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Page 1: constructing

Constructing EnvironmentA03: Studio Journal(W2)Name:Minh (Fiona) Tieu

Student Number: 643679

In week2 tutorial, our task was to create highest frame possible using balsa wood. Unfortunately one of our team mate who had the balsa wood came late so we had to use chip board instead, considering the time frame we had. Our structural plan was much like a pyramid, just a very tall one. W start off with 3 sticks slightly slanted inwards creating triangular shape. In order to make the structure more stable we decided to made frames on the 3 joins.

As we went up, we decided to have another triangle base but angled 90 degree to the right. This even out the upward force, allowing the structure to be more balanced. Due to the height of each stick, the structure was very unstable despite the frames, so we had sticks stuck diagonally around the structure.


Sticks that were stuck diagonally

The next base was rotated by 90 degree

This was basically own originally sketch for our structure. Frames and other ideas came along as we were building it.

Page 2: constructing

Constructing EnvironmentA03: Studio Journal(W2)Name:Minh (Fiona) Tieu

Student Number: 643679

We got up to the paint where you wanted to give up because we had difficulties in glueing the structure together. Chip board are much different to balsa wood, chip board are much thinner and the worst part is that it absorbs the glue very fast. We manage to get our structure to 1.96 m, I thought our strategy was good. If we were to use balsa wood rather than chip board I believe that we wouldn't need as much framing and lots of sticks circulating our structure in order to make it stable. Therefore we came to the conclusion that materials matters!

Page 3: constructing

Constructing EnvironmentActivity: On Site

Name:Minh (Fiona) TieuStudent Number: 643679

Constructing EnvironmentActivity: On Site

Name:Minh (Fiona) TieuStudent Number: 643679

The water pipesThey dug around the outside to reveal the water pipes for constructions. Also fencing are there to avoid people tripping or falling into the holes.

The drainThe metal drains had oxidised and rusted.

The bracingThere are bracings on the sides on the windows to support the shelter

The roofThis roof was different to the others due to its structure and materials. Unlike others, this roof had a pointy, triangular structure made from some sort of metal. This area would be much warmer inside compared to other areas inside the building.

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