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Experiment 4 : Collisions and Conservation of Linear Momentum


The purpose of this experiment is to verify the conservation of linear momentum in different

types of collisions in an isolated system, to study the motion of the center of mass during the

collision of a two-puck system and to investigate the conservation of kinetic energy in elastic

and completely inelastic collisions.


The linear momentum P of an object is defined as the product of its mass and velocity,

P m v (4-1)

Therefore, an object at rest will have a zero linear momentum. Also, from the above

definition it is clear that an object that has a constant mass will have a constant momentum

unless its velocity changes. Linear momentum will be referred to shortly as momentum from

here on. We know, however, that the velocity of an object changes only when a net external

force Fext is applied. This means that the momentum of an object will change only when that

object experiences a net external force. This fact can actually be seen from Newton’s second

law. For an object with constant mass, we have Newton’s second law,

F ma m



v (4-2)

when m is constant, this can obviously be written as,

Fd m




( v) (4-3)

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The above equation means that if no net force acts on an object then its momentum will be

conserved, i.e. constant in time. That is if Fext 0 , then



0 , (4-4)

or, P constant (4-5)

Here, constant means that the momentum does not change with time, i.e. the object will

have the same momentum at all times.

The above result can be generalized to a system of N-particles with masses (constant) m1,

m2, . . . . , mN. The total momentum of this system of particles at any instant of time is by


P P P Ptot N 1 2 ...... (4-6)

where P m1 1 v1 ,

P m2 2 v2 , . . . . etc.

The sum in Eq.(4-6) is obviously a vectorial not an algebraic sum.

In this case, Eq.(4-3) generalizes to,




dtP P Pext


N ( ...... )1 2 (4-7)

Fext here, means a net force external to the system of particles, i.e. any force other than the

force that the particles of the system exert on each other (inter-particle forces). This force

might be the friction force, the gravitational force, . . . etc. Therefore, if no such net

external force acts on the system of particles, the total momentum of the system will be

conserved, i.e.




dtP P Ptot


( ...... )1 2 0 (4-8)

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or, P P P Ptot N 1 2 ...... constant (4-9)

Recall that the above sum is a vectorial sum.

Therefore, a system of particles experiencing no net external force, or an isolated system,

will have its total momentum the same at any instant in time, regardless of any collisions

(interactions) among the particles.

In this experiment, we are going to investigate the conservation of momentum of the system

of two pucks moving on a leveled air table. The air table being horizontal, and with the

friction almost eliminated, obviously produces no net external forces on the pucks placed on

it. Therefore, we expect the total momentum of the pucks to be conserved. The pucks will

be allowed to collide, and their total momentum before and after the collision will be

measured and compared. The forms of the points that we will have on the data sheet are

shown in Fig. 4-1 below.

FIGURE 4-1. The data points in the elastic collision of the two pucks on a leveled air table.

The velocities of the two pucks before the collision will be vA and

vB , and after the

collision vA and

vB . Since the system is an isolated system, the total momentum will be

conserved, and we will have at any time;

Ptot constant (4-10)

so, P P P PA B A B (4-11)

where P mA A vA , . . . . etc.

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Since the masses of the pucks are identical, the above relation reduces to

v v v vA B A B (4-12)

The sum in Eq.(4-12) is also vectorial, and a method of finding this sum geometrically is

explained below.

In the completely inelastic collision, momentum will obviously be conserved too, since the

system is still an isolated one. The two pucks in this collision will stick together and form a

single object with mass 2m that moves with velocity v . The dots on the data sheet will look

like those in Fig.4-2 below.

FIGURE 4-2. The data points in the completely inelastic collision of two pucks on a leveled air


The conservation of momentum in the course of the collision will be given as

P P PA B , (4-13)

or, v v vA B 2 (4-14)

Another concept that we are going to introduce and study in this experiment is that of the

center of mass (CM). Intuitively, you can guess that the CM of a homogenous cube (Fig.4-3a)

or a sphere (Fig.4-3b) will be at the geometrical center of these symmetrical objects. Also,

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you can guess that CM of the dumbbells shown in Fig.4-3c will be at the midpoint of its rod.

Thus, the CM of two identical homogenous spheres will be at exactly the midpoint of the line

joining their centers (Fig.4-3d). If one of the spheres, however, were heavier, then the CM

would be shifted towards the heavier sphere as shown in Fig.4-3e. The amount of shifting

would be determined by how much the mass M is larger than m. From the above examples,

its clear that it is possible to guess the position of the CM of some symmetrical mass

distributions. For example, it is not difficult to guess that the CM of the two-puck system of

this experiment will lie at the midpoint of the line joining their centers.

FIGURE 4-3. The center of mass of some symmetrical homogenous objects.

For more arbitrary mass distributions, however, one has to define the CM more formally.

The center of mass’ position vector R of a system of N particles with masses m1, m2, . . .

mN, whose position vectors are, respectively, r r rN1 2, , ..... is defined as (see Fig.4-4)

Rm r m r m r

m m m



1 1 2 2

1 2


...... (4-15)

FIGURE 4-4. The center of mass R of a distribution of masses


CM m m

CM m m

CM M m



-e- -d-












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As the particles change their positions in time, the position of the CM will also change, and

this rate of change of the position vector R of the CM can be thought of as the velocity of

the CM


dtCM (4-16)

For particles with constant masses, taking the time derivative of both sides of Eq.(4-15), we




m r m r m r

m m m



1 1 2 2

1 2



Vm m m

m m mCM



1 1 2 2

1 2

v v v......

...... (4-18)

where the dots in Eq.(4-17) mean the time derivatives which are just the velocities. The

above formalism when applied to our two-puck system gives

Rmr mr

m m



r rA B

2 (4-20)

where, we have canceled out the masses in moving to (4-20) since the pucks have identical

masses. The velocity of CM will then be


A Bv v

2 (4-21)

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The above equation has important implications. First note that the numerator of the right

hand side is a constant in the case of the two-puck system of the leveled air table (compare

with Eq.(4-12)) since momentum is conserved. This means that the velocity of the CM in this

case is constant! In other words, the CM moves with constant velocity (constant velocity

means constant in magnitude and direction). So, for an isolated system, for which the total

momentum is conserved, the CM of the system always moves in a straight line and with

constant speed. Moreover, our case, Eq.(4-21) implies that the velocity of the CM is half the

vectorial sum of the velocities of the pucks at any

instant in time. Therefore, we have for our two-puck system before and after the collision,

V VCM CM (4-22)






v v v v

2 2 (4-23)

In this experiment, we are also going to investigate the conservation of the kinetic energy of

the pucks in the course of the collision. Remember the definition of the kinetic energy K of

an object of mass m and linear velocity v ,

K m1


2v (4-24)

Therefore, the total kinetic energy of the two-puck system before an elastic collision will be

K m m 1



2v vA



2 (4-25)

and after the collision:

K m m1



2v vA



2 (4-26)

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In the completely inelastic collision, however, where the two pucks stick together to form a

single object with mass 2m and velocity v , the total kinetic energy after the collision will be

K m m1

22( )v v2 2 (4-27)

Since the kinetic energy is a scalar quantity, then the sums in Equations (4-25) and (4-26) are

obviously algebraic sums. On the other hand, while the kinetic energy is almost conserved in

an elastic collision i.e. K K , it is not conserved by definition in the completely inelastic

collision. The fractional loss of the kinetic energy is defined as

Fractional lossK K



and using this, we can define the percentage fractional loss in kinetic energy as

Percentage lossK K




An air table, Velcro bands (to stick the pucks together in the completely inelastic collision), a



This experiment consists of two parts. Part A is the elastic collision and Part B is the

completely inelastic collision. The experiment will be carried out on a horizontal leveled air

table. Therefore, before you start the experiment, level off the air table as described in the

first part of this manual.

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1. Activate only the pump switch (P), and project the two pucks diagonally towards each other across the air table so that they collide somewhere at the middle of the table. Repeat this procedure several times until you get a satisfactory collision. Don’t project the two pucks too slowly, or too fast, but push them so that they move with a moderate speed. Now, choose a proper spark timer frequency (20 Hz, for example), and then project the pucks across the air table while activating the switch (P), and once you release them, activate the sparktimer switch (S). Keep both switches depressed until the two pucks complete their motion.

2. Remove the data sheet, and examine the dots produced. They should look like those in Fig.4-1a. Number the dots for each puck as 0,1,2,. . . etc. (You do not need to

start from the first dot). Have your data approved by your instructor before you go on.

3. Find the velocity of each puck before and after the collision by measuring the length of two or three intervals of each trajectory and dividing by time. Label the two trajectories

of the pucks by A and B before collision and A and B after collision.

4. Find the vectorial sums v vA B and

v vA B . To find

v vA B , for example, extend the

trajectories A and B until they intersect. Then, starting from the intersection point, draw vectors along the directions of

vA and

vB , and with lengths proportional to the

magnitude of these velocities. You can for instance draw a 1 cm vector to represent a velocity of 10 cm.s-1, (see Fig.4-5). Then, completing the parallelograms find the sum (resultant) of these velocities. Repeat the same procedure to find

v vA B .

FIGURE 4-5. Vector sum v vA B


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5. Identify the dots produced at the same instant of time before and after the collision, and joining these determine the position of the CM along the line which joins every pair of dots. Doing this, you will get a record of the position of the CM during the course of the collision.

6. Using the record you obtained for the CM in number 5 above find its velocity before and after the collision.

7. Find the total kinetic energy of the two pucks before and after the collision, and compare them.


1. Wrap the Velcro band firmly around the two pucks (see Figure 4-6); make sure that the rims of the bands are not in contact with the surface of the data sheet. Activate only the pump switch (P), and project the two pucks towards each other across the air table so that they collide and stick together somewhere at the middle of the table. Make sure that the pucks do not rotate after the collision. Repeat several times until you get a convenient collision.

2. Now, activating the pump (P), project the pucks toward each other, and the moment you

release them activate the sparktimer switch (S). Keep both switches depressed until the

pucks complete their motion. The dots on the data sheet will look like those

in Fig.4-2. Find the velocities vA and vB of the pucks before the collision and the common

velocity v of the two pucks stuck together after the collision.

3. Employing the method described in number 6 of Part A above, find the vector sum v vA B and verify the conservation of momentum.

4. Find the total kinetic energy of the pucks before and after the collision, and calculate the fractional loss, and thus the percentage fractional loss.

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FIGURE 4-6. Wrapping the Velcro bands around the pucks.



1. Write down the velocities of the two pucks before and after the collision.

vA = . . . . . . . . . . . vB = . . . . . . . . . . .

vA = . . . . . . . . . . . vB = . . . . . . . . . . .

2. Find the sums v vA B ,

v vA B , and discuss the conservation of momentum.

BA vv

= . . . . . . . . . .

BA vv

= . . . . . . . . . .


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3. Find the velocity of the CM before and after the collision using the time record you produced on the data sheet.

VCM = . . . . . . . . . . VCM = . . . . . . . . . .

4. What kind of motion does the CM have during the course of the collision? Compare the

results you reported above for VCM and VCM with 2

vv BA

and 2

vv BA

, respectively.





5. Find the total kinetic energy of the two pucks before and after the collision. Is the kinetic energy -when considered with the correct number of significant figures- conserved?

K = . . . . . . . . . . K = . . . . . . . . . .

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6. Write down the velocities of the two pucks before the collision, and the common velocity of the pucks stuck together after the collision.

vA = . . . . . . . . . . . vB = . . . . . . . . . . .

v= . . . . . . . . . . .

7. Find the sum v vA B and verify the conservation of linear momentum.

BA vv

= . . . . . . . . .



8. Find the total kinetic energy of the pucks before and after the collision. Is the kinetic energy conserved? If not, find the percentage fractional loss of energy.






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Comments and Discussion:

Write down any comments related to the experiment, and/or elaborate on and discuss any

points (if there are any):












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