
Coconut Oil Nature’s Blessing

Roger Bert

Version: 1.0

Table of Contents

WHY IS COCONUT OIL THE BEST OIL FOR YOUR SKIN? ........................ 3

VIRGIN COCONUT OIL FOR YOUR HEALTHIER SKIN - 4 TIPS YOU SHOULD APPLY ............................................................................................ 7

VIRGIN COCONUT OIL - DID YOU SAY IT TASTES AWFUL? NOT ANYMORE ...................................................................................................... 9

HERBAL REMEDIES FOR HAIR LOSS....................................................... 10


BEAT CANDIDA WITH VIRGIN COCONUT OIL.......................................... 15



HERBAL REMEDIES FOR HAIR LOSS....................................................... 19


7 SUPERFOODS FOR WEIGHT LOSS........................................................ 23

THE ONLY OIL FOR DIABETICS? .............................................................. 27


NATURAL ACNE TREATMENT INFORMATION......................................... 30

CHICKEN CURRY WITH CASHEW COCONUT SAUCE............................. 32

GREAT COCONUT SHRIMP RECIPES ....................................................... 34

COCONUT PECAN BROWNIES RECIPE.................................................... 38

Why is coconut oil the best oil for your skin? By Roger Bert Coconut oil is excellent as a skin moisturiser. A study shows that extra virgin coconut oil is as effective and safe as mineral oil when used as a moisturiser, with absence of adverse reactions. The biggest chemical barrier to infectious organisms is the acid layer on the skin. Healthy skin has a pH of about 5, making it slightly acidic. Our sweat (containing uric and lactic acids) and body oils promote this acidic environment. For this reason, sweat and oil do us good. Harmless bacteria can tolerate the acid and live on the skin, but troublesome bacteria can't thrive and their numbers are few. When bathing or showering, soap washes the protective layer of oil and acid off our skin. Often afterwards the skin becomes tight and dry. Adding moisturizers helps the skin feel better, but it does not replace the acid or the protective medium chain fatty acid layers that was removed. Your skin is vulnerable to infection at this time. You would think that your body would be clean and germ-free after a bath. But germs are everywhere, floating in the air, on our clothes and everything we touch. Many germs survive washing by hiding in cracks and folds of the skin. Before long your skin is again teaming with microorganisms, both good and bad. Until sweat and oils return to reestablish the body's chemical barrier your skin is vulnerable to infection. If you have a cut or cracked skin, this can allow streptococcus, staphylococcus and other harmful germs entry into the body. By using a coconut oil cream, lotion or just pure coconut oil you can quickly help reestablish the skin's natural antimicrobial and acid barrier. Many people use coconut oil on their skin after every bath. Most commercial creams and lotions are commonly water. Their moisture is quickly absorbed into dry, wrinkled skin. As the water enters the skin, it expands the tissues, like filling a balloon with water, so that wrinkles fade away and the skin feels smoother. But this is not permanent. As soon as the water evaporates or is carried away by the blood stream, the dry, wrinkled skin returns. No matter how hard you try people will never be able to permanently cure dry, wrinkled skin with any commercial body lotion or body care products. Besides the water, most lotions have an oil of some type. This oil is almost always a highly refined vegetable oil deficient of all natural protective antioxidants. One product in our food supply and in body care products that leads to a great deal of free radicals is oxidized vegetable oils. The oil our bodies produce is called sebum. Sebum is secreted by oil glands (sebaceous glands) located at the root of every hair as well as other places. This oil is very important to skin health. It softens and lubricates the skin and hair and prevents the skin from drying and cracking. Sebum also contains medium chain fatty acids, in the form of medium chain triglycerides, that can be released to fight harmful germs.

Antiseptic fatty acids in coconut oil help to prevent fungal and bacterial infections in the skin when it is consumed and to some extent, when it is applied directly to the skin. The only way to gain entry into the body other than through the natural openings, such as the nose and mouth, is by penetrating the skin. When the skin's defenses break down, infections can result. Acne, ringworm, herpes, boils, athlete's foot, and warts are just some of the infectious conditions that can affect the skin and body. Our skin is made up of connective tissues. These tissues give our skin strength and elasticity. When we are young and healthy the skin is smooth, elastic and supple. This is the effect of strong connective fibers. As we age their fibers are continually subjected to free-radical attack which breaks them down. As a result, connective tissues become hardened and lose both elasticity and strength. The skin loses its ability to hold itself together and begins to sag and become wrinkled. Once young, soft and smooth the skin turns dry and leathery. Once a free-radical reaction is started it can cause a chain reaction which produces more free radicals, which ultimately damages thousands of molecules. The only way our body has to fight them is with antioxidants. When a free radical comes into contact with an antioxidant, the chain reaction is stopped. For this reason, it is good to have plenty of antioxidants in our cells and tissues to protect us. The number of antioxidants we have in our tissues is determined to a large extent by the nutrients in our diet. Having anti-oxidants in skin care products is important, too. Dr. Ray Peat, a biochemist who has written about the antioxidant properties of coconut oil, states "It is well established that dietary coconut oil reduces our need for vitamin E, but I think its antioxidant role is more general than that, and that it has both direct and indirect antioxidant activities." Virgin Coconut Oil is especially useful in fighting free-radicals, as it is unrefined and hasn't been stripped of any of its natural components through the refining process. Conventional body care products that are made with refined vegetable oils which have all the antioxidants stripped from them are highly prone to free-radical generation both in and outside the body. That is why eating processed vegetable oils can cause a deficiency in vitamin E and other antioxidants. The antioxidants are used up fighting off free radicals causing permanent damage to connective tissues. This is also the reason why you should be careful about the type of oils you use on your skin, and in your lotions, creams and lip balms. If you use a lotion, or cream with a refined oil in it you are in fact causing your skin to age faster. The lotion, though it may bring temporary improvement will actually accelerate the aging of the skin and even contribute to skin cancer through the free radicals that are readily formed from the refined vegetable oil. The ideal lotion is one that is made from an oil that not only softens the skin, but protects it against damage, promotes healing and gives it a more youthful, healthy appearance. Coconut oil fits that description. Quality virgin coconut oil is the best natural ingredient for skin lotion available. It prevents destructive free-radical formation and provides protection against them. It can

help to keep the skin from developing liver spots, and other blemishes caused by aging and over exposure to sunlight. It helps to keep connective tissues tough and supple so that the skin doesn't sag and wrinkle. In some cases it might even restore damaged or diseased skin. The oil is absorbed into the skin and into the cell structure of the connective tissues, limiting the damage excessive sun exposure can cause. Coconut oil will not only bring temporary relief to the skin, but it will aid in healing and repairing. It will have lasting benefits, unlike most lotions. It can help bring back a youthful appearance. The coconut oil will aid in removing the outer layer of dead skin cells, making the skin smoother. The skin will become more evenly textured with a healthy "shine". While doing this the coconut oil will penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and strengthen the underlying tissues. Coconut oil for your scalp and scalp What coconut oil can do for your skin it can do for your hair. In India and Sri Lanka, coconut oil is commonly used for styling hair, and cooling or soothing the head and provide stress relief. Beauticians who are familiar with coconut swear by it. It softens the hair and conditions the scalp. Using the coconut oil as a pre-wash conditioner can rid a person of dandruff better than a medicated shampoo. It is wonderful to use as a hair conditioner. The protective environment of the skin and how coconut oil helps Our skin is home to many tiny organisms, most of which are harmless; some are beneficial. At least one variety of bacterium is essential to the healthy environment on our skin. It feeds on the sebum, breaking down the tryglycerides into free fatty acids. The bacteria actually feed on the glycerol part of the triglyceride. This leaves fatty acids which are now "freed" from the glycerol unit that held them together. Medium chain fatty acids which are bound to the glycerol unit as they are in coconut oil have no antimicrobial properties. However, when they are broken apart into free fatty acids, they become powerful antimicrobials. So these bacteria convert the medium chain triglycerides (in the sebum or on the skin) into free fatty acids that can kill disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The combination of the slightly acid pH and medium chain fatty acids offers a protective chemical layer on the skin that prevents infection from disease-causing organisms. Due primarily to the action of bacteria, the oil on the surface of your skin and hair is composed of between 40 and 60 percent free fatty acids. The medium chain fatty acids in the sebum provide the protective layer on the skin that kills harmful germs. Coconut oil is nature's richest source of medium chain fatty acids.

When coconut oil is put on the skin it doesn't have any immediate antimicrobial action. However, when bacteria which are always present on the skin turn these triglycerides into free fatty acids, just as it does with sebum, the result is an increase in the number of antimicrobial fatty acids on the skin and protection from infection. The free fatty acids also help to contribute to the acid environment on the skin which repels disease causing germs. Coconut oil will absorb easily, keep the skin soft, and yet without feeling greasy. It is not like other oils used to soften rough, dry skin. It will help to reduce chronic skin inflammation within days and be soothing and healing to wounds, blood blisters, rashes, etc. It is an excellent ingredient to use in healing salves and ointments. People have used a coconut oil/crushed garlic mixture at night to eliminate plantar warts and athlete's foot with great results. In the making of soaps, the soap does not have a tallow smell nor the smell of a vegetable oil. Instead, it has a nice fresh smell and yields a nice fluffy lather. Coconut oil is one of the most popular oils used in soap making.

Virgin Coconut Oil for Your Healthier Skin - 4 Tips You Should Apply By F Aziz When used correctly and regularly, virgin coconut oil could help you keep your skin soft and smooth. It also helps prevent premature aging and wrinkling of your skin. But, once again…when applied correctly and regularly. Here are some tips on how to apply the oil to your skin: o Use virgin coconut oil as a cleanser For certain people, this technique works nicely but not for others. You should try it for yourself to prove whether this will work well for you or not. Just gently wipe most of the oil off with a warmed wet washcloth. o Use virgin coconut oil after shower Some others reach amazing results when they apply the oil to their cleansed moist skin. I say this is a better technique, because you give a chance to the virgin coconut oil to absorb well to your skin. o Use virgin coconut oil before you go to bed The bottom line in this technique is that you must not pat it dry! Use the oil as your new moisturizer and expect amazing results. Do not hesitate to apply the oil to your entire body, even your lips. o Virgin coconut oil for deodorant Apply virgin coconut oil to your underarms…it turns out to be a great deodorant also! Those are the 4 techniques you could use with virgin coconut oil to attain healthier skin. But, please be aware that the process differs with different people. Some need a longer time to see the effects. To help you achieve best results, I suggest you also take virgin coconut oil to your diet. Use it externally and internally… F. Aziz is the owner of, a site that provides many valuable informations around Virgin Coconut Oil, its definitions, derivations, benefits and uses in the form of articles, reports, recommended sources, books, products and others. Visit and see whether this miracle oil could help you improve your health and smoothen your skin. Article Source:

Good Info On Coconut Oil and Virgin Coconut Oil By Ispas Marin One important thing that has provided the mankind with lots of useful materials in over the history is the palm tree. The most important materials that come from the palm tree are coconut oils. Coconut and palm kernel oils were considered very good health oils in Ayurvedic medicine almost 4000 years ago. The Sanskrit medicine found out that the coconut oils had almost the same health effects like the mothers's milk. It was thought that the human milk worked as some kind of antibiotic after an eye surgery. But latest research has shown that there is a similarity between coconut oil and human milk: their fat or lipid content. So belive me that the medium chain fatty acids and monoglycerides found primarily in these two coconut oils and mothers milk have miraculous healing power. Another great advantages of them is that they have many useful properties and no toxicity or bad side effects. This tropical oils, the coconut oil and the palm kernel oil will be the new oils of the next millennium. I will try in the rest of this article to show some great benefits of the virgin coconut oil. The virgin coconut oil has great antiviral, anti fungal and antibacterial properties. It contains lauric acid which is very good in preventing problem caused by viruses and bacteria. The virgin coconut oil is also good for increasing the metabolic rate. It provides a good source of energy. Adding coconut oil in your diet will have the result of burning more calories because of an increased metabolism. Also if you are following a wight-loss plan it's very good to add some coconut oil too. The coconut oil is also very good for your skin. Using it will make your skin smooth and soft. It also has some good chances on preventing cancer, premature aging and wrinkling of your skin. So this are only a few of the advantages and effects of the coconut oil. There are many more others that aren't even discovered yet. This means that the oil industry must move quickly to modernize itself in making value added products from these oils which will contribute to a more vigorous and healthy effects. Cocovida is a corporation founded by a group of people who have so much love for nature and healthy lifestyle. For great prices and information for coconut oil and virgin coconut oil just visit our site. Article Source:

Virgin Coconut Oil - Did You Say It Tastes Awful? Not Anymore By F Aziz The idea is to mix virgin coconut oil with your daily cooking, meals, desserts, drinks, or whatever cuisines you like. OK, let’s see what you can do… Virgin coconut oil and chocolate Try adding virgin coconut oil to your chocolate milk, or hot cocoa because they blend very well. Or, you can melt a piece of chocolate bar, add some tablespoons of virgin coconut oil and put it in your freezer for chocolate ice cubes. Virgin coconut oil for bread toasts If you habitually use butter for your toasts, why not altering the butter with virgin coconut oil? Add also a bit of wheylow sugar and cinnamon to achieve better taste. Virgin coconut oil in your pudding and ice cream Mixing virgin coconut oil with pudding is another good option. You can add some oatmeal too. Try it also in your banana ice cream. Virgin coconut oil and banana makes a good mixture. Of course there are still plenty of ideas how to perfectly blend virgin coconut oil with your daily meal. You can mix it with coconut cream, orange juice, hot milk, or you can even use it to make popcorn! If you use it as cooking oil, you can add some spices or herbs to make the food tastes better. Do some experiments of your own so you and your family could have not only delicious, but also healthy food. F. Aziz is the owner of, a site that provides many valuable informations around Virgin Coconut Oil, its definitions, derivations, benefits and uses in the form of articles, reports, recommended sources, books, products and others. Visit and see whether this miracle oil could help you improve your health. Article Source:

Herbal Remedies for Hair Loss By Timothy Garth Herbs are always favored by people as it supports the body's natural healing mechanism without causing drastic side effects and problems. Herbal medicines are always been looked forward to as it brings hope to many people. The remedies include, increase in circulation, purifying the scalp and stimulating hair growth. It would take some time for the hair to grow but the effect is wonderful. Here are few suggestions on how herbs can prevent the fall of hair and promote growth. Remember, there are no hard and fast rules with which to use. Green tea- It is believed to be effective in preventing and treating male pattern type baldness. You can either drink several cups of green tea each day or take it in the form of capsules. Rinsing hair with apple cider vinegar and sage tea helps hair growth. Aloe and birch leaves are excellent blood and skin cleaners which promotes in the growth of hair. Regular use of aloe vera gel is very effective when rubbed into the scalp and hair each night. The gel when mixed with wheat germ oil and coconut milk can also be used as a shampoo. This is particular effective for those suffering from male pattern type baldness. Rosemary essential oil, a few drops rubbed into the scalp several times a week, repairs the damage, increases hair growth, and improves hair texture Rubbing the scalp with half an onion before washing hair encourages hair growth. Other essential oils which improve hair growth and reduce hair loss include lavender oil, lemon oil, thyme oil, sage oil, jojoba oil and carrot seed oil. Red pepper acts as a good promoter for hair growth. It draws blood and nutrients to the scalp and stimulates the growth of hair. Henna is a traditional Indian herb that acts as a natural conditioner and is excellent for the maintenance of healthy hair. Hair loss is treated in Ayurveda with a combination of diet, herbs, oil massage, meditation, aromatherapy, breathing and yoga as they believe hair loss is related to the balance of mind-body constitution. Massage the hair with vitamin E oil as this may prevent or slow down the hair loss. You can also rub some coconut oil on your scalp and on the soles of your feet at bedtime. Keep in mind that massaging the scalp in general for a couple of minutes a day can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles. Eat a handful of white sesame seeds every morning as they contain a lot of calcium and magnesium and take some yogurt everyday. Eat adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, natural and lightly processed foods as often as possible. Following a nutritious diet is essential for good healthy hair. Last but not the least exercising can improve blood flow, the delivery of oxygen to the cells of the body, and help the digestion of foods, all things that aid the health of hair follicles. After trying many hair loss remedies Timothy Garth finally found one that worked for him and would like to share his hair loss treatments with you so you don't have to take the long road in looking for something that works.

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20 Tips for Top-Notch Ways to Shampoo Your Hair By Michael Douglas Whenever we talk of beauty, the Egyptian queen Cleopatra comes to our mind. She had such a wealth of knowledge about how to preserve beauty that even now we look to her for solutions to beauty problems. She used ingredients readily available in the kitchen for her satin-smooth skin and silky long tresses. We, too, can use such ingredients. Curd, lemon, gooseberry (amla), vinegar, milk, honey, etc., add life to your skin and hair. Occasionally, pamper yourself with these small luxuries and see the difference. Since time immemorial, women have spent time and energy to preserve their tresses. Nowadays, the market is flooded with all sorts of herbal and Ayurvedic preparations for a flawless skin and long, lustrous hair, each one claiming to be the best. You have to choose the right product for yourself. keeping in mind your individual needs. The foremost thing is a daily routine - so spare 10 minutes exclusively for yourself and your body. Long, lustrous, silky hair needs daily care, and, by following some simple rules, you can certainly be proud of your crowning glory. Shampoos are designed to cleanse the hair and scalp and to remove dirt and grime without stripping away too much of the natural sebum. They contain cleansing agents, perfume, preservatives and conditioning agents. The conditioning agents smoothen the cuticle scales so that the hair doesn't get tangled. All shampoo labels have the words pH factor printed on them. The letters pH refer to the acid/alkaline level of a substance. It is calculated on a scale of 1-14. Numbers below 7 denote acidity, those over 7 alkalinity. Most shampoos range between a pH factor of 5 and 7; medicated varieties have a pH of about 7.3, which is near neutral. Shampoo your hair regularly. This will prevent the natural oil, humidity or daily sweat from making its presence felt in the form of new flakes. Follow these simple tips and see the difference they make to the quality of your hair. 1. Always wash your brush and comb before you shampoo your hair. 2. Brush your hair before shampooing to free it of any tangles and to loosen dirt and dead skin cells. 3. When washing your hair, massage the shampoo into the roots and allow the lather to work into the ends. Apply a conditioner from the mid-length of the hair to the ends, or use a leave-in conditioner. 4. Always use the correct shampoo for your hair type. Nowadays, small sachets of all brands are easily available. Buy them to test which brand suits you best.

5. When pouring water over your head, see that the soapy water doesn't fall on your face. Keep your head back and pour the water. In this way, your chances of getting acne and blackheads are reduced. 6. Don't wash your hair with body-wash or soap. They are highly alkaline and will upset your hair's natural pH balance by stripping away the natural oils. 7. Always read the instructions first. Some shampoos need to be left on the scalp for a few minutes before rinsing. 8. Don't wash your hair in a bathtub; dirty bath water is not suitable for cleaning hair, and it is difficult to rinse properly without a shower attachment or a separate source of water. 9. Change your shampoo approximately every two weeks since hair develops resistance to certain ingredients after some time. 10. Don't judge a shampoo by the lather it produces. The hardness of the water in your area may be one of the causes. 11. Many shampoos are labelled "pH balanced." This means they have the same acidity level as hair. Use a shampoo of this type if you have coloured hair. These shampoos are not necessary for normal hair as long as you condition your hair after shampooing. Use lukewarm water since very hot water leads to dandruff and dull hair. Wet the hair, then apply a small amount of shampoo and massage it into the roots with your fingertips. The hair will grow more lustrous. 13. Always use the same brand of conditioner as the shampoo. Apply it from the mid-length of the hair to the root and rinse with cold water since cold water closes the pores opened while massaging. 14. Don't comb your hair immediately after shampooing as it leads to split ends. 15. Wrap your head with a soft towel till the water is absorbed, then leave your hair loose and let it dry in the sun for 5-10 minutes. The sun's rays are an excellent source of vitamin D. 16. If not in a hurry, avoid using hair-dryers and hair-stylers. That would be to your advantage. 17. Treat your hair with an egg, honey and lemon mixture or a good shampoo. It sounds messy but it's a great, inexpensive way to have shiny, silky hair, especially if you have been ill-treating your hair with sun, pollution, perms or blow-drying.

18. After shampooing, rinse with vinegar water (one tablespoonful of vinegar mixed in a mug of water). Continue this once a week for at least three months. 19. Pamper your crown of hair with regular oil massages and make sure you massage the hair ends too. Coconut oil is still the wonder oil for all hair types. Massage your scalp with a little warm coconut oil at least one hour before you shampoo. 20. Once a month, use an egg shampoo or beat two eggs and add two tablespoonfuls of water into it. Wet the hair and apply the egg mixture over the hair. Now massage your scalp and leave the mixture on for 10-15 minutes. Then rinse your hair with lukewarm water. This will keep both dandruff and hair-fall problems away from you. Whether your hair are long or short, it requires routine maintenance. If you can't afford it, go to a good beauty salon at least once or twice a month or else follow these 20 simple rules given here. For more tips on hair care, how to shampoo your hair and hair conditioning.... please visit Article Source:

Beat Candida with Virgin Coconut Oil By Roger Bert When antibiotics are taken, the good bacteria are often killed along with the disease-causing ones. This leaves yeast, such as Candida which is not affected by antibiotics, to grow unrestrained, proliferating and overrunning the intestinal tract. Normally, the population of candida is in healthy balance with other intestinal flora. However, sometimes its population explodes because of various factors such as an improper diet, bursts of intense stress or ongoing low-grade stress that isn’t managed effectively combined with poor sleep/exercise routines or antibiotics or oral contraceptives—any dietary or lifestyle imbalances that compromise natural immunity can result in the yeast bacteria getting out of control and escaping the bounds of its normal abodes to other parts of the body. Candida is a genus of yeasts. In healthy people, candida does little harm whereas it's kept in check by beneficial microorganisms, or probiotics. Symptoms may be caused by Candida? Does your long struggle for healthiness cause you depression? Feel bad "all over," yet the cause can't be identified and treatment of many kinds hasn't helped. Do you experience fatigue? Do you have a white coating on your tongue or inside your mouth? Do you feel 20 to 30 years older than you really are? Avoid sweet, heavy, cold foods. Sugars create an environment that facilitates the growth of yeast bacteria. Besides caprylic acid, two other medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil have been found to kill Candida albicans. Coconut Oil kills the fungus/yeast infections that cause candida, ringworm, athletes foot, thrush, jock itch, diaper rash and more. Avoid caffeine, nicotine, alcohol and carbonated beverages. Help Heal CANDIDA; Lauric acid in virgin coconut oil appears to kill lipid-coated bacteria but does not appear to harm "friendly" intestinal bacteria. Ayurvedic healers recommend a holistic approach to restoring balance that includes diet, lifestyle recommendations and herbs and spices. More information available in The Healing Miracles of Coconut Oil by Dr. Bruce Fife, ND. This book can be purchased from Great for your skin, one of the best anti-Candida foods and highly recommended for weight loss, coconut oil is another miracle of nature.

6 Ways To Avoid Colds and Flus Over The Holidays By Kevin Koskella It seems that nearly everyone catches a cold or the flu between the months of December through February. Most people think this is just the way it has to be, and germs just randomly attack people. Well, this just isn’t true! There are many ways to avoid these annoying and often depressing illnesses. Follow these 5 suggestions and you will significantly reduce your chances of falling prey to one of these nasty attacks! 1. Avoid sugar. As difficult as this may seem in during the holidays, it’s the #1 reason people get sick! Sugar takes a big hit on your immune system, and opens you up to disease. If you absolutely cannot do without sweets for 6 weeks, pick and choose a few specific times when you allow yourself a dessert. The daily chocolate around the office will surely come back to haunt you! 2. Get enough sleep. If holiday demands are forcing you to cut down on sleep, you are also putting stress on your defense against germs. Winter is actually a time when you should plan to sleep a little more than usual, not try to get by with as little as possible. 3. Avoid Stuffing Yourself. Although it may be tempting to overeat during this time, this will cause your liver to have to work extra hard, and lead to you getting sick. Overeating any time is also a good way to gain extra weight, as your body stores some of what it can’t use as fat. Stick with smaller meals more often and don’t let others pressure you into eating too much “because it’s the holiday season.” Nibbling on appetizers for hours before a big meal can really do you in. Make sure you think about what you are eating and slow down on the alcohol! 4. Prioritize and Reduce Stress. Make sure you are prioritizing your work and daily activities so you don’t become overwhelmed and stressed out. Keeping unwanted stress away is a big factor in staying healthy. Take up yoga or meditation, or just reserve 20-30 minutes per day that’s “your time”- where you don’t have to do anything or be anywhere. 5. Cook with Coconut Oil. For many years coconut oil was the preferred oil for Americans, until the Canola industry spread false rumors about it, claiming that it was bad for your health. Recent studies have shown that in fact by not eating coconut oil we are missing out on nutrients that keep our immune systems strong. It is the only “good” form of saturated fat. To stay strong, have a couple of teaspoons every day, either in your cooking or as part of a smoothie. 6. Aerobic Workouts. If you’re going to miss a workout, make it an anaerobic one. Stick with your walking, jogging, swimming, cycling. Anaerobic workouts

like lifting weights, or doing sprints, put more stress on the body, and skipping these occasionally during this time of year can actually benefit your health. Kevin Koskella is a personal trainer and triathlon coach in San Diego. He has owned a personal training company, and consulted in the fitness field for over 9 years. Author of the E-Book, The Healthy Burn, a comprehensive fat-burning plan for couch potatoes, competitive athletes, and anyone in between. For more effective ways to lose weight and get in shape, check out Article Source:

Choose the Right Oil to Fight Thyroid Disease By John Goh The thyroid gland is one of the larger endocrine glands in the body. It is a double-lobed structure located in the neck and produces hormones, principally thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). These hormones regulate the rate of metabolism and affect the growth and rate of function of many other systems in the body. Hyperthyroidism (over-active thyroid) and hypothyroidism (under-active thyroid) are the most common problems of the thyroid gland Many thyroid patients experience symptoms such as cold hands and feet, low body temperature, headaches and migraines, dry skin, hair loss, slow heart rate, joint aches, constipation, fatigue, and weight gain. Thyroid disease can affect almost every aspect of health, so understanding more about your thyroid, and the symptoms that occur when something goes wrong with this small gland, can help you regain your health. Many dietary oils can negatively affect thyroid health. We cook with them almost every day and they are plentiful in commercially prepared foods. It is possible they are among the worst offenders when it comes to the thyroid gland malfunctioning. These dietary oils are the vegetable oils which are polyunsaturated oils. The most common source of these oils used in commercially prepared foods is the soybean. Soybean has been proven to slow thyroid functions. It must be stressed that coconut oil is not a thyroid cure by itself. However, it can help people with low thyroid function because it stimulates metabolism and boosts energy. Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids which is a different type of fat. Also known as medium chain triglycerides, medium chain fatty acids are known to increase metabolism and promote weight loss. It can raise basal body temperatures while increasing metabolism. Used in combination with other factors, coconut oil has the potential to greatly improve thyroid system function. Coconut oil has helped many people end their dependence on thyroid medication. Protect your immune system and nourish your health with virgin coconut oil, Go to: Feel free to use this article on your website or ezine as long as the following information about author/website is included. Article Source:

Herbal Remedies for Hair Loss By Timothy Garth Herbs are always favored by people as it supports the body's natural healing mechanism without causing drastic side effects and problems. Herbal medicines are always been looked forward to as it brings hope to many people. The remedies include, increase in circulation, purifying the scalp and stimulating hair growth. It would take some time for the hair to grow but the effect is wonderful. Here are few suggestions on how herbs can prevent the fall of hair and promote growth. Remember, there are no hard and fast rules with which to use. Green tea- It is believed to be effective in preventing and treating male pattern type baldness. You can either drink several cups of green tea each day or take it in the form of capsules. Rinsing hair with apple cider vinegar and sage tea helps hair growth. Aloe and birch leaves are excellent blood and skin cleaners which promotes in the growth of hair. Regular use of aloe vera gel is very effective when rubbed into the scalp and hair each night. The gel when mixed with wheat germ oil and coconut milk can also be used as a shampoo. This is particular effective for those suffering from male pattern type baldness. Rosemary essential oil, a few drops rubbed into the scalp several times a week, repairs the damage, increases hair growth, and improves hair texture Rubbing the scalp with half an onion before washing hair encourages hair growth. Other essential oils which improve hair growth and reduce hair loss include lavender oil, lemon oil, thyme oil, sage oil, jojoba oil and carrot seed oil. Red pepper acts as a good promoter for hair growth. It draws blood and nutrients to the scalp and stimulates the growth of hair. Henna is a traditional Indian herb that acts as a natural conditioner and is excellent for the maintenance of healthy hair. Hair loss is treated in Ayurveda with a combination of diet, herbs, oil massage, meditation, aromatherapy, breathing and yoga as they believe hair loss is related to the balance of mind-body constitution. Massage the hair with vitamin E oil as this may prevent or slow down the hair loss. You can also rub some coconut oil on your scalp and on the soles of your feet at bedtime. Keep in mind that massaging the scalp in general for a couple of minutes a day can stimulate blood flow to the hair follicles. Eat a handful of white sesame seeds every morning as they contain a lot of calcium and magnesium and take some yogurt everyday. Eat adequate amounts of protein, carbohydrates, natural and lightly processed foods as often as possible. Following a nutritious diet is essential for good healthy hair. Last but not the least exercising can improve blood flow, the delivery of oxygen to the cells of the body, and help the digestion of foods, all things that aid the health of hair follicles. After trying many hair loss remedies Timothy Garth finally found one that worked for him and would like to share his hair loss treatments with you so you don't have to take the long road in looking for something that works.

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A Low Fat Diet May Be Setting You Up For A Heart Attack By Gene D. Millen New research shows that a low fat diet will lower the amount of HDL cholesterol in your body. I can almost hear you saying, "And your point is?" In a nutshell HDL cholesterol is composed of large buoyant particles known, as APO A1, which are "anti-atherogenic." This means that they act like guardian angels to reverse heart disease by scooping up the plaque that could clog your arteries and cause a heart attack or stroke. According to Reuters Health, researchers at Buffalo's State University of New York tracked two similar a groups of healthy, sedentary adults. The first group ate a low fat diet (less than 20 percent of calories from fat) for three weeks. A second group chowed down on a high-fat eating plan, which consisted of 50% or more of calories from fat. Researchers found that the levels of good cholesterol (HDL) in those who ate the high fat diet plummeted by more than 14% compared to those who consumed a low fat diet. Further, the high fat diet group increased their HDL cholesterol count to 63 mg/dl, which is near the top of the desired range. If you've been concerned that a low carb diet could increase your risk of a heart attack...worry not. A new study just reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association, proves once again that eating a low-carb, high-fat diet does not raise the risk of heart disease. Let's define the right kind of low carb diet. A better term would be "slow carb." We want the carbohydrates that are high in fiber and digest slowly to avoid an insulin rush. These include plenty of vegetables, beans and whole grains. Limit the sugary carbs, white flour and pasta to special occasions. The study, which examined more than 82,000 women over 20 years, found that those who got their carbohydrates from refined sugars and processed foods nearly doubled their risk of heart disease. During the term of the study, food labels were not required to disclose the amount of trans fats in the products, and the research did not determine the types of fat that were consumed by the subjects. One of my pet peeves is that the experts commonly lump all types of fat in the same pot. All fat is not created equal. There are some fats and oils that are essential to good health and most Americans do not get nearly enough of them. Omega 3 oils and coconut oil benefit our heart, brain and immune system in many ways.

There is one fat that can greatly shorten your life...trans fat. You should avoid it like the plague. Whenever you see “partially hydrogenated oil” on the label you know it has trans fats. In the ongoing Nurses Health Study each 2% increase in trans fat consumption converted to a whopping 93% increase in coronary heart disease. If you want a healthy heart the low fat diet comes in second best to the common sense approach of eating complex carbohydrates and lots of healthy fat. Heart bypass survivor explains little known heart attack risks that are more dangerouts than high cholesterol in a Free Report "How To Stop A Heart Attack Before It Stops You!" Go to The Heart Health website at Article Source:

7 Superfoods for Weight Loss By Sylvia Riley The superfoods in this article not only have weight loss attributes but supreme health benefits that make them ideal members in any healthy weight loss regime. Chilli The active ingredient in chilli called capsaicin is a thermogenic agent which helps to increase metabolism and the burning of calories and fat. This is why capsaicin is found in many natural weight loss formulas. Capsaicin is also believed to be an appetite suppressant. Two studies led by the same Japanese researcher (Yoshioka et al., British Journal of Nutrition; 1998, 1999), revealed the ability of cayenne to increase the metabolism of dietary fats in women as well as demonstrate modest reductions in appetite. In addition to weight loss properties, capsaicin has been shown to relieve pain, sinusitis, psoriasis, migraines and arthritis, improve circulation and stomach conditions and inhibit the growth of cancer cells. Bee pollen Bee Pollen, around 40% protein with a staggering composition of nutrients, enzymes and phytochemicals, is a virtually complete food. As well as a plethora of health benefits, it is said to stimulate the metabolism, speeding up the burning of calories, and its high content of lecithin can help to flush fat from the body. Bee pollen also functions as an appetite suppressant, containing the amino acid phenylalanine that is known to effect the area of the brain that deals with feelings of hunger and fullness. Unlike the chemical manmade derivative of phenylalanin called phenylpropanolamine used in commercial weight-loss products, phenylalanin is not addictive and has no negative side effects. Bee pollen also satiates the appetite and eliminates cravings because it is so nutrient-dense. Coconut oil Dr. Weston A Price, the Darwin of nutrition writes, ‘Replacing the fats you now eat with coconut oil may be the wisest decision you can make to lose excess body fat…You can lose unwanted body fat by eating more saturated fat (in the form of coconut oil) and less polyunsaturated fat (processed vegetable oils). One of the remarkable things about coconut oil is that it can help you lose weight. Yes, there is a dietary fat that can actually help you take off unwanted pounds. Coconut oil can quite literally be called a low-fat fat.’ Coconut oil is unique from animal saturated fats in that it is comprised of medium chain fatty acids which are absorbed directly and used immediately

for energy. Raymond Peat MD, author of Coconut Oil and Its Virtues, concludes, ‘The anti-obesity effect of coconut oil is clear in all of the animal studies, and in my friends who eat it regularly.’ Coconut oil has also been found to benefit a myriad of conditions from diabetes, chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia, digestive disorders, thyroid imbalances, and viral, bacterial and fungal infections. Nettles Nettles contain serotonin, a mood enhancing neurotransmitter with a calming influence. Serotonin also plays a role in the feelings of satiation one experiences after eating, hence functions as an appetite suppressant. It is for this reason that serotonin supplements have been designed to tackle food cravings and aid slimming. Studies have shown a direct link between obesity (due to overeating) and decreased brain levels of serotonin. This is no doubt one reason why nettles have a traditional reputation for improving weight-loss. The late naturalist and wild-food forager Euel Gibbons claims, ‘stinging nettle is very efficacious in removing unwanted pounds!’. Nettles are incredible mineral dense and are cleansing and detoxifying for the body. They are also great for skin, hair and nails as they contain the beautifying mineral sulphur. Chocolate Cacao (aka pure chocolate), contains chemicals that increase levels of serotonin in the brain, and as such has appetite suppressing properties. Serotonin levels are raised in part due to the amino acid tryptophan in cacao as well as the action of monoamine oxidase enzyme inhibitors (MAO inhibitors). These decrease our body’s ability to break down serotonin so that more of this neurotransmitter remains in the brain remains, creating feelings of fullness for longer. Cacao is also exceptionally high in antioxidants, has potent aphrodisiac properties, healthy minerals and mood-boosting compounds such as PEA the ‘love chemical’. Pure, unrefined chocolate contains none of the detriments of commercial products such as sugar, hydrogenated fats, milk, additives, agro-chemicals and solvents. Green Tea A study published in the December 1999 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, led by Dr. Dullo at the University of Geneva, indicates that substances in green tea extract may actually promote weight loss. Men given

a combination of both caffeine and green tea extract burned more fat calories than those given caffeine or placebo alone. The scientists believed that the catechin flavonoids in green tea may alter the body's use of norepinephrine, a chemical transmitter in the nervous system, to increase the rate of calorie burning. They concluded, ‘Green tea has thermogenic properties and promotes fat oxidation beyond that explained by its caffeine content per se’. Green tea also lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of stroke, protects against cancer, prevents teeth cavities and has anti-inflammatory action. Omega 3 Fish Oil Omega-3 oils serve numerous bodily processes and are particularly good for the immune system and heart as well as arthritis, skin conditions, pre-menstrual tension, mental function, improving memory and reducing depressive symptoms. Omega 3 oils also play a role in burning fats within the body and as such can aid weight-management. This is due to its effects on insulin, reducing levels in the body. Insulin promotes the use of fat for storage and reduces the use of fat for fuel, hence lower insulin levels mean greater conversion of fat for energy rather than storage. The best Omega-3 oil sources are oily fish like sardines, salmon and mackerel. Plant sources include flaxseeds (the richest plant source), walnuts, pumpkin seeds, green leafy vegetables, evening primrose oil, wheat germ and spirulina. I would also recommend a primarily raw food diet (plant-based) and alkaline diet for healthy weight loss. Sylvia Riley is an author, writer and researcher in field of natural health and nutrition. Discover the World's Ultimate Superfoods: Article Source:

Heal Digestive Conditions with Coconut Oil By John Goh People from many diverse cultures, languages, religions, and races scattered around the globe have revered the coconut as a valuable source of both food and medicine. Wherever the coconut palm grows, the local people have learned of the importance of coconut oil use in effective medicine. For thousands of years coconut oil products have held a respected and valuable place in local folk medicine. Coconut oil is of special interest because it possesses healing properties far beyond that of any other dietary oil and is extensively used in traditional medicine among Asian and Pacific populations. Pacific Islanders consider coconut oil to be the cure for all illness. The coconut palm is so highly valued by them as both a source of food and medicine that it is called "The Tree of Life." Only recently has modern medical science unlocked the secrets to coconut's amazing healing powers. Modern medical science is now confirming coconut oil use in treating many medical conditions. Coconut oil, in one form or another, is used in hospital formulas to nourish seriously ill patients who cannot take solid food. Instead of food, the patients take formulas containing coconut oil. Quick nourishment is delivered to these patients as coconut oil is rapidly absorbed. They get nutrients from the formulas containing coconut oil, thereby speeding up their healing process. Coconut oil is an important ingredient in the baby formulas that hospitals use to feed new-born babies. The medium chain fatty acids in coconut nourish babies and help them to grow. They also serve the purpose of protecting babies from virus and bacteria while their immune system is still weak. Coconut oil is also recommended by medical doctors for people with digestive problems. The fat in coconut oil is easily absorbed without the need for digestive enzymes. This is critical as the cells in our body require fats to function well. People with digestive disorders can still get their supply of fats from coconut oil for their cells. Coconut oil also improves vitamin and mineral absorption. Protect your immune system and nourish your health with virgin coconut oil, Go to: Feel free to use this article on your website or ezine as long as the following information about author/website is included. Article Source:

The Only Oil for Diabetics? By John Goh In this article, we learn about the coconut oil health benefit to diabetics. One of the many plagues of modern society is diabetes. The incidence has risen from almost nothing a century ago to a level of major concern today. It is now one of the biggest killers in the western world. Diabetes not only can cause death but can lead to kidney disease, heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, cataracts, nerve damage, hearing loss, and blindness. It is estimated that 45 percent of the population is at risk of developing diabetes. Diabetes is all about sugar - the sugar in our bodies known as blood sugar or blood glucose. Every cell in our bodies must have a constant source of glucose in order to fuel metabolism. Our cells use glucose to power processes such as growth and repair. When we eat a meal the digestive system converts much of our food into glucose which is released into the bloodstream. The hormone insulin, which is secreted by the pancreas gland, moves glucose from the blood and funnels it into the cells so it can be used as fuel. If the cells are unable to get adequate amounts of glucose they can literally starve to death. As they do, tissues and organs begin to degenerate. This is what happens in diabetes. A diet high in refined polyunsaturated vegetable oils promotes diabetes. A diet low in such oils helps to alleviate symptoms. Because fats also promote weight gain, it's best to avoid them as much as possible. However, research shows that there is one fat that diabetics can eat without fear. That fat is coconut oil. Not only does it not contribute to diabetes, but it helps regulate blood sugar, thus lessening the effects of the disease. The Nauru people consumed large amounts of coconut oil for generations without ever encountering diabetes, but when they abandoned it for other foods and oils the results were disastrous. Therefore, one coconut oil health benefit is that it prevents diabetes. If you are a diabetic or borderline diabetic, consumption of most fats should be avoided. Coconut oil, on the other hand, is different. Because it helps stabilise blood glucose levels and aids in shedding excess body weight, it is probably the only oil a diabetic should eat. That is the coconut oil health benefit for diabetics. Feel free to use this article on your website or ezine as long as the following information about author/website is included. Article Source:

Shh Tzu - Coconut Oil Is Healthy For You And Your Pets By Connie Limon One of the newest health foods for pets and people is "coconut oil." Coconut oil is a saturated-fat vegetable oil. Coconuts have always been a staple of tropical cuisines and people following a coconut-based diet. These people rarely suffered from heart disease, cancer, diabetes or other illnesses that haunt modern America. According to the people who use coconut oil regularly it can reduce the risk of cancer and other degenerative conditions, improves cholesterol levels and helps to fight heart disease, improves digestion and nutrient absorption, contains antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal agents that prevent infection an disease........some even use it to brush their and for underarm deodorant. I do believe I have seen the ingredient "coconut oil" in several of my favorite deodrants. This is good news for people and their dogs since most of coconut oil's human benefits are the same for canines. Try giving your shih tzu some coconut oil to see if he/she likes the taste. It has been reported that most dogs do love the taste of coconut oil, which makes feeding it to your shih tzu more pleasant. I really don't like giving my shih tzu anything that is unpleasant even if it is for their own good. You will need to get the right type. Most health food stores carry at least one brand and you can probably find it online. There are two main types of coconut oil. One is refined coconut oil (might be labeled RBD for Refined, Bleached, and Deordorized). It is made from copra, or dried coconut meat, then treated to remove impurities. Most RBD coconut oil is relatively inexpensive. It does not contain all the nutrients found in unrefined coconut oil and in most cases the coconuts used are lof low quality and chemicals like chorine and hexane are used in the refining process. The other type is Unrefined or "virgin" coconut oil and is made from fresh coconuts. hmmmm, sounds like the kind I would like best. I truly like coconut of anything. I want it to taste good and taste good to my dogs. I would go for the more expensive type. Of course the better of the two is going to cost you more. Good-quality oil is colorless when liquid and pure white when solid, never yellow or pink and it should not contain residue or have an "off" or rancid odor. If you get hold of some coconut oil that gives you a scratchy throat or like a "catch" in the throat, this is probably a sign of poor quality. A smokey flavor or aroma is another indication of poor quality. There are also hydrogenated and fractionated coconut oils. Hydrogenated coconut oil is not recommend for your dog because it contains harmful trans-

fats. Fractionated coconut oil is a message oil and aromatherapy ingredient and is sold as a cosmetic ingredient. For your shih tzu, you would need to start out with small amounts and increase gradually to about 1 tablespoon per 30 lbs. body weight daily (no shih tzu weighs this much), so you would need to adjust that dosage and ask your vet for help on that. You need to watch for changes in your dog's energy, skin, coat, breath and body odor. You can also apply coconut oil topically to cuts, wounds, infected ears, bites and stings for both you and your pets. Connie Limon publishes a FREE weekly newsletter. A professional newsletter with a focus upon health and wellness for you and your pets. Discounts on shih tzu puppies are offered to subscribers. Sign up at: Article Source:

Natural Acne Treatment Information By Guy Ray Do you have mild to moderate acne? Have you tried every over-the-counter medication in the store? Does it seem to not only remain the same, but get worse? Well, you are not alone. Trying different medications for your acne can actually cause your skin to act up due to the different chemicals that upset its Ph balance. A natural acne treatment is the best way to replenish your skin’s health and heal your acne. Basically, a natural acne treatment is changing your diet, cleansing your internal organs and using herbal remedies to provide nutrients to organs. Prescription medicines, harsh chemicals and junk or processed food with food additives are all unnatural acne treatments. Although severe acne needs serious attention, mild to moderate acne can be treated effectively by a natural acne treatment with natural herbs. These herbs will help even in diminishing acne. This Natural acne treatment is not from an exotic plant or rare species. This natural acne treatment is actually a part of common natural products and oils found in your home. Spices keep your skin, digestive system and immune system healthy. Although they can do such good, they must be used in moderation. Raw spices can be used in healing rid of acne as a natural acne treatment. As you may have guessed, fruits and vegetables are also a part of a natural acne treatment. They are both brilliant for your skin when applied directly. It is because of the minerals, essential oils and antioxidants. Vegetables like cucumber cleanse your skin from excessive oiliness. You can extract the juice of vegetables, and put them on your face five minutes every day. Unfortunately, the natural acne treatment does not work overnight. You have to wait about a month before you start to notice serious results. Because fruits and vegetables contain a lot of water, they help you rid toxic body chemicals. It also transports nutrients to your body. Exfoliation is another natural acne treatment necessary in keeping skin acne-free. It sloughs off dead skin cells as well. Try this: use flour from your kitchen and add a tiny bit of turmeric and a few drops of coconut oil to make a face mask. It will soften skin and remove dead cells. Regular use of the mask is a natural acne treatment that clears your complexion and stops acne from forming. You can also consider putting whole milk on your skin afterwards for a healthy glow and texture. Guy Ray is an article writer with more than 200 articles to his credit. To learn more about effective acne treatments visit his stop acne website at

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Chicken Curry With Cashew Coconut Sauce By F Aziz What you need: 3-pound chicken 2 tablespoons ground coriander 2 teaspoons fennel 2 teaspoons cumin 0.5 teaspoon cayenne pepper 2.5 teaspoons salt 1 tablespoon raw rice 2 tablespoons desiccated, unsweetened coconut 2 whole cloves 3 cardamon pods 2 tablespoons raw cashews 4 tablespoons corn oil 0.5 teaspoon whole fenugreek seeds 1 stick of cinnamon 2 cloves garlic, splintered 5 tablespoons splintered shallots 2-inch fresh pandanus leaf 1 fresh green chili, chopped 1 cup peeled and chopped tomato 0.5 cup fresh coconut milk What you should do with them:

Skinned the chicken and cut into serving pieces. Put them in a large bowl. Add the cumin, fennel, cayenne pepper, coriander and 1 teaspoon of the salt. Rub those spices all over the chicken and leave them for about 20 minutes. Put the rice in a cast-iron frying pan, set over medium-high heat and stir well until it turns golden. Add the coconut and stir it until it turns golden. Withdraw it and let it cool. Take this mixture with the cardamon and grind them with the spices. Empty into a bowl, continue mixing and slowly pour 0.5 cup of water along the way. You have yourself a paste now. Put it aside for a while. Put the corn oil into a lidded pan and set over medium-high heat. When the oil is hot, add the pandanus leaf, chili, garlic, shallots, fenugreek seeds and cinnamon. Stir for about 3 minutes. Add the chicken and brown lightly, don't stop stirring. Put in the the remaining 1.5 teaspoons of salt, 2.5 cup of water and the tomato. Stir in the spice and nut paste. Wait until it boils, cover it, reduce the heat to low and cook gently for about 30 minutes. Stir in the coconut milk and heat through. Serve it for 4. F. Aziz is the owner of, a site that provides many valuable informations around Virgin Coconut Oil, its definitions, derivations, benefits and uses in the form of articles, reports, recommended sources, books, products and others. Visit and see whether this miracle oil could help you improve your health. Article Source:

Great Coconut Shrimp Recipes By Dianne Ronnow If you love coconut shrimp, here are several different, but very good coconut shrimp recipes to try. Coconut Beer Batter Fried Shrimp with Pineapple Salsa 2 eggs 1-3/4 cups all-purpose flour 3/4 cup beer 1 tablespoon baking powder 2 lb. medium shrimp, peeled and deveined coconut oil 3 cups grated coconut Seasoning Mix 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper 2-1/4 teaspoons salt 1-1/2 teaspoons sweet paprika 1-1/2 teaspoons black pepper 1-1/4 teaspoons garlic powder 3/4 teaspoon onion powder 3/4 teaspoon dried thyme 3/4 teaspoon dried oregano Thoroughly combine the ingredients for the seasoning mix in a small bowl and set aside. Mix 1-1/4 cups of the flour, 2 teaspoons of the seasoning mix, baking powder, eggs, and beer together in a bowl, breaking up all lumps until it is smooth. Combine the remaining flour with 1-1/2 teaspoons of the seasoning mix and set aside. Place the coconut in a separate bowl.

Sprinkle both sides of the shrimps with the remaining seasoning mix. Then hold each shrimp by the tail, dredge in the flour mixture, shake off excess, dip in batter and allow excess to drip off. Coat each shrimp with the coconut and place on a baking sheet. Heat deep fryer to 350°F. Drop each shrimp into the hot oil and cook until golden brown, approximately 1/2 to 1 minute on each side. Do not crowd the fryer. Drain on paper towels and serve immediately. Lay shrimp on large lettuce leaves and serve with Pineapple Salsa dip. Garnish with lemon, orange, or lime wedges. Pineapple Salsa 1 cup finely chopped fresh pineapple 1/3 cup chopped red onion, 1/4 cup finely chopped fresh cilantro 1/4 cup pineapple preserves (or apricot-pineapple preserves) 1 tablespoon finely chopped seeded fresh jalapeno chili 1 1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper Combine ingredients and gently toss. Coconut Shrimp Kabobs with Island Coconut Salsa 1 lb. shell-on shrimp, uncooked 1/3 cup coconut milk, canned and sweetened 2 tablespoons lime juice 1 garlic clove, crushed 1 teaspoon red chili peppers, seeded and minced 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/2 teaspoon ground coriander 1/4 teaspoon ground white pepper 12 to 18 fresh pineapple chunks Island Coconut Salsa

1 cup flaked coconut 1 cup chopped cilantro 1 cup chopped green onion 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice 2 tablespoons minced fresh ginger 1 to 2 teaspoons minced garlic clove 1/2 teaspoon sea salt 1/2 cup olive oil or macadamia nut oil Peel and devein shrimp retaining tails; set aside. Combine coconut milk, lime juice, garlic, red peppers, cumin, coriander and pepper; pour over shrimp. Marinate no more than 1 hour. Thread shrimp and pineapple chunks on skewers. Broil or grill, 3 minutes per side, or until shrimp are done. Arrange coconut shrimp on large lettuce leaves. Serve with Island Coconut Salsa on the side. Caribbean Shrimp Run Down 1 lb shell-on shrimp, uncooked 3 tablespoons lime or lemon juice 3 cups coconut milk 1 large onion 3 cloves garlic Finely chopped hot pepper to taste 1 lb. tomatoes, peeled and chopped 1 Tbsp. vinegar 1 t. fresh chopped thyme Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper Peel and devein shrimp retaining tails. Pour the lime juice over the shrimp and set aside. Cook the coconut milk in a heavy frying pan until it is oily. Add the onion, garlic and cook until the onion is tender. Add the hot pepper, tomatoes, salt and pepper, thyme and vinegar. Stir and cook very gently for 10 minutes.

Drain the shrimp, add the other ingredients and cook until the shrimp is tender, about 10 minutes. Serve hot over rice. Preparation time: 30 minutes. If you love coconut shrimp, you need to check out “The Best Coconut Shrimp Recipe Cookbook Ever” at now! For centuries coconut oil and coconuts have kept people lean and healthy. Find out how you can lose weight and get healthier with coconuts at and start losing weight today! Article Source:

Coconut Pecan Brownies Recipe By Griffin Wetzstein The coconut pecan brownies recipe is quick and easy to make, and the unique taste will have them coming back for more! Ingredients 3/4 cup pecan halves, coarsely chopped 4 eggs 2 cups packed brown sugar 1 1/2 sticks (3/4 cup) salted butter, melted 4 ounces unsweetened baking chocolate, melted 2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup flaked coconut Frosting: 32 pecan halves 1/4 cup packed brown sugar 3/4 cup pecan halves, coarsely chopped 1 can ready-to-spread vanilla frosting Hardware Whisk Large bowl Medium bowl Small microwave safe bowl 13x9-inch baking pan Step 1: Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

Step 2: Lightly grease a 13x9-inch baking pan; set aside. Step 3: In a small microwave safe bowl, place the butter and baking chocolate. Microwave at medium setting for 1 minute; stir mixture. Microwave for additional 30 second intervals until chocolate and butter are combined and smooth; set aside. Step 4: In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and 2 cups of packed brown sugar until well blended. Step 5: Add chocolate mixture and vanilla extract; mix well. Step 6: Stir in flour and salt until well blended. Step 7: Stir in 1/2 cup of coconut and 3/4 cup of chopped pecans. Step 8: Pour batter into prepared 13x9-inch baking pan. Step 9: Bake 30 minutes; do not overbake. Cool completely. Frosting: Step 1: In a medium bowl, mix together 1/2 cup coconut, 1/4 cup packed brown sugar, and 3/4 cup chopped pecans; spread over brownies. Step 2: Place a pecan half on top of each cut brownie square. Makes 32 brownies. For more information on baking procedures and hardware used in this recipe see our Baking Tips section. Important: Feel free to republish this article on your website. However, you are not allowed to modify any part of its content and all links should be kept active. For more great brownie recipes visit For some great tasting scone recipes visit For cookie baking tips and a wide selection of recipes visit Article Source:

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