Page 1: Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance

Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance away from the construction site and could not be


A. To cause to explode

B. To build upon

C. To drill

D. To form a basement

Context Clues

The children got lost in the labyrinth unable to find their way out. Their map was of no help to them as they went around in circles trying to locate the exit.

A. A subway in a large city

B. A forest with tall trees

C. A carnival with many rides

D. A system of passages like a maze

Context Clues

Yellowstone was created by a series of volcanic eruptions where magma came up from under the ground and covered the land often destroying everything in its path. Upon cooling the magma hardened and formed the mountains you see in the park today.

A. An extremely hot fire

B. Hot, melted rock

C. Boiling hot water

D. Boiling hot grease

Context CluesWhen building the Panama Canal workers had to excavate tons of earth to clear passages. Thousands of workers used steam shovels and trucks to haul away the dirt.

A. Build roadways for travel

B. Dig or scoop out earth

C. Find fossils for museums

D. Build waterways for boats

Word Structure

The suffix –able helps the reader understand that the word “reliable” means:

A. relied on again.

B. had once relied on.

C. can be relied on.

D. relied on three times.

Word Structure

The prefix de- helps the reader know that the word “devalue” means

A. similar to value.

B. to lessen the value of.

C. able to be valued.

D. to double the value of.

Word Structure

The suffix –ish helps the reader understand that the word “purplish” means

A. not purple.

B. fear of purple.

C. very purple.

D. somewhat purple.

Word Structure

The prefix en- helps the reader understand that the word “enclosed” means

A. closed in.

B. closed before.

C. closed again.

D. closed three times.

Page 2: Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance

Text FeaturesThe title, Frogs at the Pond, tells the reader

A. what will happen in the storyB. where the story will take place.C. that the book is factual.D. that there are no characters in the


Text Features Under which subheading would the

reader most likely find information about the bones in the human body?

A. The Skin and Its Many JobsB. The Making of a SkeletonC. What We EatD. Why We Cry at Sad Things

Text Features The author was reluctant , or very

unwilling, to sign autographs after the show.

The words, or very unwilling, are printed in italics because

A. it is the name of the book.B. it will help you pronounce the word reluctant.C. it defines the word reluctant.D. it shows the reader how to spell the word


Text Features

The cows, perfect in every way, were green!

The word green is printed in italics in order to

A. help readers know how to spell the word.

B. show that blue is the name of the rabbits.

C. stress that it is unusual for cows to be green.

D. help readers know how to pronounce the word.


Monkeys are very nosy and lively. They like to learn how things are made. They will often take things apart. A monkey can’t resist finding out what is inside a package. Monkeys like to swing and jump from place to place. They need lots of space to climb.

A. Monkeys are fun animals.

B. Monkeys would make a mess in your kitchen.

C. A monkey would make a good pet.

D. Monkeys are harmful to the environment.


The Anders Marsh is a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The large marsh mosquitoes are attacking animals and people in the nearby community of Anders. The mosquitoes carry diseases and cause great discomfort. The city council will vote on Tuesday whether to drain the marsh to rid the city of this pest.

A. This is a subject of extreme concern for the people of Anders.

B. The people of Anders don’t like nature.

C. The people of Anders hate all animals and insects.

D. There are no exterminators that live in Anders.


The flat-headed frog lives in the Australian desert. When water is available, it absorbs water through its skin. It drinks large quantities of water when it can. The frog’s body swells to resemble a round ball when filled with water. During the dry season when it’s very hot, the frog, bloated with water, tunnels under the ground to stay cool.

Page 3: Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance

A. Sequence

B. Cause and effect

C. Comparison and contrast

D. Description

A. The flat-headed frog drinks too much water.

B. The flat-headed frog can survive without water for long periods of time.

C. The flat-headed frog is a good swimmer.

D. The flat-headed frog would not survive in a rain-forest.


Thursday after school, Alice watched two movies on TV. Her science report on spiders was due the next day. She didn’t worry because she had written half of it on Tuesday. She planned to finish the rest of the report the next morning before she went to school. Accidentally, Alice set her alarm for 6:00 p.m. instead of 6:00 a.m. She didn’t wake up until 7:15 a.m. She had 30 minutes to get ready for school and eat breakfast.

A. Reports about birds are more interesting that spider reports.

B. Alice was a good student and had no problems with homework.

C. Alice had made this mistake before.

D. Alice didn’t have enough time to finish her report Friday morning.

Text Structure

The manatee is an endangered animal. The manatee feeds on seagrass along the coast and near rivers. Many people have moved to Florida and crowded into areas where manatees live. Some of the feeding areas are destroyed when houses and businesses are built along the shore. Today there are about 2,000 manatees living along the coastal areas of the United States.

Text Structure

The Hawaiian Islands are made up of 8 large islands and 124 small islands and reefs. The islands were formed by the lava flow from volcanoes. Hawaii is the youngest and largest of the islands. It is about 500,000 years old.

A. Sequence

B. Cause and effect

C. Comparison and contrast

D. Description

Text Structure

Salvatore is going to Texas for his vacation. Upon his arrival, Salvatore will visit his grandparents before traveling to see the Alamo. Then, Salvatore thought he would spend some time at the beach by the Gulf of Mexico before heading home later that week.

A. Sequence

B. Cause and effect

C. Comparison and Contrast

D. Description

Text Structure

Fox set a rope trap to catch the thief who had been stealing from his peanut patch. That evening, Rabbit stepped into the trap and was caught! Bear came along and inquired as to why Rabbit was in the air hanging from a rope. Rabbit told Bear he was earning easy money watching Fox’s peanut patch for a dollar a minute, but that he wanted to take a break. Bear offered to do the easy job while Rabbit was gone. So, Bear hauled Rabbit down, and they traded places! “Now what?” asked Bear, but Rabbit was already too far down the road to answer.

Page 4: Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance

A. Comparison and contrast

B. Sequence

C. Problem and solution

D. Description

Comparison and Contrast

Long ago, two sisters named Dada and Dayo lived in the same village. A drought had settled there and food was scarce. One day two travelers entered the village asking for food and shelter. They first went to Dada’s house. “I can’t spare food for “nobodies” like you,” snapped Dada. Dayo, who overheard, told them, “Come with me. I’ll be glad to share the little I have . You both can stay at my house.” When Dayo set out the food, there was so much in her pots that the whole village was fed!

According to the passage, the two sisters are alike because

A. they both believe in helping strangers in need.

B. they both live in the same village.

C. they both work in the same occupation.

D. they both have families and nice homes.

Comparison and Contrast

Jane Addams opened a settlement house in Chicago to help poor people. Many were immigrants who had come from other countries. The house was called Hull House. Jane came from a wealthy family, but she suffered from a crooked back as a child. She felt ugly and was unable to do many things other children could do. She decided to help others when she grew up.

According to the passage, Jane Addams was different from the people she chose to help because

A. Jane was attractive and they were not.

B. Jane was healthy and they were not.

C. Jane lived in Hull House and they did not.

D. Jane was wealthy and they were not

Comparison and Contrast

Many people confuse the squid and the octopus, and although there are some similarities, there are many differences as well. The octopus can see trouble coming, has good eyesight, and is able to squeeze into small spaces. Squids often swim in large schools for protection. The octopus lets off a dark, cloudy liquid when threatened. Squids shoot out a dark liquid, too, when predators approach. For more protection, these clever sea creatures can change color to blend in with their ocean hideaway.

According to the passage, a squid and an octopus are similar because

A. they both shoot out a dark liquid for protection and blend in well with their surroundings.

B. they both have good eyesight and are able to squeeze into small spaces.

C. they both share the same life span and environment.

D. they both avoid submarines and whales in the deep parts of the ocean.

Comparison and Contrast

Antonio and Helga are both foreign exchange students this year at Northwest High School. Antonio came from Italy ,and Helga came from Germany, however, both students are seniors and anxious to experience a new culture. Antonio and Helga have the same group of friends, and enjoy playing and watching many different types of sports. Both Helga and Antonio are excellent students and would like a future in politics.

Page 5: Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance

According to the passage Helga and Antonio are different because

A. Antonio and Helga are foreign exchange students from Northwest High School.

B. Antonio likes to participate in sports, but Helga does not.

C. Helga is from Germany and Antonio is from Italy.

D. Helga enjoys spending time with friends, but Antonio does not.

Cause and Effect

What is a mountain? A mountain is an area of land that rises to a great height. Mountains are all around us. They are on every continent. They are even under the oceans. Mountains created by volcanoes can appear quickly. Melted rock erupts from cracks in the earth’s crust. The melted rock, or lava, forms layers of rock as it cools. All of these layers make a mountain. Mount St. Helens is a mountain that was created by a volcano.

According to the passage, what causes a volcano to be formed?

A. Lava mixes with the ocean’s water.

B. A plate on the earth’s crust appears

C. A dome mountain is made.

D. Lava erupts from cracks in the earth’s crust.

Cause and EffectThere is a stretch of sandy beach in Mexico where many sea turtles came to lay their eggs each year. The local people watched this amazing sight. Many of these people were poor and hungry, and so they started to hunt the turtles. They caught the turtles for meat, and they dug up the eggs to eat. Because hunters took too many turtles, the turtles began to disappear. Today, people are not allowed to hunt turtles. It is against the law to disturb their nests. Perhaps people’s efforts to protect them will help.

According to the passage, what caused the sea turtles to begin to disappear?

A. The local people thought the sea turtles were an amazing sight.

B. The sea turtles laid their eggs on a sandy beach in Mexico.

C. The local people began to hunt sea turtles and dig up their eggs for food.

D. The local people were poor and unable to grow crops.

Cause and Effect

Samantha and John wanted to walk to the store to buy some candy, however, both of them knew it was too far away, and that their parents would never agree to the trip. So, Samantha and John decided to tell their parents they were going to the park , but instead went to the store. It got dark, so Samantha’s and John’s parents went to the park to look for them. Upon arriving and finding neither child, the parents became very worried.

According to the passage, why did Samantha and John lie to their parents?

A. Samantha and John were afraid their parents would be worried.

B. They wanted to go to the store and knew their parents would never allow it.

C. Samantha and John were two children that always made bad choices.

D. Samantha and John had lied to their parents before, and it had worked.

Cause and EffectMolly had a wonderful dog, Snickers, that was kind and loving. However, most people were scared by the dog’s appearance. Snickers was a Great Dane. It had a thick coat of short hair that was black , tan, and white. Snickers was very large and strong, and for this reason she was used by Molly’s family as a guard dog. Snickers never had to prove whether or not she was a good guard dog because everyone was too afraid of her appearance to even think about approaching the house.

Page 6: Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance

According to the passage people were afraid of Snickers because

A. Snickers was a good guard dog that protected Molly .

B. Snickers was kind and gentle and jumped up on people to show her affection.

C. Snickers had bitten people in the past who had approached Molly without asking.

D. Snickers was a strong, large Great Dane.

Retell/ParaphraseElizabeth Cochrane was 18 years old when she went to work as a writer for the Pittsburgh Dispatch. She used the pen name Nellie Bly. She wrote about social problems in the city. Later, Elizabeth went to work for the New York World newspaper . She pretended to be mentally ill and was sent to Blackwell’s Island asylum as a patient. She found that the patients were mistreated and many people did not belong there. She wrote about her experiences. People were shocked when they learned about the conditions there. Elizabeth’s (Nellie Bly’s) article brought about many needed changes in the mental health field.

Retell/ParaphraseOn Saturday night Washington High trounced football league leader Barkley 41 to 7. Washington scored the first 27 points of the game and added two more touchdowns in the last quarter. The Scorpions’ Alan Baker caught five passes and ran 141 yards to keep Washington in the lead. Barkley High, undefeated until they were routed by Washington, scored their only touchdown in the third quarter. Sam Martin ran 23 yards for Barley’s lone touchdown.

Which BEST retells the story/passage?A. Barkley upsets Washington in the early part of the

game on Friday night scoring 27 points and two additional touchdowns. Sam Martin finished the night with another touchdown.

B. The Scorpions’ Alan Baker caught five passes and ran 141 yards to keep Washington in the lead. Undefeated Barkley scored their only touchdown in the 3rd quarter.

C. Washington upset undefeated Barkley High Friday night 41 to 7. Washington scored early taking the lead by 27 points, and adding two final touchdowns. Sam Martin ran 23 yards scoring Barkley’s only points of the night.

Retell/ParaphraseMatthew Henson was born in Maryland, and when his parents died went to live with his uncle in Washington, D.C. At thirteen Henson became a ship’s cabin boy. He traveled all over the world learning about languages and people. Later, Henson worked on a fishing boat, and as a stock boy in a store back in Washington D.C. This is where Henson met Robert E. Peary who offered him a job on his ship. Henson went to Greenland with the Admiral, explored the ice cap, and was a valuable member of the expedition. Henson later became the co-discoverer of the North Pole with Admiral Peary on April 6, 1909.

Which BEST retells the story/passage?A. In his early life, Matthew Henson lived with his

uncle, and later traveled the world learning about ships, people, and languages. Later, aboard Admiral Peary’s ship, Henson went to Greenland, and co-discovered the North Pole with Admiral Perry.

B. Matthew Henson was born in Maryland and lived in Washington, D.C. At thirteen, Henson became a ship’s cabin boy and traveled all over the world. Henson met Admiral Perry and sailed with him.

C. Matthew Henson co-discovered the North Pole with Admiral Perry. He also traveled with Admiral Perry to Greenland. Matthew had a rough start in life losing both of his parents, and living with his uncle in Washington, D.C.

Retell/ParaphraseYears ago in England, many people became sick. Nobody knew why. Then a doctor found out that all the sick people lived near each other. He noticed that they all drank water from the same water from the same water well. The doctor took the handle off the well pump. People could no longer draw and drink the water from the well. Suddenly, they stopped getting sick. It was obvious that the water was the problem.

Which BEST retells the story/passage?A. Elizabeth became a patient in an asylum, wrote about

the terrible conditions, and printed it in the newspaper for all to see. Her bosses were pleased with her reporting and made changes.

B. Elizabeth was a journalist from an early age, and wrote about social problems in the newspaper where she worked. After pretending to be mentally ill, she wrote about problems in the asylum where she was kept, and this later affected change in the system.

C. Elizabeth was outraged by the conditions in the mental health field, so she pretended to be mentally ill so that she could affect change by writing about it in the newspaper. Her goal was to change the social conditions of America.

Page 7: Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance

Which BEST retells the story/passage?

A. People were getting sick, and the doctor told them the water was making them sick. They agreed to quit drinking the water from the bad well. No one got sick again.

B. People were getting sick. The doctor, noticing some common links, persuaded the townsfolk not to drink water from the well. The people no longer got sick, and the doctor proved the water was the problem.

C. The well water caused the people to get sick because they were all getting their water from the same well. Finally, a doctor recognized the problem and solved it. He removed the handle from the town pump.

Topic/Main Idea

HOUSESPeople around the world build and live in a variety of different houses. Grass houses, ice houses, and boat houses are just a few of the many styles you will see worldwide. Long ago, the type of house built was based on what materials were around to build it. Now, people choose the style of house based on their own likes and dislikes.

Topic/Main Idea

TAILSMany animals have tails, but we seldom think about what animals do with them. Cows shoo away flies that land on their backs and bite. Fish use their tails to swim through the water. The squirrel’s tail acts like a parachute when he jumps through the trees, and kangaroo’s use their tails to push off from and steady themselves while hopping. Tails sound very useful. I wonder why we don’t have one?

What is the MAIN idea of the section titled TAILS?

A. How animals use their tails

B. Information about 4 animals

C. Why humans don’t have tails

D. Fish use their tails to swim

Topic/Main Idea

What is the MAIN topic of the passage?

A. Houses that are to small

B. The dog that eats too much

C. Moose and his new home

D. Large dogs eat large amounts

Topic/ Main IdeaWe adopted a dog named Moose from the pound. We had no idea when we took Moose home just how much he likes to eat! Moose sometimes eats three lunches and four dinners every day. Now, Moose is so large he can’t squeeze into his doghouse. It is so funny to watch Moose try and squeeze his head through the door. My dad says we will have to build a barn for Moose to live in.

What is the MAIN idea of the section titled HOUSES?

A. How to build a house quickly

B. Pretty houses and ugly houses

C. Houses from long, long ago

D. Different houses for different reasons

CLOCKSMost clocks use springs or motors to keep time. But one clock runs on water. A can is filled with water. A wooden float is placed on the water. A string tied to the float is wound around a rod on top of the can. A hand to mark the hours is attached to the end of the rod. The water drips through a small hole in the can. As the water lowers, the float drops. As the float drops, the string turns the rod, and the hand marks the time.

Page 8: Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance

What is the MAIN idea of the section titled CLOCKS?A. Dripping water causes the clock to

work.B. All clocks use springs or motors to

move the hands.

C. The float makes the string break.

D. A clock that runs on water and how it works.

Author’s PurposeThe contestants were lined up in four twisty rows. This was the first contest that Mia had ever entered. Boy, was she nervous! She tried to calm herself by chewing on her bubble gum. She knew the secret to a great bubble was a lot of chewing – and that was her secret ingredient! All of a sudden, the announcer yelled, “Go!,” and the kids all over the stage started taking big breaths and blowing as hard as they could. When the announcer shouted, “Stop!”, everyone pinched their bubbles and held them up to be measured. Mia’s bubble won with a measurement of 14 inches.

The author’s MAIN purpose for writing the passage is to

A. inform.

B. describe.

C. entertain.

D. persuade.

Author’s PurposeBenedict Arnold, Traitor

Benedict Arnold was a captain in the army. He fought bravely against the British during the Revolutionary War. Arnold was known for his victories throughout the war, but suffered many injuries while acquiring them. After the war, Arnold became commander of West Point. However, he had a plan. Arnold promised to give West Point to the British. The plan fell apart and Arnold escaped on a British boat. No one knows for sure why he became a traitor, but what we do know it that a once great Patriot died a traitor in England.

The author’s MAIN purpose for writing the passage is to

A. persuade the reader to dislike Benedict Arnold.

B. entertain the reader with a story about Benedict Arnold.

C. inform the reader about a historical figure, Benedict Arnold.

D. persuade the reader to understand why Benedict Arnold made his decision.

Author’s PurposeDangerous Tornadoes

Tornadoes can strike at any time with little or no warning. If bad weather approaches there are several precautions you should take: 1. Take shelter in a basement or the lowest point

in a structure.2. If caught in a vehicle, get out and lie down in

a ditch, or other low point in the land. Cover your head if at all possible.

3. Remain in a place of safety until you are sure the threat has passed , and the area is safe to resume normal activity.

The author’s MAIN purpose for writing the passage is to

A. inform the reader about tornado safety procedures.

B. entertain the reader by frightening them.C. persuade the reader not to be foolish in

a storm.D. inform the reader about how to out run a


Author’s PurposeHome Sweet Home

Dan signed up to take part in a special program at his high school. With his teacher and classmates, he would travel to Kentucky to help build homes for people who needed them. What a great combination – an adventure plus helping those in need! With help from professional builders, they put up a porch on one house, helped construct a foundation, paint the walls, and put in cabinets. By the end of their adventure, the young crew had worked so hard, and Dan was very tired, but happy! They had done something he had never done before – made a difference!

Page 9: Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance

The author’s MAIN purpose in writing the passage is to

A. Inform the reader about poverty in the U.S.

B. Persuade the reader to develop carpentry skills.

C. Persuade the reader to do volunteer work and help those in need.

D. Entertain the reader with stories of high school students

Fact and OpinionHoney is made from nectar, a sweet liquid inside flowers. A bee sucks nectar from a flower and then brings it back to the hive. A wax-making bee places the nectar in a honey cell. Other bees, who aren’t quite as important, add more and more nectar to the honey cell. Other bees have different jobs, such as building the honeycomb, keeping it clean, or feeding the young. When you open a jar of honey, spread some on a slice of toast, and take a bite, think about everything that went into making that delightful treat. There’s nothing quite like it!

Which sentence from the passage is an opinion?A. A wax-making bee places the nectar in a

honey cell.

B. There’s nothing quite like it!

C. Honey is made from nectar, a sweet liquid inside flowers.

D. A bee sucks nectar from a flower and then brings it back to the hive.

Fact and OpinionLet me recommend the best kind of dog in the world! My selection for the best dog breed is the dachshund. The dachshund is also known as a “hot dog.” Its body has a long shape and it has short legs. A dachshund’s coat comes in three varieties. Dachshund means “badger dog” in German. Dachshunds were first bred to hunt badgers. Whether they’re chasing badgers or chasing after a treat, dachshunds are fast! They are friendly, cheery, nosy , energetic dogs! And, let me tell you, they can be quite stubborn! But they get my vote for best dog in the world, and I won’t budge from my opinion.

Which statement based on the passage is a fact?

A. Let me recommend the best kind of dog in the world!

B. A dachshund’s coat comes in three varieties

C. They are friendly, nosy, cheery, energetic dogs!

D. But they get my vote for best dog in the world, and I won’t budge from my opinion!

Fact and OpinionLast Monday, I was swinging from a tree branch. I don’t mean to brag, but I am an excellent tree swinger. The sky was a magnificent blue and there wasn’t a cloud to be seen. What a perfect day to be outside! I was swinging happily when suddenly, I experienced the sharpest pain I’ve ever felt. I knew I should have listened to my father’s advice. The branch cracked in two, and so did the bone in my arm when I hit the ground. I let out an earsplitting scream and my mother came running. The pain was unbearable!

Which sentence from the passage is a fact?A. Last Monday, I was swinging from a tree


B. The sky was a magnificent blue and there wasn’t a cloud to be seen.

C. What a perfect day to be outside!

D. I knew I should have listened to my father’s advice.

Fact and OpinionWould you and your friends like to write secret messages to each other? Secret codes have been used throughout history to send messages. A code gives special meanings to symbols, words, or even a nod of the head. Codes can be difficult to learn. Some codes can be used only by people who have the same code book, or computer program. Ciphers, however, use the regular meanings of words. The words look funny, though. Each letter has been changed to something else.

Page 10: Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance

Which sentence from the passage is an opinion?A. Secret messages have been used throughout

history to send messages.

B. Codes give special meaning to symbols, words, or even a nod of the head.

C. Ciphers, however, use the regular meaning of words.

D. The words look funny, though.

CharacterBeth and Maria are on the 5th grade basketball team. Both girls are an important part of the team’s success. The team is playing for the state title in a tournament on Saturday. Beth and Maria are excited, but they also have tickets to a concert featuring the hottest rock group in the country on Saturday night. Beth’s older sister bought the tickets for her birthday present, and is even driving in from 14 hours away to take Beth and Maria to the concert. However, Beth and Maria made a commitment to their team. So, Beth and Maria can’t decide what to do.

Which word BEST describes Beth and Maria?

A. Confused

B. Scared

C. Frustrated

D. Angry

CharacterMs. Freed’s class is studying animals in Africa. Donald begged Ms. Freed to let him research cheetahs and leopards. During his research, Donald learned lots of interesting things. He didn’t know that cheetahs and leopards were so similar. In Donald’s report he included what they eat, where they live, and some of their habits. He also thinks it is great that the cheetah is the fastest animal for running short distances. Donald wished he could run up to 70 m.p.h.!!

Why does Donald ask Ms. Freed for the opportunity to research cheetahs and leopards?

A. Donald feels responsible to teach the class about cheetahs and leopards.

B. Donald likes cheetahs and leopards, and is interested in learning more about them.

C. Donald is scared of cheetahs and leopards and is trying to overcome his fear.

D. Donald believes no one else will want to research cheetahs and leopards for the class project.

CharacterCassie’s grandmother is coming to town. Cassie’s grandmother drives her crazy, but Cassie’s mom is excited to see her, so Cassie decides to make the best of it. It’s only for a week. First, she helps her mom clean the house, and then offers to go with her mom to pick Grandma up at the airport. Cassie gives her grandmother a kiss. However, not even five minutes later Grandmother is telling Cassie to stand up straight and push her hair out of her eyes. She also begins telling a “way back when” story. Cassie blurts out, “Grandma quit lecturing me!”

How did Cassie feel at FIRST about her grandmother coming to visit?

A. Cassie was thrilled about her grandmother’s visit.

B. Cassie was scared her grandmother would make her mom cry.

C. Cassie was not looking forward to the visit, but decided to make the best of it.

D. Cassie was angry at her grandmother.

CharacterLee has decided to join the swim team. He is a fast swimmer and knows he would be the best swimmer on the team. Lee is so sure of himself, he tells the coach that there is no one in the city that can beat him in a race. Everything goes well for the first few weeks. Lee does win several races and is really doing well. However, if a member of Lee’s team loses a race. Lee yells at them and tells them that they are a loser. Lee’s team members get really upset with him, and finally the coach suspends Lee from the team because of his attitude.

Page 11: Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance

Which word BEST describes Lee?

A. Angry

B. Happy

C. Excited

D. Boastful

SettingJade was always in a hurry. She ran downstairs for breakfast. She drank her juice in no time. Jade quickly dumped cereal into a bowl, realized she was late for school, and ran out the door. Her mother yelled, “Slow down, Jade!” But it was too late. In her rush, Jade knocked over the bowl of cereal, the pitcher of milk, and the dog’s bag of treats. As Jade rushed to the bus stop, she worried about how she would explain her tardiness to her teacher. Luckily, Jade caught her school bus - just in the knick of time. As she ran up the bus steps , Jade vowed never to be late again, and her stomach growled in agreement.

What is the setting at the BEGINNING of the passage?

A. At the school

B. In Jade’s bedroom

C. On the school bus

D. In the kitchen


Drums rolled as the people filed into the church. The crowd watched quietly. A few people were crying, and many wore black. Then it was time for the preacher to speak. He made a serious speech. In it he told how much the great judge would be missed. People bowed their heads at the end of the ceremony.

Which BEST describes the setting of the passage?

A. A funeral

B. A Sunday church service

C. A circus parade

D. A band concert


Mr. Wilcox went out for his afternoon walk. It was later than usual, and it was already starting to get dark. A sharp wind blew up and made him shiver. Mr. Wilcox zipped up his jacket and put his hands in his pockets. He dodged leaves that were falling from the trees, and laughed at the squirrels gathering nuts to hide.

In which season does the passage take place?

A. Fall

B. Winter

C. Spring

D. Summer

SettingWhen Fran came home from work, her cat wasn’t there to greet her. Fran looked in the kitchen. She checked in the dining room under the table, and in the bathroom under the sink. “Here, kitty, kitty,” she called. Still, no cat. Fran began to worry. Her voice rose sharply. “Bootsy! Where are you?” Then Fran heard a noise coming from the closet. Bootsy had been locked in the closet by mistake as Fran took out her coat to wear before work that morning.

Page 12: Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance

The closet setting is important to the passage because

A. that is where Fran hangs her coat after work.

B. that was the place Bootsy mistakenly got locked into.

C. that was the last place Fran looked for Bootsy.

D. it is the only closet in the hallway.

PlotMrs. Hill entered the crowded lunchroom. She went through the line and chose her food. After she paid, Mrs. Hill looked around for a place to sit, but there were no empty tables. Mrs. Hill seemed confused. She heard a loud laugh followed by several quieter giggles. Mrs. Hill spotted a table where people were laughing and talking. They seemed to be having a good time. “That’s a happy group,” she thought. “I’ll join them!”

What is the RESOLUTION to the story?A. Mrs. Hill spotted a table with happy

people and decided to join them.

B. Mrs. Hill entered the lunchroom and bought her food.

C. Mrs. Hill was confused by the lack of seating in the lunchroom.

D. Mrs. Hill decided what to eat for lunch.

PlotThe beautiful cabin in the Wisconsin woods had been closed up all winter. Inside, it was dim and gloomy with spider webs in every corner of every room. Dust covered the floors, and the windows were streaked with dirt. Mia said, “Let’s make this place more cheerful!” She opened the doors and shutters to let light. Then Mia began dusting and scrubbing everything in sight. Soon the cabin would be ready for summer fun.

What was Mia’s MAIN problem in the story?

A. The cabin was in the Wisconsin woods.

B. Mia disliked dusting and scrubbing.

C. The cabin was dim, dirty, and gloomy.

D. The shutters on the window blocked the sunlight.

PlotConnor had always been a good student. He studied hard, turned in his homework, and made good grades. However, lately, Connor had been making silly mistakes on his assignments which caused his grades to drop in every subject. Connor’s dad had an idea. He took Connor to see his eye doctor for a thorough examination. Sure enough, Connor needed glasses. That was an easy solution to a difficult problem, until it came time to pick out the frames. It took Connor and his dad over two hours to choose just the right ones!

What caused the MAJOR conflict in the story?A. Connor was a good student who got

good grades.B. Connor went to the eye doctor for a

thorough examination.C. Connor found out he needed glasses to

see better.D. Connor began to do poorly in school

when he had always been a good student.

PlotRod was so excited about getting a new backpack. Matt, Rod’s older brother, took him to buy one, and best of all – he let Rod pick it out all by himself. That evening, Rod carefully filled his new backpack with his school things, putting his special pen in the secret pouch. The next day, in Mr. Mack’s English class, Rod was unable to find his pen. He looked everywhere! When he got home that night, Rod told his brother about his lost pen, and asked Matt if he had seen it anywhere. Matt said, “I bet if you put it in that secret pouch you wouldn’t have lost it.” Rod laughed. He had forgotten all about the secret pouch!

Page 13: Context Clues After drilling, the holes were filled with an exact amount of dynamite. The dynamite was then detonated only after everyone was a safe distance

The MAJOR conflict in the story is resolved whenA. Matt takes Rod to buy a new backpack.

B. Matt reminds Rod about the secret pouch in the backpack.

C. Rod loads all of his school supplies into his new backpack.

D. Rod gets to choose his new backpack all by himself.

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