




Advertisement s.

(~UEEN Insurance' Compan y.

B 00 17< S ::;, uit a?le for Presents.

--o--Ou r n n.l :. t'orl" 1 '.~1111\' tn Crom ~If l '•·l· r C.\l' l'l'AL--£ 2,000,001} Sterling.

1.• '\ !<0 ,I tl.<l<& Nlllt. Joj tllAd\r.I:IOilb 1\llh olr-.,; nptilc :unl ln•t,•nc:.l uouc,:l b y I:J. uouutl Oll~r.

I ' •·htt:TM by \\'tllirun ::\lltlrend1·, R A., wtth .t, !oeroptlons nnd n btn--niJIIliC.U ' ketc h of tloc l'a iulcr by Jl1tot·~ l):.lfcrnc.

J' .. ·turcs l"· Charles ICo>oort I ~·lie, H A .. woth J~,.. nptious and n l •l" ::rnpl11c:U sketcb <•f th~ t•~tntcr by J n:ncs Uaff~rnc.





t . . --- -- -- ---~--------- - ---'1UI": ~ce,, ""U001US la11gue.:e which he. d id not ti.!C :md for nt· l C"h'll"t 0 tl t .._.. t . b t


h: t · , . . .u.I..U:) U.c:&o • t b II tl ' A ( ' ' ' 1 " n 111 ,~m • u •• " •• O(l('n •0 ~htp r nntlln"' ttllder lo wer top!aill'lud r - r .. tl n u ug t.o 10 IIB(rl;ln . ovcmooenl II nn·•·c·~n . t l .: I I • . ... ~v --.w ...... ~----~----- r . I h . . ., ~ ·- I& 10 rL'CCp .. ou euc l " p tOJIOII;I 18 fnrel!.111 ~·"CIJCU very hetrfJ et:ll' o•or IIIIJ-

u MR. GLADSTONE Alq) _·'!_~ AU&. r:~~~~ 10L~\,:; r!~.rt ~~:~it ~~c~~~!~ I h k,~l~ to m~c~. wit~~~~ tit!). hand~ .or r:nroroc, tnal, I<>A,tAII bul.w11rh aud Jif.,boat; po.Ssetl

Err'o~ . 'l'IUA.N GOV~. ufo t.o iod u1go i11 mi~''J'r.!tlt•ntotion of 11 ~~pul ~,~;.::,.cc\~33 wLi~~ \~~~o~di•:i1iL~{yt't~ t"!"ral dc:ulll p1~-. hhnd t ho 11[\Jl~·,llnco o f J..LI.i 'tt• - - · foreign P ower "" h• c:~tmnu.)' of 110 ~·ng;1 h f , c1og r ec:cu 1 LD t o wutcr. Gale ) Mted

alp DUN Tho ~ollol'tiog ~I'B,I>atch ~ be~n ~d..-· Oont u'tocnl\ lie hiWI ; ,.lntllt o;l t.ho lll:W.J.c,.,. lleVUt'e or lt. ~ 8 houl'tl ~~~ i t.a ~ulellt fury, durd!f whlca C D ed t.o SLr Lleory Blhot, Uer ~l tiJe•tJ ' Am· which bo ecattoroJ aiJroa<l t~t the "'i' .,.,., or I ~t. bourt the abtp l1lll by obaen atlon 266

. b:usador at Vie~M, eoclolllng ~py of · a tho A uetr illu g 111ptror n ull the ,\ ~ .. tr•nn ' T H.E MICSING SHIP ·• ATALANTA.'' mile8. :-<oon ~h1r 18th Clll 6 m otlenated, bot"

J;miJI) lctt~r from_thd H.t:;h t tlon.,V. E. GJadaloo o :\lioiatr y : 11n,J ha.. 1111.,Ju loii coni,·•• •~'" ' uf ·- . ee11 ~ost teml!c, bein~r eontmonlly OYer-to (.;oaut K~rolyt ,:- pcno ten·c~ with t loc ex ~~p~rntinJ h tl!lllity L n toot N O";\'ll f rom E;1~ulh P npors.- r~IDnm>: tho n ssel; Used ,tW'o lm:tt witlt

• "I:arl GIUSI' tLLll to Sir u . Eu.ruT. tb~~ 1s u uultembly w•ll tu,. to :\ prv 1.t l'<'ll · Reporb of V'e.:::Jca Sont. \ o Look !or ?•I anrl blark nrms b o vur tho 611lrn, ntl ll 0 "'IISJ "Foreign Ollb, l h y G, 18'0 plo 1vbo c:mnot f.>rgct thn~ for tla t rmc t l1c Her . !nun~l:nlcly fcl~ tho t;re:\t~~t. ~nelit frotn

S DH ti ~ I u Slr,- I lon •arlio to J'O~r, by ll r bonouT a nd ll1gnity o f tho country 1~ ult'HJ , , . -- H . 1'111 no more I ( M bro~<c 1ntlun l OO feet ui

.D 'HD • Ol>•l• tou•'• " ' tnosl. a copr ol-tlrtl.,. ... riuon Ia l copiug of 11 pcn~onagc who i• M . rout 1~ HI l . e:~r. Adm•ml lJo.,.J, Commn11tlinr.r. ~he tl•o ve r ei. . Jlad whnd and \iittn4 clo


_I'JI. ____ : _, !!)~ ~ _.!.~ c.m•~toonce ''' pN'vlou• Ollll lllld lVI' IIIon cum· rcck l~as upcr&ioll!t n.s he is norusS m 11~ cct 1

C'h:u!11c1 :->o(U:\~rnn. uf the .1f iA,,Io, ,.., wnttn~: em!Uibed <lnrtog Ute P'le, ami cltief w"t.c _ muo:..,tluna w••b Oouul!Urol!l n·~IO"'I" •


lcl 1 I 1

f II J f I M 1'.1 111, ,\ (lrll :!lith, rc•por u .-" I lcf: nnJ II<!Vcml rnen inJ'nred b1• being knock~ ' .. llllll &o. Osu.snu.E. ~ ,~ • o.O. 10 WI r ICI.Orlc:l 0 •e .. 0 I (' 1 It l II ' I ' h. l . J I J '--'- which Mr. (;ll\ll

3tonc hns IJCoo guilt) noc " >m nr 0 11• t .lo 1.< ~.~t ' ' u l ou ll•wr, , ~m• rmr ~Intel.: with 1lo:ttinll objeeu .


llirkct F ... stcr's p.cturc' of l::n!<hbh l:lll•l- 'fWE~TY·FlRSl' A~~'""UAL RE· KC.~pc {clo,f;r:\\CJ by tho brother's Unhicl) ) PORT. l '1c tul\!> 111 1el'l!e by '1'ora Ta)IOr. "' ]1,~moc,; .,r F:n~h.11b>e 1Jmwn hy 'fl1p n <'port ancl .A.ccount.s Cot· tho

--:o - (Cac:..rturo.) 11wiflly cntn11mg tbo 111c,·itnblc pcn~tc1 ,"'· l ·l!f IICQWrt. , \ •• ~,,..,,, 1· ·>irrml, noJ .!. lul!t•, cnJ 1 wo men 1"sLctl to Lhb he(~ for ten houm The Promoter o.nd Perfoc:ter of Aa- l l.r

0 (' Cqlumnic:• 113 we !I Illi cunocs little cine' ens nrnn•.t nt ~ l tho. uoornlll~ I hmul! the thrnu:;houl the 2 1 bou!'llolun n;; t he stren~:th

aimilation. · UOSTo:l'n ~. uunt Ku oLn , couto bom'a to roost. ;\Jr.' til:uhton~ Ill\~ I fi~~t few oh~ • nfh ·r it39lllfl' (; ii.>rnltr.r, hc!lr.l of tlo l' ~Ill until l~1e mode.mtin::o of tbepalc; Tho &former o.nd V1t41.izcr of th~ .. , . lhndon ll•r 1, 1~-o. bnd Ius fif'l' t e x <menco of tbo truth of thw n ln<l8 " ~ro ·· ~pCrt"nccd. ••tth r :mo r.•pwll~. , tlu~ncc to U•c: Lr:nrtl w oolem te weather,

B lood. D"'r Count KAUOL'fl.-1 thank yvur J.x.:<l· b' 1 1 1

P l L nn•' n \l'rT l>n.: lo• ~~ •• ~well from the uorth - win1b \'Cering (rom N !>< W tQ N L' 't1 J;a l. ct CoMcr~a;;mn·u t.y ~zn.:l Urothcl"ll yo.•r t 87~, (ll't!.,cn u.•l to tho Shnt""Cholclcn~ .1 C

1•opcr, E.. 1-:vans, &c. nt thc\Annuul ll l r cttng ,o n 'l'ucsd ny, 2 i lh

l'wturcM\UC :Sce ncr) in l rclan<l drawn by i\[:1\', 1 79, a~ w hich Uonltll•l Tlo ll, Jo:~<( , · ~·hom:u Cn.'ll",~k H. A Eul(rtllc<l ou Jll'cinut·cl, s lou wc cl, in the Dl\ itlencl ond

•. ~~c~l, "'!h uescnpUHl JOitlllg& Uon ns ~~ ~ tbc r nto to,;cthor of 15 pt r Ihu t hmu:m ycnr. 1lh:Btl'lii<'U by S1r .John t , J ~JareJ £14 03' b ·

Gtlbcrt. Hot.crt lbrn<••. W B. !:;colt, lJ I cenJ · f" n~ ~ • • _. e.~og car (' :-dunl'. \\' Small. , 'l'. n e On\1\r~. •

1 .~ml• • l'.th< fro m :-.ln~ <''t~"'" «lated II\


FlH E llRiL'Wll, C'h:trf,., 1\ nu!h! "ttlo .1111 olln,lr:•l <on• IJ~ • T hnL t hu l'rNuiUlllil lo r 1878, ~tor ::-or J ohn I oolhctl, H \ d,..,ln~ttnt; Ht• 11\SUt:IIICOII, l'-lllOUnt.c<l to

llum~ .\IT,·cuon< p•Jt ln~· I I" tl"• l'"t' t • . ~ .t~~•G,'.:l7 1 , hew~ nn incre:u e of ..£5,3!)1 <>• l ,._, t~•l :o•o•l .,111••1 h 1 I hut,•• ~h,ka), ""r Ilk.: l't~minm J ncomoof 1877 nnd

, tlht<tr:<t" l \\ tth 1' " 1 • ·u·~· '''"..!'' the Los.'>CM tf) ..!::!5 1 GG I boill'"' 55.16 11a~..: Pn n<-t. l •f t1H II '"'" , ,,f lh \t.t. r.r t1 .r,, '· ' c •

, , ~1, 1n t la• llnh · t t~ h tlo• (; ,, , .1 II ! 1"'1 1'~11~ 01~ tlw !': Ollllll lllS o_f tho ~ 001'.

l u,:t .,hnn. l. l.ll 1\lt'onuno<~••u• ollnstr:o· l~ litE LJio E DEPARrhlENT, toon< '1'1· 1t ~•·w P o llc tos h 11cl 004'11 uu.noo

'11.•· \c11 J lln•tr""J', ·· ·•n 1 ll o-t on lo• th• f.>r £ .:.:.!.1:-.'J, nn·1 tlu~ t),.. l. tfo Fnntl , 1:. 1 .I II \\ '"' I \1 \ I L~ c ll,;t'.l\c•l lo\ tl.,. o•hlillc•a• tn.<tl<' Lo It 11.!1 th~ t'('SUI~ h\ tlo ~ llr<''u · i1ol , I I 'II I' I ': I II l u l t l,.. "·" ~ ''I" riiiOIIA 11011 rt1)JI'C.~t:nl.ll ' ' , , l•ll il , : t• r t • 'r' '' t Uf' ~"'\llll' ·- ~' • ! p

"\ :u IIU ttf n \' I , .... I~ .. ... ol .l .·ru ... ,t. Ill }, , G4 ~ IK: l \.l:llt , .. t t ~ - t•IJLiro n o t- rcuu:nus • \I"• .1 1\ \\ ~ h "'" ,( ,..1 1111., 11~ u u 1 ~< ..:{'n CJ <>II "1"r.1 l'oh oy w l ore.!. ~h (fo, U ol r:I\\ IU "'< lo\ \\' (J !11rtl••ll I

·n •• , ... t oll>l ' I I r :,r tlu \\ orl•l ' " "l('tl• · 'fhl' !!ttrph q t •. d .I!ICO tn thl' Ftro Ae· , ,_ I". ., ,., I t·,•ow.l "I:.·•• 1 .. • "' I m• l'l. I , •• ,. Ill~ """ , ),111 11 t ... ho £I c,; ,59!1. out of l t t!,11 t '''~ an.r 111d .... ,, ,, , ... i,.,tl .... \\llldt l:!t~.•HIIJ \\aS r ppro]lrJuted to {r u. ~at u. • u \\ ;'ih• 1 l. .,1 m ~ I•\ \ l.r,•n ....., \ 1 A jl, und • lh i W t P•t' t ....:'l llll.l, t llJSlll;.; t \ l\t ("t;QUUt

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11 til bor G t uce. 1: Ll ~· I I I. E I J ,\ :-.1 kCu

:\ \ 11(1' 111-:1\ :\ Assur a nce Company.

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l'.\t'il.\r.- .£.3 I!UU.OUO ' tg. ~ua•.• \ 1 t. l- ei', ... J l ~ F ,rnth Fnt'ld I ., ..

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'111C u u.lj:;l't. fur Bo~ • nud Girl&. S lrnltan's G t'11111l Annu:.l for the ) Oun;;,

illu•tmt.ed with W dra,>L

r DfiUrnnc-c~oncccd o n Pro p e rty in "N ow loUlt<l l:md a.t Cu.rro of Pre. r.IIUUI.

Th p d d In . t 1

le-ur) f.·u· ) ''ut Jot tt:r. n h£.h. umtio: h:\u:.u~.sJ 1 prove r t:l P u OlOp 'i· r urchtr expcnouce3 Wf',t 1 ) ,JTIU ' ' t! , , ( I .. . 1. , I • • • . · • li . . ..... , ":' 1 o ro ucer o.n Vlgorn oro l>ilh~whr.s.rrmknmylou .,<.u) o~.· of the a.~we L:. lUJ " ' II uoJouut.:Jly a\\llit . , <c. r,~t' lo.~ f~'\311.~~~ · '"~ '' liY!"J!11!1s ou sono<ltng. A brhk wuld

Nervo and Mueclo. .. ~I lllhiU( olllOCu.-ln • lht• occur ACyl)! •art. In""' • hun " ··~ l loc r, \\ " " ll.:h l h<r WU!d'. ~. n.. e\ . 1:'0111 I ~~.E. Cor three Ua) 8 thence \YC.ilcrly The Builder o.nd S upporter of B rain rref3ioo• In tLo• ru1.orf yo•a h.\v•l•rl'<ardod. I r~"' l . , . I "'ncnce I. 'I h" ' ''flln>< rutlfrncJ w Fn~ nl 11 tuu~ to thi~ port. '

Power. " "' I • • once to tu• ""' 'J<-<t. ALII"' utorurnt ,.)tt'u (/ rom Frcmii: ·rl•.lt ll, I '""'"• .lla:J 1.! ) th" on•>rn<n~. nhor commuuic:tting " 'lth the . I """~plml fro>n> II•• llt~eeu tl.c th•' rof rvnuiufNut ~l r r.ll'l•lslone'o~ l~ller ''lYe& no lll>f>OrL'IIIt 1 11:\utl~ c•f ~~at:~ )l~~r1n, T crcoirn S t. (From ll.e Lomlo" S!lipping Ga::ctk)

F 1l • C d " 1 -~ r r AJnuul"rot! >a I r.,rctmllh "'"""<.! tlul I , .. ,ul•l " . \I I " I G . 1:1 d , , ' 1 • .,,,.. oropouo .,yrup • romj'<"'r • o n ~~ I • h • • l ( l . ~:unmnlcu fu r t he ou:tmlcnnucc of l.n:vp~na . tr .r. • ,rn, l•>i<l, <>"es, ILll -..on •o, nn• pMI~'I\!8 h1tJnt1CJi l wult thOle whll b t.'ltlii,..I II 01C no l u ~ . m l1h:r. (lll c.r n t'K:l .. o r OY u \ t. ' '

0 lll s I I l I v· tn t ' c r\)rtl :\ H r t. l IMPORTANT DECISION.

llo., hhy UtO()Il Mu•du &nd X r d. J•rtUc. 1 ar~um• ut J)l.•:, w •• :tl I Hit: a • .:,~ I.J n.·~o."lr t to tn..Jra JH.!3 \:C'. "o v uq t\1) ...llf.,: ~ot., t.G~·· t llcr w Hh I · • 1- •I • uz '1

1 C ""• 0 t'Ot c .. n~our

Su.....,l4noo, whlio Lllo lt.aclC Is dlr~~j,. ~:peu.J:mt than Md fore<go 1\,nr ""'"" I I" t ,,,, 1 i ,. " daicly united ( .orw.u~y 011 ( \ '"' rJ · to oht \Ill IUlormntwK n~1out lhu .l/.,(auta. UJIOO onmo nf lbem. . dlr~oluAIIJ' wbcn lll. po:utlltll ol ~. .......... "' l lvlll II UU~ \1'). Cl.lliBir.lcra tb~ u~rhu I r c II~ :u t IC I rc~r<:l tn -~} tlo3t not:lln):: hns ~('('II heud

t!:t.rit tmo tul<l Lnw-Rc. leo>~<> of Shipa-T'.::t.c •· Ji"D.!lChon."

lly llAI uuloo wllh tho blood •n•l it. oJI'.'CI 111>00 ODd ,11~" r(\lpoul ·~u!II'Y ..... _ _ , b 1' I lus.~ vi t.:filntU Ill the 1:. ol, t.:.~ru c lU l.t~ I nf Iter l f•·•w"'' ' " ~'VPY of Coutw:.n.Jer tl l bll bl

••. .• ' .. WO I"' n l.a ...... """'" ""oqd 1 )03< >%CI' . • I·' ( r ' J I •• muoc .... ro·ula s 01; uoo ono ftU" ' ""' "H 1 1

-"l....d' r h fi h . uo 11p(otolht'UHIOll of" ~r M a C(lll5c •ucuce uf I '"' d!Ot .:'• ~ rul¥)o1 o prococ mgs. l c tb~ other , 1115 t:ap!llll<l ol-'1eeliD!; Lbo t .. llowong :.~.,~~c:r.iUh.t l· 0~ -~ • • :..~ ::.~:.r;~::;::.~ comphottOUS Ill t ho U:\l knns. - ou!OII>I. IIIC t l n: t1oo :\laste r or .tho ~or- ~Utforo !=;ir n. .l. l'hilliouore, April 21) re~~~~ll •ll•pl~ o.r wuh oul tob<rculous tnAt· dptidto to lloo 1"'1""1&1 ll•jeoltllllii)U&gO "Inch be (From tlrr St~ Fovic I'• Cut', livt~a, .1/(ly 1() J •1vu"t:;11.111~: '',"'cl t.o mdc t., ~t \~~r1e3 1:1 11 'l'ery ~ lr. R C. (;lnrkson ruoY~tl t ho comt on tcr. And thn• ruro t;oooumpllou ' . "!'' UIO. • • • . I ~ .... a. umn, till uCSCrtvc( bchr~lf ur Ll·c chnrtcrcrs o f t !lo Fw~ek>u, Q

tt1·tncrrnslng :;.,r, ous aod llnonollll' VII!Or It . \ our Euollonc) cay• that boa Im~rW f ho I::oghsh C tlln uct, 111 ortlc r to effect T HE 0 \1 r. OS Tllr. J'>ru OF fE BI:IiAR\' ihl(tbelon~ing lo Ynnnoutl•, in KoYR SeoUl\,

wili'core~Jil'<'P"t•, f~hlo or lu:orruptud ..-tlon l}•J•• 'Y Ol<l' ' "'""'l in rou•·tn>tlou ln tb "" II . 1U r~concililll10n w1th offon leJ Austrin, bn3 . • • • - • • • for tho r..:lensu of t!Jat ~~sel wtthout l.ta.i l. or tho II I aod Polplutlon, \\'cakncu vi l utrl- Elhol,. hi• ...... , •. r<~rrlll r•)' hottllo •h•r. IIIO:t not hesitated to makol\ sn.cnh~u \\ : .. d . UIU11 I when lull vc••d 1"\S t h rown on her be.:tm lu A('ril, l lli7, t he nulOft~ i D$1 owner of tho ltd cau• by j:Ticr, "'"'"1· orart•x or irreguh1 ,,,.,.r~l Au•!"" 1 •rmlt "11' 1" ""1 1 "'' u 110 h u 8 :~II l~ 1 rt) be , ~1 1 l'n.t•. n•ul rcmniuc,lw for 19 bours M tre· f~t~tcllon roort.,,••c.d Ius :.!V Glth &hn~~ for 1 \it u b"t i A Ob

1 Co i 1ucb•h11poshmn1 ttnr;u~b ADf count r) wb.atGVf'r nYc ce ~o ltl ur ous~ • r I cl • " · ~ ~~ tl,:·,u:on\~0~· In ~~~·m<;:;,L ,l:~o c. ~!;~~~ 00 ontl


1 1 •• all 1110001 , .. , 0 1)1rtlculnlJ aa1t Gladstono kuow pcrf~ocll) well h.:1 .:u·1utrJ· t "'~"' ous ' nn thnt bu~ for tbc unturo of i I ,000 Cor three yc:1111 to ouc ForJ, who

ltcurra~'•thma. LouoiVol~, ;1:~,!1~~HI h•a.rtilJ wllbtJ.,rllt<~AUJiriA iutbol><:rro~nHnca rn~nwould not fo~I~C h1u1. the "''r;: > th~ 1e"'cl rnu~t ltnrp foun•1~red. snblequcn~ly trnnafcrred h it iot,et!'lt t.o v


1 D• n•• E[>ilop!la F ILa Wboo

11111 c


11 of 1ho orJuou• tA•k or <'<~" .. ,lkhlliaj( tbD l:•nplre , . • . 4. If the .lt,/wrl<l ldt Hcrmu<!n on t he Il l at hlear&. :Smith . l'ayno & S witb, t he bnokers

Ncrvoulo~•: •ud I• .. moll ;..oodo':f.ol odju~~f.~ I f~el • c,or•h•l rNt~«t f1>r thu d l'orta ul 11.'" l::m· ( f·rvm tl<e i'<atr ~~~at ';" 1U'I!J, n ... Jw, Jfa!J I I 1 .Jan , tt II p~bablo t hat w !•cu t bo gale 10 .LonJon. "ho on t he Cth, of April Ins!,

othor r.mediu Ill IUt\&llliD& h fo durlog the 1>1<>- ..... "· ·~11 I lrduat ~hl•t tbelkr ICO!Illf>1l•la '"""""' Uh) Ho"ev~r pr:u~e .. ·orthv I~ ru:~y bll IV he n & 0\ ~rtook. tho ~OriTO)::Ulll, t he Atal .. nta Will> bCint( t he d!\1' O!l which t he return or the ce .. ot Do-' ·lhariA. honounwy•n D<>vY""' 1 ~ 10 11"' I • b IJo tth d :!.1 I f b '' cJ bl th •--Dv "J

1 ed h edt ~ . .. With respect

10 my aonnllth orolouo on tbo m!\u goucrous y retrncLJ mJI expreas1ooa II n 1'\'e ayt ~ea< o er. votumau cr wone-y wn pnyn c, cy u.:1og t hou tho

l&r ~:: no :::;:,; pr• " ~:.';!on f: 1

~~~n.~:::'f~, ror~ogn vohcJ of AuSir<s •l th~.,. wbon 1t w... nu,( unfouuJcd IICCusnuous, ~ t il l l ito ncccs - Fitx-Gcort~c w~a Informed dt G rt\OJOSI\ (u I morlg:\S:OU of the Bhl\re8. tooL: poasession th•• uu.t"' ~ny c:<rcum•r.n..,. ""'"'o wyoo.t th6 bonlou, ! "ill Dot ~uc.,31 ln>m slty for such a revocauon u cnt1cal 111 t ile atal.od tn b ts letter of p;t) t.oat o n of the elnp :mJ a rrested her bv tho proc~n

l .ook Olll for Hoe llAI\Ift • od &ddro«o J. l l'F: J.. ~:ur LX<> a .... cy Ll"~ 1;:11UO ~I'P<thenolon• b•d CMil of II atatcam.~n nnu a ~t iu!ALOr who the ll thIn St., a f r•sntc pMBt41,ttui~ lslruld Ill or lho .\ druirnlty Cour t a~ lluil, where Aho !.Oil'S'. SL J ohn S B. on lh•· , ''"'" ' ""'"'" , "'0 rxclll~l In m~ 1J1Uod ' "'1 Auoln 1 •••• lid play at.-.nJs a~ t ho head of tbe Go1·crutncot of 11 heavy !;Bie a~eriua lo tll~:~ard. tihu 1\ lllO Jon,ltng lUl out,rnr<l C'.l\1'"' for Phll!ldcl-ln w•lermuk wloleb l•aoou bJ bolJ<u,; 1t.u P•t co •d """'r'0

1b1 '0 U.l~cl•n 11'~1•1"1"1',~'.':" 111" to !uofr""

1 • one of the 1nis:hl1e$f em(ll rcs o>f tho ear th h3d no fnnnol, nnd WAS Jl:unt~••· o white ploll\., which <::1"'!0 conllit•cl o r lho~ etoncs

beforo t)10

llghL l~l ,. " t} JU o JacJS•Q .... ...-unw, AU.J to 1 I" -.. , • • • • k. d ""1 ~ • .,... -l'roca t

60 p-r llottlo, &IX ror

55 ~O. r.,.,..,,.~Lio and n hoi'"" ot tho oob1,-cto .,( 1 ho Lonos 111ll not Cnd to rnllke c~pltn! for at re:l au port.s. } • · usucl for non mtulufacture, nt l:!s. n too,

110JJ bv •II Dru.JC;;i• •a. J uno H II•? :>u,:"'L Tl.du •••proh.utluns wrru !ouu.l"'l. put~· p~rposc from th•~ lot!er uf ~lr (, Ind. CO)nt \S Ot: I! rtrt -m:onor.'$' iicPoiiT nnd Cor tbo con vcynnco or wh1cb lUo O\ro·

· II b t rno·, u1•o~ I N:On•t.ry Otl~uuC'O, b otll ,..,.. 1 ... 1 aw ne, 11nd luul it but bcnu puhlu1JocJ 11 few . • · · en~ ht1d chnrtc red the 'I'Csael o u t he S l at of I'•• o\IJonrc ~~ ltl)oOt<!v wltcL~•. u!.l It w.u tuc 'I">'' be fore t hu clcct10111 tu wh1cto tho Col~. ~ ltt·G~or,:o of tho Salam~, rCJI)()rts ~ lnrclo 111 th u year. 111c \'eJISCiwu destined

Bakin g Made Easy -or-

nroodill's German Bakin!J Powder.

J O H N W I LSON , II I L/ Ftl .\', ,y . '. ,

l\1 A ~ U F A C T U It E 1\.

ll'ot>dol/'$ Crn11rrn &Lmg f>OJH'dcr loo• obtaill· td ll rfJHII<IIIUII IUiti[UCllltd by tlii!J Olhrr. 7'/~ !lrr~l'•fl{l/ f•lll,.ru •:( rllt /'or~r owrdc l•y JU /1 N II /I.S O.\', art-

l sL. P unty 111 mnnu(:u:Lure.

:!ntl I t mnkc~ r~r'l" light antis" N l 1\re•<l· "1thou~ ) OMt , llour 'puJJmg.~ " uLr u t ~~;ss, :111J pM!r} h:;ht nnJ "holuomo .

Srd. It m11.\:cs Bre!ld and UIScUI~ with n lliCc ll'ltltr; 11pp1!8rti.Uet, withou~ JIOl!SeiSIIl{; llny tnJunuua mg redJcots.

4th. I~ hM tho ndnoto~c of bllin~: mnd• c .u:U'ta .. Ll, t bo l'D:Ike r, JOJL.'Ij WILS0 :-1, hi\~ tug had a long c xperi.:nco extending 0\'Ct II [ICrJOd Of St:\ f.~'TECS Yr. \ I!S, t lJUR ~­aurin~ to t he pubhc 11 n.~kmg l'o11Jcr wbi~i• w11l g h·o every &AtiBCnction.

\\·l<oleealo Agents to Uarbor G mco

Messrs. JILLARD Bros.

""~\~t m) P.rom;;14"'1 1

. 1:00<1 1

~hou•tera hocl ncnm tu ~ubmit tneltl$c' •·e~ from I "Y"'· April .:i:Jn.l .-·•·n,o "'~lot :Utcr to an Amoncnn port. to bnng bAck a ca~o ann 0:~'(;".,..;a0:v.;b:;:, bnn:n.J:i'r~ ~~~~= l:it r )\'tllmm ll llrcourt 1\llul.l pn·Humobl): !0"1 m.: l . ol>rahM, 111 purounnco or the "-'il· o ( brc" •l3tulTo for J::n~;l<~od, aho be1ao; priu~ ~Y"" to e&ltDd ortul41o th~rl;!ht. ol baa a..~t·•lred htLI'C hnJ Aevcrnl comp~1110nH in m111Cortu uc. mg order:~ r~cc•vcll from you, I\ -r~ry s trong cip311y cus,l'l1:tcd in th•~ t rn<le. 'rho mort­nuder tho r..-.ty of lf..,tr ... o.:nA IJ!o'l ""r'JI"'dd es:- For ~ho for~tJtll pohcy of tho Uovcwwcnt., urN•zc w:u es:rcr~enced from t:l. W .. ••1th n ;..oauor WM still t ho mBan~;ing owner of tho touo!on .-ould l>oa~IUAII)' p•cjudicl.ol to Aoatru- the rccnutatiou 0 ( ~lr GII\Wt ouc is n bad l>Cl\'1')' •ea,~Anl w e ftad t4 l .. y 1.0 for 1:.! 11h1p ~Wd r~~;latcrcu a.s , 0ch b ut b:1vio"' """I:"Y· · om~u hours On tt.c Mil dny t he "mJ sh1ftcd fnlle'a :to redcctn tht• roortga~e t he ~urt":.

•· t •ormlt mo "I on~ lo • tal<l lo your ExccUc~•r • Mud<l~nly round to ~ V. 11nd ~~ n!!:un bl · 1 k · 'J'I 1' •· J tbot, h•d I b<-<ln in l""~on or ouch an usur· (F'rom u C.onstit 11tio11ntl J'.r ri.• lfa!l I G) 1 d d t l 1 ···., f ,. l'" {;IIZCil oo po~astoo. 10 c oartcre111 u:1 •uL'<l •• I l"v" now t..." •blu to recolv"' 1 n•vrr ' ' · · >:tr · no 10 ~t:. r I0 :1tu 1\ tcr ll<'tiO W!H no liOIICO o( t he mort.j::\ge. nnd, bl'l'l'ing eo-""''IJ .hare nucr•• t an} ••a ol the wnr.l• which Fo r o~u·solvcs and our rcnr.lerll t ho 1Nt~r fut~~~~ to hn~c b~c•:. looJ~ncu L~· h~avy . ~I' Ill! tered m to the clo!!.r tor-party boua fo. lt , l11e )OUr I 1r~ll· t••Y j ••tl~ .ln.rrlbuuohp•lnfnl an•l of lll r Gln<l•1ono tells nothmg nc1r. \\ c &lnl;•ncr rho eh1p. " \\ o \'t'utc•l !'.~nt.1 morts:a.:ce load no ri!(ht to atep in and in­( """ lin;;- dm•rt. r WI<! her 11, wu 1uy no I•· lo~ •·e loa:; tbou:;bt I Lilt thi~ party chtd \YU :\1a tt ' • ::,.,n Lore nzo ll~.v. \'111.1 do l'ortl', tcrfcrc wttlo t heir ris:hts. Jl ho thought b ill

\o,1r1111111'0°1'n'r, ~>



1 It ••3 • ~·•1" 110

1 °0


111"'11 wnntih>: to t he N}UIIlllrium ncccu.>Ty to · l'outn l l.:ll:l\r.ln, St. ) llchrtnl a, l ~rcc1m, secun~y " Ill bnd un<ler t bo l\lercbl\n~ "'h•P ·

i u ft ( U111 0 I • rrW!IJt', u n• • OW'<J • I . ( . rt d c "' ax~r•~• ony torooa• « > lb" 1 •loouiJ iu Jt>o 1 JUUf>ll fntr y mt~toonQI q~e~ttou•. thlll ort\CIOO'.~, ' ore, 1111 ?"'o A~ cncb l l" n;; Act ho hnd tho polfor of ~~:~lc. T ho foult or ot, hn o 1...,..,, 1.-d .., r~!ar t >lrana.•ct •oo·a .,, I ho apoko 100 filJ>pnotlJ , 11 11 .. ou1 knoll m g pl:~co " h~rc thor<! nrc i:n~hah ( ononiM c;uw of ·• Colhn! va. L:unporl" 1\'M the CM& au .,.rua pull• I. or 1~ "" 1onn1 of ~n1uro wLich the I !let•. on tho fouu<l11110n o f 11 Judo he , thcJ wclc cuouunlnlcnlcu wit h, nnd nll 1n I winch f:o,·erned t he r resllnt applicat ion. Jf I euo n~w "''""~ tn•u•h 'l'f'm '!'Y m<n<l rutc•l In• rt':l.SOU ou~ :\tr. \.11\•l••om• hrus forul!\llo.ln po'l.nble ,~._, obl41Ucol from tho tho morl"ll"CO· wM in poll!caeion be beenmo

.. I tbmlt l!U<t tLo <%hn1110U I n .... lt nd•r I Jc Lbts 11:\iuful 1 ( ll I I r Ca••'>JIIS of the [llrl8 J\DV \ ' reck "C tl t " "I hnd d r ' . . abuuld lJo ll>!\llu nut lt.u pu~llo ll!>n lbo ll""<><'h U:\ ' • nvowa \lr IO en cr o t • • ' ' •o on o wner, IIIII no b'TOUil or objectmg to whlcJ, t..aa ""l't''""' u ... ,,,,.,1" " r, r h ."''" ..,.

10 I 11 great pnrty, Bt!d fo r tho beau of agro:~t bMI .been ru~kcJ u p "''" oxam1ocJ. but n chartcr-pnrty entered ill to for tho benefit

the fomo or •oct. ,,.,,,(j, IY 1 .J..alro In ol'<"'h tu Government. SLate rCMOUS hnvo oxposeJ not lu:Jg t h:t~ could h!\\'0 bclon~l'.l to or tho Olrno111. nLatllrerm•~· "''~ ".n ' 1:.:-cll<on<r'a" l•h 1 hw< I h im to Ius quaJi hu nuhnt<OII. llny lu~ c~- the . lrrr!rrnllt \\'~~ found. A~ St ~llcb11d '8, 11 1~ Lortltb1p.-T he p Jint of )AW is onl)· tu ll..,nk Y''"r f.•o•l rocy ohlco lur lho null« nmplc B.crrc 1U n lc.iSuo to :\II dcm.~:;ogues t ho p,,~"· one of t he ~tc!\mora of the Hoyal ~Vhoth~r th~ charterer, ,..ithou~ aoucc, i3 t~ • 11111'"~ m>nn,r. ~:h •I ) oar oral 40~ "' yo~r nuJ llgt!Ato~, our o••n nmon.;; t ho n uu1l.>er. ~11111 \\ c~t fnd mu'. lfl\l! l1·1n:; In tho bo Mnbj.•et to have tho ahip rOtitmilled wr 00 romwunu::t " ' ' l11~ro 11 n $lTCal doff ere nee loci" cell the IIUcborn;;o \rilh her ICfC\1 Bl;nrt b•okcn, ;\lr l!brl.:cou-Tha~ ill tho 1implc Poi a t.

"II oil, .t•~ chief of 1:nJ1.:nls ~~~cl n ltMiiC111· ouc ts n l "!'<I '·•s un~blo to pruc<c•l ou her ' oy:t~~ to A gre.~~ m;.ny rhipa htYO t.o go ~k to Cor-W. &. Ou.onos ll. ~ ll~doc.~l by ~llpo.'llt.ton; ono. ~ecome~ t he J::u~l:'luJ 1\lthou~ usutouce. A~ t;r:lCIO.J..'l ei:;n p uriJI 111 b:'IIIMt in orJer to bring. to

C~ld o.f Har.l·c~t· by tho aonbltlOII or po1'1'er. wo IYcrc mfo rmcJ thllt II ru~l :roggcd a!up, Euglllud n ry protitnblo C:~ti:OCI. J n lbis ( Fmm th~ D<tii!J fc/(9raph, J(n!J 11.) I o 11rnvo Ill tlud power n JICTliOil atru~:zl~s. fn.,"Dt•J )'1\lnlc<l, no funnol vuui.l!c, lool.:.u:; the CJ:~r;:o "'"' goan;r out oo a fAlling

h " ould bo llllgt:\Ctous 10

aonlyl\0 the :;1\'0B Cree 8COpe to t l<o hnnJ, foct, and hkc n m:'lu ·uf·~<ar,h:>J Jl!\iJICd t ho i.lnu,( on !Wirlcet . nnJ iC tho •hip coutlnueu under complet~uell!l of t luuubrniMiou, or to lllkc tou:;u~. &pcnks and 1\'tl lllll ll'llb()ul tlunk- tho ~ llb ltl II I ~ry he!!.'I'Y g:llu of II' Ill• I. nrre~~ tho cunrtere111 would bo Joac111 con­exceplion 1.0 tho cxtellent ~pirit tn wbtch 1og of t he morrow. Arn~~-.1 nt t•owcr, atconn.: uorth. In nuutber ktt~r •btc,J sid~rnbly. It \\M a beneficial cbnrtc r for i~ hM ooeu rccci~cd. \\'lu\t ia pla•n-too howcnr &lu:tll OU(l8 \'ill\\8 10:1y 1.11', one 1s on' t lw :.!lith, l!omru:'lnder Ccar:;c reports:- t he sbtp nntl fell withiu t he CMC of "Jobo­pl:un mdeod-is tb2~ tho impetuows cur - ouhged to aeo ft om a bove: ll u wuf pla.ced " A~ Flore8, n :-iomc:;utn L.u(1ue (Ca'?)(lt<) son v., tho Jtoyl\l Mnil Stcato l'nct ct (;om· root of pohttcnl orlltory cnrricd ::\lr. G lad- nt 11 accond tloo r olso sees rrorn 11bo1'c, nncl ""' ly111.Q' ' ';t 11 tl iubled e!.~te. 'J be (;npt psuy." atone ou~ of Ins ,

1111.omnuc uepth

1111d ue- lh~u comoco~•trnu•ctiona,dls:wowls. dcninl!, of her. ( hr1>0U:n IInck: ~tote•l th:\1 he l<l ft Mr. Jlutt, Q c .. M.P., who op(lOJicd the


F 0 ....- h Onl wny of reco\·ery, aut!, bo~rc\·er, u npro· rc•go. u~rth, lou;:•tu.dc li". u .:,.;. wctJ. · ou the l :?th 1 ab1p " 'ere mort!;O'-orl by one of Ute owuers

A ;\terry Chrulrou sod llap py N C\V Year, A Uouscful of Children

Tho Gem or All P iciuro Books. F nuy.&nd h18 Flock.

Prospoctu~~ea.-Forma of .Application for F ire and Lifo Insuranee nud nb o thor I nf,')rmnlton can be obt.nincd al tho Of!ice of ·

yonJ t he l imit..s •vhicb prntlcnt polouci:ons nrc ~n<~ then l\d1eu lo nurhomy :\Ucl pre~~•;:c :S c". Orlc.m• on the l ... tl~ ol J ;u t~nr.l. bound motion 011 oohnlf of t he htort~~es io pos· won~ to lllt lo thclrfeeh uga. Froru such 11 flus td \Jrhnt hM h!!Jll'<'ned to )lr. ~ . .... 1. for 1-.olmouth. On the urd 01 I cbru:try he Bcs.JIOn submitted t bnt this '"' " rcllll\'" rat iO atop thoro WI! bu~ one honourab le stone. W o do oot r rcJ.1ct Cor him n luuc;


. liM nurth of ller~;1•b. 111 butuolc .1:, .!!';::. coltu-.~c 1,roc.,edin:;r. 20 &lth ah:uea in ·the

or ne J.U.Ont y ! eedentcd Ull\)' bo tht apeciAclo of 1\ 13nll~b ( From Le T•mp• / 'aru .\lay l i .) ()I I cb•u:~ry lQ 1ut.J,tuuo ·I:? 11~,.: . . 1:1 111111 onmc<l H) l!ntOn, :ml they hCCilllle tnm•fetr-l'rimo ,\Unillcr MS~rolllg tho n4pect of " ' ' north, looglluJ., :1!1 dc.j :! I mm. west. ctr to l\lcll!rt. Smith l'ayoo & S with wh?

il • b II t ' n ·' I ,, It hM be~n Mttl..of :\l r. G llldstono thlt he ' \\' lulo ruo:Jing l>cforc UlC II IIIU he en - becnmo the morl .... g~es io ..., t.nd

'filE G E :-<UINE


pea on., " 0 111~Y : wo u 11 Cu t tlt · r. would 1:1cnfico bo.;lnu •. l to s., vo h1s aoul , cou.n •tl t loe ~c1·ere~~ f:ll (u b~ h~u c•Nr o.~- th"' ' t oo'· "" •• ....!',-00 on tbo1-Gth o f L'pn'J

G ltuhtono altbuld plrtuo ilia~ couno. lli.J <I b t 1 lcl 1 1 1 r 1 'f ' " •·-&- ·• ' npoiOil'Y ia Ccrl'cnt nncl thorougl l, 1\llU rc · au t <l IO wou '!\ .,.'\era · ~o Ill! aou or t l C t•oro.-n !!· ho alup "uuiJ nut ~t , or, nu l ~~lt~o tho ononey b~ca•oc d ue. Tho Fa•oclio>< fttorcs, wo may hope, lho!O nouicablc ro· ~l.:c of powe~. • olluo~ cmo be ~>nrol Ull· could uot u prcYt'I1Lc<l Cn>lll Lro:~chin.,: to; !lrrivcli n~ llnllut ~brch, and in t he eout':IO Little To~·, 'f re:uury of ~tcturea nod Stones.

'(Jhmtmu 'frn.auries. • SunahtM Cor dull dAya. M v .Own Book. My l'ct Book. 'J'bo Face io the G l:wo. 'The I odeatruetib!AJ ;\lothor Goo110. 1l. Cald ccott's Pict.arc llook, conl.:lim ng

diverting Hietorie~~ for t bo youa;:;. Ilemini8ecncea and Anecdote. of celebrated p~""'~na br 'rhotDM .J ackson M.A.

A. 0 . nAYWARO St. J obn'o. Agent for N Od


Assurance Company OF LONDON.


~an HIUld ltlachlnea Biokford Xnlttin~ Maehi.nes

Eureka Olothes WriD~re A qmo WDihing Machinee

Oentonnio.l Plaiting l'tlllchinee

I •

1 1• h r d G . ,_ JU!t... \Yhl\t " true 1• that )lr GlaJ 1t~u l' "ho liM thrown on Iocr b.n ut c otl<1 :'lud re· or uulo.'lduw her inwl\rd car«o, and beforo

i:t.i~;~~r~~~ ~~~~~~ 1~ ~ily 7,':,~~~~E~c!;~~ ru•x~s up A~ I tLoae tbooa• "' one nU.,orhut:.~ m:lll"'" ~o for l!l hour~; the c.•r;:o or cotwn the t ionc of the cl>l\rl~r out.;:ro,ll1c preseu~ ~erloualy nnol attddrnly cmbarr..used. Tbc 1'1\Sl!IOn. l.nd.o"e' l IYith more nr•lour th:.u l.:cel''"t! !•cr 11float. Scvl:l"~l ahifM were 1n mert..: •!!l.'eS h~~in~ 1\.iC~rtnlned where t ho P rc•mcr oo w ,, wLolly bnnisb~>S from hid ltren<l~b nf unn.l, w1th more 1 1g our tb '" SoJ:h t :\1 tul' limo of tho commeucemuut of slol(' "'"-"• Jllll 1\ m~n on 1...,11cJ to ~i"e ootico miod' ' t he llclier thnt Aualril\ 110\'cr did n scu~~ of du~entnln:ttlon, he enpporta nil ht,o I the ,::Ill~ nt~~ l "'" re uunhlc t'> by ~o on 1\C· to t he CIIJolaiu, on the :lrd o( At~r11, t hllt bo gootl dl·vd, null thanks tho .Amb~ dot Cor optulc;na .wuh tho s.~mo unc:omprunll~lllg couut o f t tl &utl.tenncu." objoetcJ C> nny d cnlin:: with the l hlp. \VIth having hy tho presuut op~,>C>rtUnitJ iuviUld thorouuhn~ll3h t~I~CMI t •r ry 011~ of I thodl C.\l'T,\1~ Lt•ll:tso~:'S r.t.rCII:T-Tt:r T:trl!' n 11 ES the I'Xt:'tpltcn of the charter in qn~~tion, Dl) hiw to

1omko thi~ nltcratloo io h ia \·iew o ( ~{'11110118/0 t ie ;el:; 1 If 11 l>t'

1nc•p. c, n u, lllit!IS1• TilL r.1ULI I'At:r Ot Ht:t:t.\1:\' · s tep 1m" t:~lccu"to pu~ nn ootwnrtl cnrgl) on

hialory. 'lloo iuclden~ ia thllll, \YO truttJ ~liS 0011 011~1 • t JO 1¥0 !'rc. 0 110 c<ouutry '1 b f II . r bo~l'\l before t he 1\TTtMt of the • hip. ·n .. , h&npil'!' closed,· hu~ t ho illDatr:u:tou tl <>i•·e' With tho trllt~ph o!. Lt4 tclcu, 1\1111 the , o o o~mg u n cop)~f the r~port. t co-owners who cbnnorod ber knc• tlu·eo t

,. • ., tnumph of lots 11leu wtth I be rm;:n o f God <:Apt.uu l . .onn;,lln, of tho , IJar<Jllu :>.~•u'J• /1, w~r11 n ,0 thn\ tho mort,., •o wu r& ... •tered • Foxe'R Book. .of ?lbrtyr!, Uluslrll.wd. •noo-. Chotec U uruorolll W ori.e o f Mark

'f,.~in illuatmtod. The Complet<.~ Worlul of Cbarlc• F. Browoo

SonsoRIDD Ourr.u. ... £2,000,000 Std TouL. l.lrYaHD F111t"1)1

ITl'W4JlDI 01' ..... .... ... 2,750,000 "

Beet Ma.c~iuo Oi~ 1\ccdles 11otl Att:teb­m oot..s for aU Sl<~\vfNG MAC HIN ES, 1\ll rod .. OO<t to l"iCi'..a for ouo mu11lb only.

7 M Ringn' lfttmJ/ncfruirtg Conrpony, X. F. Sllf[Y'l'l[, Agent,

o( tho Ul'lnt:er of rnah Olld heJ.tcd at.~le, 0 0 ellrtb. JJeeply cn:v~onreJ. or tbll gooJ ~~~~~h ... ~otctl (ron~ l'ltl l!!.d~·lplll IOIUC hi'<' nn•l th; re.'\1 ob'ect of S.e);cbartl!r·"' ' r t ....... ~ menta is too alrilr:ing not to alford n laatlog and tht~ lruc, hie ool~· UIUitnke., ~1c1u ~: 101uc· cfll)'il <liter t he liii$1Ull: H)Hll AtfllfiJ,,a, an I lo t.'kl' tho sh/> out o f the J'nri•J:ti~u of aod rnemonable example. lliy we not Ioupe, what too aul'\1 of tho 1denuty or Jus owu cpn• bem~ 11 •ft.,. fMt \'~ll<e l, c~poetnlly in heM' ,I' lh (' t 1 ~~d~b~, ~~rg~~~t!i~~1i~?.;~c~:~~:~ coptinns wit11 trntb- and .:oodnel!lf. A moro ' \Vt"!!.thcr, •~ io l'Oim ol~re,l tlont abo :~·oultl ~ 118°l~rJ,hip-:-<either thoeltl'lrterers nor lan.,oage,

10 SRdly ...,neml of lt.te will re- nnrrow-;-butapurer -wtOdodatatcawnu hu 1 h!\ve bo~u ID the b.'ltl 1ve:tl h11r Crou1 f ~b •. l :l the O'C'ncnsl.ave offered t o (!h·o hni1. A m

" Artcmull 'IV11rd ." • Tho Select W ork's of Dret Uarte, Ill P roae

and Poetry iUnttmtcd. Grimm's Fairy Library. All t.he S tandard l'oetll in Clo llt Morocoo,

lmitsUon h ory and o t.hor binding& IDurninatod 1.'exts and llirtbday Boolta. Ind~b1c Toy nnd other Juvonllo

Jloolt:l. . Prayer Boob ia M orocco, b ory, Slllt,

Veh•ot and otbera B iodioga. . C burc:.h SerYice&. • B ibles all liUit and qualitiea.

.J. }'. CBISBOLM. St Joh.n'r, Dea. lOt.lL

A1r:ro..LL 1Ycowa, n-wut>s 01' ........ ...... . 850,000

The "GUARDtA...~ " belog a first.clue E nglish Ioturaoco Compa~~y, oll'era all tboso ad no !Age• moat dcairable t.o 1111\:t...era, Yh., uodoobtna atability, Jarorable' ~nJUI &lid prom')lt MttlOIIlcDta or elai1111 (or lOla.

The IIDderiigned ba'ting been :1ppoiatod Aatnt for·Newf.o4Jld)and ia prepared to la· .toe Pcilic:ia 10M bY. Yiro.

J A..M.ES a WL.'iTER. s~ John'e.

JOSEPH QI.JDDEN, , Sub-Ara' a;. Graoo:

• I

,o .,. never exLSted. . •• ..: ~~n.ttl t~o,c l oth, uot f11r frum "'h~rc tuo tu lll:l · "Ott, ~~ l r. 01 • • ~,0~ • .,.... .... ~,!.A ,.;110 1- :1". ce1vo n check by recent e xhibition& oC i ta 1 crM 1 u 1 1 ' " • ~ • ~ I"-....--- ""' ,. ~ .. pori! aod Wl\llt or digoity ? l\lsy .,

0 not What roOectiog meo will infer f rom tl•e

1 ~J a tl1 ou., 110

•ro l!oa . l&' 110 ~ci. at r. CIArlreou-~o. certainly not.. I " II'

alao oberiah tho bopo t hllt at.atcameo 0 0 letter i• indication it coa,.eys, no doubt 01

on , ~~prc.nct to •or i p~ovlOII!I 10• t n penr for tbe chart.:rcrt.

whom the mantle o C authori~y hu fnllen, purpo~ely, o f t ho policy Mr. Gl11dstone ~!'~· 1 10, ~1t:ll l.cftd

1 hll"•~olp~l\d on l\l r. Butt-W e will bo ~:~tisfiod with :r. or may so d f 11 ' II 1 ' means to p urtoo Ia the llalkllll J'cninsnl!\. .e r~r~ a, no arrtv~ n~ ' rna 1

lllll ""1'800AI undertakin ... omioe a t 1\Dm:xtt:frl: t~ b:, he:d~~l ·::~11:1~ llo"'\J'll th<lt his trriblling langtn ; c wl\'l caus- ~cu. :./!1 .- .--Ilia Lort.lahip-TI~~~ ia.a ''ery reuonablo apcech io aooOlcilll J>Orioda, •od to rectify ed 'by his apprehenaion lest A uelria. &hould " Left Delaw11ro D,reakwntcr 11t .,_ n.m. propo.!ltioo.

172 Wa~r S t., St.. J ob" '•


StJob.D'" N oY. 6.

. st. ·John's tboir orroi'B, w beo eotrKDhtod, with

111 11do~c 11 00111110 hostile to tho emiue•~~tcd F eb. 6. Li~:ht N. W. wintl lllld fiue wutbor i\lr. Uutt - W e tha Oourt to acU the

/ much euoeetneta !Uilllr. Gladatooo bu niR· N'attonalitles. nod he IAkC!I nola o f (;oatH to & tul'!la:r. Uto 7th i tHt, wind nonn~ al•ttru. -o-,.. , played on the ft'cccni occ:a.ion ? 'fbtl Jot· K tlrolyi'• I.!IIUI'IIn COI tha~ tho Aostrbn Gov- front • \\'.'to ~.~. W., wilhl heuy ~quail II, Mr. (}br'kaon-lf the 8bip is no~ role:r.,ed

llu,ra· Werka. T

BEl ~1;18SCRIBJ:;R r upoot.rully tbt.nlul, wbie.h wll be poroaed all ove.r Europe OM\1llt nt hu no uceiro of u lendiot•: it-t Lt. under ao><l ll~h~ln~r. hatl!n.nrl ruiu. Lilt, T·elll\11 go to t be Court of ;\ ppeml • , h1ll ~od.lao~ the public g e nerally for tuld the ehoiliacd world, is •~ once a -paiofol frontio111, o or , or add iog 11ugM to &he right~ 2 ~ N., lnng. 66.:?0 W ., t hc nca to Int. ::\tr. Uutt-What is lLo obl\rte.r? It it to

'-"e Jlbeial ~DiiO ~t.owe<l 11

po!}t him · t.nd a gn.Ufying docotnea~ for the eotfnt.ry it e o joys oo~.:.r the 'l'ren(y of lJerlin. Any ,, ,-, N., loog. UO W ., a aaeoomou of he"' 'Y load wim lllnt 8lo.:.e, 'IThleh ia not •ullh a &:be ~· · ,...,.· ~~ 111d beg. t.o

1nform Uregiatert tlio}Jioode r or • prlYato ei&heu· .o ne con'l'etiadt with lhottal atlltn or Affalrt, :-<. w·. ~11lea wit~• high o~ au a11d he11'7 ehutar Ill 11'nt ooatomplat.ud to "Oollitu 'I'll. (com be baa now oo bend jhe taraea~ but at.ooti for hit lapeo br the. peDIOce or~ e.od able to r ead between t ho linea, rauu nn•l teniffio aqoalls o r lulil! On tho 13th Ltunpor~" where a l•roAt.:lule charter 'll"'lc•

Moot o}U.RBLE'enr mport.- :fremler· lc wiot from rnonahtf wbat h ~ tb11t that 13 the real d rih of ~~~ lctl6r. of l<'l'bniary to t he 17&.h, (OUiog through iotcoJe<i, tho voy~ Ucla~ to Seville' nnd ed into UU.. tafand, troai, whioh be it pre- loeeeof Political credit. • Hut itlia Jlll~blo, ~e hu ' coDJeoted to apol~gile, to h ucnblo great quaoll ll~• or wrec~age the whole ho111e. ' l'horo waa Ill\. .1\mericau abip ;oill~; pared. w fnruiab oo• to feel bow forcibly ~' leaiphu&Me the bt1111411f If w\s wii1Ja tbero WA!I uo help for limo, t ho atl\ ~ flit "' co~ld bo aooo boi.og bact to ber ow.n eauoby.

XoD To=b-8 duger of 11agon

1110jl ~ 1o tbolo who It; hi• po&hloa ~rrlme Minlatcr reqnlred eoYor od ~ith "fecka,~r~. tim bot, 11part, Uia ~rdablp-;.Wha& are the cu.JI Ia

.J .,.,a:-:... -·-.... ~~ ~ are, or llan beu, 01' _, be Britltb MIDI.. ,IL i bo~ aL the I&IDe time, by · ·ay or 1\ cor- petrolettm, alld Dllllln fltt:lo~ bnm~ .,.bleb Ute C ourt. h• iMiatod 01), - "'1 1

',.., .--. • ten, ud tbereforo we hope' that we may tec lin,• aud ~e poopll( unden~taod an'tl dij(!k (llan klng, o;~tb:nf11ttlu)lt. -Ilion's for tho retnro o f lhe "~I ? · UecQted bt a 'n~door DIUIDer. ot.p,ill tilt llllllLer to Lbe Qf cllplo~ that \bia eouatal~o was a mt ro lOstler o ( chcs!J. &o., L!QIII'iiiJ: a b,:t .. y Q11t e from Mr. Duu---They are p row a OYDI!nlbip ~rate. " 111801• in tao belleJtb&UbePnmler ud bia form tllld lml,llled oo aubltaotlal ooocee~lon, N.~.\\' ., with a Yer_, h~ll 11nd irtbgul11r ~ •

• ~'LEXA.NDER Sl41TH. P01UUater.G011eral banCiloeed tllecbap&er Mr. Gl'flatnue took care to at!nn tb'\ bo aea.. Mondar , tb• lOth,~~··· lat. ··u .oo, lltt l.ordolhlp- Thll eue ia nried frc)la $. 10. ·' • • · • ohpolotria, ad u.a ao ftartber ...,taltea will aenr lead hllbad to .,the deaigns that lou. 86 W ., pa-d 11lo10 •o wroc:k, water - tbe ro b7 tho fact of Ute obarteT-tlll't7 heinz

-.lll call for ~·onl ud, wriu.a 011111• wo111a mate Atistrla the 8-oltao'a holr pro· l~d, ap~n\17 600 t!o tuna, ta'"t' entered iDto. 'l)e rnoncaiH ia lld~ ~ pos-IDilllioatloM. n • auaapJI"~i ln bis oploioll, Tnrlrey Ia llle and bowaprl~ "011c a a I bl1 . to, e jo, black tealOI& a~ t.he ~mo of' tbe c:~·P!rlJ'

. (Pro · J• .Bfall.) birtbrllbs of tile Ohriltlan po.Patatfoot, aod holl, rouod l tnTtt, • llh po6p p:lla~, Soppotlog tho Oouri U.lab &11M ..-·\bo " ' ~hoaltl ~I' to \hem. We aoo1 t but lou II leyel wiU. tho watnr &ltd tlaarerooa to. ftlbri~"'r b• doae l4 oollllisteM wllll &bo

Tile abl.U appl~ &bat ltr. Glade \ODe' faoo t.o face with &be. J~:C~Iiof lodi- nnll(lltiOn. 'C911hluot di•tlnJIU.b anr oue 110<1\lritr, tho IDII~IJ ol the owaen· ha.,. liM ..,..,,-&o Aal:tri& Ca11:ordl that lie 110• c:UIGb7 tile ~~~ of Xr. Golcben to oo boil!'d, ao •l ~ "nd ,1.'1\1" we httU'J t.o nwle tbe trbln..r= ne nltlooee ,...aiJM bowl~ art J11111r dlrcrtbetl by

1 &be Conataadmple ud Lord Oru.Ute'J Clr~ eloee ,.-i th lhll w~ to dittlngulah the tbie propoel&iol\ tW die O&r'I7U.. Oil' ella

A~ A~ .. of ... ~llfal oo1Arto &bePowcra-D&Inoly, \botch.- of iJarat. llt the IJipellr&D~ of the wrtelt J oharte .. pariJ wouhlP"jMloa ... _rltr; wo~ ~Cor" ... e~eltOd t.hmncll- .. uu.,. dl'il ~ qi\Mt!Oil bf tho Jt\~ thl\t "" 'tUlle I h~~tlrb~ft lu ~llitioo !'efOn ....... o( April ........... .... ~~ ··~qt roor'lll'ul la· ' orpniatfoa of tho 81&1', Gn!ek1 aod do~g tLo plea. 1'1\en • tbo 111•. dt~r· 1Mi a.-'9:\t~~ ttr6t-~r,

oa. 1&. G 16 llJ»16gito Bnlp riea ~tlonallt.ler. Tile~ ~· fiC' 110 lnr ~ ttnlfto aalo from N) ., baekloiJ Into U4l ~~ IQ lilt• ~ ~~-· • · JIOUiil to lbo £e -of Au .. riJ&. M-abt ,. to l he pmpai¥1~ of M t>e11 ~. W. with atrlol ~u•tl!.tail Rra, bet, ft,-10, co....a;, • • ... ,'. :... ...

' l I' . .

_ . ....,..._,..-. .. ,._ .......... ~-,.........,..-~~,....,.. . ...........,.._ ... -- ~- , .... ~ ,. ....... _ , ___ _...... t_

"AIr. Du tt-o..l'b • • ' •e%.•pt'els pui"J'IOte e t-'.,ut¥-•PM 1JW)e for the

.Uia l.Ol'tL!bi ,. .t def4Miut:hla.risrbt.e.

.· '"'" .Items.

Cakio~r thie ca. J) -I ,fot4l ,.._t dilloalty ill J~<>•l.." If u. .e otn ,l!f t• ~lli.oe n. Lam- -Ooe ofthe eaddeet aod moet nxalloua tht the 0,. .e~\i,t a~g ~Yide~ce to abo., triAl• that c:omH to a &irt when tbe maniea ~11d like/· ..-.~-pal\1 would be iojurioua Lt t.bat abo bu to diaohartt her m.tber-aod CO~CBPTIOII Blf Y ~DVBRTISER.

1.Uttrfer J..tto opll in miac:bief. Iabould not depend oo a aern.nt girl at r. · .J1fli lob\t !Je ¥TUtor the ehip. -hie be lined in' London th~t au Ol1!1ln- We ore not rupo111wkfo;,..,.or JiJ we b!l pub/~:

·••lu: ~H&.:-Why .. bould •be not get a ization intended to COWJterac:t tbe tudeuoy Pf cnlkl,..,_ tie opinioru of our ct~rru.JIO"' obj ,ll}oo.cugo aod a profitable oooi? The toward emipatioo to lho lJuit.ed Sl&t.r>.a ltu tkMtU.. _.. jo .,.t,flt;ban! to take tho ehip OUL Of tho beeo OrpPited iplroJaod.

,Wi.c~o ol the Court and prejudice tbe -.-AKD hlon& Too . .,..•• Yollllg 1111Ul," •r• SATURDAY, JUNE 1~. 1880. .,1: • a qUAinL 'lfriter, I' if .roll '"re .to bo tparr\ed . ( . ~r&bip-Wby alooulu the O'l'nCre your f~~turo ,.ire .a np" 1\nng, ttlteroforo Tu& Monlreel 0 a late elate

"f • the .4-1 tb&rea put lobeir O'ltl,l J;ig\114 iu pray fpr ber. Anti whilo ypu are abo11L i~. •bu aomo ~otillle .remarka on ble n-. ·JIIOI'tNY? • . -1 h don't forjle~ to prny for her fQ.tnre huaband ; ' ait,y of a J:efora1 wi.cb reapoct .to funeral ' t. ~,r.Jf.lukan.n-Tho lQJtruotiOIII or .t 8

for be peed.t pra);ipg for u tpucll 111 ·~ .. bs:ri .. • ri'IJa t f~tne~ JU'DI. n<rrmenbl, r!l!t~'1l't"N ~ep -~.tile q~a~ter • . Oio -ll&· ·do a." • ,. .....,. " ..,. , 'llrU-P1\(!IGD to ~o 4- , e 111 a (ltoaOnL cond11cted, are ofuln un·

-ltlr. ~¥tt--lt.iluoL a ~eficial cltarter, · -At .the re« nt perfonnanco in I.on~on ne.:oa~<arily and unwarrantably .c:oelly, is , ~·il ~lillg -IIIith .tl\o.ahlp in .tl\~ wr.y .il'l· .or a play ,.-lu:roio a mother h11d a tc:rl")fio a fact that moat ~on' will admit. . V&irt lbe v~ne.of the n nnri\)'. com\)&~ with t wo ruffian• fo r the r.;:ucuion Out of a laudable anxietr to show ro • His I..ordtbiJ):::-Wb,.t time do .ycm ~It lpr· .o r b_~:r c;_hilcl, ,_ I;~.I'J(o Newfound and do . .ll. apoc:t to t he memnry of tbo departed, , aalo of t ho ~~? I c:ao order tho ~~ich Jlt.d ·been t.akwa into tbu jlit ~y Ill ' IIOmetimea out ol a desire to make a at Mea to be aohl, apd the anut.Lo be !¥en o.,ncr, a ateamahip cogiucer! loaped oyer otC iuunevil't<lly ,th~y •re aold. into tbe orche1tra, auJ, ll\u{hpg ,lij>On tho show_. the surviVing relatl"oa not un-

Mr. C..•uon..-I object tp ,. .-ale or tho IL'\J:e, eeiud one o r t he fehll'l"' .. and was frequ04ltly go to au 0¥J*Idi~uco 'tlfllic:b aharu, "ffil 1it pnnot .be doue uule.u the wirh !f"I:AL diffic11lty reroo"ed. T\le dog tbe.y eaa iU ai'ord. In tbe eaM, for in · owner doe.!IO!Jl~tbing wrong. had ~P a co•opauio!l pf child req. stnnc:e, of tho death of tho btead·winQer

lii.e Lordabj~)rvu object to tho.ule or· T . ~t em .. Do Profnfldja: of tbe {amily, a largo part of tho means tbe ahare1 on """"IIIII qf 'tlelay - eonyaoo 1 · P9 • • 1. 1 • , .... · • d h bjJ-'- - ( ' t · Mr. Cl,\~l:'~.2::"Y'ee . it wonid bo . a TCry ia 1pokeu o~ b.Y 101p0 of tho E~~ 1.a • pj~pere o_. uoe Wluow an orp au c <U= 1

,. Aerioue dola 11 tbe ' ,0 ia aold , , t.9 a.r- AS • "meantuj!IUII D,~nscoso. ¥~t .t~e raa.y be) is awa: lowed ap through tho ' • ., " •. 1.• .. • · ~ • · "Ntaete":ii\b Cc:ptury ftrobably ..P!Jii tlU!U lAP·"' ou~lay OJl fi.LDtl.r&l nr<>paration. Tbo ji'IVe. I · -r • 1. ., . o- .- -

fii.a.Lordall.i~ 'fl¥• case ·is .not 'l'til~out ~t . tM.t • gUicea • , me or ,.. . . ijvjug ate injured, tho dead are no~ tbo .dillicfllty,.,.aj! .~t4r aoqte .CX!Pii!!u,ati~o 1 1\ll .rrrovereot \\ este~ ~morte::~.p eqih>r mQrc bQOO\Icel. It ia to tho ric:b (u our h'¥.e ~eci.At .lbe .I!Kiow1pg ,concln.llon : ~rod lee tbo atylo thua · c:ontejllporvtllUDirb) tltat wo Grat

. 'l'be OUjl ll!lied \lpDD as cootainiol( t he l•F Out oltbe doep, Ol.)" cWla, outollbo d«p, COUlD tp loo)t .to briujt about n c:hnnge. TIH,ir

. .upqp 1 t.b~ aubjec:t ia tb,at of "Coli ina va. "'1·1•P· . · · hbo ill ' 11 Lh ·

• • ' • n • b' b · d , d 1. e cd Tit• ruabinf: ..-.~.,. b.nomado thoo cold, lll wane )IOQt;CT ~Cij 11,n 'IN. ~0 ow rur ex· .... mpor., 10 W IC Jll gt~~en. W~ ~ .'" r 1 t~oo whb a loot.h•r otrap, · , ..J ,b,. Lqrd Chancellor Weal.bury, Ill 1~65, 1\!ld And tcarb thoo rhat 'U. lolly to J17ottlo wltb U.o atp.,.e. . ,t he palll!lgO !"bleb has been rc f11rrod to tO pro "., . .,. In ll1o7. Q4r cor~tliiJlilOrary l;biaka thaUbe,ev1l 1AAn oo~e J .JPQI!t.mentiop apio : "?•long Wria.:.out tlle wr.lorlroJO tbr (:01"-" toctu, P~~uo ia Qll tho ,incrqjllle in' Montreal. I t ap·

1u .thll dealings o( tho.rnottgagor ! 'tb the drr clothot, .. nd go 1~1 w•r. pent;& to bo ,Qp J,be dec:rca~W hellO. Tbe .ab.ip A~ cooaratc:ut wrtb ,thc auflic•oncy o( -A rom:mtic casoof suicide occurred re- onC<~ nn,vot aal pntctico qf send ing around ,tbe.ijlo~s:eea' securit)'• •0 lun~ ~ those ccntly at 1\[clbournc, J'( uatmlia.. A l;ui of crope!lodgiQ''t;Ato:tho~oinvitc:d u wour.D· .tl~tllga do not natenelly prllJUdtco and fiftc:en poisoned himself for tho love vf a ore is to I' !argo .«!Xlt'U~ aboudonCI.I. At.~~. from or impair the auOicleocy ~f t ho girl of twelv.c. It eeema t hol tho girl, no~ ~Vi~h4l tbe V~tllt fol' ,, acv~l ca~ ~C!U'il¥ ~rul!ril!l<i io tho ruor~o, ~ long requ..i~iog t ho boy'a at.tacbDJeo&., ly ha"O.""DJe ."n''~r our no•t"co ·~ winch .11 th.,e ..l',&rlialqeotary authonty gm!n to told ' him be mil{h~ kill hunlllllf, perhaps • ~·· ,. '+.. .. • ... .t-ho lflortgagor to act in l\ll r eapec:te as own- o.! jbo had t hreatened it." T ho lad ,..u pc:rsollll of m eatul tlto~erm~~ to mako a .cr of the veael, and if he h_&a .auth~rity . to emp{oyed br a photoi!T"pbcr, ~u dcat~y- atand on principle, againRL necd.leM ox­,a.ct 111 ow: ocr, he bas, au.thortty ed lf\DlHif )lfith cyADide 9fpo!AM1u~, wh1oh penditure and parade iu t.hia way, and to coter tnt!l allthoeecontract.ttouch!ng the •U u,aed in tbc photopapluc buaincss. ll rw- ~b~ o~m)'le ~911~tlc11,1 ~!Ill ~ot L)S.:n&tt in diapoaition of tho ebil' .wbiob JUay neccs- ing taken aufficrien~.for tb~ purpo.e, ho I Rid v.un. aary fo r enabling hill} to get. t~ ~1111 .nl11c dofffi to d lo opposite: t ho l!'i ri'J r eeidoucc, · W e.inolinoto fa\'or blu~pfiiCtioonf)norit-and beoe~t. of .the Jl:tO(Ierly. .111en;foro baYing prcviou•\7 addre&scd her a note.

1 the propoettton of law11, .thaUho JU?rtgagor · ·r H Mn. TKO li AS C.\IU.YLE. .i••g no~e lo1rtth01o mora immediate 1 cot~· hu full {>!)IYcr to deal )I'JWt t.lhl shtp pro- - Ul: EALTII 0 " . ccrned with the .corpse, 1t ' idtd he · doe.s. :aot fu&lerial ly impair tbe -A feeling or deep regret wtll generally being left to t ho option of !>~hera l9 &I · ntuo of .tlfp ~~~~ty:' I .tako U. that .it Foe prc.v&il at the •ru~~un~cment of • t.ho 1 fll~~ tend or n ot, as ~hoy pcem proper. A 00 Uie m 0 .. _ ,eo to aatiefy the Uoilrt tha~ t hat the bcaltb pf M r. ~bpmna Vuly o II b ·uu. eli~~ would materio.lly pro·u· ~pi~l¥ decliuiog. M hts ad!anccd nge It balf.Jw;•n s incere rpoumenJ are t9 e .dioo hia ec:cu~ and llll.D uot a:r.t.iatled ,~on CJDDot ho c:rpectc:d tbat he wr~l ro~ch loog. preferru<l to a long of att4ndant.a

' . • ot' -

with .uo bottom to felt ·upon, hue nJiloded alto, and tho lbock hu boen 10 epddeo .m men of ,wealt II'"'• lbat theraougfwteppa6 In deatb-&i lobtlr own baocl.l in DWly'eeML Shadows hl"fo bot a lingle (upction, and

1.bat pleue, w¥11 no powereJ 9 Jeed. .Ou~ Of ~Ogl of _ptaaltuilo abape DO Jll&D 9&0 build tafeiJ. , •

ltllmlaration hu d "in from Eorope in ·ean~..e.. ~ ~. ,,b~ ~or the w,eet, aTe the · wem to hang &rollDd our ciliee ~~!ad ...Onfacmlriog towoa. To do 110, ia to take Ia, 01,1 ~ • broad land, no new id~ or oo ~w blood, 110 to apaalc', tbat is eeacntial to ~oalifr anew the old wara for the and ·better start. Tho G410llao o r the Sc4&odina'l'ian ,Pullet, out (or a .Ud nr and wtr.ltll, and leta z:eligion follow

. alter, mouldilli 1Umacu · ~nto lhai wbicla "it.thiewante beet Ia a new country. Now­foundland ie &IOOOf Uto contributors, and i.o our towns oear to the City, and in tlto Ci~y itaelf, a gtnoroua apriokling of tbo Is ­landera is to be found. .

Fortune Ba.r, in tho fiabery 4Uput,c, bu bcCoiOo notorioua. 41 ia .tile eMe in all" diMgrcemeota, oa.cla side oc:cupics •lADd­pointa diuiruila.r. 'f o CAD fret and fumo over it., o r we c:an a!\lroacb it calroly, weigh all ita varying ph&aU.aad in~retta, o.ud a(}. j11dgc, wbcro reiiiO!l and e rideoce propon· derate.

'fho Bri~ CaW!A!t udorae rite aete of lobe pcoplo At .f'OrtWIC Bay, o.nd our. qov. ommenL sco atroogo I"Cll80111 for ·<liuenL Now, let tho argumenljl ~ fairly ~c~hcd upon eaclJ aide, and if ume be J>CTIIIu.tcd, I hav.e DO doubt tile jJIIL YOrdi.ct Will be rendered jo tho end. To one uot familiar witb the intricncics of ~ract diplomacr. Rod to exercise lhe'beat of 11U tools at com­mand, in mattc:n cithis IIOrt-oamcly,com­mon aonao-it will nppeAr ont of pla.l:e for tbo Britiab Gotetrllllontto defend !.be iUe.l!lll aclll of tho Nc.,foundland fia!K.rrnen io de­stroying n dolll\r'a worth or tho property .or an o.J~eu, as pun\sbmeot for an RC~ comm•t­ted, as ie alleged, unlawfully hy said alien, without due proeCSII of law. Ncwfoundlllnd nod Mt\.lk't\c:husolta make laws for tho better guidance of tbo rubject. ond in C38() of in· frnction the Co1,1rte a.nd the 1-'lw nre tho on­ly appcl\l for c:otTCciioo. To attempt/oree by mere will ie .entirely .inadwisabl.e.

There is 1\ bill now before CoagrcM to d istribute the balAnce or tho Gone\11 A to tho claimant& that "l011t by tbo dcplje(la­tiooa or the 11 /abamo. his expected to"'pl~Si at an enrly dsy, io t be DJ)W Congrca&

\Y. S.


· · l.b "d th t h has th ' er eur,i•c or that he can rct.:ltn hiA former who aro perhapa there more throngb re.1ewrng e eYJ eoce, a c II . 1 ' 1 . . al renowned laud r 1 d. burtheo of proof. I am inclined to think Tlgor. n 115 reroo~d •. . • .

11 b It • c:onstruint thou !row respect or I •e , _ LasLo~. May



that on the whole be hu feiled to ahow wu k In literawro " 0 utsto ry WI 11 ~.en cclll!C<l or tboso ho loava'.S b(.hiad hi~. j.b.,t'the carryiug tbo cbArter-~rty ioto ef- away. Mr. Carlyle appears to bo docltnutg ,(Contludtd.) feet. would iwpair Ilia eccurit,y. lt ia a c:l&O io ~th physical and m~elloc~u~l atre.ugth. That indomitable cbampion of aobricty, .in which tbo prillciple laid dowa in "Col· Wtth lbo C!)lllpoturo of a Ch)114 0 phtloao- Sll\'E]I.AL of our :Mf'tropol itan ox Sir Wilfred Lnw110n, detcrmiu cd to l011e uo ~i111 aod uunport" would apply, and I mus~ pber be is prepa.rcd to meet t ' 0 luL grca~ c:hrmgee were c:o01pjailling a ~ew dflyll t ime, has 1\lre:uh • gi•eo nouc:c in the now .order the relelliiC of tbc ycs.sel. 1 do not eocmy-dcath. · n~;o tbat notblng had yet ~n dono in l'arli11mcn~ tb:t.t he will r~,"'lin briug forward ,thiult it is 11 c:aso for coat.&. -A movement i~ being mlldo in EoS!land t he matter of tho R aih;ay. Tho North his Local .O(Itiou Ruol11tion thjs 6Ctl5ion,

to erect a memorial tp tho officenr and men Star' a&SUrea them tbnt•therc nro certain 1\nd is aow waiting for a day to Ia /}IJI!VfRECK 0~ SABLE rs~. or tho Orpl.t ... •, which went down off the Jl reliminariea wbicb must begono t h 1•011gt. Cor. .I tbink be at.andlt n ~ood chAnce of

cou~of New Zeal1111d iu lSG~. The story \)~fm·o nny d ecided step c:an bo t.skon. ~~~:eing tha "desire of bia soul" i n thia tD&t-Pq.r~ ,o.f Uw 9r:~~,.. Dro. w.oed. of tho lou of thia shi~;~ ia one of romark.ablo th ~~ b . ter: whCthe r .he will be •· aat.i.sfi.ed" is an-

" bQroiam. For oi~ht jloura tbo c rew atood Judging from . e .fac:t , \H ·~ 0 apPQtnL· other q\lcstloo. l\lbej t thcro arv oy•r SOO The ti5hipg acbooocr C. 8 . .Van"i"9· of to .their work with death swilig t!•oru in mont .of Lho CommiWonora, iL wpuld :\I.Pa. in t.bc Ho1110 plodgcd to voto Yith

,Glouet'ele.r, ~ •. C apt. l'j!tcr Sinclair, tho fa~. aod whcu l\11 hOJ?O \VIII I <>!It \ho SOOQl t hpL the aoyal auen t,.-not much him, 1\Ud most of the big browcra t\Ud dinii­IUTind aero .yeatetll.,- moroiag with' Cap- commMde.r cried out., · · rho Lord have !JlOrc ,thlW a .!Datter qf form in thu <;~lAC lers who heretofore opposed him t\1'e con­~io A.tkwoo aod I"'Tt J>f t ho crow ol t he morey "on ~ All !" llUcl olli~c~ apd IIICD - h1..11 bec~1 scc:ureG. \Ve hopo, n ow, spicuous by their ab4enccfro m SL Stc:pbon·a .•hip Go,.j,Xicr, cf J'. £. lehwd, \ on went dowo with thn•e rmg1og chccre. th,.t ~he O lnd• tnne Go\•errunent wi'l ~eo LegiAlath-o Illlll& Some people profrea ::>able Jaland. Ourio~r all tail trying scene IIU.cip.linc ~u · d · d not to underat.and Loc:a1 Option. It i.a TOry · 'fhc Gnndolirr was from Rott<~r<IAm bouud preaen•ed 110d not one mao allowed noy w- .its way .clca,r to gi \:o .tra l!lo eJIIrl! snar· simpl11-110 ' ei

1uplo that bo who runs may

to New York, with 1\ CA'l:O of l ,tj()() tons of diClltlon of flwardJoo. nntee. !"CIId. if be i" liO mindedt.but tbe old at!Agc r-ailway irou. lObe !oCt Bro,.c,..haven on sll\·a thero are uone JO blind u tlloao .,.·IJo the l:!tb ol M11y. She had on board I~ men -J. P's.-.\ few day• a;:o a j llatice o f the The GoYc:rnment Burial Bill, which wfll noLIIOO. Hotwerer, boro l.a a prac:li~

~the C3ptain, lwo ofliccre, cool.:. •~w .. rd, p~nce took his little aon down the ri••er on n telt'•,•ntm informs us has lleeo nmend· Uluat.ralion : The .t:Arl o( ZcUo.nd , M the m entor, wlmo.lccr. and II men befo re &n oxcun~ion. The lad intcn ·icwcd tho mau land·owner of tho soil 'fh." which tbc town .,. h h 1 d -tl erb·' mucl1 t' oforuJI\ E!d by the H ouse of, pro"ides f.or e mut. On Thursday IMt., JllnCI:Ird, at 1\~ t o w ec · au 1:" ' .u • of (.;rangemoulh is b u' t, gare uo titl) thllt .30 p.m., she ltruck on tho EM!ern cud tion relative to tile busine&l! of atct\mboatin~:. the l.urinl of Diasentera iu <..:burch of after tltis month () I"') he would c:loec all

.of Snblc lslnnd. Thero was 8 thic k. fog l'rcscutly his father joined him 1\ud Mked Englttnd bu rying·lil'OUn•ls "witho:•t any tbe public houses 00

~IJI C!Stl\tc:s. 'fhis p-.t

ue-.:r.n.b widaqy f~ ~nat~' beooml.oa not oofr iill1 bo& mei&Doholr-:­JD&d ao long ~r illlbibed the GP~~CDqtlon, o.od -rec:o.,.rinr lobeir Dormal ~tla on abaodoninr lobe "uao" ol the noldolla 'com· pound. How~ ead l~Ja .(0' kuow t,jat people are~ <fctoriorated br eYeo moctera&e­lr ueing eueh a deadly "relreahmoot, .. u it l.a fuhion to l,cnp, alcollolie btw-enaea.

B ig llroa ha\'O been e&uelnr a terrific: &~~~oupt of d eetrucUon bolb of life ud pro­pcrtriatelr, IO!DO of con~tfona bea 'IIi exceptionallr diautrou ....... m· one c:111 four lives were u.crificed, o.n<l, u DluAl, .oo oao could be in<licated,gn whom to 6x lobe hlame. !n nnotber -c:aeo, the C1.-il Se"ic:o Store•. tho Iaileb.iel ,.., ~4 br the inc:alltfOUI IISil Of 1111yroteeted light. ill , the epirit "YAulla, and • bot.tlo ac:oidtot.lly f~tured aot the wagle pi&~· abla;e.

!'tf,\T 16.- Coneluilia& my jottinga to-uy (S11uday), I tbiok I havo Clli"IIOJily ghlnce4, a~ tho moro immedil\lely jotc:ttating topice which hi\ Yo cotn l up for di110uu.iou during the lut few dny" U any !.bing ariaee worth record!ng in tho near futuro, I qaay pr11bably again oommua1cate with lbo 8TUD.t.RII and illl roadere, to wboJU 1 now bid a reepcc:tful adie11. • H. P . G.

Bird /•land Co~. Jwne 10, 1880, (TO na: I:DITOR 01' nut STA.'(no\110.)

D un Sm,-1 ha1·.a obaen-ed no menuon i.o tho STAS·

DAltO of & TPry brillau~ meteor, ,.-btcb wu vi.aible bore at 11>.30 J'.lol. 011 TueMlar, tho 18th uiL .

> The dile of tht.- body appeared to the eyo to bo abou~ throo feot in dlamctar. lt orildoa.t.ed in tllo unith, aad ~uring the four o r live aeconds or itt tranait,.i t muat have trai'CI'Md aa uc:arly as 1 c:ould judge an arc: of say 370 SO'.

Wbcn fading into obscurity it appeared to bo>anred by ecven emaller bodies n:aornbli.ut 1tare or more prorerlr pl~~onelll. tho three Jl&areat t he roetc:or Appeuing Of 11 deep red, aad tbo romaining four of B palo l>'J'I!en col!M'. .

It is ~~rt.ed, a11d io fact I bad it from a native of frioity, thD.~ u the metc:or diaap· pearod a ooiec aimtlar to l11110der was beard thrro quito distinctly.

I mention thcae faeta u I aaw tbem mr· self: and iadeed it hu beeu a mystery to me bow, ere this. an Rppoarenco so remuk­Ablo abowd uot luwo boon chronicled in your \'l<hu.bJo paper br OllO ~r other Of your nlany eoutrib11tors.

I should bo.,·e I!C.Ut you .word of thi~ pha­nomonoo beforo, but tliat I thought you wouiU, an•oug yo11r tnl\uy friend&, hllvu found one of 1111ficlent ebillty to furniah you wil.b a lucid exphwatiou of 110 ·reuu.rkablo :111 incident.

Siuoo tbc opening of tl1o preeeot mouth dcnw foj:111 hMe been daily ,·,aitore; and al­though ll!biag opernt.iona may bo said to have comrnenoed, 110d ~~everal good apolll of fish havo been 11eeo on verious pllrtl of tbe ground, still, owiug iu a ~rel\t rnc111mre to tho absence of herring as well M to the coa­liouGncc of foga, ~ory tittle htlll yet been scoured. Tho o11mhcr of herring taken varie~S from 2 or 3 to 12 o r 1!1 uightly per net. These alllli.U Cllt.<-he•, howc•·er, 11rc made good uac of, \l'hen it ia aufficieotly clc11r to get on the tiahing-grouod.s. No SAlmon here yo&., and but a few at Booii­Yistn.

H ia rumored that the b.:•it.akifJ nrri~ed 11t Bou:IVillll • boul 1 las~ C\"CninJ:, Anr\ DillY 11<- e:rpectetl hen.. to-day. She hM n good supply or btUt on board, and as the wc111her fk:ciD!! on tbe point of clearing u p, it iapreuy cetllliu thAt good worlc will be done with t br b!tit abc hriuge ua.

Trll5ting tltat by next m'\il 1 may be in 11 position to report fM·orably of th~ lisbury pro•IK:ctll,

I rewain, Mr. Editor, Yo11rs, &c.

OIISI::HV"E R. and frt•h breeze u t he ti111c. T ho- ship hiw how he W:\!1 cujoying hiwadf. " fin~t- religioull sen ·ico or with such customAry the drink mercbaote and their friends in a st:r11e~ 'l'ith IUlr ltroacl.tthlc ou to tltu 8ea a1.1d rntl.'," Wilt the cuthu.tiMtir reply. "l'tu nnd orderly rnligious scrYico es the pe r· fi11a~r. 'l'ho people, howc1·er. beaded by filled. 'l'ho cruw fired rockete aod huruoU going to be 11 ar;:umbont mnn, pap:~o.'' " All son conduc ting it tib all HOo fit"-tho re· their clertry :~ood ~~ehoa mnst.crsnnd miatreas­}llue l i~Zhta and fiarc-upligbtllduring oigbt. rit:lot," rcsJ>Outlcd . tho. ,1 . 1'., "but you'll l<~tions of thll deceMed having tho right Cl, hl\cked up bia ltrdAhip, and thaoltcll Tmin.snAT,Jun~-Peterl.yooa-drun'c ltut there was no response from t ho 1hor~. huu to otuJy .unr•f:11~tun, utronomy, nnd I t · d' "d a1 th b to blm for his wise &ud pntriotic nction. cmddiaordcrly. X\Jmonishodandducho,.,.cd. After d:>yligllt ll WilD CAme out on l.or4o:.) dtvers other •n ord"r to be " ~ood t o 1'0 ec any 10 l\'l 0 ey c 00116 Thereupon aomo jotcrcatcd per80n& took l)oter LI'OI\fl-drunL;. Sentenced t~"ooe •···lr: and rotle aloag the beach, but 11111(JC 1 one.'' The l :~.d tuud oolh.lllg 11t l_bo ttmo. condu<.:t such rrervice. fri,.'" t and tried to ,~1 Lord Z.:tl:~nd to rc·



..,.... b ·1 b 1 tl d fll lu .,u " d:.y·a itnprlsoomeot. 110 eignals. Another mao, on foot. joioed ut.-appearc~ 10. e ~c,·o Slug 111 1 ou 01 l'erae hie d eci.<ioo, wlicb he deol.ioo.>s to do: f'uiD.\l", J une lt~Tobu Gril!n "-'· Onirl

bim in about an ltour. but oei.t6or rcn<leud. <¥'the k t' :t h~• ~mnd.h lbl~ 111 bopr ltU.t[ T u£ St. J amu <itJ.Utu, the new pllJler but hn.s, with admimlie good ta.~te, •lecided l\lllckcy,~~j:;oJ 12yenrs,an•l ltobert :\loriarty. any a.uiet.:loco. 'fhe crew cotomoocol.l p11ll- be. rt'mar ·c •, wu •uuc jlrDYtty, ·· a J>:>,, o f ~I r. O uten wood, la~o editor-in·c:hief of on having tho imporlJiotquestion aettl ed by aged 11 y~Ara-Jtcaliug ol J rope. llotb lads jog out tbo bo•ta. llodi~ tbat .r.l.o ahip tbtolo: I wo~ t .bo n stenmboat man i 1 ~ t ho Pail J,f fi,U QauJu, tbinkA that tbe "Loclll Option." I n ' ther words, if tho io- were sentenced to recdvoai.x strolea wiLb II wu comQe,ocing to break up, beiog full of rntltor be II JUSllcu o~ the pollee ;)'OU <.1°.11' habitant. wiah to retAil tbo drink shops they birch-rod. · patu ~ci a.ialting in u.ud, .l),~d tbe aea ha_\'c to koo"(f •~thtQg fo r tbllt. Con{erenc.o of R epresentati,·es of the may do 110, or they llUIY hove them closed, SATUIII>AT, Juno 12-Francla I clcap breac~ oyer bo.r. Launched --A JLrikiJ~~ ptory of heroism ;, ropo~d Great ',Pv.\YdrJ, to be hold sbo.rlly at Ber· if &uch iH their good pwuurc. ln order druc•k and disorderly, and asaaultiug Con­~<l)o Bill a o.d t wo pm.oecet-o.ll l ho boatll from llusaia. 1n 11:1.'>3 tho llewii'Q of a lin, w,ill probably .bronte \IP in confusion. to MCert:un the public feeling n ~otc: .or tho aUiblo s,.·e~ney. FiueJ i:l or 6 daya' im­~ th• .thtp. bad-Jo.lelt. lnLO tllo la~~r J{uuian !Bad-owner wu murdered in the lt in o f OJ ~,inion that .CnnfotCI\t:eS of tbe iobabitllnt& .ia to bo tal en, nod to tlua way prisoument. pl.o~;~&c:.e, wbtcb wu aft., go~ tl.lo ca~t&lo • Jinriot of KiefT. A priest 0 a111ed. ~ob.)'~o- Powenl ar.o sure ~eaoa of for;cing on wa~ Local Option Ifill ~lllDd ita firet ordeal in JM.' \\'helr.o, ThomM Moorctt and lhvid .cbrooometc:r, Lo!f book aad all rpo111 , abo witz was &eeltaed of tho deed, ~d. to apr to o r lt¥~c:ipilll~ng the fo,rmation of leagues Gmngemouth. And tl.ia is all Sir_ W ilfred l'owel'--drnuk io Wate r Street. Admon­§J m.ea aud lob~ 2od olliccr. ~ thee. two of hit protcalll of ionoc:onca, ho wu trans- intent on ~t,l.liog tl.le Eutern queft~qll La-.'IIOn &AU for the inbabitaul.a of lhc iehed and diacbl!rged. ~·11

we,. dtltlbled-one wJtb a ~roken ported to Sibert!\ , wbero he was forgotten. i.~ ,their QWD way. • Uni14d K.injldom. Atpreaon~ tltey hne no Thos. uooard L'l. J ohn Jone.e, muter of ngbL &nn, and oth~ who fel! r~om aloft The other day nn old peuaot ad m,i ttod oo option at all. The ~tr&tea eettlo for the barque Jtlruritl. Tho complainant, a three :weeks berorc. l'bo capw~ mteoded hia deatlt-bc:d t.bat~c wna t ho ma,rderor, · them, without coDJulaaoa, bow many or aeaman o• boo.rd, wu ill, aod was aout by 1.0 110.

10 tbal .bMt.. anll ~rderetj h•u• to wa.~t th&t ho hAd coofeu ed the crime to tho ~OOWJJ ~.. bow (ew drink abo~ a.ball be aot up in their the Captain to St. .loh_n'a. 'The mao ~ot

Cor b1m, bot 10 exclteme{lt ~f t ho m_o- pritst in quOlltioo, and olitfioed hie a_b- · midat, without any rekrence to the wanta hnin1: been properly dl;8chall:od, t bo Sh~p· ~eat the ~c:ond m~te put oil w~;~bou~ 1"lllt· solution. Tho prioet, ~owe•er, having re- The Ne1rloy.ndland Railway-'l'be Wear Qr wiab_ea of tho pGI"NDt mott concerned. ping 10 St. John 8, uoder tbeee crr-10C fo~ htm.. Tbt' l>Qat eepetzed 10 the ceivcd tho coofeuiou uodcr tho uauo.J aeal thor, OJ:opa, 8~• etc.-Emigration namely, the inhbi~ote thet11ao!Yes. And oumatancea could not aeud him to the ,surf yhrlo l.r)i.og to .ll)akc tbelaod, and ,all of aec:rec:y, could not diyulgo it, and pro- -T~ Fprtuno B~y a, ~ thoro ~a co.;(lict of • •thority 110 fa.r lUI tho J 1ospital,.aqd bo wu coDJcqllently n!t11rned ~ere thro• o Ollt. 4• '14r II could be ferred to undorsto the terrible puniabrneo,t va A war¢. drio'k-ac!tiag groc:ere are c~aeernod, tho to Harbor Graco. It appeared that tbo roan JDtiged of her cr~w rclobed tho la_nd in the 10ioea of Siberia to depa.rtiog from office baving thrpowor to pcnnit the wulll llDd unfit Cor tlotr and wu aent with m ...Cety. Tbe Capl.&i,l;lo.na1!rat mat? Wttb bit dntJ. 'The a~boriliee · at ooca 110ught · (From 011 O«ariotibl CorrtlpOnd(Jt/.) .We ohtrong 4riult by tho groc:era, e.-en in t he Captain to tho Collector of Cuatorna to .six moo,<lo manQed .tho .other Jllnoac:e for t be priest amoog the priaoocra, but bo · Dosros, l\iay 31, 1889. )lpite of t.lle Ulllgiat.rn~ who .,motY;Dea re- be diacharged. 'l'be Captain wu ordered ;,sDd pulled d.own the abor,o u r~ u hAd d.icd a fllw moolha before the dis· A Railroad on the lllliUid or Newfound- fufO to gra11.t tho pr;i>'Wga to theae gentla- to pa;, the expenso.e incurred throollb blt lobe eutero ijgb~o~, p:t lwP•. qf fi9ding

8 cloaure. land 11-iU dhidp the ~.ttention or the Jl!lople ; m en to d,Qn)oraliz.e a n'jgbborbood, IUid .in- illegaL act. But as tho illoeaa under which

plaM to land or .rectiJ'"Iqf uautao~ ltom· and we may conclude, tllat tl\o uap)o edi- !lb'uCL tho womcn-fo)k" i.o Uul parrucrioua tho~ complllloaut wu ao!!"oring wu fenr 'ahe abore. Fiadiog ·ao placo aQ.itable to .,.How TO COOl .t. UOSBo\!1~.-Tilo flret toriala of tho ~p.ra, trntingmostJy of cod- ·cuatom of air d.riokjr.g N>d bamboozling and Agllll, and bad been contracted pre· Jaod and aeetoll '" ~ing achqoqer lriog in t.biD~t to ~e dono il to catch htm l Manr " fiab, oil, L&br'ador and iC<l tiabing, will be their malo relatlore.e, ~Oea of li'l.uor being Tiou

1 to hie connection with the Jtlum'tl, the

~e oiillg;r,..about atx mllea away~pulled good h11.1band il apoiled in tho c~'lriog. spiced with railroad literature, tho &CCOD)· ecnt homo JlriY~Iy au• olw"8e4 10 tbe lliJl abip wM in c:orueqnenco not beld lieblo for 1o0 au and wu rec:e~Yccl .qo Roard, ,..born Some woroen keep thc111 ooonlllltly 10 hot pliabment of which work will brin~:yo~;~r ool- .,. , .. groc:t!nea" or "l'lf.Wt.l." boapital e• penaee. ll1.aJ•.e~ ¥,efJ killdlr u.ated. Tbe tohOQn- water, ,.-hilo othore frec:ze them wiUt con- oor into liuo, .in the way or improl"OIIIODt, A moet iQleretti.og•oray baa been Jamee Walab of Fran'eia, Rinr Uead-, .._die e. R., Capt. Si.r;lcJ&ir , of jup l ooldne.ea; eome •mother them with with lobereat of.tbe'world, A ~ow tbjng, wbe- gojl)g on In ll:le 7irau powapapor on "Our disorderlY; and auaultinjr Conet&ble Sbep­~louccater, l\J.ue. A.e abe wu oo the oontention, aad still otbere ltoep tbem in thar it be with the indiYidutl!, familr. National Drink Bill," which~ falloD4Vr- pard. F~ed f 6 or ~ dA71' impriion · point of iea.riag i n eeareh of .baU aod eup- pickle a ll their li.ea. Tlt~se woman aervo or tho nation, excil4!a a new iotereet.,.inde.ed ing tho last (o!Jclal) 1~ to the oxtut of ment. . plio Capt. Atki11.10r: oou.ld pot induce bor lob em with ·u.nsno sauce. Now it ia not to tho world meaaurea ita degreee of pro&J).erlty fo~Jtteoo mUho~ •tir~IDI· 1\[r. H oyle, tbe A poijce wu laenCfl to UotliMd publican• /.lllllO O"ftr to eblp and •tar br be: in b<laopposed that husband» will b. tender br that which it ~de to wbat lt ba1, TbQ. eminent atatiatician, and a JLr. JJr&l\IOOmbt prohwitiog tbem from elt}lplri.or llllobael #he hope of aaYinr any part ol the wrec:Jtaao. and ~eoOti if treated io t.bia war j but tl•er now baby iA tho family, or t.hp tiret ral,lroad of ~widely difl"erent·yje..,. .. to~ Ot.U¥1 Alp~ JJil4 fPirltqouallquore .for~~ apece ~ Sioc:lfir lnteaded. to iQ to ~ fo r are, oa the contrary, Tery delunona ,.-boo a people, forma a new chapter In the alfaire or tbia &a&iafaot.ory di,wiapt.loo in ~ oadoo. Rf !! years. • ,))alt., bnL M the wiud •u -'tea4 he bore r;oaoaged u followa : Got a large jar, called oC familrfnd aatlon 'f~ preaonce of a rail- al qpen1J.ib}re, 1)® bol]i iqs .JI&DIICL~ i.t I lJ'o,.,. ...... ,.r ••• H - t>.kiok D ... uden,-· up-/~ fJ.alltax.. Capt.. ~ u4 ~· lob.e jar ol c:ar<lfuln!*'; piau your hu•IM.od road, from the Capital or a eoantry, reout. ia not entirely attn"bota~ .to ~~~raoc:e .Qiao,-dronlc. Admoniabtdaod diacba.raed. pi*, Mr. FerDJI, Joe~ ~I but tll• clothi,Qg Jo it' 1 ~d place bJm near the fire or CODJ~- the of thought, IJibApea &Jitl Ri'ea ~iog, ll,lthollgb. l'(l ~ul iJrinU. W. fatriclt Breudere, Carbollear-drtiJIIt oo #h& they etood h1 .,l th,e /.iaie. pl loTe i let the lito be pretty bot, ea~ot- additional fol'lM! to the coato1111 of l ong coft"ee, .to., baTe beei J»c~al.r ~ br \fater Street. Admooiabed an4 illaoharaed.

The Golld.oliu Yf' a , ... 1 or J049. ~nl aJir let It bo! clear ! •bo•o all.let thebf~~ be Uroen, !.ringing io a condition of affaire that the people 4~riDI{ ~· ~ penOd.. ne • W mNttSDU, Jqne J6-ltllob~l 'robin reaiaW, ~lliJL ¥ S~WJJUeraide, ~ · E. I., jn co natant i c:o•er bun. o,-er With alfectron i o~ers bettor th.inge to all, ~ ma.f.t9r:e liOt 7 i iJIU iteeU hu ~nnted a l,eeder on ~ eub- and Thomu L:rnob, eeamen Oil board aob.,. rtm; bt.ileiJ lr.o~ /J)arJ.QJU~~WQ 11, ~ t., gt.rniab -ijim OJ er with lh.o epic:e or rlefll&a- .. ~ bu bitherto be~n t b,.eir .14W.. W e iect, and I am llad of it. .. br t~ia me&lll .r.ou J (JJII'--d"lllplt JUid 01fbtJJUr OD Water ~d .,, .. O<nted bJ ~- *-?rio' an, of #lie '<7,. and if fOU &4-d ~ and .other. con- eet.imate 1~ worth of burnao power-the \he tempe!f.ooe refo~Qo ia thorongfp1 Strut. fined •4 eac~, oc..16 deJa' lm· formet place. Tber.e II 818. inaoraDco. fecttooa let t.b~rp be acc:ompan•~ l llth. • eJJort or a UWl, br the N!)oont ~f/CJr«. )le well nnt.Uat6d, u4 preMed upon ~a.~o.- pritoomeut. P11 the Yeatel ill ~ Qtflc:t+-:-!f9fi/~ aofllcleoL pori ton of aecreor, mllted With gave to the worJd'a iJllproYemeol.. 4 lingle pop Of the tferc:utile C:Onll:llUDily, John .Kiellr,seamao OQ board Loil ""-'lfrorUck, Jae 8, · ,PFJdopoe and mode~tio9- aboveUulof earth, in thecooatnJetion of a JaiL. • Tile Colree fJ.'anru mo,:emeaHa pwlng drnnlt and dieorderl1. fioed tl.60 or 6

~7 .'l.'elepa;ph. ·' - . 8-lJ.U~ N.S.,.J,.u.,lt:rfb•to, of 1M Brislak Roue of .~mtpou report tha~ lobe lloue ia eoti&locl tP' .. ref., Br.d­l&~b pertllilllOD•to take ~it~

;rhe ~11doa n..u fayon Gl~e'a ~cial at.teme11ta, &a;~d~Citl,tMaoo­Cetl of tboee and f utp re c

l&.it belietd that 11eptlll o11t W'lll.reeult io~ -..bliebtZient of a CX~IImerc:ial ~ betweu EAgland and Frana..

l'll• Greenback Co!ll'eotioo, Cbic:eg111 no~ Guwal WaTer Preaident, a11a General Saraaot Yice..P,.deut. Dqller

· wuibe uDJuoeealal c:andidak Tbe meet­inP, ,..era etoaar. ·

:riQible to~11 at Iadi&na; bouu "9ft­lifted; seYeral pereo01 ltillld.: Ligbt111og etr11ck an oU tank; great ~ea&ructioo or propertr; ooe million b&nleia of oil . 0011· aamod.

Ttrrible ra.npa liJ IJ1ZI~ worme io tile Norlltflra' S I

(.;ratid meotioga .,.., be!DJ held br the Preabytc:riaa Auemblf. !Noble apeechea b&llo been delinred br .Dr: I Steel or Au~­tmlia and Dr. Druce of l Glugow. Tbe fin :Weill repor\4 are dteeriaz.

Two wreclta at Magda!" laluda. 'l'be !lqory ia bad, ngat&&ion "back,.-ard and weather nofuorable.

A ma~~ mectjog or Proteatent.t ba.e been belt! at L iurpool to protei!~ apinu tl1e &Jl· j)OiDtUieat or I.e.-de lUp()D artd Kcana&n~. . J u.· 14-An~crlG&n Rite Team hu ar-riY Eo.;lend ; be ltirig fnoure them.

Se eral Loudon lailurea are repor~; Jiabili · large. !

Two &t.eelllere of th4 &o11iogtoo Lioe of New York collided in a fog oa l'riday nigbl.. lt is eatimattd tllat oao hundred Jiyea were loe~i uo v .. eDger regis!4r.

Fin bop m.edi~ Collegca in Philadel­phia ban beeo broken up. l'rof11110re ar­rettcd. Ono llewspaper wan purchased fiye )ledi~ qiploma.s, one Doc:tor l>irinity and Doctor C ivil Law, for Sl!25.

Ice is $9.80 a ton In Now York. Admiral McClintock lures lltl!ifax Ia

NortAampton for St. J oho'e, on July l Oth. Electric light teet iA Montreal Harbor

wu a aucce.w-lilte midday at wid night. J mn: 16-A acane OC:Clltred in the British

Parliaweat on qno.etion to tho aoto­oedenu or 1Aco11r, new .Freacb Ambauador; bil cberacter ie doubU11L

Tho f&ilure of Ruabton, Joh111tone & Co. LiYorpooJ, i• IDDOUDC<ld.

Uocui.ueu ia felt· in Ruas.ia bec:auae Col­enol Gordon bu gone to take command lo Chi ca.

Ex-E111preee Eugunie ie retnmin~ frnm plaoo where Prince Imperial wu killed, io good health.

Itocbefor:. hu recorercd from the effecte of the d uel.

Aoothor oil l&ok hu oYcrflo.-ed in Titus­Yille ; :10 buildiog. deetrorcd; lou, $ 1,500· 000.

A etrike in Leadville; military Clllled QUL.

"l'be Scotc:b tlelegat.ea to the Presbyterian Aasembly at Montreal apoko in admimtiou or the vigor, beallh, libertyllod hopcfulneas of t be CenadiAn C h11rcb i they promi_ao. to adYocat4 etroog homo auutaoce for m111lliOil work iR tho uorth-weat. Priocipal Gr:lnt anti R• ' · L. G. Mcnoillo of Ne·~founolsod delivered brilliant adtlre!llle&. The ~·orcign :\liasioo expendituro lasL year "lUI $ 8!1,000. Another mwionarr will bo aeot to Tria· idad.

.Jusv. l G-Tbo repreeentati'"cs to tho Coofero:noo oo tho Trea~y of llerlin 1\rc M · •~mbling. They purpoac enforcing t l.c pro•i.iona of the trel\t)'. n iamarck ialld­YOrtO to ~~rmed inte rvention ou behalf of Grecian cll\ime.

Greek pirates continue thoir rnvagea on tho coaa~ of Aaia Miaor; t be town of All:ile bu been aackod.

Locuat plague in Southern RuMill and A1i11tio Turkt-y-damago cnorntous.

Tho American Government drm:111d 110

explanatioo from Spain why ouo of ber waribipa fired on a liahiag eohooncr.

A notorloua counwrfdwr luo..'l been cnp· lured io c .. oada ; valuable plAtes bavc been secured .

Occouaier, eentenced to be h11aged to-dsy at Toroa to, auicidod by poi.sob yc.ttcrdny. llo . hAd killed bit brot her fo r scduc · tion. Public aymptr.thr t hough fa\'on~blo to prisooer failed to ralo a commutat ion of the sentence. .

8 000 llritiab canies hno bc~n ~romiecd he~ p:tWlget and work on tbe <.:aoadjan Pneific Ht\ilway Cor 9 yCilre, . Ju~E 17-Tbe Porte refuses to rccogntzc

the riJ;:u t of the Powore to dispoao of Turkiah territory to (.;reoce without con­aulting it. Tbo Ambusadora di~Ppprove of Goteheo'e aoggeat.ion ,for a c:omm.iastoo of enquiry for RoumcliL

llritrah war.abipe are after tbo Mediter­ranean piratee.

1'ho Houll or Lorda a•lopt.ed the Amood­meot to the Burial Bill, opposing Gonro­meDL

New York Tammuy Democ:rr.ta are bound to defea~ Tildfn'll nomination.

'fhe Canadian GoYernmellt appolot a commiaelon fo r tbo Paci!c Rail way; another to orpnl%e tho Civil Se1Tice.

Tb Veale Conforeace is in aeeaioaat Truro n. R. Smith, Preeident.

P eru'a pe ly to CbUi for war ie 1 200,-000,000.

Tbo oiYH war io B u'cooa Ayrea II oYer. Preeideatial election.

J UNE 18-The Iriab land agitai.ion 11 dAnsvouely {ocreuina; a tenant hu been abot bra landlord ; tha,a.i tuation II grayor than enr; peuaotiU'O drillia~ ; bloodshed ie entJcipated Ulll-Pii'liament Will carlr aotion,

1'be Span.le~ Go1ernmen~'o been lUI­cal ned br TOt4 of c:onftdeuoe. 1 -:au.ta .. retlltorctDg • er Plllctllc eqoadron. ' "DDe !amine ia Amtio ·rurtor i.e woree-2000 et.anccl to d~ath io one d.iatriot alone.

A Cazladlan Comm~ion hu been ap­pOioteCl to confer with the ~morican au· thoriliu 1rith a Ti.ew to {!rete rye ~be beauties of N iapra. l!L. n. Proridenco ROn) race bas been woll br Wallace ~. F ted )lecond, Bord Ullrd. · Hanlan ltd for ltbreoi JUllee, ba~ he belli&" taken wltb a paUi retired. ·

....,.DJJISTfBLISRIII!fT OF 11}11: SOOTCn road, or ite equinlent., conatitutea Ui.e atoma rapldlr into YUt proportiQIII, a Wje ~~~ daf'' J.rppr\lo!IQiept;. · ~Rpacu."T· 'he aql-bor Rf "'e l ortbcoming - ntial to a perfec:t wq~ )Yo ha•o nine- ber of Com=•IJlrlaging Uf ln ..,~ dl- · · • ·-- Pate&s CI1UC1CT.-Notw1Utataodi• u •.ork1 •J l>ltH I&blllbmeo' or &be Church of ty tboQ~a.Dd mn,.. of railroad, and tbJ1 co~ rect.lon-1 ear the t.hina' w· bt OTe one, J)JBTIU.CT CODJrl', l.:np~l ·boo to tba!, e!}ot._~~lc:1h .~emrf• to &o"LII.nd, from the polltiealu dleti•guiahe4f mathe191tlciao woQJd JUi• hie reau.lte if~ and aud~nlr oolla(*, lll.adcJit.loo to.thia, pre... ere,,11o Mnoo~ vnr-..o n ... e p c:• f.rslm' ~e ... c:l&rio.D poiot,of Y,iew," ~e pub- could plaoe a lilllle individual of our 1if ~ Ia 'a fft&b ~ ln tqt ,tbape of t, Buou 10001 Bllnln-r. Of braad .. t"Qit"e or proYlaloa buret taken 11oaa'~ll of •blob wu, u I ban ~,.dr ,;moQa out.tide o1 all i11Jiooooa in 111e~ •J Food* Retaarao' .COa)paar

1 ' plaoe. Tbe teodeooy Of Wbnt a11d Floor ' "' -~ ~ cr hloh •L __. .... ft liD r 11 PJUl).t.T", JU~» "11- Riohald •Bltker ••· 'bu of ooone been d~ciram in t he Am~ f4C.04, ~tpoooo o,.iog to the gene~ @!.ec· tioo .of ~~~ Tuj. li111 of qilroa.J. "W 19:&1 on ... e ... w~- -. t> 9 .Jobo Sua~ A~" for 190, for abU'O of ori bl p1 •· ,, , p It ·' Aoo, ~ll not giYe it to the public be~Qre biJilding or r oar road would draw Itt power tfOt WagiDe, howe.,.., ~ It .u,1 make ,. c:an a p[UIIg m .. , '!u• or ao .. ~ IOCC!IId ae.Jtion of lobe uy P_,.,ltalent.. of COptWC!tion (rom rtfffj pereon oo u,, ~o· bee4 .. r u ~t, al..,e~ J am ~ .. ~ ~ I.atm.dor. Tbe Do- Coru.~Yo bean ratbtr tbe other war. Har H,eb.,beeain,pommuolcatioo9ilobto~uf laiAnd. NewfotlDdlazu)jafo"'nat,llnbelnr, plei!JI'de&enr~~~GYe-.aD& w~cla will~ e.n~Mt~6df8711/ ~ amotlDl end bu beeo eold at £6 per ton here. Coal ~ lead,.,. qf Liberal l*rlJ .oo io it.t pobllo poJ.I41, o11de~ the' coat:rol of ~~ people t.._ ol ~and MIL-ooP&roL Jl!ld It~ &b,lre daao remalp'!'t,edi";~~ end Salt are both do~ to tb]eir uoal eom­qo~. at!4 b.J jafera froll) J.b• ,.,., c:au- -..gaciotll D!erc:baote-meo tbU pu.rpoll to "' ... nr, U.•r» ~· ~~.DOtabl· .:o, ~ qu ~ ~ ~h!t~~ to be merra&el.. .No otlaeri•&G~ ofimpori&aee fiqDJ IP•w•re be ~ recalled tha~ " ork tho P,Ublio ~e~ of ttl~ 6tlte u oollfu,Doe~latlelt oo 1!1arilt, -' •ldclh to"'e ;':.c:eo:tt: :,.,.._..., br\lle ID01I to ~ teo·~ ~~uc~~...'!'it':'rtt~ 1z;

D~AU~Iilbmellt th,•r4o tbeJJ" own pnnt.t md~ 'Da1a ~\!~• ~o~~.lioale~twbioo li.Ye 6,qtla.. cit lela ont oftlleood·biD for 1~ .. . 1 'l -'C:b· giue_oo~ to-~~ Pri!;.·~ -:~~ •"ioea.~l·o~llol Do· tt.ou .. '"s~~e~Eitra, ~~~@ M(., ~.Jt~-~~'!!!1~ ::-~~~J"IaYtfrUlo .... lta, :.a(artWftaltalcr-.t: liM,.U'f':;! ~~~~=~;;~ .. r.: ~~Ea~a:t.: St(6d.,~ Jit!per·

~:i5il#:i~=~~ »-Vol\td wUl....wa1ritb_,~~ IDe--~ ............ ._ ~~S ttk.ol .... na'f.b, orf'.· :ther ~ ~Uc~~~~ .... j:d 11~~~~ '; -=e=o!'U.. ~;;v;:: ·~~ ._ a.bMa ~ .... "rdlalliJt3.tL•~~bil•..U.eDetead- ' JiriCII: M~ Wbl• "'cl f~o!1 1~.a fotUICliAacL . Medioal Olloln.ol a.1tk, 1111 ~ uh~~erted -' ~ proaalled G \':• ~ Pou, Ex• P,~me, ~/:. u- end

AJI~zpe~••tlae f~ will olwldlie,abflac=-I!M.., ~~~~!J~.~T~; 8 ·~r.IS 711~~"&;!'':J; =-Ji: ::i;"F,.:-~:; • ec;: ~J.::. ~ ~ ,.. p,.. ~or DlleDdeat. t ~:;to/ to tlfS, }B4t.Ti G(Sd. OA!I,

:::~~·:t.: Tile~~== ,....,...-_,., WU~~,.::t~~ ~· Mnol.,_...a,. r.- ·"U:l!!.Tilepriot. of·ra utlO"-! ...... .:.~ ........ ~ .. -~:;,s~:w .................... ,_ .... pes ..... -~··d;~~rtiiO~..,~J-~ Tile.,_ a IIODb,fAIIiiDI. ... aD E& k~tl*• • In' .dat. · 'l'ft 11o1t1 • to 1h. Mil~* rN• f/~ qU.,

Local u..4 o~ ItemL

Tbe Harbor Onoe 11 11taD4aa'4" u4 Uae lloDtne! to ll'eeldT Jlarald.'! lor oDl;,Y M.OOJ ..

Br Mpecii&l &rr&Dgtm~' Y1th fbe pro­prietore or the ltoot.nal HtNJld, we are en­abled to olrer to new aublcribere p4Jillg


~. tbe aboi-e two escelleot f&Qii r papere for the pri.ce oPlf of tho SJ:.t.)fJ).t.RD; "the 11oe girina:, togelober wi&lu cbotce aelec:­uon of foreian iotalliaeoce, eto., etc:., aa iateteetJoa budae~ of au Jecal Jlewa of ,l iD• portuce • the o~r eapplementinJ thia br a diaplay' gf attncti.-e end inatrucu...e read-laf. lUtter. · 1

l'lle Montreal lVtd:ly Herald wllic:h we club with the &fABDA.Jll) iu long-eel.ulliabed Joorual-=ttaried, ac:oordina to llow~U & Co'• Antericcn Dirtdor!J, in 1&». It It ooo or the l&r~~eat weekliee publlabed io Canada -ae :16 by 47 .incbea-&nd coo~iete of 8. page• of intereati11g_ 111atOer, aw table for general o.od.famUr t&di•g.

-Pr.nsosu.-J. 0 . Jo'rue~, ., Cbalr­mau of tho Board of \Yorke, Ulrousll here, on hie wa.r to Bar-cle- erda, oo W ec\­netJarlut.. - · - Tbe Lou Ja•e, Mc:Grath, uter, bo-looglag to !11eeera. John Muoa 4J Co., ar­riYed bern from the llanka on T~ar ~ witb cq ual to abo11t 220 q lb. cby !lab.

-The lAdy 0/o~>tr hu been o! her route on the Bar ainee Wednelday morning, wbea eho left fo r St. J ohn'• for tho pnrpoao of g:>iog on Doc:k. Sbo is expected to re­turn bore &bit aftaro~u.

-A very old, and a well-known and mooh-I'C8poctod resident of t.bil placo baa po.ued nw11y. Tbia good, old ladr, Mrs. l::dwa!'d P ike, reached tho age of 9:1 years. She bad IS cbildrcu, 100 graodcbUdroo, 128 gn:at.-grandchildren, o.od 2 groat.-grc:t.t grl!llacbildren. ·

-A l11rgo iceberg faun~ ~ta 'lftY i11to. our BAy during the late pre1-a1hng N. E. 'lflnd!f­Se,·oml or tbo l.bnltere auc:c:ooded in hewing froru illll giguntio llidea ico auffic:ient to pro­ecrve their b.'\il.. Numbere of c:raft hovering round aoc:uring a. autflcicuc:y ol bait for t11oir next trip to llo.nk.s.

---- To Cor.n£SPOsDtSTS: " L uor," Bona-

vial&.-Than lee for yoo.r nowa·itemL Yo11 • omitted, howeYer, to aond ua your oame. P c rhapt you are no~ awaro t hat a stendio.g rule with jo11malislll req11lre~ that therr correapondenlll abould ecnd in t heir ol!oc:ea -not neceiSarily for publicatioo-ero Lhcir oontribut.iona cau appo11r in print.

- Tnt:: FtsUERv.-Wo arc piCMI.'J to be able to chronicle t ho euc:ccas wbicb bas at.­tc:oded the eflort.a of tbo fuhormcn iu this Bay during the )l&St w~k. On Wcd.~tcsday, 'l'bunoday, :~nd t:ridaf bo:\1.11 1\\:e~d from ono to tbroo qtla. d.'i y. Caphn ~· &lr'!ck iu in aeveral plllOO!Io about tlus locahty. W e a re infonned that ono per~oo at Car­boaear hlluled 100 brls. y••sterdlly ruorn.iug.

-Dr.rAr.roRE.-Tlic llcv. 0. :f'o.!l\rd, 0 . :11. I.. of Qu~bcc, who has been io to..,u, a !.:lying at the 1:'11lacc, for the fl.Ul n~nt' c;tr Ulo days, took pa..'lll:\-;:(1 mormng 1n tho brig ba/xUa Uidlt!J, (;apt. ll. Thotucy, fo r I..abmdor. We le:.rn that tbu ruv. ~:eu­tlcmau lAkes tho plru:o or llll•·. l'urc Lec:iW!, who hu bcea utinistc:riug on thll more no~­therly port.iou of that co:ut for Lbe fl.'\St Ill X

Y""'""· -·n,e llrrold atntes t hat :\lcasrs. D uff &

llalmcr·~ KCbooner OILaudt r, t:rowell, mu­ter, which anilod from S:tlom, li.:)., on t ho .Sth April, .rith clnm l>jlit, arrived at Ca~­IIOuellr oa SaturJay lut, from tho Weatcm &nka, and hll1 landed G:iO qtls. green &h, Cor her first t rifl.

Tho /lrrat.r :~lso MfS thnL the .llolly l'vrlt r, of l\ in(,l11ton, Mr11ne, arri.-oJ at t:"r· bone11r on Tuesday, froul GriH!d 0:~?~ , r~­porting I ltlO qtla. M her fi rst tnp. Sb(. notlea.•o home until tho 7th l lt1y.

-·n.c Anaual ;\leoting of the ~o•·fouml- . land Coofurcnce o r thu )Jt"thodiat Church rueeta in Carbooenr on Wednesday ucxt. From nn adrortis.lmoot iu c:oonectioo with tbo conference aerviccs, we learn that at noon on tho :tbo\'o day, 1\ pubHc Pnlyor Mectio{: will be held, nod in the evening a Mil!siooary MllCtin~ ; on tho following evening au Edncational •Moeting, ADd on Friday onn­iog t\ Sal>b., th School Mocting. On &bbatll forenoon tho Rev. John l' will preetn at Carbonoar North Sid&, end "the Ito•. lt \V. Freeman South Side ; in evening, tho sen·icca will be c:onduc!OO by lhc Ikva. Job

'l:ihontoo and Jeremiah Embree. The STAND.\.RO will d oublleu, AS hereto­

foro, bo favoured witb ao account ol Con­fc niaco proc:eedi ngs.

-We are indebted to aneetecmcd frieltd at Heart's Delight fo r t he following iafor­mation. 'Vo trust thAt many moro of oar readera around tho leland will ruroish us witb IUCb eOr&pl of information M ~re like· ly to interest and inat ruct the pubhc. Wo will uadortako to put in to sh>P.e eui.tAb!o for publication any rough notoa oar {neode mar buo. tlmo to drbp oa:

llr.ort'1 Ddiglol, Jn~ 10, 18SO. D£AR Srn -"limee are nry backward

here. The ,;ind now Ia north·eut, with a donee fog. NothinJt ~oing ~ilob book ~ line yot; cod-trapt dotng fairir. Tbare Ul a aood sign of fiab cru tho North Sboro of Sc:illr Coflt--boatl brought Jrom He11rt'a EuO rrom 0 to 8 quintals each. .A "" llf capU.o at Tickle Harbor.

. --StruOt"' ACCII>a!',-A TOry teriODll ac­cident hl\pponud at tho Patont Slip hare on 'l'bundarlaat. Wbiln a voael wu bei~g nm off the " ware", one o r the men m clwge of the c:aPatao (&lr. William Bra,y) told tho other two to let gG. aaying that IIOl waa able to manage it himeelf. Before, however, they had timo to ~t a .. y, lobe bMI comme11ced to revolve with !ngbUul rapldi~, inia~ _ tbe oth&r two men eligbtlr and i1111Jctine torioue injoriee on poor Bray wbo it ~ e:rpec:ted to re­c:oftl'-illle of hle lep and aeveral of bit rfbt being broil: en. Ma&&ea milrbl haw-e been wor10 bn~ for the :pr8ellct of mind of tho foreman, Mr. William Warret~, wbo oo dit­c:onr!Aa the atate of c!alrt itnmedia&el7 diaooaoeoted \he machioery. Mr. BIV (who l.a'noarlr?O 1etar1 of ap) bu lllltaiD­ecl nry eeriot11 lnfuriee Indeed, ,. tnm trill •a& ODd taaau,.

-Said Jo~ Footer, &be. Cfu111101 for the AmerlC&D GoYerument til the Hal.lfu Fiabery Commillioa :

"8o fu u IMIMnflll' lnlle pea, we t~Htld DOt. u --- .U.paeell,.a-·-'·'b'--~.:~r. ·~ ... ~ -... ........ .. &liD .... .,..,. n-~--n'rKII-n to 00-.... aura IIIDDia. An~ 111&11- ..... to~ ... ..,.....

ADd ,...u .... la .. IIIDIJIIIIII..n.. rr,m .................. . se.lutoo. . .-s ....... ~~llllelf~ ...... .., .-..a .. ~ .... of ea. n-.&7-tiiUtllaA..-.. --... Ia..,.. .a uF1NM Blfl~ ..., ........ - .. _......... ........ ... ..... -::Itt--- ..... - · no.-~~CocJ·

abrli .. ~IIMltlle elgltct Uoeul t .er 11111 .. ~--~"1 na ~ O'DrllciabeUWU... 1ritll ~~till~ ·~r• Jalr..,.. ., .. .,_......, • ....,. --.~.-.- ~,......,or _eo ._...C~tMt,....,, ~~~,., . . . . , . . . . ' . . , r~· ~~~~........;;.;:__,;;,_j~ ..............

. . ---·--------- ·- ---- ,

--Wo•t"e illdebted to Mr. C. R. St. Joba,l ' Cotri!T N&ws.~ ~~-.Jut ~ Ts& B.ut.•u-'l'llare .._. to be .hen 10l SomomUe, Mul., lor late American pt.- Jodru aat apan.. Ju the Mlddll C~ and there a UWe eshlblttoo. of qoerulou­pera. before Mr. J utioe PiaN a' ud a PeUJ ~~-or uatub!eu a& the apparea~ dei&J ia

Jary, the cue of oae White t!Pioa' ou oommt>aoemeai of operatiou !a eoaaeo-

. New Adyertise:ments.

THOMPSON.'S lladla•l .lalla


··nB·T-1 Go ODS; &e. -ADDnt.SS AND .PaESE~>'TA'tlOlf-Wo ob- Jenaa wu beard. Tb!a wu au acUoa t.loa with rallnJ work, and a d!apoeit.loa Ia

aene bJ the Cltronic~ of Tuelid&J that the t&kea bJ the J))aiaulr aplut the deftudaaL erlo* to.nprd th.._Goyeromeat u iui.u­Jtev. Archibald Guan wu Ia MAy luL forbo&rducflodgiaa. TboJiirJawuded aereiaiWprol-'oaeaiadpracdcelareprd (prior to. hu .Uep:uture for another aphere ibe pWatil 160. · . to the awter. • . • 'l'be GoYOrDmeal of labor), tho recipient of au .\ddrtaa ac- lu the ope~~ Court, Wore Hie Lordahlp hu ao light whatner to allow upoa n aa• compaoiod br a miAIII'&I cabinet and a the Chiel Jutice ud a Special Jary, thf tU the BiJl· whioh peaecl the Lelrill&~re cheque fo~ 8160-the united olrurillg of more interee&I...r- of~ L. Dauib.Wa w. iroYidlaafor tbe ooaelnotloa t.Jf U.e road tbe congregation• of tho Pretbyterian M'w· the Board of Wotb wu oommuoed oo the hu reoelYOd tbe royal &iaeat. of which f.Ct, aioo Cburehu aL Betbl Co~e aod Little &J aame day. h !a uan-rr, we think, to wo t .. l uallftd, aobodJ !au Jet adriaed. Minas. Tho cheque Lhe doaon wished to e~umerate ibe partloalue of t.h1a cue. It A etiU more importaa~ oocuioa for de'-! ia bo devoted to the purehuo of "aome auit.. will bo remembered bJ oar roaden how the· the additloul rae~ that ia ibo bill referred ablo memorial of the miaion of tbo reY. p,IAiatiff ud hie famil.r were cJIJilor (rom to then~ ia r. proYiaioa to the Im­,:ontlomaa ·ill tb11t region, and of tbo dec- l'opsail on or about Maylaat,udhow tbeJ pcrialGo•eramcaUor it. guarantee Ia fuor tionate regard• of tho people among w4om were tbrowa oat.ud much injured bf tbe or the loau to. be railed · for coutructioa, he bad labored." Tho ltoY. Mr. Wbitticr wheel or their carri'iO rbaniag up oa a pile .u1d upG'If\he eoacoaaioa of this guaraGtee. {n.oqonlly ord&iood by tho Preabytory of ef clay which waa wroaJfully, u the plaia- dependa the aariag or a Yef1 eoaaiderahle

~tablished 18lS5.) . ' ...

Sign of the RED LAMP, 129 WATER· STREET, St. J~hn's . t ---o---' ·. .

l:la.ddotulyl~" )(oo~ ~ iUt;d .. plr r ... lrHUed b7a11 who k~~ew bu ,'lllaf7, 1fU• of llr. Oeorp lkoWD, apt a~ean. ·

J 1111t recei ,ild I the Strring'a Stock of · NEW GOODS I

Jwt received a largb ns!(ortment of DRY GOOJ?S, BOOTS. &c., nearly n1( of '1:hicb w~re bought before the late rise in . p1ces, nnd will be sold cheap. · AI the Neldeocoe of L llicltul Pita gerald,

Harbor Orace1 OD June ~lh1 .A.rlher Coti:rt.e.a, -.t..t 6 ,._,.i,llldoet aoG..ol A.nllar Oourtea, Eaq., . ol Heart'• OoaLIInt. ·

Oo the 16th lDeL, Thoaw, toll of Mr. JamM U&llpono,y, •cocllly..,.._

QT'Aiwaya on.hand-a..full supply of MEDICINES, DRUGS, TOILET ARTICLES, &c. OAL1CO. !rom 26d. per yard. • Ladica' STUA W DA~ 6cL Ncb.

WINCEY, from ~jd. per · l.&diea' 1-'ANCY Sltlft.n:1 21. aclL

FLANNELS, (all wool) 1& per rard. flAdiee' JACKETS, from 68. eac:b.

lWi!a:'t) baa tal: eo Mr. Guna'a place. tiff aaya, oa the ~ublic h!Jhway, or ~~~ aum of !JlOoey aoull&lly ~ tbe ooloaylo the Lrrru Bn lhl(U, } road, acu Naah a prem11et; tbat ' abape of ioteroet upoa the upeadi~re.

.f.lM.,.qoiiO, oo Ballday Df&'l l&at. AllD, nlict of thelat.e C&Jl'. Edward l'ib, and 93 y_...

Al Bl.rd hlt.od Con, uu tltlllbtla IDIL., afLIIr a Un~rlngiiLD...,llr. 8.u9ual Porter, Br.,apt 4C yoare.

C01.~l'ON l'lUNil'S, fro•o ~jd. per rard. Ladiee' Ucm~tlteh lfANDKERCW~JPSi SHEETING, from Djd. per yard. Sa. per dozen. MOLESKJ.S, from la. Sd. per yard. Ladioa' SILK TIES, &l eaeb. · • • · •

w,arUculaT ntlonlion paid tq PRE . SORlPTlONB.~

Datn Co•a )[1111.,:( plaiuti11 had hia colla!' booe dialocated, Siaco the bill bu been traumitted to the Apr11 80, 188o. throuali wbicb,ud other iojariea aostaiaed Imperial GoYorameot. Cor llc r Majcaty'•

R tT. A. G o KK.- oa tbo occuion he wu auble to do work naen•, a vef1 import.Dt <lhaoge baa beea Dau S1a,- Wb.l1e ,. n!g\"'t lo t:aow Ua l )'011 for ihreo mouths. Tho pwatilr eou~ht made iu . ibe pt!IIOIIIId ud polioJ of Her

putrpoo~e abortly ~,load...., lbe llotd ln whteb.)'Ou 110 three' thouaand dollars dam~ee. The de- Mai••ty'e -"-lnistraUoo, aod Lhe doter-,·-'• thluJtr laiJoa~ uriag tho put ••11bt~ · . . , , (- ""- -taouth•. wo doalro 1o exprou our approc:lauoa of foodaotl pleaded no~ gNilty, w 1ch w 11m ply o:.Uoo ia resafd to cooceeaioa of tho guar-w ur aul Ia lho promotlua of rdlgion aud 1110raU1y tAafamouot to D)'IDg that thOJ d id DO\ lUI teO will probabiJ be IUOjeot for renewed lo ·~· tommually. plaeo tho clay there. At tho clOie of the eoaalderaUuo. . • • Nobody in bia aen-

1 h~ h .. rty and tarnMt. •Jitlpolby nlneed to- plailltifra case Mr. Wiater, Q.C., uked !or aca would euppose for ono momeoL that tbe wa.rdo lbo poor and auifcn ag cau~U our rogrcl •I a rwn mit alleging amoo- t other '""'UD"" Goverome"at would be ·~ atup1' d u •- · aoti-vullug tube v.zy roaL .' . . • .,. ,.. . -. - ""

Your aooop~&noo of lho aeoomJ"nyla~t Ulaeral tbo IIOII·lwbr/Jiy of l be Uoard of Worn for cipate tho action of the Im~ria.l Gonru­Cabloct, ,.;,t, ••lectl01to I rom tho nrlou mineral da caua.!Ul by tho n egligence or mia- meat, or to take a course wb1ch aubsectueot •I•J"'•it. In tht. reston, will be a momca10 ol your fe&Q co of tb'bir cootrtctora. Tho poiotl conditiooa miaht pron to be a miataltoa ~~1nuru aruoab"OI ua. rhus. whllo wo rd&la t.~ boi weighty tbo cue' wu adjourned. to ooo. • ol lhgughl t,rom your !'lind, :fOil will carry with yea orday, wheo ~1: • Lo-'-h•' n •• :d tba' A · ' 1 • " •·'-you gorru ronr our ruJoet, and lbo lll!octlou•t.• ( · '-' _ , 1 . h- •b ruah•"'· •-be•te .:: " nXIODI oqotren, we ~e it, may s-1 wubtJI of tho peoJtlo. a t o • oug • •• • r "' mako their miuda C!f.IT ia z.~rd to tho

With cacl~od ebequo you will pleuo procure lea e tbe caso to tho· J ary, ood to reaer•e matter, an.! pOaso. tlsetr aoula 10 patience a aomo othor oui~<rblo rcmcmbranco and hno It Mr Wiater'• tecbaical exceptions for litUe wbil o longer. • • • Tho Go,.orn-hucrlbed ... loll<>wa' :~rg moot after nrdicL Tho Jury guo the moot bu reallyud trulyud nn«rtly dooo

l'ttm&XTllD TO TIIJI lin. A. Goy:. plamtiJf S7U.80. Mr. McNeily, Q..C., aad all t bat baa bee a dooe aod tbat ClU1 bo n TtLe Mr. Greeno forJ:laiotiff. Mr. Wiater, Q..O., dooo; it rem&ioa for tbo Jmr'rial Govera-

orn cau .lKD OTHatt.a or Tua DtrtTt Oon, d Mr Ke t., C f d f da t.a. 'd f • th • t J.tTTt.a Jll.y A~ll IWIIII<TI .!.ax llt,.U , llD · n •t or C CD D moot to AI Or re UIO to AI e {lroJOe 0

.u .. Tottr;..'< or TUlia anux. \Vbilol tho J~ wu deliberating ia tbe aod, wo preauma, ~be Gonrameot u ooiJ above cue, tbe' priwoorarccC!ltly coarioMd awaiting itl coocluaioo in regud to tbo mat.­

Wiablo~t you 0 "Uf hAppln•n Ia your futuro reeclved tbo aeoteoce of tbe· court : Alu- ter. Whatever that AOOCI"•ioo may be-aplloro, wberc~or ll lll01 be, M ~ -Wo u o, f.tllblully your•. aoder • 01gra~o waa the lint r.rraieoed, aad wbetbor fuorable oradyeno~tbo road will A. OCZU AN. A. llli.UID. after Mr. !)colt, his Couuael, aaid a few bo built all tbo aame. But people wbo n. J . Ut:::SOERSON, J . D. llLA!\Dt'ORD , wortia in extenoatioa of b!a eoaduct, be wu thiok or imagioo that the Go~erameot will W. P. su~:l'f'AUD. E. W. llcCUllDY, eeateoC~~d to thirty moot.hs'. iutpriaonmeut proceed at oneo in iLl expenditure oo ac-

11· McKESZJE, and otb•ra. updo t~e two iodjct.meot.e, ...U., ·one for couot or tho road before · iL kaowa tbo :Reply: iarceo~{ goode from Mr. Roge r Dowo'a 1 awouat o{ iotereet it may hue to pay oo

premia aod tbo other charcing him with that expendit ure, muat be very aimplc peo-LITT!.a l:..t.T lla"u•} the aa e o1fence ftom Mr. rhos. Dt&rt~a, ple iAdccd.-NortA Star.

l by 13 1h, 1tl00. Cabioo~maker. lo addition to the io· - ---ll r- O ~:uu.:< "'"D ornms.- t' th Co t { b d d b lluTt.alur.<,- 1 I hAnk you 11101t boartily lor ~~ra 100, o or .. urt cr or · ere t at -Pcrsoaa permaocoliJ patronwng this .-our ••ry lrlndandtooaitlerato Addrou. 1 dank watbm five dr.ys afkr bta freedom fromlhe paper ahould pay lbo per aooam pittance you aloo tor yol aaothL.,. u o;iblo wkoo of your SL J obo's l'~oilcoliarJ, boLa to leave tbe aakcd, promptly, thattbopecuaurypoaitloo ~;ood·><llltowartls wo. I alull alway• loot; bsdt COU!l ~r'f for li:fe. It be doea not leave at of tbe pre&& will permit it properly to puab ,rflh ple.,uro to tny oojoura lllltuu;; you, anJ ro- the Umo apect6ed, or reLurua here apio, be public p~perity with it.a'Jeoculiu power,

·member with delight tho many Ut>ro .. loUI of ·11 • t • · · t. d · d h ~our 'oneroolty aoJ libo,...lity. 'l'bough I hnu ,.., rocetvo wo years more tmpnaonllleD au to po•ot out au pe cc~ t e proper l<>~>ktd forw&rJ tbrousb two <IJ'earr wlot~ra l<l lho Tb~ tetm of impriaoomeot ia w be com- porsuitl aod 11roapoate of tho people. tlmo "h•u labould returu w ruy own aa1h o lanJ. puted from the date of commitment, namely, Whoa tbo pro~•ously patient publiaber is Lad •pin cujoy II• b.>huy air anol auaohioc, y<t ~be !Htb o[ February l111t. paid punctuallY\ his purse protrudea with uow llo.' l lho lirac "'<Otno Ills wllb fooliogo of 1 Tho oext w~ Alcuoder llodikoway, prettily printed pieeca or prepared paper " b.,..,tlhol I tmrt f rom~"'"· 'I'o ruo. au<l I truol wbo pleaded gUilty to tbo chat~te of forge,.,. from £rompt ~"lA" per10111, which pro-to \'\ ar~ maur hallvwoJ. u•oci.Jtiona con- ~( L' Q c ., ' 0

1,.-CteJ w11 b ll>io l'lrt""- \\'o have ooeo ltaro•o•nJ • r. title, · ., !DAde a nea~ addrc&S oo cure p eoty11o · je&CO to put pea to paper o.~ouOJo t;o.><lly vrv1. ortlous auJ hero togelhor wo h"! bll)Hrtf. H e rceei,.ed I S mouths' im- with p:~tieoceao persevoraocc, aod promptl hn• w .. ubi~>Jd lbu t;.,J of ooor ~·albcro. Ia tho pr15~Dt'lieot, to~ computeil from tho dato bim to priot .aod.publiah picturee of P':MID!t <liochoq;~ of noy varo .. l J ull•• I luvu to thauk of b~a firat.commttment , tbc lith of March e1'CDtl lD Jlnated paragmpba, produetog a ~·uu l»r roar HWIUiloy auJ • • .,~tane<t. lMt lie IS alao to leave tbc count..,. for pleasant feeling to poaelrr.te through all

Tho Ahnot"al t"allmf't wath tlw nu.1ly local ,..,.. "J lcctwoo It a woat lilt in,; memento, which. '""" life, five days after tho termin~li<>n of bia p:~rt. of , the public prcu. P erba.P' aomo l ba utuer remetubr•nc::o and ... oo•eripl!on. - ·Ill aeuleucc, or dUffer tbep.DIC pen:~.l~y aaaigoed p:~.rtics would r refer to pa' for their paper, t. .... ,. lb• ..,.,a, .. o! tbo , ... : tr .. b io :1.11 over l!'r•••· 1.0 Musgra,.e. the prodUC4 0 tboir patnmonial property. 1~1 memory. C:atberioeCous~line wtulbon IUTaigoed For pertru~.oeot poruaal, pl.:aac preaenc r.nd

W .. bfo; yon all t~!"poraJ Ol.rD>l t.lou iOJ;O, 1\Dd ICDteaced tO II X calendllr UIODths, to be p i&CO this pi CCC of j.tlCUADtry aod pr01'Crbir.( 1 r cn:aalu, :~~~~·u'{U~'Lo ct·ss. computed fr om tho 19tb of )J:ncb last.. tho philosophy io aome promiocnt place. wbcro

P ol..'llo lJU!;" bllvo made t 'rcir 3ppe"ranec io l:\r~e uurnbert1 in Cltarlottc Couuty, :\~w Uruoswick.

d:1t e of bcr commitmen~ . properly diapc?Sed persoua lOllY per U&e t his Jacob Oa we, for fora;:ery. rccei\'ed nine plain propo.1tion to tho profit or tbc pre·

c::tlc ndar months with hard labour. In • iously poorly p:~id butp~neveriog printer. m .. ktnJO: a few comments ou thia caso llii --- -Lordahill the Chief J ustice regre tted t he -:'\lonE DonT ~·oLLT.-Anolher crazy

--l'l\pt.. :'llcK.'ty Md crew of barque .'\,•. Ab~cnce o.f a r<•formatory in our midst . T he &I temp~ to crou tho Atl11a tic iu a d'>ry is t o W.•ti•~ from :ll arscrllc11, arr .. ·c,l "' ::\orth pr:•onor 11 ~nly abou.t 19 _yc.:Hd of nge, and bo U13de. George P. Thomu 1111d Fr~d. ~yJ~~c:y lut cvcnin~: 00 •m•ll loo,1 t< from :'t.. l fivv yoa,. ll ls l.ordalu p a."o.l 1o a refo~m~tory Norm:lu, t wo New Y ork •cameo, are to ! 'nul's lolaud. Ou tloc lo tio ;\lo.,· •hc • •ruck w<> uld b11 t b'!f. b t!.l t ,•cbool for bun. lcavo Gloucester, Mu. . • e.arly in J nnc, fo r "" oce~'i( Au<l u uk , ..; 1r.ul"• ~. 1::. uf !>L. In the ~lmdle Cbau:bc~ before the •: urvpe. 1 'he dory will be the smallest l 'a·rre. J'he r·r.:•• tuol.: 1o tho bo."s ""d \luc! J usu cc a.ud 1\ Sptc1~l Jury t he ·cblt.t h u over made t he trip, being about 16 :'t.. l'aur• on the 1 ith, rctnniniu~ tlo,•rc ·j C!l&u of l'Rpl4io .. G.reeo 1•1. G~ <.:om- feel 11 iocbes Of er nil, l :lt feet keel, aod 6 yc•lcrr.l:.y tuoroin:;.'\ when tbcy Jc: t (ur pMy wu hCA.'d. l .lus w:u :an aclloo taken feet wide, She will be a oop-rigged. witb llh :5yJuc,·. - //a /oj;u ptJJKr. • loy th<: plal ntriT "!!"""'' tb.: tlefco.Iants for :1. m:~~~t 16 feet bigb, bowaprit S f eet long,

· --- - l t S ltJu\1, ~ci n:; allcg~o.l;;es su•tAined by nnd a mninboom of l :l nr Hl feet, and will - - '1 he nrmy wonu i;; 11\\':\ging t hc' .. onlh ; tlw J•huntoiT th~o~I!(IJ fl\ lltng. a uo.l the•eby carry 1\ heM';f mainasil, [o~·slAyaail , j ib,

ai·k ol Luut.; l;laud. h Wl\3 tinlt J1~0o,·ill'aJ l reccl\'111!; "'uch. IUJury hy lllenus uf n holo gRIT t opsail. T he dory will lr i\VO a bouae 1w ar l•ht. In r.u hou r• tlrcy r.le.~troyc t • ·II'· • ur dllcl•, ueghgcut~y left uncol'crcd ~ud three fcc~ long, rishg too iochee a lx>vo Lr er ncn: ticltl uf n ·c wurth a lhOIIMIHI 11ollnr•. j uusuar. lc<l bythu a.~1d Comr-\ ny41tcr lay1og deck, ood will be built with air-l i!!ht eom· ~hl!io u!l of lvc.u•ts lo:wc "l'l'e:arccl on Suffolk ' ,_.,.,. prpcll. . T ho . Jury r~tu rrll•J " verdic t p:artmeot.e, and furoiabed with alidiug aeats , c.',1 u ot~·. L 1.. •trit> l ''"~ .r:T e•cry ~; recn f~r t he plnm li iT .•n the ""nl o!. S 100. :'II r. which will afford opportuoitT for excrdao thou~:. l'oL~Io bu!.:• nrc nppc:u iog in J: r~Mcr rune lo>r plamu.fT. ~lr. \\ 1utcr, Q.C., by tho navigator& It· Is thotr intent ion to u unolocro tlmn ,.,·cr 1u :Sc10· J c:racy 11ur.l Long Jdco<l:.nt.s.- f, hro111ck. row wbco tbo wiod ia moderate, aod ~bus l:ann5 - /:'.t. ...r ---- combine cxereiae with additioolll progress.

- ·n,e Ernprcu of ltusai" Ji.:<l whco ,..\eep. anol nooo o f tbc I mpcn~l f:lllrily wc ra vrt•et-nt, u.s they were n ot aw:u o llcr <lcatlo W!l8 so uear. Ou :-'.'tr~r.lay tho ru­U>aina were conv,·ycd tu th e l'"l .. cc l 'lu\llel in an open collln. borne lry the Car IUJd cightecu (;r:urd Duke._ Tlro funeral cere­monica pa...aed off • ery 11uccusfully. There were ove r :,,000 pe raoua in the proceaaion. The route w:\.11 lioed l:y troops, 1\nd an itn · melllle crowd of people. T he C t.'lr nud bis aooa carried t bo body into the catbodrAI, :aod d eposited it in the cal4fa lque. l>ur ­iog the mass tbe Cu.r ud tbc G mod Uukea l:isaeri tho Czarina's lipa. whil e tbo o ther uoblu preaen t kiaacd her banda. Tho weather wu very uofuorablc, oo twitb­et.andiog which vaat crowds were La tbo etreet.a.

----Til£ FJs iunt ES Q u£ST1o:i:-Tbe Mr.n-

. 'r ho Co~t.ll :lb il s teamer 1'/nt·u a rrived T heir frail· c raft will be approprilltely from th o ::\ ort hward on SundAy a fternoon named the Little 1Vr1tern, "' pre~eotiog the last. ! Iavin~ been pM3cugc r in Iter from s trongest possible io occao Littl e Uay to St.. J ohn s, t~ writ.or ia co· voyaging to the world-renowned Grtat •bled to h';,.,, ~correct atatemcot of t he con- Ea•trrn. Mtuno. T bomu aud NormllD are Jition uf " ff.Urs f rom Capo Doua.visl4 to aao~uioe o r succesa io their uudertakiog, CApe .John. • 1 which will be au.empt.od at a favonblo aea-

t:ourl~ll.-With the exception or a fair aon of tbo year. Tbey will first touch at aign 1\bout Kioga C'ove. most o r which ia of oome port io Eoglaod, 11nd hopo to visit a ver-y small run, there hu yet boeo no- th e Dcrlill fuhory Ex1ibition. aod olbor tbiu!i dono ~orth. On S.'\turd ay .wcelt I~Ut promioeot point. oa the coatioeot, their we saw four q uin14ls of medium aizc fish plao¥ providing for a aojouru abroad for Oil .:11r. J::l ward 'a a14~;e io Stock CoYo, caugbt about two years. oo herriag b.\it. Unfortunately bu~ two or th roe boatl bad bait., and tboso without i~ did nothing. We are juaLified io saying that tho cat.cb of flab North of Capo Bona· villA a~ tbia date does oot amount tO one tooth of tbe quaolity oo aboro at tbe same date laat year.

SAUIO)f ia boing t.ltoo io eomo localitici but io uo cue doea tbo talte io anylocalitj r eacb that of laat aeuoa.

0 4J'U:( ban struck ia iu Grceo Bay, but briog oo improyemaat of tho Codftabery aa might be ulicipated. '

LocAL Bni:WnES. - Worlt bas commenced i o coonectloo with tho CO!Dpletioa of Ute Epi3COpal OatbodntJ here. Tbo new Me­thodist Church on Cochrane Street Ia to be immediately p roceeded with : the eon tractor is lllr. Johu Score. A private Opera waa performed Olt Tuesday evcaiog io the Coao­ciJ E:bamber. Colonial Building, undor the ouepicea of Governor 110d Lady Glover; ud a lleeeptioo took pi&CO at Goyeromeat H oo.&e oo 'fhnrad&J ncoiAg lui. Be~cral CW!8 or Diphtheria are reported ia toWD, and·aL P ortustal CoYc. • Build.ingo:r.ratloaa are pretty briak in the precluctlu auburhe of the town.-Tc111pma- Jo~UNJI.

-A young taftH!Dter of 19 yean, wbo re­joiced in Newfouo<uud II' a blrth-plaee,

Atlt.ul-. Oellglrt,on 61h hlat~aft.r along and palafal lila-, horM wilh Ohriatlan reiiJDallou 10 lhe. l)lrl.oe WUI, Joeeph, W helond 11011 of 0110rse and U..nnal:. Orocker, apl18 yeara, Ills andwu~

AI Bo~~aY!at., on lhe nth uu.:atcer a ahor! Ill­noaa. F..-clerlck, apd lB ,......,youagat 11011 of lflebscl Ryan, .Eaq .. of Boaa'l'il\&,·aad brolbor ol MONre. Jam .. and Daniel Ryu,..t Doonlet& and Kl~>p' Con . Tbe d..,...od wu a proonlalag r oulh, of a geoUe and ~~~~ cllc>otllloo, and wu bolond hy all wbo kDow hlra. &a r-.!oa woro follow.d 10 lhllr lUI roallng tlt.~ lu thr Botou OalhoUa burial gnnaad · b)' a Tollt aoaao11noo of 110rrowlog .ad .,-mJ>&lhl&lr>« trinde ol-1.11 dl>-o.omlna Uoaa. • - ·

On tbe 8th la.t., at D.,- de Verde, Jemlmt Jacob&, aWhdaughter of lhelaw Jolt. B. U. Jeau, Oal&llna.


J El'o"[EIIED. Junq,_ 12-.Fn.oda, WuUe,OIIdh, aalt-JobJl Uuun


J une 1~-Eilubeth Jane,Jaaiee,Sydoey , balw t.-J. ol R. Maddock. . 1~~· Oommodo~re, Barrr,do., d~obu Uuaa

16-Raveowood,SIIl.lrt. Shlnirnlcu, ballul-<lu. 17 - Pol, UoUiaa, lloulrc:>l, oU-<1'!•

. Panengere. r Por H~ lor.LI•m-poo!-llr. E. Onder aM

wife, Mr. •llo. Mre.l:l. B. Cuter. Ulu OarLII•. Mou .... E. &adoll, A. . 0. Rayward, U. lloore, F. l!&rcl>, T ., J . II. llritUe, U. H. Uapoo, H. Oaoolaglw.m, '+'· 1'9r1u.oo\ .J . W. Uolller.J. W. Duru: 16lo aleu•ll"·

Por Cortulor Ualllu-.C.pL. Drotbcrtoa, l' alber llamoo, Johu Wll110n, Mra.. J. J. l'!aa And 2 chlldtoo; Wm.....,Wyau, Tbo.. Cur ran, and » Ia ateerago. ~

New Advertisements.

Union Bank of Nfld.

NOTJC E b hereby give~ tbat l\ Dt,.ideo.I of 8 per ceut. upon the paiJ .up Cap­

ital Stock of this l lllllitulioo, bDJJ beco dc­ciRred for the hl\lf-year e3diag SlsL May, 1~, aod a Booua or £ l! p1r SbarC', paynblo at tl4 llanking- llona&, ia lhia cily, oo aod after TllUlt:)J)A Y, I a lb ioat.

Dy orde r or t~e Jloard, J.\~ES G O LDIE,

S t. J ohn's, Juoe 15.Si. M~11ger.


All th&t-tloe Premi- &it~ at Carbooeu coosi! ting 1<.!

'fho BmC!Oili, together with iUI STABilES. CARRIAGE­H OUSE . 0 0 l'-HOUSI::S, f'Jt::LDS, (;.\ n. OE~~. PL.\NTATIO~&. &:c:., &c., now io JIOIIOMioo or the H.:v: R~GIN.\LD M. J oas­SOY.

Tbe DWE LLING ·LHJUSE ia beautifully situated, in it.e ·o wn grouid, aod commands 1\n UXWDi i>·o ,.iow or lhe BRy 0 a od t ho ~-iehls aod Ua~coK 1\YC in the highest state of cultivation And yield h rgcly.

Application to bo matlo to tiro • ll.Ev. REGL"lALO l\L J O II NSOX,

Juoe Rectory, Carbooear.

C&ndages! Carriages!

W A.RREN & W mTMAN wottld beg to etate to. their pal roaa aod otbon that thor ban on baud \'ioiabcd) ... quantity of NEW CAIUUAGES of d ifl'er­cuL at,rlea. Parties w& a carriago will do well to gin them a call, aa their etarri­agea are or auperior make, beiar maoufr.c­lured out of tbe beat obtainable atock and fiuiahed lu tho latut atrlea.

-ALSO-They hue A BLACKS.lliTH oo lbeir pro­miau, who Ia au excellent horse .aboor­wiJI gua~otee to help all iafirmitioe ioei­deot to bad abooiog.

REP.URIRO aod PAINTr~G aocond­b&nd C.rriagca will be doao io a msnner that will eoaure aali.Caotioo botb io price, qtt&lity, aod qaick de~P,at.cb. • WStrict atteotioa paid to ontport o rders.

Pricu modente. Will ~o alelgha au 1 euiolcs ia their

proper aeuoa. Puc& or Bosunw-Water Street, ooar

Mutia'a Brook. . .

cheeter Guardian publilbea a coociliatorJ l eadlog article oo tbo .fiaberiee queatioo. Tbe writer ia ao~ appreheoaln that tbo di­plomatic corre-poodcn~ will cod io aay­tbiog but ao amicable uoderswdillg. 'l'be Guordi411 rather oppoaea Lhe coateotioa t.bat t.l!e t.reaty atipulatioo thaL the Amcri­Ct.Da should eojoJ the right to flab, io com­mon Wltb the Britiah, meaDI that their right aboald be limited bf Proriacial legia­latioa paaaed prnlou to the treaty, ud point. oot tb!a luterprotatioo of the phrue .. common rillbta" !a capable of beiog paab­ed much fortlter. The writer aab, "Sup­poao the Newfooadlaad Legtalature h&d, Jut yeu, enmct.ed a protricled cloae time, wbero lheo would be iho common ri~rhta if tbe Aulericaoe wore allowod to flah

1ud tbe

wu eharaod with .1r0iag to a womu'• hou10 WARREN.& WHITMAN. with hl.e lemale rolatlne and beatlnr tbe ... WOIIWI. He wu fioed tol or 40 daJI, and .aaJ.29. boa ad. o'l'erto keep the peace roraixmontha. --- ..,....----------

• NewfoDDdlaoden pro~ibited ?."

-Hat:[az po~. . · • LOolt,'J>8f?ffJ .. :you Leap ! • -AtacnDn.r',inntothelateSi.rGeoqre NEW GOOD~EW GOODS! Sinclair to oelebrate hia elec,ioa to Parlia- _ , __ weot, a teamt roeo up aod, addrea.log tbo A.. '1'r SE~ou.·u

Wholesale agent for Johna~'• Flui d Beef.

The following are IIOtr.e o( the vriacipal itema-

Enoa Fruit Salt, Qninino Wino Kutiog'a' Inaect P owders Thomas's Eolectric Oil Bay Rum, Ben'lino, Ruing Sun Bla.cklcr.d Nixoy'a Bl&ckl11ad, Cha,moia b lrina !Jrow:o. Oold L uaf, Uruo• wick B~tck r-..r•e :F:Iaalic lotlia Rubber . · Varuiah fot Harne..., Oraaa P bliah Ol<.th .. Bru.ahca, ll'llt UruahH Nail do r ooth do Sllt.viog d o. BroMt Re liuvura C'uator Oil per g •llon, do. in boUiea Ouur~ Plutor, Col.! O~lllll Ood Lh•ur 01l por gl\lluu do, io b ol t IDA D reuing Comba. F ino Comba,CIWary Seod OunC4Dltatod Lyo, Dottle Cork• Croam of Tartjlr, F.oom0111 Glycerine Furniture PoliabDOiue, Oumuubic, Uonav Infant. Fccdin~: ott lea, Bre.ut Glauco, · Boonot Olue. Kay'a00llgllliuo, Lemon Limo Juice, Littuorico, '&!Bchine Oil lltucill\go. Nipplca for F el'dini Dotl lot N eatefoot Oil, R ed ana Yell ow Oc)m:a Dry P ointe- all ahtLdca. Pipo Cl:1y rua Boxca tLod Puffs, Pin k R oot Pumice Stono, Huaiu. Sal . .Prnnolla Salad Oil por gallon, do. in bottles S:r.ltl uf Lemon, Saltpolre, Boidlilz l' uwdora Oum SbuUac, Suuir De:ma, Cutilu Soap Thompaou'e Mallolf Reap Brown WiAd..•r d o. Glycorioo <lo. Caroonato of Sod11, Waahiag Cryatal Spiric.a of 'furpcntino, Spllldinga C:luo Spongos, Tahlo S.'\lt, Mtllhor'o P lutcre Alcock'a Porous Plallte r, Tarta.ric Acid Eueoco of Lemon, Tooth Powder & P u to Copal v .. rniah, Vinogar, Coppcrae Extract of Logwood, G round d o. Adllm'a Indiau S:1lvo, Wa!A<>n 1 ~cholodion Mrs Allen's Hair R catoo'Clr . Aycr a Cherry, Ayer 'a &napr.rilla R...dway'A R taolvonL, Dritiah Oil

do lloliof, Cachoua Drown's Bronchial Troche•, :Flor ida Wate r Urown's Chlurodino, Ayer'a Jlair Vigor, Ohildren'a Teething Hiogs, Es. Pepporwiut L-lonrya Cal:iocd 1\h ::ncaia lhllnw11y'a Oiulmont, H ollow.l'y'a Pilla Cocklo'a Pilla, Uunt•a do N or tou'a do Paraon'a do Ayor 'a d o :\Jorrisoo's do fud ,ny'll do Wilson '• do J ohnaon's Anodyne Liimont Kuatiug• Cough Lo.zongee • d o Wurw 'l'r.blt>ta, Muatnog L iniment Woodil'a • LoZAlUJle& McLo&u'a Y ortr.ifugo, Medicumeolum Morch oo.d'a lllo.guotic P wtor P oor Mao'• l!riond, n o h 'a Rat P oison Ruu ia. &lvo, Spirit }'Iaake Sherid:~.n's Condit ion Po 1vdcr R imouol'a Limo Juico ood Glyeorino A l11rgo 1\S.,ort mcnt of Rimmol'a por!••mo Singleton• Golden E ye Ointauent W1laoo.~ 04orry Dl\bam, V iolet Powder

do Sootl1iug Syrup, W in11lowa do. Smoking Tobaoco, J'ipea P eoknivea PaJ>cr I;:•tvelopcs, Pens, l'ea cila Writing 111111 Markii!S Inks Tobacco Pouchcs,..C&in ol l illir Poncils Se .. liug Wax, C:isara Aui lino DyeA in tid. packnrzca·

GR OC ERIES: Green P eas (O!IIo ol)d ,) S wcf't Com, O lives (hotllcd), Cigurs, Cipurcttcs Corned B~w.f - 2 a nd 4.1b. urus. Bcst O rouad Coffen, Sago Arrowroot, Peul Barloy Caodlod Citron P eel, I•' lavouriog Eucoco•

do. Lemon d o. do. Omo~;;o do. D(\ltled Fruits

J .. ma, J ollica, Mermalado, Canned Oylters Coudenacd ~I ilk, Pretlorvt!<l !kef P reaorved Mutton, Soup and Douilli Potted Tongu~, P otted H&ma, P ot ted llecl Ooro Flour , P epper, Spioo, Oionamon C..rro'll'ay Sood, Clo,·e•. Picklca. Saucoe Corrie P owd(l(', Tbymt>, Sago, Pru11!oy Marjoram, Maeo , Tabl~ V i.nogar, Nulmega OtLyon no P oppor, Oapora, Matches N olaun'r. Oolntine and hio~:la~a WO(>dill 'e flaking l'owdcr,l'TOpared B opa R obiaaon'a l'11lout ]larley, E pptl Cocon

do. do Gro:~LI Nono'a Food for InfAnte, Ba ll Bluo l\Iuet.&rd in ptchges and bott!O& P eck, Fream & Co'a colobratod Biacuita

In 2lb ti111. Preaertod Salmon, do. Lobster, Sud ines A l • .rge atock of KEf.OSENE O!f, and

CHIMNEYS, ole., alwnya on hand. W. H. THOMPSON.


T HAT fino PIEC E OF LANl> (rcoeotly occupied• by the late WJLUAlol Sllol­

x oxos) t itur.ted oa tbe Soatob Side or l\loa­qulw- bounded oo tho North by tho Water­a1de ; oo tbo Soutb by the Maia-road ; oa the Wcat bJ tbe pro~erty of Ja!S ~Jx­woNDS; ud on tbo Eut bf the property of TIIOXA.S WELI..L

MJNEilAL PnooocE AND P aosPECTS.-Al­lboogh the outlook aa we ban giveo I~ i• gloomy oooagb, tbore Ia a amall bit or cop­per lioiag to tho cloud Ia tho miaia~r work beiog dooo in Notre Dame &y. 'I'ilt Co~" op~raLiooe line been aoapeodod during ,· few monthe, bu~ there I.e pro~ of au oarl.:t r.od Yigorou reoowal. Be tta Cove !a dri'll iog baaloeaa to ~raotage, aad hu ault'erod aothlog bJ tho faliUJ&.Jn accident referred to a abort time aiaee. Nipper• Hubor I.e a hl1'e of bosy Oiet, ud Liulo &, reapoocle' Yigoroaaly to t.belr bam. A ' eteamer· of 1400 tooaleft Little Bay oll Frida1lut witb ore of ftnl-clue quality. Tbe . mine at Loon Harbor, uader elwge of Captaia Pill !a pro~age'lowly, aad ia eYideatiJ6ol~ lng aome money • . lJyo aad bye t.h1a mlae maJ paJ.-ClrollicU, •

aew !lodged member, &aid, " Noo, Malster .a., ~ J.D. ..a..~ · George, eiace Je'nl a Puli&ment moo, I bep to unoaaoe to the pnblie of Hubor han an adYiee to fie 7e : Be a1e tall:' taklo' Grace ead CoooepUon &y geoeraiiJ, that

Rcrx Fu - what JOU C&G get; aod a7e Mek' aookia~ till be baa oow oa b&ad a nrfed &MOrlti'eot of

Oo lhe lud awda a DWELLTNG ROOSE, ' BARN aod CELLAR, a C AU­BAGE-GARDEN ia wo included.

· trnT.-Oo s.ta.rda.J momlag 1, get" GROOEO.IES of all ltioda, cootl.aUo~r of lr.A the P. 'L. W1illta, Niok.tnou 'muter, Eagliab &ad AmeriCAD maoofactare of tbe belOD(iQB to~ Walter Grien & Co., li arrinil bere h&Yiag. preYioul~laaded at -No Eoos KtQoUllD.-Wilaoo'aCutard ftaea' qoa ty, whlcb will be eold. cheap. Bo abo t 700 "· l'artlea ibercfore wiabiag to purehilae

nen a q .... or !lab. • brought Powderm~ .. Caat.rde foreu~ ud gla.aa- wut do veil to call aod i oapect hia a&ock ia abon~ SO qtla. on deck. Ill the afteraoOa ee, 0111tard for paddillr ud ptee, wnaour before going eiaewbere. of theaamo thy, the Oi«ol4, Nelaoa muter, Eoos, U !a a aplendid additioo to Riee, 11 t&el · \)eloaliaa to the Hon. J . Fox uri1'od witb &go, Tapioca ud other pu<tdiop, &o. aleo .:._

0 & noyeluea

00 baud, oompria· · about-aM qtla. Siaoe then other buken !or Pomp\la l'iee; tDAkea a uiee Biuo- P~ed PineapplU: Pnsened Quiaoea ba" arri..ed with tbe foUowioa cat.ohea.• lll&llp· ~n Ia already mind ud lluored Praerrid ottron, lJeafal Cbu&aer,

l'or fal1ber par tic ulan .apply at tho office ol tbia paper.



1,000 pairs. Men's 1\fprchalong BOOTS, at 7 Jll per pair. Mcn'.s Dct:k 1300TS, 10[6 per pair. . ' Women's Pebble Laced BOOTh, G/6 p er pair. Women's Elnstic-side Leather BOOTS, 5/ per pair. Women's Prunclln BOOTS, 3/ per pnir. TEA, TOBACCO, SUGAR No. l Frunily SOAP, in 30tb boxes, nt 7/ per box. .

\. . . . -t;rOutport Cnstomen will fiod i~ to tbeir to examine the abon Stock befo~ : l'llrcbMiug el.cwhcro. ~· · ' · · • - •

RIOHA.RD ··HARVEY • • -~ Mav fl.llm.


MASONIC Life Insurance Assodation.

-·- o-'-Bro. M. ~osno£, I Uro. S. 11. CLI.-r,

l'ruitl~nt. Trtamrtr. B ro. ltOUERT \\'t!IGIIT, &crt tary.

DIRECT OHS: Dros. HeY. W. l'll.oT I Droe. J .L. D ucnr.w1s

•· II. W.S1:n 1our: " ,V. W1LUAus.


" W. :;. CAs:ct.'io I " J. RoooEn, " .1. Wtt.sos , " G. G. G1:DDES, .. J . lt lii:GIIES, •• G. DICKli.

U ULES O R BY-LAWS. 1-RtMJlml, that l h!a Auocialioo ahall be

called tbo Newfoundland Ma•oaic L ife Io­•unnco AssocinLioo.

2-'Ih~ oujee~ or tlria AMocialion a hall be to pi'\Cc L ife Inaurance within tho reach of t he Fmtcrai ty io NowloundlllDd.

:1-Tlois Auociatioo shall be Joaoaged by r. Co•nruittee or tbirtoeo, elected by blllloL on tbe tloi rd Tt:ESDAY io January. four to rc the r.onmally, who eball be eligible for re-election.

~~Tbc Committee a ball olectthoir Chair · mao, T~uurer aod Secretary.

t>-l::ve~· Mu te r l'llMOo aubl!oribing to a Lodge io ~e,.fouodll\ud, aod being in good slandiog, may be<lomu a welllber of t lria Aasoc1ntioo by the payment of au ent rance­fee of $2.00, and au u aeasmeot of $1.10 io advance, to liquidllte first claim.

G-Oo the of a member, t iiCh Bllr · ril•iog mrmber aL:all pay, for tbe July :~.u · thoriied rcprCSCDL\ IiVC of tl10 dccCMCd, thro••gh t he Secre tary, the auo1 of 61.00; nod 10 ecole for t ho working e:a:peWICS or thl' Asaocistion.

7-P.ach member aball bo duly notjfieJ oo t he dcat lo of :1. rnombcr, and abl\ll ~ al· lowed SU dltya lO p:ty hi~ MSCSIWCDL W a ucglcctio:; to <lo ao in the tiwo specified aboll forfeit Iris mcmbcnbfp, 11'1\ich cnn only be regained by paying t he eun1 of $1.00.

8-Any Master lllMon aubllcribin:r to 11 l\cwfoundlaod Lodge noL joioiog before tho Annu:1l Meeting in 1880, eh11ll only do 10 by a ruajorily vote of Committee 1\l next Qua.rtcrly meeting.

D- :Sooe of t hese Rulca or Ry lAws abt\11 be altered except a t 11 Geocml Meetiu11.

/ lc;olrnl, t haL tho i\lectioga of lire Com· onitLce o! t bia Associatioo ahall ho held Qnnrtcrly on t he second Jo' ridAy or J anUAry April, July aod Oet.ol>er.

Mlly I.



T ho PILLS l'urify t ho Dlood, corroot all di..'IOrdors of the L ivor, S tomach, IU.l· ocp and Bowola, and are innluahle in nil complaint.& inciden tal to F cwalee

T !:oOtSTloiE:n' is t ho only reliable ro'l'IMJ' fo r D11t1 ~. O ld W ounds, Sore&, an d U lcers, of bowev<lr long at.&ndi ng. F or Hronclu t is, Diphtheria , Coughs, COlds, G ou t, R heum11tism, and all SkinDiaeW>tl iL bill! no co ual.

BEWARE OF American Counterfeits:

--:o:--1 most rcapcet fully teko leal' ll to call

the nttout ion of tho P ublic generally to the fRet, that Clll'tnin lioutee in ~ew Y ork nru sending to many part.a of thl' g tolio sr umous IMtTa'fiONS o~ my Pill!! a nd Ointment. Tbcso fraud~\ bo.1r ou their labels sow o addrC811 in N e lf' Y ork.

I ,Jo no t allow ~y M odic inca to be sold in 11ny pnrL ofthu United States. l ha1·o no A genlA thoro. l\Iy Medicinee ATO only mode by mo, a t fi33, O~ford St.reet London.

In t ho books of t{irectionl affixed to the spuricua mnk o is a caution, warning tl.c Public 11goinst being deceived by cou ntcdoits. D o n ot bo miaied by tbi1

Va'lft'.> na"'dG" ~8-~~a nudncionll t rick, IU they are tlu: counter •. l, ~ ftT \I' to H till~W.'i feit1 tlle!J pretend tiJ denoun«.

'fheso counter ft itS aro pureltll.!lod by unpritlciploo · V l.'n tlors at. on!l·h alf the priee of wy Pills and O intment, and aro 110ld t o you as my genuine ~Iodicinos.


J uat received at

Thompson's M'dicalHall - A Choice AMortmeot of-

New Garden

SEEDS A;>ril 9.

· I most earnestly ap(lOtll to t~at. sunee of·jus tiee, which 1 feel au ro I m 11y von· t uao 11110n a.a}.:ing from all honourAble persona, w m 111t. mo, antl the PuLlic, tu1

e fnr aa may lie in their powl'r, in 'do. nounciog thU! aba.mefnl lo'l'l\ud.

E:u:n P oL t\It tl Box of tho Oennino 1\fr dicinCII, heal's t h o B1'itilh Go~w Stamp, w ith tl1c WOioUB "HoLLOWA.v'..:S P ru.ll A:SD OtSTlll~-'"~'• Lo~'lJO:s,''engtned thereon. O u tho label is tho addrou, 633, OxronD STm~tr, Losoos, whero nlono t hey aro l!Annfaetnred. Hollo-· aoay'• l'iJI• ancl Ointment b«Jring allY

otl14r aJdrt lf "'" totmler(eitf. •

~tal Notice.

~S I in ted~ but a short time ~ in llorbor Grnce, persons reqi•iting m aerriccs are requested to call lUI lOOn DJJ eonvcruout.. ·

T. I . HALLETT. J\tan:h 20 .

'fho 'l'nlde Marku of th11110 ?t!edicinee are registered in Ottl\;wa. 'Ht>n t.'4i, any one through out the British Poaaeaiont, who may keep tho American Coun~-Cc­feit. for a.Je, will IJo proeecuted.


533, Oxford Street, London, J oa. 1, 1679.-w.l.

IQIR CA&I'f, , ~ 111!00. TO t SO:OO A 1r •r

TAILOli & CLOTRIER, '71' -., r:i qq':o': .. i!fl~ 'nMs Water SLrlloL, :Harbor Once. do u well u mae . lia11,1 ~. !~\;:::;:

• (Opposite l'ost OOicc.) amootnt staled a bon . • No ooe o.a r.n t~ ruak• moueylu1.· Any ooe <lUI do tho work. 1 ou CAD nran f rom &o cla. 10 Jllan bo..r by deYQCI"'' JOU evcnlop ud fpaA lime to lho be•ioe.a. lt coet• o(I!Wng t.o try tbo b~~alaeu. Nolhlog llh }t fpr mo.ncy maklog ever oft'erod ~to~. llrUioHa pl....,.ot ud elrictiJ' hooonblto. Read or, If )'OU """' &O lloow all ahool tbe bHt pe.rleg baaloeea befoN tho public, 114!od ""rour acfd,..... OUid wo will .. nd yno 11111 parllc:ulara and pr!Yate 1tr01e ' !reo; aamp\ea worth 6 dol. alao ,,.,. ; you cao I IIIIa make up your mind for J;CIUraolf. AtW,.,-. OEOROl:l STINSON A Co'. 'Portlaud, lhlo4.

&"All order. in the abov e lino proMpt.,. ly attended to. April S.



-1'n Ho•. MR. FoliTtlf'l llccool!ft)A• TJO!f.-Tbe Boo. Mr. Fortin, whoee lo~reet Ia Ute gaU auiptioa it well- kaoWD, hu, oa aocooot of the recent ice blc:iobde, writ-­ten to tho Bononble the Mia.!ater of Ma­rine recommeodiag : "That t.rT&Dpmentl be aatered into with the NewfouadlaDd GoYOrnmeDt ao thU a .teleppb liae may be built dtlfiar Ute 8111111DeT, to OOIIJIOCt na,.. llgttt booae wU.h l'ort-.ux-Buque• tolepph etatioa. Aad tlul~ whea tM A.a­tiooeti uad u.plu hlaDdl .,_.Jill will hue bfta \l0111pleted, ioatrucdoae be &{no to Uft ..,...,. to.., OIW ut/wl ryoru, colleet.ed from ali tbe &elepapla Matlooa Ia­oladed Ia .._. 'TO.,.._, ... be Crul­llriu.d from tbe II&-~ uatU .tAl• loe bu cn.ppearod fl'oaa liM Gulf, 11 I han eeiAl ~ore, to St. Pierre uCI Ctlpe Ray. I would a1ao iJiclacle Porkax-.Buquoa, .wlllala ia aa impariut p1aoe."

The 8c1i11er to J . Steer, ~ .• wltb .00 qt.ia. for ue, NC~.Iliria.r oDlJ a little milk ud r.tape, Qaiaeeud other JoUle• M~UJ, to lrl--. Zob, Broe. & Co., 1riih r:.PI'· S.. reolpea oa eaola paobge. Ooe JAIDI of all kiDde, Brook'e j)AtuL Lemoa -&60 qt.ll, J. W. ~Wn-u, to W....... B. bp ooot.alae al!ou~ 8 teupooDlal• OJ IJbpr for llllklq LemoDr.IU; •

THE D wellin.g-House,

Stable; Out-~ouses . and Grounds, E .. N. MARTIN,.

l'reWM & 6o111, 1rith OYer 600 qti&-Jhid.• owder, aod lou ~11fala wut malte a LelllOa Spop oflaed qo.r.liir ' deUclou Ca.atard WlTIJqUT &oos. • A.ak JOnr .BM\ Sp~U~Iall OUoreaia bulk

Hie Excelleooy the GoYeroor iu Coaaoil rrocer for it. W~ltOa'e C111tard Powder, Ooroed Beef ill 1 aiid Jill eaae bu beea 1.'-:~~ Hou. Sir 11\ade=fralt. ~DOll, a delldooa 0JUIIIU aad Leaoa~, aODJIT-0 Saldiau !t{!"": ~a. 0. la~•,.,.'tar· :'eo .UC. Mediaal, ..0.... Dar 6 lllrtla'w I'OIIdwM4l Blaeldog, aad A. ,11. ~. ~"""' lo bil 11 &:;;~ 1 " ..-.a- • BIOdl• 6 Oo'• ~ Plcklee

of BaD=eo.DUrWoD .. ..- u. .tot ... ~ .. ~o=r":~~ BeA.~!'~ ,of·.r~~ a~ ., ... JW ... o( .... ~ IIIY"'IIIh:----olpre..,.sloa &ba&ttle nn--tD _._~-..-.ClaD ,...... - ".laM .. ~ th• •wllll--er.rilaleolfoo4. 0 ... :a 0 ~ :t 0 • .A.* y I

....._IIJLoaaoha...ol ... tJ'fMtlle r~r.;r .. =:.':.C::r~· ' oci Jllthai of khMII ...... laWIIIJOICI In ~·ofa~ ... ,_ot~Mr ......... , ..... 'dtror ... u.nora,...~ . • .

_...._. ........ · ~~t,r.ur»i•_~ .. ]).-_.;...1.. l11'8llh GfdtPBll s••os -- liD IL,Be11fa, .......... IRII. #II all lmc~L-AIIo, ... ·~-"::';Jo .. ..,.......,.,~.,..,..,l.oUB . "iillfiiiif . .. . ==- ...................... .. ..... ;~- · ~ •t..,

..... #..., ~ . .ar-... . . . .., 10. ' -~ .

oow Ia the oocopaoey of the Sqbaoriber. For particularw appl7 to

• Da. ALLAN. Ya,. 8.

L.K.Q,.r.1.: L.~C.S.L, L.ll., M.B., M.A.

Late Ke UoU Olloer .AD.Jrlo.A.Dierican Telepapb, Oom~,

MIIJ be eoaaal~ u Mra. Sut11L GOIDOll'! Watt"r S&r-oet Eut., Harbor Gnu.

J an. 30.6m.


aoat at your department, an<\ mind wb&~ l'vo KAlLK '1'W Ailll O!l ANTS. anoo tho folly and au1 of 001Uy fiUiorab, ud wJ • cmanclpste tho commun•~ frod\ a claN of

And, trembling With nervOUIDCII and A Obaptcr for S1r .John Lubbock. t~on whoso charges ICOUI ~_orten to be 'l'bo IUCOMI f tho garden depeoda larRelr bod1l7 fatigue, N e llie lwteoOd w her cut- baaed on tbe pi'C*uwptlou ULct-- berea t ed upon Uto quaot1t7 of the IIOedJ ~ Many tomer-<l &t)}•ah, vlcgaully·dreacd gut, to peoplo .UI not bo 1n a po&luon tb oJalllli.llo otbor oonditlona, howe•or, are n~, u bl4ek a lit ami volv~~ Della Dudlc), who (From a 7'1-amp A brood.) or diapuw tbcm.-.V."treal llr.tMu well u ao•no degree or kaowledce aad ~1 brougt1l tho ll&lllo g\'aco, and cold noaa, and i.\Jark T wal.o ppblcallr dcacribea tho with oa t wh~eh. e•on -tho beat IOOda ID~ ft.ll c:onncay w the counter or Rolhany • fancy boutea or Black F-· Ita ••II•- Damp :aoom.. • t.o IUVO tho dcalred reaulta.

The Vegetable CJar4a. id:isO&Ua.n.y.

-hB ~ll QJIOaQl 'llao" - JIOIL'I :SOV ~~ 1818 i • btiD )lJ ( :1, u.oo.

Tbe nryiDK DOIM'" = Adv-ertisements.

The Subscribers

-.or-0 % -~ .a. :a. & .A ad phrfn;; UlO _.~jAded and fllbll&nt b61of<', n~ the ,..,.. _ sYiot ~ 11• ~~ f'.>UH now Ia prln<>el~, ,~{f, q u; r ti10IIloadola tho d t) • alrt'< It I I •

1 • "'G'rl!f th'i'ffb of anxloua hl'>rU,

~·: ·,~1n:.!to.!0 ~W~~~ ~., '

d .L li" • b r •L., • .. J-. 'l'bb moat favorabiO' aoJl for a r;rdon Ia a epartmeo~ u w oug 1. were er llw~r •t.roama. watermllls. and WA'J'ldo cruc•lixu, houac. ,Damp roolllll, u thoeo In bnck bo~- light, rathe r dry IOIJII, With an alent 1111~

• Le t me eoc your plllo pmk nbboot, p lcuo and 81013, IIDd " 'l1011 • '" hum~n lohabl· 111 whulh tho plutunug 11 placed dlrooLir on nnxturo ot vegotl\ble nutter But 11tuati0D -an 10ch Md a quarter -Aide.' tanta, ood •ts other 1nbabltAnta 01 ono of tho wau-.-ro U1o fru•tlw 10urccs of waoy ond n~rocu co I he hou10 aro of~o of more

H er low, a wee~ ' o1co 10uuded unu11111lly Ita " oche r 1Dbab1tanta," t bc ant, hero u a o f tho acuto or mllammatory ditouet or our 1mportanco In tbo chou:o or location ~ land to ~ell•e, frcth from lho .:or-aung•og amgulartr relieltoua andamusiDgaketob _ changc:ablo climate. l1oo!U8, alao, aeldom the coortltutlon of tllQ aoil, A llouy, we~

willa a falr edacatioo, b employmen\ Ia a llu.liMII bouao.. '.l'IM baML of wu&. ~ h~ thiDa- ia ~ot.laeable, a.nd becotnea a draw~ oa hia l 't'llluo 11nd naoful· neaa to birr employer The dilreprd of DflAi atriDp and ~r dayelope into a carole.u011 that I1UII daroaP all hie habit~. lJo docs n~ ~Lon in fbo iroHd bo­oatlltl be Ia w..W11l ~111&11 aurn. o r moocr ~J>'through his fingers altnott nooonaclout­ly, bccat110 thef aro anaall flo wastoa time br tho mlout., without a thought of tho old ~ "Take CMC of Uao minntoa aod tho boura will tako care or themaelvea."

or nnoua cboico branda, yiz., Uanoa, Flor· d e -Alllla, Flor-de-Mooa. <.loocba Major,

M1 Own Bn.adl}toua:h aud Reauyl llad to Ilea~ 1Uedla1leplla, &c.,

_. 11le ...,.. noble .. bo l• n ,.,moo.l tbero- tone>~ o r tho ' lnegtlr-voac:cd fore.c"o mao , ) ct, or ncYcr properly vcoulAted or •tUlrted, In ClaJ' 10it I& not Atnt.nblo for a ,-e~tabte pr· ll!thot~gli, n f111ot IIUJh of a ppi'CW\tn c 11d· "~ow atul t hen, while wo res!Alll, " 0 damp looalitll!ll, With bo~l!ell thu ccll:Lr of den , yo~ 1f uo o ther (,'roUnd It 11\'lUlable,

Sitting IJI tlto couoUog-TOOm of one o f C)eYeland'a olde~ and moahooceaaful mer· clwlta tho ocher d&f, wb noticed tbatho,cut off the b)Anlt ahect Of tho lottera be Wa.( 00 gaged 10 fihng. The ll:lmo or thaa man 1S a I) non} m of charity and l>c!ne•oloDC4', and hia Jioorably 10 aJJ goo4 WOfU JlaliDOit DD• bounded Ilia atteo~ibo be1og Cllllod to wba~ aoemjd an unutua.l, bo ll:lld

AU ot wbioh wlll be MilA ~ nry 10w J1'dceL

f \Jc. rIa ntlllr~'• Dn llorncy "'rl"i{ I lie uocllon of n .. t ~nerous CT•oo, ,..bleb

latlulllle m!rauun W M on her wh1 tc checks liS shu rc wMohed tho labon ous "0~ lit bti "COrk I "'hicl1 1.11 weL fo r any coDl!ldom.blo pa~t of underground drnma, deep worlung, and a tu~ocd t o reACh do wn tile box of pmk tib found uollung new 10 lum-ccr t."llly no tho t1n1o, aro abeoJu(j:l) uolh Cor hom~n CO\ Cnng of l!llld llnd muck or ~ will

A~ YOTf Jarao 11110rtmeot or Ladlea', Geotlomen 1 and Cbildreo'a

" 'u .. JUl D fl 010 tc>\Jing nltJI BOOTS and SHOES, J\JIJ dyinj:, nn1ruowo liko cb•ldrea rouoJ 11 ... ' " lOb

So I'"" away fi\"NI splrll ' Du1 1hy work ..,. w~lllll\d 1ruly dono tilull al&od " "•I lie.,. to l it) sooJota and lb'f

bon~. 1 ~ \f:U n fausuc and p:un of \'l~l\nnoa tluog to chango my op•mon of lum h ret~111encea. No f11milic' Cftn oooupy aocb tnus!onn C\ Cil aucb 11n unpromwog 1011 t h., t dtd not C!SC:lpc l!ltbc r Mr ltothlll\y a fer- eoem• to mo t bat m the m:mcr of Inte llect bouse., lin ng 00 the oorth 11d~, 'IUlci ord1• o to a frur g'\rden A allghtly alopt!IJ aur· rut J,OUC, or th" forewoman • 11,,n.."\SUC. 1n. t he nub muat bo a at.r:mwel) o r crr.tcd b1nl ul\nly cac>~pe tho rbeu u!ltu m 110d t.imdred face, o ther cood1Uon• be•ng el),ual, Ia more d •,:onnt ~lao co, or .Bdln l>udl~.r a bngll~ l>uriD!f aummc ra now I havo IY&t~beJ d~SU&e& Jl JA bu t 111tlo iC63 tb.\o s o•o•tlo t.o f11vorahlo thnn 11 doad. lercl, u at adm1t11 of !Jie< :\lit o~yea. h un "hen I ous:h t to hnr c been m bettor be BUbJectcrl t.o aucb contmued dAmpnou ootter dra111ngc , and 1f inclined toward10uth

and G en tlemen'• UNDEB.-cLOTIII NG, which wo aro prep~od to aell •~ I t h1t usual pricea

I.A~lr rooo•vcd a l oll usortmcnL of !lifta -<ln that eaJunog pile' OUI>fr..-rii ' IOD \ 1 rhlcu lu l~lrro lh>l ob•ll d\Orl:l~..­ll• Y t.>ll oho ru~~..J t;ro' dtc:r ol bb ll(o l n . lmplo t..•v n.UY-..

\ lmosl iMtincht"ely Nelhe looked 1\Cross bnamcu, IUid I havo not ) ct come nero., n o r coun~e tbo bedlliuc of such TOOillll mut~ or all the bet~r A deep totl Ia tho ruom, to w e 1f abo " cro ••~t.chccl by her lmug aut chnt acom~d t o lu\\'c " 0 l more bo not on!) d.tuup, but co " cerlllin cxtodt very dutrablu , but carc must bo taken not to rmcntort,Dod liS ab~ we~ tbcHr nUI)'TY I!ILU', acnae tb:1o n dead one 1 refer to t ho or· 10ow d) , or b~~ovo IIIDWity odor, nhoolt cer· t.o deepen I~ t.oo mucb at n tiJQe Not more :w lihc tu rned around tow:u tb ~w D nile • , <h oary a nt of course I bno bad no csren- lAta t.o produce oolda 110d dUICUCII, etpecl· thnn ooo &nob of aubeojl, whicb hu no~ boon with tho l>ox o f n bbooa b:~.lnncoll on her coC<l o l those wonderful Sw•u and Afnoan nlly "hen tho " aparo ~' aa UKd by thoao plowcll or Bp:tded UJ? bclore, should bo &tun oil unused bands, 8ho trembled, 11nd OQU wli•ch vote , keep dnlleJ armiiiS, boiJ ••ho nrc 80 unfortunn~ u to v11l~ auch b rought to the 1url~~eo m a aeaaon W hoa ­the heii'Y box fe ll W1UI a crt\ab o n thll cove r alnvea, and dtaputo abou~ rchg~oo n1oao boute&. Such beU. oro utat~fo, OCCUJ>•cd C\ Cr poss1blo all tho ground m~oded fo r u r thu J:: IM.i abow-<:&~~e sm~~.:~hmg It 111 n pnrt.lculnr anla may boo II t bat t bc oaturaha t only OOCMionallf, , 1100 nllcr lJAviDg bceu gurtlc o purpoeea .Would bo I>~owcd or tpAd·

"Yea, •t may at.riko you ss «in gulAr to anvc thCltO h!llf 1hee1& o f t-J>er, but 1 com· mcnced lifo a poor Loy 111 a country • to re m Ne w England, a nd th•• wn~ o no of tho flnlt leuon1 m Mnng llltlo thiDJ;I t hAt .... taogM mo b} my ~mplo) Cr lie h3~ been nnrlr baU 11 centurj under the so•l bu~ I ne•er do tina Without tb111lang of tho good old man I bcho•c 1~ ~M tbo secrc~ o£ IDJ IUCtlCSIID li(O"

Row Seaaaa Teas llow b o rutl fiUD worth and '""7"l hon .. ly llui"N lhu d11h01pen of ambh l'"lb, .}'rom Y'JUib of OU.-.1 lo•c andloltylh<'IISht T o lt.lcrlln): wau"-1 aotl Ylce fflt"l pb c"O , l low on I hit\ bd r;bl"" unr o o nun I) l ro<tl J..,b<l!nj: bil pon 1.0 f r....J rn • tlfiCrf'CI <AUioi­Couiaelllot; wiwh for liN S al ion • .,~,t

wb1eh ;._,th ou~ ~reoeral Stock of DRA­Pl:!RY, Glt0C hltl£S, 11.\lll>WARE, &c. vill bo 10ltl at lowoaL romuneraliY'I pncee

.llLL:UW llROfU I:: I~ Feb 21

.A•"I ,.IIID!f d<>wu \be lilt 1h 1 m"""ro.l h•r T bco oow u eweoll le hl• llfZhl " •• '1 ltad~<-.1 }ly ......... ->n t.llll h i• • • •

tbo u .. 'lud aplm U!r¥. lind h re:.kmg 81.l\ er:t.l p:uotll thew, bu~ lo.w pcrauaded thllt tho thoroughly .Alred ruxl aupphcd mth freth ed before Winter cldu:at. f.ltl., o.rucl.:s or upcnst' c vnluo tbnt overa;ce nnhs a ab&m. I ~mit b•s industry, and dry bhwkct.s. If r;ucb loO\h Uea mutt M uch dll!lppomtmcot ia cataacd by lOW· lrty "II hiD. of courac he IS tbo workmg c re11- bo occup ied 1~ 14 JOdlCIOWI to bedtlang 1og t.oo ea~l), b;)foro the 101! Ia warm aod WAN'J ED

' \' en\ down r.u.t doutlo of p.1u •n I ,..,_,.r,~ .. ' \ lnl• ua it. f ill Un,: U )l " ru )et ' " "'' )::\H • 6ad ·~ lrlor•d• d,..wn hy 1h , b.ou•l• , I I ><• .Auo F~<.rOUtl f I who kutw aau 1 "Z.I< ttu

:-ldhc ;:n' r n ~Mp of horror, nnrl atood turo 111 t bo world-when any boll> II l ook· th.'\t wtll nluorb 1\.11 httlo M poMi'blo of dry e nough. f;ven 1f tho aecda gcrnunato luo!.tnl; nt the rc•ul t of her ncr• ousuc~~& wg - but lus le:ather-hOIIdodnC&'I ll tbo JlOIUt d.~mpncas 1\ocl ro11tocu. tLo ml\ll ress 1s 111 aucb CMes, httlc lA gruocd and much rhk· Mr Hoths.' \ c;un., tenr111~ do1Yn hulnud tho lmako s~nmsL him Uo goe1 out fomgiDg, 1upen o r 10 thll ~"'rd to feaU1cr beds, ed , M tho J>laota can not mako a VtgOro ua coo ntllr l1•u fo n!" onufn stood •till n mllkeall capture-, :anol then wbnl does he do• - whllu ~molt daily IIMDI: bo:cowu need growth before their propor NIIIOll ' lind ficod11h 111mlo o n her cruel fscc f bc ot her Go hOIDC ~ :\o, be goca a nywhero but ful Do.rk clotetJ, closed trtlllks, bnnd- se~ 10wn la~r w•ll ofw o gJVO better ro·

1'b11 aanng of htUo Ch1ngs dou no&lmpl) atingtnoas or mcaonO$. lt 1q ~1mply ct.o ~b1t or aav•og mtte:t.d or wnstibg I~ 11 embodied 10 tbo U10lto " \Vuw not, w<Lut n ot." 'Therefore wo ""7• " D on t cu t U1c 1tri.Jiga. '- Cln-claltd l1c ra /d.

O n t loc Sceor~Ly of ~aloabloFUEf U OLD l ' ROI'I:: Itl Y , - con.uting of-

WOrlb Pt.ld al lo bf llide tht lnbat.t of lh•~r IA'u a. Jib fah hlo l ~bllo o <r hict work h <IOM Ito h• cd aubl{woly a 1 t b10 (o>OU"•I"' r ,.rk .A noL' o ooura~ upon tb'ol ..._,nJ• vt u mr " Uo '-•• • man t• k.- h 1oa f,lr aU IU all !lut o olv m~u ani! t ~.,.e!oro lud brA lou It­Not woakon#"" lho\ n-.. froto ""'f<ADI bl\>rl Jlut oucb .. IUArl; ot><l m.•r lho W,.t o!ll• .,. Jla lutod fal ... bood ...,,~a berulag oeor n B• l IU.&Jioa'" erred, mlolaUng trou fur Iaiii<> l h • u. ••• a ~in~ mountain l tr,am , I I'• faullll bal oJdlea wlttrb 111 ' " I !ln...,. bt t <.l 1 \):• car ro I •• t:.Lamo ou war ltlft ruonumdnl -"1 w>ll uurk bb reeliug p la"" to ro..-ereo\ ~J •• f'•r<l.~n.-o of geD<I'lllOOO UDI111 tiDe. T ho llreiHo aculpi.Or wllh rclon\ltu b.tol!, llu \<TIII~n au lc.u!ptlon ottr II l u wt tnl gram da.n.ct~r• of nu1 h wr 1 m<WI...­.A snuJ. r II no UJI<'U nr •• Ullut Jr""m l e lt bitt ""'u"' J rav STn'hu tn, ur hc.\.u\Jt A mM< a l lchos rcc<Jrl tb>t ullt 1 <U } r om 11ru to~~~ L~~e prou lh gu.ard~l pe»J, ~ Jon.t: Jll ("•.n" l• .haJJ h..-\: o U'Utt \ I bo> ID\ o the momo,.. <>lilt• )<TO& I and g001.l Ami may lbat c"er Cl'~ 1 l:'h.t I ogn ""00 \\ b.n DU D 0 fn1lt Dl~mM)' if tlo dtd 0 ' ' .An I lllalnrv a ~"'"" 11 •brlv 11, I w to du11 1 ( ttD:rM t h\lrO a ~_l~ -. b~z:l all tLo h\C.f ttf I".At1 11 'J hf' 1Lnu,;:b t\ a nd :U:ItvtJe ,.f"ft t t:ct t"llrth liM-If tih..JI \'Nll.h In t!len nt tlnn.., f S u bah- 1'"' onr Stat •m•u a uam~.: sb.allll~u ' T bf'rea • u co1ern1l b l tot tn 111 .k.i e '\ bore IU.U\N aro wnltt"n t1la t •h .11 n r ' er b h: l'r ra.-IJ rhtn r l"t'\,-J ou q b"Ult r•l •tont' f de tnvu.J tnk On Juaoa .n hUhlf\ "' sn~e­r r "-llh rlio bluo- 1• f t l'HI ~ ar1"lt t,.l ..... u1 .)J {d all tbtt ' ' mC"JI f h u 1 1hl,. fl4tthfUI I)IU 6

l l1 o.&UhJ 1. \\f':tl n lh thoU .uk ~o~! J fo.

~:~rla au reJ, MllCIJlAUvo of the oulburet th"lt home lie douu ~ know whc ro homo IS uoxes and tho hkc cootl\1mog cloth1og, aulu than c.rher aowings. ••u r uro to follo •t Bella Dudl~y oul) IJ•a home 111ny be onlr three fee t away , no ncod of~o to be :ured , 1111owlo~r auohgbt, Another frequent cnusc of falluro Ia the looked p1Uful aoJ km ol '""llor ho can t hnd •t.. lie mnku hL'J co.p the pr1occ of punll~rt. freo 11cccn , often to t.oo deep covenng o r U1o teed&.. All a

• Uou t look so tomficd , ch1ld I It wn_, turc , 011 r ha~ c a:ud 1 ~ II gene roll{ aowo ho re moved IIJitl placed 10 tho duec~ rays ol rule, tbe amallcr the aectle tho hgMor theJ nn nccodcnt thn~ nnbht hl\\u Lnppcu.,d to t lnn.; "b•ch cAu bo of o u sor' 0 uae t o the aun, w1th~ cnref ul rctuonl of nil mouiJ ahould be co vered. Tho amallc1t acod&-nnron~ lnmsd f or anybody else 1l 1S ns uall) 801 c o Some froo a bsorbent or mollturc, 011 fresh aucb as celery, 1wcot m.' JO"'m, thyme, and

Uut-but the• \VIII be 10 nn .. rv -ADtl I !lUI< I b•~ger t boo It ous ht to .,., • ho huola d ' b I k o the r herln-n>nuaro hardly IIDY CO,.CMD"' J .. I k . I I k I ld r I• s lnlcc<l I nne, 111\lt llll ubca, 1\0 u l e I e, -- .. 0 p•n t nrTo·' to-n.'y lor It I ' o ut t •o nw waruca~ pace lo u o tO o • I ... •· n~ nil, 1\Dd wbcn tho ground II fino nod not

- <u • - h li! bod 1 1 •- w1ll n!Morb t blt mOISture, w ucn ru:1y ve \ Ou hn~c been '!'UII t ' o( lbo most un ll • e Ill ll • Y U(' 1o t ·~ ntr uy 111~ 111 (f too Jry l!OWIIl" on tho aurfooc and "8Dtly

., • f 1 1 1 1 prom1•tl• romo~ ctl , nt lei\.,~ c:~rrym\..' o " ., w~~ntcd card <ll8ueM :\liM :'\o,.dl o r orce, nm etllrta-uot tO\\Ilr. • 10rue •nt '" J b ~rcs••n" down w1th " boMd 11 aoffio1ent. • •·• 1 t d 1 1 d much o' the d.'lllJ'ne., I buo nb~or mo re <> 1cou:r ~ ou w1ll hA' ~ to rM!to tho <111111~"0 t Ill oppos• o •rcc llon , not en n•) no 1 '· d lcd 1U1u· ai.z.ed eeeda abould be 00\'" retl o ne-- . .., I .. b 1 b b r~:l<hly nn I wore fr, el) t hru1 t he c Ol uCA O, > .•no 1 .... z •o ur ""rclon mndnru - to :\h!>& \'I I~C ) uut Wit n t roouc IASI\l " IC L'l I r .I h .. lf to onemo" and the , ........ t-uch aa

~ ucv J · - · I f I h I r b nnJ \ftll obVII\tC n Jllfl or t.hc CVI • 0 UISIUJ.I .., ... . l>~lcy-• but •ou , ,e bo" neee;u'l') It •s to lfMtcl u 0 113 11re n,:t ' •o ll tc ell u p · ·' I"ICl\JI boau8, and oom-~•o to threo lllft"-' bbl tJ d r housoa a nd ' ol notb1n~> cnn bo t\11 aueq Uf>IO ......., co reo our rules. :\hu ::-\ewell It w1ll ~o•t n;p1o t " pc C no • uutcn u ~:om.; ' ,.. llncl.lce""r 10 dry weather t1 t., 1 1 b Ill k J aubJIItot~ lor tbo h;:ht or Ut e auu - oo~ llVCD r-• ou 'ju,ts1X pounds to rt'plru:o \\h.,L ~ou nroun I •o c1m 1 over It c vt .r 5 r~warmfiro•o lho room :\losteeodstoguothohealruulta, ahould ha' u broken dt:~,:!;log Ins boot) lriru, tumblo3 J o,rn h< sown tblnly, o1c:ept aucb kmds u ljuo

Oh :\l r n ot b .. "" 1 ,t.Jn t me~n-- tbo other auto jumpa u1> 10 n pn • •o" k1cl:s r, l)blo lprollli-&S ~pa, canota and ()( l"Cl ~ ..,., llot-o( conr!!C no t t :\ C\ Or- the d ust o fT h .. c lot hr.11, UlOIItenl llll ha111f. Etnploymont n BlOUUig u~cts. ' If IOWD too thin and tho 11\lr•

th~l,..,. tho J nm"if<' ..,1 o],111~ \ 0 11 c:\u • tn) ~:robs h .. properly v•c•ou&lv ) mnl..s 1t t lu a r.u:ll becomCJ ~kod, cannot bi'Oilk througb. oud " ork It out-,lx \\ tuk• ""'~'"' ""> then t hat, •ho• ea It nhcAcl o r hun a. T o bo con~L,ully b•~y 18 to be alwnys tho cr uat., wbdo ma.ny spro uts t.o~ether 04n,

" IX l•>nn•h •lui , 011 """" '"; rt 10 n mouteut, turns uu l nnd lu::s 1t 11fWr lnru no happy 11le b u <\ m.\ll h;\JI JIO lime to c;rum mod 1t 18 bn~ hctlo trouble t.o tbiD ou~ the mo~t exu Lll mt pnc, n1 "It It 10 e lnnnw other •uomen t ,.cts ruo.dJcr no• I llll•ld , r hlu 110 hmu to tluok of h1s lib troub lu aupertloout p1allt.l. C.:ucumbora. melon•,

· , our luH -..; ,, ~r '"'" 1 \ I _, '\ e" d l > 011 t loeu p re$1 ut i) hOidi.<J 1 ~ 1oto the nor nn•l rests lu;htly upon bm1 bocaute )118 " or k ~~qnMhea,Md all plant.a auujoctto the rav~ nec.J not he nl11n ncd nt lhc pro<III'Cl of ,.;oc• tc:~rm.; 3 " 11) 1U lin c nllruiJi ne w t!lruc \ ' f\!811CS thu wcn10n o! them from h~a rumu. o f ID!!CCI.a should &lao bo town t h1cltly, and workm ~.: " 1.:~ fur nothm~ I •~•II 1'1\) tlvn comes to a \\ Cetl, 11 never oucurs t J l 11t uJ1(ii}'c.'lnuo t be bO!I) \\ llh n 1Joten th 1ugo~ a fter ward, when tht Jea,.eaare bard onough lor 1t. o o l lum •o !:0 nroucol 1; '\ o ho mu•t ohm ll 11, nt tho JW:IO u me It 1a only tho 1dle who to d , fy the atucks or tLo1r eoomtea, thioood

... !I, llHI .JO\~n the moMy ,,..11h her h~u;;ht\ noul he t.lod chmb 11 draftl:' " - h1s wur th· •r, "rct.chcJ a~ 11 lule 1111J lfho :u<k them ou t properly

l nlt thl\t ""'"j 'dd) O\ er:l" cd the mc~n, aer ! I~•" proper > to tho to,•- wh•" IJ 18 M Lr~gl , t ~<ei\Cd tin 'IU"-"l•o n • l s hfo \\ Orth hnnJt~ ' Bcg.nnoraohe n err 10 maklogtbe rom or "'~ • , 111 of 1 re 1113 11 ~ tlun~o: ht •lo ns 1L " o ul•l b e for me lo ca<r) l'c<>plo , ... ho h<~• u hroltcn up their 1\Ctl\ u dr~lls too clo!O t.o CAcb other 'lltt tllll.r

I I hnuk• ... ~ h m r •r " " " l: lll clnc~· to n ftl\~k r Oo ur from ll<lld iJc•,.: 10 I' LriJ by JIUNUitAon UIU hnd ocn I\CI)IIISIUOII of wealt.!o tho (>1t\ liS tho more ap:ace should bo gJVCD the "un~ ,.!'l rl " ho IS nn utl<r htrnn..;t' r 10 1

" 3 } of trMh un: ~lceple-IVh,u h11 J.:< l• 1111 r.n ~ ~~~ ~"' 1..., '"~ a lb,.ur .,,, ~o>nn h ~rn tht •u but e ven the l tnl\llen borba lhoultl ""' :\(1..._, '\ , " '' II \ OU hn 1 \o>•u•~ll rd 1c1 t it rc ho llnd~ t l• •t chnt •~ no t 11\o p l.1 ' h >W •dlcnes.< C3ll pol.iOn eu.•tc nt:o: 110 s< 10 no t he pl:m ted 110 d ose All to prevent the

I < 1 £rum I he r, ult .,r \ 0 1f ac . .. lcnt. tnkc:t 3 cnr•ory gbnco a t t he lh'l nory Dill I ltllltO It II h lrtlc n :uol IIOt :\ pi<.LSUfl) I he free IUC or tbc hoc or \'I O,dor bot woou tbc \ " I :-;'II ' ~ t m,•tln '! to th lllk ~u .... ~ cnhc r chrulH Jo•rn ngruu o r l nmLI, • I '" n I st, rut of I Mill hn)JI•UI<'-• he• "' bcm:; lllw "~ r<Ht"l<.

Bellst Dudley's H eart l>t:cl l< , " "' ~111 lh ""'"IO<: ol "" I ~lMts ofi OD<c noore-n, uanal 111 a now • r >ntcute•l "'th l our lot nnd "' ""'".! uo f horou.;h colt!vnhon nntlloo.sonln~ of the " " clnll I U.Jil l "" t :1 won ! You d~rcct:uu \ t the tnt! of hntr :\II ho ur I ~ I 11111 \l 81~hul.: for l'""'cr o r ><enh h I ho SOil IJI 0110 ur tbe pMIICIJIIII contllhOnM o r

-- • II III t lodl I( ' .. I In .l pa'c lOll u:-.: d let< h·. up " Hluu .. x lllChCI or tla 1'1••• ... ""Y 111\0 h url cn)O\U1elll Ill sunplc n!Ct\' SIICce~1 Ill th<: gu den A good boc•ug in E ' bcl\u lornl 1 ~rJ\n t ,..,,11_u,.-,1111 wJ 111 " "'' h 11 •~n• 1 " ,(ul\ n< wd l 11.• I StMio 1 fro•u nn<l lny • lws llnr,lu 1 ,Jo" 11 t 01< "'o.lo tbll 111\11 "h l hH-!1 :>t ho... Cti.W cl n ' c.~lher Ul ofte n better tbnn Wlltc n og

~ fu l n..• " dret~ln ~~~11 khn)( '"'II. ""pi,, "' "'hI;> h~lot~n )Our l,u..,),ll II I :\l,nnlllllc hu hu lk!cn o • ur nIt"' ~:round lln I< nil t nn•::s " ~1n.O " \\ hen t IC lll tler L'J ruaortt:J to, •l lllUil he '.lu ,I lc · 1~-.ulull I ·~~ bo-< " h r lull. I ,Luul l ,... ) IU \\ er<: uu •ued to I fur~~ ) ~ ~r,ls bbJuudl, r.nol clunh< I nll'\t ho I j for t h<l h 'lth • ' I h"lp """'• of <1 mu lhorou~hlv, lint.! noli!O M to IDOI•tcn far l\nu.• and ll<rk-LuL kS c• I I t!u I ! " CCI "nn pc d ' " C l lll< " ro, 1 ,o w C'< ~ \YI)nl"\11 tlllt rhc •'•n •l• l 1"': \ ""''" thu .urfr.c..: v '') nu~ ~uporftc~nl sprmklu~

I ( I, "t <•nh 1""-" h r ' " 1 "' b 1\11 1 I he IIIJ'<~ t ho swc~L from I•· II·~ •tro. ~• '" ,i •f g n~ l..ulll ' I hu ••lie ""'n~n H t!oe• ~oncrnlly mo re h~rm than JiCOO<I It and hie-It-•~ 11.1 tl <' ' ro lnr ft•" t. " I, r " l t ' I ' '"' r h I nu I hH luuu• " 'I II en mnr~ .~. - J 'J o!f I I • f h I I c:.u•~':i tho pi Hll• to form rootle t.! n<ar the Jllt\nh· nalun · cd nu nr.l-:•t llnotll<hi V ..... ' '"' · r ,,.... • - ' I IUI\j\l•l,nt3hllrrv cieHf l l u lr\ <ltSe4 ,:: 11\r \ ,, \1 1111 0 cr o\";<tllll'-• 1 ! Jrhcu Ill < , ,J o f bolO\\ l bc:~e ~urfll('t

I rt '' r ~• tt ........ rv·..: nl li 1\tl ~ II I ( I I I I {:-mr\: h,t h ht.. :-au~c-ttli Jtli ' ' 'lu 1 ' ~ wa rm •e.' ~u ,., te Cv lr dHII·,u "" I I II ' llo 801 .e " I.(OO ' , fl ··~ \' c . I> try l\ll 11 ~I II II ' L r ~" I l I I n h -~ o\rl roul• nrc tin, i >nrl r"rcbc I by t lto "'>" of

::tu.lnt..S I "-COnn !rtoo t tr ' u,_ h • 1 att'4 1 ' l ln: ~t.umh''- s lm l1.; < l u bo<1l) :. !':'1 u J ~ c ' l't 1 ,_., '"'1

o..: 1 " - ~ f t he 3 U\ n~ )li:ovn n.s thl: 111VI ~turo- lkcuuh:::-t.acbe thtmft1.Cnlh uoJia•~~"-' I"''"' u"'\" I~ r •'•I I An i lllnlnl• " ' cl<><• n 1t r<t •ml.oc rtt hnnl<H r d:cn iLbc ofber mklu"l;rhl•ll)ll • ;ul>lfla ~~~ I ' ~p •rnt,l ~•J lc \\ ~ thtl ('lnDI.!I " llho ut beat fnc.:uJ 1\t l ,. mpw ' , ,. I I tl..u..., , I II 1 I f l (e\rt lie luu~H :uo Ill I to 8'"1>1.: wh ~ l lS not In_.: q tt \ 111 1" ua.''h.:• ,_.. ' ' ' •.., :\r mu ~;~ no'" lm nt lcrul!S ih< 111:1;:UIIIc!lll ' "' ln\\h rc li e llocr 1'1'"/''' ,, '"~"' U<llr\ I ere ' '- "")home grnb< lui blll~o ll c 1\ll<l o•lr .... , hlrtlliU, I .;ml )f(u<, hol l,·~ll· ll ,l , ,;,,·~. \111~ or ~r· •r"tl\blra l\ hot

A tbugbt~r ~~f ' 7 lu ' \\n ... ,. "' lm Ill \ :'L \ ~;' r;l\ ·~~ d \ II~\ r ' u I \\ lllt. L I n~.: u. (' 0 H II\. :.;:o J thr,,:u.:h tho if Ufh! n\1, \;utur. :.i he not Ob\lur bunlt:ll •url r ,~,,n~ rh'->,U ,( ;~ r~ '\ l .. .. I \~ ' ·. II JlC'U~·.abl, ~··uuf ltOO~~ of the 11h.):4l

i'h' (l.">MIVIlM< '"~• "'~"'''"''''"' '"I \II~ hr\111\ ''I II;IJ>t'rl~r 1 lt l hduro.> f.,,l,,t•(•<t•re"l\ll l nfreul mna . uppa ltLIIIt!l 'r'\111 nn,50. 1 'luu •·J I I \o(' • Nl·de-.c:\l l'ltbc \uunwuht\f.J urc 'tc.: Jltlllt~:tltr •1~,,'1'·1 , .J,;•-~ llal''':!>.ll~ ,t:\ .... fr:v ~~ 'u .,wl~r• " l::~llt: ul)thu fra:nlr~.:m:u·.i l t\•4.: ... JJt"' l t ',._.. •n~&"-(1 l "'iO\III IJ.:r~.,~~ '" ftll) '" tu~t b .. luc; Stlrt \:tl t;~ntltn1tn I I I 1," , 1, 1 H,r • t:hi 10 IJ>c r I • H :\ '"'' t\ 1 I' 1111 111 11~ 111 1ll h 1ll I cit • > t. 1L r. I I

S I ) ! t l-.. , ,} r 'tt'• r ~r '(.).\\' ... r oli n ' o ' ~ tl Jr tt\t'r \ft u \.lf ,, f ,. ur,n3u l uu r~ ..... till " ~ tr.l r. . ,. n •• I '\ I I t lt,r r,,p )I\ I '" ' ' 1\C'I ll<lllf>ll :Ill I < IIJ'IIr~~ \ I I r.l 110 r :ir lu~~... " ' J 0 A~ c~, !\I tit I Ill ' I ' P:\Pe (lr l'n• nrhde

Hqll< Ill ... po-r 'X""'"'. \ 'n I '"" I II r ..: I It I \1 lout I) t••u l•r<lprtcl lr J) ~ I •• ' I 'IIlii'. 'u lr& lt lie 1 .. . .. IUL'I:t-.: lcJ Ill ~I\ 1 1Vh -fl :n.o.htllll t ,11 , 1 I I' rb 'I'" t ' t •'1 r '

1 1 r 1 1 'her c't.lctly 11 h~h} hc tl I ~;d I' , but "' • ••uncr.!-on 1uc out•lll w~ nt lc:Ht - tln

t \'"COt \" t\\ 0 \V th :\ ... 'II l r h ... ~ '-"' [ ',llf" t .. t \ \' t' u!.;., lu ~\.h lt 1 I h~.: r~.: 11,)1\J ,! \"dt~.:n: 0:J.J.g"Qll10~ or t.hc llt:\:..:1 I '~oe 1~llt1JTL'\Ut II IIJ .... I t ~~ .. u ( .,.rtO\\ If),.: \ c~..:t ... n IJ.J,,_, !~<:< I I ' r ' ( ',, \ ·~ •• ) t~ ( ,cU<l c>:llm~tJI() hdp lu:n nul • fj tlu• ~ ...... c ~:ld Q !tlltiOII nuJ ft ntur, •-.r,•m' d ' • '" 1' ~ , ...,. , I 1 ' It h 1' :1 With :1 )UI0t:Jcut \\ , :..rc 111 C. nilnr \\lilt th 1 tcnu ,.. 11 11 foiiU\\I ..: {!!" ", t<:< l"ll ,J.r~dwl" o'~ ' n gre•t lhonL:htful •I• •" ""' 1 olou ' ~ntu (1 11111 tnl, utPu11) tht'\ j .. ,. 010111 1,. 1111 mod 1111101 1J11111.;• unlvrll•~rl'•'l'•·he:> l ! ~o,d ae~,t .. c:.n uul rlrnt,:ht I rn"' "" I n

1" 11 I " t 1Lu lto!J <- t '< "P~ , en I• 1\1 Ulu ,..r • ~ ' 1 n' l , • 1 • :Ia j III J t h.:m l , _,11.. 1n. I 1t ~' '' b .. ll.raator) ruul111.-l~• " ""'" /•

m ou1.h "" l•hon--.:oulol ,,,1,...~-0.~l I ' '• l•" lj ·lc au j L, ~~~tu tu~; "'th 111 tu 1r I L I 1 • 1r > ~ cJ t rlu'"'U' Co'\m J 1 r~ ' t t\h n c.Ju r "ttn:.... ., .. I 1, 1 \\ ra t\:r~ ~- ~r t\ .) 't tun~ t '~ 1 ~- n .a .. r.;, o ~ .. t ·;.~

c • • u 11: 1t 111 "f'IMHIW t u-..allona rrscn1} , 111"> e, unluJn111J ·, 1(11uuun n > 1 ,, ----4- - --from

1• • nn l f ~ • u ll t u' t u~ a p'-="' :11 I confer t J~ .. t!J r lm v

0 l lo 1 IU t'~ hmu ~ t.:' r 1 "'\:/\.•,.,. t tu 1\ll\

pre II) til It a I '"' 1• ltn • d· I \ , "'' 1!.11 ,, u ' ' ron,. II ~J r• 1 t I _ :~:.: I nt '~1 . , 1, hi~ 1 , ci•cls CJuiJ "JUMPI NG THE R02E II bor.J, r.: I r~·· IU II I hl\nd .r I"' " '" '" II It \\ !tJL I hell the) {;0 :.t IL :\ " " " ~r II ,c • r ll \\ ~ t he ds lll t \ IJoou:d kct JK"epl '!:: ltulll l>· r JU~ I "" I d ure ~~100 result :\l ut ual IU Ill c u u fit IIC \ Cr(lh r u I. ~ ·, 1"0

" .. ,. .... War ning for Puroou lllld Ob..ldron -'" -co "'-•r•· f II L' cl I • ·' 10\\ U\t.:", rOIU c 1 "-"Ul~Ol, l u lL us \\ 1\.S n J> r I. r I ~ I I I I ""~ .~ - diiDU),tiOu• u 0" .:.II <:Dt y e....,II1CCUSC5 IDI~L,\ten DOt O l aa J th.:>t tbt' nrt...rJe.'l nmJ r CC~ 0 I IC ., tlfj!lOII ll~l ltU e 11\!1

Slul wu tl~l·l " ell to n•.:ht. I t ""' ' "l'"l"'b'" '" b ht .. rt. t bt> otJ10r of bCID" nnobstructloolsL f hcy b • • L 1 tl '·I 1 j"~t perlormed a aurl,'lC."l! O(lCnltl \l ll on the b lack cl , ... .. • 1 ~ \ 0111, m' ) J ftU oren::u!ll' ~ WI 1 u N M of II 1 f J 1 ' vc., cuL MJU:I re 1" LII C ''" .. • ' • • • • wnrm u1• :mJ t bc d .. puw e nd• 10 a fiJ;bt d 1 lc ~ t h ~g a ) r.ung gtr >y t ru namo o <; •t " ' f OIUil) rnre old lnce fiUm~ ut tbc 'l"~c-:. l Ill<:) loclc lhcm40h ew to,.oU•cr a nd c how 10 exert n 1 cry ~ c •n ous JII"Ceiuro o n lc Iron• llhnotll tren t here for t renlment I h~: J.resa .. IHU!d her ~upvlc \<tllu\\' lorm 11" lrhr:~ry lttOkc,J :\ dc h.,h tf ll t"O/T etiCh other . JniV• for a wb71e. then t .. ey roll hrrun m\l(j:r l lnL kmd of hovl~-bc "ln· ~ IJoll~'l! or uoth her lc,l('! w•ll lu\ 0 to bo pnrtl) t o p;! rfccuon, r~• c:um:; '" ex""'''" • un, , "'' r:.r1 I 1 •c< '"'" mdlo" IJm:h~ lo,:h• ~ ~ •u l t 11111 ulo on tho ~;round ull ono )o,ca n •onlll •re~kcno, clc~ mt'n o: nctors auff, l romi)Hd nnd tho lottlo aurreror wol l Ull\ O to -w1th ' uort ~l"c' eA cJ;::cd "uiJ rn """ 1""'"" " '' r thou ' """ of hnol:~ 111 ' " " r born o r n leg nud ha5 to ho.ul o rr for rop.1lrs fro m nft..:r th ~1r ollm'llllul~e • IDA) blo Cllcl< su b aut to t wo pnmful opem liOIIl! The t:llU~O lAce ft olla, \Vulob J•l!t cO\ ~reJ ucr d nuplecl ~b&.• cnr ..... ,, I s '•ch. ~' tllld ., t he I cntral I I k ) d " to k tl 0 :lA 1\ tcmpo rtlr) fo nu or COIIl\ &liOn t esl iD or her ~rr.cuon II! fro m JUID~IUP tho fO' IC, •lbo- ut~l L\hk "''t 'l r !Jud i( • nnd U~lln, nntl •ev 10

1d" 0 " I no .,ob •twhor 1".i"t111d 10 1 tJ1c recumbeut JKUIIIOII n h t1 lo 11.11 ' o lnu l<:, "b r ~ ·- I ' s:•mo o ms:aue W:\'J u. o cr pp e :10t ts 11 , a pnotune <~D"'"l.'I:U 1u rr~ncno ly y • uun;::

:->be wore lll:\gDificcnt thamonol• on h• r ~l r ... ldur\ 1 ,._..., •rt t JiM<:! ta t' b ll th M d aubseqocn~ lllecp nro UJuslly 11 11131 1~ ~;~rls, r..'llolun'iiln uecr;111,, o r d clltb 'or lho

tut .. n,.: bosom •roull•l her "n•U< 111 her :-.1" W"'-' :lS usu..,J r,'!!Cn et.l ' ot ch~mun;:: ~~~: :lmr.m ~:~ tl~: iJO:tgy~d\:> ~' :~: e:d reqUired to rer' n110' b0 •t. llut 1

1" 0

11l cont..iuuetl bono The doctor at.'\ted to n reporter, 111

b ld l I -'1 k 1 '-- b d con)rehh on o t 10 um or 1 ~l y rocurr~n~ n ,.: lJ,:v e n oa1r 1\t ~< r "" '"' p on c3NI 1 ly l•lc ''"'"'~~In I c Ulh "'" ' 111 ur ' me~ullr or 1L nstel\d o l t:l' ln!f u p ho bnc!!ll on 1 h d IIJ 1 d 1.: th11 c onlul.:tlon, tht~L @lnlllnr casta were co n on her dAint) , Ulpcr hn;::ens--J<:" eli \\ Ortb \.<1\YI\rd \l r ~ •court., tbu g lnuco vi 1\ho..o llllll get& hill ~hillS uruJSetl ngamst Cf~;y o b congeSllon, w ·~t erpr o IIC'Cli ? ll\r h or I ~tnntl) oocurnu~ from tbtli anmo C:.'\lllt', but

Words o f Wiadom

The wiae and &011\'C conquer d •fficulucs by darios to attempt tbcm -J:,~rt •

A l1ll\D ehould mako lt a part or u ts reh­g ,oo. to wo tbat Inti eouutrj 15 •roll go~uru· etl -IY•IUam l'am

The gte:\ l.ost tn:lD Uvicl"g mny •14nd m need of tho tnc.oancall\8 much as the m•lllllOOt doCJ of lnm -7 MIIIOJ .h cllu

U a ma n ha~c lo ' o In lu~ heart he may tlllk lo brokon IAn~c, but Jt will be clo qoeoC<l to who liltcn

If a roan •• detennmed to do tho ben be can, wbcCber be dn,es a oort., oouductd n L1111oeu of a aulhoo d olJJ!.n, or 1>rcacbcs tho pre I, ho cnouot fail.

Pri•ohty, under whatC\ or fonu 1t np pears, ~!tell frot11 atk>nlton 1111 .. trvn~th, from thought 1U on!lloullly I rom fCI.'hng 113 earoesto~L-\fadatm! de SlatL

Be subat.antially gront 10 ll•p olf nml more than tho u11ppcnren o nto otbcre nurl lelll>c " o rld oo <lec:oncd 10 tbco M t he) lire IU t bo hg hl.a o r hC&\ On - :'Jtr T hom u 8 rOW:IIt

Jt " m~o d UM not m~te no" nc1n~mt ancl'!l :u he nd•nneci thrOUf:l• h fu n " oil aoou find h1mA.:If nlon~ \ rnnrt -h ou ltl keep Ius fneud~h'l'' 10 consUUI~ l';lptllr­J ol llUOJI

l'h~ hnpponc • of 10:\0 depend\ Oil no creed 11nd o n no book 1l d tpcntl• 0 11 the dOIUIIIIOII o f t ruth, l'hJrh L'J tho H,olcemcr nnd :S."\\ 10ur tho ,\lcrw.'lh :~ud the Km;:: of Glo ry - /win II , .. ,

f.ool.: nut moumfull} Into the 1 "l.•t It comes not IJ.-.c. at;11u1 , wbcl) unprm c tltu pr~•ent ot •~ 1h111< 1-'1) lorth to mccl thu shado \\) futuro \ \1 bout [,nr 1\nol \l ith n w~nl) h, 1r t - // II L J•!Jfilllltr

Fashion Notes. 1nc .. r th,• <1' .111• JI1T:l!l ' l! I"''~ 1hc

hum~• h,~ I p .. "llnte I

C. ~) h~ncll:, rdnrf• \\ oth " •It• hnr J, r~ 111"\h tlte 1 rdll<•t 1 u•~•Ltlc c~( ',; nnd t, •

Snt1n p (IIIII{ 111" lv m~ I~ n 1 I Juth<IOII h llll<>d uu a •In . , 1h •t n~oo h Li tv•d nud t "' M.:J~ ll' .1 nh :\l Jill} tO \ t.:ltl l(

1£ It \ .r. uol fur ll t' •h I b or p r. tt\ hnon,:1 110nldu t. th~ Wrt.)Ul~ l.oc J ' ' · &co ... n tnab c '~

f hc f o•lnpnnble um~otlo~ f.,.r 1 J.oUn~ I , I ! ~ H tJ.u I I Ill 1, t - \ J<Jtl) Of f nile, S IIJ•I IIIIC

or I ut!Hu l n~> h ll\.'r'C

l 1ke tJon•c Of J'n n~OIII~n "'1\l'lW• the ~ 1· ment« uf t il\ r . .... (, I \lolu .I un 1\T\l nhn • I e a 1rd v <mcn•l Ull 111th 110t lllu~ t_;l3JIS CJII\.11 h O\l c\ Cr

l'mk cum I thou::b fr:~•lnnrl rlrhr'll , 11 a fii\ O.,to maton,J for l"ornl.- Rnd J4" d rr l uricrd 1l.,t \ Cr) £molt) a nd Jrh.,.,C.)' IS 1ts clue£ I c"ll)

, ltuc!J~~ nntl pl'"'ol lru:o mllt nw:.~ 111 tho w:tnn "c.' her l11e1r l'l~cc u ~upph<• I lly thc•r more Aulutnntonl ruiMIVll tlou orill\ln) \\lute !nee 11\!.'lrl , ::S(Jllllllh being tbc r.,, on tu

~~· 1\ fortunc-,..~ elll Fbc J~'lloo:\U!Iy lo•ed lor cs rucat, gr:~• c OJc• hlld con<1uercd hers rnoru • lruot1oo tloa • 00111A. 1n •Lo , •• , lly • od "t orryk, ort1•0 nuu'IOtho 1 1010

11111:-s, C."ln art · f tl It 0 r tb

. L I ,~ L I h r tl .I I • • "" .... ·~- ~ IY t.'l 0 Jl llCCl WI ou t on uOUJ>Cquooccs. tuOr.l N q uen y t<:SU 1111( Ill necr Ill! 0 c ut.ftk loUI1 tln" •• II "'u' ··t •tu to ro~ , _ ,,. •utlr JCt\nly a Sh t', I 1:111 OSIC\l Ill l 0 (IMt OW llYJI, nuu W IUI>O bv "he n that j;~hO(lpOr Jv • hu bcou Q f the6C UeJ red d f ApiDO, 1\IU) t)LI\~ not I IDOII tb p&SSOil but m ore '· <> • "" ' ., . ~ "

And of her-thtll frur, haul(bty, l!"'eeful •tu•ot coun•-oas yu~ warted do• ou on, b.ul •l"'""etlllll OYer thll 61\Dle olll g~llund onc:o hno ob 11ShC:\ t d CD.Ill, or rodpaythn or fe wer C'3.'lllll of this cbnmotllr come to the dmt', fa'"ombly ·~II I'd by m:fnl on ac " · II 1) d l 'I .... il L'.. ---..o t 0 r:u.o 0 '1 .... 1 vems elu e 0 • r t • y ~ t u- 1• • I womt~n, ' "' 11 11 ey- e> r ·~• ne) c:.x·ourt been • c ry 1wect. mon:o 1~111 honlly dumped at About tbo apo~ r t~" to tb th Joah lote for troatme nt.. Lie UJII tba' r ope coun. o 1 , u~.~n . , r ·- • •~ c 1CI\J1Cr

WU @peaking wilh nn Adnun nJr \ r t c n11C3l J fl II bl\d b f I f whcro It Ori!;ID&IJ) Jay [ h& two rcl"lplr \Utar) JlOrliOD 0 lr COD nt.3, WI IS JUIDpiDg prOdllCCS OOIItiiiUOUI COIICUIISIOD On thllll grt'Dtld llle, II 18 OOOier tlonn ~renl\din£' 1 k I fi ne dar\: c; fo L b d be- u~tnow c " o rle opportum 'i o b d. tb~ br:uu mMter becomes mfiltmt<~d :~nil, h h ' •·- It Cftn bo m:tdo Wltboot 1111\t h umg, nnd !.'1 oo

10 1111 C) • r 1 n ~~"0 n "lltclnn~: luru :l.i he Jx!nt h1s hcnJ o• ~r I be 1011 anu •u•poct ll thou~: tfully, on dec• c ~ cry ~'T!Idnnllv ~erh~pJ the su!Tcrcr bc~;•n~ thll ;o•n u w 1c unpmge upon tuo uuno, ltro~

ao~r.,•.r t o 11111 111orc th110 once, t hat ~l"'-• v\CUIII" l"'""r be Wt\.~ roadin" nod 60111e thc l d rwd sra.ulioppe r lcj:t nro a poor 110rt f 1 jL- • h ' 1 1 , f 1 Clllllmg a& tho firat • tagl) (Hln ottetil, aud fin Dudley 10 fl\lr 10 IOH:Iy 110 colto rctl ... ··- .. I r II J h b ,. to ~c ..... 0 s 0~ t lC Ul~ I '" onnor 1 II I th d h r tb bo 11 Th I . .• n ed 1 ilia • • · ho w llcr ht:lrt " 113 tb robb•ng rnater thnn sho o pro port) t1 te r n 1 no t en e&c ato.r t.a Ou '"M he b•comcs d ro• -ay o.n J mncm~ d nr· 11 1 reau tmg 10 o eat o o ne. o ~ n g f t •c ac~~.t~on 11-uots. tcro ~ t ~dw:t, ""P.J~' 0• llrdef t w:>nnlb h1u l ~•cr kno wn 1t t.o do " bcu b., •o t.lcnly 111 " d iiTerwot th rocuon to •ee 1£ hu cnn ' 1 11~ ih~ J sy 1,. subJect to flUI of IOI.Illlolc ncy thioka th"~ paronta and te11ebe ra 6\.otdd bo arc bl~ d httlc tlol•, F rcnch do~. ( hi

ybll ::auk rol mo 8 1111 w~lf "P lwr lookt!,l up llllll c3UI;ht l;cr s.:lsnc~-JU~t IL, fi nd au old o1.1l o r 101net lung olsc t h11t h wlu h be tr l 6 t.o thro~r off uu t 111 VlUtl h~ warned of thJJ daugerout l po.ri, and cn\dl· nMe doll!, J spanellll tlo~J~, polk11 do~, prmt ~ u"0"'

0 •er r '1.";~ ;c o r 80

'0 "'1 \l r Unlllcy du•co•cred thnt he hnd to te:."o he:u y enoug h to n!To rd cutcrtnmmeu~utnd llp~hltt •~-c~pnclolll hm p~IIO often 1~,.11• cs~ 1t onurely fro •o t11e pllly~trQundll of ed do!A, l>rOCIIdL'<I doU, WOHlll doU, do t!QJ

m odo I s.had ~. waa "r rurdyn re<J11

uetbnt guest, tho room for " fc iV mtont~ to o.twnd n \ISJ 1\t the anme ltmo vnlucleas enou11h to •oa~o Iii~ ho suiT·•rt from do£f0lllll on of apiri•· t ho ch•ldreo, Mit 11 rumoua m 1ta etreola 11nd •• d roue8, do ttod atoctm,s, d otwd atrnws, an IC w way• ouo t' a r Mille- b l 1 1 t ... t t.o ow t " 1 ¥ ..., tho p m·• cauoa o f mo~ cnt>plealltUOD" tb d t"·d la d tt~ W d tt· ·' th cold pl-nt. we ll-bred, bcnuuful grnca t.or" o Lllu been )Wit r~onouuc,o. An Ill " - n • •nwllcollll\1 pO\fCTII ecomc J ullcd, Md n ~ - ·~ o " o ..., c:oa, o "" cor ns, o cu Ill,

full b0 , 10 U" Ari'J, wholly ,... ... nn' -·• tb"L ~lr l'..l!court hlltll:u d down h1.11 P:•t>er ns memory fs •b , a nd 1r Apople:ry clocs no~ femslo poruoo of the commuo•ty than pro· dotwtl that, and do~d the o lbe r, 1111 i~ • - r-- .a..., b . a h nil b lth b k b&bl1 any one cao10 llo al10 .wld11d th11~ wo llld tako the Jot of11o be1roM to mdul~'ll

bo compu-ed bor to her r:u o, bnlluo.ul, but tho door closed on :\l.r l)utl lc) om! weut CoGUy Funorot.. C3rry •m o aoon II gene es rca • dvnog tbo praclioc of hia proresa•on d ettha 1ll all tho (lrotty good• thot dliplaj dol&. 1tonr d lllruooda-ao enh rely DDimp~ •blc dch iX'rntdy round tho tab le to thll low up, m~UCulor tYeakness comes o n e nd he bad beu ocournog, coming unde r hll obaer Cl t bat bo had nne r dared hopo abo would c uahooned cluur " hero llclln sat, a p•cturcof O f Into yCAra tho- b•• , ... 0 11 mar'-Ad d1eJ11 very gmd.uU1 porlulp3, bu~ aurely •-at:ioo, which were tho rc~~ul~ of thta porm- Mr Aid n ob, otrut•, llmtrodomnc

eld I - l • • .r:- ........ co 1111d bc.,uty ' " ·~ " ''"' "~ h t.tlo cl&rllng humml:fu bitds M oow ~·· 11 to ove 1 ~~... .,... t An·'oncy til ost-v~n~ ontllly o n tho bu r~- CIOUI'/:Iimo. I n cooolu\loa a.. uid • " I f v L' b b ~ u ·~ aoncao IWle..-u u J\10~ ummera • • • • • • • 'Ml1111 !)ad ler; r want to tctl yon tome nl of t ho. ile~ an among the numerous Ohoap Living wool warn ~b•ldran ~ .. au~a rope Jumping, heacl, 11 gDJ'tl'OUI htt.lq caput With n cb CO(I3J

Mr Juhus &than , !COlOr o r t ho groat \hmg I bCIIrd about you to da) It c~tuo d~roct.ions 10 wh1oh gTC3tllr ccoooroy ougb~ aod would adneo pereota &nd W&Cben1 tu pkoot and ruby' th~t., 18 mounted aa A finn of ft othasy & fran~" at 10 h•s room, \ Cr y •l•rec:Uy to me- from NeU1u Scw~tl to be practi~, tb14 lA su rely ono It" no In theso daya of d1re d lll i'OIS wo call tbo prolub1~ 1t uoder all cl.reuiDitanoe.."-111· ~e&tf or halrptn , a ruby throa~ ho 111, uota 10

lfouse, GaHlen, .~lfeaclow, ,<J c At ll eorL a Co r tent, now occ:up•ed by em­piOJ CCa of ti1C AojliO·ADlCMCIW l olugn ph Cowp.,ny, u teoauta,

A Loan of £220 oo 111tc r""l nt currc nL ra«:a.

f o r furth~r p~uculars nppl' to T 11 liOO~F:

lcr<IQr fvr l'rvjlrteluN s~ John ~. ran. 80 t•

NOT I C E --o--

Mr. WM. OLIVE WOOD, E. l/U:/~ TJUt. lT-I.A IV,

w1ll p racttcc at Uorbor Gmco uutll further DOltCC

HI , IHE'<Cf: Mr.t. S .\:\I UELGOHOO:\ S oppolltu c.;u,.to w llo ulie

NoY l


PF.It 0 '\ 111nvu•~: a L n ., y llooo•t•, per a tcnmer '" rorclt ,,.. llnrbor G "'"' or

nrbouc.1r, cnu bo fo r .. nrdc:J by 1\ ::.u~"lrt I B U!

Ajlply hy lou .cr , tl'l ~r.1111 o r pcnwnnlly to \ r 11 11 t 11111 ne xt d oor P v•t Ullice

l u11u J l

Fisheries- 1880. -o-

"TIT f nrc 1\Lic to a.~y tho.L tho C.:o tlon fl SL,plc tit( currcnl. ~:..r •• " cry alr<u.:,

ond tht\1 our fncu le cau h:\\e ln~•lo lUll ll t. t , I ~I~ G. C \1'1 1:\.\: I \ '\ C.: I s~ 1 :\~ :, of A1111erior q u11ht) 1\UII thorou~h wo rkmnu­sloop nnd IlL Mhif.1et 1n r:th$, ::St.."\11· u:ml II I.IUU ~ ( I ~I rs

\\ 11h 1hu pnr•l~~~~ " r ei"I'P'"::' 10 ~~. h WC' Cl\U Cffc('t n ~\ 10,! Ofl f l t i J.; h t t\lul t n -

8UrC protnpt tlt.1tnb >I IOU 1>11 l lu.:lr :\rn\ l l :.. !:>t Jo~ll &.

A :\1 1:: 1~ 1 <.; \ :\ :\1 I ,'\: l \\ l:-1~ t o Oc t J' ll ~~o~ton

J> I-1 < I~ NIX. Firo Assurance C'pany.

1. ~\fc \ltD Tar. :T .\: C 111 1 :;o Ct oss

J \.1 ' l>t J '

1. ~1 \ 1111 111-.1> I ~ l jS:!

AU I III Oit~ \\ •ltc r l:irll ' l I I <'ll\ m nnvlPitlrp.~

Jo~o , J. ~ r• "'" L, .. ~.r, I • 1

J nus I Br.on11r 11 tJ> CJolart F 1 \ SCI:! 11 :\l tJ.)us ALU1 b.l ~ rrctnr!i

l nlnrnnocs n;;uus l Lo&.J b) .hrc aro cr. lectcJ by the

PHlli~IX CO~lPAXY upou 0 cry dcacr!ptiou or Prop~rt) ID C\ cry part or t bo wo rld , o n tho mo1t fovofl\blo t erms.

[ hu p romptit ude and il bcnlloLJ ll'llh wh1ch •1.<1 OllJ,'lljtulllonla nrc nhnya me t uy tlu1 C..:ompan) aro we ll kool' n, outl t he \ m. portnncc of 11t relations w1th t ho l 'ubho moy b,} e3111W\ted froru t ho fact t hnt 11 neo 118 cMaLhohment, 1111 u paul more liiAn li\' F.-I.VB ~llr,LlO~ ::I I h HLI :\0 111 OLICio&r~;e or claim• (o r l.h.!~es by fi ro

ltatea o r p roouum and all other mfo rma­llon. may bo obtawod o n a\•phcah on to

Aug 2

W & 0 U:NOELL, T Jous's,

Jlgtnl f or N twfuu/ldlalld

FISHEttiES! __,_

a.i.alt~n blackey~ glOAt on~; OHr th tU por · herself' uoco1nroo u thmg fo r fam•he.J, lelt '" Q'reAt nttcouon of tho r~e:r to tho folloi"IDlf ._ d•~JlOlU &~tt•ul, • tho centro of a 8u1JT lace tio , a claw b s tloo of the 1mmenao abo(l be w11811ble to l!eC, 'Ob yea! 11tat WNI of 110 h ttlc account detu tul.lon by tbo dcatb or the1r he....U, to Ur Cbarlu ~(acKay, 10 11.1.1" llocotlect.ioDII,•' A.'fomsn. lorma (nt.o a 110arl ptn. Muy other t.latnty and b11 b1gb, DI\ITOW' foreboo.d drawn toto n I would uot mentio n 1t 1f 1 wore l OU ' plunge themsul "u 1nt.o debt, w1th •La cooae- giYoa an mtore8ung accolln~ of Colono 1 IJn•o Dennr, ~ ll% or :Pat.cnon, N trifles arc made of tho I!Amo feathe red lut or

Traps for 1880 I U TE arc prepe.rlng , from tho beat atllplo fl Go tton, a hord-la1d 'l.'wmo, lll!ldo

IOto Netting ·~ly for 1 HA r o, 10 aheots 100 mcahu wtde, aod aold by the pouod, alao-tbo Trnpe u.llde coruple te for uae 111 tho bdt manner by cxpene ncod banda and 10 adJua~d aa oot to roll or kink., 70 lb!l Oo&t.on Nowog ,:rlna tho aamo llzed No~ as 100 lbla. Bemp doeL Onr l'~c:ea w1U ~ tnad~ •l'*factory to t ho Mtrebaot.s.

c:onfUIIoo of oro-. mal•cioos vnnldt'l. u • But I ahall n:cnl.lon •L ( want l OU t.o queut a~ruggHng and pmclnoR, In order to ~ ltzglbboo, llnageo~ or the Gov. J • in an codanor to Jump! ropo 2bO ti.tDCI beaoLy It aceiDI cruel, but as long M they he aaw ono of lu• yooo:r lad\8-11 IIJibt, ltno• ho w 1 adnnro and N" eruneu t bnl get up a ro ~c:l&blu a ud ahowy fuuen\l omment " 'l 'be Coloaol at tha time wu tbreo ycanl a.,"', bro~J~~bt o n a d'-'o of a ... d"d wileD bo g~~6t thetn they aught u pale fAced, Wellr)'-eyNI c:resture-alllk for a modeat ~t,, ud womanly un~U~:~u rmng ~ fnr ss tbll II dono at the biJdlllg of alfon upward of aovout)' ye.:\1"11 or &gv, and whllo y!Ucb abe d •od. On Monday he.r mter ~~~· woll bo mado tnto pretty things M ~tuJf~d znomeot on a woodeu-boUo•oed at.ool • oot:r bcooYo)etlel) o :roura, that led you to IO.ICtl t iOntlto re peeL for the deptlrtOtl tho moti\ o lu London WM wholly dependent. upon ro- a &lmi.lllr feat.. and died on l'ueeda:r and Mt on 1\ t \1\'lg wath throe leavoa and a a momc11t, to rchc,.o tho daadly famtoea Soc 10 much to 11)1\ko .u .. ::s'owell eomfo rt.. 11 sood tllld honorable , yot for 11!1 tho~ thu mittancu~ from Cao:~rh. On 000 occulon or the aamo dl.leUC b•' or mo-. Thrto,. mlllesnake alrlna arc wh•ch had oomo lll!tlng o Yor her ..ute. N o, dou·~ tolJ me to atop I IIIU!It outcome or~~ Ill unw•ae and wroog 'But~~ u,eao rewi~taoce., an.SIOUJIJ u poctted, fllikd belllg tnntfonned •nto lathes' belli!. 'l'boao

Mr R othatly r&n!fa lillla bell wblchatood tell you, I know bow, wbpn c.'~ g~rt camo to 11 t.o be fll&rc<\ Uta~ pnbho 01>1111011 and to un..-o, ontl be found bnn•cll a lone io U1e •elt•n• abow an irideaooo~ be:lotr ~t no on the dealt bt'aido h1111- ' q n•clr, ..-ell- you 'J~tenhy in .obedtcnCII t.o yoq r re<JO O'!~ ru h!on lul~ 0 moro to do m tb coatly fnoor:ala m•gh~y 01~1• rtdnced t.o blo laat •o••gn u Doll~ 0,.~ the 8triD,.," .other lllltori.l\1 porn r 1 known poa), which b rought tho forowomllll tl1a~ •be 4bowd cotoo'if qe uctt.lcd "fneutl tbno tho of 10"0 aod o.teem. lie r~hod 1f poaslbl o, to ma1to IOYO· Tn.c New 1-'.uJttO!IlN Ilec\o Duss.- The of tho n'bbolt and auh deput.meot 1.) blm- you &Ympetluz.ed w1th ber puilol at.o7, a nd lllutt e •cryt!Ung bo pu.cted b7 " tDOneY reign aoffice for ta .. 111baiatonce oatil be & uf' on• of the moat auoc:ellflllmerchaota ptUOnl aha"Ple faabion of d!U!Il6g tho b:air

AM.EJUOAN NET & 'l WlNE Co Bolton

a thfn, cad.t.Yetoua-look•ng wo,IWl, oruel, \1\'Cpl wltb her, and comJorud her b ow I IAlldanl ? ~ the depth and llncenty or could wnto to h11 Cooadiao fnca.h to ltoow o f Ole•el•nd, a day or two 11nce, to a lad briDgl rich orumtntal combs . tnw uac. 11e"out, J•ltlt• 1n bee ud cyee u her eiD· bow 7011 t.ook a IAfiO eum of molll)y you ba<l gnef to bo judged by the u reneo m olln'Od the renaoo of tho noo....-nnl or h11 fonda who wu opoo lng a perool " Y oiUii' roata, lArjrt aide cotnba. with fre~ted topa an mch. ptoret: bc<ln Nl<llng to mo n\.41)', aa J o11r "chlr!ty 111 burrng tho objector •t ? So gt'llllt 11 the and ~olwe tho .ntwer llo found that ho uotie thOM etringa, don't w l thetn I' deep, are worn 10 tho •Mea of tbo hair Fmo

• Y oueo tbahewlland :ronder-~omber fund," and plaucd hor and he r family whd!\f oot1t 0 •otennon~ now-a day•. 10 Jarre tho could livo on ll!rpODCO a doy.--pon four It wu flm remark be bad made to a lli.lnr oomba, '!l'lth hlllf-bl(b t.opt, In open. Forty ? f tne her 111xponco fo r ftitUni they ~~~ do for thc10M1-rca, •heN tbey Will ~um total of tho bill for cukttl, 1!01rert, ptonyworth of, ono peunywortb of now omployM. l$ waa the flrU 1"-on for worit ~II; e. tM plaoe ol the eograftd oornba io butioca holltl a.nd cill ber,1f ahe dOCIII't t..o luppyand~' earn&,~ moum•oJ: and lot, thtiL '' 11 00~ milk , and o ue peoor•orth of aupr. H e the lad to Jeam, aod b la~•&ltt>d ~ So111e ot tbo ~are 10 ·~dtd u to t hrow a llt.tJo IDOft a.ninl&tioo and a coo- atrMIIe a reJpec:IAble poor 111110 eboulcl ex· cu~ tho bread Into three cqn~ portiooa. clple ol n- or laDpre Ilia tak• a ~lo• 1110tioa, ua t.llli ..W. to "ldcrnbiJieta •ndifl<~JWJCO lo bcr manhur ' l'leaac, 1111 no tnore, Mr E.lcourt. 1 ola~m, ' ' 1 really can~ Alrord t.o dud ' TillS •prinlrled 1~ wlt.h IIUpr, ud lllllda altiltd of career • l'olnt:ta. ~ • well awl or ~ir brilllalrleftoUt alpt. ~ilnr II worn, the wW be dl..miaeed wbeo tho wcclt'a hne onlr douo-' e1P'010• t boulCb oot felL b:r t bo rio~, 11 a f.llddhatr or i'bJ lJ!p a1d of a ouplull of b01l· thlrl:fyclanl bobti1Cla oounler._ the d)eroban• ~ot,-aa forcftt'r\y, for cheapoew, lluHor' the •P' Tie lnt«cup&cid b.w, alJDCIIIl ~;!':. b~~~o:: ~ u~;n,8~\''r.!b og water. 'J.'Iteao-.erfod far bnlakfaat. dm· ~a~d " There 11 a man wllo· alwaya wli~ artlatlo .effect lfPIDIO dafk balr. 'forto

Teo minJitea after, • Dot Ill ere 11 more to •Y lklla you 1. ... b b otr and auppctr- tlie ptoDJ'wcorda olalilk t n oa& "' ..,.._.. .......... eu• ai~ o a IIIMU ia no 1onpr •on far fuMr, brooobeo laDed. aao1 bate oorumsndod mr adiDiradon, mJ reapeet., ...., t 0 way, bec&UIII they aet t • adtlltion beiDa -.eel fer the.Jat.tia* 111eal p:u:U,O ID fllree or foa.r -. lit Ia a and baUoaa, u fo,_jr, but • .W~ 10 .JiiUalar to u.. IIDCO I lru kDew 1011. ~1Y011 UfO faablona, and alto bocsUIO t hor ~n. ea!tl'J n o thron 10 nll llpGR OU. frupl diet., and sood lial-. bat 1111'"1" be a.ytbllll CC!•be. ucl IMatRifa~ carnd ""'"" ar6 ..._ tancfl~ 1110 to lovt aCt, ()It,. U yoa koew c.>OODODWO b tho bidding o( pnoolple, wbiiO fouod hla bealtla all(lltretaa\11 ao ~y 10.. more. 1 pi'IIIU.IU he llt'tl '!from ~d to u.-a ill lcnr, hiab·~ and _., oorooet

• D '>o't let bow 1 wa.n~ 1011. lftJOII ~ ! lo~ others WJil bo reaarded u do"!fflt. out of oi'Oa.IJiopon I~ tba' bt ootl\laotd 1t for 111an:r tnoulh. and ~H'f bllel7 II al,ra11 aaore or IIIAdta w..ul& tile-,.. of the .._..., Tho bfeak :rou? Will JOG &Ill 11101011 ...... ii?'. pororty a . ijme t:f10 In I cucdm. tnQo~lo~~~t after the n006&Ut,..-ror tl)e OX• ·- ill CS.bC. :no woabae - w. fa ttla low., opec h...UIIfllj ..,.ona for frdllt, huo a

.. _.. with ..., fau:, pi'OII4 rae. all a-II II"" atanl~ of life !!?!'P of tM prir._cl!',~~' perimta• lla4 .u.ppe.r.,a -.o4 focalld wban bo waa 1141"r'taudt to ••e. I _,.d • bo1 ~reUy elf_,. lite a IIUil CIOtOOM O? bucleau. -. ,.. uat C!llll uperaurwre 1110118Y .. ., ... .,........ the deta,ed re~ ani 'fed, Ia abou' a juai now to 11alli'Uat Mriac fA8Md of 011t.- Tile la~ to~ ba,.. m~ lMad.a Ia

lon • trinGJrbaa& ¢orr • .o.Da llft;ct All OOikJau.....- not nqalnd '-1 ~ IDOG&b atrenrArd d!at tbft'O •till re~ll&d· tl.Ds it, •o' eo IIMd for tW't'llloe of.. NlW. 1&118 flaitaew~,l>llt •Melaer ornate aweneree to a ~lief aDd P.'OIIrie'fv Ia e.dN~, Swt AUilap of ih; IOt'tt'IIJD. A~tb time lbiq u to tMa blm daat~bJ« qnw •a;•• ••117 pat.~S.ialatd with perf~

'llr: I'.Aooart, II 1011 1YH I .. wortlr tberefon, wroq.-~*9•_awq moMJ wileD Ooloael ::En told t,lwlfllr1 be ~ .-.. ed ... ..._, .,..... U~tbt 1~, 111M eoaa~\(to illjure or oatoh In o( JOV lo•e.' • ~ll:f:= a_'"'i;' ~.tP.:;. ~ perleY•'" Ia kta......t.M.ttortwo oaa bo &""ltliD~~=~e( ~u.e . l'bt ~ liiujG are lUleb Ia qptQ

•Jf )'d'lare•onhJ? MJ~,Itlal 1......., . - ...... ~ol... .,_.,_.... iii·GM,i~MiM .. Icb ab~Cfa,...talfi• w workud lblddtd .p6Uenaeare aiiU Hlted no at U.. ~ 'ODe I t1o1M clat J bttter b4l map "1- aOI'- •!""'" • be W tlaae btea .. blt4 to •~ele .. lap- be Wiletoid, 7011 ..... 1114 the OcmaaUCNI of 1ritlt U. Greek t~Qle of 1NuiDf d. hair, will tellJOII bow I AMa.-td •bert fOil' ,.,, Sarelr,lualatallfcn'IIMI6rilelu pon or eetablllll~ ecbOola ln auoeeea." , , while Uaellde ooaa~l the driiophag 1 botr DOtrpl .. ft ..... It eollliiiiiiiMJ, Ia ..,tal co bt pclllible to ... ftrioGl oC Sbo o( Loa- no &DQral ollaaa Uttle bleldu' Ia • If· lienUed eo~~ thole aeabr plctlll'tl 10 .,, -r on r 11p a pPUo ...._., tlaU lllllllcliJiocnudn, 4oa. • td~\. A JOIIDf mad nll ~'up, o( +acilloa ~Qf '

1-~~......,_ ......... __

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