Page 1: Contrast-Enhanced Magnetization Transfer MR of the Brain ... · PURPOSE: To determine the importance of obtaining precontrast T1-weighted magnetization transfer (MT) MR images for

Contrast-Enhanced Magnetization Transfer MR of the Brain:Importance of Precontrast Images

J. R. Meyer, R. W. Androux, N. Salamon, B. Rabin, C. Callahan, T. B. Parrish, J. Prager, and E. J. Russell

PURPOSE: To determine the importance of obtaining precontrast T1-weighted magnetizationtransfer (MT) MR images for better interpretation contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MT images.METHODS: One hundred fifty-five patients referred for MR imaging of the brain were examinedprospectively with noncontrast T1-weighted imaging, noncontrast T1-weighted imaging with MT,contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging, and contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging with MT. Inthe patients who had abnormally increased signal intensity on postcontrast images (with or withoutMT), the four imaging sequences were evaluated with regard to number of lesions and lesionalsignal intensity. For each of the sequences, two experienced neuroradiologists subjectively gradedthe lesions on a scale of 1 to 4 (4 being the most conspicuous) with regard to abnormally increasedsignal intensity. RESULTS: Twenty-two of the 155 patients had increased signal intensity on oneor more of the postcontrast sequences. Eight of these 22 patients had increased signal intensity ofone or more lesions on images without MT. All these lesions were seen better on images obtainedwith MT. An additional six of the 22 patients had increased signal intensity of one or more lesionson images obtained with MT that was not detected on images obtained without MT. Eight of the 22patients had no high signal intensity on noncontrast images with or without MT. One of the eighthad increased number and conspicuity of lesions on postcontrast MT images. CONCLUSION: Asignificant number of patients had increased signal intensity on noncontrast T1-weighted imageswith MT that was not seen on noncontrast T1-weighted images without MT. This high signalintensity was also visible on postcontrast MT images, and would have been mistaken for pathologicenhancement if noncontrast MT images had not been available for comparison.

Index terms: Brain, magnetic resonance; Magnetic resonance, magnetization transfer

AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 18:1515–1521, September 1997

Magnetization transfer (MT) is an increasinglypopular magnetic resonance (MR) imaging tech-nique that produces patterns of tissue contrastthat differ substantially from those obtained withconventional spin-echo imaging. Several investi-gators have suggested that MT combined withparamagnetic contrast agents improves the de-tection of enhancing lesions, such as intracranialtumors, infection, and infarction (1–6). More spe-cifically, several investigators have documentedsignificant increases in contrast-to-noise ratios of

Received November 27, 1996; accepted after revision March 21, 1997.From the Departments of Radiology (J.R.M., R.W.A., N.S., B.R., C.C.,

T.B.P., J.P., E.J.R.) and Neurology (J.R.M.), Northwestern University Med-ical School, Chicago, Ill.

Address reprint requests to Joel R. Meyer, MD, Department of Radiol-ogy, Evanston Hospital, 2650 Ridge Ave, Evanston, IL 60201.

AJNR 18:1515–1521, Sep 1997 0195-6108/97/1808–1515

© American Society of Neuroradiology


contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images with MTas compared with those of contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images without MT (1, 5, 6). Recently,others have observed significantly increased sig-nal intensity on noncontrast T1-weighted imageswith MT in tuberous sclerosis and pediatric braintumors (7, 8). This effect has the potential toinfluence the interpretation of contrast-enhancedMT images, because high signal intensity due toMT could be misinterpreted as pathologic con-trast enhancement. The purpose of this study wasto determine the importance of obtaining noncon-trast T1-weighted MT images of the brain for theinterpretation of contrast-enhanced T1-weightedMT images.

Patients and MethodsOne hundred fifty-five patients referred for contrast-

enhanced imaging of the brain were examined prospec-


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tively with the following protocol: T1-weighted MR imag-ing; T1-weighted MR imaging with MT; injection of astandardized dose of gadopentetate dimeglumine (0.1mmol/kg); 5-minute delay; contrast-enhanced T1-weighted imaging; and contrast-enhanced T1-weightedimaging with MT. Imaging was performed with three dif-ferent MR units, and multisection spin-echo T1-weightedsequences were obtained with the following parameters.Scanner 1 (1.5 T): 747/15/2 (repetition time/echo time/excitations), 5-mm-thick sections, and a 218 3 256 ma-trix; scanner 2 (1.5 T): 760/15/2, 5-mm-thick sections,and a 230 3 256 matrix; and scanner 3 (1.0 T): 760/15/2,5-mm-thick sections, and a 230 3 256 matrix. The MTpulse was applied before each section excitation pulse.Scanner 1 used a 1–2–1 binomial pulse and scanners 2and 3 used a 7.68-millisecond gaussian-based pulse offsetby 1.5 kHz. The power levels of the radio-frequency (RF)pulses were automatically set by the manufacturer andwere within allowable limits of the specific absorption rate.To confirm adequate MT contrast on the three MR units,the percentage of MT (12SMT/S0) 3 100 was calculatedfor white matter and gray matter in four patients on eachmachine.

Images were evaluated by two neuroradiologists, inconcert and by consensus, for areas of abnormally in-creased signal intensity on each of the four sequences.Lesions were graded on a qualitative scale of 1 to 4, where1 was minimally increased signal; 2 was mildly increasedsignal; 3 was moderately increased signal; and 4, mark-edly increased signal intensity relative to normal brain.The sequences were reviewed in the following order: non-contrast non-MT images, contrast-enhanced non-MT im-ages, noncontrast images with MT, and contrast-enhancedimages with MT.


Eighty-six patients were studied at 1.5 T (52on scanner 2 and 34 on scanner 1) and 69patients were studied at 1.0 T, on scanner 3.The amount of MT contrast was averaged overfour patients on each scanner. In the deep graymatter, MT contrast was 23% with scanner 1,13% with scanner 2, and 12% with scanner 3.The white matter had an MT contrast of 36% onscanner 1, 18% on scanner 2, and 17% on scan-ner 3.

Twenty-two patients had increased signal in-tensity on one or more of the contrast-enhancedsequences. This group comprised 11 men and11 women (mean age, 52 years) with a total of76 lesions. Eight of these patients also had in-creased signal intensity of one or more lesionson the noncontrast non-MT images, and onehad an additional area of high signal in a lesionnoted on a noncontrast image with MT. All ar-eas of increased signal intensity had higher

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scores on noncontrast images with MT than onnoncontrast images without MT. Definite abnor-mal enhancement was noted in five of eightlesions when comparing noncontrast and con-trast-enhanced images without MT and whencomparing noncontrast and contrast-enhanced images with MT. Three of the eightpatients had increased signal intensity on con-trast-enhanced MT images that might havebeen confused with pathologic enhancement ifsimilar high signal had not been observed onthe noncontrast MT images. These includedtwo patients who were being examined for re-current tumor and one patient with a chroniccortical infarction (Figs 1 and 2). Mean signalintensity scores for the contrast-enhanced im-ages with and without MT are shown in Figure3.

An additional six patients had increased sig-nal intensity of one or more lesions on noncon-trast MT images that was not detected on im-ages obtained without MT. Two of these wererelated to underlying high signal intensity in in-farcts, two were due to white matter disease(progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathyand multiple sclerosis), and two were associ-ated with hemorrhage (Fig 4). Five of the six didnot show abnormal enhancement in compari-sons of noncontrast with contrast-enhancednon-MT images and in comparisons of noncon-trast with contrast-enhanced images with MT.One of the six had abnormal enhancement.Mean signal intensity scores for the contrast-enhanced images with and without MT areshown in Figure 5.

The third group consisted of an additionaleight patients who had no high signal intensitylesions on noncontrast images with or withoutMT. All the lesions were seen as well or better oncontrast-enhanced images with MT. Only one ofthe eight patients had an increased number andconspicuity of multiple brain lesions, and thesewere due to cysticercosis (Fig 6).


MT contrast occurs because biological tis-sues contain varying amounts of mobile andimmobile hydrogen (9–11). The immobile (re-stricted) hydrogen pool consists of protonsbound to macromolecules. These restrictedprotons have a short T2 signal, which leads to avery broad line width and makes them nearlyinvisible to standard imaging methods. On the

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Fig 1. A 30-year-old man with historyof treated CNS lymphoma.

A, Noncontrast T1-weighted imageshows low signal abnormality in the headof the caudate nucleus on the left. Notesubtle increased signal along periphery ofthe lesion. There is no evidence of masseffect along the frontal horn of the left lat-eral ventricle.

B, Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted im-age shows no evidence of abnormal con-trast enhancement.

C, Noncontrast T1-weighted imagewith MT shows increased signal in the headof the caudate nucleus accounting for thesignal abnormality on the contrast-en-hanced MT image (D).

D, Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted im-age with MT shows increased signal inten-sity of the head of the caudate nucleus,which might suggest abnormal contrastenhancement if noncontrast MT image (C)were not available for comparison. Imageat 6 month follow-up (not shown) showednew areas of lymphoma in the left occipitallobe without recurrence in the head of thecaudate nucleus.

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other hand, the mobile hydrogen pool has avery narrow line width (longer T2 signal), mak-ing it possible to image.

Conventional imaging sequences are capableof showing mobile hydrogen directly. MT se-quences, on the other hand, image the re-stricted hydrogen pool indirectly. Saturation ofthe bound hydrogen pool with MT pulses resultsin decreased signal intensity from the free hy-drogen pool by the exchange of longitudinalmagnetization between the two groups (9–11).The net effect is greater suppression of signalfrom normal brain parenchyma (more boundprotons) than from pathologic brain lesions(more free protons), which may result in in-creased lesion conspicuity.

The level of MT contrast depends on how it isapplied, the power level used, and the off-reso-nance frequency response. MT contrast is gen-erated by using either off- or on-resonancepulses. In our study, these methods generateddifferent MT contrast ratios, as implemented oneach scanner.

The off-resonance pulse selectively affectsthe restricted hydrogen pool. The pulse is ap-plied far enough off resonance (.1 kHz) toachieve selective saturation yet near enough toresonance to reduce the amount of power re-quired to saturate the bound pool (9). An ad-vantage of this method is that it is simple toimplement and generally more robust. Potentialdrawbacks of this technique include the long

Page 4: Contrast-Enhanced Magnetization Transfer MR of the Brain ... · PURPOSE: To determine the importance of obtaining precontrast T1-weighted magnetization transfer (MT) MR images for

Fig 2. A 35-year-old woman with his-tory of resection of low-grade glioma.

A, Noncontrast T1-weighted imageshows a postoperative defect and signalabnormality of the left posterior frontallobe.

B, Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted im-age shows no evidence of abnormal con-trast enhancement.

C, Noncontrast T1-weighted imagewith MT shows the same area of increasedsignal intensity as on the contrast-en-hanced MT image (D).

D, Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted im-age with MT shows a distinct area of in-creased signal intensity along the anteriormargin of the resection site, which mightsuggest the possibility of abnormal con-trast enhancement if noncontrast MT im-ages were not obtained.

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Fig 3. Mean signal intensity scores for contrast-enhanced (C)T1-weighted MR images with and without MT in eight patients whohad increased signal intensity of one or more lesions on noncon-trast images without MT.

duration of the pulse and the high power re-quired to obtain proper contrast.

The on-resonance approach uses a series ofnonselective RF pulses with pulse amplitudesdescribed by the binomial expansion to producethe desired effect (12, 13). The simplest versionof these jump-and-return pulses is the 1 2 1pulse (90x 2 t 2 902x). The first pulse rotatesall magnetization into the transverse plane. Thedelay time, t, between the pulses is short, sev-eral hundred microseconds, but due to the ex-tremely short T2 of the bound protons theydephase immediately relative to the free pro-tons. The “return” RF pulse rotates the free pro-tons back to the longitudinal axis, ready to be

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Fig 4. A 53-year-old woman withlong-standing history of multiple sclerosis.

A, Noncontrast T1-weighted imageshows several low signal abnormalities inthe centrum semiovale, right greater thanleft. Note subtle increased signal in theperiphery of two of these lesions on theright.

B, Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted im-age does not show definite abnormal con-trast enhancement of the lesions.

C, Noncontrast T1-weighted imagewith MT shows hyperintense lesions of theperiventricular white matter, accountingfor the signal changes noted on the post-contrast T1-weighted image with MT (D).

D, Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted im-age with MT shows prominent hyperin-tense periventricular lesions that corre-spond well to abnormalities shown onproton density–weighted images. Withoutnoncontrast MT images, it would be un-clear whether these lesions representedabnormal contrast enhancement.

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imaged. The bound proton signal is sufficientlydecreased owing to the dephasing that occursduring the mixing period. More complicatedpulse schemes can be used for optimal satura-tion effects. The advantage of the on-resonancepulse is that it is considerably shorter in durationthan the off-resonance method and may bemore energy efficient. However, the sensitivityto field homogeneity and chemical-shift differ-ences may result in direct saturation of the fat orwater peaks. The improved efficiency of theon-resonance pulse may account for the in-crease in MT contrast ratios observed for scan-ner 1.

Clinically, MT sequences have been shown toimprove small-vessel conspicuity on time-of-

Fig 5. Mean signal intensity scores for contrast-enhanced (C)T1-weighted images with and without MT in six patients who hadincreased signal intensity of one or more lesions on noncontrastimages with MT that was not detected on images without MT.

Page 6: Contrast-Enhanced Magnetization Transfer MR of the Brain ... · PURPOSE: To determine the importance of obtaining precontrast T1-weighted magnetization transfer (MT) MR images for

Fig 6. A 26-year-old woman with cysticercosis.A, Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image shows enhancing lesions in the right occipital lobe and superficial to the left insula. Possible

areas of enhancement are noted in the left basal ganglia and left occipital lobe. A low-signal lesion is noted along the right frontaloperculum.

B, Noncontrast T1-weighted image with MT shows areas of low signal intensity in the left basal ganglia, right frontal lobe, and rightfrontal operculum.

C, Contrast-enhanced T1-weighted image with MT shows several additional ring-enhancing lesions. Note the increased conspicuityof the occipital lesions compared with postcontrast T1-weighted image without MT.

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flight intracranial MR angiograms; improve con-trast on gradient-echo images of the cervicalspine; provide tissue characterization in headand neck cancer, meningiomas, intracranialhemorrhage, wallerian degeneration in the fe-line visual system, and multiple sclerosis le-sions; and improve detection of pathologic con-trast enhancement on MR images (14–18).

It is well documented that MT sequences im-prove the conspicuity of contrast enhancementby suppressing background tissue signal inten-sity. This effect has been shown to be both doserelated and synergistic (5, 19). Finelli et al (20)reported similar relative contrast improvementwith triple-dose contrast-enhanced non-MT im-ages compared with single-dose contrast-en-hanced images with MT suppression. Thesynergistic effect is due to the fact that para-magnetic contrast agents decrease the MT ef-fect within enhancing lesions, thereby furtheraccentuating differences between enhancinglesions and background tissues (19). There-fore, the signal intensity of enhancing lesionsis only minimally decreased with MT, muchless than the background brain, which experi-ences a more pronounced reduction in signalintensity.

MT sequences are also highly sensitive to

differential MT ratios in normal brain and innonenhancing pathologic brain lesions. Differ-ential MT ratios in normal brain account for thetypical gray/white matter reversal and high sig-nal intensity of the basal ganglia observed onnoncontrast T1-weighted images with MT (21).Similarly, differential MT ratios of pathologicbrain lesions have recently been shown to behighly sensitive for detection of tuberous scle-rosis and some brain tumors on noncontrastT1-weighted images with MT (7, 8).

A recent study by Mehta et al (6) suggestedthat MT pulses had little effect on noncontrastT1-weighted images in the first 14 patients oftheir 86-patient series. For time and cost con-siderations, they eliminated the noncontrast MTimages in the remainder of their series. Ourresults differ from theirs in that a significantnumber of our patients (six of 22) had increasedsignal intensity on images obtained with MT thatwere not present on images obtained withoutMT, which influenced the qualitative interpreta-tion of the contrast-enhanced MT images. Fur-thermore, eight of 22 patients had more pro-nounced increased signal intensity on the MTimages than on the non-MT images, and thisalso influenced the qualitative interpretation ofthe contrast-enhanced MT images. This in-

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creased signal intensity was related solely to theMT effect of nonenhancing tissue.

High signal on noncontrast images due to theMT effect on pathologic tissues is potentiallyproblematic when interpreting contrast-en-hanced images for the presence of abnormalenhancement. In our first group, in which themean lesional signal intensity scores on unen-hanced MT images were higher than on unen-hanced non-MT images, a comparison of en-hanced with unenhanced non-MT images ismisleading. Simply documenting higher signalintensity on the contrast-enhanced MT imagesdid not necessarily correlate with contrast en-hancement. Rather, the mean signal intensityratings show that a significant percentage of thesignal change was due to MT effect alone.

The noncontrast MT effect was potentiallyeven more problematic in the second group (sixof 22 patients), in which high signal intensity onnoncontrast images was seen only on those ob-tained with MT. Without a noncontrast MT im-age, all areas of increased signal intensity oncontrast-enhanced MT images could be incor-rectly attributed to enhancement, which couldresult in misdiagnosis of enhancement, as seenin three of six cases in which contrast-enhancedMT images showed increased signal intensitywithout high signal intensity on contrast-en-hanced non-MT images. This might adverselyaffect diagnosis and treatment planning in avariety of pathologic conditions, including mul-tiple sclerosis, brain infarction, and tumors.

Our study demonstrates the importance ofcomparing noncontrast with contrast-enhancedMT images. A significant number of patientshad increased signal intensity on unenhancedMT images that was not identified on imagesobtained without MT. This increased signal con-tributes to the signal intensity on contrast-en-hanced MT images, and could have been mis-taken for enhancement if noncontrast MTimages had not been available for comparison.Caution should be exercised when comparingpostcontrast T1-weighted images without MTwith postcontrast T1-weighted images with MTbecause of the potential for misdiagnosis result-ing from false identification of contrast en-hancement.

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