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Collaborative Project: Literature

Sariah Ross and Hannah Dunn

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What are the most popular books and genres of literature?

How can we utilize that information in our future


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1. What is your favorite Genre in Literature? Can choose up to three

•Fantasy •Realistic Fiction •Mystery •Science Fiction •Historical Fiction •Classics •Biography/autobiography/informational(non-fiction) •Poetry •Urban Fiction

2. List your three favorite books. *

3. How much do you read for pleasure? * 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10Never Often

4. Any other comments?

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Results: What is your Favorite Genre in Literature?

What is your favorite Genre in Literature?

Fantasy 53 41%

Realistic Fiction

60 46%

Mystery 39 30%

Science Fiction

28 22%

Historical Fiction

29 22%

Classics 24 18%


28 22%

Poetry 17 13%

Urban Fiction

12 9%

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Results: How much do you read for pleasure?

How much do you read for pleasure?

Never Often

1 Never 1 1%

2 10 8%

3 13 10%

4 12 9%

5 10 8%

6 15 12%

7 11 8%

8 26 20%

9 5 4%


Often 27 21%

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Results: List Three Favorite Books

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Results: How many responses over time

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Sariah’s Classroom

This research will benefit my class in a variety of ways. First, it will assist me with my book selection process for the year. There are some books that are required for students to learn. Outside of these books, I want to encourage my students to read self-interest books. By learning more about my students I can make suggestions and help my students become lifelong readers!

This research can also be a valuable tool to use in the classroom for students that have a hard time with the material that is being learned. These results could confirm that the particular book we are reading is not interesting or challenging to my students. This could make the difference between a student being placed in a challenging class or realizing that my student is in the right level course.

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Hannah’s Classroom

The results show that a large majority of people enjoy reading realistic fiction. With this in mind, I can attempt to use realistic fiction books in my classroom. By choosing books with characters that my students can relate to, I can hopefully spark their interest and enthusiasm for the reading and the topic at hand.

For example, as a history teacher, the book Number the Stars would be an excellent reading choice because it presents a relatable main character. By appealing to my student’s empathy, I will hopefully aide in the student’s understandings of the Holocaust and it’s effects.

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