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  • 7/28/2019 concept fan



    Six Thinking HatsSix Thinking Hats

    A Framework For ParallelA Framework For Parallel

    Thinking In TeamsThinking In Teams

  • 7/28/2019 concept fan



    Todays PurposeTodays Purpose

    Review the key points on theReview the key points on the

    participant online overviewparticipant online overview Practice using the parallel thinkingPractice using the parallel thinking


    Answer questionsAnswer questions Review applicationsReview applications

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    Key RemindersKey Reminders

    The online overview is a generalThe online overview is a general

    introduction to prepare you tointroduction to prepare you to participateparticipate

    It is not a training course inIt is not a training course in leadingleading thetheuse of the frameworkuse of the framework

    Use the Six Hat framework under theUse the Six Hat framework under the

    direction of your trained Six Thinking Hatdirection of your trained Six Thinking Hatfacilitator (full 1 day course)facilitator (full 1 day course)

  • 7/28/2019 concept fan



    Results Aroundesults AroundThe Worldhe World

    Since 1993 over 200,000 trainedSince 1993 over 200,000 trained

    In use by many of the largest & mostIn use by many of the largest & mostsuccessful organizations worldwidesuccessful organizations worldwide

    Works well in different culturesWorks well in different cultures

    Applies across all levels & disciplinesApplies across all levels & disciplines

  • 7/28/2019 concept fan



    The OriginatorThe Originator

    Dr. Edward deDr. Edward deBonoBono

    M.D., Ph.D., (philosophy,M.D., Ph.D., (philosophy,

    medicine & psychology), Rhodesmedicine & psychology), Rhodes


    World-renowned consultant toWorld-renowned consultant tobusiness, governments, schoolsbusiness, governments, schools

    and industryand industry

    Author of 62 books in 35Author of 62 books in 35

    languageslanguages Originator of Six Thinking Hats,Originator of Six Thinking Hats,

    Lateral Thinking and DirectLateral Thinking and Direct

    Attention Thinking ToolsAttention Thinking Tools

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    The Need To ImproveThe Need To Improve

    Three main problems with ourThree main problems with our currentcurrentmethods of thinking in teams?methods of thinking in teams?

    Differing PerceptionsDiffering Perceptions


    Adversarial ApproachAdversarial Approach

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    Start with a cage containing five apes. In the cage hang abanana on a string and put stairs under it. Before long anape will go to the stairs and start to climb toward the banana.As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the apes withcold water. After a while, another ape makes an attemptwith the same results all the apes are sprayed with coldwater.

    Turn off the cold water.

    If, later, another ape tries to climb the stairs, the otherapes will try to prevent it even though no water issprayed.

    Now, remove one ape from the cage and replace it with a new one. TheNew ape sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his horror, all ofthe other apes attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if

    he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.

    Next, remove another of the original five apes and replace it with a new one.The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomertakes part in the punishment with enthusiasm!

    Again, replace a third of the original apes with a new one. The new onemakes to the stairs and is attacked as well.

    Two of the four apes that beat him have no idea why they were not permitted

    to climb the stairs, or why they are participating in the beating of the newestape.

    After replacing the fourth and fifth of the original apes, all apes which havebeen sprayed with cold water have been replaced.

    Nevertheless, no ape ever again approaches the stairs. Why not?

    Because thats the way its always been done around here!

    Sound familiar?

  • 7/28/2019 concept fan




    Start with a cage containing five apes. In the cage hang abanana on a string and put stairs under it. Before long anape will go to the stairs and start to climb toward the banana.As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the apes withcold water. After a while, another ape makes an attemptwith the same results all the apes are sprayed with cold


    Turn off the cold water.

    If, later, another ape tries to climb the stairs, the otherapes will try to prevent it even though no water issprayed.

    Now, remove one ape from the cage and replace it with a new one. TheNew ape sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his horror, all of

    the other apes attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that ifhe tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.

    Next, remove another of the original five apes and replace it with a new one.The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomertakes part in the punishment with enthusiasm!

    Again, replace a third of the original apes with a new one. The new onemakes to the stairs and is attacked as well.

    Two of the four apes that beat him have no idea why they were not permittedto climb the stairs, or why they are participating in the beating of the newestape.

    After replacing the fourth and fifth of the original apes, all apes which havebeen sprayed with cold water have been replaced.

    Nevertheless, no ape ever again approaches the stairs. Why not?

    Because thats the way its always been done around here!

    Sound familiar?

  • 7/28/2019 concept fan



    Benefits Of TheBenefits Of The

    Six Thinking Hat FrameworkSix Thinking Hat Framework

    ParallelParallel AdversarialSave Time

    Improve Exploration

    Improve Creativity & Innovation

    Foster Collaborative ThinkingMove from Problem Solvingto Opportunity Identification

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    Ninety Percent of all thinkingNinety Percent of all thinking

    mistakes by adults are mistakes inmistakes by adults are mistakes inperception, not mistakes in logic.perception, not mistakes in logic.

    Dr. Edward de Bonor. Edward de Bono

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    Basics ToBasics To

    ParticipateParticipate Six differentSix different imaginaryimaginary hats to put on orhats to put on or

    off. Each hat is a different color andoff. Each hat is a different color and

    represents a different type or mode ofrepresents a different type or mode ofthinking.thinking.

    We all wear the same hat (do the sameWe all wear the same hat (do the same

    type of thinking) at the same time.type of thinking) at the same time. When we change hats, we change ourWhen we change hats, we change our


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    White HatWhite HatInformation & Data

    Neutral & Objective

    Checked & Believed Facts

    Missing Information &

    Where To Source It


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    Red HatRed HatFeelings & IntuitionFeelings & Intuition

    Emotions Or Hunches

    At This Point

    No Reasons or Justification

    Keep It Short


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    Yellow HatYellow HatWhy It May Work

    Values & Benefits

    (Both Known & Potential)

    The Good In It

    Logical Reasons Must Be Given


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    Cautions DangersProblems Faults

    Logical Reasons Must Be Given


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    Green HatGreen HatCreative Thinking

    Possibilities Alternatives

    New Ideas New Concepts

    Overcome Black Hat Problems

    & Reinforce Yellow Hat Values


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    Blue Hat

    Managing The ThinkingSetting The Focus

    Making Summaries

    Overviews Conclusions

    Action Plans


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    Blue HatBlue HatManaging The Thinking

    Setting The Focus

    Making SummariesOverviews Conclusions

    Action Plans

    Green HatGreen HatCreative Thinking

    Possibilities AlternativesNew Ideas New ConceptsOvercome Black Hat Issues

    Reinforce Yellow Hat Values

    Black HatBlack HatWhy ItWhy ItMay NotMay NotWorkWork

    Cautions DangersProblems Faults

    Give Logical Reasons

    Yellow HatYellow HatWhy It May Work

    Values & Benefits

    (Both Known & Potential)The Good In It

    Give Logical Reasons

    Red HatRed HatFeelings & Intuition

    Emotions Or Hunches

    At This PointNo Reasons or Justification

    Keep It Short

    White HatWhite HatInformation & Data

    Neutral & Objective

    Checked & Believed Facts

    Missing Information &

    Where To Source It


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    Define the focus of your thinkingDefine the focus of your thinking

    Plan the sequence and timing of thePlan the sequence and timing of the

    thinkingthinking Ask for changes in the thinking, if neededAsk for changes in the thinking, if needed

    Handle requests from group for changes inHandle requests from group for changes in

    thinkingthinking Form periodic or final summaries of theForm periodic or final summaries of the

    thinking for consideration by the teamthinking for consideration by the team


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    Your Roleour Role Follow the lead of your trained facilitatorFollow the lead of your trained facilitator

    Stick to the hat (type of thinking) that is inStick to the hat (type of thinking) that is incurrent usecurrent use

    Try to work within the time limitsTry to work within the time limits

    Contribute honestly & fully under each hatContribute honestly & fully under each hat

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    Sequence Useequence Use& Single UseSingle Use Sequence Use - The Blue Hat leaderSequence Use - The Blue Hat leader

    designs a sequence for the team to follow,designs a sequence for the team to follow,

    but may make adjustments as neededbut may make adjustments as needed(without this method, we would be only Red or Black )without this method, we would be only Red or Black )

    Single Use - The Blue Hat leader may askSingle Use - The Blue Hat leader may ask

    for the use of a single hat at a time asfor the use of a single hat at a time as

    neededneeded (it helps when you know you wont get argued; All agreeit helps when you know you wont get argued; All agree

    to say same thing, help each other.)o say same thing, help each other.)

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    The important thing is to not stopThe important thing is to not stopquestioning.uestioning.Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein

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    Recently a public zoo began experimenting with a new

    feeding method for many of the carnivorous animals in the

    facility. Instead of giving them simply meat at feeding times,

    they released live prey into their large "natural setting" type

    enclosures. In some cases an overabundance of other small

    mammals in the zoo provided an on site food source. The

    regular feeding times were not altered.

    This experiment has caught the attention of several zoos in

    North America. Discuss this idea and see if you think it

    would work here in the United States?

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    ExamplexampleExercisexercise Imagine that this proposalmagine that this proposal

    has been madeas been made1.1.BlueBlue - 1/2 min.- 1/2 min. 5.5. GreenGreen - 1 1/2 min.- 1 1/2 min.2.2. WhiteWhite - 1 min.- 1 min. 6.6. RedRed - 3/4 min.- 3/4 min. 3.3.

    YellowYellow - 1 1/2 min.- 1 1/2 min. 7.7. BlueBlue - 1 min.- 1 min.

    4.4. BlackBlack - 1 1/2 min.- 1 1/2 min.

    Its a good idea to do another (Yellow + Black) after getting some ideas.


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    GENERALDESCRIPTIONOF THE IDEA/CONCEPT/PROPOSAL(Description of the straw man proposal?


    (What relevant data or information do you/we already have about this straw man proposal? What additionaldata or information should be obtained about this straw man proposal? Where might we source it?

    YELLOWHAT(What are the potential benefits and values of this straw man proposal? Who would benefit and how wouldthey benefit? What makes you think this straw man proposal?

    BLACKHAT(What do you see as the potential weaknesses, problems or faults in the straw man proposal? What are the

    possible difficulties or cautions to be considered? Why might it not work?)

    GREENHAT(What are some ways to possibly overcome the problems or faults you have identified? What modifications oroptions that might make this straw man proposal better or more acceptable?)

    REDHAT(What is your personal intuition or gut feel about the do-ability or potential impact of this straw man proposal?

    Potential Impact (How big might the impact of this straw man proposal?)Circle or Underline Only One1. Low 2. Moderate 3. Medium 4. Significant 5. High

    Do-Ability (How do-able is this straw man proposalHP?)Circle or Underline Only One1. Very Difficult 2. Moderately Difficult 3. Medium 4. Relatively Easy 5. Very Easy

    A "straw-man proposal" is a simple draft proposal intended to generate discussion of its disadvantages andto provoke the generation of new, better, proposals. As the document is revised, it may be given other edition names

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    There is no such thing as Objective Discussion, we all haveThere is no such thing as Objective Discussion, we all have

    opinions that we start with and using the data we are trying to buildopinions that we start with and using the data we are trying to build

    a Case for it.a Case for it.Normally the Problem is: People will finallyNormally the Problem is: People will finallyagreeagree

    on something that theyon something that theywere not bought in.were not bought in.

    6-Hats is a framework for Thinking/Exploring in teams that 6-Hats is a framework for Thinking/Exploring in teams that Reduces argument / DriftReduces argument / Drift

    RapidRapid PerceptionPerceptionSharingSharing

    Promotes idea generation (safe time &place)Promotes idea generation (safe time &place)

    Reduces timeReduces time

    Better ResultsBetter Results

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    AlternativesAlternativesParticipant OverviewParticipant Overview

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    We can analyze the past, but

    we must design the future.

    Dr. Edward de Bono

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    There was a time that efficiency and problem solving wereThere was a time that efficiency and problem solving were

    enough, but today, these just provide the Baseline.enough, but today, these just provide the Baseline.


    The incoming information organize itself in a sequenceThe incoming information organize itself in a sequenceof temporary state. They are routine patterns.of temporary state. They are routine patterns.

    WhenWhen do you set yourself to look fordo you set yourself to look for New Alternatives?New Alternatives?

    To get aTo get a New IdeaNew Idea, we need to Start on a, we need to Start on a New PointNew Point..How? Use chance ,,,How? Use chance ,,, A Random WordA Random Word when brain is when brain is

    trying totrying to connectconnect thatthat random wordrandom word to theto the SubjectSubject, it, itgoes through a Diff. routes which you didnt knowgoes through a Diff. routes which you didnt knowbefore.before.

    (use 3 attributes of that word, and force yourself to(use 3 attributes of that word, and force yourself tofind ideas, dont explain how you got that idea.)find ideas, dont explain how you got that idea.)



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    AlternativeslternativesWhat is an alternative .What is an alternative .

    For gluing two pieces of woodFor gluing two pieces of wood


    What is the connection betweenWhat is the connection betweenthese options?these options?

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    Alternativeslternatives Alternatives are not randomAlternatives are not random

    There is always a connectionThere is always a connection

    We seldom clearly define theseWe seldom clearly define these

    connections or fixed pointsconnections or fixed points

    Fixed Points = ConceptsFixed Points = Concepts

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    AlternativeslternativesWhy Look For Concepts?Why Look For Concepts?

    Identifying and working withIdentifying and working withconcepts drives the generation ofconcepts drives the generation of

    more ideasmore ideas

    Identifying and working withIdentifying and working with

    concepts drives breadth in theconcepts drives breadth in the


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    AlternativeslternativesThe Concepthe Concept


    Purpose or


    First Idea or







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    AlternativeslternativesThe Concepthe Concept



    Downtown Litter

    Fine Those

    That Litter

    Ways To Punish

    People For Littering

    Make Them

    Serve Time

    Picking Up


    Put Their

    Picture In


  • 7/28/2019 concept fan



    Nothing is more dangerous than an

    idea when it is the only one you have.Emile Chartier,

    French Philosopher

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    AlternativeslternativesSelecting & Definingelecting & DefiningConceptsoncepts

    Be very precise about the conceptBe very precise about the concept

    Choose the concept carefullyChoose the concept carefully

    Look for multiple conceptsLook for multiple concepts

    Begin the concept statement withBegin the concept statement with

    Ways toWays to oror Methods ofMethods of andanduse at least 6-7 wordsuse at least 6-7 words

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    AlternativeslternativesThe Three Key Questions to AskThe Three Key Questions to Ask

    1. What is the concept behind the idea1. What is the concept behind the idea

    being expressed?being expressed?

    2. Are there any other ways (ideas or2. Are there any other ways (ideas or

    alternatives) to carry out the concept?alternatives) to carry out the concept?

    3. Are there any other concepts?3. Are there any other concepts?

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    AlternativeslternativesThe Concept Fanhe Concept Fan

    Purpose orObjective

    First Idea or




    Third Idea


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    AlternativeslternativesKey Things To RememberKey Things To Remember

    1.1. Individual idea generation time is valuable toIndividual idea generation time is valuable toreduce channeling, maintain fidelity and drivereduce channeling, maintain fidelity and drive


    2. Extract concepts from2. Extract concepts from individualindividual ideas. Do notideas. Do notgroup ideas ideas first.

    3. Then, find the3. Then, find the ConceptConcept behind those ideas; trybehind those ideas; try

    to make a lots of concepts. Dont look forto make a lots of concepts. Dont look for


    Say: Ways to.Say: Ways to.

    4. Then, generate more4. Then, generate more ideasideas for each Concept.for each Concept.

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    AlternativeslternativesThe Concept Fanhe Concept Fan

    Purpose orObjective



    Ideas on how to get the persons in two

    on site departments to work more

    effectively and closely together

    Wh h h h

  • 7/28/2019 concept fan



    OBJOBJ: Reduce

    Downtown Litter

    IDEAIDEA: Fine

    Those That


    IDEAIDEA: Serve

    Time Picking

    Up Litter


    Picture In



    Punish For Littering

    1.. What is theconcept behind theidea?

    2.. Are there anyother ways to carryout that concept?

    3.. Are there anyother concepts?

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    AlternativeslternativesExample ExerciseExample Exercise

    Concept Fan ExampleConcept Fan ExampleConcept Fan Example

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    Create aposting boarddivided intoan urgent vsimportant


    Ways tobetterorganize

    the sticky

    notes afterthey arewritten

    Concept Fan ExampleConcept Fan ExampleConcept Fan Example


    Generate ideas onhow to make stickynotes more popular

    Create ato-do list

    board sonotes canbe posetdand re-arranged

    Ways tomore easilytransportsticky

    notes afterwriting

    Print a blanksmiley face

    on the noteso sender

    can indicatean emotion

    Notes thatlook like

    were tornout rough



    uniquelyshapednotes thatvisually

    communicate evenwithoutreading

    Createrolls ofsticky

    notes thatcan be


    in anylength

    Have anurgent vsimportantgrid pre-


    Have pre-printed

    checkableboxes toindicate


    Make themwhere they

    will notstick topockets,etc. when


    Ways tomake it

    easier forsender to


    Ways to havesticky notes

    indicatesomething in

    a unique andfun way

    Ways toprovidemore


    to the user

    Ways to useshapes toindicate

    something or

    enhance themessage


    Create asmall book

    with clearplastic pages

    to storenotes for


    Ways to usetexture to

    indicatesomething or

    enhance themessage

    Emboss animage tomatch thefragrance

    on the note

    First Generate some ideas.

    Add scents& colors tohelp getmessageacross -scratch &


    Are there any

    AskWhat is the concept behind this idea?

    AskAre there any other ways tocarry out this concept?

    AskAre there any otherconcepts?

    AskAre there any other waysto carry out this concept?

    This offer

    seems a

    little fishy if

    you ask me!

    orrr Ask Are there any other ways to

    Ask Are there any other ways to

    Ask Are there any other

    Ask Are there any other ways

    This offer

  • 7/28/2019 concept fan



    Create aposting boarddivided intoan urgent vsimportant


    Create aposting boarddivided intoan urgent vsimportant


    Ways tobetter

    organize thesticky notesafter theyare written

    Ways tobetter

    organize thesticky notesafter theyare written


    Generate ideas onhow to make sticky

    notes more popular


    Generate ideas onhow to make sticky

    notes more popular

    Create a to-do list boardso notes canbe posetd andre-arranged

    Create a to-do list boardso notes canbe posetd andre-arranged

    Ways to moreeasily

    transportsticky notesafter writing

    Ways to moreeasily

    transportsticky notesafter writing

    Print a blanksmiley face onthe note sosender canindicate anemotion

    Print a blanksmiley face onthe note sosender canindicate anemotion

    Notes thatlook like

    were torn out rough edges

    Notes thatlook like

    were torn out rough edges

    Have uniquelyshaped notesthat visuallycommunicateeven without


    Have uniquely

    shaped notesthat visuallycommunicateeven without


    Create rollsof stickynotes that

    can bedispensed inany length

    Create rollsof stickynotes that

    can bedispensed inany length

    Have anurgent vs

    important gridpre-printed

    Have an

    urgent vsimportant gridpre-printedHave pre-printed

    checkableboxes toindicatethings

    Have pre-printed

    checkableboxes toindicatethings

    Make them

    where theywill not stickto pockets,etc. whencarried

    Make themwhere they

    will not stickto pockets,etc. whencarried

    Ways to makeit easier forsender toclearlyindicate


    Ways to makeit easier forsender toclearlyindicate


    Ways to havesticky notes

    indicatesomething in aunique and fun


    Ways to havesticky notes

    indicatesomething in aunique and fun


    Ways toprovide moreflexibility to

    the user

    Ways toprovide moreflexibility to

    the user

    Ways to useshapes toindicate

    something orenhance the


    Ways to useshapes toindicate

    something orenhance the



    Create asmall bookwith clear

    plastic pagesto store notes

    for travel

    Create asmall bookwith clear

    plastic pagesto store notes

    for travel

    Ways to usetexture toindicate

    something orenhance the


    Ways to usetexture toindicate

    something orenhance the


    Emboss animage tomatch the

    fragrance onthe note

    Emboss an

    image tomatch thefragrance on

    the note

    First Generate some ideas.

    Add scents &colors to helpget message

    across -scratch &sniff!!!

    Add scents &colors to helpget message

    across -scratch &sniff!!!

    Ae there anAre there any

    Ask What is the concept behind this idea?

    Ask Are there any other ways tocarry out this concept?

    Ask Are there any other ways tocarry out this concept?


    y yto carry out this concept?seems a little

    fishy if you

    ask me!

  • 7/28/2019 concept fan




    The best way to get good ideas is to get

    lots of ideas and throw out the bad ones.

    Linus Pauling

    Nobel Prize Winner in Physics

    1 Who is this de Bono guy that you are talking about?

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    1. Who is this de Bono guy that you are talking about?Dr. Edward de Bono is a 70 year old Rhodes Scholar that was born in Malta. Hisbackground includes degrees in medicine, philosophy and psychology and facultyappointments in Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard and the University of London. With over30 years of experience in consulting in business and education he is accepted as theworlds leading expert in the development of thinking skills in general and specificallycreative thinking skills.

    2. Why dont we just do the brainstorming that we have always done?Brainstorming is a method that was developed in 1936 for the advertising industry.While there are a number of strengths inherent in the method, there are also someweaknesses. The Lateral Thinking skills capitalize on the strengths; even enhance them,while diminishing the weaknesses.

    3. Wont this take a lot longer?Speed isnt the real goal. We are working on an important issue here and perhaps a bitmore time using deliberate skills will bring us a better result. Can you at least give it achance?

    4. This seems really structuredwont that inhibit our creativity?The belief that structure inhibits creativity is a flawed one. It is based on theassumption that all creativity comes from the removal of inhibitions. Just removinginhibitions in not enough. Without skills even the uninhibited individual will not becreative unless they have the natural creativity that very few individuals possess.With learned skills and deliberate structure we can harness and direct the applicationof those learned skills.

    5. How come you want us to work alone? Seems like we are missing theopportunity to build on others ideas.

    Later in the process we will have the opportunity to collaborate in the way that you areused to like brainstorming. However, we want your original thoughts first so thateach of us can later build on all of the ideas that each of us might have. If we dontwork individually first we run the risk of channeling down a very few solution paths andmight miss opportunities to broaden our overall thinking efforts.

    Additionally, we can simply get more ideas in the same time if we work individually by working in parallel instead in serial. Lastly we want you to record your own ideasso that we get them recorded as accurately as possible.

    1. Why cant we just group the ideas we have generated into categories

    first in order to get the concepts?

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    first in order to get the concepts?Grouping ideas after fact will lead to our finding a smaller number of concepts and

    they will tend to be at a very high level. This can easily inhibit our future efforts to get

    a more complete and robust solution set.

    2. What do you mean that we need to break down this concept because itis too broad? Why?

    If the concepts are too broad we might miss an opportunity. We want as manyindividual concepts as we can early on so that we have more thinking paths to


    3. I dont always get and idea when I try random entry. Am I doingsomething wrong?

    Remember that these techniques are not a guarantee of a creative result. However,

    they do increase the probability. We want to continue to make the deliberate effort

    knowing that we are increasing the probability by using the skills.

    Creativity is a lot like R & D. We cant guarantee that every time you put effort into

    R & D that we will get a result, but we can guarantee that if you never put effort intoR & D, you will never get a result.

    4. Why are we timing the use of these tools?Timing is one of the three disciplines of thinking focus, method and time. Timing

    the application relieves the thinker of the responsibility and anxiety of always getting

    a result every time. It is best to use the skills for short periods of time and then go on

    to another skill or method.

    5. These concepts are similar. Lets just combine them.

    Combining similar concepts will result in concepts that are too broad to drive goodthinking. When in doubt, if two concepts are similar, leave them separate in the

    hopes that even a small measure of difference will result in new and more ideas.

    6. Why should we wait until next meeting to decide on what we want todo? We have some ideas to work with here.

    Allowing the thinking to perk or simmer for a while often results in more and better

    ideas. There is also the chance that others, outside the immediate team, will

    contribute. There is even the chance that accidental (or deliberate) random entry will

    also help.

    1. Why should we ask for input (ideas) from those other people? They dont

    h ti i fi ld

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    have any expertise in our field.Remember that even bad or flawed ideas could lead us to good concepts that will then

    lead to more and different and better ideas. Anyone might contribute an idea that

    eventually takes us to new concepts and then to new ideas.

    2. How come everyone doesnt get the chance to vote in this prioritization?In the selection or narrowing down process we are applying judgment. We want the

    judgment to be based of knowledge in the field. It is also good to have the people thatwill be responsible for implementation to be part of the selection process. This way we

    get their buy-in and implementation will be enhanced.

    3. Why should we let the boss come in and look at this concept fan? Were notfinished yet.

    Eventually the boss (bosses or stakeholders) will receive our results and the more

    guidance they can provide along the way, the more likely we will be to produce a result

    that they can and will implement. Guidance at this point helps to focus our efforts indirections that have a greater chance of success.

    4. We have selected these (top 6-10) ideas, so why dont we just take the topone and go with it?

    Think of these ideas as being raw material that needs to be processed and refined. If

    we judge them now or try to implement them in their current form we might miss a great

    opportunity. We need to try to deliberately build each of these ideas into something

    better. We should also consider looking at sets of ideas instead of single ideas to make

    the final solution more robust.

    5. Why do you say we need at least 6-7 words in the concept statements wewrite?

    Additional detail in a concept statement drives more concepts. It is better to have two

    or three clear concepts instead of a single vague one. With clear concepts our thinking

    efforts will be more productive and all team members can make the effort to generate

    ideas for each of the more specific concepts that come from a single vague concept.

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    Six Thinking Hats (Parallel Thinking) Elevator Speech

    Six Hats is Framework for thinking in teams that results in better decisions in less timebecause it facilitates a much faster and more complete exploration of the issue/subject.

    With the framework, the thinking is broken down into smaller units making it far simpler.And since the team members think in parallelless time is wasted in argument and drift.Individual perceptions are shared quickly and argument is greatly reduced. Im excitedabout what it has done in my team.

    May I _____________________?

    Lateral Thinking Elevator Speech

    Lateral Thinking is a series of tools that teamsand individuals can use to help producenew ideas and concepts in an organized and directed way. The tools can be used in eithervirtual meetings or physical meetings. Individual thinking and group collaboration are both

    included in the process. Andyou end up with a tangible documentation of the results thatcan be used or even archived for future reference. (I really like the fact that this approachto team creativity even appeals to technical people and that it doesnt involve any sillygames that make some people so uncomfortable.) Ive been surprised and pleased withthe results weve been able to produce in my team.


  • 7/28/2019 concept fan



    CC hh aa ll ll ee nn gg ee Never An Attack

    Why C (Cut) - Can We Drop It?

    Why B (Because) - Are the reasons valid?

    Why A (Alternatives) - Immediately seek


    Checklist Of Current Thinking Dominating Ideas Boundaries

    Assumptions Essential Factors

    Avoidance Factors

    RR aa nn dd oo mm EE nn tt rr yy Use a purely random method to get a wordthen simply let your mind move fo rward to

    connect up with a new idea. (extract aprinciple, broad direction or use simpleassociation) Nouns are usually best.

    AA ll tt ee rr nn aa tt ii vv ee ss Move back from the first idea or

    alternative to identify the overallconcept or fixed point. This is

    termed concept extraction. Once the

    concept is identified, new ideas and

    alternatives can be generated andnew concepts can be identified.

    Keep moving back and forth from

    concept to idea. A concept fan canalso be used when a large number of

    different ideas and concepts are

    needed.NewIdeas Concept

    First Purpose/Idea Objective

    MM oo vv ee mm ee nn tt Top-Of -The-Head - Make a general effort to move

    forward to an idea. No special process is necessary.Extract Something - Extract a concept, principle,

    feature or value and try to build a new idea around


    Focus On The Difference - Focus on the points ofdifference between the normal way of doing things

    and the provocation.Moment To Moment - Visuali ze in your mind the

    provocation being put into action and imagine what


    Positive Aspects - Focus on the positive aspects ofthe provocation and attempt to move on to a newidea.

    Special Circumstances - Ask yourself if there arespecial circumstances where the provocation would

    have direct value.

    FF oo cc uu ss General Area Focus - Defines the area,

    but not the purpose of the thinking.

    Purpose Focus - A specific purpose ordesired outcome is defined or implied.Try alternative definitions

    HH aa rr vv ee ss tt ii nn gg Speci fi c Idea s - Immediately valuable, practical and usableBeginnings of Ideas - Not practical or usable, but interestingConcepts - Identify and extract any concepts f rom the ideasApproaches - Very broad concepts should be notedChanges - Note any changes in approaches or conceptsFlavor - Note the general taste of the entire session

    PP rr oo vv oo cc aa tt ii oo nn Arising - When a bold or unusual, but illogical idea is

    put forward (arises), not intended as a provocation,but is treated as one.

    Reversal - Simply reverse the normal direction ofaction to create instability.

    Escape - First, put down things taken for grantedabout the situation. Second, drop or escape from

    them to create instability.Wishful Thinking - Create a fantasy desire that is

    very bold to create instability. Start with -

    Wouldnt it be nice if

    Exaggeration Greatly exaggerate weights, speeds,dimensions, volumes etc. either up or down tocreate instability.

    TT rr ee aa tt mm ee nn tt Shaping - Use real life constraints to mold the ideaTailoring - Similar to shaping, but deals more with resourcesConcept Extraction - Identify the concept behind the ideaStrengthening - Make a deliberate effort to strengthen the ideaFault Correction - Make a deliberate effort to correct faultsFocus On The Difference - Focus on the difference between the

    usual way and the way being proposed.

    Generate Ideas Challenge

    Alternatives/ConceptTriangle & Fan

    Random Entry

    Provocation Movement

    Captu re& W ork WithOutput Harvesting Treatment


    Results:Creative Thinkingand New Ideas

    2 3 4

    CC oo nn cc ee pp tt FF aa nn A graphical way to display and work with ideasand concepts to drive the development of more

    ideas. The focus is be displayed above conceptsand concepts above ideas/alternatives. Extract

    the concepts from individual ideas instead of

    groups of ideas.

    Repeatedly Ask These Three Questions

    1. What is the overall concept behind the idea?2. Are there any other ways (ideas) to carry outthe concept?

    Select &Define Area Focus

    Purpose Focus

    List SeveralDefinitions

    Display Focus


    Conce t Concept Conce tConceptConce tConce tFOCUS/OBJECTIVE







    Idea Idea










  • 7/28/2019 concept fan


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