
College Magazine

Contents PageBy Millie Hewitt

Images I am going to use;

Image 1 Image 2 Image 3

Image 4

Image 1Why have I decided to

use this image?This image has an

educational look about it as it shows a student

reading a piece of paper with glasses on.

Although i want my College Magazine to be fun for students, there

has to be a certain element of an

educational aspect to it.

Image 2Why have I decided to

use this image?This image is of a sign that is on the college

campus. As my magazine informs

people on finding their way about the college,

this image is very appropriate.

Image 3Why have I decided to

use this image?This image is typical of a college magazine as it

shows a student at a locker. Lockers are related to college

broadly in all countries. It also shows the reader

some of the facilities the college has to offer


Image 4

Why have I decided to use this image?I really like this image as it suggests that students at the college love what they do (those who do photography) which can show the reader that

college can be very enjoyable. It is a bright image and I think it would look good on the contents


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