Page 1: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

Codename “NanoFEM Platform”

- software architecture and components

Codename “NanoFEM Platform”

- software architecture and components

Marek Gayer, Ph.D.

Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

Page 2: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

3MUNICH 2008

Goals of NanoFEM platformGoals of NanoFEM platform

Design and implement open source software for nano-electronics CAD/CAE

Should be flexible - for research purposes Interactive features: Geometry, meshing

and visualization Separation of informatics and physics Ability to run on remote servers Able to run on Windows and Linux Extendible; users should be able to develop

for the platform by ability write own modules Performance

Page 3: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

4MUNICH 2008

Related solutions / approachesRelated solutions / approaches

Commercial codes (Atlas)Fentaurus, Sonos, EMOSFET

MATLAB, FreeFEM Disadvantages: limited

extendibility, changing equations,performance

Existing simulation frameworks- GMSH, Salome Platform, Orcan

Existing Meshers: - Netgen and Tetgen, Lagrit and Cubit

Finite Element Solvers - Fenics/Dolfin, Libmesh, Getfem++, Rheolef, Tahoe (from Sandia),, OFELI

Page 4: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

5MUNICH 2008

Finite Element MethodFinite Element Method Finding solution for Partial

Differential equations for evaluation of characteristics (e.g. potential)

Discretizes continuum (i.e. modeled object) into finite number of elements – e.g. triangles, tetrahedron

Characteristics are determined in the nodes of the element

Complex to design and implement, solid mathematical and informatics understanding required for performance

Page 5: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

6MUNICH 2008

3D Finite Element Mesh3D Finite Element Mesh

Suitable discretization of continuous domain to simple volume cell elements

Partial differential equations (PDE’s) can be replaced by system of non-linear algebraic equations

Very complex to generate FEM mesh on arbitrary structures

To create a quality mesher = topic minimally for a whole PhD study

Page 6: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

7MUNICH 2008

NetGen – advancing front MesherNetGen – advancing front Mesher

Exchange data in memory or files Supports anisotropic refinement of the mesh Auto detection of places with finer mesh Includes application w. OpenGL Visualization Mesh output format: One file with sections:

nodes, volume elements (tetrahedra) , surface elements (triangles), edges. Format poorly documented.

Mesh export: DiffPack, TecPlot, Tochnog, Fluent, Abaqus, Permas, Feap, Elmer, STL, VRML, GMSH

Page 7: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

8MUNICH 2008

Transistor modeled in NetGenTransistor modeled in NetGen

Page 8: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

9MUNICH 2008

GMsh mesher + pre/postprocessorGMsh mesher + pre/postprocessor

Developed 1997 – 2007 Input geometry specified either by own geometry

format or interactively 3D Mesh algorithm uses either Netgen or TetGen

(linked in) Different regions are specified by defining Physical

volumes Output mesh: List of points and tetrahedra facets with

respect to Physical volumes User interface: FLTK, not very nice and intuitive Visualization: OpenGL/VTK Windows version is compiled with Cygwin, with

switch –mno-cygwin

Page 9: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

11MUNICH 2008 – Mesh of transistor + Postprocessing (tutorial dataset)

GMsh – Mesh of transistor + Postprocessing (tutorial dataset)

Page 10: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

12MUNICH 2008

Salome platform – more then a mesher!Salome platform – more then a mesher!

SALOME(LGPL) is a free software that provides a generic platform for Pre and Post-Processing for numerical simulation. It is based on an open and flexible architecture made of reusable components available as free software.

Available since 2003, 1 million+ lines Over 975 developer/months (Salome 2) Current release Salome 3.2.6 (May 2007), 3.2.9 on the

way Does not fulfill our initial requirement portability due

to be natively only Linux or Unix

Page 11: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

13MUNICH 2008

Salome platform observationsSalome platform observations

Supports interoperability between CAD modeling and computation software (CAD-CAE link)

Very good user interface (Qt4) All functionalities are also accessible through the

programmatic integrated Python console Large package with great number of dependencies Not very easy to start with Very hard, if possible at all to install on new Linux

distributions (3.2.6) with GCC 4.x Much more powerful then any other open source finite

element solution we found

Page 12: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

14MUNICH 2008

Salome platform modular architectureSalome platform modular architecture

Page 13: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

15MUNICH 2008

Components of NanoFEM platformComponents of NanoFEM platform

Salome 3.2.6 supports limited number of OS Comes as a VmWare image with:

– Debian Linux 3.1 (codename Sarge)– Salome 3.2.6– Fenics/Dolfin 0.7.1– MeshAPI – library for our FEM module– Our additional codes and Salome component – KDevelop for development– Additional tools (Krusader, …)

Running on VmWare Server 1+ or Workstation 6+ Eventual distribution based on providing this image

Page 14: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

16MUNICH 2008

MED / HDF data formatMED / HDF data format

Storing and loading data associated to numerical meshes and fields

Exchange between codes and solvers Comes with C++/Python API Data can be exchanged in memory 3. levels – files, memory, CORBA (data on

demand) The persistent data storage is based upon

HDF format (developed by Boeing and NASA in the area of Computational Fluid Dynamic).

Page 15: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

17MUNICH 2008

Interactive designer –User Interface – C++ with QtInteractive designer –User Interface – C++ with Qt

MeshAPI with Dolfin

Salome Platform

Page 16: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

18MUNICH 2008

Fenics / Dolfin – (L)GPLFenics / Dolfin – (L)GPL Winner from our evaluation of FEM

libraries, October 2007 Supports both iterative and direct solvers

(LU, Krylov solver) Uses PETSc and uBLAS for systems of

linear/nonlinear equations => high performance linear algebra

Automatic generation of finite elements, evaluation of variational form assembly of matrices for FEM – linear systems

Support for general families of finite elements, including arbitrary order continuous and discontinuous Lagrange finite elements, BDM elements, RT elements, BDFM elements, Nedelec elements and Crouzeix-Raviart

Page 17: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

19MUNICH 2008

Fenics / DolfinFenics / Dolfin

Almost nothing about FEM method is needed to use and develop it

Difficult to install, namely on non-Ubuntu or with PETSc

Eigen value problems with SLEPSc Simple and intuitive C++ object interface Many input / output formats - DOLFIN XML,

VTK, Octave, MATLAB, OpenDX, Diffpack, Exodus

Could be better documented

Page 18: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

21MUNICH 2008

Our Salome CAE moduleOur Salome CAE module

MeshAPI/Core mesh and fields MeshAPI/XML material database MeshAPI/Linear-Nonlinear PDE MeshAPI/Dolfin |-> inherited MeshAPI based solvers Wrappers for Salome Command line tool(s) for testing or

running from command line

Page 19: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

22MUNICH 2008

MeshAPI/Core mesh and fieldsMeshAPI/Core mesh and fields

Reading Salome mesh from files .med files (MEDMEM API)

Processing mesh coordinates and connectivities Processing groups of Mesh (can be defined in Salome

editor) Passing this information to Dolfin (to build mesh in

memory) Providing core fields (such as Source, Flux, Potential,

some visual debug fields) Additional methods to work with mesh and fields Control of storing of core and custom fields to .MED files Support of Dirichlet boundary conditions Clean code design in strictly object oriented C++

Page 20: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

24MUNICH 2008

MeshAPI/XML Material DatabaseMeshAPI/XML Material Database

Transforming of readable .xml file to fast C++ structures

Based on libxml2 via SAX parser approach (fast, consumes few memory even for huge structures)

Created XSD schema for database ( ), allows us to easily validate, whether the XML document is correct and contains the allowed tags and attributes

User friendly in good XML editor => Errors are marked just similar to spelling and

grammar errors in word and IntelliSense offers allowed values.

Page 21: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

25MUNICH 2008

Example of valid XML material databaseExample of valid XML material database

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<materialDatabase xmlns="materials.xsd">   <material name="Si" description="(100)[silicio]">     <parameter name="dielectricConstant"

description="CostanteDielettricarelativa" type="double" value="11.8" />

    <parameter name="longitudeMassForElectrons" description="MassaLongitudinaleelettrone" type="double" value="0.98" />

    <parameter name="transversalMassForElectrons" description="MassaTrasversaleelettrone" type="double" value="0.19" />

  </material>   <material name="SiO2" description="ossidodisilicio">     <parameter name="dielectricConstant" type="double"

value="3.9" />   </material>   <material name="Air" description="Aire">   </material> </materialDatabase>

Page 22: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

26MUNICH 2008

Text is transformed to following classText is transformed to following class

class MaterialData { public: double electroMobility; double holeMobility; int reserved; std::string description

double trapLevel; double acceptorEnergy; double donorsEnergy; double electronAfinity; double electronAfinity1; double dielectricConstant; double dielectricConstant1; double longitudeMassForElectrons; double transversalMassForElectrons; double holeMass; double energyGap; double energyGap1; double alfaParameter; double alfaParameter1; double betaParameter; double betaParameter1;

MaterialData(); };

Page 23: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

27MUNICH 2008

MeshAPI/Linear-Nonlinear PDEMeshAPI/Linear-Nonlinear PDE

Classes allowing solving nonlinear and nonlinear PDE, using Dolfin, allows to set preconditioners and Krylov methods:

Available Krylov methods:– cg - The conjugate gradient method– gmres - The GMRES method (default)– bicgstab - The stabilized biconjugate gradient squared

method Preconditioners:

– none - No preconditioning– jacobi - Simple Jacobi preconditioning– sor - SOR, successive over-relaxation– ilu - Incomplete LU factorization (default)– icc - Incomplete Cholesky factorization– amg - Algebraic multigrid (through Hypre when available)

Page 24: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

28MUNICH 2008

MeshAPI based solversMeshAPI based solvers Using MeshAPI, one can easily, in few of lines define

Dolfin solvers as classes inherited from class “Dolfin”. Behaviour that can be generalized and reused is

already defined in Mesh API It can be used in any current and future examples There are 3 example solvers:

– Poisson example from Dolfin manual, but using Salome mesh

– Poisson equation computed on partitioned group– Poisson equation computed on partitioned group

with permittivity (Eps)– Non-linear Poisson equation computed on

partitioned group with permittivity (not 100% done)

Page 25: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

29MUNICH 2008

Wrappers for Salome moduleWrappers for Salome module

Module can be used in Salome (with/out GUI) Automake based Linked with Dolfin and MEDMEM libraries Selected routines are automatically wrapped Works in Salome supervision module Automatic conversion (using Salome

hxx2salome tool based on mainly configure and automake)

Page 26: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

30MUNICH 2008

Inserting callable routines through Supervisor moduleInserting callable routines through Supervisor module

Page 27: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

31MUNICH 2008

Solving linear PDE: Poisson equation:

f(x) – source function (known), can be 0 ε(x) – permittivity of material in given point u(x) – potential, that we are computing g(x) – Neumann boundary condition, can be 0

Solving example – linear PoissonSolving example – linear Poisson

)()]()([ xfxux

Page 28: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

32MUNICH 2008

Converting equation to variational formConverting equation to variational form

# The bilinear form a(v, U) and linear form L(v) for # Poisson's equation. # Compile this form with FFC: ffc -l dolfin PoissonEps.form

element = FiniteElement("Lagrange", "tetrahedron", 1) v = TestFunction(element) u = TrialFunction(element) f = Function(element) g = Function(element)

a = dot(grad(v), grad(u))*dx L = v*f*dx + v*g*ds

# This generates 5239 lines, 191.359 characters

Page 29: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

33MUNICH 2008

Solving routine in C++Solving routine in C++ #include "PoissonEps.h“ #include "LinearPDE.hxx"

int SC::PoissonEps::solve () {

– Source f (mesh);– Flux g (mesh);– DirichletFunction u0 (mesh);– DirichletBoundary boundary(mesh);– DirichletBC bc (u0, mesh.dolfinMesh, boundary);– Eps eps (mesh);– PoissonEpsBilinearForm a (eps);– PoissonEpsLinearForm L (f, g, eps);– SC::LinearPDE pde (a, L, mesh.dolfinMesh, bc);– pde.setupKrylov (mesh.krylovMethod, mesh.krylovPc);– Function solution;– pde.solve(solution);

– mesh.nodePotential.init (u); mesh.nodeSource.init (f); mesh.nodeFlux.init (g);– mesh.resetFieldsToWrite();– Field<double> *fields[] = {&mesh.nodePotential, &mesh.nodeSource, &mesh.nodeFlux, NULL};– mesh.addFieldsToWrite (fields);


Page 30: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

34MUNICH 2008

Solving routine in C++Solving routine in C++ class DirichletBoundary : public SubDomain {

– MeshAPI &mesh;public:– DirichletBoundary(MeshAPI & meshInstance) :

mesh(meshInstance)– {– }– bool inside(const dolfin::real* x, bool on_boundary) const– {

int index = mesh.getGroupNumberFromCoordinates(x);MaterialFunction *nodeMaterial = mesh.materialFunctions[index]; return nodeMaterial->materialData == NULL;


Page 31: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

35MUNICH 2008

Solving routine in C++Solving routine in C++ class DirichletFunction : public Function {

– MeshAPI &mesh;public:– DirichletFunction(MeshAPI& meshInstance) :

mesh(meshInstance), Function(meshInstance.dolfinMesh)– {– }– dolfin::real eval(const dolfin::real* x) const– {– int index = mesh.getGroupNumberFromCoordinates(x);

MaterialFunction *nodeMaterial = mesh.materialFunctions[index];

– return nodeMaterial->dirichlet;– }};

Page 32: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

36MUNICH 2008

Solving routine in C++Solving routine in C++ class Source : public Function {

– MeshAPI &mesh;public:

– Source(MeshAPI & meshInstance) : mesh(meshInstance), Function(meshInstance.dolfinMesh)

– {– }– dolfin::real eval(const dolfin::real* x) const– {

return 0;– }};

Page 33: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

37MUNICH 2008

Solving routine in C++Solving routine in C++ class Flux : public Function {

– MeshAPI &mesh;public:

– Flux(MeshAPI & meshInstance) : mesh(meshInstance), Function(meshInstance.dolfinMesh)

– {– }– dolfin::real eval(const dolfin::real* x) const– {

return 0;– }};

Page 34: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

38MUNICH 2008

Solving routine in C++Solving routine in C++ class Eps : public Function {

– MeshAPI &mesh;public:– Eps (MeshAPI& meshInstance) : mesh(meshInstance),

Function(meshInstance.dolfinMesh)– {– }– dolfin::real eval(const dolfin::real* x) const– {– int index = mesh.getGroupNumberFromCoordinates(x);

MaterialFunction *nodeMaterial = mesh.materialFunctions[index];

– return nodeMaterial->permitivity;– }};

Page 35: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

39MUNICH 2008

Solving non-linear PDE: Poisson equation:

n(u, r) - is the electron concentration (m-3) p(u, r) - is the hole concentration (m-3) ε(r) – permittivity of material in given point NA(r) - Acceptor concentration ND(r) - Donor concentration q - elementary charge 1.61e-19 C

Solving example – non-linear Poisson Solving example – non-linear Poisson

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Page 36: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

41MUNICH 2008

Future plans for NanoFem PlatformFuture plans for NanoFem Platform

More complex equations (drift, diffusion) Compare performance with commercial More modules with exchange of fields Tests of supervision (with scripting) More complex boundary conditions Run on Debian Lenny and new Salome Get some funding

Page 37: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

42MUNICH 2008

Mosfet in Salome - ScratchingMosfet in Salome - Scratching

Page 38: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

43MUNICH 2008

Mosfet in Salome - ScratchingMosfet in Salome - Scratching

Page 39: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

44MUNICH 2008

Cylindrical structures in SalomeCylindrical structures in Salome

Page 40: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

45MUNICH 2008

Cylindrical structures in SalomeCylindrical structures in Salome

Page 41: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

46MUNICH 2008

Cylindrical structures in SalomeCylindrical structures in Salome

Page 42: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

47MUNICH 2008

Cylindrical structures in SalomeCylindrical structures in Salome

Page 43: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

48MUNICH 2008

Cylindrical structures in SalomeCylindrical structures in Salome

Page 44: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

49MUNICH 2008

Boolean operations in SalomeBoolean operations in Salome

Page 45: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

50MUNICH 2008

Boolean operations in SalomeBoolean operations in Salome

Page 46: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

51MUNICH 2008

Sub shape extractionSub shape extraction

Page 47: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

52MUNICH 2008

Shell contructionShell contruction

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53MUNICH 2008


Page 49: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

54MUNICH 2008

Scratching surfacesScratching surfaces

Page 50: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

55MUNICH 2008

Scratching surfacesScratching surfaces

Page 51: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

56MUNICH 2008

Compounds in SalomeCompounds in Salome

Page 52: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

57MUNICH 2008

Geometry visualization in SalomeGeometry visualization in Salome

Page 53: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

58MUNICH 2008

Gluing faces in geometryGluing faces in geometry

Page 54: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

59MUNICH 2008

Detection of faces to glueDetection of faces to glue

Page 55: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

60MUNICH 2008

Creating groupsCreating groups

Page 56: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

61MUNICH 2008

Creating group, inner structuresCreating group, inner structures

Page 57: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

62MUNICH 2008

Creating group, inner structuresCreating group, inner structures

Page 58: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

63MUNICH 2008

Mosfet with groups in SalomeMosfet with groups in Salome

Page 59: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

64MUNICH 2008

NETGEN mesh generationNETGEN mesh generation

Page 60: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

65MUNICH 2008

Mesh generated for MosfetMesh generated for Mosfet

Page 61: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

66MUNICH 2008

Creating mesh groupsCreating mesh groups

Page 62: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

67MUNICH 2008

All groups created, we can exportAll groups created, we can export

Page 63: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

68MUNICH 2008 running our module with linear Poisson equation, we can postprocess

After running our module with linear Poisson equation, we can postprocess

Page 64: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

69MUNICH 2008

3D cut in postprocessing in Salome3D cut in postprocessing in Salome

Page 65: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

70MUNICH 2008

3D cut in postprocessing in Salome3D cut in postprocessing in Salome

Page 66: Codename “NanoFEM Platform” - software architecture and components Marek Gayer, Ph.D. Project TCAD by prof. Giuseppe Iannaccone

71MUNICH 2008

Development of our module in KDeveloperDevelopment of our module in KDeveloper

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72MUNICH 2008

Debugging in KDevelopDebugging in KDevelop

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73MUNICH 2008

Thank you for your attention.Thank you for your attention.

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