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January  4,  2015  Assessment  Commi6ee  Conference  Call  



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I.  Welcome  II.  Founda@on  III.      Assessment  for  Learning  Study  

 -­‐  MASA  Survey  Results  and  Recommenda@ons    -­‐  Study  Purpose,  Design  and  Legal    -­‐  What  Results  Look  Like    -­‐  Study  Time  Line  

IV.  Site  Visit  to  New  Hampshire  


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FOUNDATION  Missouri  Associa7on  of  School  Administrators  

Show  Me  Accredita7on  and  Assessment  Task  Force  

Goal:  Iden%fy  and  recommend  to  the  Missouri  Commissioner  of  Educa%on  a  plan  for  accredita%on  and  assessment  that  emphasizes:  •  local  control  •  con@nuous  improvement  •  individual  student  growth  with  con@nued  a6en@on  to  subgroup  

achievement  •  right  test,  right  @me  •  adaptability  (flexible  enough  to  meet  current  and  future  federal/

state  guidelines  •  clarity  of  purpose  (can  be  explained  by  a  third  grader  to  an  adult  

audience)  •  achieving  Top  10  state  status  one  student  at  a  @me  


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Math/ELA  Annually  grades  3-­‐8  Once  in  H.S    Science  once  per  grade  span  3-­‐5,  6-­‐8,  9-­‐12    

Assessment    Gradua7on    Support  boJom  5%  of  schools  

State  Control  

•  up  to  7  states  may  submit  a  proposal  to  create  an  innova7ve  state    assessment  system  that  includes  the  use  of  local  assessments.  A  consor7um  of  up  to  4  states  is  also  permiJed.  Grants  may  last  from  3-­‐5  five  years.  The  reauthorized  ESEA  takes  full  effect  in  17-­‐18.  



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Working  from  our  Founda7on  Build  Bridge  of  Success  

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Create  an  assessment  framework  for  next  genera7on  MAP  which  incorporates  the  following  concepts  and  supports  local  control.  •  individual  student  growth  with  con@nued  a6en@on  to  subgroup  

achievement  •  right  test,  right  @me  •  adaptability  (flexible  enough  to  meet  current  and  future  federal/state  


Working  from  research  define  the  appropriate  rela7onship  between  forma7ve,  interim  and  summa7ve  assessment?      Define  “proficient”  in  ways  meaningful  to  the  child,  including:  providing  a  clear,  achievable  learning  target,  suppor@ng  goal  se^ng  with  the  development  of  personalized  learning  plans,  providing  feedback  on  depth  of  understanding,  and  informing  the  student,  their  parent(s)/guardian  and  teacher(s)  about  readiness  for  next  stages  in  learning.  

Assessment  for  Learning  Study  


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Source:  A  Framework  for  Considering  Interim  Assessments;  Marianne  Perie,  Sco6  Marion,  Gong  Na@onal  Center  for  the  Improvement  of  Educa@onal  Assessment  Feb  13,  2007  

Summa7ve,  Interim  and  Forma7ve  Assessment  

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What  interim  assessments  are  currently  used  by  MASA  districts?  

Assessment  for  Learning  Study  


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MASA  Survey  Results  &    Proposed  Assessments  to  Begin  With  

In  late  2015,  MASA  conducted  a  survey,  asking  districts  about  the  interim  assessments  being  used.  


Assessment   Yes   No  

Star   73   103  

Study  Island   57   119  

AIMSWeb   45   131  

Acuity   38   138  

Other   38   138  

MobyMax   24   152  

iReady   21   155  

USA  Test  Prep   20   156  

Discovery   18   158  

NWEA-­‐MAP   14   162  

Evaluate   5   171  

Ten  Marks   5   171  

Performance  Coach   4   172  

Galileo   2   174  

Performance  Series   0   176  

The  assessment  list  was  reviewed  to  try  and  determine  if  there  was  a  group  that  would  naturally  fit  for  the  ini@al  work  of  the  proposed  study.    From  this  review,  it  is  proposed  that  the  following  assessments  be  considered  for  the  ini@al  review:    Star,  Acuity,  iReady,  Discovery,  NWEA-­‐MAP,  Evaluate,  Galileo  

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Phase  1:    February  –  May  2016    Purpose:  Conduct  research  regarding  the  appropriate  role  of  interim  assessment  in  next  genera@on  MAP  and  MSIP.    Ques7ons:  How  well  do  interim  assessments  predict  performance  on  the  MAP?  (archival  test  data)    How  is  interim  assessment  used  in  the  learning  process?  (survey,  extant  research)            

Assessment  for  Learning  Study  


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Phase  1:    February  –  May  2016  Par@cipa@on  Requirements:  -­‐  Provide  non-­‐iden@fiable  student  level  data  for  

interim  assessment  and  MAP  from  the  2014-­‐2015  school  year  according  to  prescribed  fields  on  excel  spreadsheet.  

-­‐  Adhere  to  study  to  legal  requirements  -­‐  Meet  deadlines  for  data  submission  -­‐  Support  other  school  districts  involved  in  study  as  


INTERESTED?  Par@cipate  in  webinar  on  (date),  learn  more  and  sign  up.  

Assessment  for  Learning  Study  


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PROPOSED Process for Data Compilation, Analyses, and Reporting











Data from the 14-15 school year:

•  District Name •  Each row is a student •  Grade level •  Latest End-of-Year

(EOY) scale score from internal assessment ELA

•  MAP ELA scale score •  Latest EOY scale score

from internal assessment math

•  MAP math scale score. •  Random unique ID at

the student level, if the district wishes to take the findings back to the local level and apply them back to individual students.

D = District

*Note this sample is for one assessment (e.g., Acuity). This process would be applied for every assessment studied.

One Complete File per Interim


•  Correlation by grade level by content area

•  Regression •  Predict MAP Scale Score from

Interim Scale Score; •  Attain adjusted predicted values

at the student level •  Scatterplots of adjusted predicted

values against observed MAP scale scores

•  Compare observed percent by achievement level against predicted.

•  Correlation by grade level by content area

•  Achievement level comparison by grade by content area (observed vs. predicted)

•  Produced at the total, full group level, but also fully reproduced at the local, participating district level.

•  Interim scale score/achievement level concordance reference table for users

Data Compilation Phase

Analyses Phase

Reporting Phase

*Note the individual level data could be returned to the district, if the district

wished to apply the findings back to individual student records. The district would

need to know the key (random student ID to

district ID) to make these joins as the researcher(s) doing this work would not want nor need access to

MOSIS IDs or District Student IDs.


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What  do  the  results  of  this  study  look  like?  

Assessment  for  Learning  Study  


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Study  Results:  Actual  Example  

-­‐  Study  conducted  December  2015    -­‐  Student-­‐level  results  from  a  commercially  available  

interim  assessment  were  combined  with  MAP  scale  scores  for  the  analysis  to  understand  how  well  the  interim  assessments  predict  performance  on  the  MAP.  

Assessment  for  Learning  Study  


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Assessment  for  Learning  Study  


3rd  Grade   352   362  

4th  Grade   366   394  

5th  Grade   365   371  

6th  Grade   359   355  

7th  Grade   357   349  

8th  Grade   340   214  

TOTAL   2,139   2,045  

Number  of  Cases  by  Grade  Level  by  Content  Area  

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Assessment  for  Learning  Study  ELA  Correla7ons  

Interim  Feb  15-­‐MAP  

Interim  March  15-­‐


Interim  Sum-­‐MAP  

Interim  Feb  15-­‐Interim  March  15  

Interim  Feb  15-­‐Interim  Sum  

Interim  March  15-­‐Interim  Sum  

3rd  Grade   .791   .789   .841   .763   .923   .953  

4th  Grade   .680   .604   .694   .718   .933   .920  

5th  Grade   .815   .806   .857   .790   .942   .950  

6th  Grade   .733   .760   .798   .751   .932   .939  

7th  Grade   .723   .799   .823   .728   .909   .948  

8th  Grade   .758   .728   .805   .705   .923   .924  

*All  correla@ons  significant  at  .05  level.  

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Assessment  for  Learning  Study  ELA  ScaJerplots,  MAP  Scale  –  Interim  Sum  by  Grade  Level  



















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Assessment  for  Learning  Study  ELA  ScaJerplots,  MAP  Scale  Observed–  MAP  Scale  Predicted  by  Grade  Level  

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Once  the  predicted  MAP  Scale  Scores  were  a6ained,  the  next  step  was  to  apply  the  MAP  Achievement  Level  scale  score  ranges  to  the  observed  and  predicted  MAP  scale  scores.  


Assessment  for  Learning  Study  MAP  Achievement  Levels,  English  Language  Arts  

Below  Basic  

Basic   Proficient   Advanced  

3rd  Grade   Below  2367   2367-­‐2431   2432-­‐2489   2490+  

4th  Grade   Below  2416   2416-­‐2472   2473-­‐2532   2533+  

5th  Grade   Below  2442   2442-­‐2501   2502-­‐2581   2582+  

6th  Grade   Below  2457   2457-­‐2530   2531-­‐2617   2618+  

7th  Grade   Below  2479   2479-­‐2551   2552-­‐2648   2649+  

8th  Grade   Below  2487   2487-­‐2566   2567-­‐2667   2668+  

Source:  Missouri  Department  of  Elementary  and  Secondary  Educa@on.  (June  2015).  Missouri  Assessment  Program  Grade-­‐Level  Assessments:  Guide  to  Interpre%ng  Results.  Jefferson  City,  MO.  

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Assessment  for  Learning  Study  Comparing  Observed  vs.  Predicted,  ELA  

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Assessment  for  Learning  Study  Comparing  Percent  Top  Two,  Observed  Vs.  Predicted,  ELA  

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Further  disaggrega7on  of  the  ELA  observed  levels  against  the  predicted  levels.  

Assessment  for  Learning  Study  Addi7onal  Suppor7ng  Data  Could  Also  Be  Generated  

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Assessment  for  Learning  Study  Interim  Sum  Cut  Scores  for  Predic7ng  MAP  ELA    Performance  Across  Four  Achievement  Levels  

3rd    Grade  

4th    Grade  

5th    Grade  

6th    Grade  

7th    Grade  

8th    Grade  

Below  Basic   48  or  lower  

44  or  lower  

46  or  lower  

65  or  lower  

73  or  lower  

68  or  lower  

Basic   49-­‐86   45-­‐77   46-­‐78   66-­‐102   74-­‐105   69-­‐109  

Proficient   87-­‐120   78-­‐114   79-­‐123   103-­‐144   106-­‐146   110-­‐161  

Advanced   121  or  higher  

115  or  higher  

124  or  higher  

145  or  higher  

147  or  higher  

162  or  higher  

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Assessment  for  Learning  Study  Math  Correla7ons  

Interim  Feb  15-­‐MAP  

Interim  March  15-­‐


Interim  Sum-­‐MAP  

Interim  Feb  15-­‐Interim  March  15  

Interim  Feb  15-­‐Interim  Sum  

Interim  March  15-­‐Interim  Sum  

3rd  Grade   .806   .789   .846   .777   .949   .935  

4th  Grade   .762   .706   .782   .779   .959   .925  

5th  Grade   .794   .798   .826   .856   .966   .961  

6th  Grade   .786   .820   .860   .744   .931   .936  

7th  Grade   .839   .860   .878   .873   .965   .970  

8th  Grade   .739   .793   .816   .766   .935   .944  

*All  correla@ons  significant  at  .05  level.  

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Assessment  for  Learning  Study  Math  ScaJerplots,  MAP  Scale  –  Interim  Sum  by  Grade  Level  

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Assessment  for  Learning  Study  Math  ScaJerplots,  MAP  Scale  Observed–  MAP  Scale  Predicted  by  Grade  Level  

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Once  the  predicted  MAP  Scale  Scores  were  a6ained,  the  next  step  was  to  apply  the  MAP  Achievement  Level  scale  score  ranges  to  the  observed  and  predicted  MAP  scale  scores.  


Assessment  for  Learning  Study  MAP  Achievement  Levels,  Math  

Below  Basic  

Basic   Proficient   Advanced  

3rd  Grade   Below  2381   2381-­‐2435   2436-­‐2500   2501+  

4th  Grade   Below  2411   2411-­‐2484   2485-­‐2548   2549+  

5th  Grade   Below  2455   2455-­‐2527   2528-­‐2578   2579+  

6th  Grade   Below  2473   2473-­‐2551   2552-­‐2609   2610+  

7th  Grade   Below  2484   2484-­‐2566   2567-­‐2634   2365+  

8th  Grade   Below  2504   2504-­‐2585   2586-­‐2652   2653+  

Source:  Missouri  Department  of  Elementary  and  Secondary  Educa@on.  (June  2015).  Missouri  Assessment  Program  Grade-­‐Level  Assessments:  Guide  to  Interpre%ng  Results.  Jefferson  City,  MO.  

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Assessment  for  Learning  Study  Comparing  Observed  vs.  Predicted,  Math  

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Assessment  for  Learning  Study  Comparing  Percent  Top  Two,  Observed  Vs.  Predicted,  Math  

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Further  disaggrega7on  of  

the  Math  observed  levels  against  the  

predicted  levels.  

Assessment  for  Learning  Study  Addi7onal  Suppor7ng  Data  Could  Also  Be  Generated  

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Assessment  for  Learning  Study  Interim  Sum  Cut  Scores  for  Predic7ng  MAP  Math    Performance  Across  Four  Achievement  Levels  

3rd    Grade  

4th    Grade  

5th    Grade  

6th    Grade  

7th    Grade  

8th    Grade  

Below  Basic   83  or  lower  

72  or  lower  

66  or  lower  

75  or  lower  

48  or  lower  

64  or  lower  

Basic   84-­‐114   74-­‐118   67-­‐109   76-­‐109   49-­‐96   65-­‐102  

Proficient   115-­‐149   119-­‐157   110-­‐139   110-­‐135   97-­‐135   103-­‐131  

Advanced   150  or  higher  

158  or  higher  

140  or  higher  

136  or  higher  

136  or  higher  

132  or  higher  

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Correla7ons  for  Both  Content  Areas  and  MAP  

ELA  MAP—Interim  Sum  

Math  MAP—Interim  Sum  

3rd  Grade   .841   .846  

4th  Grade   .698   .782  

5th  Grade   .857   .826  

6th  Grade   .798   .860  

7th  Grade   .823   .878  

8th  Grade   .805   .816  


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Phase  2:  Design  Next  Genera7on  MAP  Grades  3-­‐8  (June    2016  –  Spring  2017)  

 Local:  standards  based  forma@ve  and  interim  assessments  with  student  as  primary  audience.    State:  standards  based  summa@ve  end-­‐of-­‐grade  level/grade  span  growth  measures  with  student  as  primary  audience  and  adults  as  an  important  second  audience.  Used  to  meet  ESSA  requirements.  -­‐  Innova7ve  Design  (e.g.  adap@ve/EOC-­‐Like/testlet)  -­‐  Mul7ple  Administra7on  Opportuni7es  (e.g.  not  once  and  done  as  

the  only  op@on)  -­‐  Redefined  Cut  Score  (e.g.  proficiency  set  at  true  end  of  grade              level  expecta@on  with  considera@on  of  new  nomenclature)  -­‐  Enhanced  MOSIS  (e.g.  captures  learning  progression  by  ELA,  Math,  

Science  and  chronological  grade  level)   33  

Assessment  for  Learning  Study  

Page 34: CONCEPT’PRESENTATION’ - Masa · CONCEPT’PRESENTATION’ ... MobyMax’ 24 152 iReady’ 21 155 USA’TestPrep’ 20 156 Discovery’ 18 158 NWEACMAP’ 14 162 Evaluate’ 5

Phase  2:  Secure  ESSA  Innova7on  State  Assessment  Pilot  Grant*    Year  1:  Iden@fy  a  defined  number  of  districts  to  implement  innova@ve  preK-­‐12  approaches  to  assessment  that  lead  to  an  understanding  of  the  appropriate  roles  forma@ve,  interim  and  summa@ve  assessment  play  in  suppor@ng  college  and  career  readiness  for  ALL  students.  Preference  will  be  given  to  proposals  with  following  design  elements.  -­‐   Mul@-­‐district  mul@-­‐region  collabora@ve  which  includes,  for  research  purposes,  a  

sufficient  number  of  students  from  each  subgroup.  -­‐  Agreement  to  collect,  analyze  and  report  data  in  prescribed  formats.  -­‐  Shows  promise  for  successful  replica@on  in  a  variety  of  contexts.  -­‐  Meets  ESSA  requirements  while  opera@onalizing  the  following  principles:    local  

control,    con@nuous  improvement,  individual  student  growth  with  con@nued  a6en@on  to  subgroup  achievement,  right  test,  right  @me,  adaptability  (flexible  enough  to  meet  current  and  future  federal/state  guidelines,  clarity  of  purpose  (can  be  explained  by  a  third  grader  to  an  adult  audience),  achieving  Top  10  state  status  one  student  at  a  @me.  

-­‐  Commits  to  par@cipa@on  in  a  state-­‐wide  next  genera@on  MAP  development  group.  *  Federal  Requirements  not  yet  released  and  content  above  for  discussion  purposes  only.   34  

Assessment  for  Learning  Study  

Page 35: CONCEPT’PRESENTATION’ - Masa · CONCEPT’PRESENTATION’ ... MobyMax’ 24 152 iReady’ 21 155 USA’TestPrep’ 20 156 Discovery’ 18 158 NWEACMAP’ 14 162 Evaluate’ 5

Phase  2:  Secure  ESSA  Innova7on  State  Assessment  Pilot  Grant*    Year  2:  Implement  next  genera@on  MAP  and  conduct  a  state  wide  research  project  with  sufficient  par@cipa@on  to  understand  growth  effects  of  the  new  system  across  all  subgroups.  Informa@on  from  this  study  will  be  used  to  inform  teachers,  administrators,  Boards  of  Educa@on,  parents  and  community  on  best  prac@ces  for  con@nuous  improvement  across  all  subgroups.  The  Missouri  Assessment  Framework  will  be  adjusted  based  on  data  from  this  research.    

Year  3:  TBD                        •  Federal  Requirements  not  yet  released  and  content  above  for  discussion  purposes  only.  


Assessment  for  Learning  Study  

Page 36: CONCEPT’PRESENTATION’ - Masa · CONCEPT’PRESENTATION’ ... MobyMax’ 24 152 iReady’ 21 155 USA’TestPrep’ 20 156 Discovery’ 18 158 NWEACMAP’ 14 162 Evaluate’ 5

New  Hampshire  Site  Visit  Manchester  NH  Feb  3  –  5  

Host:  Ray  McNulty      Key  Ques7ons  (sample)    What  is  the  rela@onship  between    Competency  (Proficiency)  Based  Learning,  School  Improvement  and  State  Accountability?    How  can  competency  (proficiency)  based  learning  inform  instruc@on  and  assessment  design?    How  does  the  New  Hampshire  local,  state  and  university  level  work  inform  next  steps  in  Missouri?  

Cost  Es7mate:  Hotel  $200  a  night  plus  plane  fare  and  meals  


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