  • 7/30/2019 Community nutrition review


    Exam 3 Review

    Community Nutrition 3043-01

    Read Chapters 15-17 for the exam. Review your notes. Know the following:

    Chapter 15: Understanding and Achieving Behavior Change

    Know factors influencing consumer behavior.o 1. Food supply and availabilityo 2. Income and food priceso 3. Socioculturalo 4. Food preferences, cognitions,o attitudeso 5. Health beliefs and practices

    Identify factors affecting food choice. Know definitions such as nutrition education, nutrition counseling and social marketing.

    o Nutrition education formal process to impart knowledge to group or individualo Social marketing approach to promote healthy behaviors using marketing


    o Nutrition counseling collaborative activity between counselor and client Know the stages of change model and which strategies are most effective in each stage.

    o Precontemplation individual unaware of or not interested in making a changeo Contemplation individual is thinking about making a change within the near


    o Preparation individual actively decides to change and plans a change very soono Action individual is trying to make the desired change and has been working at it

    for less than 6 months

    o Maintenance individual sustains change for six months or longero Relapse teach people that relapses do occur, but that is not failure.

    Identify major health behavior/behavior change theories and know the differences betweenthem.

    o Motivational Interviewing Theory

    Builds upon client-centered counseling RULE Principles:

    o Resist urge to confront client about need to changeo Understand proceed in nonjudgmental wayo Listen express empathyo Empower support self-efficacy

    o Application Used in classroom-based obesity prevention program for adolescent girls Combination of face-to-face and telephonic interviews

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    Well-received by participantso The Health Belief Model

    Theory: Three components for adopting a new health behavior:

    o The perception of a threat to healtho Expectation of certain outcomes related to a behavior


    o Self-efficacy the belief that one can make a behaviorchange to produce outcomes

    Intervention strategies Table 15-3

    o Application Beliefs in connection between diet and health result in greater number of

    positive changes than just knowledge

    Public awareness campaigns are used to influence beliefs of people in high-risk groups

    o Application: Weight control program surveyed participants on intentions, attitudes,

    self-esteem, expectations of success

    Paired participants with those successful in the past Combined Health Belief and Theory of Planned Behavior

    Osteoporosis intervention increased calcium intake in participantso Social Cognitive Theory

    Theory (Key Concepts Table 15-4): An individuals confidence and ability to perform a behavior and his

    perception of outcome will influence his effort

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    Focuses on target behaviors rather than knowledge and attitudeso Theory of Planned Behavior (Reasoned Action) (Ajzen and Fishbein)

    behavior directly determined by a persons intention to perform thebehavior

    influenced by attitudes and subjective norms (the perceived social pressureto perform or not perform a behavior)

    self assurance readiness to begin the program Application:

    Weight control program surveyed participants on intentions,attitudes, self-esteem, expectations of success

    Paired participants with those successful in the past Combined Health Belief and Theory of Planned Behavior Osteoporosis intervention increased calcium intake in participants

    o Cognitive-Behavioral Theory Theory:

    Based on assumption that all behavior is learned Behavior is directly related to internal and external factors Patients are taught to use behavioral strategies (Table 15-5) Application:

    o Diabetes Prevention Program intensive lifestylemodification program based upon cognitive behavioral


    o Lifestyle intervention was significantly more effective thandrug therapy in reducing incidence of diabetes

    The Diffusion of Innovation Modelo Theory:

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    The process by which an innovation spreads within a populationo Four stages:

    Knowledge individual has acquired information and is aware of innovation Persuasion individual forms attitude in favor of or against innovation Decision individual performs activities leading to either adopting or

    rejecting innovation

    Confirmation individual looks for reinforcement for decision and maychange if exposed to counter-reinforcing messages

    o Innovators adopt innovation readily, perceive themselves as popular, arefinancially privileged

    o Early adopters opinion leaders, well respected by peerso Early majority cautiouso Late majority skeptical, adopt innovation only through peer pressureo Laggards last to adopt idea

    Application: Heart-Healthy Living Program asked popular chef with recent heart

    attack to join group and provide modified recipes

    Early adopter influenced other members of group to make changesChapter 16: Gaining Cultural Competence

    Define cultural competence relating to health professionals.o Weaknesses in serving culturally diverse populations are realized, and there are

    some attempts to make accommodations.

    Know definitions such as culture, cultural values, diversity, multicultural, acculturation andethnocentric.

    o Culture-shared history consisting of thoughts, actions, language, customs, beliefs,values of racial, ethnic, religious and societal groups.

    o Cultural values principles or standards that members of a cultural group share incommon.

    o Diversity-the difference among groups of people-physical, language,socioeconomic, age, etc.

    o Multicultural -several cultures are represented in a group.o Acculturation-the degree to which a person accepts the living and thinking patterns

    of the dominant culture.

    o Ethnocentric-viewing ones culture to be superior to those of other groups Identify reasons for health disparities in American culture between cultural groups.

    o Causes of Health Disparities:o SE status-income, education, unsafe neighborhoods (minorities)o Lack of insuranceo Culture-health often not a high priorityo Less access to health care system

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    o Discrimination/racism/stereotypingo Environmento A problem! Creates barriers to accesso HCP should reflect the community they work with. Amer Dietetic Assoc is 91%

    Anglo (non-Hispanic white) & 95% female which does not reflect the minority

    population we work with now. Inc diversity in our organization is now a priority.

    Identify and know key aspects of two cultural competence models.

    Know the effects of culture on beliefs, values and behaviors and the function of culture in anindividuals life.

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    Describe basic methods of becoming culturally competent. Table 16-3

    Know some key cultural differences (ethnic and religious) that relate to health beliefs orfood consumption.

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    Know functions of cultural values.

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    Chapter 17: Principles of Nutrition Education

    Define nutrition education.o An instructional method that promotes healthy behaviors by imparting information

    that individuals can use to make informed decisions about food, dietary habits, and


    Know the components of a nutrition education plan.o 1.Describes the needs of the target population

    What learning style is best suited for the target populations educationalneeds?

    What kinds of instructional tools will have the best impact with the targetgroup?

    Can Internet activities be incorporated?o 2.Describes the goals and objectives for intervention activities

    Should be realistic and obtainable by the target population Should be stated in such a way to provide an outline of what the target

    population should achieve at specific times in the education process

    o 3.Describes the program format Ex-Three lectures, cooking demonstration, guest speaker. Should be tailored to all learning styles; passive and active learning.

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    The available facilities, equipment and staff influence format.o 4.Outlines the lesson plan

    Consists of: 1. Title 2. Session objectives 3. Instructional materials 4. Learning activities 5. Nutrition take-home messages

    o 5.Describes the nutrition messages to be imparted to the target population Should convey an easy-to-understand concept related to the topic at hand Present information in a novel and unusual fashion Use language that says to the consumer Listen to this. It is important Use language that is immediate. Avoid using words such as perhaps and


    Keep the message simple (KISS) Make sure the message is designed appropriately for the target population. Ex. Cartoons for kids, Spanish language for Hispanic population, etc.

    o 6.Outlines the marketing plan Program name, logo, an action figure, and tag line. Tag line-a simple, short message that conveys a key intervention message

    and is used on promotional materials.

    o 7.States any partnerships that will support program development or delivery Use media, newspaper, Internet, etc.

    o 8.Describes the evaluation instruments Forming partnerships with grocery stores, government agencies, and

    nonprofit organizations.

    Sometimes allows the community nutritionist a way of receiving donatedmaterials such as paper, equipment, nutrition education materials, etc. for

    the campaign.

    o 9. Conduct Formative Evaluation Done throughout the program design process. Examples:

    Focus group on program format Test key messages Develop & test program materials Conduct trial run of program

    Identify differences between learners based on their stage in the life cycle.

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    Implications for Adult Nutrition Educationo Make learning problem-centeredo Make information concreteo Make learning collaborativeo Encourage participatory approaches to learningo Ask open-ended questionso Seize the teachable momentso Recognize individual and cultural differenceso Know the components of a lesson plan.

    Adult Educationo Adult education - the process whereby adults learn and achieve changes in

    knowledge, attitudes, values or skills.

    o Adult learners learn best when the subject matter is tied directly to their own realmof experience, and their learning is facilitated when they can make connections

    between their past experiences.

    o Example - a parent died from a heart attacko Will low-fat, low-cholesterol eating prevent me from dying of a heart attack?

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    What makes for an effective nutrition message? Identify where learning activities place on the spectrum from passive to active learning and

    how effective various techniques are. (The upside down triangle)

    Please note that this is a guide; you need to study ALL of your power point presentations and

    read your book. Remember that Exam #3 covers all material from Chapters 15-18. The exam is

    multiple choice and true/false with 1-2 short answer. You will need a pencil only. Bolded and

    italicized entries are possible short answer questions.

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