Page 1: Cognitive Games to Build Cognisant Minds

Cognitive Games to build Cognisant Minds

In my previous blog (, I highlighted several cognitive and ‘age old’ games for your elementary and middle school kids. This month, we are playing similar games for the younger age group. I was eager to find out how to get our preschoolers to play the same games, and here are the creative ideas that popped out of my mind.Ideal for ages: 3.5 years – 6years (based on maturity level of the child)Requires: All the activities require at least:1. An Adult and one Child

2. Pen and paper + images per person + glue sticks

Winner: It can be just a fun game for this age group but if you decide to have kids compete, make sure they are all at similar age and level. For every game, winner is the person or group with most correct answers or points.Since not all children can read well under age 6, we are going to use visual and verbal aids for most parts. This indeed makes it a lot of fun! Activity 1: NAME PLACE ANIMAL THINGHave the below table ready for each child. Read out the titles and explain what they mean using the picture below it. “The row on the left shows us the letter we are working with. We have 4 columns and under each column we have the related photograph. First, we are working with the letter A. So under the title ‘NAME’ we have Amitabh Bachan because Amitabh starts with letter ‘A’, under place we have…” 






Page 2: Cognitive Games to Build Cognisant Minds

Here, first give them an empty chart and all the images separately. Once they get the chart and images, they must glue the image in the correct column. An image whose word has only 3 letters must go in the 3 letter word column and so on.You may choose to write the name of the object on the picture itself so that they can count the number of letters on it. For smarter kids, you can hide the name of the object (this is optional). You can use black and white images so that they get a chance to color the objects too!


3 letter word 4 letter word 5 letter word



3 letter word 4 letter word 5 letter word




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