Page 1: Common forms of medication

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Common forms of medication

By:Seragaldin M. AbdulqaderClinical pharmacology for nursesUniversity of Raparin/school of nursingThe lecture for undergraduate students:

2015 -2016

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Main administration abbreviations

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Main administration abbreviations

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Forms of oral medicationsPills, Tablets  A  small  round  or  oval  mass that  contains  medicine  and  is swallowed.  Some  are  ‘enteric-coated’  with  a  substance which  only  dissolve  when  it reaches  the  intestines,  this ensures  that  the  active ingredient  reaches  the  site  of action or site of absorption

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Forms of oral medicationsCapsulesThese  are  gelatinous containers  containing powder  or  tiny  pellets (which  are  also  often enteric-coated).

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Forms of oral medicationsSyrups and suspensions   A  concentrated  solution  of  a sugar  in  water,  with medication  dissolved  in  the liquid.  Cough  mixtures  are commonly sold in liquid form; suspensions    medicines  are particularly useful  in children. While  syrups  are  for  elderly, both of whom may struggle to swallow tablets or capsules.

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Forms of oral medications

Granules  primary  refers  to  powder particles   which  are  made  to  adhere  to form larger.

Powders are a special sub-class of granular materials.

Oil is any neutral, nonpolar chemical substance that is a viscous liquid at ambient temperature

Granules, powder, or oil

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Forms of rectal and vagina

Suppositories V. Tablets

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Forms of Ear (Otic)

Ear drop

Ear medication via syringe

Ear washer

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Ear (Otic) Instillation points For child  before  instilling  eardrops, 

have  the  client  lie  on  his  or  her  side. Then  straighten  the  ear  canal  to  help the medication reach the eardrum.

• For adult, gently pull the auricle up and  back.  For  young  child  and infant, gently pull down and back 

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Forms of noise

Nasal drop Nasal spry Nasal feeding via NG tube

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Form of injections


Vail: a. powder b. solution

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Forms of Infusion

Large solution

Small solution

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Forms of Topical

Ointment: eye and skin

Creameye and skin Gel

Oral and skin

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Forms of Topical

Cosmetic Injection (Filler and Botox)

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