
KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 1DANANG 2015 COMMON COLLOCATIONS IN USE Using words correctly and applying more collocations related to the topic given enable you to improve the using style of languages, in particular, writing and speaking, to boost your score band.WORDCOLLOCATIONSMEANING ILLNESShave an illness/suffer from an illness recover from an illness serious illness minor illness short/long illness childhood illness acute illness (=an illness that becomes serious very quickly) chronic illness (=an illness that lasts a long time and cannot be cured) fatal illness (=an illness which causes death) terminal illness (=an illness which cannot be cured and that causes death, often slowly) mental illness the symptoms of an illness (=the things that show that someone has it) through illness (=because of illness) DISEASEShave/suffer from a disease KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 2DANANG 2015 heart/liver/brain etc disease a disease of the brain/stomach etc catch a disease contract a disease formal (=catch a disease) a disease spreads/the spread of a disease infectious/contagious disease (=one that spreads quickly from one person to another) a fatal/deadly disease (=one that causes death) an incurable disease (=one that cannot be cured) a degenerative disease (=one that gradually gets worse and worse) a cure for a disease the symptoms of a disease (=the things that show that someone has it) OPPORTUNITY opportunity to do something ideal/perfect opportunity rare/unique opportunity once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ample opportunity KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 3DANANG 2015 golden opportunity (=a very good opportunity) wasted/lost/missed opportunity (=one you do not use) take/seize/use an opportunity provide/present/open up an opportunity an opportunity comes (along/up) an opportunity arises take the/this opportunity to do something (=use a chance to say something you want to say) at the first/earliest opportunity (=as soon as possible) at every (possible) opportunity (=whenever possible) land of opportunity (=a country where you have a lot of good opportunities) window of opportunity (=a time when you can do something) PROBLEMhave a problem big/serious/major problem cause a problem deal with/sort out a problem solve/fix/overcome a problem address/tackle a problem KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 4DANANG 2015 pose/present a probem a problem arises/occurs/comes up (=it happens) economic/financial problems personal problem (=a problem in someone's private life) money/family problems drink/drug problem (=when someone drinks too much alcohol or takes too many drugs) thorny/knotty problem (=a difficult problem) KNOWLEDGEhave knowledge acquire/gain knowledge (=learn something) technical/scientific knowledge in-depth knowledge detailed knowledge specialist knowledge (=knowledge about a particular subject) first-hand/personal knowledge (=knowledge from experiencing something for yourself) background knowledge (=knowledge you need to understand or do something) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 5DANANG 2015 general knowledge (=knowledge about a lot of different subjects) a thirst for knowledge (=when you want very much to learn things) UNDERSTANDING have an understanding/some understanding of something have little/no understanding of something gain/get an understanding of something a better/greater/deeper understanding of something a clear understanding of something a thorough/proper/full understanding of something a basic understanding of something CHANCEthere's a chance (that) (=it is possible that) there's every chance (that) (=it is very likely) some chance little chance no chance a good/fair chance (=something is likely) a slight/slim/outside chance (=something is unlikely) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 6DANANG 2015 a fifty-fifty chance (=the possibility of something happening or not happening is equal) a million to one chance/a one in a million chance (=something is extremely unlikely to happen) lessen/minimize/reduce the chance(s) of something (=make it less likely) increase/improve the chance(s) of something (=make it more likely) chances are (=it is likely) POSSIBILITYpossibility (that) possibility of (doing) something a strong/real/distinct possibility (=something that is quite likely to happen) a remote/faint possibility (=something that is very unlikely to happen) not beyond the bounds/realms of possibility (=not impossible, but unlikely) within the bounds/realms of possibility (=possible) raise the possibility (=say or show that something may be possible) ISSUEthe issue of something KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 7DANANG 2015 raise an issue (=say that an issue should be discussed) address an issue (=discuss or deal with an issue) resolve an issue avoid/dodge/duck/evade an issue (=avoid discussing an issue) confuse/cloud an issue (=make an issue more difficult by talking about things not related to it) important/key/major/big issue thorny/vexed issue (=difficult issue) complex issue sensitive issue political/social/economic/environmental issues something is not the issue spoken (=used to say that something is not the important part of what you are discussing) LAWbreak the law (=do something illegal) obey the law become law (=officially be made a law) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 8DANANG 2015 enforce the law (=make people obey the law) by law (=according to the law) be against the law (=be illegal) within the law (=legal or legally) tax/copyright/divorce etc law (=all the laws about tax etc) criminal law civil law international law federal law American English (=the law of the US, not of a particular state) SUBJECTchange the subject (=start talking about something different) get onto a subject (=start talking about something) get off a subject (=stop talking about something) keep/stay off a subject (=not talk about something) drop the subject (=stop talking about something) raise a subject (=mention a subject and start talking about it) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 9DANANG 2015 broach a subject (=start talking about something that people may be sensitive about) on the subject of something (=talking about something) subject of discussion/debate also subject for discussion/debate touchy subject (=something people are sensitive about) subject area VIEWhave strong views (about something) have different/conflicting/opposing views share somebody's view/this view etc (=think the same as someone else) express a view take the view that (=think that) hold a view strongly/deeply/widely held views in somebody's view (=used to show whose opinion it is) support a view (=help show that it is right) an exchange of views (=when people say what they think) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 10DANANG 2015 the general view (=what most people think) IDEA have an idea get an idea give somebody an idea come up with/hit on an idea (=think of a new idea) the idea of (doing) something good/great/brilliant idea bad/stupid/crazy idea it is a good/bad idea to do something be full of ideas also be bursting with ideas (=have a lot of ideas) toy with an idea (=think about a plan, but not very seriously) exchange/share ideas also an exchange of ideas fire ideas off each other (=discuss each other's ideas and think of good new ones) OPINION in somebody's opinion general/popular opinion (=what most people think about something) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 11DANANG 2015 public opinion (=what ordinary people think about something) somebody's personal opinion difference of opinion a matter of opinion ask (for) somebody's opinion express/give/state an opinion strong opinion keep your opinions to yourself (=not say what you really think) contrary to popular opinion (=despite what most people think) ADVANTAGE have an advantage give somebody an advantage big/great/major/distinct advantage unfair advantage enjoy an advantage (=have an advantage) be at an advantage (=have an advantage) be to your advantage/work to your advantage (=something gives you an advantage) RISKrisk (that) reduce/minimize the risk of something KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 12DANANG 2015 increase the risk of something carry/pose a risk not be worth the risk high/low risk increased/reduced risk (=a higher or lower risk than usual) a real risk a calculated risk (=a risk you think will have a good result) an element of risk (=some risk, but not much) the risks involved in/associated with something risk factor the benefits outweigh the risks BENEFITbe of benefit (to somebody) (=be useful to someone) have the benefit of something get/gain/derive benefit (from something) reap the benefits (of something) (=enjoy the advantages of something) the full benefit (of something) for somebody's benefit be to the benefit of somebody KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 13DANANG 2015 mutual benefit (=useful to two or more people) with/without the benefit (of something) (=using/not using something) economic/financial/social benefits health benefits something outweighs the benefits of something (=something is more important than the benefits) HARMdo harm (to something)/do something harm cause (somebody/something) harm suffer harm do more harm than good (=cause more problems rather than improving the situation) serious harm physical harm psychological/emotional harm there is no harm in (doing) something (=used to say that something seems reasonable) where's the harm in that? spoken (=used when you think that something seems reasonable, although other people may not) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 14DANANG 2015 no harm done spoken (=used to tell someone not to worry about something they have done) INSPIRATION provide inspiration (for something) seek/look for inspiration draw/take inspiration (from somebody/something) (=get inspiration from someone or something) inspiration comes from somebody/something have an inspiration flash of inspiration source of inspiration (for/to somebody) divine inspiration (=inspiration from God) creative/poetic/artistic inspiration chieve/fulfil/realize an ambition lifelong ambition He always had this burning ambition (=very strong desire) an ambition to do something/of doing something KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 15DANANG 2015 cherish/nurse/harbour an ambition (=have it secretly for a long time) TALENThave talent show talent talent contest/show/competition (=a competition in which people show how well they can sing, dance etc) (a) natural talent a hidden talent musical/artistic/creative etc talent a man/woman of many talents (=someone who can do many things well) a wealth of talent (=when there are a lot of people with talent) WARwin/lose a war fight a war/wage (a) war (=used about countries or groups) fight in a war (=used about people) be at war (with somebody) go to war (with somebody) declare war (on somebody) war breaks out also the outbreak of war KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 16DANANG 2015 civil war (=a war between opposing groups within a country) world war nuclear war the war years JOBapply for a job offer somebody a job get/find a job (as something) land a job informal (=get a job) take a job (=accept a job that you are offered) hold down a job (=keep a job when this is difficult) lose a job leave/quit a job be out of a job (=not have a job) temporary job permanent job part-time job full-time job steady job (=a job that is likely to continue) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 17DANANG 2015 job satisfaction (=the enjoyment you get from your job) job security (=how permanent your job is likely to be) HABITgood/bad habit become a habit be in the habit of doing something also have a/the habit of doing something (=do something regularly) get into/in the habit (of doing something) (=start doing something regularly) get out of the habit (of doing something) (=stop doing something regularly) develop/form a habit change a habit break/kick a habit (=stop doing something which is bad for you) change/break the habit(s) of a lifetime (=stop doing what you have done for many years) out of habit/from habit (=because it is a habit) (by/from) force of habit (=because it is a habit which is difficult to change) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 18DANANG 2015 eating/drinking habits (=the kinds of things you eat or drink regularly) buying/spending habits (=the kinds of things you buy regularly) viewing habits (=the kind of television shows you regularly watch) social habits CONTROL have control (over/of something) take/gain control (of/over something) fight/struggle for control (of/over something) lose control (of/over something) be under control keep something under control (=keep something happening in the way you want) get/go out of control (=stop happening in the way you want) beyond/outside somebody's control (=impossible for someone to control) full/total control LUCK not have much/any luck have no luck have good luck KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 19DANANG 2015 have more/better luck have the luck to do something can't believe your luck sheer luck (=used to emphasize something happened only by luck) a piece of luck a stroke of luck (=very good luck) an element of luck (=used to say that luck is involved in something) dumb luck American English (=good luck that happens by chance, without you planning it at all) DEBATEheated/fierce/intense debate (=one in which people express strong and very different opinions) widespread debate lively debate public debate a debate rages (=it happens over a period of time and people have strong feelings about it) long-running debate ongoing debate (=continuing debate) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 20DANANG 2015 provoke/trigger/spark off a debate (=cause a debate) DISPUTEbe involved in a dispute get into a dispute (=become involved) settle/resolve a dispute bitter dispute long-running dispute (=one that lasts a long time) political/legal dispute pay dispute industrial dispute British English labor dispute American English (=between workers and employers) territorial dispute (=about land) domestic dispute (=between a couple who live together) be in dispute with somebody (=be involved in a dispute) a dispute arises (=it starts) CRIMEcommit crime combat/fight crime turn to crime (=start committing crimes) crime rate (=the amount of crime that happens somewhere) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 21DANANG 2015 crime figures/statistics crime prevention violent crime serious crime petty crime (=crime that is not very serious) car crime British English street crime victim of crime juvenile/youth crime (=by children and teenagers) tough on crime (=always punishing crime severely) HEALTH damage your health improve your health good/excellent health poor/ill health failing health (=when someone is becoming more ill) be in good/excellent/the best of health be in poor health be good/bad for your health KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 22DANANG 2015 somebody's state of health mental health health care health problem health benefits (of something) health risk/hazard (=something that could damage your health) health warning (=a warning printed on a product that can harm you) LANGUAGEspeak a language master a language (=succeed in learning a language) language teacher/student/learner foreign language somebody's first language/native language (=the first language someone learned) somebody's second language somebody's command of a language (=someone's ability to speak a language) the language barrier (=the problem of communicating with people who speak a different language) the English/Japanese/German etc language the official language KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 23DANANG 2015 modern languages (=languages that are still spoken) dead language (=a language that is no longer spoken) SCHOOLgo to school attend school formal (=go to school) a new school (=a school that you are going to for the first time) somebody's old school (=the school someone used to go to) school children/pupils/teacher school uniform school playground/library/bus etc school meal/dinner British English school holiday(s) MONEYspend money make/earn money make money (=make a profit) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 24DANANG 2015 lose money (=not make a profit, so that a business owes more than it earns) cost money/cost a lot of money save money lend/borrow/owe money waste money (on something) be a waste of money charge (somebody) money raise money pay money (for something) give somebody their money back/refund somebody's money a sum/an amount of money get/earn good money (=be paid good wages) FAMILY the whole family/all the family member of a family/family member a family of three/four/five etc a close/close-knit family (=a family whose members have a close relationship) immediate family (=closest relations) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 25DANANG 2015 nuclear family (=a family consisting of a mother, a father, and their children) family background (=the sort of family someone comes from) one-parent family/single-parent family the Royal Family (=the King or Queen and their family) family home/car/holiday etc a family film/show etc (=that is suitable for children as well as adults) family life family resemblance (=when members of the same family look like each other) family gathering (=when members of a family who do not live together arrange to meet) family unit BEHAVIOUR good/bad behaviour violent/aggressive/criminal etc behaviour human/social behaviour pattern of behaviour/behaviour pattern KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 26DANANG 2015 behaviour problem (=when someone often behaves badly) change/modify your behaviour influence somebody's behaviour FRIEND a friend of mine/yours/Billy's etc best friend (=the friend you like the most) good/close friend (=one of the friends you like the most) old friend (=a friend you have known for a long time) trusted friend lifelong friend (=someone who is your friend for the whole of your life) friend of a friend circle of friends (=all the friends someone has) a mutual friend (=someone who is a friend of both you and someone else) a childhood/boyhood/girlhood friend DUTY do your duty it is somebody's duty to do something have a duty to do something KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 27DANANG 2015 have a duty to somebody/owe somebody a duty sense of duty moral duty legal duty fail in your duty (=fail to do something that you should do for someone) be duty-bound to do something formal (=have a duty to do something) INTERESThave an interest in something show interest (in something) express (an) interest (in something) (=say that you are interested in something or want to buy it) take an interest (in something) (=be interested in something) have no interest in something lose interest (in something) (=stop being interested) arouse/generate/attract interest (=make people interested) pique somebody's interest American English (=make someone interested) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 28DANANG 2015 great/keen interest abiding interest (=an interest you have had for a long time) lack of interest with interest LACKa complete/total lack of something an apparent lack of something for lack of something (=because something is not present or does not exist) a distinct/marked lack of something no lack of something (=plenty of something) a relative/comparative lack of something no lack of something (=plenty of something REASONSreason (that) reason why reason for (doing) something reason to do something a good reason a compelling reason (=a reason that persuades you) give a reason (for something) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 29DANANG 2015 for some reason (or other/or another) (=for a reason that you do not know) for personal reasons for sentimental reasons (=because of your feelings, not for practical reasons) for the simple reason (that) for obvious reasons for reasons of something for reasons best known to himself/themselves etc (=used when someone does something surprising) no/any reason whatsoever have your reasons (=have a secret reason for doing something) see no reason why/to do something by reason of something formal (=because of something) FLOWserious/severe/major blow shattering/devastating/bitter blow (=something that makes you extremely disappointed and upset) cruel/heavy/grievous blow deal a blow (to somebody/something)/deal (somebody/something) a blow KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 30DANANG 2015 strike a blow suffer/receive a blow come as a blow (to somebody) fatal/final/mortal blow (=one that ends something) CONDITION COLLOCATIONSlay down/impose/set conditions (=say what must be done) strict condition meet/satisfy/fulfil a condition (=do what has been agreed) terms and conditions (=what a contract says must be done) on condition that/on one condition (=only if a particular thing is agreed to) subject to conditions (=if particular things are agreed to) INCREASEtax increase wage/pay/salary increase price increase fare increase substantial/large increase huge/massive increase (=a very large increase) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 31DANANG 2015 dramatic/sharp increase (=a sudden large increase) significant/marked increase (=a definite and noticeable increase) slight/small/modest increase gradual increase threefold/fourfold/fivefold etc increase (=an increase by three, four etc times) be on the increase (=be increasing) DISASTERair disaster nuclear disaster natural disaster (=caused by nature) ecological/environmental disaster (=one that causes great damage to nature) end in disaster spell disaster (=mean that there will be disaster) disaster strikes (=it happens) on the brink of disaster prevent/avert a disaster something is a disaster waiting to happen WEIGHT put on/gain weight (=get fatter) lose weight (=get thinner) KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 32DANANG 2015 watch your weight (=try not to get fatter, by eating the correct foods) get/keep your weight down also get/keep the weight off (=become thinner or stay thin) weight problem (=a tendency to be too fat) weight gain/loss weight control (=ways of not getting too fat) somebody's ideal weight ROLEhave/play a role in (doing) something an important/key/vital/crucial role a leading/major/central role an active role a dual role (=two functions) take a role OBSTACLEput/place obstacles in the way (of something) overcome an obstacle remove an obstacle main/biggest/greatest obstacle major/serious obstacle KNOW ENGLISH, KNOW SUCCESSNGUYN KHC THC Email:[email protected] Facebook: FACEBOOK.COM/KHACTHUCENGLISH 33DANANG 2015 insuperable obstacle (=one that makes it impossible to achieve something) formidable obstacle (=a very difficult obstacle) legal obstacle political obstacleOBLIGATION have an obligation (to do something) be under an obligation (to do something) (=have an obligation) be under no obligation (to do something) meet/fulfil an obligation (=do something that is your duty) honour an obligation F (=meet an obligation) impose an obligation F (=make someone have an obligation) owe somebody an obligation F (=feel that you must do something for someone) moral/legal/social obligation contractual obligation (=something that a contract says you must do) a sense of obligation

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