
Coffee Does The Body Good…

Or Does It?

Carolina Torres

Patricia Randolph

Veronica Valle

Professor Andres Sanchez

California State University, Bakersfield

16 March 2015



In today’s society many people have become dependent on coffee/caffeine in order to

perform during their hectic multi-tasking lives. Drinking coffee is a daily routine for some

people, such consumption enhances one’s ability to function and be productive. Caffeine is a

crystalline substance, especially found in coffee plants, and can act as stimulant of the central

nervous system (National Institute of Health, 2015). Coffee is a drink made from the roasted and

ground beanlike seeds of a tropical shrub; such drink can be served hot or cold. Coffee can also

be defined by its aroma and distinct flavor from the “berries” of the coffee plant. Caffeine is

considered the worlds widely consumed psychoactive drug. Many adults feel that the coffee

makes their day flow better and helps them stay alert and energized to accomplish a task.

This study focuses on the reasons why people such as mothers/fathers, students, and the

everyday working adults drink coffee on a regular basis.

This study aims to evaluate the following questions: “What is the role that coffee plays

in the lives of working adults?” and “What drives working adults to drink coffee?” In this study

the research team conducted 12 interviews consisting of 9 women and 3 men (all working

adults). Interview duration was between 10-30 minutes, and consisted of 16 questions,

including: (a) “what do you like about coffee?” (b) “How do you feel after drinking coffee?” and

(c) “would you change your coffee consumption?” These questions allowed the participants to

discuss their coffee consumption openly without hesitation. In the interview sessions there were

probing questions, such questions helped the researchers gain a better understanding and retrieve

information needed by provoking thought about their coffee consumption. Each question was

created by the research team.

The research team consisted of 3 California State University, Bakersfield students. The


research team collaborated, researched, and developed thought provoking questions that

provided insight and thought to “why” individuals drink coffee and “why” has this become a

daily routine for individuals. Once the questions were developed, the research team set-up

appointments to conduct interviews with working adults who consume coffee on a regular basis.

The methodologies of this research consisted of the research team completing interviews, using

recorder, cell phone, and tablet applications.

Interviews were conducted in a variety of settings: at the participant’s home,

coffeehouses, and the place of employment. The researchers ensured that the environment of the

interviews was comfortable, with the appropriate lighting, and a safe place to protect the

confidentiality for the participant and the researcher. The transcriptions were in great detail by

transcribing every word, comment, and response from both researcher and interviewee. After this

process the research team began the coding method. The coding method allowed the team to

narrow the themes of the literature review. The coding was administered by the Microsoft

transcription method, colored highlighters, and colored pencils. Once the coding was completed

the research team developed themes such as the taste (sensation, flavor, and smell), side effects

(positive and negative), and contributing factors (work/school, habit and place attachments).

The research came to the conclusion that coffee is an essential part of the lives of

working adults. This paper discusses methodology, the aim of the study, the objectives of the

research, and analysis. This study will conclude with recommendations of future research topics,

and factors that contribute to place attachment concept, and coffee drinkers within the social

service field.



Research was conducted with a series of qualitative interviews amongst 12 working

adults who frequently consume coffee. The goal of this research was to explore the role that

coffee plays in the lives of working adults, and what drives them to drink coffee.


The researchers recruited participants in different ways. Participants consisted of 9

women and 3 men that are employed and consumed coffee. Most of the participants were

acquaintances, co-workers, or family members. A total of 9 participants were recruited via phone

or email, 2 were approached at coffeehouses, and 1 was recruited from a college study group.

The participant’s age ranged from 25 to 56. Participants also varied in race and occupation;

participant race included: Hispanic, Asian, African American, and Caucasian. Participant

occupations included: Registered Nurse, Solar Installers, Educators, Banker, and Quality


Data Collection

After making initial contact with the participants, a location was set in place to conduct

the interview. During this process the researchers came across some scheduling conflicts with

the interview times. A few of the participants rescheduled an hour before the interview due to

arriving home from work late, or simply feeling too tired to complete the interview. Once the

time conflicting issues were taken care of, the researchers allowed the interviewee to decide a

location that made them feel comfortable. Interviews took place at participant’s homes,

workplace, coffeehouses, and at California State Long Beach library.


Once the meeting took place the participant was provided a consent which explained the

purpose of the research, the interview process, how the information obtained from them was

going to be used, their rights as participants, the benefits, the risks, and contact information in

case they had any questions or concerns about this study. The participants were given a chance

to review it and sign it and before proceeding with the recorder interview, each participant was

given a copy of the consent and was given an option to proceed with the interview. During this

process, the participants were informed that their identity would remain completely anonymous,

and that at any time they could stop the interview without any questions. All participants signed

consent and agreed to move on with interview. Along with the consent, each participant was

informed that a recording device was going to be used to record the interview, and the

information would be transcribed into word, and their interview would be deleted once the

transcriptions were completed. Along with the consent, each participant was asked to provide

demographic information to include in the research if a pattern was found. The demographic

information was completely voluntarily, questions consisted of their age, race, occupation, and

sex. Each participant was willing to provide the information to be used for the research.

For the interview, a voice recording application on a cell phone or Galaxy tablet was used

to record the interview. Participants were informed when the recording began and when it

ended. Once the recording began, participants were asked a total of 15 questions, with additional

probe questions when the researcher felt they were needed. Each interview lasted between 15-30

minutes. The interview questions asked what they liked about coffee, how did coffee make them

feel, the amount consumed, and the positive and negative effects of coffee. Participants were

willing to answer all questions without hesitation and provide the researchers with useful

information for the research. For the most part all interviews went well, though the researchers


encountered a challenge during one of the interviews. A participant began to explain to one of

the researchers that coffee induced sexual feelings. At that point the interview was completed,

the researchers did not engage in further conversation, and the participant understood that it may

have been inappropriate conversation, which then apologized and walked away.


The data gathered by the interviews was analyzed qualitatively using transcriptions and

coding techniques. Once all 12 interviews were completed, the transcribing process began. Each

one of the researchers transcribed the information in a different way. One researcher used a

transcribing service called Listnote: Speech-to-text notes with password protection and

encryption by Khymaera, to assist with transmitting all the audio information to a word

document. Another researcher simply played it back from the voice recording device on the

phone due to the phone having the capability to play it back in slow motion, easily allowing

transcribing to be completed. And lastly, all the recordings that were recorded via the Galaxy

Tablet were simply played and paused, and re-played if needed in order to transcribe the

information on to Microsoft Word.

Once all the interviews were transcribed, the open coding began. Open coding was done

differently amongst the group; two of the researchers used color pencils and highlighters to

identify any key word while one of us used Microsoft Word’s “comment” tool. Once the coding

was completed the researchers emailed each other the findings and scheduled a date and time to

discuss any patterns that were found during the initial coding part section. The researchers met

and developed a coding scheme that allowed to deep code the information. This process was a

bit difficult due to the many themes explored, which could provide important results. For

example, participants expressed their reasons for beginning their coffee consumption, many


expressed that they began due to being college students, others due to work, and some due to

loving the coffeehouse. Another code that resulted was the positive and negative effects that

resulted from coffee consumption, this lead the researchers to select it as one of the themes.

Another interesting code that resulted was the smell, the flavor, and the sensation of the coffee,

which lead us to select the theme of taste. After group discussion and further deep coding, the

researchers selected the final themes; taste, side effects (positive and negative), and contributing



The purpose of this study was to identify the role that coffee plays in the lives of working

adults, and what drove the participants to drink coffee. Examples of the data collected are

included to support the selection of the themes. The finding have been divided into the

following categories: taste, side effects, and contributing factors. Each category was then

divided into different subcategories. Taste has 3 subcategories: sensation, flavor, and smell.

Side effects has 2 different subcategories: positive and negative. Lastly, contributing factors was

divided into to 3 subcategories: work/school, habit, and place attachment.


The category of taste has a descriptive definition by the participant of how they prefer

their coffee. Whether it is hot or cold, there was a preference of the participant according to the

type day they was experiencing. Once the coding was completed the research team developed

theme more descriptive in the taste category. While conducting the interview, the following is


the documentation of the actual testimonies of the participants when discussing taste, flavor and

smell they stated for sensation.


##M004## stated, “I like the sensation in my mouth”,

According to the research, many coffee drinkers loved to hear the sound of the coffee

percolating and the feeling the warmness of the coffee as soon as it touched their lips. The

sensation would give the participant anticipation of what is to come, which was their delicious



##M001## stated, “I love the fact I can change the flavor of my coffee” and “##M004## stated,

“I like it black”

The flavor is defined and agreed by the participants that they love their coffee regular

(caffeinated) and black, which means no sugar or no cream. Some agreed the sweeter the better

by adding creamer such as; French vanilla, cinnamon sticks and hazelnut. Changing the flavor

of the coffee allowed the participant to experience a new flavors by mixing different flavors that

they have created themselves.



##M003## stated, “The smell of coffee makes me excited”

The smell of the coffee made some participants excited. They also determined that they

could smell the difference between the strong robust scent and the decaffeinated scents. The

smell of their favorite coffee filling the room gave the participant a sense of “my day is starting

out pretty good”.

Side Effects

The theme of side effects demonstrated the good and the bad of drinking coffee. It helped

explain the role that coffee played in their working lives. It described what the participants felt

was the positive effects and the negative effects of their coffee consumption. The subcategories

that came from this theme are; negative and positive.


The positive effects of coffee consumption came up throughout the interviews. Many of

our participants indicated that when they drank coffee they got that boost that they needed and

would allow them to be more productive. For example, the following response shows the way

one of our participant felt coffee helped in a positive way.


“How do you feel after drinking coffee? Do you feel more productive?”


“After I drink coffee I feel ready to work. I feel like I have more energy

and I feel nothing will ruin my day. Ummm, do I feel more productive?

Yes, I think I work better when I drink my coffee.”


Throughout the rest of the interview, this participant continued to express that coffee was

consumed to get through the day and give that little boost of energy needed. Many of the

participants expressed that they consumed coffee for that energy boost and too feel a bit more


Another example, of a productive side effect is that a few of our participants felt that their

relationship with their colleges, bosses and other people they may associate improved after

consuming coffee.


“Do you feel that your relationship with your coworkers of your bosses

improved or stayed the same after you drank coffee?”


“I think it sometimes improves it because I have more energy to do work

and talk to everyone.”


Along with positive side effect there came the negative side effects of drinking coffee.

Many of our participants expressed that the negative things they experienced were; headaches,

yellow teeth, lack of water consumption, jittery and irregular heart beats. For example, the

following response indicates a negative side effect and how the participant acknowledged the

effect but continued to drink coffee regardless of the consequence.


“Can you think of any side effects from drinking coffee and if so what are



“Yes! Yellow teeth I used to have pearly whites but I got so addicted it.”


This was not the only participant that expressed the concern about their teeth turning

yellow. Although it is something that can be avoided by simply stopping the consumption of

coffee, it felt as if the positive side effects outweighed the negative effects of drinking coffee.

Contributing Factors

Three contributing factors helped break down the reasons why people decide to drink

coffee. The contributing factors include; the need for energy in school, workforce, habit, and

place attachment. These are all continuing themes that seem to come up fairly often in the

responses of our participants, who found these factors to be strong contributors to the reasons

they made coffee part of their daily routine. Further exploration of these themes we will be done

through the use of participant’s comments as well as literature reviews to further explain the

themes and draw the connection between coffee consumption and the need for energy.

Work and School

The researchers found that the amount of coffee consumption seemed to be in direct

correlation with the amount of stress from work and school. In a study conducted by Nicole

Nelson (2013), it was found that 90 percent of adults in the United States drink coffee on a daily

basis, and of these 90 percent of adults, 40 percent are college-aged students. This is significant

to the research because we found that people listed the need of energy for work and school as

one of the main contributors for their daily coffee consumption. The role that energy plays in the

reasons for coffee consumption cannot be underestimated. Throughout the interviews

participants consistently listed the need of energy for work and school as one the main reasons

for their coffee consumption.

When asked about the reason for his or her coffee consumption, participant ##R100## replied:


“I drink coffee in order to help me get through the day. There are days that we are very

busy at work and a little boost can always help.”

When asked the same question, participant ## FM29## replied:

“I drink coffee because if I know that if I had a rough night the previous night, it’s going

to wake me up and help me get through my eight hour day of work.”

As the research progressed, the research team also began not notice patterns in the participant’s

introductions to regular coffee consumption; in general, most began drinking coffee regularly

during their late teens or early twenties, and attributed this to their beginning of new full time

jobs or college careers. When asked about the reason drinking coffee at 18, participant ##

R100## replied:

“I started drinking coffee when I started college, and I drank to keep me awake, but I

think that I really started during Nursing School. I had to stay up late everyday studying

and doing papers. Coffee was my best friend.”

When asked the same question, participant ## FC25## replied:

“I started drinking coffee on a daily basis when I started college, but my daily

consumption increased a lot when I started my full time job at Hycore while I was

attending school.”

Participants consistently stated that their daily consumption of coffee began, or greatly

increased, during their late teens and early twenties, when they started college or full time jobs;

these increases in consumption correlate with their increases in responsibilities, stress, and work.

The participants used coffee to increase their energy and be able to better cope with stressful



Habit can be best defined as regular tendencies or practices, especially those that is hard

to give up. Habits also played an important role in the reasons that people offered for why they

drink coffee; through our research we found that participants also felt that habit was an important


factor in their daily coffee consumption. Unlike reasons such as work and school, which were

immediate responses of most participants, participants only offered habit as one of the reasons

for their coffee consumption after more probing questions.

An example of this can be seen when participant ## MV28## explained that coffee was

only consumed for the energy boost gained in order to be able get through the busy work and

school schedule. Participant ##MV28## denied drinking for taste or any other reason other than

to get through the daily routine at work. This is the response the participant answered when

asked if coffee was consumed during days off work.


“Do you drink coffee during your day off work?”


“Um, Yes I do, but not as much.”


“Why do you drink coffee in your days off work? In your previous

responses you mentioned that you only drink coffee for the energy which

it gives you to get through your work days.”


“I don’t know, that is a good question. (Pause) It is more of a force of

habit. It’s like sometimes I think is just something that I’m used to doing.”

Similar responses were given in the other interviews. Participant ## FM29## explained:

“Sometimes I think that I drink coffee because it’s something mental in me. I guess it’s more

like a habit. I just have to have it in the mornings or it will not be a good day”

The participants would only recognize their daily need of caffeine intake as mental thing, as a

force of habit, or an automatic behavior, but rarely identified their need for coffee as a physical



Place Attachment

An interesting code that came up during the analysis process was that of place

attachment. Place attachment is developed when certain characteristics bring an individual back

to the same place (Waxman, 2006:35). For the majority of our participants, they preferred to get

their coffee from home. However, a few participants expressed that they preferred to get their

coffee from their favorite coffeehouse. The reasons were due to convenience, customer service,

and the taste of their drink. For example, one of our participants expressed that the coffee shop

knew them better.


“Do you normally stop at the same Starbucks everyday?”


“Yes, I usually go to the same one every morning. Only if I’m running late

then I will wait until I get to the Valley and go to a Starbucks by my job.”


“Is there a reason why you go to the same one every morning?”


“Yes, I like the people that work there and I feel that they know how to

make my drink. I feel that they know me personally, you know like





“Yes, you know how your family knows what you like and always greets

you with a smile and by your name. I just love going there.”


Another participant also express the reasons for her going to the same location every morning

and buying her cup of coffee.


“Do you usually go to that particular Starbucks every day?”


“Yes, it’s more convenient for me and I feel that they know how I like my


According to a research conducted by Lisa Waxman (2006:35), she described that

according to Ray Oldenburg, author of, The Great Good Place, certain public places host the

regular, voluntary, informal and happily anticipated gatherings of individuals beyond the realms

of home and work.


The research conducted by the team allowed the researchers to answer the research

questions. The researchers found that for working adults who drink coffee on a daily basis,

coffee was not only an important part of their daily routine, but also an essential part of their day.

If they did not consume coffee, their day seemed to not run as smoothly, and the majority of the

participants believed that they were not as productive in their work lives if they missed their

daily coffee. The researchers also found that the majority of participants used coffee as a source

of energy to get through their busy schedules of work or school, and at times a combination of

both. The researchers also found that taste, habit, and place attachment played an important role

in the reasons that people choose to drink coffee as part of their daily routine. While the

interviews conducted inquired about the positive as well as the negative effects, and participants

were asked to reflect on both, we found that for the participants the benefits that coffee provided


always seemed to outweigh the negative side effects. The research conducted by the team

contributes to sociological knowledge because it takes further steps in comprehending human

behavior such as habit formation and place attachment. It is also a stepping-stone in

comprehending the energy consumption craze in today’s busy society.

Overall, the research conducted helped answer the research questions and allowed the

team to gain knowledge on qualitative research. Limitations of the study included: scheduling

conflicts, timed interviews, limited external validity-participant size and demographics are not

generalized, study was not triangulated-only one measurement tool was used (interviews), and

social desire-participants could have answered questions in ways to please the researchers.

For future research the research team would like to expand the research in human

behavior as it relates to place attachment, habit formation, gender differences, and cultural

background. This would allow the research team to gain further insight regarding the reasons that

people drink coffee, as well as expand the knowledge of human behavior.



Griffiths, R., Bigelow., & Liebson, I. 1989. “Reinforcing Effects Of Caffine In Coffee And

Capsules.” Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, 52 (2): 127-140

National Institute of Health.2015. “Caffeine.” Retrieved March, 11th

, 2015

Olsen, Nicole L., "Caffeine Consumption Habits and Perceptions among University of New

Hampshire Students" (2013). Honors Theses. Paper 103.

Waxman, Lisa. 2006. “The Coffee Shop: Social and Physical Factors Influencing Place

Attachment.” Journal of Interior Design 31(3): 35-53




1. What do you like about coffee?

2. How long have you drank coffee?

3. What type of coffee do you drink?

4. Why do you drink coffee?

Probe: “Can you tell me about your everyday routine involving coffee?”

5. How do you feel after drinking coffee? Do you feel more productive?

Probe: For example when I drink coffee I feel that I can work and complete my task

without difficulty. Can you give me an example?

6. Where do you prefer to get your coffee? Make it at home or purchase at coffee shop?

7. What would happen if you were to go a day without coffee? Have you ever attempted to cut

back or stop drinking coffee?

8. “Do you ever think a person can have too much coffee at work? How come?”

Probe: Can you give me an example of a time you’ve had too much coffee? What


9. How do you feel about work if you’ve had no coffee?

Probe: Do you feel that your relationship with your with their coworkers, bosses,

managers, etc. improves or stays the same after drinking your coffee?

10. How do you feel about work after you've had your coffee?

11. Do you drink coffee on your days off from work?

Probe: How come?


12. “How do you feel when you go long-periods of time without coffee?”

13. “Can you think of any negative side effects from drinking coffee?” If so “What are they?”

14. “How does coffee affect the way you work?”

15. What would you change about your coffee consumption?

Probe: Why?

Demographic Information (Optional)

This information will be used in our research paper, no name will be linked to these answers. All

information will remain confidential.

1. Age ________

2. Sex: ____________________

3. Race (Please select the one you mostly identify yourself as)


____ Hispanic or Latino

____ Black or African American

____ Native American or American Indian

____ Asian/ Pacific Islander

____ Other: _________________

4. Marital Status

____ Single, never married

____ Married or domestic partnership

____ Widowed

____ Divorced

____ Separated

5. Occupation: ____________________________________



Participant ID: ##M001##

Interview Name: Michelle Combs

Interviewee Category/Subgroup: Working Adults

Site/Location: Home/Littlerock

Date of Interview: 2/18/2015

Interviewer ID: ##PR001##

Demographic Information

Age: 33

Sex: Female

Race: African American

Occupation: Quality Controller


First let me say Thank you for doing the coffee consumption interview, Also thank you for

signing the consent form, this interview is completely voluntary and you can stop at any time…


Are you ready?




Okay, my first question… What do like about coffee?


Uumm… the aroma, the taste, and that I can make it my own….I mean like with different flavors


How can you change the flavor?


By adding different creamers and flavorings, such as almond, flavored creamers, a variety of

flavors, also using cinnamon sticks….uuuummm (smiling)


How long have you drunk coffee?


Uumm 9 years, I started when I began my job


Is your job hard?


Not really, but I must be on top of my game with my computer skills and knowledge of all the

programs I work on


Sounds demanding


Did coffee make you a better worker or help your day?



Coffee really does not have an effect on my day and on me, I like it because it helps me to warm-

up because my office was sometimes cold so…..


What type of coffee do you drink?


Are you talking about decaf? Well prefer decaf….it good to me

##Probe## Do you have an everyday routine?


I generally don’t have a routine, however when I’m at home I generally have two cups of hot

coffee, when running errands I generally have a caramel Frappe (smiling)


Why do you drink coffee?

##M001##I like the flavor


How do you feel after drinking coffee?


I feel refreshed

##Probe## Do you feel more productive?




Where do you prefer to get your coffee?


Starbucks, I like my frappe from McDonalds, but my favorite is making my own at home


What would happen if you were to go a day without coffee?


Uuummm sometimes I experience headaches and that’s it


Have you ever attempted to cut back?




Do you think a person can have too much coffee at work?


Only if they start exhibiting questionable behavior…..huuummmm


Have you ever had too coffee?


No, uuummm I generally keep my coffee intake to a maximum of two cups per day…(smile)….


How do you feel about work if you had no coffee?


I would feel just fine, I don’t need coffee to get through my day

##Probe## So your relationship with co-workers, bosses don’t change?



No not at all


How do you feel about work after you’ve had your coffee?


There’s no difference (laughing) again coffee does not have that effect on me


Do you drink coffee on your days off?




How do you feel when you go long-periods of time without coffee?


Once again, I…. feel fine…. Sometimes I suffer from small headaches


Can you think of any negative side effects from drinking coffee?


Yes, just the headaches


How does coffee affect the way you work?


Coffee does not affect me… with or without coffee I perform at the same level


What would you change about your coffee consumption?




I don’t see a need for a change…. I drink responsibly…..laughing


Well, that’s ALL my questions I have for you about your coffee consumption, thank you for your



You’re welcome


Thank you!

End of Interview:

Field Notes: The interview was conducted in the home of the participant. The environment was

calm and very productive. The lightening was great and there was no interruption from her

family. Her family knew the participant was interviewing and they remained very quiet and

stayed in the other part/rooms of the house. The participant gave good, clear and concise answers

to where I could collect good data.


Participant ID: ##J003##

Interview Name: Jeanette Randolph-Nunley

Interviewee Category/Subgroup: Working Adults

Site/Location: Home/Littlerock

Date of Interview: 2/20/2015

Interviewer ID: ##PR001##

Demographic Information

Age: 51

Sex: Female

Race: African American

Occupation: Nurse


Hello my name is Patricia and I will be interviewing you on your coffee consumption, Thank

you for signing the consent form and participating, I really appreciate your help, I will be asking

roughly about fifteen questions about coffee and your consumption of coffee, okay…..


Okay let’s begin… first question…


What do you like about coffee?


Ummm…what I like about coffee? The warmth… it makes me feel warm inside….I like that


How long have you drink coffee?


I started drinking coffee when I was about seventeen years old…. so over twenty years


What type of coffee do you drink?


Decaf… well I drink both…I drink both regular and decaf…


Why do you drink coffee?


I like being warm… you asked me that right?


Yes… (smiling)


##Probe## Do you have a daily routine


No … I just drink coffee whenever I want to


How do you feel about drinking coffee?


I don’t have any feelings about drinking coffee….I guess I just like the flavor and drinking it

##Probe## Do you feel productive when you drink coffee?


When I drink caffeine it works for me

##Probe## work steady and stay on task?


It does not keep me on task I do that for myself but, when I drink caffeine it gives me energy and

a boost.


Where do you prefer to get your coffee?


My kitchen…(laughing)

##Probe## You like making it at home?



##Probe## Do you go to the coffee shop?


Yes…AM PM (laughing….laughing….laughing)


Are they the best?




What would happen if you were to go a day without coffee?


Nothing.. Stop drinking coffee all the time... like right now I’m going through Lent for Easter, so

I’m not drinking coffee for forty days… and I’m good, but I do have decaf. Tea (smiling)


Can you stop drinking coffee?




Do you think a person can have too much coffee?




##Probe## Was there a time you had too much coffee?




How do you feel about work without coffee?


I feel fine; there are no emotional feelings if I don’t drink coffee

##Probe## Do your relationships improve with others when you drink coffee?


No…not behind coffee…I mean I can enjoy coffee on my break with co-workers…engage in a

good conversation….but improve relationships…uumm…no


How do you feel after you’ve had your morning coffee?


Uuummm fine… just fine


Do you drink coffee on your days off?

When is that!! (laughing)...yes I do drink coffee on my days off…I drink coffee anytime


How do you feel when you go a long-period of time without coffee?


No feeling

##Probe## No side effects?


Nope no side effects


Does coffee affect the way you work?




What would you change about your coffee consumption?



##Probe## Why


Because it’s something that I do casually


Okay… well… thank you… this is the end of my interview…thank you again for your time



You are very welcome


Bye - Bye

End Of Interview:

Field Notes: The interview was conducted in the home of the participant. The environment was

calm and very productive. The lightening was great and there was no interruption from her

family. The participant seemed to not have a caffeine connection; it’s not really a necessity for

her. The participant gave good, clear and concise answers to where I could collect good data.


Participant ID: ##A002##

Interview Name: Antoinette McIntyre

Interviewee Category/Subgroup: Working Adults

Site/Location: Home/Palmdale

Date of Interview: 2/18/2015

Interviewer ID: ##PR001##

Demographic Information

Age: 33

Sex: Female

Race: African American

Occupation: Cashier


Hi my name is Patricia and thank you for taking time for this interview. Thanking for signing the

consent form. I will be asking you questions about your coffee consumption. I hope you drink

coffee? (Laughing?!).....


Ok, first question…What do you like about coffee?


Well…. Uuummm…. I like the taste, the flavor…

##Probe## What flavors do you like?


I like vanilla sometimes; creamers are good they add a good taste…


How long have you been drinking coffee?


I think for about six years…. Being a stay at home Mom is a demanding job


Laughing yes it is! I agree with you…(Laughing)


What type of coffee do you drink?


All kinds…decaf…regular…very sweet flavored

##Probe## How do you sweeten your coffee?

##A002## I like creamers, flavored creamers, and sugar…I really like sweet cream

##Probe## What about your daily routine?


A cup of hot coffee the top of the morning, first thing in the morning, one cup

While I’m getting my child ready for the day and as needed and desired throughout the day


Why do you drink coffee?


It’s like a pick-me-up


How do you feel after drinking coffee?



I feel refreshed and energized


Where do you prefer to get your coffee?

##A002# I like the coffee bean…there are great!

##Probe## Which do you like better? Purchase or make at home?


I prefer to purchase, they make way better than I can (smiling)


Coffee bean right?


Uuummm huuummm….(laughing)


What would happen if you were to go a day without coffee?


That does not happen, I don’t even go a day without coffee….(Laughing)

##Probe## What about stop drinking coffee all together?

##A002# No! never…..


Do you think a person can have too much coffee?


Nope…no such a thing…(smiling)

##Probe## do you think you drink too much coffee?


No…not at all


How would you feel about your daily duties as a stay-at-home Mom if you had no coffee?

##A002## That would be one long work day…(laughing)


How do you feel about your daily duties after you have had your coffee?


Ready to take on the task of the day!! Laughing


Do you drink coffee at night when your family is in their beds?


Yes! When the house is quiet that’s when I really enjoy my coffee


How do you feel when you go a long time without coffee?


Sluggish…I feel tired


Any negative side effects from not drinking coffee?


Huuumm... Sometimes I get headaches and a little, very little laziness (smiling)



Does coffee affect the way you work?


In what way? (Curious face, frowned eyebrows…serious look)


Uumm… like your attitude


Some days but not all the time I’m usually good and have my coffee all the time


What would you change about your coffee consumption?


Absolutely nothing…. A bigger cup….(laughing)


(Laughing…Laughing)… Okay, well this is the end of my interview, thank you so much; I really

enjoyed talking to you about coffee… thank you for your help


No problem, you are welcome… it wasn’t hard at all…


Thank you again…. Bye… Bye

End Of Interview:

Field Notes: The interview was conducted in the home of the participant. The environment was

calm and very productive. The lightening was great and there was no interruption from her

family. The participant was very informative about her coffee consumption. The participant gave

good, clear and concise answers to where I could collect good data.


Participant ID: ##M004##

Interview Name: Maria Sobalvarro

Interviewee Category/Subgroup: Working Adults

Site/Location: Palmdale/Work

Date of Interview: 2/11/2015

Interviewer ID: ##PR001##

Demographic Information

Age: 56

Sex: Female

Race: Mexican American

Occupation: Pre School Teacher

Hello my name is Patricia, thank you for participating in the coffee consumption interview and

by signing the consent form you are aware this interview is for research information only.


Okay let’s begin


First question, What do you like about coffee?


Uumm how I put this….I like the flavor, I like the smell, I like the sensation in my mouth


How long have you been drinking coffee?


Since I can remember…..In my baby bottle…. (Laughing, laughing)…Maybe since I was 8 or 9

years old

##Probe##Where were you?

##M004## I was born in Costa Rica, that’s where my family is from…My Grandma would give

me coffee with sweet bread…pan Dulce….Yuummm!


What type of coffee do you drink?


I drink regular…very dark…with a little milk….no sugar


Why do you drink coffee?


Because I love to drink it, enjoy it….uuummm every drop, every…every sip… it’s delicious to



How do you feel after drinking coffee?

##M004##oooh…oooh (laughing) I feel so happy very very happy and energized

##Probe## Do you feel more or less energized?


More productive


Where do you prefer to get your coffee?



Sometimes a good restaurant

##Probe##Do you like to make it at home?


Yes, very hot…and when I go to my country I bring a lot of my best coffee from Costa Rica


Okay that sounds very good!

##Probe## Do you like coffee houses?


Yes, coffee bean


What would happen if you went a day without coffee?


Coffee? Oh God!...I would get a headache, be grouchy (facial expression of anxiety)


Have you ever attempted to cut back on coffee?


I tried doing that because my Doctor told me I need to cut back from 8 cups to 3 cups, but I still

drink regular coffee….decaf coffee feel like I’m drinking water (laughing)


Do you think a person can have too much coffee?



##Probe## Have you ever had too much coffee?


Uuummm No!... I love coffee, coffee, and coffee (smiling) but sometimes it makes me go to the

restroom…I guess flushing my kidneys….I don’t know?


How do you feel about work if you had no coffee?


It would be a loooonnnggg day for me (laughing)


How do you feel about work after you’ve had your coffee?


Happy, very happy, happy ever after…..


Do you drink coffee on your days off?



##Probe## why?


Because I love it


How do you feel when you go a long-period of time without coffee?


Uuumm… oh my God….I’ll just go to McDonald’s real quick…or go straight to my house and

make coffee…(laughing)


Can you think of any negative side effects from drinking coffee?


Well…. They say your teeth will turn brown and stained. Blood pressure may go up…. But

thank God my blood pressure is like a teen-ager


##M004## How does coffee affect the way you work?

Nothing…. it doesn’t affect me at all


What would you change about your coffee consumption?


Nothing!...Just add cream and No sugar! (laughing)


Well, that’s all of my question’s thank you so much for taking the time…. I really appreciate

you….Okay….Thank you again


You’re welcome



End Of Interview:

Field Notes: The interview was conducted at the participants job. The environment was very

quiet and very productive. The lightening was not that good but it was okay, she spoke clearly

and there was no interruption from her co-workers. Her co-workers knew the participant was

being interviewed and they remained very quiet and allowed us to interview privately. The

participant gave another perspective because of her culture and being from Costa Rica. The

participant gave good, clear and concise answers to where I could collect good data.


Participant ID: ##MV28#

Interview Name: 1st Interview ( Steve)

Interviewee Category/Subgroup: Nurse

Site/Location: Library California State University of Long Beach

Date of Interview: February 15, 2015

Interviewer ID: ##FM23#

Demographic Information

Race: Asian

Sex: Male

Ethnicity: Vietnamese/ Asian

Age: 28 years old


Before we begin the interview. I want to ask you to confirm that you have read, understand and

have signed the consent form presented to you?


Yes! I have


Ok! And do you understand the terms and agree with the terms presented to you?


Yes! I do


Ok! Thank you. So I will begin with the first question. What do you like about drinking coffee?


What do I like about coffee let me count the ways? Let’s see it has caffeine in it wakes me up in

the morning .It tastes alright but I get mostly black.

## FM23##

So is it more about the taste or is it more about the energy?


It’s more about the energy. My coffee is not sweetener or anything.


So you don’t care about the taste?


No I really don’t.


Ok! And do you have a specific coffee that you drink?


Uh! (Pause) I usually get a medium roast with a half in half. Usually iced.


But you like strong coffee?


I do


Ok! So how long begin drinking?



Like regularly or since first?


Mhh regularly? Like regular basis?

##MV28## 10 years ago. I started like in High School So!


Can you tell me why you believe you started drinking coffee in High School?


I think it started more as a social thing.


Can you give me an example?

##MV28## Well! I think it was like if me and my friends wanted to hang out. We would go to

Starbucks and hang out and drink an iced coffee.


So you felt like you started drinking coffee as a social thing?




Do you think that know you still drink coffee as a social thing or is more because of the way

which it makes you feel?


I think know I drink coffee for the way which it makes feel but it is in part a social thing.


So do you still drink coffee as a social thing?


Yes! In part


Can you give me an example?


Well! I still meet up with friends to talk and it is usually in Starbucks or other coffee shops.


So why do you drink coffee?


To wake up and I guess. And for energy so I don’t feel that tired when stuff needs to get done.


Can you tell me about your everyday routine involving coffee?


Uh!! Well


Like do you wake up every day and have a cup of coffee?


On the weekends yeah! On the weekday I will roll out of bed but on my clothes get in my car

drive to Starbucks. I get a vent iced coffee with just barbe easy ice. Pound that I my way to

school. Then get another once am their around to two a clock drink that. I will be okay until six

then I will get another one. That’s about sixty ounces a day I would say.



How do you feel after drinking coffee do you feel more productive? Like does it give you more



Mm! I don’t know about productive but I do feel less tired.


Less tired?


Yeah it’s half motivation to do what I need to do and half energy.


It like your reward?


It’s an idea. It is a drug after all.


Where do you prefer to get your coffee do you get at home or do you purchase it?

##MV28## 50/50 depending on what it’s more convenient .If is here I will buy it. If am at home

I will make it.


So what would happen if you were to go one day without coffee? Have you attempted to cut

back or stop drinking coffee?

##MV28## Usually during school breaks of Weekends, when I have time. So I don’t build a

tolerance because then what’s the point.


So do you don’t have a tolerance for coffee right know?


Oh! I have a huge tolerance right know which I will break once spring break rolls around.


Do you ever think I person can have too much coffee?


Well if it interferes with your work I can see how that can be a problem. But if it kind of helps

you work I think its fine. If you always have a cup I can see how that can be an issue.


But have you ever experienced any effects of coffee during work?




How do you feel in your work place if you have no coffee? Do you feel less productive?


You see me working the morning I feel like a zombie. If I have to coffee .I feel mentally and

physically sluggish.


Do you feel like coffee affects you relationships with your coworkers or boss?




Does everybody drink coffee were you work?


##MV28## Yes! Mostly everybody I guess it the standard.


How do you feel like in work after you had your coffee?


I have more motivation and energy to finish my work.


Uh! Do you drink coffee in your days of work?


Um! Yes I do


You do?


Yeah but not as much.


But not as much? How much would you say you cut back ?


I cut back about 66 percent .


66 percent so more than half !


It’s like a third .


Why do you think you drink coffee in your days off at work?


I don’t know that’s a good question.


Well you said you did not drink coffee for the taste and it was for the energy.


It’s more of a force of habit. In the weekends a will usually just drink coffee from home and have

a cup or two.


How do you feel when you go long periods of time without coffee?


A lot of the times you don’t notice it but when you do realize it you just feel super extra tired. I

can really go for a cup right now. And then you don’t have it and you feel bad.


You feel bad! So is it physical as well?


I would say so. It’s more like a placebo affect more than anything. But yeah it can physical too.


Can you think of any negative side effects from drinking coffee?

##MV28## Ah! Sure of, elevated blood pressure, uh increased restro hypertension, heart

palpitations, irregular heartbeat, arthimia and you can build a tolerance, it would take a long time

but it would eventually happen. And a sure that there is a point of toxoid I mean you would have

to drink a lot.



Have any of these side effects ever happened to you?


Irregular heartbeat yes! Headaches not so much. Coffee does stimulate priortosies, so you get the

urge to do your thing in the morning you know.


What would you change about your coffee consumption? And why?


What would a change about it?


Yes! For example if you could cut back on your coffee consumption or simply stop drinking at

all, would you?

##MV28## I mean it would be nice if I could stop drinking it. But I kind of need it to function

properly. It’s like if I’ve never hear of it I would be fine but once you drink it you feel like you

need it it’s kind of like Adderall in that way.


So you wish you did not have to drink?


Yeah it would be nice if I could maintain a certain amount of energy through the day without

coffee but that’s simply not me right know.


I think that concludes the interview. Thank you so much for your time.




Before I forget is there anything else you would like to add?


No I think that pretty much covers it.


Ok! Well thanks again I really appreciate you taking the time to this interview.

END OF INTERVIEW (Digital Recorder)

Field notes : The interview took place in a University library which became a perfect locations

because it was quite enough to conduct a clear interview .During the beginning of the interview

the participant seemed a bit uncomfortable but as the interview progressed the participant began

to relax and his answer would become longer and more detailed. Overall I think the interview

went very well and I was able to collect good data and pick up on some of the inconsistency with

his answers and read word the questions to dig deeper.


Participant ID: ##FC25#

Interview Name: 2nd Interview (Riley )

Interviewee Category/Subgroup: Laboratory

Site/Location: Starbucks of Long Beach California

Date of Interview: February 15, 2015

Interviewer ID: ##FM23#

Demographic Information

Race: Caucasian

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Irish/ British

Age: 25 years old


Ok so is going to start the interview by conforming that you have read the consent form and you

agree to the terms presented to you?


Yeah! Yes I have


I would like to first ask you, how old you are.


I am 25 years old


Oh! Oh okay and where do you work?


I am working at a lab called Koncorred


Oh ok I will begin the interview know. Okay so what do you like about coffee?

##FC25## I definitely like the stimulant effect I like feeling awake. It wakes me up and I think

when am drink coffee I get me more focused, so I love that.


Okay so how long have you been drinking coffee?

##FC235# I started drinking coffee about four or five years ago when I was still in college. I

started using to help me up for finals and exams .Of course that has changed know that I have



Ok so do you still drink coffee? From the time you started drinking coffee; do you drink coffee

in a regular basis?


Yes! I do know. I started out drinking during exam times only but then I started out drinking it so

it would give me energy during the day , know it has become part of my daily routine.


Ok so what kind of coffee do you like? What kind of coffee do you drink?

##FC25## I mostly brew my coffee , I make it each morning all take a thermos to work and I

will drink to during work .I will occasionally get some of iced coffee from Starbucks but no




So you don’t have a preference like it begins decaffeinated or having lot caffeine or less

caffeine? Is that important?


Yeah definitely, I don’t know what the point is of drinking decaf I mean if am going to drink

coffee is because I want the energy.


Why do you drink coffee? Mainly for the taste or is it the energy?

##FC25## Well I do like the taste, but I would not drink coffee if it was only for the taste. I drink

it primarily for the energy and I like it because it helps me wake me up and it helps me focus,

stay on task. I think it is also that is a routine.


Can you tell me about your everyday routine involving coffee?

## FC25##

Mm! sure, I wake up in the morning I will make some coffee while I get dressed and ready for

work. I have some coffee with my breakfast and once I am done a will fill my thermos with the

coffee that is left. I will drink the rest of my coffee during lunch break at work, since I work in

lapidary we are not really allowed to have any drinks or food in the laboratory. So I usually

finish my coffee during lunch break. Sometimes I will go to Starbucks after work but not always.


So in total how many cups of coffee do you think you have a day? Like two cups a day?


I think I have about I would go more among the line of three to four cups a day ,just because my

thermos is more is like two cups and I always drink my coffee in the morning and I will

occasionally buy coffee during the day.


Three cups of day! Ok so how do you feel after you had your coffee do you feel more



Definitely more focused, I guess yes more productive definitely more focused.


I can give you an example “for example I feel like I complete task more efficiently when drink



Let’s see I few days ago I felt very sluggish at work. I did that have my coffee in the morning but

I guess it was not strong enough. I felt like the task were longer to complete , after I had my

coffee break with an extra shot of espresso I felt more awake, after that I felt as if the time was

going faster.


Where do you prefer your coffee do you like make it at home or do you like to purchase it?

##FC25## Umm! I like it at home, I just think is more continent than purchasing it and a lot less

expansive although I do like Starbucks I try to avoid just because it can get expansive for

everyday consumption.


So making it at home is more convenient


##FC25## Yes especially when am in a hurry to get to work. I don’t really have time stand in

line to get coffee or even the drive through it’s just simpler to make it at home while am getting

ready .I just get me on my way to work a lot quicker.


What would happen if you were to go a day without coffee? Have you ever attempted to cut back

or just stop drinking coffee? I really have never really tried to cut back. I usually don’t drink as

much during the weekends. And I have never tried to cut it back completely so I guess I would

not know what happened. I think I would miss it but I don’t think am addicted.


So you don’t think you’re addicted?

#FC25## No I think is more about habit than anything else.


So how much do you cut back during the weekdays.

##FC25## I will usually cut back to a cup or two a day .I will have my morning coffee and then

maybe an iced coffee in the afternoon.


Is that a consistent routine for the weekends?


Umm yes for the most part I will have coffee the morning everyday Monday through Sunday but

the coffee in the afternoon is not always as consistent. The coffee in the afternoon is mostly a

social thing when I meet up with somebody.


Do you think anybody at work? And if you do why?


No not unless they start feeling over stimulated, I think some people can handle it especially if

they are not use to it.


Has that ever happen to you?


No not really at work, like I said I been drinking coffee for a while so I guess my body is used to

it. It did happen at the begin when I first started drinking coffee, but not at work no.


What happened when you did have those side effects of coffee? How did you feel?


I think is just like an overstimulation like a nervous feeling is almost like I was over focused.

Mean like I could hear like my heart racing but like I said I was over focused but it was in the

wrong thing .instead of focusing in my work I what was happening to my body.


Ok I see, and how do you feel about work if you had no coffee? I know that you mentioned that a

story before is that a consistent thing that you feel?

##FC25## I think I would feel less awake more tired a lot less energy, and a lot less focused. But

I don’t think I have missed my cup coffee since I started working so I can’t really say.


Do you think that not drinking coffee would affect you relationship with your coworkers and




I don’t think so unless it started to affect my performance for a long period of time .In my

research lab we work as a team so if I started falling behind for a period of time am sure they

would not be too pleased.


Where you work, does everybody drink coffee?

##FC25# It’s pretty much the norm; of course you always have those people that don’t believe I

drinking caffeine or anything not natural, but for the most part I would say yes mostly everybody

drink coffee.


How do you at work after you had your coffee?


I think more productive and energized other than that I can really tell the difference.


Why do drink coffee during the weekdays?

I think is more of a force of habit and it’s also a social thing. When I meet somebody it’s usually

for coffee is just a social thing.


But what is it about coffee that is social? I mean why not go out for a cup of tea or smoothie?


I don’t know actually me think that most people enjoy the taste of coffee and it’s also soothing

when you are drinking it. I think that coffee is so universal almost everybody drinks it that’ why

it can be social.


Have you tried to go without coffee for long periods of time?


Not recently but during college I did just because I did not drink coffee on consistent basis it was

more of energy boosts. So during my school breaks I would not drink coffee.


What are some of the side effects of that you have felt form drinking coffee?

I think that the only side effect I have recently experienced from drinking coffee is that I have to

keep constantly going to the bathroom. Coffee is a dramatic so in constant run to the bathroom

and I have to drink more water to keep hydrated.


What would you change about your coffee consumption? And why?

##FC25## I think that I would lessen my coffee consumption if I could without the loss of

energy and focus. Just because I know that coffee is not the healthiest thing to have a daily basis.

It’s also pretty expensive especially if you buy it.


I think that concludes or interview is there anything else you would like to add?


No I think that’s it.


Ok well thank you very much for agreeing to do the interview.



You are welcome

END OF INTERVIEW (Digital Recorder)

Field notes: The interview took place in Starbucks shop we were sitting outside in the patio area

facing each other. During the interview the interview seemed very relaxed and comfortable from

the beginning to end. Through the interview her answers were always long for the most part and

she tried to explain herself thoroughly.


Participant ID: ##FM29##

Interview Name: 3rd Interview ( Isabella )

Interviewee Category/Subgroup: Banker

Site/Location: House

Date of Interview: February 25, 2015

Interviewer ID: ##FM23#

Demographic Information

Race: Hispanic

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Mexican American

Age: 29 years old


I will begin recording from this point on is that okay?




Ok! Before I start the interview I would first like to ask you if you have read the consent form

and you agree with al terms.


Yes I do


Ok thank you, so I will begin the with the first question. Can you tell me what do you like about


##FM29## I like coffee because it wakes me up in the mornings and for me it’s kind of like a

desert in the mornings.


So is it more about the energy?


It’s energy but for me I like sweets so it’s a desert in the morning for me.


Ok! And how long have you been drinking coffee?


I would say maybe for about nine years.


Can you ember when you started drinking coffee like was it in high school or?


No it was not in High School it was during college times.


And why do you think you started drinking coffee during college?


Because I needed to stay up and then for work, I would drink three cups a day.


Why do you drink coffee?


##FM29## I drink coffee because I know that if I had a rough night the previous night it’s going

to wake me up and it well help me through the day .When I was pregnant I couldn’t it drink with

coffee so I just had to deal with it . But know that I am not pregnant I think that am abusing it.

But yeah if I need the energy I will have coffee.


Can you tell me about your daily routine involving coffee?

##FM29## In the morning I will have coffee, I would say every morning.


Only the mornings not in the afternoon or at night?


Only if I know that I am going to have a rough night I will have it.


About how many times do you drink coffee at night or in the afternoon?


I would say about twice a week for.


Ok how do you feel after drinking coffee do you feel more productive or awake?


See I don’t know if it’s a mental thing or its actual physical it’s like a red bull I know that if I

drink it will work I just feel more energized .


So do you think it’s the coffee or is it more mental?


I think it could be both. But at times I don’t make the coffee strong enough and it does not work

its not effective.


So during your work time would you drink coffee?

##FM29## Yes when I worked eight hour I would drink like 3 cups just during the eight hour

period. It would be in the morning then lunch and then during my break.


Where do you prefer to get your coffee do you make it at home or do you purchase it?

##FM29## Umm I used to purchase, but having a kid know it feels like you are just throwing

your money away her money, so we buy to make at home and then we purchase it it’s like our



So how often do you treat yourself?


To like Starbucks coffee I would say once every two weeks


Do you have a preference for a type of coffee like dark coffee?

##FM29## Umm we get dark roast and Nescafe with cinnamon.


Do you drink your coffee with a lot sugar or milk?


Umm it has to be strong but sweet. I have sweet tooth so it has to be sweet



What would happen if you woke up one day in the morning and you did not have your cup of



It’s happen before and I feel angry


You feel angry?


Yes! Or if I run out I just need to go get me some


So you can’t one without your coffee?

##FM29## No I can’t, that so bad but no cant. I think I drink coffee every day. If I don’t little

things irritate me.


So have you ever attempted to cut back or stop drinking coffee?

##FM29## Yes during my pregnancy I had to stop drinking coffee.


Am there I reason why you had to cut it out?

##FM29## Well I guess it’s not too good for the baby. But then I asked the doctor after the

second trimester if it was okay to have a cup. But I would not drink that much.


Do you ever think a person can have too much coffee?


Yeah I don’t think is good


How many cups do you think are too much?


Umm I would say my mom would drink four to five a day I think that is too much.


Strong coffee?


Sugary I think that is why it does not have such a strong effect because of all the creamer and

sugar and milk is not as strong it takes over


Can you give me example of when you had too much coffee?

##FM29## It really hasn’t happened to me other than having accelerated heart palpitations


How would you feel about work if you did not have your coffee?

##FM29## I could not get it done , if am at work and I haven’t had my coffee yet I need to get it

because I can’t stay awake especially if I stayed up late the night before . I would not be as



Where you work do your coworkers drink coffee?

##FM29## Yes everybody drinks coffee they have coffee makers



Do you feel that your relationship with you coworkers improves or stay the same after you drink


##FM29## I think coffee make us happy so I just makes for a better working environment


I see, How do you feel when you go long periods of time without coffee when you were pregnant

for example ?

##FM29## Well I think that was all mental , it was missing from my life and I missed it and I

needed it ,but I got around


How long did it take you to stop thinking about coffee or stop wanting it?


I would say two moths especially, when I found out I was pregnant I was like oh my gosh am not

going to be able to drink coffee.


Can you think of any side effects from drinking coffee and if so what are they?

##FM29## Yes! Yellow teeth I used to have pearly whites but I got so addicted it.


How does coffee affect the way you work?

##FM29## I think it’s a positive effect it just helps me work better stay awake longer. Coffee is

my friend



What would you change about your coffee consumption if anything and why?

##FM29## I don’t think having coffee every day is bad, I mean I think if you have two to three

cups of coffee a day I think that could harmful.


But would you change anything about your coffee consumption right know?


No I just wash my teeth right after


Ok! I think that concludes our interview do you have any questions or comments you would like

to add?


No not really


Thank you for taking the time to take the interview


You‘re welcome

END OF INTERVIEW (Digital Recorder)

The interview was done at her home the environment was quiet and relaxing. The interview was

very friendly and charismatic which made the interview very fun and at the same time relaxing.

The interview seemed relaxed and very willing to talk through with all the questions asked to

her. The interview went very well.


Participant ID: ##FM31##

Interview Name: 4th Interview (Pandora )

Interviewee Category/Subgroup: Instructional Assistant for Server Autistics Children

Site/Location: Library California State University of Long Beach

Date of Interview: February 26, 2015

Interviewer ID: ##FM23##

Demographic Information

Race: Hispanic

Sex: Female

Ethnicity: Mexican American

Age: 31 years old


Ok I will begin to voice record the interview is that okay?




Ok! Before I begin the interview I would like to begin by asking you if you read the consent



I have


And do you agree with the terms presented?




Ok I will begin the interview. I want to begin the interview by asking you what you do you like

about coffee?

##FM31## Certainty not the flavor, I don’t really like dark coffee I like sweet coffee. But I guess

I know that is the fact that it can keep me up


Ok! And how long a have you been drinking coffee? Like at what age?


Young really young like my family would all drink coffee and I would ask for sip from them

once in a while .It would always have more milk than actually coffee.


So at what age do you think you started drinking coffee?


Probably around five


And when did you start drinking in regular basis?


I would say not until I started college.


And heat type of coffee do you usually get?


##FM31## It can be Folders and Nescafe


Do you like the dark heavy coffee or do you like lighter coffee?

##FM31## Dark roast


Why do you drink coffee?

##FM31## I drink it mostly just keep up while I do homer and finish other tasks


Can you tell me every day routine involving coffee?

##FM31## I usually start my days by brewing coffee in the morning around 7:30 , while I

making my son breakfast and getting ready for work while he has breakfast I will drink my first

cup of coffee. I will usually my second cup of coffee at night once I but my son to sleep. Just so

it can help me stay awake and finish my tasks


Does it keep awake all night?

##FM31## If I drink it at around seven the effects will last me maybe until 12:30 or 1.


And you stay awake at night to finish what?


School assignment s papers stuff like that that I can’t do during the day to work and school


How do you feel after drinking coffee? Do you feel like you are more productive?

##FM31## Yeah I do, but I also think part of it is because am already thinking it’s going to keep

awake. I don’t know if it is because the coffee is working or is that whole placebo effect. But I

know that when I drink coffee it works.


So you are not sure if mental or actually physical




Where do you prefer to get your coffee? Do you usually make it or buy it?

##FM31## I never really go out to get coffee at Starbucks or places like that ,only because I am

very particular about my coffee I always like it in the sweet side and is just hard to get it just as I

like so I rather make it. It can also get expensive to buy it mad every day.


So you never go to Starbucks to get your coffee or anything place like that?


No not for coffee if I do go I go to get there sweet stuff like strawberry frap chinos


The sweet stuff?




So what do you think would happen if you ever were to go a day without coffee? Have you ever

attempted to stop drinking coffee or cut back?


##FM31## Yes! When I found out I was pregnant I had to stop drinking coffee. At first I was

told I had to completely cut it out and then because of that I would suffer from headaches a lot

more frequently. And during the time I stopped drinking coffee I gained ten pounds for not

drinking coffee. I went back to the doctor for a checkup. The doctor told me it was probably

because you stopped drinking coffee. So he told me a could have some like a cup of coffee a day

but not more than that. So I would take a few sips here and there.


So when you started drinking a little bit again did the headaches go away?


Yeah! They did


So it was the coffee. Do you think that I person can ever have too much coffee? And if so why?

##FM31## Definitely yeah for example just in the time I started drinking coffee my teeth have

changed a lot they are a lot less white. I also dislike the coffee breath it’s like you carry around.

It will affect your teeth it will affect your sleep patterns. It could affect your health because it is

something that you are butting into your body that should not be there.


Can you give me an example of some negative side effects of drinking coffee if you have any?


Yeah would I think just when I drink coffee in an empty stomach I get weird stomach aches such

as if I was angry , I also have to go to the bathroom a lot more and I also the yellow teeth.


How do you feel about work if you had no coffee?


I think I feel about the same I don’ think there is bug difference in my performance


Ok! Do you feel like your relationships with your coworkers and bosses I


I don’t feel like it really matters much or at all


Do you drink coffee I your days off work?


Yes! I do just because I like to have coffee with my morning break fest you know with my eggs

and stuff. A sometimes during the night if I have to stay awake to finish projects.


So is it in a consistent basis?

##FM31## When I don’t have to stay awake I usually avoid it .Usually I drink the coffee to stay

awake and if I have it for leisure is not too strong it’s sweeter.


Can you think of any negative side effects from drinking coffee?


The teeth for me it’s big one, my dentists tell me all the time that coffee does not only stain your

teeth it allows wear away you enamel and teeth. You need to be careful with the coffee drink

form the straw or something .I think that the biggest drawback of drinking coffee. Also the

coffee breath is always self cousiness about that.



What would you change about your coffee consumption if you were to change anything?

##FM31## I think I would not drink coffee daily if I did not feel I needed the energy to complete

tasks. I also would probably want to change the amount of sugar I consume because that is not

healthy either. I like to find a healthy balance between coffee and the sugar.


So you would not want to stop drinking coffee if you still had the same amount of energy

without it?

##FM31## No because I know that there are other alternatives like energy drinks but they don’t

keep me awake like coffee does .They just don’t seem to work for me. Coffee is the only which

keeps me awake.


Ok! Think these conclude s the interview is there anything you would like to add?


Umm blush your teeth if you drink coffee.


Ok! Thank you so much for allowing me interview you


Yeah of course

END OF INTERVIEW (Digital Recorder)

The interview was conducted in a room of the University of Long Beach Cal State the

environment was quiet. The interview seemed comfortable and even made jokes during the

interview. The interview went very well and I was also able to get information in the cultural

background of which she started drinking coffee which very interesting.


Participant ID: G100

Interview Name: Greg De La Cruz

Interviewee Category/Subgroup: Working Adult

Site/Location: Home/Lancaster

Date of Interview: 02/18/2015

Interviewer ID: VV001

Demographic Information:

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Race: Hispanic/Latino

Occupation: Solar Installer


Ok Greg let’s get started. Thank you for taking your time and allowing me to interview you for

my research. But first I’d like to confirm that you are aware that your participation is completely

voluntary and you can stop at any time, without questions.




Ok….Let’s get started. What do you like about coffee?


I like the taste. I like the smell. I like the flavor


Ok…How long have you drink coffee?


Ummm..for about 15 years on and off.


What type of coffee do you drink?


Umm.. regular Nescafé and sometimes Columbian.


Ok, great. Why do you drink coffee?


Umm.. I like to drink it to feel a little boost. Sometimes I drink it on my way to work so I don’t

fall asleep on the way up.


How do you feel after drinking coffee? Do you feel more productive?


No, I just feel more awake, more umm ready to go and that’s about it.


Ok… So where do you prefer to get your coffee? Make it at home? Or purchase it at a coffee



Ahh..make it at home.



Ok, is there a reason why you like making it at home?


It’s just a little more convenient and I don’t have to make any more stops.


Ok, what would happen if you were to go a day without coffee?


Ahh, I think I would be alright. It won’t be no big deal. But if I can have it, why not.


So have you ever attempted to cut coffee or stop drinking coffee?


No, not really I mean I drink coffee when I want, sometimes I don’t and I feel fine either way.


So, do you feel...Do you ever think a person can have too much coffee at work?


Ummm, Yes, maybe.


Ok, can you give me an example of a time that you had too much coffee?


No, not me I’ve never had too much coffee


So why would you think a person can have too much coffee at work?


Ahh..too much caffeine is bad (hand gesture)for you. I mean you can probably get jittery

(background bang), probably get dizzy, they can make a mistake.


How do you feel about work if you had no coffee?


Ahh, I would pretty much feel the same. Like I said umm when I don’t drink coffee it does help

me get a little bit more awake a little more quicker. But other than that my day umm pretty much

goes the same.


So do you pretty much feel that your relationship with your coworkers and your bosses and etc.

stays pretty much the same after drinking coffee or do you think it improves a little bit more?


No. I will say that it stays the same, yeah it stays the same.


Ok, so how do you feel about work after you have had your coffee? Let’s say you decided to

drink coffee that day. Do you feel different about your job?


Ahh, maybe a little bit more awake in the morning.


Ok, do you drink coffee in your days off from work?


Rarely, but yes I do.



Ok, and when you do why do you drink it?


Some days I might just have a slight craving for it.


Ok, How do you feel when you go long periods of time without coffee?


If I go long periods of time without my coffee..umm..I guess I forget about it and I don’t want it

anymore till one reason or another think about it and I get myself a cup of coffee.


Ok, so can you think of any negative side effects from drinking coffee?


Too much can be bad for you


So how does coffee affect the way you work? Well we talked a little about that already. Umm,

what would you change about your coffee consumption.


Ahh, nothing really. I really do not drink too much coffee myself. Um so I believe that I’m ok

about drinking coffee sometimes. I believe I’m doing fine with the caffeine.


Ok, so is there anything else you would like to add for this interview?


No, I think that pretty much covers it


Ok, so I thank you for your time and if you have any questions after the interview please feel free

to contact me. My email is on the consent you signed.


Thank you very much


Filednotes: During the interview the participant seems a little nervous, especially since the

interview was going to be recorded but, as the interview went on he seemed to have relaxed a bit.

The interview was conducted at the participant’s home so he may feel more comfortable. I set

two chairs by his kitchen island and placed my phone in the center of both of us. During the

interview the participant had his hands folded on his lap and only once did he use his hands to

make a gesture. During the interview the participant paused before answering the question. This

could be possibly because he wanted to make sure he was answering the questions correctly or

was most likely think about his answers. There was only one interruption during the interview

when a guest at the participant’s home went into the kitchen and grabbed a cup and dropped. We

resumed our interview right away and did not distract my participant. I think the interview went

well. The participant asked me a few questions as to why was I doing this research paper, I

explained to him that it was part of a class assignment. He asked if I could share my findings

after I had completed my paper and I agreed to share it with him. We ended our conversation

and I thanked him once again for completing this interview and assisting me with my research.


Participant ID: R100

Interview Name: Angela

Interviewee Category/Sub Group: Working Adult

Site/Location: Home/Lancaster

Interviewer ID: VV001

Demographic Information:

Age: 27

Sex: Female

Race: Hispanic

Occupation: Registered Nurse


Good Evening, let’s get started. Thank you for taking the time for me to interview you for this

research. But first I’d like to confirm that you are aware that your participation is completely

voluntary and you can stop at any time, without questions.


Your welcome and yes I am aware.


Ok, great! Let’s get started. What do you like about coffee?


What I like about coffee is the taste. I love sweets so I make sure the drink I order is nice and

sweet. I feel that with my coffee everyday I can start my day on the right foot.


Sweet is good for sure. What drink do you normally drink?


I normally drink Frappuccinos.


Is there a particular flavor you like?


I normally drink the mocha frap or caramel frap.


How long have you drank coffee?


I started drinking coffee at the age of 18.


Why did you start drinking coffee at 18?


At first it was because everyone was drinking this Starbucks drinks...hahaha (giggles). I guess I

thought I was cool hahaha… But then I started college and I drank it to keep me awake. But I

think I really drank coffee once I started Nursing school. I had to stay up late every day studying

and doing papers. Coffee was my best friend.


Do you think that you have cut back since you graduated from nursing school?



Oh, yes I have for sure. During nursing school I would drink maybe upto 3 frappuccinos a day. I

would buy the drinks in cases. You know the one’s they sell at Sam’s.


Yeah, I know exactly which one’s.


Well now I only drink one a day but I drive by Starbucks and buy it.


So what is the reason you drink coffee now?


I drink coffee now to help me get through the day. There are days that we are very busy and a

little boost can always help.


Can you tell me about your everyday routine involving coffee?


From the time I wake up (giggle)




Ok, so I wake up, take a shower and get dressed. I usually have a 25-30 minute drive to work so

I stop at the Starbucks that is off Rancho Vista. I go through their drive through and I order my

drink and then head to work. I take my time drinking it and go on with my day at work.


Do you usually go to that particular Starbucks everyday?


Yes, its more convenient for me and I feel that they know how I like my coffee.


How do you feel after drinking coffee? Do you feel more productive?


After I drink coffee I feel ready to work, I feel like I have more energy and I feel that nothing

will ruin my day. Umm, do I feel more productive? Yes, I think I work better when I drink my



So you said you buy your coffee at Starbucks. Do you always buy it or do you make it at home?


I normally just buy it. I don't have time or the patience to make it from scratch, I wish I did

hahaha. The only time I make it at home is if I have guest and they want regular coffee.


What would happen if you were to go a day without coffee?


I have gone a day or two without coffee, but that normally happens when its my day off. But I

once went without buying coffee before I got to work because I was running late and man was it

a long day. I felt like I worked 80 hours and the day just dragged and felt very tired.


Have you ever attempted to cut back or stop drinking coffee?



Oh, I have cut back on coffee especially since my nursing school days. But recently I have tried

because it is a little expensive to buy this everyday.


Do you ever think a person can have too much coffee at work? If so how come?


Oh, yes some people can clearly not function well with too much coffee. There is a lady that I

work with and we all know when she had an extra shot in her coffee. hahah (giggle). She walks

in talking a storm and just moving all over the place. I hate when she does that because she

makes me nervous.


Have you ever had too much coffee?


Oh yes, once I made the mistake to order a shot in my Frappuccino because I had been out late

the night before and I was very tired. I figured that a shot would make me feel better and wake

me up. I was so wrong it made me jittery and I felt very weird. My heart was beating very fast

and I could not wait to get off work so I could just sleep it off. I will never do that again.


How do you feel about work if you've had no coffee?


(Smile) We are not the best of friends...hahaha


What do you mean?


I feel like not being at work and feel less productive.


Do you feel that your relationship with your coworkers, bosses, managers, etc. improves or stays

the same after drinking coffee?


I feel that it improves, they say I am more approachable hahaha (giggle)


Do you drink coffee on your days off from work?


Normally I don't drink coffee on my days off but occasionally I will drink it.


How do you feel when you go long-periods of time without coffee?


I can only do at least 2 days without coffee anything after that….forget it.


Hahahaha….Can you think of any negative side effects from drinking coffee? If so what are



Ummm, maybe that people can become addicted to caffeine and eventually it becomes hard to

wing off of it. Also people can get headaches when they do not drink their coffee.


Have you had headaches before from not drinking coffee?



Yeah when I tried to stop all of a sudden.


What would you change about your coffee consumption?


I would probably like to drink less and maybe try to make it at home instead of spending so

much money every day.


Ok, so is there anything else you would like to add for this interview?




Ok, so I thank you for your time and if you have any questions after the interview please feel free

to contact me.


Ok, will do. Thank you


Field Notes: During the interview the participant seem to feel comfortable doing the interview

and answering questions. She was fine when I disclosed that the interview was going to be

recorded. The interview was recorded at the participants home in her living room. We both sat

on the couch and I placed the recorder between us. During the interview the participant had her

hands on her lap and was still in her nursing uniform. The participant was quick to answer the

questions which led me to believe that she was very confident about her answers. There were no

interruptions during the interview since there was no one else in the home. Overall this was a

great interview the participant shared a lot of great information that can be used in our research



Participant ID: E100

Interview Name: Ed

Interviewee Category/Sub Group: Working Adult

Site/Location: Home/Lancaster

Interviewer ID: VV001

Demographic Information:

Age: 45

Sex: Male

Race: Hispanic

Occupation: Crew Leader/Solar Panel Installer


Thank you Ed for taking to time in assisting me in this process. I would like to start off by

confirming that you have signed and read the consent form and that you are aware that your

participation is completely voluntarily and you can stop at any time without any questions.


Yes, Thank you


Ok, let’s get started. What do you like about coffee?


I like the fact that it taste really good.


Ok. How long have you drink coffee?


Since I was about 18 years old.


Why did you start drinking coffee at a young age?


I grew up in a home where my parents drank coffee every day, so it was something normal for

me. When I was finally considered an adult I began to drink it with them.


What type of coffee do you like?


I like Starbucks.


What drink?


White Chocolate Mocha


Do you drink it hot or cold?


I normally order it both ways. Depending on how I am feeling. In the summer its always cold

and in the winter for the most time is hot.



Why do you drink coffee?


To give me energy in the morning to go to work


Ok, can you tell me about your everyday routine involving coffee?


Let’s see I drive to the Valley everyday which is about an hour drive. So before I jump on the

freeway I stop by Starbucks and get my drink to wake up.


Do you normally stop at the same Starbucks every day?


Yes, I usually go to the same one every morning. Only if I’m running late then I will wait until I

get to the Valley and go to a Starbucks by my job.


Is there a reason why you go to the same one every morning?


Yes, I like the people that work there and I feel that they know how to make my drink. I feel that

they know me personally, you know like family.




Yes, you know how your family knows what you like and always greets you with a smile and by

your name. I just love going there.


How do you feel after drinking coffee? Do you feel more productive?


I have more energy to work and take care of what I need to take care of. I feel it helps be

throughout the day.


So I know you get your coffee at Starbucks, but do you prefer to always getting there or

sometimes at home?


I would rather purchase because it taste better.


What would happen if you were to go a day without coffee?


I think I would not be able to finish my job.


Have you ever attempted to cut off coffee or cut back?


Yes, I did. But it did not work very well.


Do you ever think a person can have a little too much coffee at work? If so why?



Yes, when a person drinks too much coffee they feel they are in a daze, they feel shaky, and feel

that they can never get nothing done right.


Can you give me an example of a time you had too much coffee?


I have never had too much coffee.


How do you feel about work if you had no coffee?


I would have a bad day.


Bad day why?


Bad day in a way that I will not be as productive as I would like to be. Also the day will just

drag and I will feel very tired all day.


Do you feel that without your coffee your relationship with your bosses and colleagues changes?


I believe it stays the same, but it would be interesting to ask them...hahaha


How do you feel about work after you have your coffee?


I feel great and I feel I can do anything.


Do you drink coffee on your days off from work?


Yes, I do. I go with my wife. We go to Starbucks.


Why drink it on your days off?


I think it has just become a habit and we are just used to doing it every morning.


How do you feel when you go a long period without coffee?


I think the longest I have gone without coffee has been about 3 days. In those three days I was

very tired and grumpy. I felt better once I had my coffee. I guess your body wants it.


Can you think of any negative side effects of drinking coffee?


I guess that your body becomes addicted and when you don’t have it you don’t feel yourself. I

sometimes get headaches when I don’t drink coffee. Another one can be that people will not

drink as much water as they should because they drink cups of coffee.


So how does coffee affect the way you work?



I think it makes me a faster worker. Maybe it’s all in my head… hahaha


Would you change anything about your coffee consumption?


At this time I would not. I think I’m addicted but not overly addicted. I’m ok with drinking it

ones a day not like my friends. My friends can have 2 or 3 cups of coffee in just a few hours. No

that is no good.


Yeah, I agree. Too much coffee is not ok either.

Is there anything else you would like to add to our interview?


No, I think I’m ok. This interview allowed me to see how much I really depend on my coffee.



I understand completely, I too love my morning coffee. Ok, so thank you for taking your time

and sitting with me and allowing me to interview you. If you have any questions please feel free

to contact me. My email address is on the copy of the consent you received.


Great! Thank you.


Fieldnotes: During the interview the participant seemed very relaxed. He had just gotten home

from a long day at work so he looked a bit tired. He still was fully focused in our interviewed

and seemed to have enjoyed our conversation. The participant was interviewed at his home. I

set up a couple of chairs in the kitchen and set my cell phone in the middle to record our

conversation. We were the only ones in the kitchen but there were a few people in the house.

The participant was wearing a green shirt that said Solar City and was wearing black jeans and

steel boots. The interview ran smoothly without any interruptions. The participant asked me a

few questions about my paper after our interview. I explained to him that this was a research

paper for a class, that it was a group project and that we selected the topic. We ended our

conversation and thanked him for participating in our research.


Participant ID: J100

Interview Name: June

Interviewee Category/Sub Group: Working Adult

Site/Location: Home/Lancaster

Interviewer ID: VV001

Demographic Information:

Age: 25

Sex: Female

Race: Hispanic

Occupation: Tutor


Okay, hello I like to confirm that you've read and signed the consent form that you are aware that

your participation is completely voluntary and you can stop at anytime without any questions.




I’m going to ask you a couple of questions that will help my research. At anytime if you have

any questions please let me know.




Okay, we will begin. Umm...What do you like about coffee?


Umm, I like the fact that it gives you energy. It gives me that boost that I need when I wake up.


Okay, how long have you drank coffee?


I have drank coffee for about...close to 10 years now.


What made you start drinking coffee?


My mom would always drink it so I started drinking it with her. It became a tradition I guess.


What type of coffee do you drink?


Ummm, caffeinated coffee


Can you give me an example of a caffeinated drink that you drink?



Like a brand?






Oh ok, so nothing that is decaffed




ok, why do you drink coffee?




Can you maybe share your routine when you drink coffee?


I wake up in the morning, I drink coffee before I start with my daily routine just to wake me up a

little bit more.


So you only drink coffee in the morning?


Sometimes I drink it at night.


And why is that?


I feel that when I'm like up all day at the end of the day when I drink coffee it kinds lets my body

rest and lets me sleep better


Okay, so you said that you know after you drink coffee you feel more energy. Do you feel more



It all depends on how my energy level is during that day. If I feel if I'm groggy or I feel like I'm

getting sick I do get that energy boost that I need


Ok, where do you prefer to get your coffee? Do you prefer to make it at home or do you

purchase it at a coffee shop?


I prefer to make it at home.


Is there a reason why you prefer to make it at home?



Because I can make it as strong and as much as I want to.


So what would happen if you were to go a day without coffee?


(paused) I have gone without it so its not like its a need to have it in the morning or daily. So I

won't have a problem with it.


What is the longest you have been without coffee?


Three to four days


Have you ever attempted to cut back or stop drinking coffee?






There was a time I was drinking 3 times a day, it was really bad.


Was there a reason you were drinking it 3 times a day?


No, it just turned into a habit. I had to have my coffee three times a day.


Ok, do you ever think a person can have too much coffee at work?


No and yes.


How come?


No, as if you take it just to like you know help you through the day but, if its going to take time

from your work to get it then it becomes a problem.


True. Could you give me an example of a time you had too much coffee? What happened?


Like I said I would drink it 3 times a day. When I would not have it I would get jittery and I

would feel that my body needed it.


How do feel about work if you have had no coffee?



Ummm…(pause) I guess it depends on how my day is going. If I’m having a rough day and I

need that boost then of course I’m going to want it.


Do you feel that your relationship with your coworkers or your bosses improved or stays the

same after you drink coffee?


I think it sometimes improves it because I have more energy to do work and talk to everyone.


How do you feel about work after you have had your coffee?


I feel more productive.


Do you drink coffee on your days off from work?


Umm, No not really


How Come?


Umm, Cause I only drink it if I have to be up and down. So if I don’t have anything to do I don't

drink coffee because I do not need that boost.


Ok, so how do you feel when you go a long period of time without coffee?


I think I feel the same. I just feel with more energy when I drink coffee.


Can you think of a negative effects from drinking coffee? If so what are they?


The only thing that I can say can be a bad thing is that people would drink more coffee than

drinking enough water. Then people have more caffeine in their body instead of water.


How does coffee affect the way you work?


Well it depends on the schedule of the work, I guess. Alot of people would rather drink coffee to

keep them awake to help them go to work, but I feel that I work the same either way.


And what would you change about your coffee consumption?


(giggles) I guess just drink it when I really need it.





So I don’t become addicted to coffee like other people do.


Do you have any questions or anything else you would like to add?


Ummm, No.


Ok, so if you have any questions after the interview please feel free to contact me either by

phone or email. Thank you June.


Your welcome, thank you.


Field Notes: During the interview the participant seem to feel a little nervous. She would take

her time in answering her questions. At times she would look at me waiting for me to reassure

her that her answers were corrected. She had her hands on her lap. We conducted the interview

at the participants home. We cleared the living room and placed two chairs on each side of a

coffee table. The phone was placed in between both if us. She was fine when I disclosed that the

interview was going to be recorded. The interview was recorded at the participants home in her

living room. We both sat on the couch and I placed the recorder between us. There were no

interruptions during the interview since there was no one else in the living room, except for one

time a baby crawled in the room but, was quickly removed. Overall this was a good interview the

participant shared a lot of great information that can be used in our research paper.



Consent Form


What is the role that coffee plays in the lives of working adults?

What drives working adults to drink coffee?

I understand that the purpose of this study is to examine what role coffee consumption plays in

lives of working adults. This research will be used as an appreciative study to better understand

the topic.

I understand that I will answer a few questions and will be interviewed by a student researcher at

a mutually convenient time and in a private location of my choosing. The interview will require

20 to 30 minutes and will be tape-recorded

I understand that all identifying information which might link me to my interview data will be

kept confidential. Only an identification number or false name will appear on the tapes or printed

materials. No one will be able to associate my name with my data. The taped interviews will be

transcribed by the student-researcher [or a transcriber who will sign a statement of

confidentiality prior to transcription]. A master copy of all participant names will be kept

confidential by the student’s researchers and the Professor in charge of the study. Only they will

have access to this list. This list, the audio-tapes and the personal information sheets will all be

destroyed within one year after the completion of the study. The narrative transcripts without

identifiers will be kept for possible future research. My name will not be used in written reports

or presentations of the study findings.

I understand that I am free to choose not to participate in this study. In addition, if I do choose to

participate I am free to withdraw at any time, even in the middle of an interview, without

penalty. This means that I can ask to have the tape-recorder turned off at any time during the

interview. In this case, the student-researcher will make notes based on my responses to the

interview questions. If I choose not to participate, or to withdraw during the course of the study,

it will not have a negative effect.

Benefits: I understand that this study may or may not be of direct benefit to me. It has been

designed to provide as an appreciative study in order to understand the role which coffee

consumption plays in the role of the life’s of working adults.


Risks: I expect that I will experience a minimum of risk, discomfort or stress while participating

in this study. If I do become uncomfortable during the interview, the interview will stop and

additional time will be available to talk about these thoughts.

If I have further questions about the research itself, or if I wish to obtain a summary of the results

of the research, I may contact:

Carolina Torres (661) 200-4543 [email protected]

Veronica Valle (661) 794-9858 [email protected]

Patricia Randolph (661) 202-2564 [email protected]

In addition I may contact the faculty member serving as thesis/project committee chair with

questions about the research, or if I have a research-related problem:

For questions regarding my rights as a research subject, I may contact:

Professor Andres Sanchez

Instructor of Qualitative Methods

Department of Sociology

California State University, Bakersfield

Bakersfield, CA 93311-1099

[email protected]

Authorization: I have read this form completely and have decided that I will participate in the

study described. The general purpose, the requirements of participation and possible hazards and

inconveniences of participating have been explained to my satisfaction. I will be given a copy of

this consent form. My signature indicates my consent to participate.






Carolina Torres

Sociology 434

Professor Sanchez

My Contribution to: Coffee Does The Body Good … Or Does It?

The project idea first came from my classmate Veronica Valle. She came up with the idea

because she herself is an avid coffee drinker and she wanted to better understand people who,

like herself, made coffee a priority in their daily lives. I decided to join Veronica and Patricia in

their research in understanding the role that coffee consumption plays in the lives of working

adults because, unlike Veronica, I do not drink coffee at all, and the few times I have it has made

me nervous and jittery. Therefore, I was very interested in understanding the reasons that people

drink coffee.

In our first meeting, Veronica Valle, Patricia Randolph, and I decide that we would narrow down

our topic about the consumption of coffee to working adults. We decided that we would only

focus on working adults in order to make our topic more manageable.

I also did some field observation research in order to become familiar the coffee scene, since I

had no experience with the coffee shop lingo. However, we decided to stick primarily to the

interviews and did not use any our filed observations. Since none of my family members and

close friends drinks coffee on a daily basis, I had to look for participants. I decided to go down to

Long Beach, where my sister lives, and ask for interviews from some of her coworkers, so in that

sense my sister served as my gatekeeper, introducing me to her coworkers. I also found

participants in a coffee shop and a library. I offered participants coffee drinks as thanks for their

participation. Once all four of my interviews were completed, I transcribed all of them and read

through them looking for patterns. As a group we discussed the emerging patterns that we saw in

our interviews, and we deicide that to conduct open coding independently and come together to


focus code once we were done. To code my interviews, I used Microsoft Word to color code

different ideas and add comments; I did to all four interviews. Once the interviews were opening

coded we came together as a group in order to identify reoccurring themes, topics, or ideas. We

all sent each other copies of our transcribed interviews by email or provided each other with hard

copies. As a group we decided on three main themes: habit, energy, and place attachment.

As far as the group lab projects done in class, such as the consent and interview questions, we all

contributed to make the documents by adding our ideas, and we took turns typing them. For the

Group Presentation PowerPoint we decided to divide the PowerPoint into equal parts. I took the

themes “Habits” and “other contributing factors,” which included “School/ Work,” as well as the

conclusion. We decided, as a group, to go for a coffee-like background and format that I found,

and use a video that explains what coffee does to our brain. As a group, we also formulated the

order in which the slides would be presented. Veronica combined the entire slide together in

order to provide a consistent flow. For the actual presentation, we decided to split the slides

evenly so we would all talk about the same amount of time.

Lastly, for the for the group paper, we decided to stay with our assigned portions of the

presentation for the paper, so we split the paper and once again I took on the themes “Habits”

and “School and Work as they relate to energy from caffeine,” and the conclusion. I used a

literature review in order to better explain the role that coffee plays in the lives of adults as well

actual quotes from my interview and those of my partners.

Working with Patricia and Veronica was truly a pleasure for me. Veronica and Patricia were

always reliable, which made it easier to complete tasks and ultimately get the class presentation

and the paper completed.


Patricia Randolph

March 16, 2015

Sociology 434

Professor A. Sanchez

My Contribution to: Coffee Does The Body Good … Or Does It?

Firstly, I would like to say it was a pure pleasure working with Veronica Valle and

Carolina Torres; these ladies have been exceptionally helpful and dependable. When we first

began the project we all agreed to use Veronica’s idea and suggestion of coffee consumption and

how it affects people. After discussing the topic more in detailed we narrowed it down to

working adults seeing that we work with people that may drink coffee and also we have family

members that drink coffee. The coffee team began to brain storm about where we could find

coffee drinkers some suggestions was the campus of CSUB, the grocery store, McDonald’s and

Starbucks. Our schedules as students, mother and employees made our availability very tight and

hectic so we decided to go to these places on our own time.

My first time going out to observe coffee drinkers I decided to go to Starbucks on

Palmdale Boulevard on a Saturday afternoon. When I walked in the barista said, “welcome to

Starbucks” I said, “Thank you”. I placed my order and I began to ask the barista a few questions

about the Starbucks community. I asked the barista the most important question? “What does the

cup sizes mean?” he began to “break-it-down” he basically explained the differences in ice

drinks and hot drinks. Well, the words represent sizes/numbers in Italian; the ice and hot drinks

are short-8oz, tall-12 oz, grande-16oz, venti-24oz and trenta-31oz but only in cold drinks. This

information helped me understand the language in Starbucks but, this information did not make

to the Literature Review.


The ladies and I completed several labs together; these labs consisted or re-evaluated

what we have learned in regards to our research. When a report was due each team member

would take turns in typing the report or each team member would answer a question. The team

had 4 interviews a piece and in total we completed 12 interviews. As a team we discussed what

would be the best way to complete the interviews. Individually we decided to get our interviews

from the people we see on a daily/weekly basis. Carolina reported that she had to go through a

“gatekeeper” to access one of her interviews which was successful for her. Veronica inter-

viewed participants that she had access to, my interviews were mainly from co-workers and

family members.

Each team member chose a recording device to record our conversation/interview. The

research team used emails, texting and free class time to collaborate about our interviews,

transcribing methods, and coding techniques. Once we completed our interviews we continued in

the process transcribing and coding our interviews. Veronica chose to use colored pencils,

Carolina chose the Microsoft method and I chose colored high lighters. When the coding was

completed the team found similar themes from our interviews which lead us to the research

questions, “what is the role that coffee plays in the lives of working adults?” and “what drives

working adults to drink coffee?” which gave us a dialogue about how to implement the power

point for the oral presentation.

For the oral presentation we pulled from the themes of taste, side effects (negative and

positive) and contributing factors. Finally, for the literature review we chose as a team to divide

the research into sections and collaborate on the analysis section. Overall it was a great

experience I’m very thankful that Veronica and Carolina was my team mates, these ladies kept

their focus and maintained professionalism at all times.


Veronica Valle

Soc 434- Qualitative Research Methods

Professor Andres Sanchez

16 March 2015

Veronica Valle’s Contributions to: Coffee Does The Body Good...Or Does it?

I would like to start off by first saying that I really enjoyed this class and I am very happy

that I decided to take this course. I have learned a lot of great information that I can utilize if I

choose to pursue my Master’s degree. Thank you Professor Sanchez!

With that being said, the topic was chosen off the ideas that were presented during our first days

in class. This topic was interesting to me since I am a high consumer of coffee. When it was time

to get in groups Carolina and Patricia joined my group and the research process began. We all

worked together on the consent form, interview questions and research questions. We all took

turns typing up our lab assignments and always kept each other informed of what was lectured in

class in case one of us had to leave early.

As an individual I interviewed 4 participants. I transcribed each one of their interviews

and color coded them to find common codes and eventually common themes. We came together

as a team and shared our codes and created 3 specific themes to expand our findings. I provided

my group with copies of my coded transcriptions. When it came to the power point presentation

we all came together and divided the topics amongst the 3 of us. I was in charge of creating the

slides for Methods, Side Effects and Place Attachment. The girls send me their slides and I

volunteered to put them all together and add pictures and proof read our presentation. When it

came to presenting our power point I was in charge of presenting; the title page, the first slide of

methods, challenges, Side Effects and Place Attachment. I also contributed with a literature

review for our final paper. This journal was the one I used for one of my class labs.


The final paper was also broken down into different sections. I was responsible for

completing the Methodology section and Analysis section. In the findings I was responsible for

completing the Side Effects theme and Place Attachment subcategory. I volunteered to have

them email me all their paper sections and then put it all together. I included all the appendixes;

consent form, interview questions, transcriptions.

Overall it was a pleasure working with Carolina Torres and Patricia Randolph. These

ladies were dedicated and eager to work hard every time we got together. I have been in other

groups and I have had bad experiences, therefore I was a bit scared when I heard we were

working in groups. I was happy when my fears were proven wrong. I was placed it the best team.

We enjoyed putting the power point together and putting this long, long, long (hahaha) paper

together. It was a pleasure all together.

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