Page 1: ColleCtive RetiRement ACCount New busiNess aNd top-ups …€¦ · Managed portfolio. AppliCAtion And illustRAtion useR Guide 20. AppliCAtion options 1. the next stage is broken down

collective investment bond (cib)New busiNess aNd top-ups

application and illustration user guide


Page 2: ColleCtive RetiRement ACCount New busiNess aNd top-ups …€¦ · Managed portfolio. AppliCAtion And illustRAtion useR Guide 20. AppliCAtion options 1. the next stage is broken down

1 Contents2 Client details (starting from the homepage)3 Client details (create a new client record/search

for existing client record)4 Client details (select client record)5 starting the illustration/application process 6 Choose an investment range7 selecting the product8 single or joint investment, or top-up?9 Your advice10 Contribution details (contribution type)11 Contribution details (amount and initial fee basis)12 Fund selection 13 Fund selection (search by fund/portfolio)14 Fund selection (percentage to be invested)15 Fund selection (wealthselect Managed

portfolios)16 Fund selection (phasing or rebalancing)

17 application options 18 application options (lives assured and

withdrawals)19 application options (adviser fees)20 application options (illustration options)21 payment details22 payment details (payment method)23 payment details (confirmation)24 payment details (additional information)25 Review summary26 Review summary (continued)27 declaration28 declaration (submit application)29 application confirmation30 Reviewing the submitted application31 Finding a partially completed application32 Continuing a partially completed application33 what happens next?

1. Your advice 2. Contribution details 3. Fund selection 4. application options 5. payment details 6. Reveiw summary 7. declaration


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client details (staRtiNg FRoM the hoMepage)

1. From your homepage, select the ‘Clients’ tab. 1

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client details (CReate a New ClieNt ReCoRd/seaRCh FoR existiNg ClieNt ReCoRd)

1. Create a new client.2. or search for their name.



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client details (seleCt ClieNt ReCoRd)

1. select the client’s record to access their details.


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starting the illustration/ application process

1. to submit a new investment or top-up application, select ‘New investment’.

2. select the illustration option if you require an illustration only at this stage and do not wish to to enter additional information required for an application, such as payment details.

tips:• The illustration option can be turned into an

application should you wish.• Illustrations can also be generated during the

‘New investment’ process.• Your illustration or application is saved each

time you move to the next step in the process, and you can access it again at any time on this page, in the ‘latest activity’ tab.



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choose an investment range

1. select the investment range for the application.

2. select ‘Proceed’.3. if you are going to top up an existing

Collective investment bond, choose the investment range that the bond is in.

if you wish to top it up using the other investment range, exit this application process and submit a swap investment range instruction from the account page, before doing the top-up.

tips:• More information on the SelfSelect and

wealthselect investment ranges is available on our adviser website:

• For guidance on how to change the investment range on an existing account, please read the swap investment range user guide on our literature library.




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selecting the product

1. select the ‘Collective Investment Bond’.2. then ‘Next’.

tip:hover over the ‘?’ icon to display a help tip.



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single or joint investment, or top-up?

1. select ‘Create a single investment’ if the application is to be in this client’s sole name.

2. select ‘Create as joint investment’ to add another client to the application.

3. if the client has an existing Collective investment bond, you will be asked if you want to top it up.

4. if you choose to top up the bond and the investment range set up on it is different to the range you selected at the start of this process, you can proceed with the top-up using the investment range it is currently in.

5. or ‘exit the application and swap the investment range’.

note:existing Collective investment bonds that were taken out on or before 31st december 2012 can only be topped up using the selfselect investment range. the investment range cannot be swapped.

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Your advice

1. enter details of the advice given for this transaction, and the individual that should receive any remuneration from it.

2. select the ‘Go to contribution details’ button.



tip: a green tick icon will display next to each correctly completed step. You will not be able to proceed to the next stage without completing all required details.

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contribution details(CoNtRibutioN tYpe)

1. select the ‘Add lump sum’ option to enter the contribution details.

tip:Your progress through the application is tracked on this bar at the top of the page.

to revisit a page, select it on the bar.


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contribution details(aMouNt aNd iNitial Fee basis)

1. enter and save the contribution details, and any initial adviser fee that is to be taken.

2. select ‘Go to fund selection’ when finished.



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Fund selection

1. to view and select funds, expand the page using the ‘Select funds’ link.

tips:• The details you have entered on each

previous page are summarised on the right of the screen.

• To view details of the other sections you have completed, select the section title.

• Select ‘Save and exit’ at the top right of the screen if you want to stop working on the application at any point. it will be saved in the client’s record, in the ‘latest activity’ tab.


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Fund selection(seaRCh bY FuNd/poRtFolio)

1. Choose either to search for a Managed portfolio (if using the wealthselect investment range), one of your own portfolios, or to search by funds.

2. start typing the name of the portfolio/fund, or select the ‘View all funds’ option.

3. as you type in the name of the portfolio or fund, matching results will be shown in a list below for you to select from.

4. select the fund/portfolio and the ‘Add’ button.

tip:• For top-up applications the existing fund

choice will automatically populate.

• Only funds/portfolios relevant to the investment range and product selected will be returned by your search.




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Fund selection(peRCeNtage to be iNvested)

1. the fund or portfolio you add will be entered into the table below.

2. enter the percentage to be invested into each fund, or select ‘Split equally’.

3. to remove a fund, tick the box next to it and select ‘Remove’.

4. when finished, select ‘Save’.

tip:You can save the funds you have selected or the portfolio you have edited as a new portfolio. 2




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Fund selection(wealthseleCt MaNaged poRtFolios)

the Managed portfolios for the account type you have selected will be displayed.1. You can filter them using the investment

strategy dropdown box to show just income or growth versions of the portfolios.

2. select the ‘Managed Portfolio’.3. select ‘Save’.




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Fund selection(phasiNg oR RebalaNCiNg)

1. add phased investment or automatic rebalancing to the application if required. only one of these options can be chosen.

2. select ‘Go to application options’ when finished.

note:phased investment and automatic rebalancing will not be available to select if you are doing a top-up, or have chosen a wealthselect Managed portfolio.



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application options

1. the next stage is broken down into these sections.

2. select the title of each one to view individually, or select ‘Expand all sections’ to view all of them.

tip: links to forms and other documents you may need are displayed in yellow boxes throughout the application process.



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application options(lives assuRed aNd withdRawals)

1. select the client as the life/lives assured, and/or add another client’s details using the ‘Add lives assured’ option.

2. Confirm if capital protected death benefit should be included.

3. enter a withdrawal option.




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application options(adviseR Fees)

1. add details of the servicing fee you wish to take, and the frequency.

this can be a percentage or monetary amount, and vat can be added on top. selecting nil at this stage for a top up application will mean that any existing fee arrangements on the bond will continue.

2. select the method of deduction for the charge. this will also apply to the product Charge. (this was formerly known as the ‘product Charge’ and operates in the same way).

3. select to add a switch fee, if required.

notes:• A signed Adviser Fee Authorisation form

will be required if you are requesting any fees. You can print off a pre-populated form from this page

• The deduction preference for automatic withdrawals will be set to proportionally across all funds if you have chosen a wealthselect Managed portfolio.




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application options(illustRatioN optioNs)

1. the product charge (formerly known as the ‘platform Charge’) is a tiered charge based on the client’s total holdings on the platform.

if the client has any additional holdings on the platform to be taken into account when calculating the charge for the illustration, select ‘Yes’ and add in their total value. if not, select ‘No’.

2. select ‘Get illustration’ to generate an illustration based on the details you have entered.

3. when finished, select ‘Go to payment details’.




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paYment details

1. select this option to enter the payment details.


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paYment details(paYMeNt Method)

1. enter the details of the payment method. the debit Card option is only available

for contributions up to £99,999.00. if selected, you will be taken to a secure third party site to make the payment. You will then be returned to this application to submit it to us.

2. select ‘Save’ when finished.

application and illustration useR guide

tip:successful payments made by debit Card before the cut-off point (normally 10:30) for applications without an adviser initial fee selected, will be traded at the dealing point on the following working day after you submit the application.



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paYment details(CoNFiRMatioN)

1. the payment details you have saved are now displayed. if the client is transferring the money into our bank account, the bank details are provided.

2. select ‘Edit’ to change.3. or ‘Go to review summary’ when


application and illustration useR guide




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paYment details(additioNal iNFoRMatioN)

1. any additional information we need to complete the application is confirmed for you to check, or requested here.

2. select ‘Next’ when finished.



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review summarY

the details you have entered so far are confirmed in the Review summary page.1. a printable summary is available.2. select ‘Edit’ to change any details as

required.3. documents we require are shown in the

yellow box on the right, with additional supporting documents you may need underneath.



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review summarY(CoNtiNued)

1. after reviewing the application summary, select ‘Go to declaration’ at the end of the page.

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1. select the boxes to agree to the relevant declarations.

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declaration(subMit appliCatioN)

1. if you have selected a wealthselect Managed portfolio, confirm agreement to the declaration.

2. use the ‘Submit application’ button to send the instruction to old Mutual wealth.

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tip:Rebate information can be found in the illustration and the personal Funds list, and must be provided to your client.



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application conFirmation

Confirmation that the application has been received is displayed.1. any additional actions you need to be

aware of are displayed in the blue bar.2. links to required documents are shown in

the yellow box.3. a confirmation e-mail will have been sent

to the e-mail address displayed. send a copy to a different address here.

4. view a summary of the application.5. end the process by selecting ‘Finish and

return to client details’.

application and illustration useR guide

tip:we will not invest money from an application on which an adviser initial fee has been requested until we have received the completed and signed adviser Fee authorisation form.




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reviewing the submitted application

1. the application you have submitted is displayed in the ‘Latest Activity’ tab in both the client’s record, and on your homepage. select it to view the information entered on the application. it cannot be edited after it has been submitted.

2. after the application has been invested and an account set up, documents confirming the investment will be found in the ‘Documents’ tab.

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Finding a partiallY completed application

1. Your saved application is kept in the client’s record, under the ‘Latest Activity’ tab.

2. select it to view and edit.

application and illustration useR guide

tip:use the ‘delete’ option if you want to remove applications that will not be proceeded with from the client’s record.



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continuing a partiallY completed application

1. each section you previously completed has been automatically saved, and is shown in the ‘Summary’.

2. to continue the application, firstly go through each saved step to check the details are still correct, by using the ‘Go to’ buttons at the end of each page.

You cannot jump to the first uncompleted section.



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the requirements for processing applications differ depending on the investment type, contribution method and remuneration options selected, for example.

the following information is intended as guidance only – the specific documents required and any other instructions you need to follow are confirmed at the end of the online application process in the application Confirmation, and are based on the details you have entered.

1. arrange for the following to be sent to us, as applicable:

• the payment. • documents such as the signed adviser Fee authorisation form.

Note: we will not invest money from an application on which an adviser initial fee has been requested until we have received the completed and signed adviser Fee authorisation form.

2. once we have received all requirements we will set up the account, and invest the payment where it has already been received. please read the Collective investment bond terms and Conditions on our literature library for more information.

3. a contract note confirming the investment will be issued to the client, typically two working days afterwards. a copy will be available for you to view in the client’s record, in the ‘documents’ tab.

pdF18367/218-1164/June 2018 be aware that calls and electronic communications may be recorded for monitoring, regulatory and training purposes and records are available for at least five years.old Mutual wealth is the trading name of old Mutual wealth limited which provides an individual savings account (isa) and Collective investment account (Cia) and old Mutual wealth life & pensions limited which provides a Collective Retirement account (CRa) and Collective investment bond (Cib). the wealthselect Managed portfolio service is provided by old Mutual wealth limited and old Mutual wealth life & pensions limitedold Mutual wealth limited and old Mutual wealth life & pensions limited are registered in england and wales under numbers 1680071 and 4163431 respectively. Registered office at old Mutual house, portland terrace, southampton so14 7eJ, united Kingdom. old Mutual wealth limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct authority. old Mutual wealth life & pensions limited is authorised by the prudential Regulation authority and regulated by the Financial Conduct authority and the prudential Regulation authority. their Financial services register numbers are 165359 and 207977 respectively. vat number 386 1301 59.when printed by old Mutual this item is produced on a mixed grade material, which uses a combination of recycled wood or paper fibre from controlled sources and virgin fibre sourced from well managed, sustainable forests.

what happens next?

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