Page 1: Context -€¦ · youth exchange 'We are all equal in Creativity', about creativity and the topic asylum seeking. Marco Politano, the most recent member of the team,

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ContextProject Title Europe makers: facilitating youth

Project Acronym

Project Title in English

Project Start Date (dd-mm-yyyy) 01-01-2018

Project Total Duration 6 months

Project End Date (dd-mm-yyyy) 30-06-2018

National Agency of the Applicant Organisation IT03 (ITALIA)

Language used to fill in the form English

For further details about the available Erasmus+ National Agencies, please consult the followingpage:

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Participating Organisations

Applicant OrganisationPIC 917101633


Legal name (national language)

National ID (if applicable) 90035420398

Department (if applicable)


Address Via Parlanta 1

Country Italy

P.O. Box

Post Code 48018


City Faenza


Email [email protected]

Telephone +393898443025


ProfileType of Organisation European NGO

Is your organisation a public body? No

Is your organisation a non-profit? Yes

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Is your organisation: a public body at regional/national level; an association of regions; a EuropeanGrouping of Territorial Cooperation; or a profit-making body active in Corporate SocialResponsibility?


AccreditationHave you received any type of accrediation before submitting this application?Accreditation Type Accreditation Reference

Accreditation of Youth VolunteeringOrganisations 2016-1-IT03-KA110-010245

Associated Persons

Legal RepresentativeTitle

Gender Female

First Name Maria Ludovica

Family Name Flamini


Position President

Email [email protected]

Telephone +393389523890

If the address is different from the one of theorganisation No

Contact PersonTitle

Gender Female

First Name Elisa

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Family Name Emiliani


Position Secretary

Email [email protected]

Telephone +393898443025

Online Linguistic Support Contact Person? Yes

If the address is different from the one of theorganisation Yes

Address Via Calligherie 12

Country Italy

P.O. Box Emiliani

Postal Code 48028


City Faenza

Background and ExperiencePlease briefly present your organisation.

‘SE.M.I. - Seeds for More Interculture’ is an association based in Faenza (RA), Italy, which aims tointegrate young Italians and foreigners in its local community and also to provide youngsters with thepossibility to live in a rich intercultural and creative environment where to exchange opinions anddevelop new ideas. In order to reach these goals the association organizes local and international,cultural and intercultural activities in the area of Faenza, with a focus on creativity, interculturaldialogue, self-development and communication. We believe that creativity can be applied to everyaspect of life and that it can channel diversity into human brotherhood by establishing a commonground through different people and cultures. Similarly, language can be a powerful mean to positivecommunication instead of a barrier.

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What are the activities and experience of the organisation in the areas relevant for this application?

SE.M.I. was funded on the 29th of September 2016, however our staff members have experience ofInternational Youth projects since 2015, speak fluently English and Spanish and have internationaland local contacts. Experience and Activities: As an association we are building relationships withother local associations (in particular ASP, Farsi Prossimo, Progetto Policoro, Amici Mondo Indiviso,PiGreco, A Mani Libere) and institutions (in particular the councillor for culture and the councillor foryouth policies of the municipality of Faenza) and with international organisations to implementprojects with. We provide computer literacy courses for asylum seekers, with a non formal approach,in collaboration with Progetto Policoro and Anolf association. We organise, in collaboration withProgetto Policoro and the technical high school Oriani, volunteering school trips abroad. We arepassionate about creativity as a mean of self development, integration and equality. Our internationalactivities aim to raise awareness of the possibilities to make an experience in other Europeancountries and to increase the international environment in our community. In particular we focus on: -Coaching: translation of CV and motivation letter in English; assistance to find a project abroad with areliable partner association which meets our learning and volunteering goals; preparation of thevolunteers for Skype interviews; deliver of pre-departure training. - International exchanges to boostthe youngsters' self-confidence and self-empowerment, habit of active citizenship, creativity andawareness of other cultures. Also, we are willing to share with the youngsters, through a learning bydoing approach, the knowledge that we already hold and the knowledge that we will acquire on theErasmus+ program; events management; development, implementation and management ofEuropean projects.

Please give information on the key staff/ persons involved in this application and on the competencesand previous experience that they will bring to the project.

The staff members of SE.M.I. are passionate about intercultural dialogue, experiencedcommunicators in Italian, English and Spanish, who strongly believe that diversity is a value.SE.M.I.’s staff work as a team, sharing knowledge and good practices when gained individually,constantly improving their skills as youth workers. They have the habit of listening attentively andopenly expressing ideas, resolving differences of opinion with an open minded approach based onthe awareness of diversity and respect towards the person. Maria Ludovica Flamini, legalrepresentative of the association, she holds a master’s degree in ‘International cooperation,development and human rights’. She completed the civil service and is now working as support stafffor Asylum Seekers. Maria Erbacci, vice-president of the association, she studied ‘Scenography andStagecraft’ in the Academy of Fine Arts in Bologna and in the theatre La Scala in Milano. She is anexperienced event manager and collaborated with other associations on the territory and is noworganizing educational workshops. Elisa Emiliani, holds a master’s degree in ‘Philosophy’. She hasbeen a EVS volunteer herself (OMIX Ribadavia, Spain, Sep. 2015 - Sep. 2016), doing hervolunteering activities in a youth center where she did coach youngsters in the research of a projectabroad. Together with the OMIX team she wrote and managed the youth exchange 'Empty your Mindto Fill it with Creativity' (2016-1- ES02-KA105- 007448), focusing on self-development throughmeditation and creative writing. In September 2017, she facilitated together with Marco Politano theyouth exchange 'We are all equal in Creativity', about creativity and the topic asylum seeking. MarcoPolitano, the most recent member of the team, is an experienced musician and organises musicalevents. He participated in many Erasmus+ training, youth exchanges and seminars gainingexperience about non formal learning and group dynamics.

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Have you applied for/received a grant from any European Union programme in the 12 monthspreceding this application?


Please indicate:

EU Programme Erasmus+ KA1

Year 2017

Project Identification or Contract Number 2017-1-IT03-KA105-010651

Applicant/Beneficiary Name SE.M.I. - Seeds for more interculture

EU Programme Erasmus+ KA1 youth exchange not approved

Year 2017

Project Identification or Contract Number Form hash code 60435B53E21FFB2A

Applicant/Beneficiary Name SE.M.I. - Seeds for more interculture

EU Programme Erasmus+ KA1 youth exchange

Year 2018

Project Identification or Contract Number FormId KA105-E92ED7D0

Applicant/Beneficiary Name SE.M.I. - Seeds for more interculture

Partner OrganisationsPIC 948542922


Legal name (national language) CHECK IN

National ID (if applicable) 509392733

Department (if applicable)


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Country Portugal

P.O. Box

Post Code 7800 256





Telephone +351212404136, +351963224049



Type of Organisation Non-governmentalorganisation/association/social enterprise

Is your organisation a public body? No

Is your organisation a non-profit? Yes

AccreditationHave you received any type of accrediation before submitting this application?Accreditation Type Accreditation Reference

Accreditation of Youth VolunteeringOrganisations 2015-1-PT02-KA110-002151

Associated Persons

Legal RepresentativeTitle

Gender Male

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First Name António

Family Name Gomes


Position President

Email [email protected]

Telephone +351936746012

If the address is different from the one of theorganisation No

Contact PersonTitle

Gender Male

First Name António

Family Name Gomes


Position President

Email [email protected]

Telephone +351936746012

If the address is different from the one of theorganisation Yes

Address Rua Campo de Tiro, 14

Country Portugal

P.O. Box

Postal Code 7800-256


City Beja

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Background and ExperiencePlease briefly present your organisation.

Check-In – Cooperation and Development is a non-profit organization, founded in 2010, based inBeja and operating from Lisbon, in Portugal. It works in close cooperation with public and privateentities, actively participating in quality of life improvement activities. Our organization mainly focuseson youth and adult mobility, non-formal education and the overall sharing of knowledge, through thesupport of European cooperation initiatives. We work on a regular basis with other organizations, aswell as municipalities, universities and higher education institutions in Europe and all around theworld (we built partnerships in Brasil, Tanzania, Nepal, Argentina, Mexico and Perú). Our aim is topromote lifelong learning opportunities, to encourage of social integration, education for sustainabledevelopment and social entrepreneurship. Our working methods are furthermore deeply rooted in theEuropean core values, such as the respect for human rights, democracy, gender equality, ecologicalawareness, intercultural tolerance and solidarity between the people. In addition, we have a specialconcern for children, teenagers and young adults with less privileged access to information, due totheir geographical location, their social and economic status or their personal situation. Check-In hasthus been involved in urban areas and setting up local projects in sensitive neighborhoods in Lisbon.In order to achieve our aims, we organize a wide scope of different activities, taking place from localto international scales. These activities include workshops, seminars, team-building activities andtraining courses. Moreover, We set up long-term volunteering programs, such as European VoluntaryService (EVS), national volunteering, traineeships and internships in Portugal and abroad. To do so,we have developed for over six years a broad network of organizations and companies, operating indifferent sectors and fields of activity.

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Project DescriptionWhy do you want to carry out this project? What are its objectives? How does it link to the objectivesof the Erasmus+ programme and this specific key action? What are the issues and needs that youare seeking to address through this project?

Why this project We wish to carry out this project and send two youth workers from SE.M.I. to jobshadow Check-IN because, as a new organisation in the field of youth mobility, we need to gainknowledge and skills from a very experienced partner in order to implement better KA1 projects(youth exchanges, training courses and EVS/Solidarity corps). SE.M.I. works with Youth but also withasylum seekers in the local community and, since the youth exchange 'We are all equal in creativity',we are merging these fields as we believe that differences are a value which can be nourished bytolerance and intercultural awareness. In order to succeed we need to learn from experiencefacilitators and trainers how to implement projects and mentor participants and volunteers (europeanand not european). Objectives To improve the working skills of the 2 participants as youth workers,as well as collective working ability though teamwork activities with collective goals and deadlines,supporting group-dynamics and cooperation. During the job shadowing period the participants will belearning (by doing, actively participating and by observing experienced trainers and projectmanagers) how to: - Understand techniques and good practices in how to manage internationalprojects; - Learn training and facilitation methods; - Consult other NGOs and schools involved in thesocial field; - Manage group dynamics; - Mentor evs volunteers. Also, the participants will contributeto the project with their own original ideas and their knowledge, taking part in the project’s decisionmaking process. Erasmus+ Objectives KA1 The objectives of this project are linked with the E+specific objectives of KA1 for the mobility of staff as it will increase the competences of 2 youthworkers active in the field of international projects and integration of asylum seekers and refugees,by boosting their facilitation, training and mentoring skills, therefore providing better quality in theirprojects in favour of young people and volunteers; also they will increase their ability to address theneeds of the disadvantaged, besides increasing their linguistic competences and motivation in theirwork. We wish to boost the sense of initiative of the participants and encourage them to activelyparticipate in the European program of youth mobility with good quality projects, sharing theirknowledge and passion about non formal education, cooperation and social inclusion. This way theparticipants themselves will be able to promote intercultural dialogue in their local communities and inEurope in general. Issues and Needs As organisations supporting youngsters and our localcommunities, we feel the need to work for social and cultural inclusion of minorities, migrants, asylumseekers besides the local marginalised youngsters, so that diversity can be commonly addressed asa solution instead of a problem. Also, we wish to offer to the youngsters the chance to live in a thrillingintercultural environment. New ideas are born from cultural diversity; languages can be a mean ofcooperation to unite people instead of separate them; intercultural dialogue and european citizenshipare becoming more and more central to our society. To facilitate this process of inclusion we use nonformal education methods, mobility of youngsters, intercultural dialogue and internationalcooperation. In order to do it at the best of our possibilities, we wish to offer an effective training toour youth workers, so that both associations can benefit for this project. Specifically, we need toimplement projects of greater impact in our communities, therefore we need to provide the youthworkers with professional development in order for them to gain knowledge, skills and experience in:- implementing projects inside the Erasmus + program, so they would be able to implement their ownproject and bring new opportunities in their local area; - understanding techniques and goodpractices in how to manage international projects - to guarantee higher professional standards whichyouth workers can operate with; - understanding training methods - so the participants will be able totransfer the knowledges acquired into the development of new methods in the frame of non formaleducation, with a learning-by-doing approach; - consulting other NGOs and high schools involved inthe social field - to promote an efficient net of international organizations able to cooperate and

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produce new outputs; - mentoring EVS volunteers and learn how to efficiently coordinate an EVSproject involving youngsters, including youngsters with fewer opportunities.

How did you choose your project partners? What experiences and competences will they bring in theproject? Please also describe how the project meets the needs and objectives of your partners.

There are 2 partners in this project: SE.M.I. (Italy) and Check-IN (Portugal). Choosing the partnerElisa Emiliani (SE.M.I.) started to collaborate with Check-In in 2016, for the youth exchange 'Emptyyour mind to fill it with creativity' and Marco Politano (SE.M.I.) encountered Check-IN in 2013, for aGruntvig project about sustainable music. The collaboration with Check-IN continued throughAssociazione Agrado (Vinci) and in 2017 SE.M.I. and Check-IN started a new project involving theitalian high school Istituto Oriani according to which the students will go to Lisbon for a volunteeringschool trip abroad and will gain professional competences by offering their services to local NGOs(website development; business model canvas for a new project; marketing strategy etc.). Anothergoal is to establish a partnership also between Oriani high school and a high school in Lisbon, toimplement more projects together. Choosing Check-IN as a partner for this project is a naturalchoice: SE.M.I. can learn a great deal from the experienced members of Check-IN, and the sametime can bring new ideas and new projects of mutual cooperation. Also, we share a similar profile: weboth work with non formal education, with special regard to youngsters with fewer opportunities in ourlocal communities. They share the same belief on the importance of constantly improve oneself,intercultural awareness and competences (in this case through job shadowing of activities within theframe of non-formal education, management of international projects) in the participants of theprojects, who will benefit from the experience acquiring new competences and methodologies. Ourpartner takes active participation in all the project’s activities and stages: from taking part in theapplication phase to the project evaluation and dissemination of the project and its results (informingand spreading good project implementation practices). Experience The quality of Check-In's serviceslie in the expertise and professionalism of the team, made of a heterogeneous group of dynamic,energetic and motivated people who share the common aspiration of building together projects thatcan make a difference, according to their values and experiences. Each person has got differentskills and competences, using them to add their share of knowledge to the team. Every member ofCheck-IN has a different background, ranging from animation (group dynamics, street animation),theatre, arts and media, all the way to political sciences, law and humanitarian aid. Two of Check-IN's trainers have years of international experience in non-formal education and coordination ofgroups and international projects, who are used to developing and supervising the partnerships inprojects, ensuring the best possible outcomes. Check-IN's EVS volunteers are also very active andorganize local and national activities, but not only that: Check-IN has been involved in internationalmobility projects, volunteering and non-formal education. Needs and Objectives of Check-IN Thisproject supports the need of our partner to share and disseminate at an international level theirinnovative methods of non formal education. The participation in this project will meet the needs ofCheck-IN to train youth workers by giving the participants new reproducible tools and skills on thetopics of intercultural dialogue and social inclusion, which they will be able to share and spread. Theparticipants are then encouraged to develop their own methodologies which will be shared withCheck-IN in order to widen the tools available to the youth workers of both partner organisations.Also, this project meets the need of Check-IN for new international reliable partners, to implementquality projects in the field of non formal education, funded by the Erasmus+ program but also byschools and municipalities.

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Please select up to three relevant topics addressed by your project.

Youth (Participation, Youth Work, Youth Policy)

New innovative curricula/educational methods/development of training courses

International cooperation, international relations, development cooperation

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Participants' ProfilePlease describe for each planned activity the background and needs of the participants involved andhow these participants have been or will be selected. If there are participants with fewer opportunitiesplease give information about their profile/background.

The activity foreseen by this project is 1 month job shadowing in Lisbon, at Check-IN, in order toacquire knowledge and skills in the field of project management, training, facilitation and mentoring.The project is designed for two people (Elisa Emiliani and Marco Politano) actively involved in thefield of youth work with a focus on non formal education, who want to improve their knowledge andskills by learning from experienced trainers and facilitators with a learning by doing approach. Also,the participants are interested in implementing and managing quality projects, in developingtrainings, coordinating EVS projects and mentoring volunteers and are keen on bringing thisknowledge in their daily life and work, to improve themselves individually, their association SE.M.I.,the local community and society in general. Selection The participants have been selected betweenthe staff of SE.M.I. and relevant stakeholders (PiGreco, A Mani Libere, Agrado) as they are startingto develop projects together, they are youth workers interested in non formal education and in thelearning by doing approach, keen on applying the new knowledge acquired to their work with the aimto improve social inclusion of people with different cultures and backgrounds. They both metpersonally Antonio Gomes of the association Check-IN in August 2017 and they stated their intentionin developing a Job Shadowing activity and the cooperation started to take shape. Elisa Emiliani andMarco Politano can guarantee the availability of one whole month for job shadowing abroad and theywill benefit the most from this project, as they are becoming a new team of facilitators (that startedwith the youth exchange implemented by SE.M.I. in September 2017, 'We are all equal in creativity')and are in need of improvement. Background and Needs Elisa Emiliani (born in Faenza on06/09/1986) has finished in September 2016 an EVS project in the Spanish youth center OMIXRibadavia (where she wrote organised the youth exchange ‘Empty Your Mind to Fill it with Creativity’with OMIX’s team); for SE.M.I. she wrote and implemented another youth exchange 'We are all equalin Creativity' with a focus on the topic of asylum seeking. This job shadowing project is going toprovide her with the necessary knowledge to support the association SE.M.I. and work efficiently inthe field of youth and intercultural dialogue with non formal education tools and methods and at thesame time support other organisations. Marco Politano (born in Empoli on 09/11/1986) is activelyinvolved in the activities of associazione SE.M.I. (in particular, he actively participated as co-facilitator in the youth exchange 'We are all equal in creativity'), he funded the association TracceNascoste which manages the web radio Orme Radio. The objectives of the association are topromote cultural, artistic and creative projects through the new media, and is funded on values ofactive participation, sharing, cooperation, solidarity and critical dialogue. Job shadowing with Check-In will enrich the participant’s knowledge of non formal education tools and methods enabling him tobe more efficient as a youth worker, supporting SE.M.I. and implementing new projects. Before thestart date of the Job shadowing activity the participants will design and sign the Activity agreementtogether with Check-In. Fewer Opportunities Marco Politano is currently unemployed (since February2017).

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Please provide for each planned activity, general information on the age of participants and describehow you will ensure gender balance in the main activities carried out in your project.

The project activity is designed for two participants, one female and one male to respect genderbalance, involved in the field of youth work and non formal education: Elisa Emiliani (31 years old)and Marco Politano (30 years old). The participants have a strong interest in applying non formaleducation methods to their work with youngsters, especially with marginalised young people such asmigrants and asylum seekers, with the aim to promote diversity and interculturality as a valuesupported by respect and tolerance. In order to reach the objectives of encouraging participation,gender equality, tolerance and cooperation, the programme is designed for two participants, onefemale and one male. We will ensure that we provide the right information before the job shadowingso that participants can be informed and involved at their maximum potential.

Participants with Fewer OpportunitiesDoes your project involve participants facing situations that make their participation in the activitiesmore difficult?


Which types of situations are these participants facing?

Economic obstacles

Learning OutcomesWhich learning outcomes or competences (i.e. knowledge, skills and attitudes/behaviours) are to beacquired/improved by participants in each planned activity of your project?

The methodology of the project will support the participants on their own self-development as youthworkers providing them with: - Non formal education tools and methods to facilitate for a group ofyoung participants (16-30 years old); - The habit to share their know-how, ideas and experience; -Self-confidence as youth workers and facilitators, shadowing an experienced staff and developingtheir own activities; - The necessary knowledge to implement an international project; - A strongerawareness of their strengths and weaknesses, thus becoming more confident and inspiring for theirlocal communities and building synergies between themselves, the involved organisations and theother youth workers they will get in contact with. The participants will also work on a school trip.Check-IN will manage the activities for the students and the participants will shadow theirexperienced trainers and facilitators, therefore acquiring knowledge to directly apply also in thisprojects in the future. Furthermore, the participants will have the possibility to increase their networkof contacts in the NGO community, which will provide them with the necessary support in the form ofinternational partners and/or advice when they will implement their own Erasmus+ projects andactivities in the frame of non formal education.

The Erasmus+ Programme promotes the use of instruments/certificates like Europass, ECVET andYouthpass to validate the competences acquired by the participants during their experiences abroad.Will your project make use of such European instruments/certificates? If so, please select up to three

Youthpass Certificate

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Are you planning to use any national instrument/certificate? If so, which one?


How will you use the European/national instrument(s)/certificate(s) selected? How will you ensure anawareness and reflection of the participants on their learning process and competences developed inthe project? Please remember to include the methods that support reflection and documentation ofthe learning outcomes in the daily timetable of each activity.

During the month of the mobility, the participants will reflect on their knowledge and fill theiryouthpass, which will be released at the end of the project. The reflection will be done weeklytogether with Antonio Gomes, the responsible for Check-IN association, an experienced youthworker and project manager who will share his knowledge and guide the participants in their learningprocess. Working together, the participants will also be Learning companions, talking betweenthemselves and reflecting on their skills, attitudes and already thinking about more projects toimplement. Reflection will be supported by tools as the Map of experience, Bloob images, peersdiscussion. Also, the participants will have the possibility to do their reflection with Lerio, aprofessional coach who works in Check-IN and can share tools and ideas for self-development.

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PreparationPlease describe for each planned activity what will be done in preparation, by your organisation and,if revelant, by your partners and/or consortium members before the main activities take place.

Practical ArrangementsHow will the practical and logistic matters of each planned activity be addressed (e.g. travel,accommodation, insurance, safety and protection of participants, visa, preparatory meetings withpartners etc.)?

The practical and logistic matters will be taken care by the hosting organisation Check-IN. Thepartner organisation Check-IN will take care of providing the participants with all the necessaryinformation regarding the practical aspects of the mobility as well as content of the project andplanned activities within the program. Check-IN's staff has implemented a detailed plan of theproject’s activities (attached) and the organisers will be available to answer any questions. All thetravel arrangements will be made by the logistic responsible of the project of the sending organisation(SE.M.I.). However, Check-IN will stay in direct relation with the partner organisation to validate thesuggested means of transport. The participants will be in possession of the European HealthInsurance card as it is free of charge and permits access to state-provided medical healthcare duringa temporary stay in any of the EU countries, including Portugal. Check-IN will assist the participantsin finding an affordable accommodation in Lisbon.

Project ManagementHow will you address quality and management issues (e.g. setting up of agreements with partners,learning agreements with participants, etc.)?

The quality management issues will be addressed by already established cooperation between theapplicant organisationSE.M.I.) and the partner (Check-IN). Constant exchange of the information willbe provided to insure the quality of the project implementation and best experience of theparticipants. Before the project activity the full info pack of the project and the activities will be sharedbetween the partners and the participants, and will be asked to provide feedback on it, so theadjustments can be made before the mobility. The project activity will include weekly reflection andparticipants will be encouraged to evaluate the activities. This will provide the opportunity toimmediately improve the quality of the activity and conduct it according to participants’ learningneeds. Participants will be asked to give feedback on the activities, as well as general feedback atthe end of the project. An activity agreement on responsibilities of each partner has been made inorder to ensure smooth implementation of the project and sharing its results.

Preparation of Participants

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Which kind of preparation will be offered to participants (e.g. task-related, intercultural, linguistic,risk-prevention etc)? Who will provide such preparatory activities?

Elisa Emiliani and Marco Politano, the selected participants, will be provided by associazioneSE.M.I., the applicant organisation, in collaboration with Check-In, the partner organisation, with anactivity-specific info pack that will include information on the project, its aims and content, the venue,timetable of the activities, general information about the hosting organisation, about the trainers andthe hosting country. Furthermore, associazione SE.M.I. will implement preparatory meetings, willpresent the Portuguese culture and the city of Lisbon including potential risks and how to preventthem. Participants will also be asked to indicate in which activities they are most interested in order toprovide them with the most possible efficient training.

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Main ActivitiesPlease explain the context and objectives of the activities you are planning and in which way they meet the objectives of the project.

Context: youth work with non formal education methods for facilitation. This project foresees one main activity: job shadowing for 2 Italian youthworkers (Elisa Emiliani and Marco Politano), that will be held from the 16th of March to the 14th of April 2018 in the multicultural city of Lisbon, in theheadquarters of our partner organisation Check-In. Objectives of the planned activity The main objective of the project is to improve the participants’working skills and self confidence as youth workers at a personal level as well as a team level. We will reach this objective organising for theparticipants a job shadowing period in Lisbon focused on a learning by doing approach, in which the participants will be in contact with theexperienced staff of Check-In, actively participating in the management of a school trip, preparing a youth exchange (choosing and developing thecorrect activities), consulting other NGOs and schools, getting familiar with ICT tools for project management. Being transferable, these knowledgeand methods will be reproduced and shared by the participants after the end of the project.

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What are the basic elements of those activities? For each activity, remember to describe at the very least all of the following: type of activity,venue(s), planned dates, working methods used, countries involved and the role of each project partner in the activity.

We plan a job shadowing activity for 2 youth workers from Associazione SE.M.I. (Italy) to Check-IN (Portugal). We foresee 4 weeks activity (16thMarch - 14th April 2018) in Lisbon in the headquarter of Check-IN organisation. The 2 italian youth workers will have the chance to see and learn thework methods in non formal education, used by the portuguese colleagues. The similarity of the activities developed by the 2 partner organisationswill facilitate the task and will provide an easier understanding and exchange of knowledges and know-how. These activities are: - planning (andimplementing, if the projects are approved) international projects in the frame of Erasmus+ Programme (Youth Education Ka1, in particular youthexchanges, as this is what the participants are now focussing on in their work for SE.M.I.); - project coordination and partnership management; - nonErasmus+ project management (non formal education activities for a school trip); - EVS mentoring volunteers and coordinating projects. The workingmethods will be based on non formal pillars: the 2 youth workers will have a learning by doing achievement, being side by side with the portugueseexpert colleagues. They will have some sessions where the portuguese colleagues will explain the main topics and methods and will clarify somepoints in the work management, and the Italian Youth workers will try to develop their self-directed learning, in order to learn with critical sense andbeing a resource for the hosting organisation. It will be an active exchange of competences in order for both the parts to achieve an enrichment interms of innovation and know-how. Also the sending organisation (SE.M.I.) will have a great benefit from the activity because after this activity willhave back 2 youth workers with full competences and different points of view and tools in youth work, ready to implement better quality youthexchanges. Associazione SE.M.I. will be the sending and coordinating organisation and will have the following tasks: - Pre-departure meetings: inorder to prepare the 2 youth workers for the project (tasks, rights and duties, expectations and fears, daily programme, info on accommodation andtravel, culture of the country, Youthpass) and in order to support motivation; - activity agreement between the 2 youth workers and SO and RO abouttasks, learning expectations and outcomes; - travel and tickets search; - insurance for participants (making sure they they are in possession of validEuropean Health Card); - Youthpass delivery; - tutoring and support; - prepare an infopack in cooperation with the hosting organisation to facilitatethe tasks of the participants; - keep uninterrupted contacts with Check-In (by email, skype, through documents sharing - Google drive, through photoand video documentation etc); - keep contacts with the participants during their stay in Lisbon to support motivation, listening to their needs andcelebrate achievements; - on participants return, organise meetings where spreading the know-how and the value of the experience in Check-In; -promotion of the project on Facebook page and Website; - support participants in their final assessment on competences gained. Check-In will bethe receiving organisation and will have the following tasks: - prepare the infopack in cooperation with the sending organisation to facilitate the tasksof the participants; - have Skype meetings with the participants in order to start the relation and facilitate the next step of learning once in Lisbon; -help with accomodation and local transports; - providing a tutor and a mentor for the activities, social life, counselling and evaluation; - evaluation andassessment of skills; - keeping uninterrupted contacts with Associazione SE.M.I. (by email, skype, through documents sharing - Google drive,through photo and video documentation etc.); - support participants in their final assessment on competences gained.

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If applicable, how do you intend to cooperate and communicate with your project partners and/or consortium members and other relevantstakeholders?

The coordinator will take care to have frequent Skype meetings/email exchanges with the Portuguese tutor in all the phases of the project to maintainclear relationships and agreement. Especially in the preparation phase and in the first moments, in order to follow the work of the participants in eachphase and to agree with the Hosting organisation methodologies, tasks and evaluation methods, and final assessment. The hosting organization willsummarize the conclusions and results of the project and deliver this information to the partner, as well as publish it online. Very important forbuilding a reliable cooperation will be the signed agreement between the 2 organizations and the volunteer, where underlining duties and tasks ofeach one and where finding a clear sharing of grants between the parties. This will ensure trust, transparency and honest relationships. Thedocument will be prepared by the Sending Organization and delivered to the partner as soon as the project will be approved by NA. Moreover the 2organizations will have an open communication with their local communities (municipalities and other organizations and youth, relevant stakeholdersas NGOs and schools involved in the school trip) and they will publish articles about the project, share photos and video on their social networks andwebsites in order to spread promotion, flowing and results of the project.

If there is the need for any additional support like accompanying person, reinforced mentorship etc., please, explain this need.


List of ActivitiesPlease enter the different mobility activities you intend to implement in your project.

Id Title Activity type Total No ofFlows

Total No ofParticipants

Total Budget

A1 Europe makers: facilitating youth Mobility of youth workers - ProgrammeCountries 1 2 2750.00 EUR

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Activity A1Activity Type Mobility of youth workers - Programme Countries

Activity Title Europe makers: facilitating youth


Flow NoCountry of OriginCountry of DestinationCity of Venue

Start DateEnd Date

Total DurationExcludingTravel (days)

Total DurationIncludingTravel (days)

Total No. ofParticipants


16-03-201814-04-2018 30 32 2

Flow No. 1 of Activity A1

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For further information please consult the Programme Guide for the overview of funding rules.

Activity Title Europe makers: facilitating youth

Country of Origin Italy

Country of Destination Portugal

City of Venue Lisbon

Start Date 16-03-2018

End Date 14-04-2018

Distance Band 500-1999 km

No of Total Participants 2

No of Participants with Special Needs 0

No of Participants with Fewer Opportunities 1

No of Accompanying Persons 0

Group Leaders / Trainers / Facilators 0

Travel Days 2

Total Duration Excluding Travel 30

Total Duration Including Travel 32



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Travel Grant per Participant 275.00 EUR

No of Participants 2

Top-up for Expensive Domestic Travel Cost 180.00 EUR

No of Top-ups for Expensive Domestic Travel Cost 0

Total Travel Grant 550.00 EUR

Organisational SupportTotal Duration (days) 32

No of Participants 2

Grant per Participant / Day 65.00 EUR

Total Organisational Support Grant 2200.00 EUR

BudgetFor further information please consult the Programme Guide for the overview of funding rules.

Special Needs' SupportNo No of Participants With Special Needs Description of Cost Item Grant Requested (EUR)


Total     0.00 EUR

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Exceptional Costs

No No of Participants (including accompanyingpersons) Description of Cost Item Grant Requested (EUR)


Total     0.00 EUR

Total Activity BudgetTotal Travel Grant 550.00 EUR

Total Individual Support Grant 0.00 EUR

Total Organisational Support Grant 2200.00 EUR

Total Special Needs Grant 0.00 EUR

Total Exceptional Costs Grant 0.00 EUR

Total Activity Grant 2750.00 EUR

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Follow Up

ImpactPlease describe what will happen after the end of your main activities.

What is the expected impact on the participants, participating organisation(s) and target groups?

We expect that the 2 youth workers to have a life experience, both on the personal and professionalside, facing every day challenges and tasks. Especially the mobility activity will produce the followingoutcomes: - improved competences in Youth work (planning and implementing a youth exchange,management, development of creative activities for learning, diffusion of outputs from projects,facilitation methods, partnerships and establishment of contacts with different NGOs, betterknowledge of Erasmus+ programme); - broader understanding of practices, policies and systems inyouth across countries; they will observe the Portuguese system and practices of youth policiesbringing good practices to Italy within their organisation to trigger changes, modernisation andinternational opening; - greater understanding of interconnections between formal and non-formaleducation, through the contact also with other organisations working on both the levels; - betterquality of their work and activities in favour of young people, especially those with disadvantages: the2 youth workers will work on inclusion and will gain tools and methods to address the needs of theseinto projects and activities (with their organization SE.M.I. they are organizing youth exchanges aboutthe inclusion of asylum seekers); - increased motivation in their daily work: learning new tools andimproving new skills in a different cultural environment will produce benefits in the participants inmotivation and profesionalisation; - greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguisticand cultural diversity. This experience will serve also to develop/improve their competences andimprove their vision of the world and self-awareness, gain new knowledge about Portugal and thelocal culture, learn to deal with cultural shocks and differences, develop team-work skills inintercultural environment, improve intercultural communication skills, improve English language skillsand learn some words/expressions in Portuguese language, understand their own culture better,increase their intercultural knowledge in order to avoid and reduce negative attitudes towards othercultures and cultural misunderstandings. For the 2 organizations this project represents a greatopportunity to strenghten their cooperation and partnership at European level, and it is a way todevelop competences in managing projects and to change and improve their local environment andcommunities, enriching them with inputs and social growing. For the HO it will be along the month ofJobshadowing. For the SO it will happen during the month, and moreover on the participants' returnhome, when the participants will bring the benefit of their experience abroad enriching the territorywith new youth impulses. They will also strengthen their international cooperation and be able tobetter understand the work that is being carried by each one and learn with the best practices. Wehope this project has a strong impact also on the other youngsters in Italy and in Lisbon district, topromote Erasmus+ opportunities and the benefits coming from mobility learning. We expect thatthrough this project and its results diffusion we can improve the level of diffusion of Europeanopportunities in the youth of the 2 local environments, causing a chain reaction in trying mobilityprojects.

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What is the desired impact of the project at the local, regional, national, European and/orinternational levels?

The local NGos and the Municipalities will be informed of the project, especially by websites andFacebook. We estimate we can reach roughly 150 Youth organisations by Facebook (pages,groups). Our aim is also to spread at national level information about this project and to giveopportunities to the youth to get to know better Erasmus + program. We also present this project insome high schools for the last year students. We estimate to reach at least 2.000 contacts betweenour blogs and social media pages (Facebook and Instagram for the youngest). During the project theinvolved organization are committed to spread the mobility activities: we plan to edit every weekSE.M.I.'s blog and social media pages with photos from our participants abroad and also somewritings from them. The Hosting organization will also multiply the visibility and impact thanks to theirsocial networks and website. The project will have a strong impact in Local/Regional level and theTarget group (institutions, citizens, NGOs) will have a lot of benefits from this: - Visibility; - Possibilityto plan similar actions following the example (inspiring effect); - Improve cooperation betweenorganizations/institutions; - Mobility opportunities for development; - Support in local activities; - Aterritory enriched from the know-how of people from different culture; - The know-how andcompetences of youth workers come back from a deep experience; - The promotion of theorganizations and of the places in an international level; - Development of bounds of friendship andcooperation with people abroad. The project will bring improvements in the neighborhood of Lisbonwhere Check-In operates, and to the Lisbon school that will be involved in the school trip. In Italy, andin particular in the small town of Faenza, it will bring a cultural change, promoting the opportunity ofErasmus+ mobility as a tool for development and trying to spread it as a habit in the life of theyoungsters here, pushing them to get out of their comfort zone. We try to spread a culture forpersonal and social challenges of young people, which can improve only from the contact withdifferent/sometimes shocking realities.

Dissemination of project's resultsWhich activities will you carry out in order to share the results of your project outside yourorganisation/consortium and partners? What will be the target groups of your disseminationactivities?

Dissemination will be organized through: - Spreading mutimedial reportage (Photo and Video) andarticles by web (email, Blog, Social networks) to the contacts of the 2 involved organizations, to local,regional, national, European and International institutions, schools, NGOs. - Press: article on localnewspapers and online news (Buonsenso Faenza, Il piccolo etc.) - Radio and Youth Web radio (forexample Orme Radio) The exploitation activities will ensure optimal use of the results because theywill be strongly based on the local level and on the community involvement but at the same time,thanks to online dissemination, the results will also reach other countries and could be inspiring and awork tool for other NGOs or communities.


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Which activities will you carry out in order to assess whether, and to what extent, your project hasreached its objectives and results?

Evaluation activities will be carried out every week, in mid-term and at the end of the activity. Theseevaluations will be carried out between the 2 organizations and between organizations and theparticipants. We will have meetings with the participants and emails and Skype with the HO andcommunication will be precious for avoiding misunderstanding and caring eventual risk situations.Hosting Organisation will have a person who every week will monitor the development of theparticipants and will help them in assessment of competences during a meeting of evaluation.Moreover a strong alliance and cooperation between the 2 organisations will strengthen the effortsand the development of the participants. Before the return to the home country, the participants willhave a final evaluation. The hosting organization Check-In will summarize the conclusions andresults of the project and deliver this information to the sending organization (SE.M.I.), as well aspublish it online. All the levels will be monitored: self assessment of competences, SWOT analysis,comparing beginning expectations with final results, through diary writings and through videos andoutputs. After returning home the participants will have an evaluation with the Sending Organizationwhich will also organize a meeting with the other youth workers from SE.M.I. and other relevantstakeholders as a good way and for promotion in the local community. All the experience onprofessional and personal level will be evaluated and especially the successes and limits. Involvedparties will develop plans for future actions and cooperation (other school trips, youth exchangesabout inclusion to develop together).

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BudgetPlease provide any further comments you may have concerning the entered budget.


Activity Id Activity Type Flow No.

Country ofOriginCountry ofDestinationCity of Venue

Travel Grantper Participant

No. ofParticipants(includingaccompanyingpersons)

No. of Top-ups(Includingthose grantedto accopanyingpersons forExpensiveDomesticTravel Cost)

Total TravelGrantRequested

A1Mobility of youthworkers -ProgrammeCountries


275.00 EUR 2 0 550.00 EUR

Total 550.00 EUR

Individual Support

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Activity Id Activity Type Flow No. Country ofDestination

Duration perParticipant(days)

No. ofParticipants

Grant perParticipant

Total GrantRequested

Total 0.00 EUR

Organisational Support

Activity Id Activity Type Flow No. Country ofDestination

Total Duration(days)

No. ofParticipants

Grant perParticipant

Total GrantRequested

A1Mobility of youthworkers -ProgrammeCountries

1 Portugal 32 2 65.00 EUR 2200.00 EUR

Total 2200.00 EUR

Special Needs' Support

Activity Id Activity Type No. of Participants WithSpecial Needs Description of Cost Item Total Grant Requested

Total 0.00 EUR

Exceptional Costs

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Activity Id Activity Type No. of Participants WithSpecial Needs Description of Cost Item Total Grant Requested

Total 0.00 EUR

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Project Summary


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Please provide a short summary of your project. Please recall that this section (or part of it) may beused by the European Commission, Executive Agency or National Agencies in their publications. Itwill also feed the Erasmus+ Project Results Platform.Be concise and clear and mention at least the following elements: context/background of project;objectives of your project; number and profile of participants; description of activities; methodology tobe used in carrying out the project; a short description of the results and impact envisaged and finallythe potential longer term benefits. The summary will be publicly available in case your project isawarded.

Context We wish to carry out this project and send two youth workers from SE.M.I. to job shadowCheck-IN because, as a new organisation in the field of youth mobility, we need to gain knowledgeand skills from a very experienced partner in order to implement better KA1 projects (youthexchanges, training courses and EVS/Solidarity corps). SE.M.I. works with Youth but also withasylum seekers in the local community and, since the youth exchange 'We are all equal in creativity',we are merging these fields as we believe that differences are a value which can be nourished bytolerance and intercultural awareness. In order to succeed we need to learn from experiencefacilitators and trainers how to implement projects and mentor participants and volunteers (europeanand not european). Objectives To improve the working skills of the 2 participants as youth workers,as well as collective working ability though teamwork activities with collective goals and deadlines,supporting group-dynamics and cooperation. During the job shadowing period the participants will belearning (by doing, actively participating and by observing experienced trainers and projectmanagers) how to: - Understand techniques and good practices in how to manage internationalprojects; - Learn training and facilitation methods; - Consult other NGOs and schools involved in thesocial field; - Manage group dynamics; - Mentor evs volunteers. Also, the participants will contributeto the project with their own original ideas and their knowledge, taking part in the project’s decisionmaking process. Participants The activity foreseen by this project is 1 month job shadowing inLisbon, at Check-IN, in order to acquire knowledge and skills in the field of project management,training, facilitation and mentoring. The project is designed for two people actively involved in thefield of youth work with a focus on non formal education, who want to improve their knowledge andskills by learning from experienced trainers and facilitators with a learning by doing approach.Activities The 2 italian youth workers will have the chance to see and learn the work methods in nonformal education, used by the portuguese colleagues. The similarity of the activities developed by the2 partner organisations will facilitate the task and will provide an easier understanding and exchangeof knowledges and know-how. These activities are: - planning (and implementing, if the projects areapproved) international projects in the frame of Erasmus+ Programme (Youth Education Ka1, inparticular youth exchanges, as this is what the participants are now focussing on in their work forSE.M.I.); - project coordination and partnership management; - non Erasmus+ project management(non formal education activities for a school trip); - EVS mentoring volunteers and coordinatingprojects. The working methods will be based on non formal pillars: the 2 youth workers will have alearning by doing achievement, being side by side with the portuguese expert colleagues. They willhave some sessions where the portuguese colleagues will explain the main topics and methods andwill clarify some points in the work management, and the Italian Youth workers will try to developtheir self-directed learning, in order to learn with critical sense and being a resource for the hostingorganisation. It will be an active exchange of competences in order for both the parts to achieve anenrichment in terms of innovation and know-how. Impact We expect that the 2 youth workers to havea life experience, both on the personal and professional side, facing every day challenges and tasks.For the 2 organizations this project represents a great opportunity to strenghten their cooperation andpartnership at European level, and it is a way to develop competences in managing projects and tochange and improve their local environment and communities, enriching them with inputs and socialgrowing. For the HO it will be along the month of Jobshadowing. For the SO it will happen during the

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month, and moreover on the participants' return home, when the participants will bring the benefit oftheir experience abroad enriching the territory with new youth impulses. They will also strengthentheir international cooperation and be able to better understand the work that is being carried by eachone and learn with the best practices.

Summary of Participating Organisations

Name of the Organisation Country of theOrganisation

Type of theOrganisation



Non-governmentalorganisation/association/social enterprise

Total number of participating organisations excluding consortiummembers where applicable 2

Summary of Activities and Participants

Activity Type No. ofActivities No. of Participants Participants with Fewer


Mobility of youthworkers -ProgrammeCountries

1 2 1

Total 1 2 1

Budget Summary

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Activity Type TravelIndividualSupport





A1Mobility of youthworkers -ProgrammeCountries

550.00EUR 0.00 EUR 2200.00

EUR 0.00 EUR 0.00 EUR 2750.00EUR

Total 550.00EUR






Project Total Grant

Grant Calculated 2750.00 EUR

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Annexes The maximum number of attachments (including the Declaration of Honour) is 10 and the maximumtotal size is 10240 kB

 Please download the Declaration of Honour, print it, sign it by the legal representative and attach.

File Name File Size(kB)

Declaration of honour Jobshadowing Lisbon SEMI.pdf 1,963

 Please attach a timetable of each of the activities planned in your project.

File Name File Size(kB)

ka105-activities-timetable-jobshadowing checkin SEMI.xlsx 20

 Please attach any other relevant documents.

File Name File Size(kB)

2017-mandate_ Jobshadowing SEMI Check in.pdf 759

Total Size (kB) 2,742

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Checklist Before submitting your application form to the National Agency, please make sure that:

It fulfils the eligibility criteria listed in the Programme Guide.All relevant fields in the application form have been completed. You have chosen the correct National Agency of the country in which your organisation is

established. Currently selected NA is:  IT03 (ITALIA)

Please also keep in mind the following: Mandates of each partner to the applicant, signed by both parties, should be submitted as an annex tothe application form. If the application is approved for funding, signed mandates will be considered as acondition for signature of the grant agreement. The documents proving the legal status of the applicant must be uploaded in the participants' portal (formore details, see Part C of the Programme Guide - \"Information for applicants\") The requested grant exceeds 60 000 EUR. If the applicant organisation is not a public body or aninternational organisation, please do not forget to upload the necessary documents proving yourfinancial capacity in the participants' portal (for more details, see the section \"Selection Criteria\" inPart C of the Programme Guide).

Data Protection Notice

 The application form will be processed electronically. All personal data (such as names, addresses,CVs, etc) will be processed in pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 45/2001 on the protection of individualswith regard to the processing of personal data by the Community institutions and bodies and on the freemovement of such data. Any personal data requested will only be used for the intended purpose, i.e..:

In the case of grant application forms: the evaluation of your application in accordance with thespecifications of the call for proposals, the management of the administrative and financial aspectsof the project if selected and the dissemination of results through appropriate Erasmus+ IT tools.For the latter, as regards the details of the contact persons, an unambiguous consent will berequested


In the case of application for accreditation forms: the evaluation of your application in accordancewith the specifications of the call for proposals.


In the case of report forms: statistical and financial (if applicable) follow-up of the projects.- For the exact description of the collected personal data, the purpose of the collection and thedescription of the processing, please refer to the Specific Privacy Statement (see link below)associated with this form

I agree with the Data Protection Notice

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