



Culture is the power of the mind in the form of copyright and flavor, while culture is the result

of a copyright sense, initiative, and a sense of the Koentjaraningrat (1976:28). Culture is owned

by every nation, and therefore the culture of every nation is mutually different. Although

sometimes there are similarities as well as family and race. As in discussion is that how can we

facilitate a positive impression of the people of different cultures with us, of course we must first

understand their culture so as not occurred clash culture between our culture with their culture.

In the culture there are two way of communication such as verbal and nonverbal

communication. In this mini research the writer will discuss about eye contact of nonverbal

communication. Eye contact has an important role in conveying social messages and feelings;

people involuntarily often notice the eyes of others to suspect the person's feelings. Through eye

contact, a person can also check whether the other person notice, and if the other person agrees to

talks. In some contexts, meeting the eyes often evoke strong feelings. Eye contact is also

important in approaching the opposite sex, because it can measure interest in each other.

B. Research formulation

The formulation of the problem in the mini research is:

1. What the definition of eye contact?

2. How the application of eye contact in general in the world?

3. What the similarities and differences between eye contact Indonesia and America?

C. Research objective

As for the objectives of this mini research is:

1. To find out definition of eye contact in general.

2. To find out how the application or expression of nonverbal communication using eye

contact in general in the world.

3. To find out the similarities and differences between eye contact Indonesia and America.





A. Definition of eye contact

Eye contact is an incident when two people look at each other's eyes at the same time. The

key characteristic of nonverbal communication, expresses much without using a single word.

Attention to communication Directions eyes one can show where his attention is drawn. Eye contact

is important because insufficient or excessive eye contact can create communication barriers.

Learning tools recent research also shows that eye contact has a positive impact in the recall of

information, and can help the learning process more effective.

B. The application of eye contact in general in the world

The following is the application of eye contact nonverbal communication in general in the


1. Emblem is eye movement which is a symbol that has equality with verbal symbols.

2. Ilustrator is view down. For example: sadness, depression.

3. Regulator is eye contact with look each other

4. Adjustment is Eye blink. For example: Anxious.



5. Affect Display is Eye Pupil enlargement. For example: Angry.

C. The similarities and differences between eye contact Indonesia and America

In general, the use expression of eye contact in the world is the same. As already

described in above, that the application of nonverbal communication using eye contact in

Indonesia and America are the same. However, there is little difference between eye contact

in Indonesia and America. The differences visible from the way they communication. In some

cultures especially in Indonesia make eye contact to superior or to older people considered

impolite and aggressive. Besides that, majority in Indonesia is Moslem. In Islamic religion,

the Muslims are commended for lowered her gaze and avoiding eye contact with the opposite

sex except to members of family. Whereas, in America avoid eye contact that is considered

impolite and indicates that person who avoid eye contact cannot be trusted. American usually

communicates using direct eye contact and has a lot of body movement while talking. This

case often gives rise to misunderstandings between people from both cultures.




A. Conclusion

Eye contact is one of the most important parts of nonverbal communication. The fact

based on the results of research and the discussion, Moreover, eye contact has a

positive impact in the remembering of information, and can help the learning process

more effective. Eye contact is important because insufficient or excessive eye contact

can create communication barriers. Eye contact usually expresses much without using

a single word.

In general, the use expression of eye contact in the world is the same such as:

emblems, illustrator, regulator, adjustment, and affect display.

There is little difference between eye contact in Indonesia and America. The

differences visible from the way they communication. In some cultures especially in

Indonesia make eye contact to superior or to older people considered impolite and

aggressive. Whereas, in America avoid eye contact that is considered impolite and

indicates that person who avoid eye contact cannot be trusted. American usually

communicates using direct eye contact and has a lot of body movement while talking.

B. Recommendation

We must start understand their culture so as not occurred clash culture between our

culture with their culture. As creatures that live side by side, communication or interaction is

very important and cannot be separated in daily life. Besides verbal communication we also

have to understand the kinds of nonverbal communication especially eye contact, because the

eyes are window of the soul human, therefore the movement of the eye can describe what is

perceived or experienced person. However, we have to study the a wide variety of eye

contact, because not all of eye contact is same. For example, in Indonesia and America.




Edward, Will (2008). Body language magic. White Dove Book

 "Eye contact". Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Retrieved May 14, 2006.

Beyond language: cross-cultural communication/ Deena R. Levine. Mara b. Adelman2nd ad


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