Page 1: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Collecting &Using Data

to Guide RtI Implementation:Satisfaction Surveys & Implications

Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related Services

[email protected]

Leigh Gates, RtI Liaison

[email protected]


Page 2: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Began in 2004-05 with 7

elementary schools

6 additional schools were trained

each year

Currently, 32 elementary &

middle schools

Ongoing Training

Central Review Process



Page 3: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Question for Discussion: Please Discuss with 2-3 Neighbors

What makes RtI an effective approach

for classrooms, grade levels, schools, districts, and states?


Page 4: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

According to NCRtI… Universal Screening

(to identify who we work with), Multi-level Prevention System

(to identify what we do), Progress Monitoring

(to identify if what we are doing is working), and Data-Based Decision Making

(to make use of the assessment data in meaningful ways that will benefit students).


Page 5: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

What’s Good for the Goose…Mary Boscardin (2007) applied RtI and Problem

Solving to district/school leadership practices.

Responsive Leadership Intervention Gathering data, Analyzing data,

Developing/implementing plans of action consistent with empirically supported

practices, and Evaluating outcomes and impacts.

Boscardin, M. L. (2007). What is special about special education administration? Considerations for school leadership. Exceptionality, 15(3), 189-200.


Page 6: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

We wanted to know…

What is the general consensus about RtI from a personnel and parent perspective?

What is working well?

What needs to work better?


Page 7: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

We Modified an Existing Survey The Florida Project Problem Solving and

Response to Intervention:

School Personnel Satisfaction Survey

And, we modeled a Parent/Guardian Satisfaction Survey after it.

For more evaluation tools


Page 8: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

NHCS School Personnel

Problem Solving Model (PSM)/

Response To Instruction (RTI)

Satisfaction Survey


Page 9: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

NHCS Parent/GuardianProblem Solving Model (PSM)/Response to Instruction (RTI) Satisfaction Survey


Page 10: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

TimelineTimeline: Actions: Comments/Questions:

Friday, October 14: 4:45 pm Complete Draft Survey

Monday, October 17: 7:30 am Send out Draft Survey for Feedback Trant

Friday, October 21: 5:00 pm Indentify survey recipients Gives me 1 week to gather emails

Friday, October 28: 5:00 pm Receive survey feedback Gives me 1 week to make revisions

Monday, October 31: 730 am Send out Advanced Notice Designated Workday

Friday, November 4: 4:45 pm Complete Final Survey

Monday, November 7: 7:30 am Send out Final Survey

Monday, November 14: 7:30 am Send out Reminder 1

Friday, November 18: 7:30 am Send out Reminder 2

Monday, November 21: 7:30 am Send out Reminder 3

Wednesday, November 23: 11:59 pm Close Survey Teacher WorkdayGives me 10 working days to analyze, synthesize, and report data

December 20 Complete Final Report Power Point, Discussion Points, Handout10

Page 11: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Personnel RTI Satisfaction Survey:

Who Responded?





5%5% 3%

Participants by Role

GenEd Teacher 51%St. Supt. Staff 12%SpEd Teacher 11%GenEd TA 8%Sped TA 5%Administrator 5%Inst. Serv. Staff 3%


Page 12: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Parent RTI Satisfaction Survey:

Who Responded? 68% had 1 child in the RTI


70% had children in the 3rd-5th grade.

60% had children in academic interventions.


Page 13: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Survey Results:

72% of school personnel were satisfied (or very satisfied) with the degree to which the interventions used helped students to progress toward meeting benchmarks in Reading.


Page 14: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Survey Results (continued):68% of school personnel were satisfied (or very satisfied) with the degree to which the interventions used helped students to progress toward meeting benchmarks in Math.


Page 15: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Survey Results (continued):55% of school personnel were satisfied (or very satisfied) with the degree to which the interventions used helped students to progress toward meeting benchmarks in Behavior.


Page 16: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Survey Results (continued):73% of parents were overall satisfied (or very satisfied) with the RTI process used with their children.


Page 17: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Areas of Strength:

Personnel & Parents

were MOST satisfied with:

Data-based Decision Making

Progress Monitoring


Page 18: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Areas for Future Growth:

Personnel & Parents


Identifying struggling students in behavior

Providing interventions in behavior


Page 19: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Results Flyer


Page 20: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Where are we in the process?

Responsive Leadership Intervention Gathering data, Analyzing data,

Developing/implementing plans of action consistent with empirically supported

practices, and Evaluating outcomes and impacts.


Page 21: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Developing/implementing plans of action consistent with empirically supported practicesNow that we’ve surveyed, what do you think we

should focus on next based on the results?

Why? Discuss with 2-3 Neighbors. 72% personnel satisfied with

reading 68% personnel satisfied with math 55% personnel satisfied with

behavior 73% parents satisfied with RtI



Page 22: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Developing/implementing plans of action consistent with empirically supported practicesAs a result, behavior became a MAJOR focus:

1. Improvement Group Part 1

2. Improvement Group Part 2

3. Rollout Overview

4. Rollout Practical Application Part 1

5. Rollout Practical Application Part 2

RtI and Behavior Session on Wednesday.


Page 23: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Evaluating outcomes and impacts.After briefly hearing about the RtI and Behavior

Improvement Process, how can we evaluate outcomes and impacts?

Discuss with 2-3 Neighbors.

1. Improvement Group Part 1

2. Improvement Group Part 2

3. Rollout Overview

4. Rollout Practical Application Part 1

5. Rollout Practical Application Part 2


Page 24: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Evaluating outcomes and impacts.Here’s what we have in place. How can we

improve on it?

Discuss with 2-3 Neighbors.

1. Central Review Process for Individual Eligibility Cases

2. Seminar PD Sessions for New Material and Updates from the Field


Page 25: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

What have been your experiences with…

Responsive Leadership Intervention Gathering data, Analyzing data,

Developing/implementing plans of action consistent with empirically supported

practices, and Evaluating outcomes and impacts.


Page 26: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Areas for Continuous Improvement: An RTI & Behavior Process Improvement Group has been working since

September to improve this process.

A Fidelity Project is underway using Teachscape to strengthen instructional integrity.

An ad-hoc committee was formed to strengthen the process for English Language Learners.

Content Literacy Continuum project to strengthen secondary RTI

A detailed analysis of the survey is underway by school & by process for targeted professional development.


Page 27: Collecting &Using Data to Guide RtI Implementation: Satisfaction Surveys & Implications Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related

Collecting &Using Data

to Guide RtI Implementation:Satisfaction Surveys & Implications

Bill Trant, Executive Director of Special Education and Related Services

[email protected]

Leigh Gates, RtI Liaison

[email protected]


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