In developing countries where iron deficiency is highly prevalent and the major cause

of anemia, Hb levels can be used quite effectively as a simple and inexpensive indicator of iron

status. Moreover, other screening methods may not be feasible for developing countries because



their results can be affected by a high prevalence of infections and financial and technical

challenges associated with them (Yip and Ramakrishnan 2002; Mungen 2003). The only

methods generally recommended for use in surveys to determine the prevalence of anemia by

hemoglobinometry are the cyanomethoglobin method in the laboratory and the HemoCue

system. The HemoCue system is a reliable quantitative method for determining Hb

concentrations in field surveys (WHO, UNICEF et al. 2001). This screening tool consists of a

portable battery-operated photometer and supply of treated disposable cuvettes where blood is

collected. What makes the HemoCue system unique is that it can be used for surveys conducted

in remote environments or urban laboratories, it is easy to transport and use, requires short

training time and does not require staff to have specialized laboratory training, it always gives

consistent results, does not require a large sample of blood making it less stressful on the patient,

and, when compared to standard laboratory methods, it provides satisfactory accuracy and

precision (Bhargava, Bouis et al. 2001; Sari, de Pee et al. 2001; WHO, UNICEF et al. 2001;

Lara, Mundy et al. 2005; Munoz, Romero et al. 2005).

2.3.14 Hemoglobin Cut-Off Values

Normal Hb distributions vary according to age, gender, stage of pregnancy, and altitude

(WHO, UNICEF et al. 2001). Regarding infants, the reference cut-off values for Hb are based

on data from older age groups and, thus, may not be accurate (Aggett, Agostoni et al. 2002;

Domellof, Dewey et al. 2002). Numerous studies have also shown that Hb concentrations in

individuals (men, women, and children) of African descent are often 4 to 10 g/L lower than those

of European backgrounds (Perry, Byers et al. 1992; Sullivan, Mei et al. 2008). Based on these

findings many researchers have proposed a lower recommended Hb cut-off for people of African

descent and several studies have applied this criteria to define anemia (Dallman, Barr et al. 1978;



Perry, Byers et al. 1992; Johnson-Spear and Yip 1994; Asobayire, Adou et al. 2001; Zlotkin,

Arthur et al. 2001; Zlotkin, Antwi et al. 2003; Zlotkin, Arthur et al. 2003; Beutler and West

2005). In addition to reducing the values for individuals of African descent, there is growing

support for lowering the WHO Hb cut-off values for all infants due to the negative effects of

IDA on development. In the study conducted by Sherriff et al., different developmental

outcomes were observed only when Hb concentrations were lower than 98 g/L at eight months of

age (Sherriff, Emond et al. 2001). Moreover, Domell et al. concluded in their study assessing

breastfed iron-replete infants in Honduras and Sweden that Hb cut-off values of 105 g/L be used

at six months of age and 100 g/L at nine months of age to define anemia (Domellof, Cohen et al.

2001). Overall, there seems to be a need to re-evaluate the definition of anemia in infants as the

current WHO cut-off value may result in many misdiagnoses and over-reporting.

2.4 Calcium

2.4.1 The Importance of Calcium in the Body

Calcium is an essential nutrient required for many vital biological functions such as nerve

transmission, muscle contraction, mediating vascular contraction and vasodilation, blood

coagulation, and glandular secretion (Miller, Jarvis et al. 2001; Flynn 2003). However, the most

important role of calcium is bone formation. Bone mass increases at a rate of 150 mg/day from

birth until approximately 20 years of age. At birth, an infant has approximately 20 to 30 g of

calcium, but this amount gradually increases to roughly 1200 g by adulthood. Rates of calcium

accretion are highest during infancy (especially in the first year of life) and puberty, but lower in

other periods of childhood (Prentice, Bonjour et al. 2003; Chan, McElligott et al. 2006). Linear

growth stops when puberty ends but bone mass continues to increase, reaching its peak during

adulthood. The age at which peak bone mass is achieved varies between different regions of the



body and populations. Regardless, after this period is complete, bone mass slowly declines.

This decline is accelerated in post-menopausal women who often average 1 to 3% bone mineral

loss per year (Prentice, Bonjour et al. 2003). Thus, maintaining an adequate calcium intake is

critical for achieving optimal peak bone mass and helps modify the rate of bone loss associated

with ageing (Cashman 2002).

2.4.2 Calcium in the Body

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the human body, with approximately 99% found

in bone and teeth. Of the 99% found in mineralized tissues, calcium is predominantly present as

calcium phosphate with the remaining amount in the calcium carbonate form (Nordin 1997). In

addition to the skeletal system, calcium is also located in the blood, extracellular fluid, muscles,

and other tissues (Flynn 2003; Lanham-New 2008). In these systems, calcium is referred to as

“serum calcium,” accounts for 1% of the total body calcium, and is found in three forms:

albumin bound (40%), inactivated (bound to anions like phosphorus, citrate, sulphate, and

lactate; accounts for 10%), and free ionized (50%). Free ionized calcium is the only bioavailable

form in the body and is responsible for calcium’s many biochemical processes mentioned above

(Jain, Agarwal et al. 2008; Williford, Pare et al. 2008).

2.4.3 Calcium Absorption, Uptake, and Transport

Calcium absorption predominantly occurs in the jejunum, but also takes place in the

ileum and colon. Absorption is determined by the amount of calcium ingested and the solubility

of the calcium salt consumed (Bass and Chan 2006; Oramasionwu, Thacher et al. 2008).

Calcium absorption requires it to be in its ionized form. Dissolved calcium that is bound to or

forms complexes with certain nutrients, such as fats or phytates, reduces and inhibits calcium

absorption (Bass and Chan 2006). Although uncommon in most developed countries, a



reduction in the efficiency of parathyroid hormone (PTH) and vitamin D metabolism can also

reduce intestinal absorption of calcium (Lanham-New 2008).

In infants, the rate of calcium absorption approximates calcium retention or bone

accumulation (Abrams, Esteban et al. 1991; Hillman, Johnson et al. 1993). During the first six

months of a full-term infant’s life, bone mass acquisition is directly related to mineral uptake.

Calcium uptake in the small intestine occurs by active transport or simple passive diffusion.

When there is a low intake of calcium, active transport predominates. However, as intake

increases, more calcium is absorbed by passive diffusion. Regarding calcium transport, the

metabolite vitamin D stimulates its movement across intestinal cells by promoting the production

of calcium binding protein (Bass and Chan 2006; Lanham-New 2008).

2.4.4 Calcium Excretion

Calcium is mainly lost through renal excretion, but can also be released via feces, sweat,

skin, hair, and nails. Approximately 97% of the filtered calcium load is reabsorbed by the renal

tubules, while the remaining 3% is excreted in urine and represents obligatory loss. The major

determinant of urinary calcium excretion is dietary calcium intake. Urinary calcium excretion is

also higher when protein and sodium intakes are high, but the effects of excess protein can be

mediated by a higher phosphorus intake (Abrams 2005).

2.4.5 Regulation of Calcium Homeostasis

Unlike other nutrients, calcium requirement does not depend on the maintenance of its

metabolic function. Instead, its requirement is based on the maintenance of an optimal reserve

and the support of the reserve’s function in providing structural rigidity to the skeleton (Heaney

1997). Bone acts as a metabolic reservoir for the maintenance of serum calcium homeostasis.

Serum calcium levels are maintained within narrow limits (usually 8.5 to 10.5 mg/dL or 2.1 to



2.6 mmol/L) by the concerted actions of three calciotropic hormones: PTH, vitamin D, and

calcitonin. When the body’s serum calcium concentration decreases, calcium sensing receptors

on the parathyroid glands detect the change and stimulate an increase in PTH secretion. PTH

acts on bone to release calcium (bone resorption), on the kidney to increase renal calcium

reabsorption, and increases the conversion of 25(OH)D to 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D in the

kidney. The newly converted 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D then acts on the intestine to increase

calcium absorption and on bone to stimulate further calcium release (Cashman and Flynn 1999;

Prentice, Bonjour et al. 2003; Moe 2008). When serum calcium levels return to normal, further

increases are reversed by calcitonin (which is released by the thyroid gland) and negative

feedback by 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D on the secretion of PTH (Cashman and Flynn 1999;

Prentice, Bonjour et al. 2003).

2.4.6 Sources and Bioavailability of Calcium

The largest source of dietary calcium for most individuals is milk and other dairy

products. In the United States, 65% of the dietary calcium intake for children is supplied by

dairy products (Subar, Krebs-Smith et al. 1998). Although dairy products provide the highest

bioavailability of calcium and are the most calcium rich foods, alternative sources of calcium are

available for individuals who do not consume these items. Most vegetables contain calcium but,

due to their low calcium density, large servings are required to equal the total intake obtained

from a serving of dairy products. Moreover, fish with bones and some green leafy vegetables

(providing their oxalate content is low) can also provide a high bioavailability of calcium. Foods

that are high in phytates (e.g. spinach, cereal based foods, etc.) can be calcium rich, but have a

low bioavailability (Miller, Jarvis et al. 2001; Greer and Krebs 2006). For individuals who do

not consume adequate amounts of calcium from dietary sources, the use of calcium supplements



is often recommended. Although the bioavailability of calcium varies in supplements, it can be

greater than or comparable with the amount in dairy products (Miller, Smith et al. 1988). Most

supplements contain calcium carbonate because of its high bioavailability (relative to other

calcium salts) and provide roughly 300 to 600 mg per dosage (Bass and Chan 2006; Greer and

Krebs 2006).

2.4.7 Calcium Status during Infancy

Calcium requirements vary throughout an individual’s life, with higher needs during

periods of rapid growth. Infants and children, pregnant and lactating women, and the elderly all

require high intakes of calcium to ensure optimal development and bodily functions. In addition

to periods of growth, calcium intake is also dependent on age, gender, genetic and ethnic

variability, physical activity, and other dietary factors. Due to the interaction of all these

conditions, it is impossible to recommend a specific calcium intake for infants, children,

adolescence, and adults (Cashman 2002). Thus, it is not surprising that various health

organizations have different recommendations for calcium intake. For example, according to the

Institute of Medicine (IOM), the recommended calcium intake for infants 6 to 11 months of age

is 270 mg/day (Lutter and Dewey 2003). Conversely, the Food and Agriculture Organization

(FAO) and WHO recommend infants 6 to 11 months of age receive 400 mg/day of calcium

(Consultation 2002). Currently, no tolerable upper intake level for calcium in infants between

the ages of 0 to 12 months has been defined (Greer and Krebs 2006).

2.4.8 Calcium Deficiency

When the body experiences low serum calcium levels, there is an increase in PTH

synthesis and release. PTH acts on three target organs to restore serum calcium levels. Within

the kidney, PTH promotes the reabsorption of calcium in the distal tubule. The intestine is



indirectly affected by PTH, which stimulates the production of vitamin D and thereby causes an

increase in calcium absorption. Finally, PTH induces bone resorption, which releases calcium

into the blood. Due to the actions of PTH and vitamin D, serum calcium levels can be restored

within minutes to hours. However, when the body experiences chronic calcium deficiency,

serum calcium levels are maintained at the expense of the skeletal mass. A PTH mediated

increase in bone resorption is one of several major causes of reduced bone mass and

osteoporosis. If left untreated, the cumulative affect of calcium depletion on the body’s skeletal

system can result in an increasing frequency of osteoporotic fractures with age (Cashman 2002).

2.4.9 Etiology of Calcium Deficiency

Calcium deficiency is primarily caused by an inadequate intake or poor absorption of

calcium (Cashman 2002). Another factor that can induce or exacerbate calcium deficiency is

fluoride ingestion. Excess amounts of fluoride are often found in the drinking water of rural

communities in South Asia. When consumed, fluoride can induce skeletal fluorosis with

symptoms similar to rickets. The toxic effects of fluoride are more severe in calcium deficient

children because their calcium intake is not sufficient to counteract it and suppress the PTH

mediated bone loss that occurs. Even marginally high intakes of fluoride (> 2.5 mg/day) can

have severe consequences on the body’s homeostasis of calcium. In rural India, it is estimated

that 45% of the drinking water contains high fluoride content (Teotia, Teotia et al. 1998;

Thacher, Fischer et al. 2006). In addition to fluoride, high levels of arsenic in drinking water has

been recognized for many years in some regions of the world, notably South Asia. Although

millions of people are at risk of cancer due to arsenic exposure, it has also been implication in

causing calcium homeostasis disturbances (Florea, Yamoah et al. 2005). Regarding foods, items

that contain high amounts of oxalates, phytates, protein, and sodium can reduce the retention of



dietary calcium. Dietary protein increases urinary calcium excretion by increasing the total acid

load from protein metabolism. Although adjusting calcium consumption on the basis of protein

intake can correct this, it is not recommended for children and adolescents. Similarly, dietary

sodium increases the renal excretion of calcium as both share the same transport system in the

proximal tubule. However, like dietary protein, the calcium intake recommendations for

children and adolescents do not differ on the basis of sodium intake (Greer and Krebs 2006).

2.4.10 Health and Economic Implications of Calcium Deficiency

Calcium deficiency can result in many disorders that not only increase the risk of

morbidity and mortality, but are also costly to individuals and governments:

a. Peak Bone Mass and Osteoporosis: Osteoporosis has been called the “pediatric disease

with geriatric consequences” (Nicklas 2003). Accumulating scientific evidence indicates

that consuming an adequate intake of calcium or calcium-rich foods from infancy to early

adulthood helps optimize peak bone mass, slow age-related bone loss, and reduce

osteoporotic fracture risk in later adult years (Miller, Jarvis et al. 2001). A recent review

of 139 articles relating to calcium intake and bone health highlighted the beneficial role

of calcium in skeletal health. In 52 of the 54 randomized, controlled intervention trials

(RCT), increasing calcium intake led to increased calcium balance, increased bone gain

during growth, reduced bone loss in later years, and lowered fracture risk. Six of these

studies used dairy sources of calcium and all had positive effects on bone status. Sixty-

four out of 86 observational studies in this review also showed a positive correlation

between calcium intake and bone mass in children, young adults, and post-menopausal

women, with the majority using food sources of calcium (Heaney 2000). Two meta-

analyses of RCTs have also demonstrated that calcium supplementation reduces the risk



of hip fracture by 25 to 70%, vertebral fractures by 23%, and non-vertebral fractures by

14% (Cumming and Nevitt 1997; Shea, Wells et al. 2002). Currently, 44 million men

and women in the United States suffer from osteoporosis and low bone mass. This figure

is expected to increase to over 60 million by 2020 (Nicklas 2003).

b. Hypertension: After nearly 20 years of debate, there is now sufficient evidence

supporting the beneficial role of calcium or calcium-rich dairy foods in blood pressure

regulation (Nicklas 2003). In the United States government sponsored “Dietary

Approaches to Stop Hypertension” (DASH) study, it was found that intake of a low fat

diet containing almost three servings of dairy foods (mostly in the form of low fat milk)

in combination with fruits and vegetables significantly reduced blood pressure in persons

with high normal blood pressure. More importantly, this change was seen in only two

weeks of dietary modification. Systolic and diastolic blood pressures were reduced by

5.5 and 3.0 mm Hg respectively in adults who consumed the DASH diet compared to the

control diet. Moreover, in hypertensive participants, the blood pressure lowering effects

of the DASH diet were even greater with reductions of 11.4 mg Hg in systolic and 5.5

mm Hg in diastolic pressure compared to the control diet (Appel, Moore et al. 1997;

Obarzanek and Moore 1999). Researchers from the first DASH study believe that if

Americans followed this diet, coronary heart disease and stroke could be reduced by 15%

and 27% respectively (Appel, Moore et al. 1997).

c. Rickets: Nutritional rickets causes considerable disability among infants and young

children. Although it has been virtually eliminated from Europe and North America by

fortifying certain foods with vitamin D, nutritional rickets remains prevalent in many

developing countries of Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. In fact, rickets has been

ranked among the five most prevalent diseases affecting children in the developing



world. However, with ample amounts of sunlight, the etiology of rickets in tropical

countries remained a mystery until recently (Thacher, Fischer et al. 1999). Studies

conducted in the sunny nations of South Africa, Nigeria, and Bangladesh found that a

dietary deficiency of calcium (characteristic of their cereal-based diets with limited

variety and access to dairy products) is the main cause of rickets. Most of the children in

these studies had normal serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations and high levels of

serum 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, which indicate an adequate intake of vitamin D.

Moreover in all three countries, rickets was treated with calcium supplementation

(Thacher, Fischer et al. 1999; Pettifor 2004; Combs, Hassan et al. 2008).

d. Economic Impact: Although the global economic impact of calcium deficiency is not

known, it undoubtedly creates a severe burden on the health and economic sectors of

many nations. When assessing the direct health care costs for the treatment of

osteoporotic fractures in America alone, estimates of $10 to $15 billion per year are

reported (Nicklas 2003).

2.4.11 Global Prevalence of Calcium Deficiency

In the absence of reliable indicators for calcium adequacy, estimates of calcium

deficiency are predominantly based on optimal dietary intake relative to estimated requirements

(Cashman and Flynn 1999). As mentioned before, this approach is complicated by a lack of

agreement between expert groups on calcium requirements (Flynn 2003). Nevertheless, even

when using the lower calcium recommended intake values, there is a considerable amount of

evidence suggesting that a high prevalence of calcium deficiency exists in both developed and

developing countries. For example, in the United Kingdom it is estimated that 13 to 18% of

women between the ages of 14 to 34 and 8 to 15% of those over 65 years are calcium deficient.



Moreover, it is believed that 45% of 11 to 18 year old British girls fail to consume the average

requirement for calcium intake (Flynn 2003). Regarding the developing world, habitual calcium

intake is estimated at only 25 to 33% of the AI for many populations and age groups (Pettifor

2008). Although the number of people affected by calcium deficiency in the developing world is

not certain, based on these findings, it is likely to affect the vast majority of individuals in these


2.4.12 Prevalence of Calcium Deficiency in Bangladesh

Studies assessing the habitual calcium intake in Bangladesh report that all age groups

obtain only 30% of the adequate intake (AI)(Arnaud, Pettifor et al. 2007). When assessing

specific populations, this figure varies drastically. For example, in Islam et al’s study conducted

on women living in northern (Betagair Union) and central regions (Dhaka City) of Bangladesh, it

was found that 95% of low-income women and 47% of high-income women did not meet the

WHO’s AI for calcium (Islam, Lamberg-Allardt et al. 2003). When determining the impact of

calcium deficiency in infants and children, a similar trend of low dietary calcium intake was

observed. In the Cox’s Bazaar district of south-eastern Bangladesh (which is not among the

poorest regions of Bangladesh), the “Bangladesh Institute of Mother and Child Health” reported

that 9 to 22% of children display signs or symptoms of rickets. When the diets of the families

living in this district were examined, it was found that most consumed few, if any, calcium-rich

foods and that all family members had low dietary intakes of calcium. In particular, the children

consumed approximately 160 mg of calcium per day (with rice and small fish being the main

sources at 45% and 41% respectively), which is less than half of their calcium AI. Upon further

examination, the children diagnosed with rickets were found to have normal plasma 25-

hydroxycholecalciferol levels. This suggests that rickets in the Cox’s Bazaar district is caused



by calcium deficiency, similar to the cases reported in Nigeria and South Africa (Combs, Hassan

et al. 2008). Currently, it is estimated that rickets affects approximately 5,000,000 children in

Bangladesh with more than half of the country’s sub-districts reporting cases (Combs and

Hassan 2005; Craviari, Pettifor et al. 2008). This estimate is however, not based on a strict

diagnosis of rickets, which would include radiologic and biochemical assessment as well as

specific physical findings.

Calcium deficiency in Bangladesh is believed to be the result of a change in agricultural

production caused by the introduction of irrigation. Within the past three decades, when the first

cases of rickets began to emerge, a greater emphasis on increasing the production of rice has

been observed. This shift in farming practices has had negative effects on many segments of the

agricultural industry and resulted in a decrease in the rotation and variation of foods produced

(Craviari, Pettifor et al. 2008; Pettifor 2008; UNICEF and (SARPV) 2009). Milk and dairy

production were especially affected, which caused an excessive price hike for these items. As a

result, milk and dairy products are no longer considered part of the typical Bangladeshi diet and

calcium intake is primarily obtained from cereals, vegetables, and fish (Islam, Lamberg-Allardt

et al. 2003).

2.4.13 Screening Methods for Calcium Deficiency

When laboratory resources are available, serum calcium, phosphorus, PTH, vitamin D

(1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D), and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) can be used to confirm calcium

deficiency. However, since serum calcium levels only account for 1% of the total body calcium,

it is often viewed as a poor biomarker for a health assessment (Oginni, Sharp et al. 1999; Moe

2008). There has been an improvement and development of methods to measure total body and

regional bone mineral content by using various bone density techniques. The most widely used



technique is the dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry. This tool can rapidly measure the bone

mineral content and bone mineral density of the entire skeleton or of regional sites with a

negligible level of radiation exposure. Furthermore, recent enhancements in the precision of the

technique have made it particularly suitable for assessing the effects of calcium supplementation

on bone mass in children of all ages (Baker, Cochran et al. 1999; Abrams and Atkinson 2003).

However, in settings where these techniques are not available or feasible, calcium deficiency can

be assessed using dietary questionnaires (Greer and Krebs 2006).

2.5 The Interaction between Iron and Calcium

2.5.1 Studies Examining the Interaction between Iron and Calcium

Since the 1940’s researchers and public health officials have known that calcium,

whether in the form of supplements or in food, can inhibit both heme and nonheme iron

absorption (Cook, Dassenko et al. 1991; Whiting 1995). Numerous animal, epidemiologic,

prospective, and RCT studies have since been conducted to gain further incite on the inhibitory

effects of this nutrient-nutrient interaction. The significance of calcium and iron’s negative

interaction is that it creates a dilemma for researchers and public health officials trying to

increase the consumption of both nutrients without suppressing their absorption (Hallberg 1998;

Ames, Gorham et al. 1999).

a. Animal Studies: The first animal studies to demonstrate that calcium (in the form of

calcium carbonate) inhibited iron absorption were conducted by Kletzein in 1935 and

1938 (Kletzein 1935; Kletzein 1938; Lynch 2000). Subsequent animal experiments have

shown that several other forms of calcium (calcium chloride, calcium lactate, calcium

phosphate) can reduce iron retention and the rate of Hb production (Lynch 2000).

Regarding specific health implications of this nutrient-nutrient interaction, Fuhr and



Steenbock found that IDA could be induced in weaning rats when given large amounts of

calcium carbonate in their diet (Fuhr and Steenbock 1943). This finding was reinforced

in a more recent study that found both young female mice and their litters could develop

IDA when the dams were fed high doses of calcium carbonate (Greig 1952). Recently,

radioisotope-labelling techniques have been used in animal models to confirm the

inhibitory effect of calcium on iron absorption (Manis and Schachter 1962; Greenberger,

Balcerzak et al. 1969; Amine and Hegsted 1971; Barton, Conrad et al. 1983).

b. Epidemiological Studies: Several epidemiological studies suggest that calcium interferes

with iron absorption. In an extensive study conducted in France (n = 1108), serum

ferritin and Hb concentrations were negatively and significantly correlated with the

intake of calcium (Preziosi, Hercberg et al. 1994). These trends were also observed in

other studies assessing adolescent girls and women in other European countries (Galan,

Hercberg et al. 1985; Hallberg 1998; Lynch 2000).

c. Single-Meal Human Studies: In single-meal studies conducted on children and adults,

both heme and nonheme iron absorption were inhibited by calcium supplements (calcium

chloride, calcium phosphates, calcium carbonate, or calcium citrate-malate) and dairy

products (Dawson-Hughes, Seligson et al. 1986; Deehr, Dallal et al. 1990; Cook,

Dassenko et al. 1991; Hallberg, Brune et al. 1991; Hallberg 1998). However, the

quantitative effect changed according to the form of calcium administered (calcium

phosphates and milk had the greatest negative impact on iron absorption, while calcium

carbonate had the least) and with the presence of other dietary factors (phosphate,

ascorbic acid, and phytate) known to affect iron bioavailability. However, it is important

to mention that the effects of factors that change the bioavailability of iron are often

exaggerated in single-meal studies (the experimental designs used often ensure a



maximum inhibitory effect), and measurements based on the consumption of multiple-

meals are more likely to reflect the true nutritional impact of this nutrient-nutrient

interaction (Lynch 2000).

d. Multiple-Meal Human Studies: The results of multiple-meal studies conducted on healthy

infants, young children, and adult females suggest that calcium supplementation had only

a small effect on iron absorption unless habitual calcium consumption was very low

(Turnlund, Smith et al. 1990; Gleerup, Rossander-Hulthen et al. 1995; Dalton, Sargent et

al. 1997; Reddy and Cook 1997; Ames, Gorham et al. 1999; Lynch 2000; Abrams,

Griffin et al. 2001). Outcome analyses revealed that calcium supplements had no effect

on the iron status in infants fed iron-fortified formula, lactating women, adolescent girls,

and adult men and women that had adequate bioavailable dietary iron and relatively high

habitual calcium intakes (Lynch 2000).

e. Dosage of Calcium: Hallberg et al. reported a dose-effect between the amount of calcium

given and the degree of iron absorption inhibited (Hallberg, Brune et al. 1991). For

example, no effect on iron absorption is seen when less than 40 mg of calcium is present

in a meal, while no further inhibition occurs when the calcium content of the meal

exceeds 300 mg. In practice, this means that adding 200 mg of calcium to a meal

containing 100 mg of calcium would theoretically reduce iron absorption, whereas no

additional effect would be observed if the meal already contained more than 300 mg of

calcium (Hallberg 1998).

f. Timing Schedules of Iron and Calcium Intake: The timing of calcium consumption in

relation to iron is another factor to consider when assessing this nutrient-nutrient

interaction. In a study by Gleerup et al., iron absorption from two 10 day periods were

compared when the same amount of dietary calcium was distributed either during



breakfast and an evening snack (meals that typically contain low amounts of iron) or

more evenly throughout the day. Results from this study revealed that approximately

45% more iron (0.44 mg) was absorbed when calcium was ingested with low iron meals

as opposed to high iron containing meals. The authors estimate that if this additional

amount of iron was absorbed, it could reduce iron deficiency by 14% in many young

women (Gleerup, Rossander-Hulthen et al. 1995).

2.5.2 Mechanism of Iron and Calcium’s Nutrient-Nutrient Interaction

Nutrients with chemical similarities can compete for transport proteins or other uptake

mechanisms, which can hinder their absorption. The quantitative consequences of these

interactions often depends on the relative concentrations of the nutrients available for absorption

(Sandstrom 2001). The exact mechanism by which calcium negatively affects the absorption of

iron is unknown. However, there are 2 possible explanations for this nutrient-nutrient interaction

(Whiting 1995):

a. Interference on the Mucosal Surface of the Small Intestine: Since both heme and

nonheme iron are absorbed by different receptors on the mucosal surface of the upper

small intestine, inhibition by calcium must be located within the mucosal cell at some

transfer step common to both forms of iron (Hallberg 1998).

b. Transfer between the Enterocyte and Plasma: Calcium may inhibit the transfer of iron

from the enterocyte to the plasma since both heme and nonheme iron absorption are

affected. These two dietary forms of iron enter the duodenal enterocytes via separate

pathways, but are thought to form a common cellular pool prior to being transferred to

the plasma. It is in this cellular pool where calcium is believed to negatively interact with

iron (Lynch 2000).



2.5.3 Other Nutrient-Nutrient Interactions of Importance

Interactions between other micronutrients include:

a. Calcium and Zinc: A high intake of calcium can have a negative impact on zinc

absorption. This is because calcium and zinc both compete for the divalent cation

channel across the brush border membrane of the small intestine. However, for this

adverse interaction to occur, the ratio of calcium to zinc would need to be 20:1 to 50:1 by

weight. This interaction is especially important for infants and children that have a diet

marginally adequate in zinc (Abrams and Atkinson 2003).

b. Iron and Zinc: Due to similar absorption and transport mechanisms, it is currently

believed that iron and zinc compete for absorptive pathways (Fischer Walker, Kordas et

al. 2005). Studies examining iron fortification have found a negative effect on zinc

absorption, but only when the iron: zinc molar ratio is equal to or greater than 25:1

(Lutter and Dewey 2003). In many developing countries, where infants and children are

often deficient in both of these nutrients, this nutrient-nutrient interaction further

complicates treatment programs (Chang, El Arifeen et al. ; Domellof 2007).

2.6 Strategies for Preventing and Treating Micronutrient Deficiencies

2.6.1 Strategies for Preventing and Treating Micronutrient Deficiencies

Despite the high global prevalence and devastating consequences of micronutrient

deficiencies, the same 3 approaches to control them have remained for the last 3 decades. They

include (Latham, Ash et al. 2003):

a. Dietary Diversification: Food-based approaches represent the most desirable method of

preventing micronutrient deficiencies (WHO, UNICEF et al. 2001). The objectives of

this approach are to improve the availability, access, and utilization of foods that contain



a high content and bioavailability of micronutrients throughout the year. In order to

effectively implement this strategy, changes in food production practices, food selection,

and traditional household methods of preparing and processing foods are needed.

Moreover, knowledge of the local dietary patterns, food beliefs, and the ability to change

attitudes and practices are also required on the part of organizations promoting this

agenda (Gibson and Hotz 2001). To accomplish these tasks, dietary diversification

strategies must be supported with nutrition education and communication programs.

Nutrition education programs help consumers understand the association between the

food consumed and nutritional status, while communication programs create demand for

and increased consumption of available micronutrient-rich foods (Tontisirin, Nantel et al.

2002; Verrall and Gray-Donald 2005). In developing countries, providing a diet that is

nutritionally adequate and safe for children 6 to 24 months of age is difficult to achieve

(Mensah and Tomkins 2003). This is because the majority of complementary foods

consumed are based on plants, cereals, or roots that have a low micronutrient content,

poor micronutrient bioavailability, and contain high amounts of phytates, oxalates,

dietary fibre, and polyphenols that are known to inhibit the absorption of iron, calcium,

and zinc (Gibson, Ferguson et al. 1998; Lind, Lonnerdal et al. 2003; Mensah and

Tomkins 2003). With many families in the developing world not having the financial

capacity to change their diets and program implementers having difficulty in achieving

behavioural changes in consumption patterns, it is unlikely that dietary diversification

strategies will have an impact on alleviating micronutrient deficiencies in the near future

(Latham, Ash et al. 2003; Hurrell, Lynch et al. 2004; Santika, Fahmida et al. 2009). As a

result of these setbacks, the WHO has raised concerns about the ability of local



complementary foods to meet the requirements of iron, calcium, and zinc in developing

countries (Lutter 2003).

b. Food Fortification: Fortified foods are products that have their original composition

modified via the addition of an essential micronutrient. The purpose of enriching a food

item is to guarantee an adequate intake of micronutrients that are otherwise lacking in the

diet of the general public (Shamah and Villalpando 2006). At the global level, many

staples such as wheat, flour, salt, sugar and other condiments have been enriched with

iron, vitamin A, iodine, and other micronutrients. In addition to being able to enrich a

variety of foods with micronutrients, food fortification is also appealing because it is the

most cost-effective and sustainable approach to eliminating micronutrient deficiencies

(Salgueiro, Zubillaga et al. 2002). Moreover, specific segments of the population can be

targeted with fortification programs. Regarding infants and children, infant formulas and

cereal-based complementary foods have already been enriched with iron in some

countries (Hurrell, Lynch et al. 2004). However, salt iodization (which was adopted

worldwide in 1990) is often cited as the most successful fortification programme to date.

Currently, iodized salt is available to 1.5 billion consumers and prevents millions of

children from developing neurological disorders each year (Shamah and Villalpando

2006). Conditions required for successful fortification vary depending on the foods

primarily consumed in a country and the nutrients being considered for enrichment.

Moreover, fortification programmes must be supported by adequate food regulations and

labelling, quality assurance and monitoring to ensure shelf-life and sufficient levels of

micronutrients, public education, compliance, and desired effect (Sanghvi, Dary et al.

2007). This, in turn, requires a committed partnership between governmental

organizations, the foods industry, the scientific community, and consumers (Tontisirin,



Nantel et al. 2002). Foods that are regularly consumed by those greatest at risk of

developing a deficiency (often children and women in poor families), are affordable, and

have a high stability and bioavailability of the micronutrients added are factors to

consider when choosing a food item to enrich (Latham, Ash et al. 2003; Baltussen, Knai

et al. 2004). Within the developing world, constraints that have plagued fortification

programmes include: their effectiveness in young children since the consumption of an

enriched food is often not enough to significantly increase the intake of the specific

micronutrient, accessibility of target populations (especially those living in rural areas

who lack access to the centrally processed fortified foods), cost effectiveness since most

enriched foods are often only affordable to the middle and high-income earning families

who are not always at risk of micronutrient deficiencies, less developed commercial

markets and technology, and low consumer awareness and demand (Mora 2002;

Baltussen, Knai et al. 2004; Sanghvi, Dary et al. 2007).

c. Medicinal Supplementation: Supplementation involves the distribution of a

micronutrient, often through a healthcare system, in the form of a pill, liquid, or injection.

Administration of the medicinal supplement may include periodic mega-doses (at

intervals of 4 to 24 months) or regular provision (daily or at frequent intervals) of

medicinal amounts that are greater than the recommended daily intakes (Latham, Ash et

al. 2003). Although identified as the most effective strategy for populations that have a

high prevalence of a micronutrient deficiency and in target groups where the requirement

for a nutrient is difficult to attain through normal dietary means, supplementation

programmes can be difficult to implement (Latham, Ash et al. 2003; Hettiarachchi,

Liyanage et al. 2008). Poor compliance, low participation rates (especially when

supplements are administered over a long period of time), and high costs of delivery



systems to reach those at risk are common concerns in medicinal supplementation

programmes (Latham, Ash et al. 2003). Concerning the developing world, iron

supplementation is the most common strategy used to control iron deficiency and treat

IDA (WHO, UNICEF et al. 2001; Mungen 2003). The target groups in these countries

are often women of childbearing age, infants older than 6 months, preschool children, and

adolescent girls (WHO, UNICEF et al. 2001). Calcium supplementation studies have

also been conducted in developing countries and have shown a beneficial effect on bone

mineral acquisition and treating rickets in children (Dibba, Prentice et al. 2000;

Oramasionwu, Thacher et al. 2008). However, populations in developing countries often

experience multiple micronutrient deficiencies (such as iron, vitamin A, zinc, calcium,

riboflavin, etc...) and, thus, more appropriate measures to address all of these concerns

are needed (Solon, Sarol et al. 2003; Jamil, Rahman et al. 2008).

2.6.2 Multiple Micronutrient Powder (MNP) Formulation – “Sprinkles Home-Fortification”

A review of the 3 commonly used micronutrient deficiency strategies conducted by the

WB found that they all had significant problems hindering their feasibility. The concerns

included a lack of appropriate consumer demand, lack of access and appropriate delivery system

for poor and isolated populations, and a lack of honest, efficient, and technically competent

regulatory systems for fortification programmes specifically (Latham, Ash et al. 2003). Home-

fortifications using MNPs provides a fourth approach that differs from medicinal

supplementation in that several micronutrients can be provided at one time, several micronutrient

deficiencies can be controlled for with a single intervention, the micronutrients are provided in

physiologic amounts and not mega-doses, and the MNPs can be purchased in a marketplace

rather than obtaining them through a healthcare provider. This strategy is also appealing because



it requires little change in dietary practices and, thus, allows families to continue using

complementary foods that they are accustomed to feeding their children. Lastly, the cost of

home-fortification products are typically lower than that of commercially produced

complementary foods, which makes them more accessible to the poor segments of a population

(Dewey 2007).

Sprinkles single-dose sachets are a micronutrient powder (MNP) that were developed at

the Hospital for Sick Children by Dr. Stanley Zlotkin. The contents of each sachet are sprinkled

onto any complementary homemade or unfortified food in a process referred to as “home

fortification” (Zlotkin 2004). The iron (ferrous fumarate) found in each sachet is encapsulated

with a thin lipid layer to prevent it from interacting with food it is added to and minimizes

changes to the taste, colour, and texture of the food. In addition to iron, other essential

micronutrients such as zinc, iodine, vitamin C, D, and A, and folic acid can be added to each

Sprinkles sachet (Sharieff, Horton et al. 2006). Regarding the efficacy, bioavailability,

acceptability, and safety of Sprinkles, numerous community-based clinical trials have been

conducted in North America (Canada and Mexico), South America (Bolivia), Asia (Pakistan,

India, Bangladesh, and Cambodia), and Africa (Ghana) to assess these factors. Regarding

efficacy, Sprinkles usage was associated with a 58% cure rate of anemia in a malarial endemic

area of Ghana. Several other trials in non-malarial regions found cure rates much higher with up

to 91% of participants displaying a statistically significant increase in their mean hemoglobin

level (Zlotkin and Tondeur 2007). Bioavailability of the microencapsulated iron and zinc in

Sprinkles was determined in stable-isotope studies. The results from these experiments found

that both iron and zinc in Sprinkles are adequately absorbed with IDA infants absorbing iron

approximately twice as efficiently as iron deficient non-anemic infants. From these studies it



was also found that 12.5 mg of iron per day given in the form Sprinkles for 2 months was

adequate for treating anemia. Although the majority of these clinical studies had small to

moderate sample sizes (62 to 557 infants), several large-scale studies have been conducted to

assess its effectiveness. From 2001 to 2004, 15,000 Mongolian children (6 months to 3 years of

age) were given Sprinkles containing vitamin D and iron. In partnership with a non-

governmental organization (World Vision Canada), distribution was found to be

programmatically feasible and well accepted by the target-population and caregivers (Zlotkin

and Tondeur 2007). No cultural barriers were identified that would hinder the use of Sprinkles

and the prevalence of anemia decreased from 46 to 25% within program areas. There was also a

significant reduction in vitamin D induced rickets (from 43 to 33%) observed in this study.

More recent large-scale projects conducted in Pakistan and Bangladesh found similar successful

results with anemia being reduced from 86 to 51% and 77 to 38% respectively. Compliance in

both studies was high with 73% of Pakistani and 88% of Bangladeshi participants consuming the

sachets accordingly. The high acceptability and adherence of Sprinkles is attributed to its

simplicity (you do not need to be literate to use it and there are no special utensils required to

handle it) and because it does not change the taste, colour, and consistency of the food to which

it is added. Approximately 70% of the total Sprinkles sachets assigned to each child during

study trials have been consumed and specific questionnaires to assess its acceptability by

mothers found that the majority of them liked the product. Safety is another important factor to

consider when assessing a health intervention, especially with iron since excessive amounts can

be lethal. However, the potential for an iron overdose with Sprinkles is unlikely because

numerous individual sachets (approximately 20) would need to be opened and consumed for this

to occur. Other advantages of the Sprinkles MNP strategy include its weight (sachets are

lightweight making them simple to store, transport, and distribute), storage (Sprinkles have a



long shelf-life even in hot or humid environments, roughly 2 years), and cost (ranging from

$0.015 to 0.035 USD per sachet depending on the volume produced and production site) (Zlotkin

and Tondeur 2007).



Chapter 3.0 Rationale, Objectives, and Hypothesis

3.1 Rationale

With IDA and dietary calcium deficiency both prevalent in the Bangladeshi pediatric

population, it is imperative that an effective intervention and prevention strategy be developed to

limit the impact of these disorders. Currently, very few studies have been conducted on the

nutrient-nutrient interaction between calcium and iron in healthy children, and none to our

knowledge have examined its effect on infants diagnosed with anemia (Ames, Gorham et al.

1999). Moreover, the studies performed were in developed countries, often short-term (single-

meal) trials, used interventions that are not readily available in the developing world (iron-

fortified infant formula), and included healthy subjects with adequate iron and calcium intakes

(Dalton, Sargent et al. 1997; Hallberg 1998; Ames, Gorham et al. 1999; Lynch 2000). Although

highly informative, many of the conditions do not adequately reflect the realities seen in most

developing nations.

Previous studies have clearly established that the provision of Sprinkles MNP (containing

iron) to anemic infants for 2 or 6 months will result in beneficial outcomes when assessing their

Hb status. Sprinkles MNP is also a cost-effective and easy to use home-fortification vehicle

whereby iron and calcium can both be delivered to an individual deficient in these nutrients.

Interestingly, the combination of iron and calcium in a single intervention has never been

assessed in the developing world and the Sprinkles formulation has never included calcium

(Zlotkin and Tondeur 2007). In this study, we incorporated both calcium and iron in the

Sprinkles MNP formulation.



3.2 Objectives

a. Primary Objective: To compare the Hb status of infants age 6-11 months with anemia

(likely due to iron deficiency) who are receiving Sprinkles MNP (containing iron) with

and without calcium.

b. Secondary Objective: To investigate whether the calcium AI can be achieved in anemic

infants (age 6-11 months) via calcium and iron-containing Sprinkles without interfering

with the absorption of iron.

3.3 Hypothesis

a. Hypothesis #1: The reversal of anemia through the use of iron-containing Sprinkles will

not be depressed by the concurrent provision of calcium in children with anemia.

b. Hypothesis #2: It is possible to meet the recommendations for calcium intake in anemic

infants (age 6-11 months) through a combination of dietary sources including a new

Sprinkles iron and calcium formula.



Chapter 4.0 Thesis Study

4.1 Introduction

Evidence suggests that micronutrient deficiencies might be associated with problems in

early development and behaviour (Grantham-McGregor and Ani 2001). Iron deficiency is the

most common nutritional deficiency in the world and is considered a major cause of anemia,

particularly during infancy and early childhood when there is rapid growth and high nutritional

demand (Stoltzfus 2001; UNICEF 2001; Zlotkin 2003; Zlotkin, Arthur et al. 2003; Dewey 2007).

In terms of absolute numbers, the World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations

Children’s Fund (UNICEF) estimate that approximately 750 million children suffer from iron

deficiency anemia (IDA), with the majority coming from developing countries (Stoltzfus 2001;

Yip 2002; Shamah and Villalpando 2006). Less is known about the prevalence of calcium

deficiency, but epidemiological studies and supplementation trials in both developed and

developing countries suggest low calcium intake among infants and children (Thacher, Fischer et

al. 1999; Flynn 2003; Pettifor 2004; Combs, Hassan et al. 2008). This leads to the consensus

that both iron and calcium deficiency are major public health problems (Viteri 1997; UNICEF

2001; Flynn 2003; WHO 2004; Pettifor 2008).

In low income countries, providing a diet that is nutritionally adequate and safe for

children 6 to 24 months of age is difficult to achieve (Mensah and Tomkins 2003). This is

because the majority of complementary foods consumed are based on plants, cereals, or roots

that have a low micronutrient content, poor micronutrient bioavailability, and contain high

amounts of phytates, oxalates, dietary fibre, and polyphenols which are known inhibiters of iron

and calcium (Gibson, Ferguson et al. 1998; Lind, Lonnerdal et al. 2003; Mensah and Tomkins

2003). Due to these conditions, the WHO has raised concerns about the ability of local

complementary foods to meet the dietary requirements of iron and calcium (Lutter 2003). This,



in turn, has helped push the agenda for supplementation, food fortification, and home-

fortification strategies to guarantee the adequate intake of micronutrients that are otherwise

lacking in the diet of the general public (Latham, Ash et al. 2003; Shamah and Villalpando 2006;

Dewey 2007; Hettiarachchi, Liyanage et al. 2008).

Most randomized controlled supplementation trials have examined the effect of single

nutrients, either iron or calcium, on infants’ development and behaviour. Short-term studies

examining iron supplementation among anemic infants have shown no differences in motor or

mental performance (Black, Baqui et al. 2004). Conversely, long-term iron supplementation

trials have shown a significant improvement in children’s development and behaviour

(Idjradinata and Pollitt 1993; Stoltzfus, Kvalsvig et al. 2001; Lozoff, De Andraca et al. 2003).

Calcium supplementation studies have also shown beneficial effects on reducing bone fractures,

hypertension, and rickets in children (Appel, Moore et al. 1997; Cumming and Nevitt 1997;

Obarzanek and Moore 1999; Thacher, Fischer et al. 1999; Shea, Wells et al. 2002; Pettifor 2004;

Combs, Hassan et al. 2008).

Although single nutrient studies allow investigators to isolate the effects associated with

specific nutrients, infants with low-nutrient diets often have multiple deficiencies (Black, Baqui

et al. 2004; Borwankar, Sanghvi et al. 2007). There is a large body of literature supporting an

inhibitory effect of dietary calcium on iron absorption (Kletzein 1935; Greig 1952; Barton,

Conrad et al. 1983; Deehr, Dallal et al. 1990; Hallberg, Brune et al. 1991; Preziosi, Hercberg et

al. 1994; Gleerup, Rossander-Hulthen et al. 1995), however, very few of these studies were

conducted in a pediatric population and none to our knowledge have examined this nutrient-

nutrient interaction in infants diagnosed with anemia and calcium deficiency. Moreover, the

studies performed were in developed countries, often short-term (single-meal) trials, used

interventions that are not readily available in the developing world (iron-fortified infant



formula), and included healthy subjects with adequate iron and calcium intakes (Dalton, Sargent

et al. 1997; Hallberg 1998; Ames, Gorham et al. 1999; Lynch 2000). Although highly

informative, many of the conditions do not adequately reflect the realities seen in most

developing countries.

Sprinkles is an innovative home-fortification strategy to increase the dietary intake of

iron and other micronutrients in complementary foods with no significant changes in their

colour, flavour, or taste (Schauer and Zlotkin 2003; Zlotkin, Antwi et al. 2003). Community-

based trials have shown that using Sprinkles multi-micronutrient powder (MNP) containing iron,

Vitamin A, zinc, Vitamin C, and folic acid over an 8 week period either once/day, weekly, or

flexibly can treat anemic infants and young children aged 6 to 24 months (Zlotkin, Schauer et al.

2005; Christofides, Asante et al. 2006; Hyder, Haseen et al. 2007; Ip, Hyder et al. 2009).

Interestingly, the Sprinkles MNP formulation has never included calcium (Zlotkin and Tondeur


In this study, calcium was incorporated in the Sprinkles MNP formulation. Our primary

objective was to compare the hemoglobin (Hb) status of infants’ age 6 to 11 months with anemia

that are receiving Sprinkles MNP (containing iron) with and without calcium. Our secondary

objective was to investigate whether calcium intake can be increased to its AI in anemic infants

(age 6-11 months) via calcium and iron-containing Sprinkles without interfering in the

absorption of iron.

4.2 Methods

4.2.1 Study Setting

The study was conducted in 26 villages of Kaliganj, a rural sub-district in the Gazipur

region of Bangladesh, from April to June 2010. Kaliganj is situated approximately 40 km

northeast of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, and is a fair representation of rural Bangladesh



with its high population density, fertile agricultural land, susceptibility to seasonal flooding, and

limited access to healthcare and education services. Similar to other rural settings of

Bangladesh, the study area is known to have widespread malnutrition and poverty, with women

and children bearing most of the burden. Kaliganj is not malaria or hookworm endemic,

(hookworm affects fewer than 2% of children under the age of 2), but does have a high

prevalence of anemia (approximately 72%) among infants 6 months of age (Shakur, Choudhury

et al.).

4.2.2 Study Collaborative Partner – BRAC

The study was conducted as collaborative project between the Hospital for Sick Children

and BRAC (formerly known as the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee). BRAC was

founded in Bangladesh in 1972 as a development organization dedicated to alleviating poverty

by empowering the poor. Currently, it operates in 9 countries across Africa and Asia, provides

services and conducts research in human rights, education, healthcare, social and economic

empowerment, finance and enterprise development, agriculture, environmental sustainability,

and disaster preparedness. What makes BRAC an effective collaborative partner is its reach.

With a staff size of over 60,000 and an additional 60,000 self-employed health, agricultural, and

teaching agents/volunteers, BRAC is the largest development organization in the world and

reaches an estimated 110 million people (BRAC 2010). Our study was implemented with the

help of the Research and Evaluation Division of BRAC.

4.2.3 Study Subjects

Infants were recruited from a survey of 32 villages in the Kaliganj sub-district. Over 350

infants were screened, but only 100 were selected based on the following inclusion criteria:

• Age 6 to 11 months at baseline

• Hb concentration between 70 to 100 g/L



• No history of iron or calcium supplementation prior to 2 weeks of recruitment

• Free from acute or chronic illnesses and afebrile

• Consuming complementary food in addition to breastmilk at least once per day

• Residing in the study area for the given study period

• Obtained written informed consent from each infant’s mother after providing a

detailed explanation of the study

Children with an Hb concentration <70g/L or >100 g/L, presenting with any chronic illness, or

severely malnourished (weight-for-age Z-score <-3 of the WHO growth standard) were excluded

from the study. All infants diagnosed with severe anemia (Hb < 70 g/L) were referred to a local

healthcare facility for treatment.

4.2.4 Ethical Approval

Ethics approval for the study was obtained from the Research Ethics Committees at the

Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto, Canada) and BRAC University (Dhaka, Bangladesh).

Consent to conduct the study in each village was obtained from village leaders and elders, while

individual consent was obtained from the mothers of the infants participating in the study.

4.2.5 Multi-micronutrient Powder (MNP) Formulations

Two formulations of Sprinkles MNP were used in the study. The composition of the

control treatment included iron, ascorbic acid, folic acid, zinc, and vitamin A. The composition

of the intervention treatment included the same micronutrients, but with the addition of calcium.

The level of nutrients used in both treatments is based on previous bioavailability and dose-

response studies using Sprinkles MNP and the Recommended Nutrient Intakes (RNI) published

by the WHO/FAO and Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) of the IOM (Lutter and Dewey 2003;

Zlotkin and Tondeur 2007). The micronutrient dosages used in these formulations did not



exceed the tolerable upper intake level set by the IOM (Zlotkin and Tondeur 2007). Fortitech

Inc. was responsible for the product formulation and Renata Inc. conducted the production and

quality control of the MNPs used in the study.

Table 4.2.5: Sprinkles MNP formulations used for the control and intervention treatments

Micronutrient Sprinkles MNP Control Sprinkles MNP Intervention

Iron 12.5 mg 12.5 mg

Zinc 5 mg 5 mg

Folic Acid 160 ug 160 ug

Vitamin A 300 ug RE 300 ug RE

Vitamin C 30 mg 30 mg

Calcium 0 mg 400 mg

Note: calcium carbonate and ferrous fumarate are the forms of calcium and iron used

4.2.6 Sample Size

The sample size calculation is based on the primary outcome of the study, a change in Hb

concentration. With a type I error of 5% and a power of 90%, a total of 100 infants (50 per

treatment group) were needed for the study. This sample size was designed to detect group

differences of 10.5 g/L Hb with a standard deviation of 15.1 g/L Hb within groups. Moreover, it

allowed for a dropout rate of 10%.



Table 4.2.6: Sample size calculation using different parameters

Mean & SD 80% Power + 10% Attrition

90% Power +10% Attrition

109.8 vs. 99.3

(SD 15.1)





Note: mean and standard deviations were taken from a Sprinkles study (Ip, Hyder et al. 2009) assessing infants from Bangladesh of the same age and health status. 4.2.7 Study Design

The study was a randomized, double-blinded, controlled trial with an intervention period

of 8 weeks. Infants were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatment groups after completing the

baseline assessment. As it would be unethical to provide a placebo to a child with anemia, we

did not include a placebo control. Individual randomization was done with sealed opaque

envelopes containing treatment group designations that were generated randomly by computer

with Microsoft Excel 2007 (Microsoft Corporation, Seattle). Sprinkles MNP sachets were also

labeled with one of two codes to indicate the formulation inside. All individuals involved in the

study (including parents, field workers, and research staff) were blinded to group assignments

and Sprinkles MNP sachets codes until the completion of the study. The primary outcome of the

study was change in Hb concentration and secondary outcomes included infant dietary

assessment using a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ) and 24-Hours Recall questionnaire

(with special emphasis on calcium and iron intake), treatment adherence, and side-effects

(diarrhea, darker stools, etc.).

4.2.8 Study Logistics, Data Collection, and Compliance

The study was conducted in 3 consecutive phases. All staff who participated in the study

were hired and trained by the principal researcher (PR; Waqas Ullah Khan). In addition to hiring



and training the research staff, all training manuals, study questionnaires, and self-coaching

guides were developed by the PR. The PR was also responsible for devising and overseeing the

implementation of the study and performing all study-related analyses (WAZ-scores and dietary

intakes). All data collected was reviewed by the PR, and field managers to check for accuracy

and completion. All research staff were females to accommodate cultural sensitivities when

interacting with and interviewing the mothers of the participating infants.

a. Community Mobilization and Recruitment Phase: Between March and April 2010, the

first phase of the study was completed with the successful mobilization of 26

villages/communities and recruitment of 100 infants. Community mobilization and

approval were obtained through discussions with thana (sub-district) executives, thana

nirbahi officer (TNO), and village elders and leaders. The study’s PR, research

assistant/translator (RA), and field managers were responsible for completing this task.

Recruitment was based on the study’s inclusion criteria and completion of baseline

questionnaires, which focused on mother and infant anthropometric measurements, infant

Hb measurement, infant dietary intake using a FFQ and 24-Hour Recall, infant

breastfeeding practices, demographic information, and socioeconomic status (SES; see

Appendix A). Immediately following recruitment, each infant was assigned an

identification code and randomized to receive 1 of 2 interventions. Randomization was

carried out by the PR and RA, while the baseline data collection was performed by the

study’s data collectors (DCs) and field managers.

b. Intervention Phase: The second phase of the study was the 8-week intervention, which

lasted from April to June 2010. The intervention phase focused on the weekly

distribution of Sprinkles MNP sachets to the mothers of the infants participating in the



study and the completion of a “Monitoring, Morbidity, and Compliance Questionnaire”

(see Appendix B). Community health workers (CHWs) were hired and used to perform

these tasks. Sprinkles MNP sachets were distributed weekly along with the

administration of a short questionnaire to better monitor the adherence and safety of the

treatments. To test for compliance, mothers of participating infants were asked to return

both used and unused sachets from the previous week before receiving their new

consignment. At the end of each week, a child-proof zip-lock bag containing the

Sprinkles MNP treatment was distributed and the old bag was collected. During the

week, a CHW would visit each mother every other day to coach them on how to use the

MNP, reinforce the importance of their child consuming the MNP, and inquire about the

infant’s health. On the days that the mothers were not seen, a self-coaching guide using

pictures and a compliance calendar were created and distributed to ensure proper use of

the Sprinkles MNP and adherence (See Appendix C). CHWs handled questions when

possible, while the PR and field managers helped with problem cases. All CHWs were

hired from villages participating in the study, which helped build trust and rapport among

the communities involved. The rationale for using different workers during the

community mobilization and intervention phase was to eliminate any study biases and

ensure blinding procedures were maintained.

c. End-line Data Collection: The third phase of the study was dedicated to collecting each

infant’s final blood sample for Hb concentration post-treatment, dietary information

using a FFQ and 24-Hour Recall questionnaire, and their anthropometric measurements

along with their mother’s (see Appendix D for end-line questionnaires). This phase took



approximately 2 weeks to complete and was performed (after being re-trained) by the

DCs used in the study’s initial phase.

4.2.9 Anthropometric and Biochemical Measurements

Anthropometric and biochemical measurements were completed during baseline and end-

line study visits. An adjustable wooden length-board was used to measure height to the nearest

0.1 cm with mothers standing in an upright position and infants lying horizontally on the board.

All weight measurements were performed using the UNISCALE (UNICEF Supply Division,

Copenhagen, Denmark), which is accurate to 100g. Mothers were weighed both separately and

with their infants to determine infant weight. To exclude individual variation, all anthropometric

measurements were performed twice and taken by the same 3 DCs. The anthropometric data and

age of the child were used to calculate the weight-for-age Z-score (WAZ) using the WHO

Anthro version 3.0.1 software package (WHO Anthro 2010, Geneva Switzerland). Children with

a WAZ score of -3 or less were classified as severely underweight, excluded from the study, and

referred to a local healthcare facility for further assessment. Hb was the only biochemical

measurement performed in the study and was assessed on capillary blood obtained from a finger

prick using aseptic techniques. Hb concentration was determined directly in the field using a

portable HemoCue B-Hemoglobin photometer (Hemocue, Angelholm, Sweden) by trained DCs

using standardized techniques (Cohen and Seidl-Friedman 1988). Anemia was defined as an Hb

concentration between 70 to 100 g/L.

4.2.10 Study Questionnaires

Questionnaires were developed to collect information on socioeconomic status (SES),

personal characteristics, dietary intake and food habit, and child morbidity, mortality, and

treatment compliance. All questionnaires were written in English, translated into Bangla, back-



translated into English, and pre-tested before finalization. The data were collected by face-to-

face interviews in the home of each participating infant.

a. Demographic and SES Questionnaire (see Appendix A): Household data were collected

only at baseline to determine possible maternal, familial, and SES factors associated with

infant HB concentration and dietary intake. Mothers were asked about their age, level of

education, the number of live children they have, the study participant’s birth order,

household food sharing practices, number of individuals residing in their home, money

available for purchasing food, and the availability of water and electricity. Background

information on the household SES focused on the number of income earners residing in

the home, the main source of household income, home ownership, household

landholding, and perceived household economic status. To obtain information on

perceived economic status, mothers were asked whether they considered their

household’s situation in the preceding year to have been always in deficit, occasionally in

deficit, balanced, better than balanced, or surplus. A household was categorized as in

“deficit” if the mother answered either always or occasionally in deficit. The

questionnaire used in the study was based on the “Food Security and Nutrition

Surveillance Project” (FSNSP) survey developed by Hellen Keller International and

BRAC University.

b. Dietary Questionnaires (see Appendix A): Infant food consumption was assessed by FFQ

and 24-Hour Recall methods at both baseline and end-line. The FFQ was designed to

collect information on the intakes of foods likely to provide iron and calcium in infants 6

to 11 months of age. Foods included in the FFQ were taken from the “Tables of Nutrient

Composition of Bangladesh Foods” and input was obtained from village families with a 6

to 11 month old infant (International. and Programme. 1988). Both the FFQ and 24-Hour



Recall were pretested with 10 mothers with infants of the same age range who were

recruited from a local slum. The 24-Hour Recall and FFQ were created in tandem to

make sure that the FFQ included all the foods eaten. The final FFQ contained 279 food

items (spanning 15 food categories) and was designed to record what and how much food

was consumed during the past month, week, and day. A blank box was provided on both

the FFQ and 24-Hour Recall for recording foods and portion sizes other than those stated.

Additionally, questions were asked on the use of vitamin and mineral supplements and

whether the questionnaires were administered on a typical day. Regarding the 24-Hour

Recall questionnaire specifically, standardized measuring utensils including cups and

spoons were used to determine the estimated portion sizes of food consumed by each

infant. Mothers were asked to measure their food by themselves in front of a DC and

were requested to report the foods consumed at morning, mid-morning, lunch, evening,

and night. Information regarding the type of food, recipes of home-prepared foods, and

any brand-name products used were also asked. The recorded food items were coded by

the DCs and the equivalent weight of raw food was calculated using a conversion table

for Bangladeshi foods developed by Hellen Keller International (International. and

Programme. 1988). The nutritional content for a single feeding of breast milk was also

provided in this table and mixed dishes were disaggregated into individual foods prior to

analysis. To correct for errors, the PR, RA, and field managers thoroughly checked the

measured and coded items for accuracy and completion. In order to analyze the calcium

and iron micronutrient content of foods, data collected from the 24-Hour Recall was

cross-referenced with the “Tables of Nutrient Composition of Bangladesh Foods”

database (International. and Programme. 1988) by using Microsoft Excel 2007 (Microsoft



Corporation, Seattle). These values were than compared with the RNIs provided by the

FAO/WHO for calcium and iron (WHO 2002).

c. Morbidity, Mortality, and Compliance Questionnaire (see Appendix B): Throughout the

8-week intervention phase, a weekly morbidity, mortality, and compliance questionnaire

was conducted. During the home visits, mothers were asked if their infant experienced

any episodes of fever, coughing, difficulty breathing, nausea vomiting, loose motion,

constipation, black stool, and lack of appetite over the past week. Treatment side-effects

including nausea, vomiting, retching or dry heaves stool consistency concerns, and stool

colour changes within the past 12 hours were also asked of the mothers. Compliance was

assessed by counting the number of used and unused Sprinkles MNP sachets provided

from the preceding week and through specific questions regarding the sharing and daily

use of sachets.

4.2.11 Statistical Analysis

All data forms collected were manually checked for completeness, consistency, and range

before entered into the storage database. Data cleaning was performed at the BRAC head office

in Dhaka and subsequently in Toronto. Completed forms were coded and data were analyzed

using SAS (version 9.1; SAS Institute Inc., Carey, North Carolina) statistical software.

Statistical analyses were performed on an intention-to-treat basis. A one-sample Kolmogorov-

Smirnov test was used to determine whether the change in Hb concentration from baseline to

end-line, the main outcome measure, and other continuous variables collected were normally

distributed. To compare the change in mean Hb concentration, dietary intake of calcium and

iron, reported health complications, treatment adherence, anthropometric measurements, and

SES and demographic characteristics between groups, independent samples Student’s t-tests (on

continuous variables) and chi-square tests (for categorical variables) were performed. Pearson



and Spearman correlation matrices were generated to identify continuous and non-normal

variables associated with the difference in Hb concentration between treatment groups.

Differences between the groups in terms of Hb, anthropometric measurements, and other factors

potentially affecting Hb values at the baseline and end-line were assessed by ANOVA (Proc

GLM). An interaction between treatment group and baseline Hb were entered in the final model

to examine whether the difference in Hb was independently associated with treatment group and

Hb baseline status, or whether baseline Hb status modifies the association between the difference

in Hb and treatment group. The effect of potential confounding variables was assessed for all

models. Hb concentration was treated as a dichotomous variable (anemic vs. non-anemic) and

the prevalence of anemia post-treatment was compared between groups using logistic regression.

Linear regression analysis of factors associated with dietary iron and calcium intake was also

conducted. If the distribution of a dependent variable in a linear regression model was skewed,

log transformation was performed. In all analyses, statistical significance was defined as P <


4.3. Results

4.3.1 Study Attrition

Of the 100 children enrolled in the study, 5 (5.0%) were lost to follow-up (Figure 4.3.1).

Losses were similar among the two treatment groups with family migration being the main

cause. Consequently, a total of 95 infants (48 in the control group and 47 in the intervention

group) completed the final assessment, including Hb and anthropometric measurements.

4.3.2 Infant Baseline Characteristics

At baseline, there were no significant differences between infants in the control and

intervention groups (Table The mean infant age for the control and intervention group



was 8.8 (SD 1.6) and 8.7 (SD 1.6) months respectively, with a roughly equal distribution of

children between the ages of 6 to 11 months. Sex, weight, daily dietary intake of calcium and

iron, and birth order were also comparable between the treatment groups. Hb distribution ranged

from 72 to 100 g/L, but the mean value (control group 90.6 ± 6.7, intervention group 90.8 ± 7.8)

did not differ between treatment groups at baseline (Figure Approximately three-

quarters (n = 71; 74.7%) of infants enrolled in the study were underweight (WAZ score < 0), and

only 24 (25.3%) had a WAZ score > 0. Despite a high prevalence of poor nutritional status, all

infants (n = 95) were breastfeeding and consuming complementary foods daily as recommended

by the WHO (WHO 2002).

4.3.3. Household Socio-demographic Characteristics

Household socio-demographic characteristics of the study population are given in Table There were no significant differences among treatment groups based on mother’s age,

BMI, education, and number of children. More than 60 mothers (n = 64, 67.4%) were 25 years

or younger and this was the first child for 37 (38.9%) of them. Information regarding education

was missing for 15 mothers, but for those who did report attending school their distribution was

as follows: 8 (8.4%) with 1 to 4 years, 42 (44.2%) with 5 to 8 years, and 30 (31.6%) with > 9

years of schooling. The average household size was 5.1 (SD 2.2; Range = 3 to 13) in the control

group and 5.8 (SD 2.5; Range = 3 to 13) in the intervention group. Sixty (63.2%) mothers

reported that there was only one income-earning family member, while 19 (20.0%) stated that

there were two, and 16 (16.8%) reported that there were three or more. Household income was

mainly generated from: agriculture (n = 13; 13.7%), business (n = 25; 26.3%), labour (n = 38;

40.0%), fishing/pottery/weaving (n = 2; 2.1%), and other (n = 17; 17.9%) sources. Eighty-eight

mothers (92.6%) reported that their family owned the house they lived in and, when asked about



their economic status, 17 (17.9%) said they were in deficit, 48 (50.5%) said they were balanced,

11 (11.6%) said they were slightly better than balanced, and 19 (20.0%) stated they had an

income surplus. Only 4 mothers (4.2%) reported that less than half of their household income

was used on food, while 36 (37.9%) said approximately half, 50 (52.6%) said more than half,

and 5 (5.3%) said almost all. All families (n = 95) used a tube well/borehole as their main source

of drinking water and none of the mothers reported treating their drinking water.

4.3.4 Primary Outcome: Effects on Hemoglobin Concentration

A significant increase in the mean Hb concentration from baseline to the end of the study

was observed in both the control (Sprinkles MNP containing iron without calcium) (13.3 ± 12.6 g/L;

paired t-test P < 0.0001) and intervention groups (7.6 ± 11.6 g/L; paired t-test P < 0.0001) (Table Figure shows the end-line HB concentration difference within the two treatment

groups. The change in mean Hb concentration was also significantly different between the

groups, with infants who received the control Sprinkles MNP having a higher end-line Hb

concentration than those in the intervention group (5.7 ± 12.1 g/L; unpaired Student’s t-test P =

0.024; Figure

Fifty-three percent (50 of 95) of infants improved from an anemic to a non-anemic state

(Hb > 100 g/L) at the end of the study. The rate of recovery between treatment groups was

significantly higher in the control group (67.7%; 32 of 48 subjects) compared to the intervention

group (38.3%; 18 of 47) (Fisher’s exact test P = 0.008) (Figure After the 2 month

study, infants in the intervention group were more likely to remain anemic (OR 3.2; CI 1.4 - 7.5)

than in the control group.

Correlation matrices were also generated to identify factors associated with the difference

in the change of Hb between treatment groups (Table Baseline Hb (Pearson r = -0.53;



P < 0.0001), baseline dietary iron intake (Pearson r = 0.29; P = 0.004), treatment group

(Spearman’s rho coefficient = -0.25; P = 0.017), and the change in iron intake from baseline to

end-line (Pearson r = -0.24; P = 0.025) were some of the variables significantly correlated with a

change in Hb between treatment groups. Candidate variables were then tested for an association

with the difference in the change of Hb between treatment groups in univariate analyses (Table A final model was then generated using multivariate regression (Table The

variables from this analysis included: baseline Hb (P = 0.004), treatment group (P = 0.019),

baseline iron intake (P = 0.015), and an interaction term (baseline Hb x treatment group; P =


4.3.5 Infant Food Consumption with an Emphasis on Dietary Intake of Iron and Calcium

In this analysis, feeding episodes included all meals reported to have been given by

mothers to their child during the morning, mid-morning, afternoon, evening, and night. The

mean total number of meals per day was 3.6 (SD 1.2) for infants at baseline and 4.0 (SD 1.1) at

end-line. Foods consumed included: cereals which were found in 39.7% of meals at baseline and

38.0% at end-line, meat accounted for 1.4% and 3.5%, dairy products represented 10.9%, and

13.4%, fruits and vegetables were found in 24.4% and 23.6%, and miscellaneous items

accounted for the remaining 24.1% and 21.5% of foods consumed at baseline and end-line

respectively. Regarding the dietary intake of calcium and iron, there was no significant

difference between treatment groups at baseline and end-line. Additionally, the change in

dietary calcium and iron intake within treatment groups did not differ. Comparisons between the

total calcium and iron intakes at baseline and end-line with the WHO RNIs for infants 6-11

months of age are shown in Tables and Both the mean iron and calcium intakes



obtained from the complementary food and breastmilk fell significantly short of the WHO/FAO

recommended amounts at baseline and end-line.

4.3.6 Adherence and Side Effects

Adherence was determined by calculating the percentage of unused sachets out of the

total assigned. On the basis of the combined data from the 8 treatment monitoring visits,

adherence in the control group was 98.1% (SD 3.3%) and 98.4% (SD 2.8%) in the intervention

group. Adherence between the treatment groups was not significantly different. Mothers of

infants who were not adherent gave the following reasons: child developed fever, child vomited,

and child developed loose bowel movement. In the weekly monitoring surveys, none of the

mothers reported giving more than one sachet a day to their child. Giving or sharing the sachets

with a non-study child was also not reported by any of the mothers.

The occurrence of reported side effects between treatment groups was as follows: control

group, 27 of 48 (56.3%) and intervention group 28 of 47 (59.6%). Reported side-effects were

predominantly mild to moderate in nature and consisted of constipation, darkened stool, nausea,

vomiting, and retching.

4.3.7 End-line Anthropometric Characteristics

The mean WAZ scores at the start and end of the study period were similar between

treatment groups. The overall mean baseline and end-line WAZ scores were -0.78 ± 1.19 and

-0.99 ± 1.06 respectively (p>0.05). Although non-significant, there were 8 more infants

diagnosed as underweight at the end of the study when compared to the baseline.

263 excluded (ineligible) 

intervention = 50

2 dropped out 

completedstudy = 48

control = 50  

100 randomized

363 infants screened


3 dropped out

completed study = 47

Figure 4.3.1. Study design and attrition.





Table Infant characteristics at baseline by treatment group

Sprinkles MNP Treatment Group1 Characteristic

Control - MNP without Calcium (n = 48)

Intervention - MNP with Calcium (n = 47)

Age (mo) 8.8 ± 1.6 8.7 ± 1.6

Sex (M/F) 26/22 20/27

Weight (kg) 7.8 ± 1.0 8.1 ± 1.3

Weight-for-age Z-scores -1.0 ± 1.2 -0.6 ± 1.2

Hemoglobin (g/L) 90.6 ± 6.7 90.8 ± 7.8

Daily calcium intake2 (mg) 149 ± 172 184 ± 223

Daily iron intake2 (mg) 3.5 ± 3.0 3.5 ± 3.3

Birth order 2.0 ± 1.0  2.3 ± 1.4

Breastfed (Yes/No) 48/0 47/0

1 Values are mean ± SD. Treatment groups were compared using independent samples Student’s t-tests for all variables except sex, for which a Chi-square test was performed. Groups did not differ for any of the variables (P < 0.05). 2 Data on baseline calcium and iron intake were missing from one subject in each treatment group.


Treatment Group










e H

b (



Figure Box plots of hemoglobin concentration for the two treatment groups at baseline of the study. No significant difference in mean hemoglobin concentration was observed between the two treatment groups. Lower and upper edge, line, and upper edge of the box represent the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles, respectively. Endpoints of lower and upper whiskers represent the minimum and maximum values for hemoglobin concentrations, respectively.





Table Household socio-demographic characteristics by treatment group at baseline

Sprinkles MNP Treatment Group1 Characteristic

Control - MNP without Calcium (n = 48)

Intervention - MNP with Calcium (n = 47)

Mother’s age (years) 23.8 ± 4.1 24.6 ± 6.3

Mother’s BMI (kg/m2) 20.9 ± 3.6 19.9 ± 3.0

Mother’s education2 (total years) 7.5 ± 1.8 7.4 ± 2.4

No. of children 1.6 ± 1.0 1.7 ± 1.1

No. of regular household members

5.1 ± 2.2 5.8 ± 2.5

No. of earning members 1.2 ± 0.7 1.5 ± 1.0

Home ownership (Yes/No) 44/4 44/3

Area of house3 (sq. ft.) 244 ± 132 237 ± 107

Access to electricity (Yes/No) 46/2 39/8

1 Values are mean ± SD. Treatment groups were compared using independent samples Student’s t-tests for all variables except home ownership and access to electricity, for which Chi-square tests were performed. Groups did not differ for any of the variables (P < 0.05). 2 Data on mother’s education was missing from 9 subjects in the control group and 6 subjects in the intervention group. 3 Data on area of house was missing from 4 subjects in the control group and 3 subjects in the intervention group.



Table Hemoglobin concentration and the percentage of non-anemic children by treatment group, at baseline, and after 2 months of treatment1

Sprinkles Treatment Group Characteristic

Control Intervention P-value across groups3

Baseline Hb2 (g/L) 90.6 ± 6.7 90.8 ± 7.8 0.903

End-line Hb2 (g/L) 103.9 ± 9.6 98.3 ± 10.8 0.010

Difference2 (g/L) 13.3 ± 12.6 7.6 ± 11.6 0.024

P-value for difference4

< 0.0001 < 0.0001

Non-anemic infants post-treatment (%)

67 38 0.008

1n values in brackets 2Values are mean ± SD 3Treatment groups were compared using independent samples Student’s t-tests 4Within group analysis performed used paired t-tests

Figure Box plots of hemoglobin concentration for the two treatment groups at end of the study. The observed change in mean hemoglobin concentration within both treatment groups was significant. Lower and upper edge, line, and upper edge of the box represent the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles, respectively. Endpoints of lower and upper whiskers represent the minimum and maximum values for hemoglobin concentrations, respectively. * Paired t-test P < 0.001 for both control and intervention groups.





Figure Box plots of the change in hemoglobin concentration between the two treatment groups. The observed change in mean hemoglobin concentration between the two treatment groups was significant. Lower and upper edge, line, and upper edge of the box represent the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles, respectively. Endpoints of lower and upper whiskers represent the minimum and maximum values for hemoglobin concentrations, respectively. * Unpaired Students’s Test P = 0.024.


Figure Number of children remaining anemic (hemoglobin < 100 g/L) in each group at the end of the 2 month treatment period. * Chi-square P-value 0.0076

Table Correlations between covariates and change in infants’ hemoglobin1

Factor Correlation coefficient P-value

Baseline hemoglobin (g/L) -0.53 < 0.0001

Baseline iron intake (mg) 0.29 0.004

Endline hemoglobin (g/L) 0.83 < 0.0001

Treatment group2 -0.25 0.017

Change in iron intake from baseline to endline (mg)

-0.24 0.025

Sex3 -0.18 0.080

1 Pearson r correlation coefficients are presented for all variables except intervention group and sex, for which Spearman’s rho correlation coefficients are presented 2 Control group = 1, intervention group = 2 3 Male = 1, female = 2





Table Univariate analysis of variables associated with change in infants’ hemoglobin1

Variable Estimate Std Err t-value P-value R2

Baseline iron intake (mg)

1.18 0.40 2.93 0.005 8.3%

Treatment2 (control group)

5.97 2.50 2.38 0.019 5.4%

Baseline haemoglobin (g/L)

-0.91 0.15 -5.98 < 0.0001 27.8%

End-line haemoglobin (g/L)

0.96 0.07 13.40 < 0.0001 66.1%

Change in iron intake from baseline to end-line (mg)

-0.80 0.35 -2.28 0.025 5.8%

1 Separate model for each variable.

2 Control group change in infants’ hemoglobin = 13.3 g/L; intervention group change in infants’ hemoglobin = 7.6 g/L; difference between the two groups = 5.7 g/L.

Table Multivariate analysis of variables associated with change in infants’ hemoglobin1

Variable Estimate Std Err t-value P-value

Baseline haemoglobin (g/L) -0.57 0.19 -3.01 0.003

Treatment2 (control group) 62.50 26.00 2.40 0.018

Baseline iron intake (mg) 0.81 0.34 2.41 0.018

Baseline hemoglobin (g/L) x treatment (control group)

-0.63 0.29 -2.20 0.030

1 All listed variables included in final model; model R2 = 40.8% 2 Control group change in infants’ hemoglobin = 13.1 g/L; intervention group change in infants’ hemoglobin = 7.4 g/L; difference between the two groups = 5.7 g/L



Table Mean baseline iron and calcium nutrient intakes from complementary foods and breastmilk compared with recommended1 nutrient intakes for infants 6 to 11 months of age






iron intake2,3










Control 3.5 ± 3.0

(0 – 14.2)

9.3 38 149.0 ± 172.3

(0 – 678.8)

400 37

Intervention 3.5 ± 3.3

(0 – 18.8)

9.3 38 184.4 ± 223.0

(0.4 – 780)

400 46

1Iron and calcium intake values are means ± SD. 2 Recommended values are AIs based on WHO/FAO values 3 All iron and calcium intake values are represented in mg/day and calculations were based on

24-Hour Recall Questionnaires. The WHO’s recommended dietary allowance for iron (9.3 mg/day) and calcium (400mg/day) for infants 6 to 11 months of age were used to compare with calculated values

Table Mean end-line iron and calcium nutrient intakes from complementary foods and breastmilk compared with recommended nutrient intakes for infants 6 to 11 months of age






iron intake2,3










Control 3.9 ± 3.0

(0.3 – 15.7)

9.3 42 164.7 ± 176.0

(1.2 – 638.2)

400 41

Intervention 4.2 ± 3.4

(0.1 – 14.6)

9.3 45 121.8 ± 143.5

(1.5 – 604.8)

400 30

1Iron and calcium intake values are means ± SD. 2 Recommended values are AIs based on WHO/FAO values 3 All iron and calcium intake values are represented in mg/day and calculations were based on

24-Hour Recall Questionnaires. The WHO’s recommended dietary allowance for iron (9.3 mg/day) and calcium (400mg/day) for infants 6 to 11 months of age were used to compare with calculated values.

Table Proportion of infants who met the WHO’s recommended dietary allowance for iron and adequate intake for calcium based on treatment group1

Proportion of infants (%) Group Baseline Iron End-line Iron Baseline Calcium End-line CalciumControl 4.5 4.5 9.1 13.6

Intervention 2.4 9.5 16.7 4.8

1The WHO’s recommended dietary allowance for iron (9.3 mg/day) and calcium (400mg/day) for infants 6 to 11 months of age were used to compare with calculated values.





4.4 Discussion

There is a large body of literature supporting an inhibitory effect of dietary calcium on

iron absorption. However, to the best of our knowledge, no previous study has examined the

effects of calcium on Hb concentration in a population deficient in both nutrients and in a

developing world setting. We demonstrated a significant increase in mean Hb concentration

from baseline to end-line in both groups, but a significantly lower Hb response in the group

receiving Sprinkles MNP with calcium. The overall rate of successful anemia reversal in the

current study (53%) was comparable to a previous Sprinkles MNP study conducted in a similar

setting and population (53-54%)(Hyder, Haseen et al. 2007).

When comparing the two treatment groups, combined home-fortification with iron and

calcium was found to be less effective in reversing anemia than iron alone (38.3 vs. 67.7%, P =

0.008). This finding was also evident when examining the interaction of calcium and iron

Sprinkles MNP on Hb concentration (P = 0.032). There are many possible explanations for

these observations. In young infants, malaria and Helicobacter pylori have been shown to be

significant contributors to the etiology of anemia, especially in highly endemic areas (Stoltzfus,

Chwaya et al. 2000; Sarker, Mahmud et al. 2008). We believe this was unlikely, however,

because the prevalence of malaria in our study region is known to be low and Helicobacter

pylori infection has been proven to be neither a cause of IDA nor reason for treatment failure of

iron supplementation in young Bangladeshi children (Hyder, Haseen et al. 2007; Sarker,

Mahmud et al. 2008). Differences in baseline Hb concentration, demographic characteristics,

and family SES could also not account for the discrepancy in the change in Hb concentration and

cure rate of anemia as they were comparable between treatment groups. These findings are

similar to those made in a recent national anemia survey that reported villages in the Kaliganj

sub-district to be relatively homogenous with the mean Hb concentration not differing



significantly between sites (Hyder, Haseen et al. 2007). Another possibility is that anemia in

some children might have been due to acute infections or chronic disease rather than iron

deficiency. Endemic infections, such as gastroenteritis or respiratory illnesses, and chronic

diseases can interfere with the utilization of absorbed iron. As a result, children with these

conditions would not be expected to respond to the iron in both treatments (Ahluwalia 1998;

Zlotkin, Arthur et al. 2001). In this study, all infants were screened during enrolment for chronic

diseases and those displaying any signs or symptoms were excluded. Regarding acute infections,

some children became sick during the study. However, these episodes were primarily minor in

nature and, again, there were no significant differences between treatment groups. After

adjusting for age, gender, infant baseline Hb, baseline dietary iron and calcium intake,

demographic characteristics, SES, treatment compliance, side effects, and change in dietary

intake of iron and calcium, the difference in the change in Hb concentration and cure rate of

anemia between treatment groups remained. These results suggest an antagonistic interaction

between iron and calcium.

The site of action and precise molecular basis of the dietary effect of calcium on iron

absorption is not fully understood. Nevertheless, investigators have proposed two possible

mechanisms to explain this nutrient-nutrient interaction (Minihane and Fairweather-Tait 1998).

To account for the inconsistency between short-term effects of calcium on iron absorption and

the lack of long-term effects on iron status, Minihane and Fairweather-Tait suggested that an

adaptive mechanism in the intestinal mucosal cell was responsible. They hypothesized that when

mature mucosal cells are exposed to an iron deficient environment, they are stimulated to

produce high-affinity proteins, which result in more efficient iron absorption by the enterocytes

(Minihane and Fairweather-Tait 1998). Hallberg et al. refute this theory on the basis that there

has not been sufficient time for the evolution of intestinal mechanisms regulating iron absorption



to adapt to low iron intakes often seen in populations at risk for iron deficiency (Hallberg and

Rossander-Hulten 1999). However, a study using labelled iron in an animal model provided

further evidence to support the existence of an adaptive response to high calcium intake. Using

infant piglets fed high diets of calcium (liquid piglet formula fortified with 4666 mg of calcium

glycerophosphate per litre) for 2 weeks, Wauben and Atkinson reported that a high calcium

intake did not affect either iron status or the percentage of iron absorbed. Their explanation for

this finding was that there is an up-regulation of iron transfer across the intestinal brush border in

the presence of high calcium intake (Wauben and Atkinson 1999). Interestingly, they also

considered this as a reflection of the effects of calcium in an environment of marginal iron status.

This suggests that even when there is low iron status, calcium supplementation would not reduce

it any further (Bendich 2001). Conversely, on the basis that calcium inhibits heme iron

absorption to the same extent as non-heme iron absorption, several researchers have suggested

that the effect is enterocyte based rather than being a luminal cause (Barton, Conrad et al. 1983;

Hallberg, Brune et al. 1991). Hallberg et al. proposed that there is competitive inhibition

between calcium and iron in a final transport step within the enterocyte common for both dietary

sources of iron (Hallberg, Rossander-Hulten et al. 1992). Since both dietary forms of iron enter

the duodenal enterocytes via separate pathways, it is thought that they form a common cellular

pool prior to being transferred to the plasma. It is in this cellular pool where calcium is believed

to negatively interact with iron (Lynch 2000).

Another important factor to consider when assessing the effects of diet on iron absorption

is that individual body iron status is the main determinant of the efficiency of mucosal cell

uptake and transfer (Cook, Dassenko et al. 1991; Hallberg, Hulten et al. 1997). Thus, iron

absorption in individuals with sufficient iron stores will be relatively unaffected by dietary

modulators of iron availability such as calcium (Minihane and Fairweather-Tait 1998). In two



randomized studies, no detrimental effects on iron absorption or status were observed in healthy

iron-replete full-term infants fed calcium and phosphorus fortified formulas to the age of 9

months, or in healthy iron-replete children fed calcium-fortified breakfast cereal (Dalton, Sargent

et al. 1997; Abrams, Griffin et al. 2001). Ames et al. also found no adverse effect in the

incorporation of iron into red blood cells in healthy preschool children, 3 to 5 years of age,

following a high calcium diet. On the contrary, their study showed that increasing calcium

intake from 500 to 1200 mg/day resulted in significant absorption of calcium without the

impairment of iron status (Ames, Gorham et al. 1999). In this study, infants in both groups had

similar baseline Hb concentrations (an indirect measure of iron status) that were below normal

and, thus, were susceptible to dietary modulators of iron absorption. Although both groups

responded well to the treatments, the infants who received Sprinkles MNP with calcium

displayed a significantly lower increase in Hb concentration when compared to the subjects in

the Sprinkles MNP without calcium group. Additionally, infants who received Sprinkles MNP

with calcium were more likely to remain anemic (OR 3.2; CI 1.4 - 7.5), have a significantly

lower change in their Hb concentration post-treatment (5.7 ± 12.1 g/L, P = 0.024), fail to achieve

a positive response from their treatment, and have a lower rate of anemia recovery (P = 0.008).

Moreover, a significant association was observed between the change in Hb and infants’ baseline

Hb concentration and dietary intake of iron (P = 0.004 and P = 0.025, respectively). These

findings suggest that calcium has an adverse effect on iron absorption in individuals with low

iron status (Sandstrom 2001). Conversely, individuals with IDA but a baseline Hb closer to

normal range and a dietary intake of iron approaching the RDA may be at an advantage when

consuming additional dietary calcium since the negative interaction between iron and calcium

may be reduced although not completely eliminated.

Hallberg et al. suggest that a dose-related reduction of iron absorption with increases in



calcium consumption should also be considered when examining the interaction between these

two micronutrients (Hallberg, Brune et al. 1991). According to their findings, no effect on iron

absorption is seen when less than 40 mg of calcium is present in a meal, while no further

inhibition occurs when the calcium content exceeds 300 mg. In practice, this means that adding

200 mg of calcium to a meal containing 100 mg of calcium would reduce iron absorption,

whereas no additional effect would be observed if the meal already contained more than 300 mg

of calcium (Hallberg 1998). In the current study, infants in the Sprinkles MNP intervention

group received 400 mg of calcium/day (added to a single meal), in addition to their mean daily

dietary calcium intake. If iron absorption is maximally inhibited by 300 mg of calcium, then the

results we observed in the intervention group are consistent with Hallberg’s theory. However,

we did not test for a calcium dose-response and the amounts of calcium and iron used were based

on the RNI published by the WHO/FAO and International Nutritional Anemia Consultative

Group (Stoltzfus and Dreyfuss 1998; Lutter and Dewey 2003). It is important to mention that

previous studies showing calcium inhibition of iron absorption in a dose-related manner were

conducted on healthy individuals in either a single-meal or short-term study (Galan, Cherouvrier

et al. 1991; Hallberg, Brune et al. 1991; Gleerup, Rossander-Hulthen et al. 1995). As mentioned

in Lynch’s article, the effects of factors that change the bioavailability of iron are often

exaggerated in single-meal studies (the experimental design is often used to ensure a maximum

inhibitory effect), and measurements based on the consumption of multiple-meals are more

likely to reflect the true nutritional impact of this nutrient-nutrient interaction (Lynch 2000). Our

study was conducted for over two months and reflects a habitual intake of calcium unlike the

single-meal studies mentioned above. Under the circumstances of the current study, we believe

the impact of calcium on iron status to be quite robust. However, it must be highlighted that the

daily calcium intake was not spread out across three meals, but provided in a single daily meal.



Had the same dose of calcium been divided into three meals, the results may have been different.

Regarding the adequacy of micronutrient intakes, conclusions depend on assumptions

made regarding breastmilk composition and infant nutrient requirements. Breast milk

micronutrient values potentially affected by maternal status include Vitamin A, riboflavin,

thiamine, Vitamin B-6, Vitamin B-12, and selenium values. However, folic acid, Vitamin D,

calcium, iron, copper, and zinc content in breastmilk are not likely to be affected by maternal

intake or reserves (Kimmons, Dewey et al. 2005). In this study, the mean total intakes of iron

and calcium (from both breastmilk and complementary food) were well below their RNI (WHO

2002). Nevertheless, they were comparable with other studies examining food intake in iron and

calcium deficient children in Bangladesh (Ahmed 2000; WHO 2002; Combs and Hassan 2005;

Kimmons, Dewey et al. 2005; Dewey 2007; Combs, Hassan et al. 2008). Food intake data also

revealed a lack of diversity in infant diets, with plant foods based on cereals, vegetables, and

fruits being the main items consumed. A similar dietary pattern has also been reported in

Bangladeshi adolescent female factory workers and male rickshaw pullers (Ahmed and

Khandker 1997; Khan and Ahmed 2005). The primary concern with these diets is that they

contain foods with a poor bioavailability of iron and calcium, while also containing high levels

of phytates and oxalates. These compounds are known to interfere with the absorption of iron

and calcium and, thus, provide very little health benefits to the individual (Hels, Kidmose et al.

2003; Mensah and Tomkins 2003; Zimmermann, Chaouki et al. 2005; Oramasionwu, Thacher et

al. 2008). Interestingly, an increase in the mean total number of meals consumed per day from

baseline to end-line was seen, but with a subsequent decrease in the amount of food given per

feeding episode. Moreover, there was no significant difference in the dietary intake of calcium

and iron from baseline to end-line both within and between treatment groups. Inadequate

weaning practices resulting from a lack of education, unfounded cultural beliefs, and, most



importantly, inadequate access to nutrient-dense foods due to financial barriers might account for

these findings (Bhargava, Bouis et al. 2001; Islam, Lamberg-Allardt et al. 2003; Zlotkin,

Christofides et al. 2004).

Low adherence to micronutrient supplementation programs have been widely reported

and attributed to numerous factors, including inadequate program support, insufficient delivery

of services, and patient factors. Patient factors include adverse side effects and

misunderstanding of the supplementation schedule (Allen, Rosado et al. 2000; Gross, Diaz et al.

2006). In this study, the high rates for adherence in both groups (98.1% in the control group and

98.4% in the intervention group) are consistent with those of our previous research (Zlotkin,

Schauer et al. 2005; Christofides, Asante et al. 2006). We believe that the high adherence

achieved may in part be explained by the frequent visits to households (3-4/week) by the trained

CHWs and a reliable supply of Sprinkles MNP. All CHWs were locally recruited (living and

working in the same village) because they understood the native language, customs, and

environmental conditions of the area. This, in turn, made it easier for them to establish good

rapport with the mothers of our study subjects and encourage them to administer the Sprinkles

MNP as recommended. As Tontisirin et al. suggested, a minimal number of CHWs (1 for

roughly 10 households) can easily inform, encourage, and train households to make proper use of

the treatment provided (Tontisirin, Nantel et al. 2002). In keeping with these recommendations,

we recruited 1 CHW for approximately every 8 households. In addition, the communication

materials (Sprinkles self-coaching guide and compliance calendar) given to each participating

household at baseline and our weekly monitoring, morbidity, and compliance system helped

avoid any mismanagement and frustration within the study. Although these items increased the

cost of the study, as shown by Lechtig et al., they were likely indispensible to securing

participation and compliance (Lechtig, Gross et al. 2006). A recent study in Mali found similar



results as women were more likely to take micronutrient supplements if access were guaranteed

and if they were provided with minimum, consistent, relevant, and easily understandable

information and counselling (Ayoya, Bendech et al. 2007). The high acceptability and adherence

can also be attributed to the simplicity of using Sprinkles MNP. One does not need to be literate

and there are no special utensils required to handle it. Moreover, it mixes well with any semi-

solid food and does not change the taste, colour, or consistency of the food to which it is added

(Christofides, Asante et al. 2006; Zlotkin and Tondeur 2007).

In the present study, infant constipation was the most frequently reported side-effect by

mothers. Darker stool was also common, but nausea, vomiting, and retching were rare. It is

likely that many of the side effects reported were due to factors other than the Sprinkles MNP

treatments. Acute illness and disease may have caused these conditions, but since a placebo

group was not included in this study, it was not possible to determine whether the reported side

effects were due to the treatments or other causes. Nevertheless, side effects were mild to

moderate in nature and none of the subjects required medical care or hospitalization. Moreover,

the occurrence of adverse effects did not appear to affect compliance as it was very high in both

treatment groups.

Growth profile did not differ among Sprinkles MNP treatment groups and the overall

WAZ score showed a progressive impairment from baseline to the end of the study. This result

is not unexpected and is in agreement with findings by other authors (Zlotkin, Arthur et al. 2003;

Giovannini, Sala et al. 2006). Indeed, cereal and plant-based complementary foods commonly

consumed in developing countries are inadequate sources of nutrients for infant development

(Brown, Dewey et al. 1998).  



4.5 Study Limitations                   

  The study findings need to be viewed within some contextual limitations. It was a

randomized controlled “efficacy” trial and should not be viewed as an “effectiveness” study. A

placebo group was not included for ethical reasons, but it is highly unlikely that infant Hb and

calcium status would improve had no treatment been provided. This is because complementary

foods in rural Bangladesh are typically low in bioavailable iron and calcium (Ahmed 2000;

Islam, Lamberg-Allardt et al. 2003; Combs and Hassan 2005; Kimmons, Dewey et al. 2005;

International 2006; Arnaud, Pettifor et al. 2007). Due to limited resources, serum calcium levels

and other indicators of iron status were not measured. However, since serum calcium levels only

account for 1% of the total body calcium, it is often viewed as a poor biomarker for overall

calcium assessment (Oginni, Sharp et al. 1999; Moe 2008). Regarding iron status, of all the

testing methods available, measuring Hb concentration is most often used to screen for anemia

(as a proxy indicator for iron deficiency) because of its low cost, simplicity, speed of the

procedure, and better performance when compared with hematocrit assessment (Mei, Parvanta et

al. 2003). We also assume that iron deficiency is the primary cause of anemia in Bangladesh

since the typical foods consumed by infants are low in bioavailable iron and not fortified

(Kimmons, Dewey et al. 2005). Moreover, neither Helicobacter pylori infection or malaria are

endemic to our study region and, thus, can be ruled-out as etiological factors contributing to

prevalence of anemia (Hyder, Haseen et al. 2007; Sarker, Mahmud et al. 2008). Another study

limitation is that estimates of calcium deficiency were based largely on adequacy of dietary

intake relative to recommendations. This approach is further complicated by the lack of

agreement between expert groups on calcium requirements (Flynn 2003). In our study, only

WHO/FAO recommendations for dietary intake of calcium were used.

Dietary questionnaires also have limitations that must be taken into consideration.



Although interviewers are trained for the task, there might be some biases in the data collection.

It should also be noted that estimates of calcium and iron intake from foods may not reflect

actual dietary intake due to under and over-reporting. One advantage in this study was that the

study subjects were from a fairly homogenous socioeconomic class. Thus, the range of food

items consumed by them was relatively limited and similar between groups.



Chapter 5.0 Conclusions and Future Considerations

5.1 Conclusions

This study examined whether infants diagnosed with IDA would have a similar

improvement in Hb concentration when given combined iron and calcium Sprinkles MNP

compared with iron Sprinkles MNP alone. The significant Hb response seen in both Sprinkles

MNP groups suggested good adherence to the protocol and the efficacy of both treatments.

However, the significant difference between treatment groups demonstrated that Sprinkles MNP

with iron alone is more effective than if combined with calcium in improving rates of anemia.

Thus, the findings from our study did not support the hypothesis that the reversal of anemia

through the use of iron-containing Sprinkles will not be depressed by the concurrent provision of

calcium in children with anemia. As the doses of calcium and iron were equal to or slightly

greater than their AI and RDA respectively, this outcome does not support our secondary

hypothesis that it is possible (at the doses used in the current study) to improve dietary calcium

intake through Sprinkles MNP with iron and calcium without interfering in the absorption of


Although the addition of calcium had a significant negative effect on the change in Hb

concentration, one must not over interpret these results. When combined with iron in the

Sprinkles MNP, the group receiving calcium still displayed a significant improvement in Hb

status. Perhaps this formulation of MNP can be used as an efficacious arm of a multifaceted

approach targeting specific calcium deficient infant groups that are mildly or at risk of becoming

anemic. However, a risk/benefit ratio regarding the health outcomes would need to be explicitly

defined before proceeding with this treatment approach. Alternately, a dose response study with

a similar iron dose but lower amounts of calcium would be worth pursuing. To our knowledge,



no previous study has examined this nutrient-nutrient interaction in a pediatric population

suffering from anemia and dietary calcium deficiency in a developing country. This makes our

findings especially novel given the magnitude and growing prevalence of IDA and calcium

deficiency in South Asia. Further research would advance our understanding of the long-term

effects of calcium on iron absorption in anemic and calcium deficient children and to understand

the mechanisms involved before an unequivocal public health message on calcium and iron joint

home-fortification can be made.

5.2. Future Considerations

Clearly, safety issues must be a top priority for any future calcium and iron interaction

studies in children with IDA and deficient in calcium. Research on long-term impacts on Hb and

calcium status, infant bone mass, and later growth and development will be useful to verify

whether the improvements seen are being sustained. Determining the range of safe levels of

intake between minimum and upper tolerance levels for children with IDA and suffering from

calcium deficiency and the public health significance of marginal deficiencies for iron and

calcium should also be investigated.

For bioavailability, nutrient-nutrient interaction mechanism, and nutrition status

monitoring studies, the use of stable non-radioactive isotopes provide a convenient and precise

tool. This technology is non-invasive and has been demonstrated to work effectively in field

studies conducted in both developed and developing countries (Solomons, Janghorbani et al.

1982; Hambidge, Krebs et al. 1998; Ribaya-Mercado, Mazariegos et al. 1999; Tang, Qin et al.

2000; Zlotkin, Schauer et al. 2006). To the best of our knowledge, no study has used isotopes to

examine the bioavailability of or interaction between iron and calcium in a pediatric population

deficient in both nutrients.



New non-invasive, low-cost, and rapid techniques also need to be developed for assessing

the prevalence of iron and calcium deficiency in developing countries. This, in turn, could

provide more accurate diagnoses, prevent under or over-reporting, and promote interventions

that better target populations deficient in these micronutrients.

Finally, as Gross and Solomons suggested, there needs to be a paradigm shift with regard

to nutrition research in developing countries. This requires support for interventions that not

only protect against micronutrient deficiencies, but also encourage longer-term health promotion

(Gross and Solomons 2003). However, to achieve this, large scale pediatric studies are needed to

test the effectiveness of Sprinkles MNP with calcium in the treatment and prevention of anemia

and calcium deficiency before they are scaled up to community health programs.



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Appendix A

Baseline Questionnaires


Restricted: Only for research purpose

Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC Sprinkles with/without Calcium Intervention Study



Assallamo Alikum/Adab, I am .....................................................................a staff of BRAC. At the present moment, BRAC is conducting an intervention study in your locality to treat infants who are suffering from both iron deficiency anemia and calcium deficiency. It is known that the number of infants (between the ages of 6-11 months) suffering from iron deficiency anemia and calcium deficiency is very high in Bangladesh when compared to other countries. These disorders can cause mortality and problems with bone growth if not treated. To reduce these problems, BRAC has taken the initiative to help solve them through our Sprinkles with and without calcium study. With your permission, we will need some information on your family’s social, deomgraphic, and economic conditions. We will also place your infant in one of two study groups that will be receiving nutrient packets with or without calcium for 2 months. Both nutrient packets will contain iron, which is believed to compete for absorption with calcium. However, we believe this interaction will not occur in children who are deficient in both nutrients. The risk of any negative nutrient-nutrient interaction is very small and we will be conducting weekly health visits to check on your child’s wellbeing. If any problem is noticed, the child will immediately be taken out of the study and treated at a health care facility. Lastly, we will be giving your child a finger prick to collect a small amount of his/her blood. This is a safe and hygenic procedure that uses a Hemocue machine. At the end of the study, each infant involved in the study will receive an additional one month supply of Sprinkles micronutrient packets without calcium. Sprinkles contains many essential nutrients for healthy infant growth that are often missing in Bangladeshi diets. These nutrients include: vitamin A, vitamin C, iron zinc, and folic acid. I assure you that what you say will be kept confidential, anonymization will be employed, and it’s up to you whether you would like to take part in our study. If at any moment you wish to withdraw from the study you are free to do so without any reprucussions. I hope you will participate in this study, if you do agree then I will start.

Do you have any question/enquiry about our study? May I start interviewing? Mother’s Name (Printed) ____________________________________________ Has agreed Has not agreed Signature or Thumb Print of Mother: _________________________ Please contact Dr. Jalal from BRAC if you have any questions or concerns: Contact Phone Number: 01714091488

2 1

Form A-1: Consent Form 108

Form A-2: Recruitment 109

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC

Sprinkles with/without Calcium Intervention Study

Form A-2: RECRUITMENT Section A: Identification Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry A1. Infant ID number Number:


A2. Infant gender


A3. Infant date of birth

(dd/mm/yy): / /

A4. Mother’s name: ______________ . A5. Husband’s name: _______________. A6. Date of survey:

(dd/mm/yy): / /

A7. Start time of survey (24 hours time)

Hr: Minute:

A8. Interviewer name and code:__________________________


A9. Signature of supervisor (sign if this questionnaire is correctly fulfilled)

Section B. Physical Examination Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry B1. Measure and record the weight of the mother in kilograms (First Measurement) Weight . kg

B2. Measure and record the weight of the mother in kilograms (Second Measurement) Weight . kg

B3. Measure and record the height of the mother in centimeters (First Measurement) Height . cm

B4. Measure and record the height of the mother in centimeters (Second Measurement) Height . cm

Form A-2: Recruitment 110

Restricted: Only for research purpose

B5. Measure and record the weight of the mother and infant in kilograms (First Measurement) Weight . kg

B6. Measure and record the weight of the mother and infant in kilograms (Second Measurement) Weight . kg

B7. Measure and record the height of the infant in centimeters (First Measurement) Height . cm

B8. Measure and record the height of the infant in centimeters (Second Measurement) Height . cm

B9. Record the machine number on the Hemocue instrument

Number: B10. Record the infant’s Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration in g/L

Hb: g/L

Yes Include the infant as an eligble child

B11. Is the infant’s Hemoglobin (Hb) >70g/L?

No Exclude the infants, refer to local health centre

Yes Exclude the infant, stop the survey

B12. Is the Infants Hemoglobin (Hb) >100g/L?

No Include the infant as an eligble child

Section C: Inclusion Criteria

Please go over the attached informed consent form with the infant’s mother. Explain the study objectives, all the activities she needs to be engaged in, benefits and potential harmful effects as described on the form to understand if she has consented to take part in the study. If she consents, ask her to put her thumbprint and/or to sign the attached consent form.

Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry

Yes 1 C1. Did the mother sign and/or give her thumbprint on the consent form (see Form A-2)? If “Yes”, include the infant, if No, then stop the interview No 2

Yes 1 C2. Is your child between the ages of 6-11 months? If “No”, exclude the infant and stop the interview

No 2

Yes 1 C3. Does your child currently receive any medical treatment or have any hospital visits for any major or chronic illness? Please see Section D, Page 3 for a list of chronic illness criteria. If “Yes”, exclude the infant and stop the interview

No 2

Yes 1 C4. Has your child had any iron or calcium supplements within the past 2 weeks? If “Yes”, exclude the infant and stop the interview No 2

Form A-2: Recruitment 111

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Yes 1 C5. Does your child receive at least one complementary food in addition to breast milk? If “No”, exclude the infant and stop the interview No 2

Yes 1 C6. Do you and your family currently live in this area? If “No”, exclude the infant and stop the interview

No 2 Section D: List of Chronic Illnesses

Yes 1 D1. Has your child been coughing frequently and aggressively for 3 or more weeks? If “Yes”, exclude the infant and stop the interview No 2

Yes 1 D2. Has your child had chronic diarrhea for the past 7 or more days? If “Yes”, exclude the infant and stop the interview

No 2

Yes 1 D3. Does your child have mucous or blood in his/her stool? If “Yes”, exclude the infant and stop the interview

No 2

Yes 1 D4. Has your child had a fever for 10 or more days? If “Yes”, exclude the infant and stop the interview

No 2

Yes 1 D5. Has your child had fever with convulsions 3 or more times from birth until the present day? If “Yes”, exclude the infant and stop the interview No 2

Yes 1 D6. Does your child have any skin infections such as itching, white spots, blisters that have been present for 15 or more days? If “Yes”, exclude the infant and stop the interview No 2

Yes 1 D7 Does the child have a puffy face or eyes, or increased abdominal size? If “Yes”, exclude the infant and stop the interview No 2

Yes 1 D8. Has your child lost his/her appetite for 7 or more days? If “Yes”, exclude the infant and stop the interview

No 2

End the interview – Please thank the respondent

Form B-1: Sociodemographic and Economic Conditions 112

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC

Sprinkles with/without Calcium Intervention Study

Form B-1: Sociodemographic and Economic Conditions Section A: Identification Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry A1. Infant ID number Number:

A2. Mother’s name: ______________ . A3. Husband’s name: _______________. A4. Date of survey:

(dd/mm/yy): / /

A5. Start time of survey (24 hours time)

Hr: Minute:

A6. Interviewer name and code:__________________________


A7. Signature of supervisor (Sign if this questionnaire is correctly fulfilled)

Section B: Social and Economic Condition

Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry

B1. How many live children do you have?

B2. What is the birth order of this child?

B3. How many people including all children share food from your kitchen regularly?

B4. In what year were you born?

(if date is not available then ask for closest year estimate)

(dd/mm/yy): / /

B5. According to the date of birth, determine and record current age

Age (years):

B6. What is your level of education?

Cannot sign name (1)

Form B-1: Sociodemographic and Economic Conditions 113

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Can only sign name (2)

Completed academic year of schooling (in years)


B7. How many regular members have you had in your household in the past 6 months?


B8. Among them, how many earning members do you have? Number:

Agriculture 1

Business 2

Unskilled day labour 3

Skilled day labour 4

Fishing/Pottery/Weaving 5

B9. What is the main source of income for the household?

Other 6

Always deficit 1

Occasional deficit 2

Balanced 3

Better 4

B10. How would you describe the relationship between income and expenditure in your household in the last one year?

Surplus 5

Less than half 1

About half 2

More than half 3

Almost all 4

B11. How much of your household expenditures go toward spending on food?

Don’t know 5

Yes 1 B12. Do you own a house? No 2

B13. What is the area of your house (in feet)? Length _________ Width _______ B14. How much does your household own in cultivable land?

(In decimal) No land=0000

Yes 1 B15. Does your house have electricity?

No 2 B16. Does your household own any of the following? Can be Radio 1

Form B-1: Sociodemographic and Economic Conditions 114

Restricted: Only for research purpose

TV 2

Telephone 3

Mobile phone 4

Khat/chawki 5

Almirah 6

Table/chair 7

Watch 8

Bicycle 9

Motorcycle/scooter/tempo 10

Animal drawn cart 11

Car/truck 12

Boat with motor 13

multiple answers

Rickshaw/van 14

Piped into dwelling 1

Piped to yard/plot 2

Public tap/stand pipe 3

Tube well or borehole 4

Protected spring water 5

Unprotected spring water 6

Rain water, tanker truck 7

Rain water, small tank 8

Surface water 9

Bottled water 10

B17. What is the main source of drinking water for members of your household?

Other 11

Yes 1

No 2

B18. Do you do anything to the water to make it safe to drink? If “No” or “Don’t know,” skip question B19

Don’t know 3

Boil 1

Add bleach/chlorine/use purify tablet


Strain through a cloth 3

B19. What do you usually do to make the water safer to drink? Can be multiple answers

Use water filter 4

Form B-1: Sociodemographic and Economic Conditions 115

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Let it stand and settle 5

Other 6

Don’t know 7

End the interview – Please thank the respondent

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC Sprinkles with/without Calcium Intervention Study

Form B-2: 24-Hour Recall Questionnaire Section A: Identification Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry A1. Infant ID number Number:

A2. Mother’s name: ______________ A3. Husband’s name: ________________________ A4. Date of survey:

(dd/mm/yy): / /

A5. Start time of survey (24 hours time)

Hr: Minute:

A6. Interviewer name and code : __________________________


A7. Signature of supervisor (Sign if this questionnaire is correctly fulfilled)

Section B: 24-Hour Dietary Recall

Last 24 hour

Sl no


Types of food (Cooked/ Raw)


Family Measurement/


Amount (gm)

Food code

1 Morning =






Form B-2: 24-Hour Recall Questionnaire


Restricted: Only for research purpose





10 11 Mid

morning =



13 14






20 21 Lunch = 3 22






Form B-2: 24-Hour Recall Questionnaire


Restricted: Only for research purpose

28 29 30

31 Evening =


32 33 34


36 37 38 39 40 41 Night = 5 42




46 47 48 49 50

Supplemental Questions 51. Does your child take any supplements? Yes or No

Form B-2: 24-Hour Recall Questionnaire


Form B-2: 24-Hour Recall Questionnaire


Restricted: Only for research purpose

52. If yes, list the supplements taken by the child? ______________________________________________________________________________ Babiz = 1, Codlivit (100 ml) = 2, Filwel Kids = 3, Babycare = 4 53. Was this a usual day? Yes or No

End the interview – Please thank the respondent

Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire 120

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC Sprinkles with/without Calcium Intervention Study

Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire

Section A: Identification Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry A1. Infant ID number Number:

A2. Mother’s name: ______________ A3. Husband’s name: __________________________ A4. Date of survey:

(dd/mm/yy): / /

A5. Start time of survey (24 hours time)

Hr: Minute:

A6. Interviewer name and code: ____________________________


A7. Signature of supervisor (Sign if this questionnaire is correctly fulfilled)

Section B: Food Frequency Questionnaire For each food item indicate with a checkmark the category that best describes the frequency with which you usually eat that particular food item Food code

Types of food / variety

Food item Never = 1

Twice per month or less = 2

Once or twice per week = 3

3-4 times per week = 4

More than five times per week = 5

Once per day = 6

More than once per day = 7

Barley (Whole)

Maize (Mature)

Maize (Immature)

Starch (Staple food)/ Cereal = 1

Rice (Fried paddy)

Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire 121

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Rice Parboiled (Husked)


Rice Parboiled (Milled)


Rice Sunned (Husked)


Rice Sunned (Milled)-


Rice (Flattened)


Rice (Puffed)


Semolina   Sago  

Vermicelli   Wheat


Wheat Flour (Coarse)


Wheat Flour (Refined)


Other (Please Specify)


    Bean(Field)   Bengal

Gram (Whole)


Bengal Gram (Split)


Bengal Gram (Fried)


Black Gram (Split)


Green Gram (Whole)


Green Gram (Split)


Khesari dal  

Bean or peas and nut/ Pulses = 2


Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire 122

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Peas Dried/split


Peas Fried   Red Gram   213 Soya bean   1411 Jack fruit


Others (Please specify)


    Agathi   Amaranth

(Data) leaves


Amaranth leaves (Tender)


Amaranth (Red leaf var.)


Amaranth (Spiney)


Bathua leaves


Beet leaves   Bottle gourd


Cabbage   Carrot


Cauliflower leaves


Celery leaves


Chukai leaves


Coriander leaves


Cowpea leaves


Drumstick leaves


Fenugreek leaves


Deep colored leafy vegetables = 3

Folwal leaves


Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire 123

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Gram leaves   Helencha


Indian spinach


Jute plant tops


Kheshari leaves


Kolmeee leaves


Lettuce   Mesta


Mustard leaves


Neem leaves (Green)


Potato leaves


Mint leaves   Pumpkin


Punornova leaves


Radish leaves


Safflower leaves


Soyabean leaves


Spinach   Sweet

potato leaves


Tamarind leaves


Taro/Black arum leaves


Taro/ Green arum leaves


Thankuni leaves


Turnip leaves


Others (Please


Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire 124

Restricted: Only for research purpose

specify)     Beet root   Carrot   Garlic   Ole Kopi   Onion   Potato   Radish   Sweet


Taro /Arum   Taro/ Arum


Turnip   Yam


Others (Please specify)


Roots & Tubers = 4


(Data) stem  



Bean   Bean


Bean (Red)   Cabbage  

Cauliflower   Chili


Cowpea   Cucumber  


Other vegetables = 5

Drumstick flower


Fig (Red)  


Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire 125

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Gourd (Ash)


Gourd (Bitter)


Gourd (Bottle)


Gourd (Ridge)


Gourd (Small bitter)


Gourd (Snake)


Gourd (Sweet) / Pumpkin)


Gram (Red, unripe)


Jack fruit (Immature)


Kakrol   Kolmee   Lady’s


Green mango


Marrow   Onion &

garlic stalk  

Papaya (Green Immature)


Peas (Green)


Plantain   Plantain


Plantain stem


Pumpkin flower


Spinach stalks


Tomato (Green)


Water lily stem (Red)


Water lily stem


Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire 126

Restricted: Only for research purpose

(White) Yam stem   Others

(Please specify)




nut/Pea nut  

Ground nut /Pea nut (Fried)


Mustard   Sunflower



Dried Coconut


Wet Coconut


Others (Please specify)



Oil seeds = 6

  Chili, Red


Coriander seed


Ginger   Mixed

spices (Hot)


Turmeric   Others

(Please specify)



Spices & condiments = 7

  Hog plum   Apple   Bakul



Fruits = 8

Blackberry (Indian)


Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire 127

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Boroi (Bitter plum)


Custard apple


Coconut milk


Dates   Dates (Dry)   Fig (Ripe)   Guava   Grapes   Jackfruit


Kheera   Kodobele


Lemon   Lichis   Lime   Lime


Mango (Ripe)


Melon   Olive


Orange   Orange   Palm


Palm (Ripe)   Papaya


Pears   Pineapple   Pomegranat

e juice  



Pommelo (Red)


Rose apple   Tamarind


Tamarind (Pulp)



Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire 128

Restricted: Only for research purpose

(Ripe) Wood apple   Watermelon   Others

(Please specify)


    Aire   Bacha   Bata   Bele   Betrongi   Bhangon


Bhangon (Dried)


Bhetki (Fresh)


Bhetki (Dried)


Boal   Black fish   Boicha   Bream (Sea,


Bream (Dried)


Butter fish   Carp   Cat fish   Chapila


Chapila (Dried)


Climbing fish


Crabs   Dragon fish   Eel fish   Fesha


Fish = 9

Fesha (Dried)


Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire 129

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Fishmeal   Flat fish   Folui   Fry   Gura fish   Hilsha fish   Hilsha


Khalshe fish   Lota fish   Magur   Mola fish   Mrigal   Pata fish   Pomfret


Pomfret (White)


Pomfret (Small)


Prawns Whole (Dried)


Ribon fish   Ribon fish


Rohu   Salmon fish   Sarputi   Scorpion


Shrimp   Silver fish   Sole   Tapse


Tengra (Fresh)


Tengra (Dried)


Others (Please


Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire 130

Restricted: Only for research purpose

specify)     Beef   Beef


Chicken   Duck  

Meat = 10

Goat Liver (Goat)


Liver (Mutton)


Mutton (Lamb)


Pigeon   Pork   Turtle   Others

(Please specify)



  Duck egg   Hen egg  

Egg = 11


milk solids  

Butter milk   Cheese   Cows milk


Curd   Human

Breast Milk  

Milk (Condensed)


Powdered milk (Skim, cow)


Dairy = 12

Powdered milk (Whole,


Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire 131

Restricted: Only for research purpose

cow) Skim milk


Whole milk (Cow)


Whole milk (Goat)


Whole milk (Buffalo)


Yogurt (Cow)


Yogurt (Buffalo)


Others (Please specify)




Bread (Loaf)


Date juice  

Other miscellaneous item = 13

Pappadom   Pickles   Pumpkin


Molasses (Date)


Others (Please specify)




fruit Juice  

Artificial flavored drinks (Vitamin C enrich)


Chocó milk   Chocolate   Fruit juice  

Liquid/ Fluid = 14

Sweet syrup  

Form B-3: Food Frequency Questionnaire 132

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Sugar water   Soft drink


Soft drink (Lemonade)


Tea   Others

(Please specify)



Commercial-ly produced Cereals, Infant formulas, or Drinks =15

Biomil, Infamil, etc…

Complan Horlics Moltova or


Enter other food item that are usually consumed by your child:

Food code

Food item

Never Twice per month or less

Once or twice per week

3-4 times per week

More than five times per week

Once per day

More than once per day






Never [1]; Twice per month or less [2]; Once or twice per week [3]; 3-4 times per week [4]; More than five times per week [5]; Once per day [6]; More than once per day [7];

End the interview – Please thank the respondent

Form B-4: Breastfeeding Practices 133

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC Sprinkles with/without Calcium Intervention Study

Form B-4: Breastfeeding Practices

Section A: Identification Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry A1. Infant ID number Number:

A2. Mother’s name: ______________ A3. Husband’s name: _______________ A4. Date of survey:

(dd/mm/yy): / /

A5. Start time of survey (24 hours time)

Hr: Minute:

A6. Interviewer name and code:__________________________


A7. Signature of supervisor (Sign if this questionnaire is correctly fulfilled)

Section B: Breastfeeding Practices

Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry

Yes 1 B1. Has your child ever been breastfed?

No 2

Instantly 1



B2. How long after birth did you first put your child to the



Yes 1 B3. Did you give colostrum to your child?

No 2

Form B-4: Breastfeeding Practices 134

Restricted: Only for research purpose



B4. Did you give any food/drink to your child before the first breastmilk/colostrum?

No 2 B5. How many months did you exclusively breastfeed your child? I mean not giving him/her anything else, not even plain water, other than breastmilk

B6. At what age (in months) did you first give your child rice, wheat, meat, fish, or eggs?

B7. At what age (in months) did you give your child any other thing in addition to breastmilk?

Yes 1

No 2

B8. Was your child breastfed yesterday (either during the day or night)?

Don’t know 3

B9. How many times have you given your child complementary food yesterday?

Yes 1 B10. Is your child currently breastfeeding? If “No,” skip to question B12

No 2 B11. How often do you breastfeed your child per day?

B12. How many months did you give breastmilk? Enter 00 if still breastfeeding.

End the interview – Please thank the respondent

Appendix B

Morbidity, Monitoring, and Compliance Forms


Restricted: Only for research purpose

Form C-1: Monitoring, Compliance, and Morbidity 136

Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC Sprinkles with/without Calcium Intervention Study


Section A: Identification Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry A1. Infant ID Number Number:

A2. Visit week (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8)

A3. Date of Survey:

(dd/mm/yy): / /

A4. Interviewer Name and code:__________________________


A5. Signature of Supervisor (Sign if this questionnaire is correctly fulfilled)

Section B. Infant Morbidity Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry

Yes 1 B1. Since last the 7 days has your child been suffering from any health problem? No 2

B2. If the answer to B1 is “Yes”, fill out the information below, otherwise go to Section D.

None: 0 episodes per week 1

Mild: two or less episodes per week 2

Moderate: 3-4 episodes per week 3

Severe: 5 or more episodes per week 4 None 1

Mild 2

Moderate 3

B3a. Fever

Severe 4

None 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3

B3b. Illness with cough

Severe 4

Form C-1: Monitoring, Compliance, and Morbidity 137

Restricted: Only for research purpose



Mild 2 Moderate 3

B3c. Difficulty breathing

Severe 4 None 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3

B3d. Nausea

Severe 4 None 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3

B3e. Vomiting

Severe 4 None 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3

B3f. Loose motion

Severe 4 None 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3

B3g. Constipation

Severe 4 None 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3

B3h. Black stool

Severe 4 None 1 Mild 2 Moderate 3

B3i. Lack of appetite

Severe 4 Section C. Side Effects Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry

Not at all 1

1 Hour or less 2

2 to 3 hours 3

4 to 6 hours 4

C1. In the last 12 hours, how long has your child felt nauseated or sick to his/her stomach?

7 hours or more 5

Did not throw up 1

1-2 times 2

3-4 times 3

C2. In the last 12 hours, how many times has your infant vomited?

5-6 times 4

Form C-1: Monitoring, Compliance, and Morbidity 138

Restricted: Only for research purpose

7 hours or more 5

No times 1

1-2 times 2

3-4 times 3

5-6 times 4

C3. In the last 12 hours, how many times has your infant had retching or dry heaves without bringing anything up?

7 hours or more 5

Liquid stools 1

Partly liquid 2

Normal 3

Partly constipated 4

Constipated 5

C4. In the last 12 hours, what was the consistency of your child’s stools?

Not applicable 6

Normal 1

Somewhat dark 2

Light brown 3

Dark brown 4

Black 5

C5. In the last 12 hours, what was the color of your child’s stool?

Not applicable 6

Section D. Compliance

Yes 1 D1. Is the infant’s family still residing in the village?

No 2

Yes 1 D2. Have you been feeding your child Sprinkles with their food? If the answer was “Yes,” then skip question D3. No 2

Child developed Fever


Child would vomit/nausea


Child developed loose bowel movement


Child developed loss of appetite


D3. Why did you not give your child Sprinkles with their food?

Other health reason


Restricted: Only for research purpose

Form C-1: Monitoring, Compliance, and Morbidity 139

Other non-health reason


D4. Count the number of unused “Sprinkles” sachets and record


D5. How many “Sprinkles” sachets has your infant consumed since the last visit?


Yes 1 D6. Have you shared or given away any “Sprinkles” sachets?

No 2 D7. If the answer to D3 was “Yes,” then record how many were given away or shared


D8. Today how many sachets have you given your infant? (As a total it should be 1 in number)

End the interview – Please thank the respondent

Appendix C

Self-Coaching Material



: p

i. m :


p 1

p 2

p 3

p 4





i. m :


p 5

p 6

p 7

p 8


Appendix D

End-line Questionnaires

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC Sprinkles with/without Calcium Intervention Study

Form D-1: Hemoglobin Measurement

Section A: Identification Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry

A1. Infant ID number Number:

A2. Mother’s name: ______________ A3. Husband’s name: __________ A4. Date of survey:

(dd/mm/yy): / /

A5. Start time of survey (24 hours time)

Hr: Minute:

A6. Interviewer name and code: ______________________________


A7. Signature of supervisor (Sign if this questionnaire is correctly fulfilled)


Finger prick the child Put one drop of blood on a glass slide Measure Hemoglobin by HemoCue Fill in the information below

B1. Record the machine number on the Hemocue instrument


B2. Record the infant’s Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration in g/L

Hb: g/L

End the interview – Please thank the respondent

Form D-1: Hemoglobin Measurement


Form D-2: Endline 146

Restricted: Only for research purpose

Research and Evaluation Division, BRAC

Sprinkles with/without Calcium Intervention Study

Form D-2: ENDLINE Section A: Identification Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry A1. Infant ID number Number:

Boy = 1 A2. Infant gender

Girl = 2 A3. Infant date of birth:

(dd/mm/yy): / /

A4. Mother’s Name: ______________ . A5. Husband’s Name: _______________. A6. Date of Survey:

(dd/mm/yy): / /

A7. Start Time of Survey (24 hours time)

Hr: Minute:

A8. Interviewer Name and code:__________________________


A9. Signature of Supervisor (Sign if this questionnaire is correctly fulfilled)

Section B. Physical Examination

Column 1: Question Column 2: Data Entry B1. Measure and record the weight of the mother in kilograms (First Measurement) Weight . kg

B2. Measure and record the weight of the mother in kilograms (Second Measurement) Weight . kg

B3. Measure and record the weight of the mother and infant in kilograms (First Measurement) Weight . kg

B4. Measure and record the weight of the mother and infant in kilograms (Second Measurement) Weight . kg

B5. Measure and record the height of the infant in centimeters (First Measurement) Height . cm

B6. Measure and record the height of the infant in centimeters (Second Measurement) Height . cm

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