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SPAIN Mikhaili Toney Form: 4R Mrs. Ramlakhan

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Capital: Madrid

Madrid being the capital of Spain, also holds the title for the largest city of Spain with a population of about 3.2 million people as of July 2012. Madrid spans up to 233.3 sq mi. Due to Madrid’s size and it’s significance to Spain’s history it is now the centre of economics, politics && culture.

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El Rey se llama el Sr. Felipe VI

Sir. Felipe VI is the current King Of Spain after being succeeded to the throne on 19th June 2014 after the abdication of his father, King Juan Carlos I.

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El Rey se llama Sra. Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano

Letizia Ortiz Rocasolano has been the Queen of Spain since her marriage to the current King, Sir Felipe VI, on the 22nd May, 2004.

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El Primer Ministro se llama Sr. Mariano Rajoy BreyMariano Rajoy Brey has been the Prime Minister of Spain since 2011 as well as the leader of the People’s Party since 2004.



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The Marcha Real or the “Royal March” is the National Anthem of Spain. It officially doesn't have any lyrics but is usually sang with the words:

¡Viva España! Cantemos todos juntos con distinta voz y un solo corazón.

¡Viva España! desde los verdes valles al inmenso mar, un himno de hermandad.

Ama a la Patria pues sabe abrazar, bajo su cielo azul, pueblos en libertad.

Gloria a los hijos que a la Historia dan justicia y grandeza democracia y paz.

Long live Spain! Let's sing together, with different voices, and only one heart.

Long live Spain! from the green valleys, to the vast sea, a hymn of brotherhood.

Love the Motherland, which embrace the free peoples below its blue sky.

Glory to the sons, who have given to history, justice and greatness, democracy and peace.

En Español In English

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Santiago Bernabéu Stadium

The Santiago Bernabéu Stadium or the Estadio Santiago Bernabéu is a 85,454 seater stadium located in Madrid, Spain. This majestic stadium was opened on 14th December, 1947. The stadium is currently owned by the Spanish football club, Real Madrid. The Santiago Bernabéu Stadium is one of the world’s most famous and prestigious footballing venues. Making it a place of great interest.

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Costa del Sol

The Costa del Sol which literally translates to the Coast of Sun is a region located in the southern region in Spain, which comprises of large communities, beautiful beaches & costal towns along the coastline of Màlaga. The Costa del Sol is situated between the coastal regions of Costa de la Luz and the Costa Tropical.

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Plaza de España

The Plaza de España which translates to the “Spain Square” in English is a large plaza located in the Parque de María Luisa (Maria Luisa Park) in Seville, Spain. This majestic landmark is a great example of the Renaissance Revival style present in Spain’s architecture. The Plaza de España was built in the year 1928 when Seville hosted the Ibero-American Exposition World’s Fair the following year (1929), this monumental structure was designed by the great French architect, Jean-Claude Nicolas Forestier.

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Templo de Debod

The Templo de Debod or the Temple of Debod is an ancient temple which was dismantled in Egypt, transported to Madrid, Spain and was rebuilt and is today a popular site of interest to visitors and also inhibitors of Spain.

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Castanets is a percussion instrument used in Spanish music. This simple instrument consists of a pair of concave shells, made usually of hardwood, joined on one edge by a string, it is held by the player in one hand and used to produce clicks for a ripping or rattling sound consisting of a rapid series of clicks. The Castanet is typically used in a type of a Spanish folk dance known as the “Sevillanas”.

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The gralla is a traditional double reed instrument which is part of oboe family. The name of the instrument comes from the sound of the native bird of Catalonia which inhibited North of Spain and was referred to as the Gralla as well. This instrument is very popular because of it is the traditional instrument used during the building and breaking down of the the human towers or castells during large ceremonies, feasts or festivals.

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The Tambourine, an instrument in the percussion family, consists of a frame, with pairs of small metal jingles which are known as “zils”. The term Tambourine classically denotes an instrument with a drumhead, though some tambourines, after the years of evolution of the instrument and most of the different types created, some may not have a head at all.

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Antonio Banderas

José Antonio Domínguez Banderas, better known as Antonio Banderas was born on 10th August, 1960 in Málaga, Spain. Antonio is a Spanish movie industry celebrity, producing, directing and acting is many high-profile movies. His first high-profile Hollywood movie appearances occurred in the 1990s in movies such as, The Mask of Zorro, Spy Kids and Interview with the Vampire, not only did Antonio act in these movies but he also portrayed the voice of “Puss In Boots” in the movie, Shrek.

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Penélope Cruz

Penélope Cruz Sánchez is a Spanish actress and model who was born on April 28th, 1974 in Madrid, Spain. Penélope has been active in the movie industry since the age of 16 after being signed by an agent the prior year at age 15. Her first feature film debuted the following year in Jamón, jamón. Since this film, Penélope has been active in the movie industry, also attaining nominations for the Golden Globe and the Academy Award. She won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 2008.

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Elsa Pataky

Elsa Lafuente Medianu is a Spanish born actress, model and film producer who was born in Madrid, Spain on 18th July, 1976. Elsa Pataky made her first movie appearance in the movie, Solo en la buhardilla. Due to her great acting performance in this movie she was well requested by other foreign directors and was forced to begin doing English movies. Her most popular appearances are in the Fast & Furious movie series (2011, 2013 & 2015) as well as in Thor (2013).

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Empanadas are stuffed bread or pastry baked or fried. The name of this dish comes from the Spanish verb “empanar” which means “to wrap or coat in bread”. These Empanadas are made by stuffing folded dough or bread with a variety of meat, cheese, vegetables & fruits.

Ingredients‣ Desired meat (usually pork

or beef)

‣ Onions

‣ Jalepenos (preferable)

‣ Chili Powder

‣ Tomatoes

‣ Salt & Ground Pepper

‣ Flour

‣ Baking Powder

‣ Eggs

‣ Butter

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Escudella or Escudella i carn d’olla is a traditional soup or stew which originates from the Catalan culture. It gets most of its flavor from a large meatball spiced with parsley and garlic; it also consists of vegetables such as celery, cabbage, carrots. Additionally, smoked bone, sausages and other flavorful meats are added to the stew.


‣ White beans

‣ Ham Bone

‣ Chicken Thighs

‣ Pork Sausage

‣ Pasta Shells

‣ Salt & Pepper

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Paella is a rice dish which originated from Valencia, on the east coast of Spain. There are variations of this dish, the main three variations are the: Valencian paella, the seafood paella, and mixed paella. The main recipe consists of white rice, green beans, meat, white beans and seasonings such as saffron and rosemary.


‣ Desired Meat

‣ Salt & Black Pepper

‣ Rice

‣ Green Beans

‣ Garlic

‣ Onions

‣ Saffron

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Sangria is a popular beverage in Spain and also in parts of Portugal. This famous beverage normally consists of wine, chopped fruit which can be orange, lemon, lime, apple, peach, melon, berries, pineapples or mango, a sweetener (honey, sugar, syrup or orange juice) , and a small amount of brandy (type of alcohol).

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Capital: Bogotá

Bogotá, the capital of Colombia, is a metropolitan area which includes many towns such as Tenjo, Tabio, Cota, Chia and many more large towns which contributes to the large population of around 46 million inhabitants. In terms of

Population: 46,245,297

As of July 2014, it has been recorded that Colombia has a population of 46, 245, 297.

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El Presidente se llama el Sr. Juan Santos

Sir Juan Manuel Santos is the current president of the Republic of Colombia after being appointed in office on 7th August, 2010. Sir. Juan Carlos was born on August 10th, 1951 and is currently the 32nd President of Colombia.

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The official name of the National Hymn of Colombia is the, “Himno Nacional de la República de Colombia” (National Anthem of the Republic of Colombia) the commonly known name is the, “¡Oh gloria inmarcesible!” which literally translates to “O Unfading Glory”

En Español

Cesó la horrible noche. La libertad sublime derrama las auroras de su invencible luz. La humanidad entera, que entre cadenas gime, comprende las palabras del que murió en la cruz.

"¡Independencia!", grita el mundo americano. Se baña en sangre de héroes la tierra de Colón. Pero este gran principio; "El rey no es soberano”

resuena, y los que sufren bendicen su pasión.

In English

The dreadful night has ceased. Sublime Liberty beams forth the dawn of her invincible light. All of humanity that groans within its chains, understands the words of he who died on the cross.

"Independence!" shouts the American world; The land of Columbus. Is bathed in heroes' blood. But this great doctrine; "The king is not the sovereign", resounds, and those who suffer bless their passion.

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Del Orinoco el cauce se colma de despojos, de sangre y llanto un río se mira allí correr. En Bárbula no saben las almas ni los ojos, si admiración o espanto sentir o padecer.

The Orinoco's bed Is heaped with plunder, Of blood and tears A river is seen to flow. In Bárbula neither souls nor eyes, know whether admiration to feel or fear to suffer.

A orillas del Caribe, hambriento un pueblo lucha, horrores prefiriendo a pérfida salud. ¡Oh, sí!, de Cartagena la abnegación es mucha, y escombros de la muerte desprecia su virtud.

On the shores of the Caribbean, a famished people fight, preferring horror to fickle health. O, aye! from Cartagena heavy is the hardship, and death's rubble her virtue disdains

De Boyacá en los campos, el genio de la gloria, con cada espiga un héroe invicto coronó. Soldados sin coraza ganaron la victoria; su varonil aliento de escudo les sirvió.

From Boyacá in the fields, the genius of glory, from every sprig a hero was crowned undefeated. Soldiers without armor won the victory; their virile spirit served them as a shield.

Bolívar cruza el Ande que riegan dos océanos, espadas cual centellas fulguran en Junín. Centauros indomables descienden a los llanos, y empieza a presentirse, de la epopeya el fin.

Bolívar crosses the Andes bathed by two oceans, swords as though sparks flash in Junín. Indomitable centaurs descend to the plains, and a premonition begins to be felt, of the epic's end.

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La trompa victoriosa en Ayacucho truena, que en cada triunfo crece su formidable son. En su expansivo empuje la libertad se estrena, del cielo americano formando un pabellón.

The victorious trumpet in Ayacucho loudly thunders, as in every triumph grows its formidable sound. In its expansive thrust Liberty is first felt, from the American sky forming a pavilion.

La virgen sus cabellos arranca en agonía y de su amor viuda los cuelga del ciprés. Lamenta su esperanza que cubre loza fría, pero glorioso orgullo circunda su alba tez.

In agony, the Virgin Tears out her hair, and bereft of her love, leaves it to hang on a cypress. Regretting her hope covered by a cold headstone, but glorious pride hallows her fair skin.

La patria así se forma, termópilas brotando; constelación de cíclopes su noche iluminó. La flor estremecida mortal el viento hallando, debajo los laureles seguridad buscó.

Thus the motherland is formed, Thermopylaes bursting forth; a constellation of cyclops the night did brighten. The trembling flower finding the wind mortal, underneath the laurels safety sought.

Mas no es completa gloria vencer en la batalla, que el brazo que combate lo anima la verdad. La independencia sola el gran clamor no acalla; si el sol alumbra a todos, justicia es libertad.

But it's not complete glory to defeat in battle, the arm that fights is encouraged by truth. For independence alone The great clamour doesn't silence; if the sun shines on everyone, justice is liberty.

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Lake GuatavitaLake Guatavita is a circular lake approximately a quarter mile in diameter, formed by a crater. It’s located 35 miles north-east of Bogotá. It is believed that the crater was formed from the impact of a meteorite or is a volcanic cylinder, theories such as this

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Gold Museum (El Museo del Oro)

The Gold Museum is a museum located in Bogotá, which displays the largest collection of Pre Hispanic gold work in the world, as well as pottery, wood, shell and and textile archaeological objects. These objects are made of what was considered sacred metal to the indigenous people that inhabited Colombia before contact with Europe was made.

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Tayrona National Natural Park(Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona)

The Tyron National Natural Park is a biodiverse endemic area, located in the Colombian northern Caribbean region. The park covers approximately 30 square kilometers (12 sq mi.) of maritime area in the Caribbean Sea and approximately 150 square kilometers (58 sq mi.) of land. In the year, 2012, it was the second most visited national park in Colombia. This park’s vast beauty and size, makes it a site of interest for people on Colombian soil.

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Accordions are box-shaped instrument, played by the compressing or expanding of the bellows on the instrument while pressing buttons or keys, causing the valves to open, which allow for the passage of air across strips of brass or steel, which are known as reeds, which then vibrate to produce the sound. In Colombia the Accordion is a very popular instrument in music like Sertanejo.

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Caja Vallenata

The Caja Vallenata or better known as the caja, is a drum similar to a tambora. The Caja is one of the three main of traditional instruments of the Vallenato music, which is a type of popular folk music of Colombia. The word, “caja” is the slang word used for this

Caña de millo

The caña de millo or the flauta de millo is a type of woodwind instrument which was used by the indigenous people in the cumbia music, which is now a popular genre of music in Colombia and other Latin America countries. This instrument is made of carrizo cane which is a very strong type of grass as well as palm, millet, sorghum and a tube is then open at both ends, with a reed and four fingerholes.

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Sofía Vergara

Sofía Margarita Vergara was born in Barranquilla, Colombia on July 10th, 1972. Sofía grew up to become a famous actress, producer, television host, model and comedienne. She began her acting career in 2003 and has continued with a successful carrer acting in movies such as, The Smurfs, Escape From Planet Earth and Machete Kills, winning many Golden Globe awards for her talents.

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John Leguizamo

John Alberto Leguizamo is a Colombian actor, producer and comedian who was born in July 22nd, 1964. During the course of his career, John has appeared in over 75 films and has produced over 10 films. John began his acting career in 1986 in Miami Vice, he went on to continue a very successful career.

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Ajiaco is a popular dish in Bogotá, Colombia typically made with chicken and a variety of potatoes and herbs, its a type of soup which can vary in its ingredients depending on where the dish is being made.

Ingredients ‣ Chicken

‣ Onion

‣ Salt & Pepper

‣ Potatoes

‣ Fresh Corn

‣ Onions

‣ Olive Oil

‣ Garlic

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Buñuelos is popular snack in Colombia and other Latin America countries. They are fried dough balls and is traditionally made at Christmas and Ramadan, usually topped off with a filling and is sometimes served with a syrup.

Ingredients ‣ Flour

‣ Baking Powder

‣ Salt

‣ Sugar

‣ Eggs

‣ Milk

‣ Butter

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Bandeja Paisa

Bandeja Paisa which is the National Dish of Colombia is a traditional dish from the Paisa region of Colombia, consists of red beans, white rice, ground beef, plantain and a fried egg.

Ingredients ‣ Eggs

‣ Red Beans

‣ White Rice

‣ Ground Beef

‣ Avocado

‣ Salt & Pepper

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Aguapanela which is a popular drink in Colombia, literally translates to, “panela water” and this beverage is an infusion of water and panela which is hardened sugar cane pulp. The panela is stirred in water until it is fully dissolved and either lime or lemon is added.

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