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 Colonel Miles Quaritch

•  Armies Are Evil: To be fair, the SecFors troops are a private security detail retained

by RDA, but many of the same aspects apply, and they are obviously meant to draw

parallels with Blackwater (now Xe).•  Authority Equals Asskicking: Cameron seems to have learned from Aliens; this time

the most badass Marine in the story is the Colonel commanding the security force.

•  Bad Ass: And how - at one point he grabs an automatic rifle from a subordinate, kicks

open a heavy steel airlock door into a very toxic atmosphere without an airmask to

pursue the fleeing protagonists, and fires off three mags while holding his breath. 

Later, he jumps out of a exploding giant gunship in a mech. And if that isn't enough,

remember that he jumped into the mech with his arm on FIRE and didn't seem to care.

Just saying his name makes you grow chest hair.

o  To say nothing of his backstory. On his first day on Pandora, he got his mask 

torn off and gets scratched and nearly killed by some giant Pandoran creature

and given that Everything Is Trying To Kill You, it obviously wouldn't havestopped there. He not only survives, but he even says he could have the scars

he took away from the encounter easily fixed, but opts to keep them as a

reminder of how deadly Pandora is.

•  Big Bad: The ultimate antagonist of the story, even taking all of Selfridge's power

over the mining.

•  Blood Knight: The good Colonel loves his job.

•  Colonel Badass: No one can deny that Colonel Miles Quaritch fits the bill. Though

meant to be a villain, he's truly a man among men. If only he'd been more trigger-

happy, he might have won. And there would have been much rejoicing. 

•  Colonel Kilgore: Of course. It helps that the character was based off him. Right down

to the casual coffee-drinking while leading an airstrike against the enemy base.

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•  Cool Airship: The C-21 Dragon Gunship. Also doubles as an Awesome Personnel

Carrier, ferrying a squad of AMP suits into battle.

•  Colonel Ripper 

•  Determinator: Quaritch never gives up, not even when he's on fire or doesn't have

breathable air . Nor when his entire army of marines are destroyed leaving him the

only one left.o  Not to mention this quote from The Other Wiki, regarding the possibility of a

sequel: "You think those two arrows in my chest are going to stop me from

coming back?"

•  The Dragon:

o  Dragon-in-Chief : Selfridge may be nominally in charge, but Quaritch is the

biggest threat, and by the end of the movie he's effectively calling all the shots

on the human side - and it's clear they both know it.

o  Humorously, The Dragon gunship, commanded by Quaritch, is the second-

largest ship in the bombing fleet, next to the Valkyrie. It also carries the

callsign "Papa Dragon."

•  A Father to His Men: He's seen as genuinely caring for his men right from the get gowith an impassioned speech of "It's my job to keep you alive...I will not succeed."

with genuine remorse. He's also sincere in his offer to get Jake's legs fixed and is

respectful of his men, cautioning them, congratulating them, and never resorting to

using them as throwaway pawns. Of course besides sentimental reasons, he has very

practical reasons for this as well: he's not getting any reinforcements for several years

to come. Every soldier lost is gone for good. Having good relations with your men in

such situation means a difference between life and death.

•  Good Scars, Evil Scars: Who didn't take one look at the Colonel’s scars and have him

pegged as a heroic figure?

•  Incendiary Exponent: Quaritch climbing into his AMP suit inside of the crashing

Dragon gunship with everything on fire. Including his shoulder.

•  Improbable Aiming Skills: After kicking open a heavy steel door and running out into

a toxic environment without a gas mask for a minute, he manages to hit Dr. Grace

with a handgun. On a gunship. Several hundred yards away. Colonel Badass indeed.

•  It's Raining Men: Bails out of a burning gunship while inside an AMP suit. Which has

no parachute, landing thrusters, or shock absorbers, yet lands on its feet none the

worse for wear. While also on fire. And so is he.

•  Knife Nut: He keeps an AMP suit sized combat knife in a quick draw position on his

AMP suit as a backup weapon. Pandorapedia states this is an optional feature. The Q-

man likes knives.

• Made of Iron: Survives being set on fire, and dropping out of a burning gunship toland feet-first in his AMP suit.

•  Mr Fanservice: Most of his scenes are done in tank tops or in shirts that otherwise

show off his brawny physique. For a man approaching his sixties, he looks damned


•  Pre Ass Kicking One Liner: "Nothing's over while I'm breathing."

o  "Come on, come to papa!" Said before killing an attacking Thanator with his

AMP suit's knife.

•  Rated M for Manly: Likes weightlifting, knives, guns, gunships, stuff blowing up, and

kicking ass.

•  Revolvers Are Just Better: Take a look at Quaritch's sidearm when he's shooting at the


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•  Screw You, Elves!: Probably most of the man's appeal. And he'll probably be the

patron saint of this outlook for quite some time.

•  The Starscream: Later on, he usurps all of Selfridge's power over the RDA project,

which even Selfridge admits, through sheer personality and without killing Selfridge.

•  Unflinching Walk : when Quaritch jumps out of the Dragon before it explodes. It

lands, burning, behind his AMP, and he takes a second to look at it with a seriouslypissed-off look on his face before walking off.

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