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Page 1: Comilla University

Enterprise Resource Planning

Documentation On

Developer Development Manual

Farhad Hossain Evan

Prepared By

Farhad Hossain Evan

Dated: 19/02/2016

Page 2: Comilla University

Table of Contents

1. Abstract……………………………………….…………………………………03

2. Keywords..............................................................................................................03

3. Module Admission ……………………………………………………………….04

Page 3: Comilla University

1. Abstract

This document serves as the proposal for the Comilla University Management System

(SUMS) developer development manual its helps to developer how to solve problem if

problem arise this document serves the whole things of the backhand project and any type of

developer if he want customized this such kind of big project this documents helps him cause

this document serves whole things .Total flow of the project which language are using to

develop this system and which database are using to store data and which framework are

using every process of transaction of this project defined this documents.

2. Keywords Easy secure solution PHP CodeIgniter Web Framework, Oracle database and tool toad for

oracle, Xampp server to ultimate run this project, Source File and source code keyword of

this project.

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Comilla University Project Folder Description:This project or this online based ERP of university management software was developed by

PHP Codeignator Web framework. Here we describe the folder description of this project.

Here is there are different folder ultimate run this project this is need the folder some are

customized some are predefined by the framework authorization. Here erp and erp1 erp last

this folder are using for develop this software here is main directory of Comilla erp software.

If we want any type of change some back up folder are here but if we change any things or

customized anything’s this is specify this picture ERP folder. If we click this folder here all

needed folder are here say for example model view controller.

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If developer want to change anything s they must click the module folder. This folder contains

the whole module of the university say for example admission, academic, exam, HR, Accounts and

other module are here. This is developer module if developer changes any type of action in this


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Directory Base Controller and base model and View: Controller:

Base controller : where contains the base controller and Steadman controller

this class are re using to the modules admission academic and exam

controller this is the base class and all of foundational function are defined in

this class or folder

Siteadmin: This class are defined to the some checking say for example email

and login and visitor and register and other v_login to the siteadmin which

type of admin and user this controller are used to siteadmin.


Common task: (common_tasks.php)

function Common_Tasks(): This function defined the

common task of table if table has relation with other table this

function are used for this purpose

function listsemester(): This function are used for select data

or value from other table list semester used to another table of

who is involved another.

function listHeadType(): This function are used to the select

head type of master head table its mechanism of get data to

another table or page and this function called by common


Function listlevel (): This function are used to the select list level

of MASTER_LEVEL table its mechanism of get data to another table

or page and this function called by common helper function


function listApplicationType(): This function are used to the

select list application type of MASTER_APPLICANT_TYPE table its

mechanism of get data to another table or page and this function

called by common helper getOptionApplicationType().

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function listProgramType(): This function are used to the

select list program type of MASTER_PROGRAM_TYPE table its

mechanism of get data to another table or page and this function

called by common helper optionProgramType()

function listApplicantSession(): This function are used to the

select applicant session of MASTER_APPLICANT_SESSION table

its mechanism of get data to another table or page and this

function called by common helper getOptionApplicantSession()

function listAcademicProgram(): This function are used to the

select academic program from MASTER_ACADEMIC_PROGRAM

table its mechanism of get data to another table or page and this

function called by common helper getOptionAcademicProgram()

N.B:Here some function of common tasks here defined all function which

function are needed to the another page to get data dynamically to another page.

This function called by custome helper its layer common task model to pass

data to the custom helper and this function called upon by custom helper.

Show model: shows.php: This file contain the layer of customized model

of universal table this model are created not specific model this model are

created for all table level model say for example basic insert update delete

query in Active record

Function show():

public function getMaxID($table = NULL):This function are using create a

auto increment id cause this project using database of oracle in oracle

database there is no option auto increment id generate.

function getThisValue($cond = '', $tableName = '', $select_qry = '*', $limit

= '', $order = 'ID DESC', $start = 0, $perPage = 0):This function are using

Page 8: Comilla University

to select data from database no joining are here if this table are not

connected other table then using this function created for global model for


function rowCount($cond = FALSE, $tableName = ''): This function are

using total row count of table this is the procedure of calculate total row


function insertThisValue($data = '', $tableName = ''):

function insertData22($data = '', $tableName = ''): Insert data function are

using for if the data save.

Function insert data() :This function are using to save data to the log table

which added any type of record and delete and edit to track the information

by using this function

function deleteThisValue($cond = FALSE, $tableName = ''): This function

are used to delete record to permanent any type of table using this function

to delete purpose

function updateThisValue($data = '', $tableName = '', $cond = ''): This

function are using to update this value.

function updateValue($data = '', $tableName = '', $cond = ''): If not log

table then using the function to uodate purpose

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Module Admission: Sub module Configuration

o Faculty Page






This page are using to add faculty in the below of page defined code level description and

some function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software

developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller : faculty.php.

Model: faculty_model.php.

View: faculty

Add faculty.

Edit faculty.


Faculty list.php

Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose )

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Function faculty(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model of this faculty controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Function get data():This function or method are using to select inserting or updating data from

database this function are using table view of data

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and table view.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of faculty.

Added Faculty(): This function are defined add faculty insert faculty and check validation

and check unique name of the faculty.

Page 11: Comilla University

Function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model

and send the data to edit faculty page.

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

faculty and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

function edit_faculty_name(): This function are using the faculty edit mechanism same as

added faculty controller.

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

defined via model of delete function of faculty model.this data is updated cause model

called is update Active record query.

Function defined log data which person is delete

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism

Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view .

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database

Page 12: Comilla University

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function Faculty_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage):

function check_faculty_name($faculty_name): This function are defined the mechanism

of faculty of model and this active record query function are defined and check the

faculty name.

function get_max_faculty_id():


add_faculty.php: This is the interface of add faculty the page.

Page 13: Comilla University

edit_faculty.php: This is the interface of edit faculty

details.php: This is the faculty details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/faculty/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/faculty/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/faculty/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller

to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/faculty/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


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This page are using to add department edit or delete and search department in the below of

page defined code level description and some function or method which are using which

purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view

are using this is defined.

Controller: department.php .

Model: department_model.php

View: department





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

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Function department(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model of this faculty controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add Department

Delete list control

Remove list control

Function get data():This function or method are using to select inserting or updating data from

database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table model are

using specify model say for example faculty_model.

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and table view.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also do this function

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Page 16: Comilla University

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of department .

Added department(): This function are defined add faculty insert faculty and check

validation and check unique name of the faculty.

Function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model

and send the data to edit faculty page of view.

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

faculty and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

function edit_department_name(): This function are using the faculty edit mechanism

same as added faculty controller.

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

defined via model of delete function of faculty model.this data is updated cause model

called is update Active record query.

Function defined log data which person is delete

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism

Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

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Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view .

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function Faculty_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage):

function getThisall($cond = '', $tableName = '', $select_qry = '*', $limit = '', $order = 'ID

DESC', $start=0, $perPage=0):If this model has a foreign key or relation with other table

need joining need to use this function specify this exact requirement.

function get_max_department_id(): This function are using to insert data and required

maximum id cause oracle not create auto increment id.

function check_program_name($id):This function check program name.

function check_faculty_name($faculty_name): This function are defined the mechanism

of faculty of model and this active record query function are defined and check the

faculty name.

function checkDupliate($faculty_id,$dept_code):This function are check duplicate key

faculty id and department code.

function checkDupliate_edit($faculty_id,$dept_code,$id):Check duplicate edit.


add_department.php: This is the interface of add department the page.

Page 18: Comilla University

edit_department.php: This is the interface of edit department


details.php: This is the Department details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/department/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/department/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/department/mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/faculty/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:

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This is the table view of department list ID, DEPARTMENT NAME, DEPARTMENT CODE, FACULTY_ID

Here is Primary key constraints ID and Foreign key constraints is faculty_id

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Program Type:

This page are using to add program type add edit or delete and search program type, in the

below of page defined code level description and some function or method which are using

which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and

view are using this is defined.

Controller: program_type.php.

Model: program_type_model.php

View: program_type





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 21: Comilla University


function Program_Type(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page

is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model of this Program_Type_Model controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add Department

Delete list control

Remove list control

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select inserting or updating data from

database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table model are

using specify model say for example Program_Type_Model.

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and table view.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also do this function

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Page 22: Comilla University

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of program type .

function added_program_type(): This function are defined add program type insert

program type and check validation and check unique name of the program type.

Function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model

and send the data to edit program type page of view.

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

program type and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

function edit_program_type(): This function are using the faculty edit mechanism same as

added program type controller.

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

defined via model of delete function of faculty model.this data is updated cause model

called is update Active record query.

Function defined log data which person is delete

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism

Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Page 23: Comilla University

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view .

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function Program_Type_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect

to the specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage):

function get_max_department_id(): This function are using to insert data and required

maximum id retrieve maximum id .cause oracle not create auto increment id.

function check_program_type($type): This function are using check program type

function check_program_type2($type):When edit operation will happen then this

function are using


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add_: This is the interface of add department the page.

edit: This is the interface of edit department


details.php: This is the Department details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ program_type/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ program_type/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/department/mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/faculty/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method

admission/ program_type/resetFilter.

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Table View:

This is the table view of Program type ID, Program NAME, Status

Here is Primary key constraints ID

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Academic Program:

This page are using to add academic program edit or delete and search academic program in

the below of page defined code level description and some function or method which are

using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: program.php.

Model: program_model.php

View: department





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

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function Program() : This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model of this faculty controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add Department

Delete list control

Remove list control

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select inserting or updating data from

database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table model are

using specify model say for example program_model.

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also do this function

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Page 28: Comilla University

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of Program view .and

load the custom function which is drop down data come from different table

Added program(): This function are defined add faculty insert program name and check

validation and check faculty id department id program type, program name its check by

the added program function

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load custom function which is drop down data come from another


Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

faculty and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

function edit_program_name(): This function are using the faculty edit mechanism same

as added faculty controller.

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

defined via model of delete function of faculty model.this data is updated cause model

called is update Active record query.

Function defined log data which person is delete

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism

Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Page 29: Comilla University

Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view .

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function program_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage):

function getThisall($cond = '', $tableName = '', $select_qry = '*', $limit = '', $order = 'ID

DESC', $start=0, $perPage=0):If this model has a foreign key or relation with other table

need joining need to use this function specify this exact requirement.

function get_max_program_id(): This function are using to insert data and required

maximum id cause oracle not create auto increment id.

function check_program_name($id):This function check program name.

check_program_name($faculty_id,$department_id,$program_name,$program_type) This

function are defined the mechanism of program of model and this active record query

function are defined and check the program name.

function checkDupliate($faculty_id,$dept_code):This function are check duplicate key

faculty id and department code.

function checkDupliate_edit($faculty_id,$dept_code,$id):Check duplicate edit.

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add_program.php: This is the interface of add program the page.

edit_program.php: This is the interface of edit program


details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ program/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ program/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ program/mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/faculty/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table Data Dictionary:Here is table description of academic program Id, Program_Name, FACULTY_ID,


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This page are using to add batch to the program edit or delete and search batch in the below

of page defined code level description and some function or method which are using which

purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view

are using this is defined.

Controller: batch.php

Model batch_model.php

View: batch





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



function Batch(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model of this faculty controller.

Page 33: Comilla University

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add Department click Lightbox open

Delete list control

Remove list control

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select inserting or updating data from

database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table model are

using specify model say for example batch_model. And defined the mechanism which is current

batch is ongoing which is not ongoing at all its defined In this function

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also do this function.

Row count mechanism also defined in this function

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of batch view .and

load the custom function which is drop down data come from different table its load in

this function some of custom function

Page 34: Comilla University

Added batch(): This function are defined add batch insert batch name and check validation

which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load custom function which is drop down data come from another


Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

batch and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

function edit_batch_name(): This function are using the batch edit mechanism same as

added faculty controller.

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

defined via model of delete function of batch model.this data is updated cause model

called is update Active record query.

Function defined log data which person is delete

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism

Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Page 35: Comilla University

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view .

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function batch_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function getThisall($cond = '', $tableName = '', $select_qry = '*', $limit = '', $order = 'ID

DESC', $start=0, $perPage=0):If this model has a foreign key or relation with other table

need joining need to use this function specify this exact requirement.

function check_batch_name($batch_name,$program_id): This function defined the

mechanism of check batch name

function check_batch_name_edit($batch_name,$program_id,$id): This function defined

the mechanism of check batch name edit purpose

function get_max_batch_id(): This function or model are using get max id from .


add_batch.php: This is the interface of add batch the page.

edit_batch.php: This is the interface of edit program


details.php: This is the program details interface

Page 36: Comilla University

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ program/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ batch/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ batch/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to

send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/batch/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Batch table columns view from database

Page 37: Comilla University
Page 38: Comilla University


This page are using to add year to the program edit or delete and search year in the below of

page defined code level description and some function or method which are using which

purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view

are using this is defined.

Controller: year.php

Model year_model.php

View: year





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



Page 39: Comilla University

function year(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded to

the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model of this year controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add year click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example year_model. And defined the mechanism which

is current batch is ongoing which is not ongoing at all its defined In this function

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and

table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Page 40: Comilla University

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of year view .and load

the custom function which is drop down data come from different table its load in this

function some of custom function

Added year(): This function are defined add year insert batch name and check validation

which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_year_name(): This function are using the year edit mechanism same as

added faculty controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_year_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism

Table view.

Page 41: Comilla University

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view .

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

Page 42: Comilla University



function year_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function getThisall($cond = '', $tableName = '', $select_qry = '*', $limit = '', $order = 'ID

DESC', $start=0, $perPage=0):If this model has a foreign key or relation with other table

need joining need to use this function specify this exact requirement.

function check_year_name($year_name) This function defined the mechanism of check

year name using added year check year operation.

function check_year_name_2($year_name,$id) This function defined the mechanism of

check year name edit purpose

function get_max_batch_id(): This function or model are using get max id from .


add_year.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

edit_year.php: This is the interface of edit program


Page 43: Comilla University

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ year/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ year/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ year/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to

send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Year table columns view from database.

Page 44: Comilla University


This page are using to add section to the semester, batch, program, edit or delete and

search section in the below of page defined code level description and some function or

method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which

model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: section.php

Model section_model.php

View: section





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 45: Comilla University



function Section(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model of this section controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add section click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example section_model.

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also does this function.

Page 46: Comilla University

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of section view .and

load the custom function which is drop down data come from different table its load in

this function some of custom function

public function getBatch(): This function defined get batch co created this function

public function getCourse(): This function are using the get course from course

Added section(): This function are defined add section insert section name and check

validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Check unique validation.

Function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model

and send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

section and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

Page 47: Comilla University

function edit_section_name(): This function are using the year edit mechanism same as

added faculty controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_year_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Page 48: Comilla University

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view .

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function section_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function getThisall($cond = '', $tableName = '', $select_qry = '*', $limit = '', $order = 'ID

DESC', $start=0, $perPage=0):If this model has a foreign key or relation with other table

need joining need to use this function specify this exact requirement.

function check_section_name($year_name) This function defined the mechanism of

check year name using added year check year operation.

function check_section_name_2($year_name,$id) This function defined the mechanism

of check year name edit purpose

function get_max_section_id(): This function or model are using get max id from .

Page 49: Comilla University


entry.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

edit.php: This is the interface of edit program


details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ section/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ section/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ section/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller

to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/section/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

Page 50: Comilla University

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Level table columns view from database.


This page are using to add semester to the edit or delete and search semester in the below of

page defined code semester description and some function or method which are using which

Page 51: Comilla University

purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view

are using this is defined.

Controller: semester.php

Model semester_model.php

View: semester





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



Page 52: Comilla University

function semester(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model of this year controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add semester click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example semester_model.

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and

table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Page 53: Comilla University

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of semester view .

Added semester(): This function are defined add semester insert batch name and check

validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_semester_name(): This function are using the semester edit mechanism

same as added semester controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_year_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Page 54: Comilla University

Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

Page 55: Comilla University



function semester_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function check_semester_name($year_name) This function defined the mechanism of

check year name using added year check year operation.

function check_semester_name_2($year_name,$id) This function defined the mechanism

of check year name edit purpose

function get_max_semester_id(): This function or model are using get max id from

Master semester head table get max id using insert data using this function to retrieve

data from database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of specific


Page 56: Comilla University


add_semester.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

edit_semester.php: This is the interface of edit program


details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ semester/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ semester/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ semester/mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Page 57: Comilla University

Table View:Semester table columns view from database.

Applicant Type:

This page are using to add applicant_type to the program edit or delete and search

applicant_type in the below of page defined code applicant_type description and some

Page 58: Comilla University

function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer

and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: applicant_type.php

Model applicant_type_model.php

View: applicant_type






Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



Page 59: Comilla University

function applicant_type(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page

is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model of this year controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add applicant_type click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example applicant_type_model.

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and

table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Page 60: Comilla University

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of applicant_type view


Added applicant_type(): This function are defined add applicant_type insert batch name

and check validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or


Check Field required validation.

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_applicant_type_name(): This function are using the applicant_type edit

mechanism same as added applicant_type controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_year_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Page 61: Comilla University

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

Page 62: Comilla University

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function applicant_type_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect

to the specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function check_applicant_type_name($year_name) This function defined the mechanism

of check year name using added year check year operation.

function check_applicant_type_name_2($year_name,$id) This function defined the

mechanism of check year name edit purpose

function get_max_applicant_type_id(): This function or model are using get max id from

Master applicant_type head table get max id using insert data using this function to

retrieve data from database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of

specific .

Page 63: Comilla University


add_applicant_type.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

edit_applicant_type.php: This is the interface of edit program


details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ applicant_type/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ applicant_type/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ applicant_type/mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Page 64: Comilla University

Table View:Applicant Type table columns view from database.

Student Category:

This page are using to add student_category to the program edit or delete and search

student_category in the below of page defined code student_category description and some

function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer

and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: student_category.php

Page 65: Comilla University

Model student_category_model.php

View: student_category





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



function student_category(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the

page is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is

constructor is called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then

apply any type of operation and load the model of this year controller.

Page 66: Comilla University

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add student_category click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example student_category_model.

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and

table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of student_category

view .

Page 67: Comilla University

Added student_category(): This function are defined add student_category insert batch

name and check validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique

name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_student_category_name(): This function are using the student_category edit

mechanism same as added student_category controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_student_category_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Page 68: Comilla University

Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

Page 69: Comilla University



function student_category_Model(): This function are using and defined the

connect to the specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function check_student_category_name($year_name) This function defined the

mechanism of check year name using added year check year operation.

function check_student_category_name_2($year_name,$id) This function defined the

mechanism of check year name edit purpose

function get_max_student_category_id(): This function or model are using get max id

from Master student_category head table get max id using insert data using this function

to retrieve data from database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table

of specific .


add_student_category.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

Page 70: Comilla University

edit_student_category.php: This is the interface of edit program


details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ student_category/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ student_category/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ student_category/mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Student Category Type table columns view from database.

Page 71: Comilla University

Applicant Session:

This page are using to add applicant_session to the Page edit or delete and search

applicant_session in the below of page defined code applicant_session description and some

function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer

and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: applicant_session.php

Model applicant_session_model.php

View: applicant_session



Page 72: Comilla University




Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



function applicant_session(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the

page is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is

constructor is called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then

apply any type of operation and load the model of this year controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Page 73: Comilla University


Total data count means row.

Add applicant_session click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example applicant_session_model.

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and

table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of applicant_session

view .

Added applicant_session(): This function are defined add applicant_session insert batch

name and check validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique

name or id.

Page 74: Comilla University

Check Field required validation.

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_applicant_session_name(): This function are using the applicant_session

edit mechanism same as added applicant_session controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_applicant_session_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.

Page 75: Comilla University


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

Page 76: Comilla University



function applicant_session_Model(): This function are using and defined the

connect to the specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function check_applicant_session_name($year_name) This function defined the

mechanism of check year name using added year check year operation.

function check_applicant_session_name_2($year_name,$id) This function defined the

mechanism of check year name edit purpose

function get_max_applicant_session_id(): This function or model are using get max id

from Master applicant_session head table get max id using insert data using this function

to retrieve data from database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table

of specific .


add_applicant_session.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

edit_applicant_session.php: This is the interface of edit program


Page 77: Comilla University

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ applicant_session/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ applicant_session/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ applicant_session/mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Applicant session Type table columns view from database.

Page 78: Comilla University

Exam Tittle:

This page are using to add exam_titel to the Page edit or delete and search exam_titel in the

below of page defined code exam_titel description and some function or method which are

using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: exam_titel.php

Model exam_titel_model.php

View: exam_titel


Page 79: Comilla University



Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



function exam_titel(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model of this year controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.


Page 80: Comilla University

Total data count means row.

Add exam_titel click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example exam_titel_model.

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and

table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of exam_titel view .

Added exam_titel(): This function are defined add exam_titel insert batch name and

check validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Check Unique validation.

Page 81: Comilla University

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_exam_titel_name(): This function are using the exam_titel edit mechanism

same as added exam_titel controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_exam_titel_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Page 82: Comilla University

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function exam_titel_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

Page 83: Comilla University

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function check_exam_titel_name($year_name) This function defined the mechanism of

check year name using added year check year operation.

function check_exam_titel_name_2($year_name,$id) This function defined the

mechanism of check year name edit purpose

function get_max_exam_titel_id(): This function or model are using get max id from

Master exam_titel head table get max id using insert data using this function to retrieve

data from database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of specific



add.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit program

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ exam_titel/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ exam_titel/deleteall function will action

Page 84: Comilla University

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ exam_titel/mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Exam Tittle Type table columns view from database.

Page 85: Comilla University

Academic Board:

This page are using to add academic_board to the Page edit or delete and search

academic_board in the below of page defined code academic_board description and some

function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer

and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: academic_board.php

Model academic_board_model.php

View: academic_board




Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 86: Comilla University



function academic_board(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page

is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model of this year controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add academic_board click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example academic_board_model.

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and

Page 87: Comilla University

table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of academic_board

view .

Added academic_board(): This function are defined add academic_board insert batch

name and check validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique

name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Page 88: Comilla University

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_academic_board_name(): This function are using the academic_board edit

mechanism same as added academic_board controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_academic_board_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Page 89: Comilla University

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function academic_board_Model(): This function are using and defined the

connect to the specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function check_academic_board_name($year_name) This function defined the

mechanism of check year name using added year check year operation.

Page 90: Comilla University

function check_academic_board_name_2($year_name,$id) This function defined the

mechanism of check year name edit purpose

function get_max_academic_board_id(): This function or model are using get max id

from Master academic_board head table get max id using insert data using this function

to retrieve data from database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table

of specific .


add.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit program

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ academic_board/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ academic_board/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ academic_board/mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

Page 91: Comilla University

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Academic board table level description

Page 92: Comilla University

Academic Group:

This page are using to add academic_group to the Page edit or delete and search

academic_groupin the below of page defined code academic_group description and some

function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer

and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: academic_group.php

Model academic_group_model.php

View: academic_group




Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose).

Page 93: Comilla University



function academic_group(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page

is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model of this year controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add academic_group click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example academic_group_model.

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and

table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also does this function.

Page 94: Comilla University

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of academic_group

view .

Added academic_group(): This function are defined add academic_group insert batch

name and check validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique

name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

Page 95: Comilla University

function edit_academic_group_name(): This function are using the academic_group edit

mechanism same as added academic_groupcontroller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_academic_group_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Page 96: Comilla University

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function academic_group_Model(): This function are using and defined the

connect to the specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function check_academic_group_name($year_name) This function defined the

mechanism of check year name using added year check year operation.

function check_academic_group_name_2($year_name,$id) This function defined the

mechanism of check year name edit purpose

function get_max_academic_group_id(): This function or model are using get max id

from Master academic_grouphead table get max id using insert data using this function

Page 97: Comilla University

to retrieve data from database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table

of specific .


add.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit program

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ academic_group/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ academic_group/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ academic_group/mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

Page 98: Comilla University

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Academic group table level description

Page 99: Comilla University

Pass Mark:

This page are using to add pass to the Page edit or delete and search pass in the below of

page defined code pass description and some function or method which are using which

purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view

are using this is defined.

Controller: pass.php

Model pass_model.php

View: pass





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose).

Page 100: Comilla University



function pass(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded to

the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model of this year controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add pass click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example pass_model.

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and

table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also does this function.

Page 101: Comilla University

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of pass view .

Added pass(): This function are defined add pass insert batch name and check validation

which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_pass_name(): This function are using the pass edit mechanism same as

added passcontroller.

Check field Required validation.

Page 102: Comilla University

Check Unique validation.

check_pass_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Page 103: Comilla University

Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function pass_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function check_pass_name($year_name) This function defined the mechanism of check

year name using added year check year operation.

function check_pass_name_2($year_name,$id) This function defined the mechanism of

check year name edit purpose

function get_max_pass_id(): This function or model are using get max id from Master

passhead table get max id using insert data using this function to retrieve data from

database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of specific .

Page 104: Comilla University


add_passmark.php: This is the interface of add passmark the page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit program

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ pass/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ pass/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ pass/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to

send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method

Page 105: Comilla University


Table View:Pass mark table level description

Page 106: Comilla University

Credit Fee:

This page are using to add credit_fee to the program edit or delete and search credit_fee in

the below of page defined code level description and some function or method which are

using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: credit_fee.php

Model credit_fee_model.php

View: credit_fee





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



Page 107: Comilla University

function Credit_fee(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model of this faculty controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add Department click Lightbox open

Delete list control

Remove list control

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select inserting or updating data from

database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table model are

using specify model say for example credit_fee_model. And defined the mechanism which is

current credit_fee is ongoing which is not ongoing at all its defined In this function

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also do this function.

Row count mechanism also defined in this function

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

function getFilterData_1($program_id = "", $batch_id = "", $section_id = "”): This

function are defined filter data within the mechanism program batch and section


Page 108: Comilla University

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of credit_fee view .and

load the custom function which is drop down data come from different table its load in

this function some of custom function

public function getBatch(): This function are using to get batch

function getSection():This function are using to get section

Added credit_fee(): This function are defined add credit_fee insert credit_fee name and

check validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load custom function which is drop down data come from another


Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

credit_fee and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

function edit_credit_fee_name(): This function are using the credit_fee edit mechanism

same as added faculty controller.

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

defined via model of delete function of credit_fee model.this data is updated cause model

called is update Active record query.

Function defined log data which person is delete

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Page 109: Comilla University

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism

Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view .

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function credit_fee_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function getThisall($cond = '', $tableName = '', $select_qry = '*', $limit = '', $order = 'ID

DESC', $start=0, $perPage=0):If this model has a foreign key or relation with other table

need joining need to use this function specify this exact requirement.

Page 110: Comilla University

function check_credit_fee_name($credit_fee_name,$program_id): This function defined

the mechanism of check credit_fee name

function check_batch_name($batch_name):Check batch name

function check_credit_fee_name_edit($credit_fee_name,$program_id,$id): This function

defined the mechanism of check credit_fee name edit purpose

function get_max_credit_fee_id(): This function or model are using get max id from .


add_credit_fee.php: This is the interface of add credit_fee the page.

edit_credit_fee.php: This is the interface of edit program


details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ program/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ credit_fee/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ credit_fee/mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request


function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

Page 111: Comilla University

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:This is table view of Master Credit fee

Page 112: Comilla University

Add Package:

This page are using to add package to the program edit or delete and search package in the

below of page defined code level description and some function or method which are using

which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and

view are using this is defined.

Controller: package .php

Model package _model.php

View: package




edit .php

Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)


package .php

Page 113: Comilla University

function Package (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model of this faculty controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add Department click Lightbox open

Delete list control

Remove list control

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select inserting or updating data from

database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table model are

using specify model say for example package _model. And defined the mechanism which is

current package is ongoing which is not ongoing at all its defined In this function

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also do this function.

Row count mechanism also defined in this function

function getFilter_1 ():This function using the searching option when click search button

then action fire get filterData_1() function to execute query.

function getFilterData_1($program_id = "", $category_id = "", $schedule_id = ""):This

function execute when action fire is happen this is query to get data mechanism

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Page 114: Comilla University

function getFilterData_1($program_id = "", $batch_id = "", $section_id = "”): This

function are defined filter data within the mechanism program batch and section


Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of package view .and

load the custom function which is drop down data come from different table its load in

this function some of custom function

public function getSchedule(): This function defined the mechanism get schedule.

public function getBatch(): This function are using to get batch

function getSection():This function are using to get section .

function getpercredit(): This function defined the mechanism of to calculate get per credit.

function getTotalResult(): This is total result of admission.given admission taka

Added package (): This function are defined add package insert package name and check

validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load custom function which is drop down data come from another


Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

package and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

function edit_package _name(): This function are using the package edit mechanism

same as added faculty controller.

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Page 115: Comilla University

defined via model of delete function of package model.this data is updated cause model

called is update Active record query.

Function defined log data which person is delete

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism

Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view .

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.


package _model.php

Page 116: Comilla University

function package _Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function getThisall($cond = '', $tableName = '', $select_qry = '*', $limit = '', $order = 'ID

DESC', $start=0, $perPage=0):If this model has a foreign key or relation with other table

need joining need to use this function specify this exact requirement.

function check_package _name($package _name,$program_id): This function defined

the mechanism of check package name

function check_batch_name($batch_name):Check batch name

function check_package _name_edit($package _name,$program_id,$id): This function

defined the mechanism of check package name edit purpose

function check_batch_name($batch_name):

function get_max_package _id(): This function or model are using get max id from .


add_package .php: This is the interface of add package the page.

edit_package .php: This is the interface of edit program

package _list:

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ program/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ package /deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

Page 117: Comilla University

admission/ package /mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/package


function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method

admission/package /resetFilter.

Table View:This is table view of Master Package

Page 118: Comilla University


Visitor admission: If visitor User or student want to admission of the university they must be register of the system.

Visitor admission:

Controller: siteadmin.php. (Function register(), function registered()) Model:show model.php View: student_register_form.php

Register:If user want to register to admission of the university at first register of the system. Here this

page description of the code level description. some function or method which are using

which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and

view are using this is defined.

Controller: siteadmin.php. (Function register(), function registered()) Model:show model.php View: student_register_form.php.


public function register(): This function are using to the load of the page of student form.

function registered(): This function defined and contain to the sign up mechanism of the student this function defined also form validation mechanism and call to the global model shows to save data and table are using User


Page 119: Comilla University

function insertDataNew($data = '', $tableName = '') :This is global model function this are using insert data a at first given $data variable which are defined in array in controller and given table name.

View:student_Register_form.php:This is the visitor user interface to given data to the system.

Create Admission Form:If visitor user wants to admission of the university they create an admission form by fill up

this form. Here this page description of the code level description. some function or method

which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model

and controller , and view are using this is defined

Folder Structure:

Comilla _erp




Controller: backend.php.




welcome,welcome_tab1, welcome_tab2

Page 120: Comilla University


backend.php, profile.php

function Backend(): This function are using to ultimate load this page when this

function check the session set or user is login neither its redirect to login page. This function

are defined those.

function index():This function are using for the get value from drop down which need to

fill the form retrieve data specific need say for example marital status, gender, blood group,

country, district this type of value retrieve and this function are called and this mechanism

are defined and this function are need for 1st page welcome . Ultimate load the page of

welcome its defined this function and load this page.

function tab2():This function are defined data and also retrieve data which need to fill the

form welcome view page and load the call the model getOptionAcademicProgram();

program1 program2, program3 and getOptionApplicationType();

function tab3():

function added_Education():When student last stage of sign up process then education

information save by this function are used and this function defined the mechanism


function Profile(): This function are defined function profile load the model visitor and

profile model.

function index():

function add (): This function defined the mechanism of function add at first need to

call the need model function which data comes from drop down list and load the page

of welcome view

Page 121: Comilla University

function added(): This function defined the mechanism added student information which

is fill by user of visitor. This function also contain the definition of validation and

which is required fields and this function using to insert data to the student information

who is admit to the university by the given value of students

Model: Shows.model.

Function insertData($data, "VISITOR_PERSONAL"): This model function

are defined to the insert data.

Function updateValue($data,'VISITOR_PERSONAL',"USER_ID =

$this->userId"):This model function are defined update the value of user.

Function getThisValue("USER_ID = $this->userId",'VISITOR_PERSONAL',"*","","ID

DESC", $start=NULL, $perPage=NULL ):This function are using edit purpose at 1st retrieve

data from edit purpose.


Page 122: Comilla University

Table : Table View of the Comilla University .Visitor program, visitor Personal, Visitor Education

Page 123: Comilla University

Super Admin New Admission Auto Id

Super admin of the university If admin of the university admit any type of student s they can using

this interface. . Here this page description of the code level description. some function or method

which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Super Admin admission:

Controller: new_admission.php Model:show model.php View: entry_1.php

Controller: function info_entry_1(): This function are defined the mechanism some retrieve select or

drop down data which data or value comes from another page or table say for example

Page 124: Comilla University

getOptionSemester(),getOptionApplicantSession() this function called in array cause its need

to fill the form .

function insert_1() : This function are defined the mechanism of data insert by the super

admin and this function defined the validation of field and call model and send data through

view page this function also defined edit mechanism


Model Shows.php:

Function insertData($data3,'ACADEMIC_STUDENT_Personal)

Function insertData($data3,'ACADEMIC_STUDENT_APPROVAL');

Function insertData($eduData, "ACADEMIC_STUDENT_EDUCATION");



Admission Manual Id

Super admin of the university If admin of the university admit any type of student s they can using

this interface. . Here this page description of the code level description. some function or method

which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Super Admin admission:

Controller: new_admission.php Model:show model.php View: entry_1.php

Controller: function info_entry(): This function are defined the mechanism some retrieve select or

drop down data which data or value comes from another page or table say for example

Page 125: Comilla University

getOptionSemester(),getOptionApplicantSession() this function called in array cause its need

to fill the form .

function insert() : This function are defined the mechanism of data insert by the super admin

and this function defined the validation of field and call model and send data through view

page this function also defined edit mechanism


Model Shows.php:

Function insertData($data3,'ACADEMIC_STUDENT_Personal)

Function insertData($data3,'ACADEMIC_STUDENT_APPROVAL');

Function insertData($eduData, "ACADEMIC_STUDENT_EDUCATION");

View: Entry.php

Table View:

Table view Academic_Student_Personal

Page 126: Comilla University

Admin Admission Module:

All Applicant List: All applicant list here we described all application of the student who is want registration of the university code level description are here.Which model and which controller and which view and what type of function using this master page.

Controllers: Visitor.php (admission module). Using function all_applicant() Model:Shows.php. View:All.php (admission module view folder page is all.php)


Page 127: Comilla University

Search Applicant: Search All applicant list here we described all application search academic session and year .Which model and which controller and which view and what type of function using for this master page.

Controller: Visitor.php (admission module) using . function search_applicant(). Model: Shows.php. View:all.php


Page 128: Comilla University

Create Allowed: Create allowed list here we described all applicant admin confirm to allowed list.Which model and which controller and which view and what type of function using for this master page.

Controller: Visitor.php (admission module) using . function create_allowed (). Model: Shows.php. View:all.php

Page 129: Comilla University


Allowed List: allowed list here we described all applicant admin confirm to allowed list.Which model and which controller and which view and what type of function using for this master page.

Controller: Visitor.php (admission module) using . function allowed_list() Model: Shows.php. View:all.php


Page 130: Comilla University

Exam Pass Mark: Exam marks entry Which model and which controller and which view and what type of function using for this master page. Here code level description are given value

Controller: Visitor.php (admission module) using . function marks_entry(), and function publish() are used

Model: Shows.php. View:marks_entry.php


Exam Pass Candidate List: Exam pass candidate list Which model and which controller and which view and what type of function using for this master page. Here code level description are given value

Controller: Visitor.php (admission module) using .

Page 131: Comilla University

function passed_list():This function contains the select getThisValue("", 'VISITOR_ALLOWED_LIST');

Model: Shows.php. View: passed_list.php


Exam Fail candidate list: Which model and which controller and which view and what type of function using for this master page. Here code level description are given value

Controller: Visitor.php (admission module) using . function failed_list():This function contains the select getThisValue("",

'VISITOR_ALLOWED_LIST'); Model: Shows.php. View: failed_list.php


Admission Confirm List: Which model and which controller and which view and what type of

function using for this master page. Here code level description are given value

To view this page: Admission Confirm List

Page 132: Comilla University

Controller: Visitor.php (admission module) using .

function confirm_list():>Shows->getThisValue("ADMISSION_STATUS = 1 ",



View admission_confirmed_list


Admission Confirm List Via Editing To Confirm:Controller: Visitor.php (Admission Module) and function are using for edit purpose

Page 133: Comilla University

function edit($user_id = NULL, $uid = NULL) : This function defined the mechanism of

edit data if admin of admission want to modify to confirm students then its need to edit here

and this function describe code level and function description , This function defined and

retrieve some drop down list say for example and call the function

getOptionAcademicProgram(), and getOptionSemester() getOptionLevel() this edit function

also load and call this function and get this value from Visitor personal


Shows.php : This model using function to retrieve data from function

getThisValue("USER_ID = '$user_id'", 'VISITOR_PERSONAL');

getThisValue("USER_ID = '$user_id'", 'VISITOR_PROGRAM'): This function retrieve data

from Visitor program table


Edit.php (Admission module = Visitor sub folder edit .php)

Table View:

Admission Confirm List Via Updating To Final Confirm : Controller: Admission module visitor controller visitor.php and function using function update ()

Page 134: Comilla University

Function update (): This function contains the mechanism of edit value what we change this type of value be updated

Form validation program batch year semester and session this is specify of function

Creating Student Id Number via using this function program year session and batch and generate id retrieve max id from academic student personal table and check duplicate id

Updating login information cause 1st time they login using email but this function contain the mechanism change log in procedure and retrieve data from visitor personal table

Insert data to academic student personal information Retrieve visitor personal education information from visitor

education table Insert the data to ACADEMIC_STUDENT_EDUCATION table Update the data Visitor allowed list at the final stage .



o Function getValue("USER_ID = '$user_id'",


o Function updateValue($loginData, "USERS", "ID =


o Function insertData($data,


o Function getValue("USER_ID = '$user_id'",


o Function insertData($eduData,


o Function updateValue($allowedListData,





o Function get batch()

o Function get package()

Page 135: Comilla University

Student List:If student comes to student list they must be confirm by accounts here we are not describing

account module of students accounts code level description when we are describing accounts

model when we have defined this total flow and code level which model view controller


Searching Student List Via Program and Batch:Controller: Admission Module admission folder using student_info.php controller

function getFilterData(): This function defined the

mechanism retrieve data using the filtering of program

batch wise

Function function getFilterDataS() :This function defined

the mechanism get data from USERS table for table of

student who is confirmed by accounts clearance .using this

function also cause when user search anything table view

get data function also called to view data to table.

Model: Shows.php

Table: Academic Student Personal.

Page 136: Comilla University

Search Student List by Default:Search student list by default here is some code level description which controller model and view using this purpose and which function are defined such kind of mechanism.

Controller: Student_info.php (Admission Module getData Function)

Function getData(): This function defined pagination table view of

student who is confirmed by the admin of accounts and get data

from condition of payment status and this type of students and user

retrieve and show the table view.



Function get all()



Search Student List by Given Value Input Fields:Search student list by default here is some code level description which controller model and view using this purpose and which function are defined such kind of mechanism.

Controller: Student_info.php (Admission Module getData Function)

function getFilter() This function defined pagination table view of

student who is confirmed by the admin of accounts and get data

from condition of payment status and this type of students and user

retrieve and show the table view and given value of input fields .

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): Condition apply if

payment status is 1 then retrieve data to assign student list



Function get all()



Page 137: Comilla University

Student Details: When we click student details button then view page open details.php this

page defined the all mechanism of compose the details info.

Search Student List:Search student list here is some code level description which model and which controller and

which view using and which function are using to search student list.

Controller: Admission module ---- visitor.php and function search_student using

Function search_student(): This function defined the mechanism

search student and this function are using to load or call drop down

fields say for example getOptionSemester(), getOptionLevel and

also form validation procedure are here. And load the

search_student page.

Function search_student_list(): This function defined the

mechanisam retrieve data for student list given the required fields


Function getThisValue($cond, 'ACADEMIC_STUDENT_PERSONAL',



Admission ->>>visitor-- search_student.php

Page 138: Comilla University

Bank : This page are using to add bank_info to the Page edit or delete and search bank_info in the

below of page defined code bank_info description and some function or method which are

using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: bank_info.php

Model bank_info_model.php

View: bank_info




Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



function bank_info(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model of this year controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.


Total data count means row.

Add bank_info click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example bank_info_model.

Pagination some common

Edit delete option and

table view reason for using this function.

Page 139: Comilla University

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of bank_info view .

Added bank_info(): This function are defined add bank_info insert batch name and check

validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

Page 140: Comilla University

function edit_bank_info_name(): This function are using the bank_info edit mechanism

same as added bank_info controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_bank_info_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Page 141: Comilla University

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function bank_info_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function check_bank_info_name($year_name) This function defined the mechanism of

check year name using added year check year operation.

function check_bank_info_name_2($year_name,$id) This function defined the

mechanism of check year name edit purpose

function get_max_bank_info_id(): This function or model are using get max id from

Master bank_info head table get max id using insert data using this function to retrieve

Page 142: Comilla University

data from database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of specific



add.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit program

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to admission/ bank_info/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

admission/ bank_info/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

admission/ bank_info/mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request admission/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

Page 143: Comilla University

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Bank Info table level description

Notification: This page are using to add notification to the Page edit or delete and search notification in

the below of page defined code notification description and some function or method which

Page 144: Comilla University

are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: Admission Module(notification.php)

Function index()

Function all_applicant()

function details_1($id)

Model shows.php

View: all.php

Page 145: Comilla University

Module Academic:Academic module here we will describe some code level description in module of academic

here some base controller and model and view using and which function and which controller

and model view are using for some operation purpose

Folder Structure:- Comilla _erperpcontroller.

Folder Structure:- Comilla _erperpModel.

Folder Structure:- Comilla _erperpview.

Folder Structure:- Comilla _erperpModulesacademic folder.

Root Controller:



Root Model:



Root View:

Page 146: Comilla University

Set UP:Basic Set up of academic module here we describe basic set up of academic module in code

level description


This page are using to add course to the edit or delete and search course in the below of page

defined code course description and some function or method which are using which purpose

this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view are using

this is defined.

Controller: course.php

Model course_model.php

View: course








Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 147: Comilla University



function course(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model course_model.php of this course controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add course click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example course_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite course is shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

table view reason for using this function.

function getFilterByData(): This function defined the mechanism of search data by the given the

value of drop down here in this page search department via fill the drop down menu this function


Table view control


Search data permanent data fields not relational table fields say for

example search data via course name cause this is course table

Row count

Prerequisite show or not shown table view defined in this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Page 148: Comilla University

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of course view .

Added course(): This function are defined add course insert batch name and check

validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_course_name(): This function are using the course edit mechanism same as

added course controller.

Page 149: Comilla University

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_course_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the


Page 150: Comilla University


Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function course_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function check_course_name($year_name) This function defined the mechanism of

check year name using added year check year operation.

function check_course_name_2($year_name,$id) This function defined the mechanism

of check year name edit purpose

function check_course_code($d_id,$course_code):This function defined the mechanism

check course code for insert purpose

function check_course_code2($d_id,$course_code): This function defined the

mechanism check course code where edit operation will happen and when data newly

insert then this function check the course code.

Page 151: Comilla University

function get_max_course_id(): This function or model are using get max id from Master

course head table get max id using insert data using this function to retrieve data from

database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of specific .


add_course.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

edit_course.php: This is the interface of edit program


details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to academic/ course/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

academic/ course/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

academic/ course/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller

to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request academic/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Page 152: Comilla University

Table View:Course table columns view from database.


This page are using to add project to the edit or delete and search project in the below of

page defined code project description and some function or method which are using which

purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view

are using this is defined.

Page 153: Comilla University

Controller: project.php

Model project_model.php

View: project



Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



function project(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model project_model.php of this project controller.

Page 154: Comilla University

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add project click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example project_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite project is shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Page 155: Comilla University

public function getBatch(): This function defined the mechanism to retrieve batch to the

need of drop down fields it’s the depend on if we select program then filtering the batch

cause this function defined at first select program id form program table and from

MASTER batch table and call the global method getValue().

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of project view .

Added project(): This function are defined add project insert project and check validation

which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_project_name(): This function are using the project edit mechanism same

as added project controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_project_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Page 156: Comilla University

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

Page 157: Comilla University

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function project_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function get_max_project_id(): This function or model are using get max id from Master

project head table get max id using insert data using this function to retrieve data from

database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of specific .


add.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit program


details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to academic/ project/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

academic/ project/deleteall function will action

Page 158: Comilla University

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

academic/ project/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller

to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request academic/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Project table columns view from database.

Page 159: Comilla University


This page are using to add campus to the edit or delete and search campus in the below of

page defined code campus description and some function or method which are using which

Page 160: Comilla University

purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view

are using this is defined.

Controller: campus.php

Model campus_model.php

View: campus





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



Page 161: Comilla University

function campus(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model campus_model.php of this campus controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add campus click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example campus_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite campus is shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Page 162: Comilla University

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of campus view .

Added campus(): This function are defined add campus insert campus and check

validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check Unique validation on campus name .

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Load the page of edit.php

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_campus_name(): This function are using the campus edit mechanism same

as added campus controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_campus_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Page 163: Comilla University

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


function deleted_list()This method contains the deletelist. This data come to remove list

Table view.

Table control.


function getDataDeleted(): For remove list view if we delete data to grid view then data

comes to remove list this function contain the mechanism to sent data to remove list view.

Table view


function mainDeleteAll(): Delete permanent from remove list.

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Page 164: Comilla University

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function campus_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

Page 165: Comilla University

function get_max_campus_id(): This function or model are using get max id from Master

campus head table get max id using insert data using this function to retrieve data from

database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of specific.

function check_campus_name($campus_name): This function defined the mechanism

check the campus name from master campus table and retrieve data from the table only

one cause check one campus in this procedure.

function check_campus_name_2($campus_name,$id): This model function define the

definition check campus when edit new campus after the operation new edit insert then

campus name re check in this function defined the definition.

function check_campus_code($campus_code): This function defined the mechanism of

check campus code

function check_campus_code2($campus_code): This function defined the mechanism of

campus code check for edit operation renew the new campus code.


add_campus.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

Edit_campus.php: This is the interface of edit program

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

Page 166: Comilla University

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to academic/ campus/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

academic/ campus/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

academic/ campus/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller

to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request academic/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Campus table columns view from database.

Page 167: Comilla University


This page are using to add building to the edit or delete and search building in the below of

page defined code building description and some function or method which are using which

purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view

are using this is defined.

Page 168: Comilla University

Controller: building.php

Model building_model.php

View: building





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



function building(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

Page 169: Comilla University

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model building_model.php of this building controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add building click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example building_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite building is shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Page 170: Comilla University

Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of building view .

Added building(): This function are defined add building insert building and check

validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check Unique validation on building name .

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Load the page of edit.php

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_building_name(): This function are using the building edit mechanism

same as added building controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_building_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Page 171: Comilla University

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


function deleted_list()This method contains the deletelist. This data come to remove list

Table view.

Table control.


function getDataDeleted(): For remove list view if we delete data to grid view then data

comes to remove list this function contain the mechanism to sent data to remove list view.

Table view


function mainDeleteAll(): Delete permanent from remove list.

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Page 172: Comilla University

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function building_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function get_max_building_id(): This function or model are using get max id from

Master building head table get max id using insert data using this function to retrieve

Page 173: Comilla University

data from database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of


function check_building_name($campus_id,$building_name): This function defined the

mechanism check the building name from master building table and retrieve data from

the table only one cause check one building in this procedure.

function check_building_name_2($campus_id,$building_name,$id): This model function

define the definition check building when edit new building after the operation new edit

insert then building name re check in this function defined the definition.

function check_building_code($building_code): This function defined the mechanism of

check building code

function check_building_code2($building_code, $id): This function defined the

mechanism of building code check for edit operation renew the new building code.


add_building.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

Edit_building.php: This is the interface of edit program

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

Page 174: Comilla University

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to academic/ building/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

academic/ building/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

academic/ building/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller

to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request academic/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Building table columns view from database.

Page 175: Comilla University


This page are using to add floor to the edit or delete and search floor in the below of page

defined code floor description and some function or method which are using which purpose

this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view are using

this is defined.

Controller: floor.php

Model floor_model.php

Page 176: Comilla University

View: floor





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



function floor(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded to

the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model floor_model.php of this floor controller.

Page 177: Comilla University

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add floor click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example floor_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite floor is shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Page 178: Comilla University

public function getBuilding() :This function defined the mechanism to to get value from

the combination of check campus id and retrieve data campus building

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of floor view .

Added floor(): This function are defined add floor insert floor and check validation which

is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check Unique validation on floor name .

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Load the page of edit.php

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_floor_name(): This function are using the floor edit mechanism same as

added floor controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_floor_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Page 179: Comilla University

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


function deleted_list()This method contains the deletelist. This data come to remove list

Table view.

Table control.


function getDataDeleted(): For remove list view if we delete data to grid view then data

comes to remove list this function contain the mechanism to sent data to remove list view.

Table view


function mainDeleteAll(): Delete permanent from remove list.

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Page 180: Comilla University

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function floor_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

Page 181: Comilla University

function get_max_floor_id(): This function or model are using get max id from Master

floor head table get max id using insert data using this function to retrieve data from

database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of specific.

function check_floor_name($campus_id,$floor_name): This function defined the

mechanism check the floor name from master floor table and retrieve data from the table

only one cause check one floor in this procedure.

function check_floor_name_2($campus_id,$floor_name,$id): This model function define

the definition check floor when edit new floor after the operation new edit insert then

floor name re check in this function defined the definition.

function check_floor_code($floor_code): This function defined the mechanism of check

floor code

function check_floor_code2($floor_code, $id): This function defined the mechanism of

floor code check for edit operation renew the new floor code.


add_floor.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

Edit_floor.php: This is the interface of edit program

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

Page 182: Comilla University

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to academic/ floor/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

academic/ floor/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

academic/ floor/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to

send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request academic/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Floor table columns view from database.

Page 183: Comilla University


This page are using to add room to the edit or delete and search room in the below of page

defined code room description and some function or method which are using which purpose

this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view are using

this is defined.

Page 184: Comilla University

Controller: room.php

Model room_model.php

View: room





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



function room(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded to

the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

Page 185: Comilla University

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model room_model.php of this roomcontroller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add roomclick Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example room_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite roomis shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Page 186: Comilla University

Row count mechanism

public function getBuilding() :This function defined the mechanism to to get value from

the combination of check campus id and retrieve data campus building

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of roomview .

Added room(): This function are defined add room insert roomand check validation which

is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check Unique validation on roomname .

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Load the page of edit.php

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_room_name(): This function are using the room edit mechanism same as

added roomcontroller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_room_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Page 187: Comilla University

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


function deleted_list()This method contains the deletelist. This data come to remove list

Table view.

Table control.


function getDataDeleted(): For remove list view if we delete data to grid view then data

comes to remove list this function contain the mechanism to sent data to remove list view.

Table view


function mainDeleteAll(): Delete permanent from remove list.

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Page 188: Comilla University

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function room_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

Page 189: Comilla University

function get_max_room_id(): This function or model are using get max id from Master

roomhead table get max id using insert data using this function to retrieve data from

database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of specific.

function check_room_name($campus_id,$room_name): This function defined the

mechanism check the roomname from master roomtable and retrieve data from the table

only one cause check one roomin this procedure.

function check_room_name_2($campus_id,$room_name,$id): This model function

define the definition check roomwhen edit new roomafter the operation new edit insert

then roomname re check in this function defined the definition.

function check_room_code($room_code): This function defined the mechanism of check


function check_room_code2($room_code, $id): This function defined the mechanism of

roomcode check for edit operation renew the new roomcode.


add_room.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

Edit_room.php: This is the interface of edit program

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

Page 190: Comilla University

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to academic/ room/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

academic/ room/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

academic/ room/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to

send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request academic/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Room table columns view from database.

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Course Offer:

This page are using to Manage course offer to the students its panel advising student to the

course and select department course name and view as yes or no and click add button to

temporary save data in temporary table then you may delete if error occur then select

program and batch level and semester and select year and click to save button save

Page 192: Comilla University

information to permanent table edit or delete and in the below of page defined code manage

course offer description and some function or method which are using which purpose this is

defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is


Controller: semester_course.php

Model : semester_course_model.php.

View: course







Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



Page 193: Comilla University

function Semester_Course (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the

page is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is

constructor is called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then

apply any type of operation and load the model semester_course_model as Type_model of this

semester_course controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data Permanent data getViewData() function are


Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add Semester course click Lightbox open.

function getViewData(): This function defined the mechanism of view data from

academic semester offer table this function are using view data to course offer for the

department and program and batch.

Table view control get data .

Pagination control.

Edit permanent data and delete permanent data mechanism

Details of data.

public function edit($id): This function defined the mechanism of code level.

Track the user id at first delete user id ACA_COURSE_OFFER_TEMP_EDIT table

to edit purpose at 1st retrieve data for edit using call the model function via in the

controller getTempEditData and check the data exist table and get value from

ACA_COURSE_OFFER_TEMP_EDIT if insert new data then get data edit function

are called


Some drop down fields. Retrieve

public function getData_edit(): This function are defined the mechanism retrieve

department name and retrieve course name get the user user and delete user and

retrieve department name and course name and view as yes or no.

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public function getCourse_1(): This function defined the mechanism retrieve get

course name and course code from master course table course are assigned by the

department wise.Retrive drop down list to course name or code department wise.

function getBatch() This function defined the mechanism of retrieve batch from

master batch table its program wise retrieve master batch table.

public function entry(): This function defined the mechanism entry data to

semester/entry and at 1st retrieve data and load or call data program department

and level and year this function are defined.

Public function getData() :function are defined the mechanism retrieve

department name and retrieve course name get the user and delete user and

retrieve department name and course name and view as yes or no.only delete

operation will open this function defined

Table view of temporary saves data.

public function save_master_data(): This function defined the procedure of at first

input filed to save something’s and track the info which user save this type of value. Define the

function also get temp list check program batch level and semester. Insert data to ACADEMIC

ACADEMIC_SEMESTER_OFFER table and getmaxId() to get maximum id.Get value from

ACADEMIC_COURSE table and insert semester offer id and course code and view as yes or no

insert data to ACADEMIC_COURSE table.

Table control

public function update_master_data(): This function defined the procedure of at first

input filed to save something’s and track the info which user save this type of value. Define the

function also get temp list check program batch level and semester. Insert data to ACADEMIC

ACADEMIC_SEMESTER_OFFER table and getmaxId() to get maximum id.Get value from

Page 195: Comilla University

ACADEMIC_COURSE table and insert semester offer id and course code and view as yes or no

insert data to ACADEMIC_COURSE table.

Table control

Public function save_temp_data(): This function defined the mechanism save temp

data for department and course name or course code. Form validation are required for

department and course code or name and insert data to ACA_COURSE_OFFER_TEMP

table and table view control

Public function save_temp_data_edit():(): This function defined the mechanism save

temp data for department and course name or course code. Form validation are required

for department and course code or name and insert data to

ACA_COURSE_OFFER_TEMP_EDIT table and table view control

Public function detail($id): This function defined the mechanism of details of the

course offer.

Model: Semester_Course_Model.php defined as Controller Defined


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function Semester_Course_Model ():This function defined as mechanism of connect

table or using specific table

function getTempList($user_id): This function defined as get data for specific


function getTempList_edit($user_id): This function defined as get data for specific

condition ACA_COURSE_OFFER_TEMP_EDIT To track user which is operate this

operation this model function defined .

function getTempListCheck($program_id, $batch_id, $level_id, $semester_id,

$year):This function defined getTempListCheck this function defined the procedure check

program batch level and semester.

function check_tmp_course($courseno): This function defined the mechanism check

temporary when add course then check the course no or code and name

Function check_tmp_course_edit($courseno): This function defined the mechanism check

temporary when edit course then check the course no or code and name.

function getOfferData($id): This model defined the mechanism and contain the function

retrieve data from ACADEMIC_SEMESTER_OFFER this function called in the controller

for details view for retrieve data and perimeter contain id and retrieve id to the specific

details view and show the data using this function.

function getSemesterCourseList($id): This function defined the procedure of get semester

specific course by using this model function and this type of data comes from


View: entry.php: This is the interface of add Semester_course the page.

Page 197: Comilla University

edit.php: This is the interface of edit semester_course page.

Some of ajax function using this page

function confirmAjxSubmitData()

function getCourse(obj)

details.php: This is the semester course details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to academic/ course/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

academic/ semester_course /deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

academic/ semester_course /mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request academic/

semester_course /getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method

academic/ semester_course /resetFilter.

Table View:

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Assign Teacher:

Entry form:

Page 199: Comilla University

This page is about Assign teacher entry form this master page is about entry form teacher advising

panel teacher are advised to the specific course at first select program batch level semester and

specific course and select a section then a temporary table view of the course teacher drop down

which teacher assign this course here this table view select teacher to save button then its preview of

the page of assign teacher here this page describe the code level description which model and

controller function using to implement this master page.

Controller: teacher_assign.php

Model: teacher_assign_model

View: entry.php

edit.php details.php teacher_list.php Index.php (Function are using some Ajax request say for example delete or searching

or save different purpose)



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function Teacher_Assign(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model teacher_assign_model as T_Assign of this s load in teacher_assign_


Function entry(): This function defined the mechanism of load program level semester and year

create drop down list and this is the entry function procedure this function define the entry

procedure and contains all of the mechanism.

function getBatch(): This function defined the mechanism of retrieve batch from Master Batch

table and getBatchList model function are using to retrieve batch as program wise this function

actually retrieve value for drop down batch list as program wise this function defined .

f unction getOfferCourse(): This function defined the mechanism of if select program batch level

and semester then this function define and call the model function which procedure retrieve this

type of drop down value getOfferId() table of ACADEMIC_SEMESTER_OFFER.

getOfferedcourse model function are called to load the course from master course table join the

table with academic course in the model of getOfferedcourse() function when we select semester

then retrieve course this function define those type of mechanism.

function getSection(): This function defined the mechanism of get section at first input the value

of drop down list program batch and course then define the function of if get change course then

section will change getCourse this ajax function define entry page of view using this model

function call the model function of getSection of model of T_assign.

function getData($offerId="",$section_id=NULL,$course_id=NULL): This function define the

mechanism getListDataRepeat function define the retrieve data from

ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN_TEMP table and function define also getValue from

HR_PERSONALINFO and create drop down for teacher retrieve employee as teacher and select

teacher from drop down after retrieve the teacher and teacher1 and teacher2 teacher 3 sub teacher

and control the table view\


function save_temp_data(): This function contains the mechanism of save data temporary

table when admin select program batch level and semester then course and section click

to add then data go through the temporary table. Function defined the form validation

program batch and semester this fields are required and track the user id to track user who

is add this course to assign teacher and check the unique offer id section id and course id.

Page 201: Comilla University

getCourseOfferList() function are called offer section and course id retrieve then insert

data into ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN_TEMP table and linked the get data to offer id


public function getA(): This function defined the get teacher of HR_PERSONAL_INFO table

public function deleteDataTemp(): This function define the data delete from academic temporary

table ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN_TEMP for final save if final save occur.

Public function save_master_data(): This function contain the mechanism to track user

and retrieve user by the call function getRepeatTempList() function in model

ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN_TEMP table retrieve temporary table teacher information to

ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN main table and delete id user or teacher to



function Teacher_Assign_Model(): This model function contain the mechanism to connect table and call constructor.

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function getBatchList($program_id): This model function retrieve batch name where status is 1 and batch retrieve the match of program and order by batch name.

public function getSemesterOfferList($level_id=NULL ): This model function retrieve the value semester id and semester name of SEMESTER_OFFER table .semester_offer table the fields of level id and group by semester id and name.order by semester ID.

public function getCourseOfferList($offer_id,$section_id,$course_id): This model function define the mechanism to select data from MASTER_COURSE, ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN and join the table of ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN and MASTER_COURSE TABLE and the condition of ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN.SEMESTER_OFFER_ID and ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN table using course name and section name retrieve the value.

public function getSemesterOfferList($level_id=NULL ):This function defined the procedure semester offer id with semester name from semester offer join semester offer table and semester table and condition of semester offer table level id and order by semester offer semester id

public function getSection($program_id,$batch_id,$course_id):This function contains three perimeters program batch and course select from mastersection.Master_SECTION using table MASTER_SECTION.PROGRAM_ID,batch course and order_by master section table name

public function getRepeatTempList($user_id ) :This function defined repeat temp list from the check ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN_TEMP and join MASTER_COURSE table and ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN_TEMP list and order by course code and where user id condition apply.

public function getListdataRepeat($user_id=NULL,$offerId=NULL,$section_id=NULL,$course_id=NULL):

public function check_tmp_uniq_regular($offer_id,$section_id,$course_id ): This function has 3 perameter offer Id, sectionid and course id check temporary unique from aca_teacher_assign_temp and return the $numer of rows

View: entry.php: This is the interface of add teacher_assignthe page.

edit.php: This is the interface of edit teacher_assign page.

Some of ajax function using this page

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function confirmAjxSubmitData()

function getCourse(obj)






details.php: This is the teacher_assign details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Teacher List:

Page 204: Comilla University

Teacher list code level description teacher search list are founding via fill the input select box program and batch name. Searching teacher list which controller function and model are call via the controller this page is define how its work.

Controller: teacher_assign (Function are using function teacher_list()) function teacherCourseList()

Model: teacher_assign_model(Function are using function

getTeacherCourseList($program_id, $batch_id, $level_id, $semester_id))

View: Teacher_assign/teacher_list.php in academic module.


teacher_assign.php function teacher_list(): This function load the page of view teacher

list and load the data of getOptionAcademicProgram() and call also common page layout viewer page

function teacherCourseList(): This function are defined to give program and batch getSemesterOfferList2() model function are using the batch and program are retrieve and getSemesterOfferList2() model function are using to retrieve teacher program level batch and semester and course name and course code wise


Page 205: Comilla University

function getSemesterOfferList2($program_id, $batch_id): This model function are using to select academic_semester_offer and select master level and master semester name from academic semester_offer MASTER_LEVEL and ACADEMIC_SEMESTER_OFFER and join master MASTER_SEMESTER and ACADEMIC_SEMESTER_OFFER.SEMESTER_ID.

function getTeacherCourseList($program_id, $batch_id, $level_id, $semester_id):This model function are using retrieve program level and semester and batch from academic semester_offer join academic course master level and master semester, master course in this function ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN join also ACADEMIC_SEMESTER_OFFER table condition in the list program batch level and semester and order by ACADEMIC_SEMESTER_OFFER.ID



Page 206: Comilla University

Student Info:

Course Wise list: Student search course wise which student is registered to the system and take a course when advising student to the semester student registration of the system then we can get those student via search to the given ID of the university. Here is some code level description which model and controller function are using to done this work in the below of the page defined it.






index.php details.php edit.php entry.php

Page 207: Comilla University

Controller: regular_student_course_offer.php.

function Regular_student_course_offer(): This function contain the mechanism of check session id is set check authentic user permission to access the system and use this module and load model of student_course_offer_model and its defined the rename of model Type_model.

function index(): This function contains the definition of control of table view or call the getViewData() pagination control and total row count which student taken course ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT table calculate. Dynamic view of regular_student_course_offer/index

function getViewData($approve=NULL): This function defined the mechanism of call the model of getSudentRegList() from model of student_course_offer_model.php its defined Type_model this model function using to retrieve student which student is registered to the system and keep student list in the $array variable then print program name batch level and semester section print the table view with delete and details view

function getFilter(): This function contain the description control table view and search student via the using Studen Id pagination control

function getFilterData($keyword1 = ""): This function contain the description pagination control getSudentRegList_1() model function to retrieve student list given the student id start page per page and keyword contain.Contain the variable student and print the student id program batch level and semester and get the student exact student which is search the via given value of input.

Public Function details(): This function contain the description retrieve the students via using model function this model function defined its very well getSudentRegListById. And get those student who is registered to the specific course getSemesterStudenCourseReg using model function to retrieve student course list of this student which is search or see and call the details page of view.

Page 208: Comilla University

Model: student_course_offer_model.php as Type_model

function Student_Course_Offer_Model(): This model function contains the description connect with table.

function getSudentRegList($start='', $perPage='') : This model function contain the

description get Student who is registration with course for this semester its contain 2

perimeter $start or $perpage select student ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT and

select MASTER_ACADEMIC_PROGRAM and select MASTER_BATCH and select


and order by ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT.ID and get student

ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT $perpage and $start

function getSudentRegList_1($start='', $perPage='',$student_id ): This model function contain

the description get student registration list by the given student id this model function contain

the filter and using for filter purpose retrieve student via using ID select student



MASTER_SECTION And join multiple table and order by

ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT.ID and get student And given condition where


function getSudentRegListById($id): This model function are using get student registration

list by id using ID select student ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT and select



and order by ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT.ID and get student And given


function getSemesterStudenCourseReg($semester_offer_id, $student_id): Get Course list

from table using this function which student registration for this course.

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View: entry.php edit.php details.php index.php

Table View:

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Class Routine:

Class Routine:Class Routine add to the program batch level semester and course section Routine type and program type day time campus building and floor and room by using this fields add or crate class routine temporary and save to final click by using this interface add create routine. Here code level definition of class routine create or class routine add and table view details view and delete and add purpose which controller and model function using to create this class routine in the below of the page its defined penetrate every function of model and controller.






details.php entry.php index.php edit.php detail_Friday.php detail_routine.php.

Page 212: Comilla University

Controller: class_routine_2.php

function Class_Routine_2(): This function contain the mechanism of check session id is set check authentic user permission to access the system and use this module and load model of class_routine_2_modeland its defined the rename of model C_Routine

function index(): This function contains the definition of control of table view or call the academic/class_routine_2/get_View_Data/ pagination control and total row count which ACA_CLASS_ROUTINE_LEVEL table calculate. Dynamic view of class_routine_2/index

function get_View_Data(): This function contain the description table control table view with data and pagination control and call the model function getAllRoutineList($condition, $start $perpage) and get routine_type by using public model function getNameById in shows model function and retrieve routine type from master_student_category and get program type from master_schedule and program type and schedule and print the table view using array when print table attributes of created class routine list by using this function we can get retrieve created routine list

public function entry(): This function defined the mechanism of the view of create routine list added first track the user id and delete who is add temp routine list and control table view and load the model function getOptionAcademicProgram() which is make custom helper common_helper.php getOptionLevel(), and getOptionSemester and yearList and create day array in the entry function and load the view page

function getBatch(): This function defined the mechanism of retrieve batch from

master batch table its program wise retrieve master batch table.

public function get_Course(): This function contain the mechanism retrieve batch and get course list by the call function all_offer_course($semester_id, $program_id, $level_id, $batch_id)

function getSection(): This function defined the mechanism to retrieve section name by ascending and call the public model function to get the value of get section.

Page 213: Comilla University

public function getSchedule ():This function retrieve the value get schedule call the public model function getValue() where specified and retrieve master schedule table.

public function getBuilding ():This function are using to the get data of building in this function public model function call getValue in this function retrieve the match of campus name id and building id match and retrieve the building name ascending orders which is saved under the campus and onchange event change floor .

public function getFloor(): This function are using the get Floor name match the value of campus, building cause when a floor save under a building and campus this function model function control the filtering data retrieve onchange event change room.

public function save_temp_data(): This function describe and contain the mechanism to add data temporary table space ACA_CLASS_ROUTINE_TEMP add or insert data into table of ACA_CLASS_ROUTINE_TEMP and table control.

public function save_master_data(): This function describe and contain the mechanism to add data permanent table space and check data getValue Model function are called which is defined in the public model .

function deleteRoutine(): This function are using delete class routine table from ACA_CLASS_ROUTINE_LEVEL.

public function detailRoutine($id): This function are using to know the details

public function getRoutineType():

Page 214: Comilla University

Model: class_routine_2_model.php

function getClasRoutineList($start, $perPage ): This model function get class routine list from aca_class_routine_level and select master_academic_program and select master_level and master_semester master batch join of this table with aca_class_routine_level.

function getAllRoutineDesc($id): This function are using get all routine list as descending order via using Id select aca_class_routine_level (*) and select master_academic_program and select master_level, and select master_semester and master_batch from aca_class_routine_level and join this table with aca_class_routine_level and the condition of aca_class_routine_level of details id.

public function getSemesterOffer(): Select academic_semester_offer where program batch and level and semester to retrieve the value get semester offer for class routine.

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View : Entry.php Index.php Edit.php Details.php

Table:Permanent Table

Temporary table:

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Waiver Entry:

Student Information : Student information if admin of academic module want to know the student information they using this master page to know the student information by using given value of input fields given Id Number of valid student who is registered of the system and this description now I will describe how work the backhand code level which controller and model function are using to done this dynamic page . In the below of the page describe sequentially.




student_information_model define as Rename Info_model.



Page 217: Comilla University

Controller: student_information.php

public function Student_Information(): This function contain the mechanism of check session id is set check authentic user permission to access the system and use this module and load model of student_information_model as Info_model.php.

public function index(): This controller function call and load the personal info() function which is defined In the below of the page.

public function personal_info(): This function defined the mechanism of given input fields Student Id call the public model function in shows model function getValue() select student Id table name Academic Student Personal retrieve student personal academic information keep in array special variable Program session batch get this batch and session and program call the model function getProgram and getSession() and gerBatch() and dynamic view of student information details.


function getValue(): This function are defined public model function in shows model which is defined the mechanism to retrieve data from table and its global model function just call the requirement of parameter.

function getProgramName($id): This function are defined the get Program name from MASTER_PROGRAM table where status is 1.

function getBatchName($id): This function are defined the mechanism to get batch name by the filtering of specific Id of the students and check the status 1

function getSessionName($id): This function defined the mechanism to get session to the specific student id to get those student who is in the session..



Page 218: Comilla University


Page 219: Comilla University


This page are using to add waver to the edit or delete and search waver in the below of page

defined code waver description and some function or method which are using which purpose

this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view are using

this is defined.

Controller: waver.php

Model waver_model.php

View: waver



Index.php (Folder are using some Ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 220: Comilla University



function waver(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model waver_model.php of this waver controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add waver click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example waver_model and getAll() function called to

retrieve Master Waiver list and check the status 1.

Pagination some common

Check amount type.

Pre requisite waver is shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Page 221: Comilla University

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set page are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of waver view .

Added waver(): This function are defined add waver insert waver and check validation

which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check Unique validation on waver name .

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Load the page of edit.php

function edit_waver() (): This function are using the waver edit mechanism same as

added waver controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_waver_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Page 222: Comilla University

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


function deleted_list()This method contains the deletelist. This data come to remove list

Table view.

Table control.


function getDataDeleted(): For remove list view if we delete data to grid view then data

comes to remove list this function contain the mechanism to sent data to remove list view.

Table view


function mainDeleteAll(): Delete permanent from remove list.

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Page 223: Comilla University

Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function waver_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

Page 224: Comilla University

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function student_info($id): This function defined the procedure select all information of

the specific student via using individual Id.

Page 225: Comilla University


add_.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit program

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to academic/ waver/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

academic/ waver/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

academic/ waver/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to

send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request academic/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Waver table columns view from database.

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Page 227: Comilla University


This page are using to add scholarship to the edit or delete and search scholarship in the

below of page defined code scholarship description and some function or method which are

using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: scholarship.php

Model scholarship_model.php

View: scholarship



Index.php (Folder are using some Ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 228: Comilla University



function scholarship(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model scholarship_model.php of this scholarship controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add scholarship click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example scholarship_model and getAll() function called to

retrieve Master Waiver list and check the status 1.

Pagination some common

Check amount type.

Pre requisite scholarship is shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Page 229: Comilla University

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set page are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of scholarship view .

Added scholarship(): This function are defined add scholarship insert scholarship and

check validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check Unique validation on scholarship name .

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Load the page of edit.php

function edit_scholarship() (): This function are using the scholarship edit mechanism

same as added scholarship controller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_scholarship_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Page 230: Comilla University

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


function deleted_list()This method contains the deletelist. This data come to remove list

Table view.

Table control.


function getDataDeleted(): For remove list view if we delete data to grid view then data

comes to remove list this function contain the mechanism to sent data to remove list view.

Table view


function mainDeleteAll(): Delete permanent from remove list.

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Page 231: Comilla University

Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function scholarship_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to

the specific table.

Page 232: Comilla University

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function student_info($id): This function defined the procedure select all information of

the specific student via using individual Id.

Page 233: Comilla University


add_.php: This is the interface of add year the page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit program

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to academic/ scholarship/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request

academic/ scholarship/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

academic/ scholarship/mainDeleteall fire the action to the

controller to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request academic/year/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Scholarship table columns view from database.

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Page 235: Comilla University

Extra Course:


If students fail any subject then student take this course for next semester then need the sub module to add this extra subject for new semester at first select program batch and semester and level and given student Id then fire the function of getData() then retrieve the data list of course and course code and retrieve section here now describe which controller and model function using to do this operation here now describe the code level description




extra_course_model.php(Rename as Type_Model)


entry.php. details.php.

Page 236: Comilla University

Controller: extra_course.php

function Extra_course(): This function contain the mechanism of check session id is

set check authentic user permission to access the system and use this module and load

model of extra_course_model as Type_Model.php and defined call controller link and

main tab.

public function entry ():This function defined the mechanism to entry

breadcrum_tab_titleExtra Course and breadcrum_titleEntry and active tab Academic

and using filteStr is semester_id and load program name and get level info for drop down

to get value dynamic and get semester info and dynamic view of extra course/entry.

function loadCourseNo():This function define the mechanism load course no to the

temporary table at first check the form validation the form must not be empty this

checking applying and check student id and semester offer id from aca_semester_offer

student table and then semester offer id is checked is result publication status is 1 and

then delete the value user of aca_teacher_course_temp and then check the get List data

repeat function using offer id from Master_course and academic course table and retrieve

offer id semester match then value keep in array variable in this function define

$arrayData to the course name code and hour and etc that’s call in the array function in

the list and insert data to the aca_teacher_course_temp table with the data student id

semester offer id and userid program batch and level and semester course and course code

and call the config getData() function in controller to view data.

public function getData($offerId):This function defined the mechanism at 1st check and get user then applying in array student are offer to the semester student id semester offer id and course code and course name and get combo array data in the combo array variable from master section table program course in the match of and view as batch and section ascending orders. Getting batch from combo box its mechanism are defined form master batch table and course code and section print the table view of grid view.

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Model: Extra_course_model.php (define as Type_Model)

View: Detilas.php Entry.php

Page 238: Comilla University

Module Exam :Exam module here we will describe some code level description in module of exam here

some base controller and model and view using and which function and which controller and

model view are using for some operation purpose

Folder Structure: - Comilla _erperpcontroller.

Folder Structure: - Comilla _erperpModel.

Folder Structure: - Comilla _erperpview.

Folder Structure: - Comilla _erperpModules exam.

Root Controller:



Root Model:



Root View:

Page 239: Comilla University

Set UP:Basic Set up of exam module here we describe basic set up of exam module in code level


Exam Head :

This page are using to add exam_head to the edit or delete and search exam_head in the

below of page defined code exam_head description and some function or method which are

using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: exam_head.php

Model exam_head_model.php

View: exam_head




Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

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function exam_head(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model exam_head_model.php of this exam_head controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add exam_head click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from another table

model are using specify model say for example exam_head_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite exam_head is shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Page 241: Comilla University

Table control.

function getFilterDataS($keyword1 = "",$keyword2 =""): This function define the

mechanism to search if given kewword 1 means 1 option select department in the table of

exam head table department Id and check status 1 and another condition of exam head

table contain the course Id and the status is 1 then retrieve this department wise course

head list.pagination control .Retrieve the exam head table assigning data in the special

condition and print the insert data in the table view and retrieve data keep in

myenventory array as defines rows the data.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of exam_head view .

Added exam_head(): This function are defined add exam_head insert exam_headand

check validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check Unique validation on exam_head name.

Track the user who is added this exam type in the table of


function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Load the page of edit.php

Track the user who is added this exam type in the table of


Page 242: Comilla University

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_exam_head_name(): This function are using the exam_head edit mechanism

same as added exam_headcontroller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_exam_head_name_2 function using the model of year

Track the user who is edit this exam type in the table of


Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Track the user who is delete this exam type in the table of


Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Track the user who is delete all this exam type in the table of


Page 243: Comilla University

function deleted_list()This method contains the deletelist. This data come to remove list

Table view.

Table control.


function getDataDeleted(): For remove list view if we delete data to grid view then data

comes to remove list this function contain the mechanism to sent data to remove list view.

Table view


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

Track the user who is deleted this exam type permanently in the

table of Master_Exam_Log .

Page 244: Comilla University

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function exam_head_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to

the specific table.

Page 245: Comilla University

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function get_max_exam_head_id(): This function or model are using get max id from

Master exam_headhead table get max id using insert data using this function to retrieve

data from database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of


function check_course_name($course): This function define check course name from

exam head table check duplicate course name not assign to the exam head table which is

assign and create exam head in the past.

function check_course_name_2($course,$id): This function defined when edit the new

data when check the duplicate course name is never entry its ensure by using this


function getCourseName($id): This function helps to retrieve the course name from

master_course table.


add php: This is the interface of add Exam Head

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit exam head

details.php: This is the exam head details interface

Page 246: Comilla University

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to exam/ exam_head/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request exam/

exam_head/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

exam/ exam_head/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller

to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request exam/exam_head/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Page 247: Comilla University

Table View:Exam_head table columns view from database.

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Exam Routine:

Exam Routine:Exam_routine add to the program batch level semester and course section Routine type and program type day time campus building and floor and room by using this fields add or crate exam_routine temporary and save to final click by using this interface add create routine. Here code level definition of exam_routine create or exam_routine add and table view details view and delete and add purpose which controller and model function using to create this exam_routinein the below of the page its defined penetrate every function of model and controller.




exam_routine _model.php.


details.php entry.php index.php edit.php detail_Friday.php detail_routine.php.

Page 249: Comilla University

Controller: exam_routine.php

public function Exam_Routine(): This function contain the mechanism of check session id is set check authentic user permission to access the system and use this module and load model of exam_routine_model_2_model and its defined the rename of model Exam_Routine_Model.

function index(): This function contains the definition of control of table view or call the exam/exam_routine/get_View_Data/ pagination control and total row count which EXAM_TEMP_ROUTINE table calculate. Dynamic view of exam_routine/index

public function getData(): This function defined to retrieve insert data getExamRoutineList().

public function entry(): This function are using to get user from EXAM_TEMP_ROUTINE table control and view defined this function and create and cal drop down list and load and call created function getLevel and getSemester and getOptionAcademicProgram need to retrieve value.

public function getBatch(): This function defined the mechanism of retrieve batch from master batch table its program wise retrieve master batch table and change batch name also onchange event work section change which is define in getBatch function in controller.

function getSection(): This function defined the mechanism to retrieve section name from master_section table this table defined a section under the batch and batch under the program and call shows model function shows.php function getValue() whole of retrieve section name or id keep in array variable and then array variable as change row and print the section Id and name.

public function get_Course(): This function contain the mechanism the model of Exam_Routine_Model retrieve batch and get course list by the call function all_offer_course($semester_id, $program_id, $level_id, $batch_id.

public function getBuilding(): This function are using to the get data of building in this function public model function call getValue in this function retrieve the match of campus name id and building id match and retrieve the building name ascending orders which is saved under the campus and onchange event change floor

Page 250: Comilla University

public function getFloor(): This function are using the get Floor name match the value of campus, building cause when a floor save under a building and campus this function model function control the filtering data retrieve onchange event change room capcitty which is define this function.

public function getRoomCapacity():

public function save_temp_data(): This function describe and contain the mechanism to add data temporary table space at first load the library form validation function check the required fields and then add mechanism some input field keep in a specific custom own variable then whole variable in once array variable special which contain all of the variable name data and insert the value of Exam_Temp_Routine and save data to temporary table list.

public function save_master_data(): This function describe and contain the procedure at first track user who is try to add or create class routine in the temporary table list then user in array variable array special variable rename the name of rows then retrieve the value of from Exam_Temp_Routine and create a $cond variable program batch level and section and exam type and check data and data insert to Exam_Routine_Level and then insert data into Exam_Routine_Master Table and delete the value of Exam_Temp_Routine and then data control in table view.

Page 251: Comilla University

Model: exam_routine_model_2.php.

public function getSemesterOffer(): This model function define the procedure get semester offer to the batch level and semester and program get which program batch is offer to the semester retrieve data from Academic_Semester_Offer Table and get data to the specific condition.

function getExamRoutineList(): In this Model function are using to retrieve get Routine list from EXAM_TEMP_ROUTINE table and get program name from Master_Academic_Program and select batch course section from master table and of this Exam_Temp_Routine Table and order by Exam temp routine Id from temporary table.|||

function getRoutineList(): In this model function retrieve routine EXAM_ROUTINE_LEVEL Permanent table which data save master table and get program batch level and semester from master table join with exam routine level and get routine list.

public function getCampusName($id): Get campus name from campus table master table.

public function getBuildingName($id): Get campus name and building name from building table master table.

public function getFloorName($id) Get floor name from floor table master table.

View Entry.php Index.php Edit.php Details.php

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Table View:

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Marks Configuration :

This page are using to add marks configuration to the edit or delete and search marks

configuration in the below of page defined code marks configuration description and some

function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer

and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: marksconf.php

Model marksconf_option_model.php

View: marksconf





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

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function marksconf(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model marksconf_option_model.php of this marksconf controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add marksconf click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from another table

model are using specify model say for example marksconf_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite marksconf is shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Page 255: Comilla University

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of marksconf view .

Added marksconf(): This function are defined add marksconf insert marksconfand check

validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check Unique validation on marksconf name.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Load the page of edit.php

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_marksconf_name(): This function are using the marksconf edit mechanism

same as added marksconfcontroller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_marksconf_name_2 function using the model of year

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Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


function deleted_list()This method contains the deletelist. This data come to remove list

Table view.

Table control.


function getDataDeleted(): For remove list view if we delete data to grid view then data

comes to remove list this function contain the mechanism to sent data to remove list view.

Table view


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Page 257: Comilla University

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

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function marksconf_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function check_unq_option($option_name,$year)This function defined check unique

option and year name this function are using insert purpose.







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Table View:Marks configuration table columns view from database.

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Admit Card

Issue Admit Card

If admin want to issue admit card at first select Exam Type and select program name and

under the program batch will be available in the drop down list and select batch number and

select level and semester and load in this view of publish list here is the drop down input

fields to specify the getCourseInGrid() in the on change event in the down of the publish list

view page here specify ajax function to the directory to the

exam/issue_admit_card/publishList in the controller function here defined when whole select

complete then table grid view available if any student in this program batch and level and

semester view the student list here define the function publishlist() in the controller. Here

now describe which controller and model function using in the create admit card issue.


issue_admit_card.php function are using publishlistData()


issue_admit_card_model.php define as Admit_Card


publishedList.php index.php.

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Controller: issue_admit_card.php

function Issue_Admit_Card() In This function are using to check user authentication which user is now session set neither he is redirect to the log in page its mechanism defined this function here constructor is called where session mechanism is defined and load also model .

function publishlistData(): In this function are using the control the grid view and load the view page issue_admit_card/publishedList

public function getData($offerId="",$cond=0,$type = 0 ):In this function are using at first define and get student information using the call model function studentinfo() which function is already made to the model to retrieve students in and name.Define this function also action which type of admit card create Mid Term and final when user select exam type this data comes from those operation and get data via using studentinfo() function and keep students in array variable then print the table view as row variable call the table index and data transfer by Json Encode.

function active($id = 0,$type = 0 ) :In this function are using at 1st retrieve the data of ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT Id and also get SEMESTER_OFFER_ID in the variable of $offer_id and generate admit card GEN_ADMIT_CARD ->1 studenid =$type then Updtae the value ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT via using Id and get data ctr=base_url()."exam/issue_admit_card/getData/".$offer_id."/1"; then click to active.

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issue_admit_card_model.php define as Admit_Card

View: publishedList.php index.php.

Semester Result:Admin want to publish semester Result then need to pass some layer registration process complete then course offer to the students and student sign up this course which subject is offer to the students to the semester and teacher advising for this subject or batch or semester then if exam has passed then course teacher give their marks to the specific subject teacher given marks in her own panel which subject is assigning by admin if teacher published result then result come to the department head panel if he confirm then come to the result DEAN panel if he confirm then result come to the admin panel admin can hold result and publish result then student watch result in their own panel this is the semester result process now we describe semester result process teacher panel and Department Head Panel and DEAN Panel and admin panel sub module student result and if he publish result then student watch result now we describe code level description which controller model function are using to the develop this module exam result.






index.php marks_view.php marks_demo_pdf.php

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Controller: published_result.php

public function Published_Result(): This function contain the mechanism of check session id is set check authentic user permission to access the system and use this module and load model of published_result_model and its defined the rename of Published_Model.

function getBatch(): This function defined the mechanism of retrieve batch from master batch table its program wise retrieve master batch table and change batch name also onchange event work section change which is define in getBatch function in controller.

public function getData($sem_ofr_id = ''): This function are using to retrieve data get course by semester offer and keep in the variable $crsList and define this variable as $rows in array then print a table view course name and course code and $action variable remarks the call this function in controller exam/published_result/marks_view.|

public function loadCourseNo(): If user select program batch level and semester then load the subject for this batch level and semester then get the course which is offer to the semester in the upper function retrieve all course name and code then defined the get data function with concat the offer id this course for this semester

public function marks_view($semester_ofr_id = '', $course_no = ''): ): This function define the mechanism and contain the peramiter $section, and $course and get exam head and get getdetailsResult course and section name and load the view page published_result/marks_view'.

public function save_marks_data(): This function contain the when result is save then data save to update to ACA_SEMESTER_STUDENT_COURSE and if he save final then data come to the Alert Exam Table for Head of department confirm.

public function publishedSemresult(): This function define the publish result then change the IS_RESULT_PUBLISHED 1 status changed and update the value also ACADEMIC_SEMESTER_OFFER table change the fileds of IS_RESULT_PUBLISHED turn 1 then result are available to the student panel.

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Model: published_result_model.php

public function getCourseBySemOFRId($sem_ofr_id = NULL)

public function getOfferId($program_id,$batch_id,$level_id,$semester_id) function Exam_Published_Model()

View: marks_view.php index.php


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Teacher Panel:

Folder Description:ERPModulesTeacherControllerModelView

Mark Assign:If Teacher want to assign marks to the students which subject is assigning by admin which batch and section this panel retrieve data in the table here we are now describe code level description which controller and model function are using to retrieve data and teacher can give marks to this panel.






entry index mark_demo

Entry Marks:

Controller: attendance_mark.php

public function Attendance_Mark(): This function contain the attendance marks load model rename Marks_Model and check login authentication.

public function index(): This function contain get data which subject is assign or course this data come from get data function call this function this mechanism are done in the get data function and dynamic view of attendance marks/index view.

public function getData(): This function contain the mechanism of get data at first retrieve teacher user id and then keep this id in the variable and get this course program course tittle from using the model function getCourseByTeacherID()this teacher are advising which subject its define this model function and using the retrieve from

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ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN Table then the array variable contain the assign teacher via course this data and rename the data rows variable contain whole information which subject he is assign and course name section etc print table view.

public function entry($semester_ofr_id = '', $course_code = '',$section_id = ''): This function contain the get Semester Student By Teacher () with full information semester and dynamic view of attendance index page which given marks.

public function getGradeMarks(): This function check grade sheet marks marks combination and get feedback and letter grade and grade point which is defined is the model function cause model function are defined grade sheet and grade sheet details page retrieve data. Checking data which marks given by the teacher.

public function save_marks_data(): This function contain the when result is save then data save to update to ACA_SEMESTER_STUDENT_COURSE and if he save final then data come to the Alert Exam Table for Head of department confirm.

Model: attendance_mark_model.php

public function getCourseByTeacherID($teacher_id = NULL ): This model function are get course by teacher who is assigning in the admin panel for those course select aca_teacher_assign table And join MASTER_COURSE join also ACA_SEMESTER_STUDENT_COURSE and join also ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT, and join also ACADEMIC_SEMESTER_OFFER MASTER_ACADEMIC_PROGRAM and master section table and GROUP_BY('ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN.SECTION_ID,ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN.SEMESTER_OFFER_ID,ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN.COURSE_Id,ACA_TEACHER_ASSIGN.MAIN_TEACHER,MASTER_COURSE.COURSE_CODE,MASTER_COURSE.COURSE_NAME,ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT.PROGRAM_ID,MASTER_ACADEMIC_PROGRAM.PROGRAM_NAME,MASTER_SECTION.SECTION_NAME') and condition apply result publication status is 0 and aca_teacher_assign table fields main teacher id retrieve

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function getExamHead($course_id): This model function are using to get Exam head name via course Id.

public function getSemesterStudentByTeacherId($teacher_id, $semester_ofr_id, $program_id, $level_id, $semester_id, $batch_id, $course_code,$section_id):This function retrieve get student for teacher for this semester program batch in this model using and get whole student for this course to assign marks.

public function getGradeIno($total): This function contain the grade sheet master and grade sheet deatails retrieve the grade point minimum value and maximum marks its combine the result produces get grade ino total. Specify marks and specify grade this function are defined.

View: att_sheet.php. entry.php entry_3.php. index.php

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Table View:

When save data final then result come to the Alert Exam Table

Department Head Panel:

Department Head Approval:

If course teacher publish result and save to final then result come to the department Head Panel. For department Head Approval If he approves the result come to The faculty Dean Panel. Here now describe code level documentation are defined.

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View Marks:The publish result by course teacher then mark are view in this panel and he can modify result and approve to final here now describe the code level which model and controller function are using to confirm this page.




exam_published_model Define As Published_Model.php



Controller: result.php

function index():This function call the entry function.

function entry($id = NULL): This function track the user id and update the status.and get request data model function are called which subject come to the panel for final approve and laod the page published_result/allowed_list and click view marks to change anything.

public function marks_view($section_id = '', $course_id = ''): This function define the mechanism and contain the peramiter $section, and $course and get exam head and get getdetailsResult course and section name and load the view page published_result/marks_view'.

public function save_marks_data_1(): This function contain the mechanism if department head want change he can change any value which is updated to the table of ACA_SEMESTER_STUDENT_COURSE table and data redirect ti through the dean panel.

Model: exam_published_result.php Rename As Published_Model

function getRequestData($id): function getExamHead($course_id): function getdetailsResult($section_id, $course_id):This function retrieve the teacher

section and course wise

View: Allowed_list.php

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Dean Panel:

Dean Approval:

If course teacher publish result and save to final then result come to the department Head Panel. For department Head Approval If he approves the result come to The faculty Dean Panel if Dean approves result then result come to the admin panel and Semester Result Module if admin of Exam publish result then publish

View Marks:The publish result by department head then mark are view in this dean panel and he can modify result and approve to final here now describe the code level which model and controller function are using to confirm this page.




exam_published_model Define As Published_Model.php



Controller: result.php

function index():This function call the entry function.

function dean_view($id = NULL) This function track the user id and update the status.and get request data model function are called which subject come to the panel for final approve and laod the page published_result/allowed_list_dean and click view marks to change anything.

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public function marks_view_1($section_id = '', $course_id = ''): This function define the mechanism and contain the peramiter $section, and $course and get exam head and get getdetailsResult course and section name and load the view page published_result/marks_view'.

public function save_marks_data_1(): This function contain the mechanism if dean of the department want change he can change any value which is updated to the table of ACA_SEMESTER_STUDENT_COURSE table and data redirect ti through the dean panel.

Model: exam_published_result.php Rename As Published_Model

function getRequestData($id): function getExamHead($course_id): function getdetailsResult($section_id, $course_id):This function retrieve the teacher

section and course wise

View: Allowed_list_1.php Marks_view_1.php.

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Exam Module:

Student Report:

In this sub module here we can know the student report student semester result and student academic record student academic record marks and student academic progress this is student wise reporting and here some code level description of the student report which controller and model and function are using to produced this sub module.

Student Semester Result: Controller: exam/exam_report.php.function student_semester(). Model: exam_report_model.php.Rename As Exam_Model.php View : chs_student_semester.php.

Controller: Exam_report.php

public function index(): This function describes the call to the student_semester() which is contain the mechanism to extract the semester result via given student Id.

public function student_semester(): In this function describe and student post program batch semester level and given student Id Number then call the Exam report model getGRADINGINFO for grading information and get semester result via using this procedure and getSemstrRsltByStdID($program,$batch$level,$semester).and call the model function getAcademicRecordByStudID($student_id) and repopa array preserve the pdf mechanism.


public function getGRADINGINFO(): In this function contain retrieve the grade point from Exam_Marks_Option Table.

Public function getSemstrRsltByStdID($Program,$batch,$level, $Semester): In this function contain the procedure get result by student id via using program batch level and semester and from the table of ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT and join different table.

public function getAcademicRecordByStudID($student_id = NULL ):This function contains the record of procedure get student Academic record from ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT and join different table academic and different master table .

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View: student_semester.php(For final view with marks) chs_student_semester.php (Interface view of default Interface )

Student Academic Record: Controller: exam/exam_report.php.function academic_record() Model: exam_report_model.php.Rename As Exam_Model.php View : chs_student_semester.php.

Controller : Exam_report.php

public function index(): This function describes the call to the academic_record() which is contain the mechanism to extract the semester result and academic record via given student Id.

public function academic_record(): In this function describe given student Id Number then call the Exam report model getGRADINGINFO for grading information and get semester result via using this procedure and getAcademicRecordByStudID($student_id) .and call the model function.


public function getGRADINGINFO(): In this function contain retrieve the grade point from Exam_Marks_Option Table.

public function getAcademicRecordByStudID($student_id = NULL ):This function contains the record of procedure get student Academic record from ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT and join different table academic and different master table .

View: exam_report/academic_record exam_report/chs_academic_record

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Student Academic Record With Marks:

Controller: exam/exam_report.php.function academic_record_marks()

Model: exam_report_model.php.Rename As Exam_Model.php View : academic_record_marks.php,


Controller: Exam_report.php

public function index(): This function describes the call to the academic_record() which is contain the mechanism to extract the semester result and academic record via given student Id.

public function academic_record_marks() : In this function describe given student Id Number then call the Exam report model getGRADINGINFO for grading information and get semester result via using this procedure and getAcademicRecordByStudID($student_id) .and call the model function and dynamicView of academic_record_marks.php, exam_report/chs_academic_record_marks


Public function getGRADINGINFO(): In this function contain retrieve the grade point from Exam_Marks_Option Table.

public function getAcademicRecordByStudID($student_id = NULL ):This function contains the record of procedure get student Academic record from ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT and join different table academic and different master table get total marks and course wise marks from the table ACA_SEMESTER_STUDENT_COURSE this table get marks of subject wise.

View: academic_record_marks.php,


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Student Academic Progress:-

Controller: exam/exam_report.php.function academic_progress() Model: exam_report_model.php.Rename As Exam_Model.php

View : exam_report/acedemic_progress, exam_report/chs_academic_progress

Controller: Exam_report.php

public function index(): This function describes the call to the academic_record() which is contain the mechanism to extract the semester result and academic record via given student Id.

public function academic_record_marks() : In this function describe given student Id Number then call the Exam report model getGRADINGINFO for grading information and get semester result via using this procedure and getAcademicProgressByStudID_2($stud_id = NULL) .and call the model function and dynamicView of academic_record_marks.php, exam_report/chs_academic_record_marks


Public function getGRADINGINFO(): In this function contain retrieve the grade point from Exam_Marks_Option Table.

public function getAcademicProgressByStudID_2($stud_id = NULL) :This function contains the record of procedure get student Academic record from ACA_SEMESTER_OFFER_STUDENT CREDIT_EARNED and join different table academic and different master table get total marks and course wise marks from the table ACA_SEMESTER_STUDENT_COURSE this table get marks of subject wise.

View: exam_report/acedemic_progress,


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Event Mangament: Here some code level description of event management create event and mange event and manage notice which controller and model function are using to prepare this sub module.

Manage Event:

This page are using to add manage_event to the edit or delete and search manage_event in

the below of page defined code manage_event description and some function or method

which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model

and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: manage_event.php(File are using some ajax request say for

example delete or searching or save different purpose)

Model manage_event_model.php

View: entry.php








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function manage_event (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page

is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model manage_event_model.php of this manage_eventcontroller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add manage_eventclick Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example manage_event_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite manage_eventis shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Function add(): This function are defined and load the view page of manage_event view .

Function added(): This function are defined add manage_event insert manage_event

Page 280: Comilla University

Required validation of exists data check

Insert data to Event_Management.

Insert data to Event Notification.

Insert Data to Alert Event.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load..

function edit_manage_event_name(): This function are using the manage_event edit

mechanism same as added manage_eventcontroller.

Required check data are exists.

Edit &Update Event Management.

Edit & Update Event Notification.

Edit And Update Alert Exam.

Function delete(): Int this function defined the procedure at 1st load content id via using

delete event code and load the interface of adddata() and track the data of user name.

function close(): In this function defined the check status if check valid then event is

starting and or check status 2 then its layer of function or check the evetn is on


public function details($id): This function are using to the details of the event page.

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public function getTeacherDept(): This functionare using to get teacher via


public function getProgramBatch(): This function are using to retrieve to batch via

program wise.

protected function now_upload($photo): This function are using to upload photo


protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function

are defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

Model: Show_model.php

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Entry.php: This is the interface of add Even the page.

Edit.php Details.php



Table View:Manage Event table columns view from database.

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View Event:Here some code level description view event which controller and model function are using to prepare this content.

Controller: exam/manage_event/event_view.php public function

event_view():This function are using to view event and retrieve all event via the condition of date from Event_Management .

Model: Shows_model getvalue() function are using .

View: manage_event/event_view.php

Page 285: Comilla University

Manage Notice:

This page are using to add manage_noticeto the edit or delete and search manage_noticein

the below of page defined code manage_noticedescription and some function or method

which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model

and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: manage_notice.php

Model manage_notice_model.php

View: entry.php((File are using some ajax request say for example delete

or searching or save different purpose)








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function manage_notice(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page

is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model manage_notice_model.php of this manage_noticecontroller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add manage_noticeclick Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example manage_notice_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite manage_noticeis shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Function add(): This function are defined and load the view page of manage_notice view .

Function added(): This function are defined add manage_noticeinsert manage_notice

Required validation of exists data check

Insert data to Event_Management.

Insert data to Event Notification.

Insert Data to Alert Event.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

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Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load..

function edited (): This function are using the manage_noticeedit mechanism same as

added manage_noticecontroller.

Required check data are exists.

Edit &Update Event Management.

Edit & Update Event Notification.

Edit And Update Alert Exam.

Function delete(): Int this function defined the procedure at 1st load content id via using

delete event code and load the interface of adddata() and track the data of user name.

function close(): In this function defined the check status if check valid then event is

starting and or check status 2 then its layer of function or check the evetn is on


public function details($id): This function are using to the details of the event page.

public function getTeacherDept(): This functionare using to get teacher via


public function getProgramBatch(): This function are using to retrieve to batch via

program wise.

protected function now_upload($photo): This function are using to upload photo


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protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function

are defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

Model: Show_model.php


Entry.php: This is the interface of add Even the page.

Edit.php Details.php



Table View:

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Table View:

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View Notice:Here some code level description view notice which controller and model function are using to prepare this content.

Controller: manage_notice/notice_view public function notice_view ():This

function are using to view event and retrieve all event via the condition of date from Notice_Management .

Model: Shows_model getvalue() function are using .

View: manage_notice/notice_view_report

Page 291: Comilla University

Human Resource Module: Human Resource module one of the major concern of Comilla University Enterprise

Resource Planning In this module we will describe the entire development process of

Programmer who need to customize or develop or add extra feature if he follow this code

level documentation its really help for his/her.Which folder and which module are using and

which controller and model and view are using we are now describe the folder sturucture.

Comilla _erperpModuleshr(Human Resource)ControllerModelView


Configuration need to basic set up to this Module in this sub module I will describe the basic set up process of code level description which function are using in the Human Resource Controller and model.


This page are using to add section to the edit or delete and search section in the below of

page defined code section description and some function or method which are using which

purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view

are using this is defined.

Controller: section.php

Model section_model.php

View: section





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 292: Comilla University



function section(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model section_model.php of this section controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add section click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example section_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite section is shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

Page 293: Comilla University

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of section view here

this interface add section.

Added section(): This function are defined add section insert section and check validation

which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_section (): This function are using the section edit mechanism same as

added section controller.

Page 294: Comilla University

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_section_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Page 295: Comilla University

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

Page 296: Comilla University



function section_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function get_max_section_id(): This function or model are using get max id from Master

section head table get max id using insert data using this function to retrieve data from

database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of specific.

Page 297: Comilla University


entry.php: This is the interface of add section the page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit section.

details.php: This is the program details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to hr/ section/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request hr/

section/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

hr/ section/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to send


function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request hr/section/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Page 298: Comilla University

Table View:Section table columns view from database.

Sub Section:

This page are using to add sub_section to the edit or delete and search sub_sectionin the

below of page defined code sub_sectiondescription and some function or method which are

Page 299: Comilla University

using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: sub_section.php

Model section_model.php

View: sub_section



Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



Page 300: Comilla University

function sub_section(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model section_model.php of this sub_section controller.

Function index(): This function are using to the call show method or function.and ultimate if

aunthencticar aunthertic the user its default function to run this function.

function show: This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add sub_sectionclick Lightbox open.

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example section_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite sub_sectionis shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Page 301: Comilla University

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of sub_sectionview

here this interface add section.

Added sub_section(): This function are defined add sub_sub_sectioninsert sub_sectionand

check validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_sub_section(): This function are using the sub_section edit mechanism same

as added sub_sectioncontroller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_section_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Page 302: Comilla University

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Page 303: Comilla University

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function Designation_model (): This function are using and defined the connect to

the specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism.

Page 304: Comilla University

function get_max_designation_id(): This function or model are using get max id from

Master sub_sectionhead table get max id using insert data using this function to retrieve

data from database maximum id and use to generate new id check the db table of



entry.php: This is the interface of add sub_sectionthe page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit section.

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

Page 305: Comilla University

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to hr/ section/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request hr/

sub_section/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

hr/ sub_section/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to

send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request hr/section/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Sub_sectiontable columns view from database.

Page 306: Comilla University


This page are using to add hr_designation to the edit or delete and search hr_designationin

the below of page defined code hr_designationdescription and some function or method

which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model

and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: hr_designation.php

Model section_model.php

View: hr_designation/

Page 307: Comilla University



Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



function hr_designation(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page

is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model section_model.php of this hr_designation controller.

Function index(): This function are using to the call show method or function.and ultimate if

aunthencticar aunthertic the user its default function to run this function.

Page 308: Comilla University

function show: This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add hr_designationclick Lightbox open.

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example section_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite hr_designationis shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Page 309: Comilla University

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of hr_designationview

here this interface add section.

Function added (): This function is defined add sub_hr_designationinsert

hr_designationand check validation which is required fields and other mechanism check

unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edit_designation(): This function are using the sub_hr_designationedit

mechanism same as added hr_designationcontroller.

Check field Required validation.

Check Unique validation.

check_section_name_2 function using the model of year

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.

Page 310: Comilla University


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

Page 311: Comilla University

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function designation_Model(): This function are using and defined the connect to

the specific table.

function get_max_hr_designation_id(): This function are using to get hr designation id

from the table of HR_DESIGNATION


entry.php: This is the interface of add hr_designation the page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit designation.

details.php: This is the designation details interface

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to hr/ hr_designation/delete then fire this action.

Page 312: Comilla University

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request hr/

hr_designation/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

hr/ hr_designation/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller

to send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request hr/section/getFilter

function deleteList():This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll():This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList():This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method

hr/ hr_designation/resetFilter.

Table View:Hr_designation table columns view from database.

Page 313: Comilla University

Add Employee Type:

This page are using to add employee_type to the edit or delete and search employee_type in

the below of page defined code level description for employee_typed escription and some

function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer

and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: employee_type.php

Model employee_type_model.php

View: employee_type/



Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 314: Comilla University



function employee_type ():- This function are using and here is called constructor when the page

is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model section_model.php of this employee_type controller.

Function index():- This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add employee_typeclick Lightbox open..

Page 315: Comilla University

Function get data():- This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example section_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite employee_typeis shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of employee_typeview

here this interface add section.

Function added (): This function is defined add sub_employee_typeinsert

employee_typeand check validation which is required fields and other mechanism check

unique name or id.

Page 316: Comilla University

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check Unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edited_employee_type() This function are using the employee_type edit

mechanism same as added employee_type controller.

Check field required validation.

Check unique validation.

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control mechanism.

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.

Page 317: Comilla University


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

Page 318: Comilla University



function EMPLOYEE_TYPE_Model() : This function are using and defined the

connect to the specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function get_max_employee_type_id(): In this function define the mechanism get max

sub section id from Hr_Employee_type table


entry.php: This is the interface of add employee_type the page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit employee_type.

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

Function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to hr/ employee_type/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request hr/

employee_type/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

hr/ employee_type/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller

to send request.

Page 319: Comilla University

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request hr/section/getFilter

Function deleteList(): This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll(): This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList(): This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method

hr/ employee_type/resetFilter.

Table View:Employee_type table columns view from database.

Page 320: Comilla University

Add Name Tittle:

This page are using to add titel to the edit or delete and search titel in the below of page

defined code level description for titeld escription and some function or method which are

using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: titel.php

Model titel_model.php

View: titel/



Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 321: Comilla University



function titel ():- This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model tittle_model.php of this titel controller.

Function index():- This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add titelclick Lightbox open..

Function get data():- This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example tittle_model.

Pagination some common

Page 322: Comilla University

Pre requisite titelis shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of titelview here this

interface add section.

Function added (): This function is defined add sub_titelinsert titeland check validation

which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check unique validation.

Page 323: Comilla University

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edited_titel() This function are using the titel edit mechanism same as added

titel controller.

Check field required validation.

Check unique validation.

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control mechanism.

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Page 324: Comilla University

Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll():This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE):This function are

defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function TITEL_Model() : This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function get_max_master_name_id() In this function define the mechanism get max sub

section id from Master_Name_Tittle table

Page 325: Comilla University


entry.php: This is the interface of add titel the page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit titel.

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

Function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to hr/ titel/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request hr/

titel/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

hr/titel/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to send


Page 326: Comilla University

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request hr/section/getFilter

Function deleteList(): This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll(): This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList(): This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Titel table columns view from database.

Page 327: Comilla University

Add Maritial Status:

This page are using to add marital_statusto the edit or delete and search marital_statusin the

below of page defined code level description for marital_statusd escription and some

function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer

and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: marital_status.php

Model marital_status_model.php

View: marital_status/



Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 328: Comilla University



function marital_status():- This function are using and here is called constructor when the page

is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model marital_status_model.php of this marital_status controller.

Function index():- This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add marital_status click Lightbox open..

Function get data():- This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example marital_status_model.

Pagination some common

Page 329: Comilla University

Pre requisite marital_statusis shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of marital_statusview

here this interface add section.

Function added (): This function is defined add sub_marital_statusinsert marital_status

and check validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or


Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check unique validation.

Page 330: Comilla University

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edited_marital_status() This function are using the marital_statusedit mechanism

same as added marital_statuscontroller.

Check field required validation.

Check unique validation.

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control mechanism.

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Page 331: Comilla University

Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll(): This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE): This function

are defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function MARITAL_STATUS_Model() : This function are using and defined the

connect to the specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage): This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

get_max_master_marital_id(): In this function define the mechanism get max sub section

id from Master_Name_Marital_status table

Page 332: Comilla University


entry.php: This is the interface of add marital_statusthe page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit marital_status.

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

Function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to hr/ marital_status/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request hr/

marital_status/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

hr/marital_status/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to

send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request hr/section/getFilter

Function deleteList(): This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll(): This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

Page 333: Comilla University

function mainList(): This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Table View:Marital_status table columns view from database.

Page 334: Comilla University

Add Weekend:

This page are using to add weekend to the edit or delete and search weekendin the below of

page defined code level description for weekendd escription and some function or method

which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model

and controller and view are using this is defined.

Controller: weekend.php

Model weekend_model.php

View: weekend/



Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 335: Comilla University



function weekend ():- This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model weekend_model.php of this weekend controller.

Function index():- This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add weekend click Lightbox open..

Function get data():- This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example weekend_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite weekendis shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Page 336: Comilla University

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of weekendview here

this interface add section.

Function added (): This function is defined add sub_weekendinsert weekend and check

validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

Page 337: Comilla University

function edited_weekend() This function are using the weekendedit mechanism same as

added weekendcontroller.

Check field required validation.

Check unique validation.

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control mechanism.

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Page 338: Comilla University

Table control.

Function main deletealll(): This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE): This function

are defined common page layout and control the design of the page.



function WEEKEND_Model() :- This function are using and defined the connect to

the specific table.

function get_all($cond = '', $start, $perPage):- This function are using select data from

other table this defined those mechanism

function get_max_weekend_id():- In this function define the get data maximum number

of Id from HR_WEEKEND Table.

Page 339: Comilla University


entry.php: This is the interface of add weekendthe page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit weekend.

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

Function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to hr/ weekend/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request hr/

weekend/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

hr/weekend/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to send


function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request hr/section/getFilter

Function deleteList(): This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll(): This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList(): This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Page 340: Comilla University

Table View:Weekendtable columns view from database.

Page 341: Comilla University

Provident Fund:

This page are using to add provident fund to the edit or delete and search provident fund the

below of page defined code level description for provident fund description and some

function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer

and which model and controller and view are using this is defined.

Controller: pf_config.php

Model pf_config_model.php

View: pf_config/



Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 342: Comilla University



function pf_config ():- This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model pf_config_model.php of this pf_config controller.

Function index():- This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add pf_config click Lightbox open..

Function add(): This function are defined and load the view page of pf_configview here

this interface add section.

Function added (): This function is defined add sub_pf_configinsert pf_config and check

validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check unique validation.

Track the who is added this MASTER_HR_LOG table

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.This function are using the

pf_configedit mechanism same as added pf_configcontroller.

Page 343: Comilla University

Check field required validation.

Load edit page .

Track the who is edited this MASTER_HR_LOG table




entry.php: This is the interface of add pf_configthe page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit pf_config.

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

Function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to hr/ pf_config/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request hr/

pf_config/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

hr/pf_config/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to

send request.

function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request hr/section/getFilter

Function deleteList(): This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll(): This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList(): This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method

Page 344: Comilla University


Table View:Pf_configtable columns view from database.

Page 345: Comilla University

Add Bank:

This page are using to add bank to the edit or delete and search bank in the below of page

defined code level description for bank description and some function or method which are

using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: bank.php

Model bank_model.php

View: bank/



Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 346: Comilla University



function bank():- This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model bank_model.php of this bank controller.

Function index():- This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add bank click Lightbox open..

Function get data():- This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example bank_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite bankis shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Page 347: Comilla University

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of bankview here this

interface add section.

Function added (): This function is defined add sub_bankinsert bank and check validation

which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edited_bank() This function are using the bankedit mechanism same as added


Check field required validation.

Check unique validation.

Page 348: Comilla University

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control mechanism.

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll(): This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE): This function

are defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

Page 349: Comilla University



function BANK_Model() : This function are using and defined the connect to the

specific table.

function get_max_bank_id() In this function define the mechanism get max sub section

id from HR_Bank table

Page 350: Comilla University


entry.php: This is the interface of add bankthe page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit bank.

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

Function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to hr/ bank/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request hr/

bank/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

hr/bank/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to send


function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request hr/section/getFilter

Function deleteList(): This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll(): This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList(): This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Page 351: Comilla University

Table View:Bank table columns view from database.

Page 352: Comilla University

Add Campus Information:

This page are using to add campus to the edit or delete and search campus in the below of

page defined code level description for campus description and some function or method

which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model

and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: campus.php

Model campus_model.php

View: campus/



Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)

Page 353: Comilla University



function campus():- This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model campus_model.php of this campus controller.

Function index():- This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add campus click Lightbox open..

Function get data():- This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example campus_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite campusis shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Page 354: Comilla University

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of campusview here

this interface add section.

Function added (): This function is defined add sub_campusinsert campus and check

validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check unique validation.

function edit($id): This function contains the mechanism of edit .and request to model and

send the data to edit program and load the data page of view.

Load edit page

Function Details($id): This function contains the mechanism and defined the details of the

year and send data to details page of view and 1st load.

Load details page.

function edited_campus() This function are using the campusedit mechanism same as

added campuscontroller.

Check field required validation.

Check unique validation.

Page 355: Comilla University

Function delete(): This function are defined data are delete and this is not permanent if

user delete data then data come to remove list and cause function delete method not

Model function using update active record query

Pagination very common in every function

Table control mechanism.

Function deleteall():This function contains the deleteall data from table mechanism but

data not permanent deleted.

Table view.

Table control.


Function deletelist():This method contains the deletelist.

Table view.

Table control.


Function restoreall(): This function contains the restore all mechanism the developer

defined function how to restore data from deletelist.


Table view

Table control.

Get data deleted(): This method are defined remove list view. After deleted data view the



Table view

Table control.

Function main deletealll(): This function contains the mechanism of permanent delete data

from database


Table view

protected function _commonPageLayout($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE): This function

are defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

Page 356: Comilla University



function CAMPUS_Model() : This function are using and defined the connect to

the specific table.

function get_max_campus_id() In this function define the mechanism get max sub

section id from HR_CAMPUS table

Page 357: Comilla University


entry.php: This is the interface of add campusthe page.

Edit.php: This is the interface of edit campus.

Index.php: Index file contains the some jQuery ajax function which are

using send data to the database without reloading the server and this is the

mechanism of exchange data to the server

Function checkall(): are using to select checkbox

Function confirmSubmit(id ): this function are using if user want

to delete data then action will happen if he click ok. Then data

come to hr/ campus/delete then fire this action.

function deleteAll(): to delete all record then ajax request hr/

campus/deleteall function will action

function mainDeleteAll(): This function are defined of jQuery if

delete permanently from this page then request send to jQuery

hr/campus/mainDeleteall fire the action to the controller to send


function searchContent(val): This function are using to search

data and send via jQery ajax request hr/section/getFilter

Function deleteList(): This function are using to send the data

deletelist if user delete data from main list this is the mechanism.

function restoreAll(): This function are using to restore data from

deletelist then send the request via jquery and the method of ajax

request its using the if data will restore again

function mainList(): This method are using to user want to watch

main list then request send to jQuery ajax method


Page 358: Comilla University

Table View:Campus table columns view from database.

Page 359: Comilla University

Employee Information:

Employee Information this is the basic set up of employee information module of Human Resource (HR) I will describe the basic employee information process of code level description which function are using in the Human Resource Controller and model.

Personal Information:This page are using to add personal information to the edit or delete and search personal

information in the below of page defined code level personal information description and

some function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software

developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: personal.php

Model personal_model.php

View: personal



Controller: personal.php

function section(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model personal_model of this personal controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

Function getDepertment(): This function contain the mechanism get department for drop

down list from the master department table.

function getSubSection(): This function conatain the mechanism to get sub section for

drop down list from the HR_Sub_Section table.

function getSubDesignation(): This function conatain the mechanism to get

getSubDesignation for drop down list from the HR_DESIGNATION table.

Page 360: Comilla University

function add(): This function load and call the view page and entry which page we are

using to add information.Get and load maritial status and call faculty information, get and

call section and call the function get gender and final view of the page of view


function added(): This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the data

table.Form validation checking and get max id for insert purpose

get_max_personal_employee_id for insert data and track the user who is operation to the

page MASTER_HR_LOG table.

protected function now_upload(): This function are using only the access child class this

photo add mechanism using library.

Model: Personal_model.php. Shows_model.php.

function Personal_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_personal_employee_id(): Get max id to the employee HR_PERSONALINFO from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 361: Comilla University

Table:This is table view of Emploee Information

Page 362: Comilla University

Family Information:This page are using to add family information to the edit or delete and search family

information in the below of page defined code level family information description and some

function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer

and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: family.php

Model family_model.php

View: family



Controller: family.php

function family(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model family_model of this family controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

function add(): This function load and call the view page and entry and final view of the

page of view family/entry.

function added(): This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the data

table.Form validation checking and get max id for insert purpose

get_max_family_employee_id for insert data and track the user who is operation to the

page MASTER_HR_LOG table.

function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit family

information via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee id from the table

HR_Family Table.

Page 363: Comilla University

function update():This function are using to update the data to the data table.

Model: Family_model.php. Shows_model.php.

function family_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_family_employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Family from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Table View:

Page 364: Comilla University

Communication:This page are using to add communication information to the edit or delete and search

communication information in the below of page defined code level communication

information description and some function or method which are using which purpose this is

defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is


Controller: communication.php

Model communication_model.php

View: communication



Controller: communication.php

function Communication (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page

is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model communication_model of this communication controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

function add(): This function load and call the view page and entry and final view of the

page of view communication/entry.

function added(): This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the data

table.Form validation checking and get max id for insert purpose

get_max_communication_employee_id for insert data and track the user who is operation

to the page MASTER_HR_LOG table.

function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit

communication information via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee

id from the table HR_Communication Table.

Page 365: Comilla University

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table


Model: Communication_model.php. Shows_model.php.

function communication_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_communication_employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Communication from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Table View:

Page 366: Comilla University

Education:This page are using to add education information to the edit or delete and search education

information in the below of page defined code level education information description and

some function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software

developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: education.php

Model:-communication_model.php Rename as C_Model.

View: education





Controller: education.php

function Education (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model education_model of this education controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

function add1($idno = NULL) This function load and call the view page and entry and

final view of the page of view education/entry.

function add_temp() This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the

Temporary table view data table.Form validation checking and data are save to the

temporary table HR_EDUCATION_TEMP Table.

Page 367: Comilla University

function save(): This function are using to the data are final save by using this function get

data from temporary table and insert final save data to the master table

HR_EDUCATION and also track the user who is added to the education information

cause this is admin of Hr Level work different type of admin and other user can add and


function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit

education information via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee id

from the table HR_Education Table.

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table


function delete($id = NULL, $employee_id = NULL): This function are using delete this

value from HR_EDUCATION_TEMP and redirect to the page and redirect to the page


Model: Communication_model.php. Shows_model.php.

function education_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_education_employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Education from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 368: Comilla University

Table View:Table view of HR_Commucincation Table

Service Record:This page are using to add service information to the edit or delete and search service

information in the below of page defined code level service information description and some

function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer

and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: service.php

Model:-communication_model.php Rename as C_Model.

View: service





Controller: service.php

function Service (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model service_model of this service controller.

Page 369: Comilla University

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

function add1($idno = NULL) This function load and call the view page and entry and

final view of the page of view service/entry.

function add_temp() This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the

Temporary table view data table.Form validation checking and data are save to the

temporary table HR_SERVICE_TEMP Table.

function save(): This function are using to the data are final save by using this function get

data from temporary table and insert final save data to the master table HR_SERVICE

and also track the user who is added to the service information cause this is admin of Hr

Level work different type of admin and other user can add and modify.

function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit service

information via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee id from the table

HR_Service Table.

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table


function delete($id = NULL, $employee_id = NULL): This function are using delete this

value from HR_SERVICE_TEMP and redirect to the page and redirect to the page


Model: Communication_model.php. Shows_model.php.

Page 370: Comilla University

function service_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_service_employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Service from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Table View:Table view of HR_Service Table

Page 371: Comilla University

Referances Information:This page are using to add reference information to the edit or delete and search reference

information in the below of page defined code level reference information description and

some function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software

developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: reference.php

Model reference_model.php

View: reference



Controller: reference.php

function Reference (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model reference_model of this reference controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

Function getDepertment(): This function contain the mechanism get department for drop

down list from the master department table.

function add(): This function load and call the view page and entry and final view of the

page of view reference/entry.

Page 372: Comilla University

function added(): This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the data

table.Form validation checking and get max id for insert purpose

get_max_reference_employee_id for insert data and track the user who is operation to the

page MASTER_HR_LOG table.

function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit

reference information via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee id

from the table HR_Reference Table.

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table


Model: Reference_model.php. Shows_model.php.

function reference_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_reference_employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Reference from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 373: Comilla University

Table View:

Training Information:This page are using to add training information to the edit or delete and search training

information in the below of page defined code level training information description and

some function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software

developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: training.php

Model: personal_model.php

View: training



Controller: training.php

function Training (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model training_model of this training controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

Page 374: Comilla University

function add(): This function load and call the view page and entry and final view of the

page of view training/entry.

function added(): This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the data

table.Form validation checking and get max id for insert purpose

get_max_training_employee_id for insert data and track the user who is operation to the

page MASTER_HR_LOG table.

function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit

training information via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee id from

the table HR_Training Table.

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table


Model: personal_model.php Shows_model.php.

function training_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_training_employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Training from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 375: Comilla University

Research Publicatiion Information:This page are using to add publication information to the edit or delete and search

publication information in the below of page defined code level publication information

description and some function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by

the software developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: publication.php

Model: Communication_model.php

View: publication



Controller: publication.php

function Publication (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model publication_model of this publication controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

Page 376: Comilla University

function add(): This function load and call the view page and entry and final view of the

page of view publication/entry.

function added(): This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the data

table.Form validation checking and get max id for insert purpose

get_max_publication_employee_id for insert data and track the user who is operation to

the page MASTER_HR_LOG table.

function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit

publication information via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee id

from the table HR_Publication Table.

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table


Model: Communication _model.php Shows_model.php.

function publication_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_publication_employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Publication from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 377: Comilla University

Research Conducted Information:This page are using to add research conducted information to the edit or delete and search

research information in the below of page defined code level research conducted research

information description and some function or method which are using which purpose this is

defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is


Controller: research.php

Model: Communication_model.php

View: research



Controller: research.php

function Research (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model research_model of this research controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

function add(): This function load and call the view page and entry and final view of the

page of view research/entry.

function added(): This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the data

table.Form validation checking and get max id for insert purpose

get_max_research_employee_id for insert data and track the user who is operation to the

page MASTER_HR_LOG table.

function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit

research information via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee id from

the table HR_Research Table.

Page 378: Comilla University

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table


Model: Communication _model.php Shows_model.php.

function research_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_research_employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Research from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 379: Comilla University

Seminar Information:This page are using to add participationin formation to the edit or delete and search Seminar

information in the below of page defined code level Seminar information description and

some function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software

developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: publication.php

Model: Communication_model.php

View: publication



Controller: publication.php

function Seminar (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model publication_model of this Seminar controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

function add(): This function load and call the view page and entry and final view of the

page of view publication/entry.

function added(): This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the data

table.Form validation checking and get max id for insert purpose

get_max_publication_employee_id for insert data and track the user who is operation to

the page MASTER_HR_LOG table.

function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit

Seminar information via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee id from

the table HR_Seminar Table.

Page 380: Comilla University

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table


Model: Communication _model.php Shows_model.php.

function publication_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_publication_employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Seminar from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 381: Comilla University

Fields of Research Interest:This page are using to add research_interest information to the edit or delete and search

research_interest information in the below of page defined code level research_interest

information description and some function or method which are using which purpose this is

defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is


Controller: research_interest.php

Model:-communication_model.php Rename as C_Model.

View: research_interest





Controller: research_interest.php

function Research_interest (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the

page is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is

constructor is called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then

apply any type of operation and load the model research_interest_model of this research_interest


Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

function add1($idno = NULL) This function load and call the view page and entry and

final view of the page of view research_interest/entry.

function add_temp() This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the

Temporary table view data table.Form validation checking and data are save to the

temporary table HR_RESEARCH_INTEREST_TEMP Table.

Page 382: Comilla University

function save(): This function are using to the data are final save by using this function get

data from temporary table and insert final save data to the master table

HR_RESEARCH_INTEREST and also track the user who is added to the

research_interest information cause this is admin of Hr Level work different type of

admin and other user can add and modify.

function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit

research_interest information via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee

id from the table HR_Research_interest Table.

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table


function delete($id = NULL, $employee_id = NULL): This function are using delete this

value from HR_RESEARCH_INTEREST_TEMP and redirect to the page and redirect to

the page hr/research_interest/add1.

Model: Communication_model.php. Shows_model.php.

function research_interest_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_research_interest_employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Research_interest from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 383: Comilla University

Prize And Honurs:This page are using to add prize information to the edit or delete and search prize

information in the below of page defined code level prize information description and some

function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer

and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: prize.php

Model:-communication_model.php Rename as C_Model.

View: prize





Controller: prize.php

function Prize (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model prize_model of this prize controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

function add1($idno = NULL) This function load and call the view page and entry and

final view of the page of view prize/entry.

function add_temp() This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the

Temporary table view data table.Form validation checking and data are save to the

temporary table HR_PRIZE_TEMP Table.

Page 384: Comilla University

function save(): This function are using to the data are final save by using this function get

data from temporary table and insert final save data to the master table HR_PRIZE and

also track the user who is added to the prize information cause this is admin of Hr Level

work different type of admin and other user can add and modify.

function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit prize

information via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee id from the table

HR_Prize Table.

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table HR_PRIZE

function delete($id = NULL, $employee_id = NULL): This function are using delete this

value from HR_PRIZE_TEMP and redirect to the page and redirect to the page


Model: Communication_model.php. Shows_model.php.

function prize_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_prize_employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Prize from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 385: Comilla University

Table View:

Page 386: Comilla University

Patent Registration:This page are using to add patent information to the edit or delete and search patent

information in the below of page defined code level patent information description and some

function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer

and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: patent.php

Model:-communication_model.php Rename as C_Model.

View: patent





Controller: patent.php

function Patent (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded

to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model patent_model of this patent controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

function add1($idno = NULL) This function load and call the view page and entry and

final view of the page of view patent/entry.

function add_temp() This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the

Temporary table view data table.Form validation checking and data are save to the

temporary table HR_PATENT_TEMP Table.

Page 387: Comilla University

function save(): This function are using to the data are final save by using this function get

data from temporary table and insert final save data to the master table HR_PATENT and

also track the user who is added to the patent information cause this is admin of Hr Level

work different type of admin and other user can add and modify.

function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit patent

information via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee id from the table

HR_Patent Table.

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table


function delete($id = NULL, $employee_id = NULL): This function are using delete this

value from HR_PATENT_TEMP and redirect to the page and redirect to the page


Model: Communication_model.php. Shows_model.php.

function patent_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_patent_employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Patent from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 388: Comilla University

Table View:

Page 389: Comilla University

Transfer Of Technology Registration:This page are using to add technologyinformation to the edit or delete and search

technologyinformation in the below of page defined code level technologyinformation

description and some function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by

the software developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: Technology.php

Model:-communication_model.php Rename as C_Model.

View: patent





Controller: technology.php

function Technology(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model patent_model of this technology controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

function add1($idno = NULL) This function load and call the view page and entry and

final view of the page of view patent/entry.

function add_temp() This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the

Temporary table view data table.Form validation checking and data are save to the

temporary table HR_PATENT_TEMP Table.

Page 390: Comilla University

function save(): This function are using to the data are final save by using this function get

data from temporary table and insert final save data to the master table

HR_TECHNOLOGYand also track the user who is added to the technologyinformation

cause this is admin of Hr Level work different type of admin and other user can add and


function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit

technologyinformation via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee id

from the table HR_TechnologyTable.

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table


function delete($id = NULL, $employee_id = NULL): This function are using delete this

value from HR_Technology_TEMP and redirect to the page and redirect to the page


Model: Communication_model.php. Shows_model.php.

function communciation_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_technolgy_employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Technologyfrom the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 391: Comilla University

Table View:

Page 392: Comilla University

Extra Curriculmn Activities :This page are using to add extra_activitiesinformation to the edit or delete and search

extra_activitiesinformation in the below of page defined code level

extra_activitiesinformation description and some function or method which are using which

purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and controller , and view

are using this is defined.

Controller: Extra_activities.php

Model:-communication_model.php Rename as C_Model.

View: patent





Controller: extra_activities.php

function Extra_activities (): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page

is loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model patent_model of this extra_activities controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

function add1($idno = NULL) This function load and call the view page and entry and

final view of the page of view patent/entry.


Page 393: Comilla University

function save(): This function are using to the data are final save by using this function get

data from temporary table and insert final save data to the master table

HR_EXTRA_ACTIVITIESand also track the user who is added to the

extra_activitiesinformation cause this is admin of Hr Level work different type of admin

and other user can add and modify.

function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit

extra_activitiesinformation via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee

id from the table HR_Extra_activitiesTable.

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table


function delete($id = NULL, $employee_id = NULL): This function are using delete this


Model: Communication_model.php. Shows_model.php.

function communication_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_ extra_activities _employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Extra_activitiesfrom the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 394: Comilla University

Table View:

Page 395: Comilla University

Professional Affliation:This page are using to add affiliation information to the edit or delete and search

affiliationinformation in the below of page defined code level affiliationinformation

description and some function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by

the software developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: Affiliation.php

Model:-communication_model.php Rename as C_Model.

View: patent





Controller: affiliation.php

function Affiliation(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model patent_model of this affiliation controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

function add1($idno = NULL) This function load and call the view page and entry and

final view of the page of view patent/entry.

function add_temp() This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the

Temporary table view data table.Form validation checking and data are save to the

temporary table HR_PROF_AFFILIATION_TEMP Table.

function save(): This function are using to the data are final save by using this function get

data from temporary table and insert final save data to the master table

HR_AFFILIATION and also track the user who is added to the affiliationinformation

Page 396: Comilla University

cause this is admin of Hr Level work different type of admin and other user can add and


function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit

affiliationinformation via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee id

from the table HR_PROF_Affiliation Table.

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table HR_A

function delete($id = NULL, $employee_id = NULL): This function are using delete this

value from HR_PROF_Affiliation

Model: Communication_model.php. Shows_model.php.

function communication_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_ affiliation _employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Affiliation from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 397: Comilla University

Table View:

Page 398: Comilla University

Extra Assignment:This page are using to add assignment information to the edit or delete and search

assignmentinformation in the below of page defined code level assignmentinformation

description and some function or method which are using which purpose this is defined by

the software developer and which model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: Assignment.php

Model:-communication_model.php Rename as C_Model.

View: patent





Controller: assignment.php

function Assignment(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is

loaded to the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is

called and login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of

operation and load the model patent_model of this assignment controller.

Function index(): This function load and call the add function which contain the mechanism to

insert data to the user table.

function add1($idno = NULL) This function load and call the view page and entry and

final view of the page of view patent/entry.

function add_temp() This function contain the mechanism to add or insert data to the

Temporary table view data table.Form validation checking and data are save to the

temporary table HR_Extra_Assignment _TEMP Table.

function save(): This function are using to the data are final save by using this function get

data from temporary table and insert final save data to the master table

HR_ASSIGNMENT and also track the user who is added to the assignmentinformation

Page 399: Comilla University

cause this is admin of Hr Level work different type of admin and other user can add and


function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function contain the mechanism to edit

assignmentinformation via the getting id of the employee and retrieve the employee id

from the table HR_ExtraAssignmentTable.

function update(): This function are using to update the data to the data table


function delete($id = NULL, $employee_id = NULL): This function are using delete this


Model: Communication_model.php. Shows_model.php.

function communication_Model(): Function defined connect with table.

get_max_ assignment _employee_id: Get max id to the employee HR_Assignment from the table.

View: entry.php edit.php

Page 400: Comilla University

Table View:

Page 401: Comilla University

Present Head:

This page are using to add present Head to the edit or delete and search Department Head in

the below of page defined code assign description and some function or method which are

using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: assign.php

Model assign_model.php

View: assign





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



function assign(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded to

the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model assign_model.php of this assign controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Page 402: Comilla University

Add assign click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example assign_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite assign is shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

function getDepertment(): This method/function are using retrieve department list department

under the faculty.

Function getDepertmentList($faculty_id): Function are using to get department list via using

faculty id.

Function changeStatus(): This function are using to change status HR_Dept_Head table turn the

status of department head 0.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Page 403: Comilla University

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of assign view here

this interface add assign.

Added assign(): This function are defined add assign insert assign and check validation

which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check unique validation.

function deleteData(): This function are using to delete data to the HR_Dean control the

table grid view etc.

Protected function _commonPageLayout ($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE): This function

are defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

Page 404: Comilla University

Model: Communication_model.php C_Model.php Shows_model.php

function get_max_dep_head_id(): This function are using to get max department Head Id

via using this function this function check the maximum id in the HR_Dept_Head table

and get maximum id and generate a maximum id via using this function.




Table View:Assign table columns view from database.

Page 405: Comilla University

Present Dean:

This page are using to add present dean to the edit or delete and search dean of the faculty in

the below of page defined code dean description and some function or method which are

using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which model and

controller , and view are using this is defined.

Controller: dean.php

Model dean_model.php

View: dean





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



function dean(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded to

the request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and

Page 406: Comilla University

login user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation

and load the model dean_model.php of this dean controller.

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add dean click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example dean_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite dean is shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Function changeStatus(): This function are using to change status HR_Dept_Head table turn the

status of department head 0.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Page 407: Comilla University

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of dean view here this

interface add dean.

Function Added dean(): This function are defined add dean insert dean and check

validation which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check unique validation.

function deleteData(): This function are using to delete data to the HR_Dean control the

table grid view etc.

Protected function _commonPageLayout ($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE): This function

are defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

Model: Communication_model.php C_Model.php Shows_model.php

function get_max_dean_id(): This function are using to get max faculty dean Head Id via

using this function this function check the maximum id in the HR_Dean and get

maximum id and generate a maximum id via using this function.

Function insertData (): This function is defined in the show model and using this function

for global data save.

Page 408: Comilla University

Function deleteData: This function is defined in the show model and using this function

for global data delete.

Function updateData: This function are defined in the show model and using this function

for global data updated.




Table View:Dean table columns view from database.

Present VC:

This page are using to add present Vice chancellor to the edit or delete and search chancellor

of the university in the below of page defined code vc description and some function or

method which are using which purpose this is defined by the software developer and which

model and controller , and view are using this is defined.

Page 409: Comilla University

Controller: vc.php

Model vc_model.php

View: vc





Index.php (Folder are using some ajax request say for example

delete or searching or save different purpose)



function vc(): This function are using and here is called constructor when the page is loaded to the

request user at 1st this page ultimate run this function cause here is constructor is called and login

user check permission are here if valid user are session set then apply any type of operation and

load the model vc_model.php of this vc controller.

Page 410: Comilla University

Function index(): This function are using some type of control of this page ultimate view index

function it’s a default view given mechanism in index function.

Table view with data.

Load the dynamic view of index page defined function


Total data count means row.

Add vc click Lightbox open

Function get data(): This function or method are using to select and retrieve inserting or updating

data from database this function are using table view of data if data are comes from anther table

model are using specify model say for example vc_model.

Pagination some common

Pre requisite vc is shown or not shown mechanism

Edit delete option and

Table view reason for using this function.

Function changeStatus(): This function are using to change status HR_Dept_Head table turn the

status of department head 0.

Get filter(): This function are defined to the search data and some common definition are

here say for example search only the existing table field not relational table field.


getFilterData also defined

Table view control also does this function.

function getFilterData($keyword = ""): This function defined to the search data given

below of the input field from table view and retrieve data from table and check which

data status 1 and retrieve and check this type of data

Model called get all()

Pagination control mechanism defined.

Table control.

Reset Filter(): This function are defined to the if the set folder are reset when search is

completed and get data what user want if not get this options show empty.

Table control

Page 411: Comilla University


Row count mechanism

Function Entry(): This function are defined and load the view page of vc view here this

interface add vc.

Function Added vc(): This function are defined add vc insert vc and check validation

which is required fields and other mechanism check unique name or id.

Check Field required validation.

Data which person its record the log table

Check unique validation.

function deleteData(): This function are using to delete data to the HR_Vc control the

table grid view etc.

Protected function _commonPageLayout ($viewName, $cacheIt = FALSE): This function

are defined common page layout and control the design of the page.

Model: Communication_model.php C_Model.php Shows_model.php

function get_max_vc_id(): This function are using to get max faculty vc Head Id via using

this function this function check the maximum id in the HR_Vc and get maximum id and

generate a maximum id via using this function.

Function insertData (): This function is defined in the show model and using this function

for global data save.

Page 412: Comilla University

Function deleteData: This function is defined in the show model and using this function

for global data delete.

Function updateData: This function are defined in the show model and using this function

for global data updated.




Table View:Vc table columns view from database.

Teacher Panel:

Teacher panel are using individual teacher information other activites provide say for example course

registration to the student confirmation Mark assign to the specific course to the students and class

routine and exam routine and other activites here now describe code level description of teachers

panel which controller and model function are using to do this operation.

Page 413: Comilla University


My Profile:Controller:

profile.php family.php communication.php reference.php


profile_info_model shows_model.php(Function getValue() using to retrieve

multiple table data to the view and print details data)



Controller: profile.php.

function details(): This function contain the details view retrieve the data from personal info family info and education info and training info service info research info different type of table different option keep value in array variable and print the details of the specific array variable in the view page profile/emp_details page.

function edit_personal(): This function are using to the edit purpose to retrieve the page value section package level and package which is make in custom helper for the drop down list maritial staus and personal info retrieve data via using query and and retrieve also user who is now session

function update(): This function are using to update the employee information.



function edit_personal(): This function are using to the edit purpose to retrieve the page family info

function update(): This function are using to update the family information.

Page 414: Comilla University



function edit_personal(): This function are using to the edit purpose to retrieve the page commucation info

function update(): This function are using to update the commucation information.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. education/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Education table.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Service table.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Prize table.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Patent table.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Technology table.

Page 415: Comilla University



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Affiliation table.

Model: Shows_model.phpfunction getThisValue() Profile_info_model.php.

View: Emp_datails.php family/edit communication/edit Referance/edit.

Department Head Panel:

Department Head panel are using individual department head teacher information other activites

provide say for example course registration to the student confirmation Mark assign to the specific

Page 416: Comilla University

course to the students and class routine and exam routine and other activites here now describe code

level description of teachers panel which controller and model function are using to do this operation.


My Profile:Controller:

profile.php family.php communication.php reference.php


profile_info_model shows_model.php(Function getValue() using to retrieve

multiple table data to the view and print details data)



Controller: profile.php.

function details(): This function contain the details view retrieve the data from personal info family info and education info and training info service info research info different type of table different option keep value in array variable and print the details of the specific array variable in the view page profile/emp_details page.

function edit_personal(): This function are using to the edit purpose to retrieve the page value section package level and package which is make in custom helper for the drop down list maritial staus and personal info retrieve data via using query and and retrieve also user who is now session

function update(): This function are using to update the employee information.



function edit_personal(): This function are using to the edit purpose to retrieve the page family info

Page 417: Comilla University

function update(): This function are using to update the family information.



function edit_personal(): This function are using to the edit purpose to retrieve the page commucation info

function update(): This function are using to update the commucation information.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. education/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Education table.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Service table.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Prize table.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Patent table.



Page 418: Comilla University

function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Technology table.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Affiliation table.

Model: Shows_model.phpfunction getThisValue() Profile_info_model.php.

View: Emp_datails.php family/edit communication/edit Referance/edit.

Dean Panel:

Dean panel are using individual dean panel information other activites provide say for example

course registration to the student confirmation Mark assign to the specific course to the students and

Page 419: Comilla University

class routine and exam routine and other activites here now describe code level description of

teachers panel which controller and model function are using to do this operation.


My Profile:Controller:

profile.php family.php communication.php reference.php


profile_info_model shows_model.php(Function getValue() using to retrieve

multiple table data to the view and print details data)



Controller: profile.php.

function details(): This function contain the details view retrieve the data from personal info family info and education info and training info service info research info different type of table different option keep value in array variable and print the details of the specific array variable in the view page profile/emp_details page.

function edit_personal(): This function are using to the edit purpose to retrieve the page value section package level and package which is make in custom helper for the drop down list maritial staus and personal info retrieve data via using query and and retrieve also user who is now session

Function update (): This function is using to update the employee information.



function edit_personal(): This function are using to the edit purpose to retrieve the page family info

Page 420: Comilla University

function update(): This function are using to update the family information.



function edit_personal(): This function are using to the edit purpose to retrieve the page commucation info

function update(): This function are using to update the commucation information.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. education/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Education table.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Service table.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Prize table.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Patent table.



Page 421: Comilla University

function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Technology table.



function add_new(): Load the page of add new page. service/entry_form function added_new(): Its using to add data to the table HR_Affiliation table.

Model: Shows_model.phpfunction getThisValue() Profile_info_model.php.

View: Emp_datails.php family/edit communication/edit Referance/edit.

Back Human Resource Module 2:

Page 422: Comilla University

Employee List:

Employee List Controller :employee.php. Model: employee_model and shows_model.php. View: employee/employee_list.php.


Function index(): This function are using to load the show function and call also.

function show(): This function are using to control grid table view Total number of rows count by using this function.and dynamic view the page of employee/employee_list.php and call the get data function which function defined all data to the table view.

function getData(): This function are using to get data from HR_Persoanl _Info for view the employee list info keep data in array variable and get user from USER table and check employee type and designation and print the table view keep value in array then print.

function getFilterData($keyword = "", $keyword1 = ""): This function are using retrieve data via given keyword and also function are using to get data from HR_Persoanl _Info for view the employee list info keep data in array variable and get user from USER table and check employee type and designation and print the table view keep value in array then print.

function emp_details: This function contain the details view retrieve the data from personal info family info and education info and training info service info research info different type of table different option keep value in array variable and print the details of the specific array variable in the view page employee/emp_details page.

function edit($employee_id = NULL): This function are using to the edit purpose to retrieve the page value section package level and package which is make in custom helper for the drop down list maritial staus and personal info retrieve data via using query and and retrieve also user who is now session personal/edit

function update(): This function are using to update the employee information.

function deleteData(): This function are using to delete content track data master log table which is user deleted this content and finally delete this data.

Page 423: Comilla University

Model: shows_model.php employee_model.

View: employee/employee_list. employee/emp_details. Personal/edit.php.

Table View:

Page 424: Comilla University

VC List:Vc list here some code level representation how to retrieve the University VC List which controller and model function are using to done this page and view info of Vc List.

Controller: Assign.php. public function vc_list():Retrieve vc from the

table of HR_VC table and keep vc list in array variable name data

Model: Shows_model.php. Communication_model rename As C_Model.

View: vc_list.php.

Department Head List:

Department Head list here some code level representation how to retrieve the University Department Head List which controller and model function are using to done this page and view info of Department Head list view.

Controller: Assign.php. public function department_head():Retrieve

department head from the table of HR_DEPT_HEAD table and keep department head list in array variable name data

Model: Shows_model.php. Communication_model rename As C_Model.

View: department_head_list chs_department_head_list

Page 425: Comilla University


Monthly Report Individual:Attendance one of the major concern of University Manegement System.In HR Panel its one of the major sub module of the excute a a employee and and execute sellary and final report of attendance measure sellary of the employee its so much dependable by attendance system via using this sub module here some code level description which controller and model function are using and get data as view as html and which view is used to done this operation.






attendance/monthly_individual/report_form. attendance/monthly_individual/monthly_detail.

Controller: attendance.php.

public function monthly(): This function are prepare for at 1st view to the page of

attendance/monthly_individual/report_form this view page/output html page using given

employee id and other month and year to the given monthly individual attendance by

Human Resource admin.At first check form validation and given employee id and year

and month and finally dynamic view of the page


public function monthly_1($eid=NULL,$year=NULL,$month=NULL): This function

prepare for call year month and employee id and get employee id from HR_Perosnal

Info and dynmauc view the page of attendance/monthly_individual/monthly_detail and

call the dynamic view of the page.

Page 426: Comilla University

function update(): This function provide the mechanism and get attendance from HR_Attendance if previous record stay in table HR_Attendance table if new data changes updateValue and insert value HR Attenadance new data inserted.

Model: shows.php attenadance_model.php

View: Report_form.php. Monthly_detail.php.


Page 427: Comilla University

Manual Attendance:Manual Attendance if Admin Of Human Resource want to give attendance of the any type of

employee they need to using this panel here some code level description how developer

develop this sub module which controller mechanism he is using now we are describing in

the below of the page.




Attendance_model.php rename as A_Model.


manual_attendance/entry_form. manual_attendance/entry.

Page 428: Comilla University

Controller: manual_attendance.php.

Function index(): This function define the mechanism and call the array variable dynamic view of the page which load the view page manual_attendance/entry_form.php.

function add_manual_attendance(): This function defined and load the form validation and set rules to the form validation and run the form validation library file and also load the index function which is load the ultimate view page then action will happen and get value from HR_PersonalInfo employee type and faculty type and dynamic view of the page of manual_attendance/entry.php.

function added(): This function defined to the mechanism added manual attendance.

Model: attendance_model.php A_Model.php

View: Manual_attendance/entry_form. Manual_attendance/entry.

Page 429: Comilla University

Loan:Here some code level description loan which model and controller using to done this module here we describe code level definition of loan create a loan statement.






Entry.php Edit.php Details.php Index.php.

Page 430: Comilla University

Controller: Loan.php

function index(): This function prepare for table view call the db query result function retrieve all HR_Loan table and keep value of HR_Loan in array variable and dynamic view of the loan/index.php page.

function search (): This function use for to the search_content via using Given Employee_Id rename as $search_content and get value of employee id retrieve all loan list which he taken and dynamic view of the page loan/index table view of loan which is defined in view page getting retrieve value from controller and and via the model using controller.

Function add(): This function define and load the view page laon/entry.php.

function added(): This function prepare and use for the at 1st load the form validation library function and set rules and form validation run and get max id from P_Model and loan_model and array variable all information will preserve in $data variable and call to model function insert global model function insertdata()define table name and variable name to the operation to insert and also track information Hr_Master_Log.


loan_model.php reanam as P_Model.php. shows.php

function get_max_loan_id(): This function preapare for get max Id from HR_Loan Model and create a max id to the basic operation insert data.

Fucntion getnameByIfd(): This function prepare to show model and its use to get name by using id which table which fields require its specify.

Function getValue(): This function prepare in shows model which is using get value from table.

Page 431: Comilla University

View: Entry.php Edit.php Details.php Index.php


This page are using to view the table view of the page form action will occure hr/loan/search and define array variable which comes from controller function and print and all the value of getnameById() function.


This page is using to add data in the action of form hr/loan/added.

Page 432: Comilla University

Salary:A salary maintains and creates sellary for the specific month and creates sellary sheet and allowance bank statement and cash statement this sub module control mechiansm and code level flow how its work and how its develop its define by the programmer who develop this Enterprise Resource and Planning solution of the University Management System.

Create salary:Create salary for the month and year here now describe code level description which procedure and how to create salary for the month and year we are now describe which controller and model function are using to done this.







Page 433: Comilla University

Controller: Salary.php.

Public function add_salary(): This function are using to load the view page some page control procedure.

function added_salary(): This function are providing the facilities and using to the add salary via month and year and at 1st load the the form validation library and run form validation and call the function add salary().Year and month and define the month consist of day decorate with logic if and delete this value of HR_Salary.Define working hour and minites and extract its and get Gross Salary from and getvalue from HR_PersonalInfo and working hour id fixed and working hour minites are using in logic via using woking hour * 60 from attendance info we get in time and out time and this combination we get in_out_difference and total hour of a day those employee of the university and get present absence leave holiday weekend for the employee status and total day find and total month day these are subtract by totalworkingday-(weekend+holiday) this is counted by salary using day and consist of basic salary depends on gross salary % and house rent depends on basic salary % and medical salary depends on basic salary and total salary = basic+medical +houserent+otherallownace and other allowance is extract gross salary –(basic+house rent+medical ) and extract per day salary = total gross/total month day absent deduction is depend on the absent *perday salary and get allowance from HR_Allowanc table depend on allowance type and total deduction and total arrear type payable amount and net payable amount and total holday this are extract by using this function and all record are insert into HR_Salary table.which is find the value of variable and define via the month and year create a salary.

Model: salary_model.php show.php

Show Model

function deleteThisValue() function getValue() InsertData();



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Page 435: Comilla University

Salary Sheet:Salary sheet when create a salary then we get a salary sheet from HR_SALARY table and to view data as which employee salary sheet is created depend on employee attendance and other etc first of all he recorded as employee.Now define on how to develop this salary sheet which procedure are using to develop this sheet now code level definition are defined which model and controller and function are using.




Salary_model Show





Page 436: Comilla University

Controller: Salary.php

function index(): This function load the salary sheet view page and load also model.

function viewed_salary(): This function retrieve all salary list for the condition of the month and year and category type at first load the library of form validation and set rules year month category and run the index function which is defiend in the top of the code level of controller and input the value year month and category and retrieve query array variable get data via using gevalue() function get all value from HR_SALARY table and dynamic view the salary/salary_sheet when retrieve all record from HR_Salary table

Model: salary_model. Show model

View: salary/salary_sheet

Table View HR_SALLARY.

Page 437: Comilla University


Create allowance to the employee it describe in the below of the page here now defiend code level flow of the allowance which functionality and which controller and model function are using to done this allowance.




Show model


allowance/entry_form allowance/entry.php.

Table View:


Page 438: Comilla University

Controller: Allowance.php.

Function index (): This function defined and loads the page allowance/entry_form'.

function add_allowance(): T his function define the add_allowance to the specific allowance category and given year and month then at 1st load the library of form validation and run and set rules to the specific input fields which is require which is not require and when post input specific fields then dynamic data come from HR_Personalinfo and ultimate view of the page allowance/entry.

function added(): This function are preparing for added data to the data tables at 1st load the the library of form validation and laod and call the index function and given employee id and amount allowance type year and month then check the amount and employee from the table of HR_Allowance and insert data to HR_ALLOWANCE table. Redirect to allowance page hr/allowance

Model: show model

View: allowance/entry_form allowance/entry.php


Page 439: Comilla University

Bank Statement:Bank statement is the major concern of salary sub module the salary system which is applicable is the banking procedure or cash procedure we are now describe banking statement which model and controller function are using to done this bank statement.

Controller: Hr/salary/bank_statement

function bank_statement ():This function are define and load the page of salary/bank_statement_from.

function bank_statement_view() : This function are using to the add bank statement view which is retrieve value of of HR HR_SALARY if any employee want to take money via bank only these record are view.

Model salary_model. Show model

View: Bank_statement_form.php Bank_statement.php.


Page 440: Comilla University

Cash Statement:Cash statement is the major concern of salary sub module the salary system which is applicable is the Cashing procedure or cash procedure we are now describe Cashing statement which model and controller function are using to done this Cash statement.

Controller: Hr/salary/Cash_statement

function Cash_statement ():This function are define and load the page of salary/Cash_statement_from.

function Cash_statement_view() : This function are using to the add Cash statement view which is retrieve value of of HR HR_SALARY if any employee want to take money via Cash only these record are view.

Model salary_model. Show model

View: Cash_statement_form.php Cash_statement.php.


Page 441: Comilla University

Bonus:Bonus sub module here some description of code level documentation

Create Bonus:Create a bonus year month and bonus type means festival here some code level description given below.







Controller: hr/salary/add_bonus

function add_bonus(): This function are defined add_bonus and load the dynamic view of bonus/bonus_form

function added_bonus(): This function provide the facilities at first load the library of form validation and set rules and form validation run and run the add bonus() function when required fileds missing and year month and festival and delete this value of HR_BONUS table and getvalue() of HR_PERSONALINFO. In the Array variable keep on data to the employee and from those table and and get value of HR_PFCONFIG % info.Bonus amount depends on basic and bonus % and basic depends on gross salary and insert data to the data table HR_BONUS and other track information in the HR_MASTER_LOG table

Model: Salary_model.php

View: Bonus/bonus_form.php

Page 442: Comilla University

Bonus Sheet:Here we are describing bonus sheet some code level description are given below.

Controller: hr/salary/view_bonus. hr/salary/ viewed_bonus.

Model: Salary_Model.

View: bonus/view_form bonus/bonus_sheet.

Page 443: Comilla University


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