Page 1: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year



(Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan Ibu Jakarta Year 2006-2007)

A "Skripsi"

Presented to the Faculty ofTarbiya and Teachers Training

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree ofS. Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education

• 11112 •

Liii I

By k!a,,,ifikasi : '"

Sayidah Salim






142() H/200R M

Page 2: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year

~-R. P.· us--.:,~1<.1'<1v,J I UIN SY!\li!I) ----·---·---- .. _. _______ _,



(Written by Tony Rogers and Bambang Kaswanti)

A "Skripsi"

Presented to the Faculty ofTarbiyah and Teachers Training

In partial fulfillment of the requirements

For the degree ofS. Pd. (Bachelor of Arts) in English Language Education

Approved by the Advisor /.


Prof. Dr. Muljanto Sumardi, M. A. NIP. 150 016 367






Page 3: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year


This scientific paper entitled CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE TEXTBOOK


SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year 2006-2007) written by Sayidah Salim,

Student's Registration Number 103014026973 was examined in the examination

session of the Faculty of Tarbiya and Teachers' Training, Syarif Hidayatullah State

Islamic University Jakarta on December 17th 2008. The paper has been accepted and

declared to have fulfilled one of the requirements for the degree of S. Pd. (Bachelor

of Arts) in English Language Education in the English language Education



Drs. Syauki, M. Pd. NIP. 150 246 249 Secretary

Neneng sunengsih, M. Pd. NIP. 150 293 236 Examiner 1

Drs. Nasrun Mahmud, M. Pd. NIP. 150 041 070 Examiner2

Dra. Hidayati. M. Pd. NIP. 150 231 927

Jakarta, December 17th, 2008

Examination Committee:

rl..L-<........... ... . ................... )

Acknowledged by

Dean of the Faculty ofTarbiya and teachers' Training

Page 4: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year


Salim, Sayidah

2008 Content Analysis on the Textbook "Informational English

for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam

Harapan /bu Jakarta Year 2007-2008), a skripsi. Jakarta:

Perpustakaan Utama UIN Syarif Hidayatullah. t.d.

Key words : textbook, content analysis, syllabus design.

We cannot avoid the highly need of English as a matter of so many relation whether as a mean of communication or as a mean to understand the literature written in English. Realizing the importance of English, the national educational department of Indonesia arranges the curriculum that includes every aspects of English teaching learning in Indonesia.

In teaching and learning activity, there are many factors influencing the success of the student's achievement. In order to get the maximum result to the students, we have to fulfill those factors requires in teaching learning activity. One of them is the use of a good textbook.

When the writer was in the PPKT at SMA Islam Harapan !bu Jakarta, she found that the textbook did not provide all the materials stated in the curriculum. That is why the writer thinks that it is suitable to do a research about the criteria to choose a good textbook.

Therefore, the writer will try to analyze the textbook used in her field research school (SMA Islam Harapan Ibu Jakarta) Informational English for the SMA Grade ;¥, written by Tony Rogers and Bambang Kaswanti published by Widya Utama 2005, to see the appropriateness of the textbook.

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In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent the Merciful

All praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds who has bestowed upon the writer

in completing this skripsi. Peace and blessing be upon to our prophet Muhammad

SAW, his family, companion and follower.

The writer would like to say her great honor and deepest gratitude to her

beloved parent Salim, S. Ag., and Suhanah, her lovely brothers and sister, Ahmad

Subki, Ibnu Asqolani and Faizah Salmah, who always give their love; support,

motivation, and advice to finish her study.

The writer also wants to say a lot of thanks to Mr. Prof. Dr. Muljanto

Sumardi, MA as the writer's advisor for his time, kindness, contributions and

patience in correcting and helping her to finish this paper.

The writer also realizes that she would never finish writing this paper without

help of some people around her; therefore, she would like to give special gratitude to;

1. All lecturers in English Education Department for teaching precious

knowledge, sharing philosophy of life and giving wonderful study


2. Drs. Ahmad Syauki, M.Pd., the Head of English Education Department.

3. Neneng Sunengsih, M. Pd., the Secretary of English Education Department

and writer's advisor lecturer.

4. Prof. Dr. Dede Rosyada, MA., the Dean of Faculty of Tarbiya and Teacher's


5. Her best friends; Siti Chairunnisa, Fathurrahmah, Ulu Baqiab, Rifqiyati

Su'ada, Eis Rabmini Latifab, Fabrini, Ismawati, Shenny Frestayasary Fadlan

and Childa Faiza.

6. All of her friends at SyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University year 2003 of

English Education Department especially students at A class, she thanks for

the friendship.

Page 6: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year

Finally the writer admits that her writing is still far from being perfect,

therefore, she hopes some suggestions and critics from the reader for this

simple paper and it will have some value for her and for a better thing in the


Jakarta, 13 Desember 2008 M 14 Zulhijjah 1429 H

Sayidah Salim

Page 7: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year


APPROVAL LETTER..................................................................................... 11

ENDORSEMENT SHEET............................................................................... m

ABSTRACT....................................................................................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................... v

TABLE OF CONTENT .. .. ... ............................................................................ vn

LIST OFT ABLES ... ......... ................................. .. ... .. ............... .. .................... ix

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ....................................................... . 1

A. Background of the Study ....................................... 1

B. Statement of the Problem ...................................... 3

C. Lin1itation oftl1e Problem ..................................... 3

D. Formulation of the Problem.................................. 4

E. Significance of the Study ....................................... 4

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL FRAMEWORK ............................ . 5

A. Content Analysis on the Textbook ........................ 5

1. Textbook ........................................................... 5

2. Defining Content Analysis ............................... 7

3. Content Analysis as Quantitative ................... 8

B. Material Stated in the Curriculum ....................... 9

1. Semester 1 .......................................................... 9

2. Semester 2 .......................................................... 12

C. Fit to the Curriculum............................................. 14

I. Fit....................................................................... 14

2. Curriculum ....................................................... 14

3. Fit to the Curriculum....................................... 15

D. Syllabus Design ....................................................... 16

I. Syllabus ............................................................. 16

Page 8: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year

CHAPTER Ill METHOD OF STUDY .............................................. .. 20

A. Time and Place of the Study ................................. 20

B. Setting of the Study ................................................ 20

C. Method of the Study............................................... 20

D. Focus of the Study .................................................. 21

E. Research Question ...................... ........................... 21

F. Research Procedure ............................................... 21

G. Analysis of the Data ............................................... 22


A. Textbook Description ............................................. 24

B. Material Presentation within the English Textbook

C. ................ 25

to the Curriculum .................................................. 36

D. The Type of Syllabus Design ................................. 37

E. Discussion of the Findings ..................................... 53

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION ..................... .. 54

A. Conclusion .............................................................. 54

B. Suggestion ............................................................... 55

Bibliography . .... ................................................................................................ '.: 6


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Table 2.1 Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar ................................ 9

Table 2.2 Content map of the textbook........................................................... 18

Table 4.1 Laporan Komentar Hasil Penilaian Aspek Materi ....................... 57

Table 4.2 Content map of the textbook syllabus............................................ 37

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A. Background of the Study

We cannot avoid the highly need of English as a matter of so many relation

whether as a mean of communication or as a mean to understand the literature

written in English. Realizing the importance of English, the national educational

department of Indonesia arranges the cun-iculum that includes every aspects of

English teaching learning in Indonesia.

In teaching and learning activity, there are many factors influencing the

success of the student's achievement. In order to get the maximum result to the

students, we have to fulfill those factors requires in teaching learning activity.

One of them is the use of a good textbook.

In situations where there is a shortage of trained teachers, language teaching

is very closely tied to the textbook. This does not mean of course that the method

demonstrated in the textbook is always faithfully reflected in the method as

practiced by the teacher. It is ironical that those teachers who rely heavily on the

textbook are the ones least qualified to interpret its intentions or evaluate its

content and method. The textbook can be a tyrant to the teacher who in his or her

preoccupation with covering the syllabus, feels constrained to teach every item in

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exactly the same sequence and context in which it is presented by the textbook

writer. 1

ELT coursebook publishing is a multi-million rupiah industry, yet the

"whole business of product assessment is haphazard and under-researched.

Coursebooks are often seen by potential consumers-teachers, learners and

educational purchasers-as market ephemera requiring invicious compromises

between commercial and pedagogical demands. Some practical and theoretical

reasons for such grassroots discontent are discussed, as are previous textbook

studies and qualitative 'checklists'. The state of the informational assistance

available to intending purchasers is also examined.

Finally a set of 'common core' qualitative criteria is advanced, whose

purpose it would be to make evaluation and selection more systematic and


According to Hutchinson and Waters, textbook evaluation is basically R

straight forward, analytical, matching process; matching needs to available

solutions (Hutchinson and Waters! 987:97). Depend on his view is that this issue

is rather more emotive and controversial for teachers; many would agree with

Swales (1980) that textbooks, especially coursebooks, represent a 'problem', an

in extreme cases are examples of educational failure. 2

The variety of ESL/EFL textbooks available from book publishers today is

overwhelming. Criteria for choosing textbooks depend on numerous factors,

some of which involve the overall curriculum planning for any given course as

well as for the sequence of course \n a particular program. 3

Mllny publishers provide textbook to answer the need of textbook at school.

However, we have to be carefol in choosing one of them. The characteristics of a

good textbook consist of several aspects. How if the textbook used at school does

not involved the criteria?

1 David Williams, ELT Journal Volume 3713, Developing criteria for Textbook Evaluation, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983), p. 251

2 Leslie E. Sheldon, ELT Journal Volume 4214, Evaluating ELT Textbooks Materials, (Oxford: pxford University Press, 1988), p.237

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When the writer was in the PPKT at SMA Islam Harapan Ibu Jakarta, she

found that the textbook did not provide all the materials stated in the curriculum.

That is why the writer thinks that it is suitable to do a research about the criteria

to choose a good textbook.

Therefore, the writer will try to analyze the textbook used in her field

research school (SMA Islam Harapan Thu Jakarta) Informational English for the

SMA Grade X. written by Tony Rogers and Bambang Kaswanti published by

Widya Utama 2005, to see the appropriateness of the textbook.

In this skripsi writing, the problems involved in selecting an English

language textbook will be discussed and a procedure for textbook evaluation will

be presented.

We feel that this information is useful because sometimes part of the

ESL/EFL teacher's responsibility to select the textbook s/he will use in a given


B. Statement of the Problem

Generally, the first area included in the textbook analysis is the fit between

the materials to the curriculum. When the writer was in the PPKT at SMA Islam

Harapan Ibu Jakarta, she found that the textbook did not provide some materials

stated in the curriculum.

In situations where there is a shortage of trained teachers, language teaching

is very closely tied to the textbook. This does not mean of course that the method

demonstrated in the textbook is always faithfully reflected in the method as

practiced by the teacher. It is ironical that those teachers who rely heavily on the

textbook are the ones least qualified to interpret its intentions or evaluate its

content and method.

4 Abdel Messih Daoud and Marianne Celce-Murcia, Teaching English as a Second or FnrP.ion T.nnrrunup_· .f\.p_h~r:.tinu and F.valuntinv TP.Yihnnk (M~~R.'lC' Nf'.vJhnrv Hnn.;;:e: Pnhlii::.hen:.

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C. Limitation of the Problem

Since the problem met in the writer's PPKT is some mismatch materials in

the textbook Informational English for the SMA Grade X, written by Tony Rogers

and Bambang Kaswanti published by Widya Utama 2005 to the curriculum it is

based on, the writer will limit the study on the match between the materials in the

textbook to the syllabus designed in the curriculum and the syllabus design of the

textbook to see the selection items to be learnt and the grading of those items into

an appropriate sequence.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The formulation of the study based on the statement and limitation of the

problem as follow:

1. How much does the textbook meet the requirements of good textbook in

terms of material presentation aspects?

2. How does this book design its syllabus?

E. Significance of the Study

The writer hopes this research will give contribution for the related English

Education practitians such as:

1. The writer : as a partial fulfillment of the requirements of Bachelor of

Arts in English Language Education.

2. The English teacher : as a consideration to choose which one is the

appropriate textbook as a means of English language teaching at school.

3. The other researcher : as a comparison and the starting point to make a more

comprehensive research at school.

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In order to have a clear picture of the problem under the study Content

Analysis on the Textbook Informational English for the SMA Grade X Written by

Tony Rogers and Bambang Kaswanti, this chapter reviews the literatures to support

of this title of this study discussed. It includes the definition of textbook, content

analysis, materials, syllabus, cmTiculum, and fit. Instructional material for SMA

recommended by latest English syllabus textbook, guideline English textbook

assessment for Senior High School based on 2004 English Curriculum, the

standardization of English textbook written and the aspects of material coverage.

A. Content Analysis 011 the Textbook

1. Textbook

Book is an important part in learning process, and it has relation to

increase on the students learning achievement.

Basically, the book which is used in Indonesian schools divided into

four, they are textbook, reading book, references and teacher's guide.

Textbook is considered as the primary instructional resource in schools. It

plays an important role in educational program. It is still used dominantly in

teaching learning process.

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Yang dimaksud dengan buku teks pelajaran bahasa Inggris adalah

buku pegangan siswa yang disusun berdasarkan kurikulum pendidikan

nasional dan sesuai dengan sistem pendidikan Indonesia, serta bertujuan

untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan berkomunikasi dalam

b h I. . ,,f a asa nggns.

According to A. J Loveridge cited in Wahono (1977) is a school book

containing certain materials which has been selected, discussing certain

instructional objects in written forms to meet the specific criteria in teaching

and learning and it is arranged systematically to be assimilated. A textbook

plays and important role in the success of teaching and learning process

because it gives manageable instruction, provides materials and leads the

students to achieve agreed objectives.

Textbooks have been the main reference for most EFL teachers to

carry out the teaching and learning process. The fact that now teachers can

easily find many different commercial textbooks for language teaching,

should actually enable them to compare those books and choose the best one

that will fit their students' needs. They should realize that the mistake in

choosing textbooks will cause the' bad effect for students' learning. Therefore,

they should know the criteria of good textbooks.

There are some criteria that a textbook should fulfill; Cunningsworth

(cited in Richards, 2002) proposes four criteria. First, good textbooks should

correspond to learners' need and match the aims and objectives of the

language learning program. Second, they should reflect the uses that the

learners will make of the subject. In language learning, gbod textbooks

should equip students to use language effectively for their own purposes.

Third, they should take account of students' needs as learners and facilitate

their learning process, without dogmatically imposing a rigid "method".

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And fourth, they should have a clear role as a support of learning. Based on

the a four mentioned criteria, teachers should choose a good textbook for

teaching and learning process. 2

2. Defining Content Analysis

Some of the main players in the development of quantitative message

analysis present their points of view:

According to Berelson (1952, p. 18): Content analysis is a research •

technique for the objective, systematic, and quantitative description of the

manifest content of communication.

According to Stone, Dunphy, Smith, & Ogilvie (1966, p. 5, with

credit given to Dr. Ole Holsti): Content analysis is any research technique for

making inferences by systematically and objectively identifying specified

characteristics within text.

According to Camey (1997, p.52): The general purpose technique for

posing questions to a "communication" in order to get findings which can be

substantiated. The "communication" can be anything: A novel, some

paintings, a movie, or a musical score-the technique is applicable to all alike

and not only to analysis ofliterary materials.

According to Krippendorff (1980, p. 21): Content anaiysis is a

research technique for making replicable and valid inferences from data to

their context.

According to Weber (1990, p. 9): Content analysis is a research

method that uses a set of procedures to make valid inferences from text.

According to Berger (1991, p. 25): Content analysis ... is a research

technique that is based on measuring the amount of something (violence,

negative portrayals of women, or whatever) in a representative sampling of

some mass-mediated popular art form.

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According to Riffe, Lacy, & Fico (1998, p. 20): Quantitative content

analysis is the systematic and replicable examination of symbols of

communication, which have been assigned numeric values according to valid

measurement rules, and the analysis of relationships involving those values

using statistical methods, in order to describe the communication, draw

inferences about its meaning, or infer from the communication to its context,

both of production and consumption.

According to This book: Content analysis is a summarizing,

quantitative analysis of massages that relies on the scientific method

(including attention to objectivity-intersubjectivity, a priori design, reliability,

validity, generalizability, replicability, and hypothesis testing) and is not

limited as to the types of variable that may be measured or the context in

which the massages are created or presented.

3. Content Analysis as Quantitative

The goal of any quantitative analysis is to produce counts of key

categories, and measurements of the amounts of other variables (Edward L.

Fink, personal communication, March 26, 1999)3

The separation of a substance into its constituent ·elements, usually by

chemical means, for the study and identification of each component.

Qualitative analysis determines what substances are present in a compound

Quantitative analysis determines how much of each substance is present in a


The separation of a substance into its constituent elements to

determine either their nature (qualitative analysis) or their proportions

(quantitative analysis). 5

3 Kimberly A. Neuendorf, The Content Analysis Guidebook, (Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications Inc., 2002), p.10.14

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B. Material Stated in the Curriculum



The term curriculum here means the Competence Based Curriculum

designed for Grade X which this textbook design is based on.

The materials are presented in below:

Table 2.1 Standar Kompetensi dan Kompetensi Dasar

Kelas X, Semester 1

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar


Memahami makna dalam I. I Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam percakapan percakapan transaksional transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal dan interpersonal dalam (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi yang konteks kehidupan sehari- menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana secara hari akruat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu/berpisah, menyetujui ajakan/tawaran/undangan, menerimajanji, dan membatalkanjanji

1.2 Merespon makan yang terdapat dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: mengungkapkan perasaan bahagia, menunjukkan pe1hatian, menunjukkan simpati, dan memberi instruksi

Memahami makna teks 2.1 Merespon makna secara akurat, la.-1car dan fungsional pendek dan berterima dalam teks lisan fungsional pendek menolong sederhana sederhana (misalnya pengumuman, iklan, undangan berbentuk recount, dll) resmi dan tak resmi dalam berbagai konteks narrative dan procedure kehidupan sehari-hari dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari 2.2 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana

yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam berbagai

I konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks: recount, narrative. dan orocedure

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Standar Komoetensi Komoetensi Dasar


3. Mengungkapkan makna 3 .1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal transaksional dalam (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, konteks kehidupan sehari- lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam hari bahasa lisan sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan

sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: berkenalan, bertemu/berpisah, menyetujui ajakan/tawaran/undangan, menerimajanji, dan membatalkanjanji

3.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: mengungkapkan perasaan bahagia, menunjukkan perhatian menunjukkan simpati, dan memberi instruksi

4. Mengungkapkan makan 10.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks dalam teks fungsional fungsional pendek (misalnya pengumuman iklan, pendek dan monolog undangan dll) resmi dan tak resmi dengan berbentuk recount, menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam berbagai narrative dan procedure konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari 10.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog

sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan procedure

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Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar


5. Memahami makna teks 5 .1 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional tulis fungsional pendek dan pendek (misalnya pengumuman, iklan, undangan esei sederhana berbentuk dll.) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan recount, narrative dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan procedure dalam konteks untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu 5 .2 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika teks tulis pengetahuan esei secara akurat, !arrear dan berteriam dalam

konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalan1 teks berbentuk: recount, narrative, dan procedure


6. Mengungkapkan makan 6.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalan1 bentuk teks tulis dalam teks tulis fungsional fungsional pendek (misalnya pengumuman, iklan, pendek dan esei sederhana undangan di!.) resmi dan tak resmi dengan berbentuk recount, menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis secara akurat, narrative dan procedure lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari sehari-hari

6.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah-langkah retorika secara akruat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk; recount, narrative, dan procedure

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Kelas x, Semester 2

Standar Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar


7. Memahami makna dalam 7 .1 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal dan interpersonal dalam (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, konteks kehidupan sehari- lancar dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam hari bahasa lisan sederhana dalam berbagai konteks

kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: berterima kasih, memuji, dan mengucapkan selamat

7 .2 Merespon makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa liasn sederhana dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan rasa terkejut, menyatakan rasa tak percaya, serta menerima undangan, tawaran dan ajakan

8. Memahami makna dalam 8.1 Merespon makna yang terdapat dalam teks lisan teks fungsional pendek dan fungsional pendek sederhana (misalnya monolog yang berbentuk pengumuman, iklan, undangan di!.) resmi dan tak narrative, descriptive, dan resmi secara akurat, lancar dan be1ierima dalam news item sederhana dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari konteks kehidupan sehari-hari 8.2 Merespon makna dalam teks monolog sederhana

yang menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, descriptive, dan news item


9. Mengungkapkan makna 9. I Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal transaksional dan (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, interpersonal dalam lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam konteks kehidupan sehari- bahasa lisan sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan hari sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: berterima

kasih, memuji, dan mengucapkan selamat


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9.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam percakapan transaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan sederhana dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan melibatkan tindak tutur: menyatakan rasa terkejut, menyatakan rasa tak percaya, serta menerima undangan, tawaran, dan ajakan

10. Mengungkapkan makan 10.l Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks dalam teks fungsional fungsional pendek (misalnya pengumuman, pendek dan monolog iklan, undangan di!) resmi dan tak resmi dengan sederhana berbentuk menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan dalam narrative, descriptive dan berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari. news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari 10.2 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks monolog

sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar dan berterima dalam berbagai konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, descriptive, dan news item


11. Memahami makna teks 11.1 Merespon makna dalam teks tulis fungsional tulis fungsional pendek dan pendek (misalnya pengumuman, iklan, undangan esei sederhana berbentuk di!.) resmi dan tak resmi secara akurat, lancar narrative, descriptive dan dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa news item dalam konteks tulis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu 11.2 Merespon makna dan langkah-langkah retorika pengetahuan dalam esei sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan

be1ieriam dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan dalam teks berbentuk: narrative, descriptive, dan news item


12. Mengungkapkan makan 12.l Mengungkapkan makna dalam bentuk teks tulis dalam teks tulis fungsional fungsional pendek (misalnva oengumuman.

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berbentuk narrative, descriptive dan news item dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari


akurat, lancar dan berterima yang menggunakan ragam bahasa tulis dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari

12.2 Mengungkapkan makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei sederhana secara akruat, lancar dan berterima dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dalam teks berbentuk; narrative, descriptive, dan news item

Adapted from the syllabus for the SMA grade X in Competency Based Curriculum

C. Fit to the Curriculum

1. Fit

To be adapted to or suitable for (a purpose, object, occasion, etc.) To

be proper or becoming for.6

Adapted or suited; appropriate: This water isn't fit for drinking. A

Jong-necked giraffe is fit for browsing treetops.

Proper or becoming: fit behavior.

Qualified or competent, as for an office or function: a fit candidate. 7

2. Curriculum

CmTiculum: Principles and procedures for the plarming,

implementation, c:valuation, and management of an educational program.

Curriculum stt.dy embraces syllabus design (the selection and the grading of

the content) and methodology (the selection oflearning tasks and activities).8

Curriculum is a large messy concept which can be looked at in a

number of ways. A very broad definition is that it includes all of the planned

learning experiences of an educational system. 9

6 WordNet, Wednesday, September 24, 2008 12:02:23 PM 7 unabridged~ Wednesday, September 24, 2008 12:02:23 PM '.David Nunan, Syllabus Design, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993), p. 158

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3. Fit to the Curriculum

Generally, the first area included in textbook analysis is the fit

between the materials and the curriculum. For large educational system,

publishers create materials based on published curriculum statements. For

example, in Egypt, the Ministry of Education arranges for publication of its

own textbooks. Because the books are created for use only in Egypt, the

ministry can be sure that the material are appropriate and carry out its

particular curricular goals. In the United States, some public school system

publish their curriculum guidelines and invite publishers to submit materials

that fit York, and California, publishers compete fiercely to provide materials

that meet the stated curricular guidelines. For these educational system with

their considerable purchasing power and various methods for control of

content, the fit between the textbook and the curriculum is assumed to be a

reasonable and goal.

For smaller programs and individual teachers, the fit between

cmTiculum and textbooks can be harder to achieve for two reasons. First, all

too many programs do not have clearly articulated curriculum statements;

teachers have groups of students who want to learn English but the program

lacks a general statement of purposes and methods. Second, when there is a

curriculum statement for a smaller progran1 or an individual class, it may

have features that are unique to that particular program; however, the

program is not large enough for publishers to provide textbooks based on its

individual curricu!U!ll statement. In the first situation, the textbook must b

selected based on features other than curriculum-and therefore the text itself

becomes the curriculU!ll. In the second situation, textbooks are unlikely to be

found that are completely congruent with the pedagogical goals of the

program, and the purpose of the selection process must be to find boos that

have as good a fit as possible-with the expectation that the textbooks will

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need to be adapted and supplemented with additional materials to support the

curriculum. 10

D. Syllabus Design

1. Syllabus

Syllabus: a specification of what is to be taught in a language program

and the order which it is to be taught. A syllabus may contain all or any of the

following phonology, grammar, functions, notions, topics, themes, tasks. 11

The syllabus identifies what will be worked upon by the teacher and

students in terms of content selected to be appropriate to overall aims. 12

2. Syllabus Design

Syllabus design, then, its selection, sequencing and justification of the

content of the cmTiculum

In language teaching, content selection will include selecting

linguistic features such items of grammar, pronunciation and vocabulary as

well as experiential content such as topics and themes.

Syllabus design concerns the selection of items to be learnt and the

grading of those items into an appropriate sequence. 13 Every syllabus need to

be developed on the basis of certain criteria, such as learnability and

'frequency' which can inform decisions about selection and grading, as

described below:

• Learnability: some structural and lexical items are easier for students to

learn than others are.

10 Patricia Byrd, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language: Textbooks: Evaluation for Selection and Analysis for Implementation, (Massachusetts: Heinle & Heinle Thomson Leaming, 2001), p. 416-417

11 David Nunan, Syllabus ... , p. I 59 12 Michael P. Breen, The Cambridge Guide to Teaching English to Speakers of Other

Languages: Syllabus Design, (2004), p. 151

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Different syllabus

There are several kinds of syllabus: The grammar syllabus, the lexical

syllabus, the functional syllabus, the situational syllabus, the topic-based

syllabus, the task-based syllabus, and the multi-syllabuses syllabus16

There are now numbers of different types of language syllabus, all of

which might be taken as a starting point in the planning of a textbook.

Where coursebook writers are not following a syllabus laid down by

an education ministry, this is the approach that is most often followed.

The authors often present their multi-syllabus in a 'content map of the

book'. (See the following table)

Table 2.2 content map of the textbook Units Grammar Vocabulary/pronunciation Skills

All work

and no








and lies

You are

what you


Have we

got news

for you! .

Adapted from Jeremy Harmer, The Practice of ELT 3'd edition

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Although grammar syllabuses have been used with success over a

long period of time, many methodologists have come to see grammar as the

wrong organizing principle for a syllabus.

In practice, many multi-syllabuses of this type take a grammar syllabus as a starting point

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A. Time and Place of the Study

This research has been started in august 2007 when the writer is studying

in the ninth semester at English Education Department of Faculty of Tarbiyah

and Teachers Training ofSyarifHidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta.

The research locates in libraries such as: Atma Jaya Catholic University Library,

Center for Culture and Language Studies of Atma Jaya Catholic University,

Open University Library, Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Library

and SMA Islam Harapan Ibu Jakarta.

B. Setting of the Study

The writer does the research on the textbook entitled Informational

English for the SMA Grade X written by Tony Rogers and Bambang Kaswanti

printed by PT. Dian Rakyat and published by PT. Widya Utama year of

publishing 2005. For the complete identity of this textbook see the factual details

of the textbook on page 24 point B. Textbook Description.

C. Method of the Study

This skripsi writing uses the categorization technique and the quantitative

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the data found in the research book, then categorizes the data and analyzes them

through the weighting evaluation table.

D. Focus of the Study

The writer focuses her study on the materials in syllabus design to see the

selection items to be learnt and the grading of those items into an appropriate

sequence in order to get a broad preview of textbook in sort and the linkage

between the syllabuses on the textbook to the cuniculum it is used.

E. Research Question

In this research the writer, formulate questions as follow:

1. Do the materials in the textbook fit to the materials stated in the curriculum?

(answer see the judging scale)

2. What is the type of syllabus design of the textbook Informational English for

the SMA Grade X written by Tony Rogers and Bambang Kaswanti published

by PT Widya Utama by the year 2005?

F. Research Procedure

In writing this paper, the writer dos the following steps:

I. The writer collected the data that are found in textbook Informational English

for the SMA Grade X written by Tony Rogers and Bambang KaswaPti

published by PT Widya Utama by the year 2005.

2. Collecting another resource books that are related to the way of how to

analyze textbook.

3. Categorizing the data of study.

4. Analyzing the data found in the textbook.

5. Writing a report of the research.

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G. Analysis of the Data

This research is analyzed through the quantitative analysis based on book

A. Chaedar Alwasilab, Pedoman Penilaian Buku Teks Pelajaran Bahasa Jnggris

SMP/MTs dan SMAJMA, Jakarta: Pusat Perbukuan Departemen Pendidikan

Nasional, 2006 through the following steps:

I. Survey, Analysis and Judgment

Once this background information has dearly spelled out, the ESL/EFL

teacher who is free to select his or her own textbook should try to find five to

ten that appear to be superficially appropriate for a given class. This initial

selection process can be done as a survey.

The first step: survey

Skim through the introduction, the table of contents, the text and the glossary

of index in order to get an idea about the purpose, organization and method of

presentation, as well as the range and kind of materials that the book includes.

The second step: analysis

The next step in the evaluation process requires more careful analysis of the


Carefully examine and state the content of the textbook. These data should be

recorded and organized in the following way.

The textbook:

a. subject matter

b. vocabulary and structures covered

c. exercises

d. illustrations

e. physical make-up (cover, size, binding, paper, printing, type, layout of the


The third step: judging

The above analysis may narrow down the choice to two or three

textbooks. To arrive at a final decision, the teacher must make judgments

about certain quantitative and qualitative elements of the textbook.

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The teacher/rater evaluates the textbook for each question by making a

check in the appropriate column according to the following rating scale. 1

The following rating scale is suggested:

Excellent 4

Good 3

Adequate 2

Weak I

Totally lacking 02

The checklist

The scheme for evaluation can be used to draw up a checklist of items.

Each cell would generate principles relevant to a particular criterion or

assmnption. The column for weighting on the left of the checklist, and the

columns for rating on the right, can be used for adapting evaluative items

to suit the particular demands for teaching situation.3

The weighting scale:

I = tidak sesuai

3 = sebagiar1 kecil sesuai

5 = sebagian besar sesuai

7 = semua sesuai. 4

1 Abdel Messih Daoud and Marianne Celce-Murcia, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language: Selecting and Evaluating Textbook, (Massachusetts: Newbury House Publishers, 1979), p.

2 Alexandra Skierso, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language: Textbook Selection and Evaluation, (Massachusetts: Heinle & Heinle Publishers, 1991 ), p.

3 David Williams, ELT Journal Volume 3713, Developing criteria for Textbook Evaluation, (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1983), p.

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This chapter describes the research findings based on the collected data. The

presentation will be in line with the problems formulated in the first chapter, they are

(A) material presentation within the English textbook (B) the fit of the material in the

textbook to the curriculum (C) the type of syllabus design and (D) Discussion of the


A. Textbook Description

The English Language Teaching book review based on the factual details.

Title : Informational English for the SMA

Author(s) : Tony Rogers and Bambang Kaswanti

Publisher : PT Widya Utama

Price : Rp. 32.500,00,-


No. of pages



Physical size


: 979-728-436-0

: 194

: SB/TB/WB/Tests/Cassettes/Video/Call/Other


: Various Green Color

: 30cm

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Units :6

Lessons/Sections : 19


Target skills : Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, Phonology, Grammar

and Vocabulary.

Target Learners : Senior High School Students Grade X

Target Teachers : Teacher ofSMA

Assessment (*poor **fair ***good ****excellent)1

(Will be explained next)

B. Material Presentation within the English Textbook

The term textbook here means the Informational English for the SMA

written by Tony Rogers and Bambang Kaswanti. It is exactly the textbook used

in English learning teaching activities of SMA Islam Harapan Ibu Jakarta student

year 2006-2007 where the writer were in PPKT.

1. Narration

1.1 Fables ~l

• Listening and Speaking

Siswa dapat memahan1i dan melafalkan kata-kata yang mengandung

humf vocal /w/, /cl, /hi dengan baik dan benar, menumt standar IPA

(International Phonetic Association)

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana narasi berbentuk fabel dan menjawab

pertanyaan seputar wacana

• Listening and Speaking

Siswa dapat mengungkapkan dan merespon kalimat yang menyatakan

salam, undangan dan ungkapan terima kasih.

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1.2 Fiction

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana narasi dalam bentuk fiksi dan menjawab

pe1tanyaan seputar wacana

• Grammar

Temporal conjunctions

When, before, after, since, while, until

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat mengungkapkan, merespon, serta menulis percakapan

tentang ungkapan yang menyatakan undangan, penolakan undangan dan

membuat j anji

• Grammar

Siswa mengerti dan dapat menggunakan Simple Past Tense dalan1


1.3 Memories

• Listening and Speaking

Siswa dapat menymak dan memahami wacana narasi tentang kenangan

masa lalu dan bercerita tentang kenangan masa lalu siswa

• Grammar

Personal & Possessive Priories

1.4 Plays

• Listening and Speaking

Siswa dapat memahami teks drama dan memainkan peran dalam drama

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana narasi berbentuk fabel dan menjawab

pertanyaan seputar wacana.

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• Writing

Siswa dapat menghasilkan paragraf berbentuk narasi berdasarkan gambar

yang diberikan

2. Procedures

2.1 Recipes

• Listening and Speaking

Siswa dapat memahami dan melafalkan kata-kata yang mengandung

huruf vocal /D/, !Al, JUI dengan baik dan benar menurut standar IPA

(International Phonetic Association)

• Reading, Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami teks prosedur berbentuk teks resep

Menjawab pertanyaan seputar wacana dan mendiskusikan wacana

> Honey Joys

> Corn Fritters

> Apple Muffins

• Grammar

Siswa mengerti dan dapat menggunakan Simple Past Tense dalam kalimat

> The Simple Present Tense

> Imperatives

• Listening and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami percakapan singkat dan menjawab pertanyaan

seputar percakapan, memahami instruksi dan peringatan

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana singkat dan menuliskan informasi yang

didapat dari wacana, dan menuliskan instruksi berdasarkan gambar

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2.2 Making Things

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami instruksi untuk membuat suatu benda dan

menjawab pertanyaan sesuai instruksi

> Making dog faces

> Making cat faces

• Listening and Speaking

Siswa dapat memahami instruksi dan memberikan instruksi kepada siswa


2.3 Keep Fit! Stay Healthy!

• Listening, Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat mengerti instruksi yang diberikan sJSwa lain, memberi

instruksi dan menuliskan instruksi

• Reading and Writing

Understanding and Expressing order or instructions

• Grammar

Siswa dapat memahami dan menggunakan noun clause dan quantifiers

dalam kalimat

> Noun Phrases

> Quantifiers

2.4 Assembling

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana prosedur dan menjawab pertanyaan

seputar wacana.

• Reading and Speaking

Si~wa dapat memahami percakapan dan mempraktikkan percakapan


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• Listening and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami cara membuat perabot dari kayu dengan

menyimak dialog dan menulis informasi yang didapat dari dialog

• Grammar

Siswa dapat memahami dan menggunakan adjective, adjectival phrase,

dan adjectival clause dalam kalimat.

• Speaking, Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami percakapan, mengungkapkan perasaan terkejut

dan persetujuan, dan menulis percakapan.

3. Recount

3.1 Personal Diary

• Listening and Speaking

Siswa dapat memahan1i dan melafalkan kata-kata yang mengandung

huruf vocal /i/, /u/, 131 dengan baik dan benar menurut standar IP A 0

(International Phonetic Association)

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat mengungkapkan kalimat yang menyatakan perhatian,

perasaan terkejut, simpati, kredibilitas dan menulis percakapan

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana berbentuk buku harian dan meajawab

pertanyaan seputar wacana

);> Vocabulary Study

• Grammar

Siswa dapat menggunakan Simple Past Tense dalam kalimat

• Writing

Writing in your diary

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat mengungkapkan kalimat yang menyatakan suatu pekerjaan

dapat dilakukan atau tidak dan menulis percakapan menggunakan kalimat

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3.2 Correspondence

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana berbentuk surat dan menjawab

pertanyaan seputar wacana

;;.. Vocabulary Study

• Grammar

The Present Perfect Tense

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat mengungkapkan perasaan terkejut dan menulis percakapan

yang mengungkapkan perasaan terkejut

• Listening and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami percakapan panjang dan menjawab pei·tanyaan

seputar percakapan

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana singkat berbentuk recount dan menulis

recount berdasarkan pengalaman pribadi.

3.3 Reading for Meaning and Information

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana recount dan menjawab pertanyaan

seputar wacana.

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat menggunakan terima kasih dan menulis percakapan

menggunakan ungkapan terima kasih.

(Responding to Someone saying 'thanks')

• Listening and Writing

Pertanyaan berdasarkan rekaman percakapan

• Grammar

The Past Continuous Tense

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4. Spoof


Siswa dapat menyatakan pendapat mereka terhadap suatu permasalahan

dan menuangkan pikiran mereka dalam bentuk tulisan

4.1 The Sleeping Beauty

• Listening and Speaking

Siswa dapat memahami dan melafalkan kata yang mengandung huruf

dipthong /ei/, /ai/, /di/ dengan baik dan benar menurut standar IP A

(International Phonetic Association)

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana Spoof berbentuk dongeng dan menjawab

pertanyaan seputar wacana

• Grammar

Siswa dapat memahami dan menggunakan modals auxiliary (should,

ought to, must) dalam kalimat

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat berbicara dengan aktif dan menulis percakapan

• Listening and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami informasi yang didengar dan menuliskan kembali

informasi tersebut

• Grammar

The Past Continuous Tense

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat mengungkapkan kalimat yang menyatakan kemungkinan dan

ketidakmungkinan secara lisan dan tulisan

(Expressing Possibility and Impossibility)

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat mendiskusikan suatu peristiwa dan menuliskan basil diskusi

dalam bentuk surat

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4.2 Brer Rabbit's Trick

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana Spoof dan menjawab pertanyaan seputar


• Grammar

Siswa dapat memahami dan menggunakan discourse makers (instead,

rather than, beside) dalam kalimat

• Writing and Speaking

Siswa dapat mendiskusikan jalan cerita suatu pengalaman dan

menuangkan pikiran mereka dalam bentuk tulisan

• Listening and Speaking

Siswa dapat mendiskusikan jalancerita suatu pengalaman dan

menuangkan pikira!1 mereka dalam bentuk tulisan

• Grammar

Can, might, must, could, would, and should (modals)

4.3 Lucretian Motts

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana berbentuk Spoof tentang kisah hidup

seseorang dan menjawab pertanyaan seputar wacana

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat mengungkapkan kalimat yang menyatakan penyetujuan dan

ketidaksetujuan secara lisan d;m tulisan

(Expressing Agreement and Disagreement)

• Grammar

Siswa dapat memahami dan menggunakan coordinating conjunction

dalam kalimat (compound sentences)

(Coordinating conjunctions and then, but, yet, and yet, or not)

• Listening and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami monolong dan meniawab pertanvaan seputar

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• Speaking

Siswa dapat menggunakan pilihan (Express Preference)

• Writing

);> Fun with jokes

S. Reports

5.1 Report on Sumatran Elephants

• Listening and Speaking

Siswa dapat memahami dan melafalkan kata yang mengandung huruf

dipthong /au/, /au/, /ju/ dengan baik dan benar menurut standar IPA

(International Phonetic Association)

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana berbentuk laporan dan menjawab

pertanyaan seputar wacana

• Writing

Writing a Summary

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat mengungkapkan pendapat terhadap suatu masalah secara

lisan dan tulisan

• Grammar

The Simple Present Tense

• Speaking and Writing

Siswadapat mengungkapkan kalimat yang menyatakan perasaan bangga

dan ketidaksetujuan terhadap suatu hal secara lisan dan tulisan

(Understanding and Expressing Pride or Disapproval of Something)

• Grammar

Adjectival Clauses

• Writing and Reading

Siswa dapat memahami cara membuat brosur dan menghasilkan sebuah


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5.2 Elephant's Way of Life

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana berbentuk report dan menjawab

pertanyaan seputar wacana

• Leading and Writing for Appreciation

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat mengungkapkan kalimat yang menyatakan persetujuan dan

ketidaksetujuan secara lisan dan tulisan

(Agreeing with a Person and Disagreeing Politely)

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami isi brosur, menjawab pertanyaan seputar brosur,

dan menghasilkan sebuah brosur

• Grammar

Adjectival Clauses

5.3 Report on the Forest People

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana berbentuk laporan dan menjawab

pertanyaan seputar wacana

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat berdiskusi guna menghasilkan sebuah surat

• Grammar

Relative Pronoun

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat mengungkapkan kalimat yang menyatakan puJian secara

lisan dan tulisan (Compliments and Reply)

• Grammar

Comparing, Defining and Classifying Things

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• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat berdiskusi tentang informasi yang didapat dari sebuab brosur

dan menghasilkan sebuah brosur

• Speaking and Writing

Expressing Reservations

6. News

6.1 Newspaper

• Listening and Speaking

Siswa dapat memabami dan melafalkan kata yang mengandung huruf

dipthong /Id/, \Ud/, /Ed/ dengan baik dan benar menurut standar IPA

(International Phonetic Association)

G Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana berbentuk berita dan menjawab

pertanyaan seputar wacana

• Grammar


• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami unsur-unsur yang terdapat di surat kabar dan

mempelajari sebuah surat kabar

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat mendiskusikan tentang surat kabar lokal dan informasi yang

didapat dari surat kabar tersebut dan menuliskan hasil diskusi

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat berdiskusi tentang berbagai bentuk surat kabar dan

menuliskan hasil diskusi

• Grammar

Complete the Conversation with a Suitable Time Clause

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat berdiskusi tentang tata cara membuat sebuah iklan dan

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6.2 Radio

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memaharni berita di radio dan menjawab pertanyaan seputar

berita yang dibaca siswa

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat berdiskusi tentang pembuatan headline dari suatu berita dan

menghasilkan sebuah readline

• Grammar

Adverbial Clause (when, before, since, after, as, while, until)

6.3 Wacky News

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat :nemahami artikel dalam sebuah surat kabar dan merangkai

sebuah miikel baru dari kata-kata yang didapat dm·i membaca artikel


• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat mengungkapkan perasaan terkejut secara lisan dan tulisan

(Showing Feeling of Surprise)

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami wacana berita dan menjawab pertanyam1 seputar


• Writing

Siswa dapat melengkapi percakapan menggunakan kalimat-kalimat yang


• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami dan menghasilkan teks berita

C. The Fit of the Material in the Textbook to the Curriculum

To see how fit the materials are covered as what are stated in the curriculum

the writer uses the weighting checklist report in table 4.1 on page 57.

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D. The Type of Syllabus Design

In order to have a clear description about what type of syllabus design within

this textbook, the writer use the table as follow

Table 4 2 content map of textbook syllabus Units Grammar Vocabulary /pronunciation Skills

• Reading and Writing


memahami wacana

narasi berbentuk

fabel dan menjawab

pertanyaan seputar


• Listening and

• Simple Past Speaking

Tense Siswa dapat

•Personal & Siswa dapat memahami dan

mengungkapkan dan

Possessive melafalkan kata-kata yang

rnerespon kalimat mengandung huruf vocal

Priories yang menyatakan Narration /w/, /cl, /hi dengan baik dan

•Temporal benar, menurut standar IP A

salam, undangan dan

conjunctions (International Phonetic

ungkapan terima

When, before, kasih. Association)

after, since, • Reading and Writing

while, until Siswa dapat

memahami wacana

narasi dalam bentuk

fiksi dan menjawab

pertanyaan seputar


• Speaking and

Writing - -

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merespon, serta

menulis percakapan

tentang ungkapan

yang menyatakan

undangan, penolakan

undangan dan


• Listening and


Siswa dapat

menymak dan

memahami wacana

narasi tentang

kenangan masa lalu

dan bercerita tentang

kenangan masa lalu


• Listening and


Siswa dapat

memahami teks

dran1a dan

memainkan peran

dalam drama

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat

memahami wacana

narasi berbentnk

fabel dan menjawab

Page 47: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year


pertanyaan seputar


• Writing



paragraf berbentuk

narasi berdasarkan



• Reading, Speaking

and Writing

Siswa dapat

• Simple Past memahami teks

Tense prosedur berbentuk

• The Simple teks resep

I Present Menjawab pertanyaan

Siswa dapat memahami dan Tense seputar wacana dan

Imperatives melafalkan kata-kata yang

mendiskusikan wacana • mengandung huruf vocal

• Noun ~ Honey Joys Procedures ID/, IN, JUI dengan baik

Phrases ~ Corn Fritters dan benar menurut standar

• Quantifiers ~ Apple Muffins IP A (International Phonetic

• adjective, • Listening and Association)

adjectival Writing

phrase, dan Siswa dapat

adjectival memahami

clause percakapan singkat

dan menjawab

pertanyaan seputar


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memahami instruksi

dan peringatan

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat

memahami wacana

singkat dan


informasi yang

didapat dari wacana,

dan menuliskan


berdasarkan gambar

o Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami

instruksi untuk

membuat suatu benda

dan menjawab

pertanyaan sesuai


> Making

dog faces

> Making

cat faces

• Listening and


Siswa dapat memahami

instruksi dan

memberikan instruksi

kepada siswa lain

• Listening, Speaking and

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Siswa dapat mengerti

instruksi yang diberikan

s1swa lain, memberi

instruksi dan

menuliskan instruksi

• Reading and Writing

Understanding and

Expressing order or


• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami

wacana prosedur dan

menjawab pertanyaan

seputar wacana.

• Reading and Speaking

Siswa dapat memahami

percakapan dan



siswa lain


• Listening and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami

cara membuat perabot

dari kayu dengan

menyimak dialog dan

menulis informasi yang

didapat dari dialog

• Speaking, Reading and


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• Simple




Siswa dapat memaharni



perasaan terkejut dan

persetujuan, dan

menulis percakapan.

1e Speaking and Writing




kalimat yang

menyatakan perhatian,

perasaan terkejut,

simpati, kredibilitas dan

menulis percakapan

Past Siswa dapat memahami dan • Reading and Writing

melafalkan kata-kata yang Siswa dapat memaharni

Present mengandung huruf vocal /i/, wacana berbentuk buku

Perfect Tense /u/, 131 dengan baik dan harian dan menjawab

•The Past benar menurut standar IP A pertanyaan seputar





Phonetic wacana


Writing in your diary

~ Speaking and Writing









dapat ~

dilakukan atau tidak dan

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menulis percakapan

menggunakan kalimat

terse but

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami

wacana berbentuk surat

dan menjawab

pertanyaan seputar


• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat


perasaan terkejut dan

menulis percakapan

yang mengungkapkan

perasaan terkejut

• Listening and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami

percakapan panjang dan

menjawab pertanyaan

seputar percakapan

* Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami

wacana singkat

berbentuk recount dan

recount menulis


pengalaman pribadi.

* Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami

Page 52: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year


wacana recount dan

menjawab pertanyaan

seputar wacana.

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat

menggunakan terima

kasih dan menulis


menggunakan ungkapan

terima kasih.

Responding to Someone

saying 'thanks')

• Listening and Writing

Pertanyaan berdasarkan

rekaman percakapan

1o Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat menyatakan

pendapat mereka

terhadap suatu

pe1masalahan dan

menuangkan pikiran

mereka dalam bentuk


• modals Siswa dapat memahan1i dan • Reading and Writing

auxiliaTy melafalkan kata yang Siswa dapat memahami

(should, mengandung huruf wacana Spoof Spoof

ought to, dipthong lei/, /ai/, /di/ berbentuk dongeng dan

must) dengan baik dan benar menjawab pertanyaan

• The Past menurut standar IPA seputar wacana

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• discourse



rather than,


• Can, might,

must, could,

would, should


• (coordinating


and then, but,

yet, and yet,

or not)




Phonetic • Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat berbicara

dengan aktif dan

menulis percakapan

• Listening and Writing

Siswa dapat memaharni

informasi yang didengar

dan menuliskan kembali

informasi tersebut

~ Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat


kalimat yang


kemungkinan dan


secara lisan dan tulisan

Expressing Possibility

and Impossibility)

~ Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat

mendiskusikan suatu

peristiwa dan

menuliskan basil diskusi

dalam bentuk surat

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami

wacana Spoof dan

menjawab pertanyaan

seputar wacana

Page 54: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year


• Writing and Speaking

Siswa dapat

mendiskusikan jalan

cerita suatu pengalaman

dan menuangkan

pikiran mereka dalam

bentuk tulisan

• Listening and Speaking

Siswa dapat


jalancerita suatu

pengalaman dan

menuangkan pikiran

mereka dalam bentuk


• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami

wacana berbentuk

Spoof tentang kisah

hidup seseorang dan

menjawab pertanyaan

seputar wacana

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat


kalimat yang


penyetujuan dan

ketidaksetujuan secara

lisan dan tulisan

Page 55: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year

•The Simple


'.Expressing Agreement

and Disagreement)

• Listening and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami

monolong dan

menjawab pertanyaan

seputar monolog

• Speaking

Siswa dapat

menggunakan pilihan

(Express Preference)


7un with jokes

• Reading and


Siswa dapat memahami

wacana berbentuk

Siswa dapat memahami dan laporan dan menjawab



kata yang pertanyaan

huruf wacana


dipthong /au/, /au/, /ju/ • Writing

dengan baik dan benar !writing a Sl!mmary

menurut standar IPA~ Speaking and



Phonetic Writing

Siswa dapat


pendapat terhadap suatu

masalah secara lisan

dan tulisan

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• Speaking and




kalimat yang

menyatakan perasaan

bangga dan


terhadap suatu ha!

secara lisan dan tulisan

Understanding and

Expressing Pride or

Disapproval of


Writing and


Siswa dapat memahami

cara membuat brosur

dan menghasilkan

sebuah brosur

• Reading and


Siswa dapat memahami

wacana berbentuk

report dan menjawab

pertanyaan seputar


• Leading and

Writing for

I Appreciation

Page 57: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year


• Speaking and







menyatakan persetujuan

dan ketidaksetujuan

secara lisan dan tulisan

Agreeing with a Person

and Disagreeing


• Reading and


Siswa dapat memahami

1s1 brosur, menjawab

pertanyaan seputar

brosur, dan

menghasilkan sebuah


• Reading and


Siswa dapat memahami

wacana berbentuk

laporan dan menjawab




Speaking and


Siswa dapat berdiskusi

guna menghasilkan

Page 58: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year


sebuah surat

fe Speaking and


Siswa dapat


kalimat yang

menyatakan pu31an

secara lisan dan tulisan

(Compliments and


• Speaking and


Siswa dapat berdiskusi

tentang informasi yang

didapat dari sebuah

brosur dan

menghasilkan sebuah


fe Speaking and


Expressing Reservations

ie Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami dan Siswa dapat memahami

melafalkan kata yang wacana berbentuk berita

mengandung huruf dan menjawab News

dipthong /Id/, \Ud/, /Ed/ pertanyaan seputar

dengan baik dan benar wacana

menurut standar IP A fe Reading and Writing

• Punctuation Siswa dapat memahami

Page 59: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year

• Time Clause


Clause (when,

before, smce,

after, as, while,



unsur-unsur yang

terdapat di surat kabar

dan mempelajari sebuah

surat kabar

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat

mendiskusikan tentang

surat kabar lokal dan

informasi yang didapat

dari surat kabar tersebut

dan menuliskan hasil


• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat berdiskusi

tentang berbagai bentuk

surat kabar dan

menuliskan hasil diskusi

" Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat berdiskusi

ten tang ta ta cara

membuat sebuah iklan

dan menghasilkan

sebuah iklan

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami

berita di radio dan

menjawab pertanyaan

seputar berita yang

dibaca siswa

• Speaking and Writing

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Siswa dapat berdiskusi

ten tang pembuatan

headline dari suatu

berita dan menghasilkan

sebuah headline

• Reading and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami

artikel dalam sebuah

surat kabar dan

merangkai sebuah

artikel barn dari kata­

kata yang didapat dari

men1baca artikel


• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat


perasaan terkejut secara

lisan dan tulisan

Showing Feeling of


• Reading and Writing

3iswa dapat memahami

wacana berita dan

menjawab pertanyaan

seputar wacana


Siswa dapat melengkapi


menggunakan kalimat-

Page 61: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year


kalimat yang tersedia

• Speaking and Writing

Siswa dapat memahami

dan menghasilkan


The table is shown that this textbook is varied in presenting its materials. Each

chapter consists of discourse, pronunciation, speaking expression, written expression,

reading comprehension, listening and grammar.

E. Discussion of the Findings

The writer answers the research question as follow:

The fit between materials in the textbook to the curriculum is an adequate

fit (B)/***good, because there are several materials stated in the curriculum don't

include in the textbook, while the textbook provides several supplementary

materials within.

The textbook uses the multi-syllabuses syllabus type in designing its

materials. It is shown by the variation of the materials in the textbook and the

writer concludes that it is in line with the curriculum statement that English

should be teach integrated.


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A. Conclusion

Having seriously analyzed the text book based on the ten criteria

proposed by the experts, the researcher came to conclusion that: (!)the text

book used by SMA Islam Harapan Ibu met the criteria of good Engiish text

book proposed by the experts. (2) In terms of its contents, the book covers all

the contents required by KBK.

The fit between materials in the textbook to the cmTiculum is an adequate

fit (B)/***good, because there are several materials stated in the curriculum

don't include in the textbook, while the textbook provides several

supplementary materials within.

The textbook uses the multi-syllabuses syllabus type in designing its

materials. It is shown by the variation of the materials in the textbook and the

writer concludes that it is in line with the curriculum statement that English

should be teach integrated.

B. Suggestion

The three processes surveymg, analyzing and judging (rating the

questions) from one integrated completely, which aids in objective selection

Page 63: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year


therefore, is recommended to be continually used as learning material on

English subject. However, one thing that must be highlighted is that some

discourses dealing with many values and cultures, to say a few, are in contrast

with the local socio-cultural values in general and the institution itself as the

school. Concerning the local content, preferably, the English teachers

themselves are to design their own instructional materials.

The textbook is a tool, and the teacher must know not only how to use

it, but how useful it can be. Finding out will involve distinguishing between

method in the use of printed materials, and method in face-to-face teaching. It

will involve using discretion in adapting textual materials to the needs and

interests of pupils choosing only those materials and methods, which are

based on sound linguistic and pedagogical principles. The textbook will

continue to play an important role, but it will not be a tyrant.

In the end of this skripsi writing, the writer suggests the readers to do

these following steps:

1. Skim the Table of Content of the textbook.

2. Compare the content of the textbook to the guideline from the


3. Attend to the factual details of the textbook.

4. Be smart to choose the materials to be taught.

The writer hopes that this skripsi can be a reference for those who

want to choose a textbook as a media of learning teaching activities at


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Volume LXIV No. 1: Designing a Foreign Language Syllabus, 1983

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London & New York: Longman 2001

Crippendorf, Klauss, Content Analysis: an Introduction to its Methodology, 2nd Edition,

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v!ackey, William Francis, Language Teaching Analysis, New York: Longmans, 1966

v!orley, Joan, New Ways in Teacher Education: Textbook Evaluation: The Anatomy of a

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v!osback, Gerald, ELT Journal Volume 4411: National Syllabus and Textbook Design on

Communicative Principles English Eve1y Day, Oxford: Oxford University

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fouendorf, Kimberly A., The Content Analysis Guidebook, Thousand Oaks: Sage

Publications Inc., 2002

fonan, David, Syllabus Design, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1993

fonan, David, Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language: Syllabus Design,

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logers, Tony and Bambang Kaswanti, Informational English for the SMA, Jakarta:

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DUf\.U I Cf\.~ l"'""CL.1-\.JJ-\nl-\N DJ-\nl-\VJ-\ U"ll\.:JUnlV ~mr•iJRJI'\




llLAIAN aian materi a. Bab membuat materi 1 = Tidak sesuai kurikulum sesuai dengan kuriku- 2 = Sebagian kecil sesuai

7 7 7 1 1 7 lum yang berlaku 5 = Sebagian besar sesuai

7 = Semua sesuai b. Bab memuat standar

kompetensi wacana s.d.a 7 7 7 7 7 7

c. Bab memuat standar kompetensi linguistik s.d.a 7 7 7 7 7 7

d. Bab memuat standar kompetensi s.d.a 5 5 5 5 5 5 sosiokultural

e. Bab memuat standar kompetensi strategis s.d.a 7 7 7 7 7 7

Materi menyampaikan 1 = Hanya memuat satu oikan minimal dua keterampilan Keterampilan terpadu bahasa (misalnya listening

7 7 7 7 7 7 dan speaking, atau reading 7 = Memuat lebih dari 2 dan writing) keterampilan

namuat a. Materi memuat contoh 1 = Tidak ada contoh teks teks dari teks dari suatu genre 3 = Sebagian kecil memuat •nis tipe atau tipe wacana yang Conteh teks

7 7 7 7 7 7 bersifat tekstual 5 = Sebagian besar

memuat contoh teks 7 = Memuat contoh teks

b. Materi memuat . berbagai jenis genre atau tipe wacana yang 5 5 5 5 5 5 bersifat non-tekstual


Page 67: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year

flt:HIUi::ll , .. IVIC:llt:fl ruo1ug1 C:U'\UH::1l I ..., I IUGIK ~t::::>Ui::ll UGlll UUC::ll'i.

1en sesuaidengan akurat , kosakata, tatabahasa lnggris 2 = Sebagian kecil sesuai uaidengan dan akurat

7 7 7 7 7 7 3sa lnggris 5 = Sebagian besar sesuai ntutan dan akurat m 7 = Semua sesuai dan

akurat b. Materi kosakata sesuai

dengan tuntutan s.d.a 5 5 5 5 5 5


c. Materi grammar akurat sesuai dengan

s.d.a 7 7 7 7 7 7 tatabahasa lnggris

;usun a. Materi memuat 1 = Tidak disusun irk an gradasi dalam fonologi berdasarkan tingkat kesulitan kesuiitan

2 = Sebagian kecil disusun berdasarkan tingkat kesulitan

5 5 5 5 5 5 5 = Sebagian besar

disusun berdasarkan tingkat kesulitan

7 = Semua disusun berdasarkan tingkat kesulitan

b. Materi memuat gradasi dalam s.d.a 5 5 5 5 5 5 kosakata

c. Materi memuat gradasi dalam s.d.a 5 5 5 5 5 5 arammar

d. Materi tidak tumpang tindih (overlap) s.d.a 3 3 3 3 3 3

Page 68: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year

~'"' d. IVIGll~rl lUYGl::S \ld<::il\} I -.. I IUC:ll\ CtUc:t lUYC:::t<::i\ li:::l:::ir\}

n untuk diberikan untuk 2 = Ada taks tetapi ~atkan meningkatkan sebagian besar tidak puan siswa kemampuan fonologi, sesuai dengan tujuan nunjang kosakata, dan grammar kurikulum ang 5 = Ada taks tetapi 7 7 7 7 7 7 ;kan dalam sebagian kecil tidak m sesuai dengan tujuan

kurikulum 7 = Semua taks sesuai

dengan tujuan kurikulum

b. Task diberikan untuk meningkatkan s.d.a 7 7 7 7 7 7 keterampilan menvimak

c. Task diberikan untuk meningkatkan s.d.a 7 7 7 7 7 7 keterampilan berbicara

d. Task diberikan untuk meningkatkan

s.d.a 7 7 7 7 7 7 keterampilan membaca

e. Task diberikan untuk meningkatn s.d.a 7 7 7 7 7 7 keterampiian menulis

nemuat a. Materi memuat 1 = Tidak mendukung 1huan, pengetahuan 3 = Sebagian kecil ouan,dan (knowledge) yang mendukung

5 5 5 5 5 5 mg mendukung 5 = Sebagian besar ung keterampilan hidup mendukung 1pilan hidup 7 = semua mendukun<:i s) b. Materi memuat

kemampuan (skills) yang mendukung s.d.a 5 5 5 5 5 5 keterampilan hidup

c. Materi memuat sikap yang mendukung s.d.a 5 5 5 5 5 5 keterampilan hidup

Page 69: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year

------- INDIKATOR KETERANGAN BAB I BAB II BAB Ill BABIV BABV BABVI ILAIAN a. Materi memperhatikan 1 = Sama sekali tidak

·hatikan aspek gender, suku, memperhatikan aspek ender, agama, ras, dan SARA dan kode iama, ras, antargolongan 2 = Setengah materi 3rgolongan Tidak memperhatikan de etik SARA dank ode etik hak cipta 5 = Sebagian besar 5 5 5 5 5 5

memperhatikan SARA dan kode etik

7 = Tidak ada masalah dengan SARA dan kode etik

b. Materi memperhatikan kode etik tentang hak cipta 7 7 7 7 7 7

. Chaedar Alwasilah, Pedoman Penilaian Buku Teks Pelajaran Bahasa lnggris SMPIMTs dan SMAIMA

Tanggal Penilaian: December,14 2008 Nama dan Tanda Tangan Penilai:


Sayidah Salim

Page 70: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year


Page 71: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year

Nomor Lampi ran Hal

: Istimewa : 3 (tiga) lembar : Pengajuan Judul Skripsi

Assaalmu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Jakarta, 02 Juli 2007

Kepada Yth Ketua Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa lnggris Di


Salam sejahtera dan silaturrahim saya sampaikan semoga Bapak berada dalam lindungan Allah SWT. dan selalu sukses dalam menjalakan aktifitas sehari-hari. Amin.

Sehubungan dengan berakhimya masa studi Strata 1 (S 1) yang saya tempuh, maka saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini: Nama : Sayidah Salim NIM : 103014026973 Fakultas : Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Bermaksud mengajukanjudul skripsi sebagaimana tertera di bawah ini: "An Analysis on the Textbook Based on the English Competency Based Curriculum". {A case study of first grade textbook of SMA Islam Harapan Ibu, Jakarta School year 2006/2007)

Sebagai bahan pertimbangan bagi Bapak, bersama ini saya lampirkan: I. Outline 2. Abstraksi 3. Daftar Pustaka Sementara

Demikil-nlah judul skripsi ini saya ajukan. Besar harapan saya Bapak berkenan menyetujuinya sekaligus menentukan dosen pembimbingnya. Atas perhatianny saya ucapkan terima kasih. . { ,,/'" Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb. 'V, ~ 1

Mengetahui; , J KetuaJurusan .... F ~ Pendidikan Bahasa lnggris ¥ . ~

D~~hmod, M. Pd. <;;/ {i1! 0 NIP. 150 041 070 ~ . .A -I

""~' av\n,


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Telp. : (62-21) 7443328, 7401925, Fax. (62-21) 7443328

Email : [email protected]

Nomor Lamp. Hal

: Ft. l l/TL.02. l I Vll /2007 : Abstraksi!Outline : BIMBINGAN SKRIPSI

Kepada Yth. Prof. Dr. Mulyanto Sumardi, M.A Pembimbing Skripsi Fakultas Ilmu Tarbiyah dan Keguruan UIN SyarifHidayatullah Jakarta.

Assalan1u 'alaikun1 irr. lvb.

Jakarta, 3 Juli 2007

Dengan ini diharapkan kesediaan Saudara umuk menjadi Pembimbing Jill (materi/teknis) penulisan skripsi mahasiswa:




Judul Skripsi

Sayidah Salitn


Pendidikan Bahasa lnggris


An Analysis on the Texbook Based on the English Competency Based Curriculum

Judul tersebut telah disetujui oleh Jurusan yang bersangkutan pada tanggal 2 Juli 2007 dengan abstrak/outline sebagaimana terlampir. Pcmbimbing dapat melakukan perubahan redaksional pada judul tersebut. i\pabila perubahan substansial clianggap perlu, mohon pembimbing menghubungi jurusan terlebih dahulu.

Bimbingan skripsi ini diharapkan selesai dalam waktl1 6 (enam) bulan; dan dapat diperpanjang selama 6 bulan berikutnya tanpa surat perpanjangan.

Atas perhatian dan ke1ja sama Saudara, kami Llcapkan terima kasih.

Wassalamu 'alaikum wr. wb.

Tembusan: I. Dekan FITK 2. Mahasiswa Ybs

Page 73: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year

/--. DEPARTEMEN AGAMA I f r~o- r:iokume_n_~_FITK-FR-AKD-081 l /;.·4~~ UIN JAKARTA FORM (FR) I Tgl Terblt _______ 1Septe.mber 2068-j' \\ ~1;1i@j ff -~~---;I,;~ Juanda No 95 Opula/ 15412 Jndonesw L________ ___ ~f +=~~~si = _ ----~~;------=3--·-

S LJ RAT BIMBINGAN SKRIPSI ----·----·-----··----~-·- ___ " ____ __

Nnmor: Un.01/F.l/KIVLOl.3/'t\'2./2008 Lamp. : /\hs1raksi/Ou1li11c I lal : Bimhingan Skripsi

Prof. Dr. Mulj,.1110 Sumardi, M.Ed Pi.:111bin1bing Skripsi Fakultas Jln1u ·rarbiyah dan Kcguruan l llN Syarir I lidayaltillah .Jakart;i.

:lssulu11111 'a/uik11111 11·r. \l'h.

.lakarla. 22 Scplcmhcr 2008

I)cngan ini diharapkan J...e...,cdiaan Saudara untuk rn<:njadi rc111bin1bing I/fl (111ateri/teknis) penulisan skripsi 1nc1hasis\va:





.ludul Skripsi

: Sayidah Salim

I 03014026973

: Pcndidikan f3ahasa Jnggris

: XI ( Scbelas) /\

: c·ontcnt Analysis ()n ·rhc ·rext Book JnJ()rn1ational En,µlish For ·rhc SMA

.ludul terscbnt telah disctujui olch Jurusan Jang bersangkuta11 pada tangµal 2 Juli 2008, abstraksi/out/ine tcrla111pir. Saudan1 dapat r11elakukn11 pcruhahan rcdaksional pada judul terscbut. J\pabila peruhaha1:i substansial dianggap perlu. 1nohon pc1nbi1~-::bing n1cngh11bungi .lurus;in terlchih dahu!11.

Bin1bingan skripsi ini diharapk<1n sclesai dalan1 \vak1u :, (enan1) bulan. dan dapat dipcrpanjang sclan1a 6 (cna111) bulan berikutnya tanpa s11rat pcrpanjangan.

J\tas pcrhatian dan kerja san1a Saudara. ka1ni ucapkan 1c:rin1a kasih.

f1lassala111u 'a/aikun1 H'r. i1 1b.

a.n. Dekan Kajur( et J dikan Bahasa lnggris

L-Drs. Sya1 Id, M.Pd.

/NIP. ISO 46 289 Teinbusan:

Dekan FIT!( 2 Mahasis\va ybs.

Page 74: CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE · for the SMA Grade x" (Textbook used at SMA Islam Harapan /bu Jakarta Year

M tl 'ProftLe

MtJ fuLL vcci1M.e ls SCl!::J'GlClh SClLliM., but I would Llise to be GCl LLeGl wlth IGlC! DY SCl tl. I WClS borvc JCl RCl rtCl, OVl August Of:, 1ji?G. I Llise WCltchlvcg IMOVle, rew;ilvcg booiss, ClvcGl Llstevci.vcg to IM.uslc - Civcci ClLso trC!Veli.vcg IMtJ S]'Cl re tl1M.e.

MtJ fa1M.i.LtJ, IMl::J fC!ther's VlCllMe ls SClLliM., s. Ag. AvcGl

IMl::J IM.Other's i.s Suh/Ave/Ah. ThetJ ave truLtJ bet.veg ]'ClYevct Cls ]'Clrevct. MtJ brothers AhlMClGl subisl ClvcGl rbvcu AsqoLClvci. ClvcGl IMtJ ClGlorC!bLe si.ster FCli.zClh SClLIMClh, IMtJ ftrst hClP'PtJ IM.OIMevcts Clre through thelM. MtJ husbClvcGl C.hoi.ruL ULulM., he gi.ves 1M.e

evccournge1M.evct evertJ ti.1M.e frolM the beglvcvclvcg ti.LL the LClst secovcGl.

Me IMl::J fri.evccis' O]'lvcfovc, OVlLtJ OVle word - COIM]'Lete - [V\, ' ClVlGl vcegCltlve ClS]'ects of co"rse.

MtJ eGl"wti.ovc, I eVltereGl SDN D"reV\, serlb" 03 lvc ijji-1jj7 thevc r evctereGl SL TPN i 'PClY[,{Vlg lVl 1337-:2000, I eVltereGl MAN 2 'f';ogor 2000 so, I grnGluClteGl frolM. MAN 2 'f';ogor lVl 2003. theVl, I eVltereGl UIN StJClYlf r-ti.GlCli:JClt[,{LLClhjClRClrtCl lVl 2003 ClVlGl -{tVlClLL!:J I got IM!:J bClcheLor of ClrtS fYOIM. the Dt]'ClYtiM.eVlt OV\,

Decevccber i:T, 2002.

ThClt's ClLlClbo"t 1M.e. Th Cl VCR tJO[,{ ...

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