
Presented by:Barbara A. Reilly, Ph.D.

Robinson College of BusinessGeorgia State University

Coaching & Developing Others

[email protected]@aol.comDepartment of Management, Robinson College of Business, GSU, Atlanta, GA 30303Department of Management, Robinson College of Business, GSU, Atlanta, GA 30303


Agendan Introductionn Definition of coachingn Continuum of coachingn Benefitsn Coaching checklistn Components of coachingn Criteria for effective coachingn Negative coaching outcomesn Turknett Leadership Groupn Leadership Character Model


A Coaching Case

n Successful coaching experience ascoach and client

n Components of coachingn Success factors


Definition of Coaching

n Coaching is the process of equippingpeople with the tools, knowledge, andopportunities they need to developthemselves and become more effective(Peterson & Hicks, Personnel Decisions,Inc., 1996)


Elements of GoodDevelopment

n Accurate assessment of strengths andopportunities for development

n Assessment-based development plann Informed by career plans and

aspirationsn Limited to 3-4 goalsn Coachingn Feedback


Learning Theory

n Spacing the practicen Maintaining contact and momentum

between sessionsn Promote active experimentationn Break the habit cycle


The Habit Cycle

n Identify situations where habits existn Help learn and practice new behaviorsn Set specific goals of when to use new

skillsn Help individual reflect on experience

and progress (Monday Morning QB)n Promote persistence and resilience


Coaching Continuum

n Manager/Peern HR Professionaln Targeted Coachingn Comprehensive Coachingn Therapy

n Executive Coaching



n Drives overall developmentn How to do the jobn Technical and functional skillsn Performance expectations and feedbackn Preparation for the future


HR Professional

n Complex challengesn Confidential situationsn Facilitation of teams and relationshipsn Cross-functional


Targeted Coaching

n Transaction-basedn Skills trainingn Career counselingn 360-degree feedback including action



Comprehensive Coaching

n Transformationaln Complex situationsn Difficult people and issuesn Rapid developmentn High-potential



n Emotional and personality issuesn Family problemsn Substance abuse


Executive Coaching

n Consultativen Independent perspectiven HR professionaln Targeted Coachingn Comprehensive Coaching


The coaching solution

n Genuine development needn Linked to improved business performancen Issue is not an organizational symptomn Person is open to learning & feedbackn Motivation is highn Coaching is the best option


Benefits of coaching

n Individualizedn Customizedn Speed and efficiencyn Power and efficacyn Learning principles can be usedn Opportunity for accountability and



Coaching Checklist

n Insight: Know what to develop?n Motivation: Personal payoffn Skills and knowledge: How to acquiren Real-world practice: Opportunitiesn Accountability: Performance & results


Components of coaching

n Intervention agreementn Building of relationshipn Creation and managing expectationsn Provide an experience of behavioral

mastery and cognitive control ofproblems and issues

n Evaluation of impact


Criteria of Effective Coaching

n Processn Expectationsn Exercises and activitiesn Systems perspective


Criteria of effective coaching:Process

n Specific, detailed behavioral feedbackn Empathy & trustn Open-ended process of data gatheringn Extended time-lines (12 or more months)n Vision of desired outcomen Quality: Balance of challenge/support


Criteria of effective coaching:Expectations

n Make clear it is an on-going processn Documentation: Outline process in

writingn Client participation in designn Set expectations with boss and

organizationn Ensure no hidden agenda


Criteria of effective coaching:Exercises & activities

n Varietyn One-on-one meetingsn 3-way meetings (boss,peers,subordinates,

clients, suppliers)n Observation and viewing client at workn Homework: Exercises outside of workn Journaln Combine case studies, role plays, analysis of

real world examples, observations


Focus of coaching

n Requires self-awarenessn Fosters learning environmentn Integrates and synthesizes datan Translates insight into actionn Teaches self-developmentn Finds opportunities for applying new skillsn Manages mundane aspects of developmentn Addresses fears


Factors contributing to negativecoaching outcomes


Contraindications: Clients

n Severe psychopathologyn Severe interpersonal problems

(protracted negative transference)n Lack of motivationn Unrealistic expectations of coachingn Lack of follow through on homework or



Contraindications: Coaching

n Lack of empathy for the clientn Lack of interest or expertise in client’s

problem or issuen Underestimating the severity of the

client’s problemsn Overestimating the coach’s ability to

influence the client


Termination Issues

n Goals reachedn Evaluation completedn New goalsn Coaching skillsn Sponsor changesn Renewal and refreshment


An Approach to Leadership Coaching:Turknett Leadership Group

n The “Executive Development Program” - isgeared to development and growth, notturnaround

n Is one-on-one - individualized and personaln Begins with extensive assessment -

personality and 360n Includes a video-taped life history interviewn All sessions include feedback and coaching


Turknett Approach toLeadership Coaching (cont.)

n Extends over time - four to six monthsn Is done under the supervision of a licensed

psychologistn Includes coaching from someone with a

business backgroundn Links with position and organizational

priorities - company is our client


Leadership Character Model


Leadership Character is based on:


A person with Integrity . . .n Can be counted on to tell the truthn Keeps all promisesn Doesn’t twist facts for personal

advantagen Is willing to stand up for what is right.



“Leaders with Integrity talkTO people, not ABOUTthem.”


EquityA person who shows Respect . . .n Listens to othersn Shows genuine interest in

othersn Values the opinions of othersn Is respectful even when he or

she has nothing to gain fromthe relationship.

A person with Self Confidence . . .n Has a self-assured bearingn Is flexible and willing to changen Easily gives others creditn Is willing to express an opinion.



A person with Emotional Mastery ...n Says what he or she thinks, but

never berates othersn Stays calm even in crisis situationsn Doesn’t let anxiety interfere with

public speaking or with other thingsthat need to be done

n Is able to be proactive, notreactive.

A person with Humility . . .n Listens to others with an open

mindn Doesn’t brag or name dropn Clearly sees and admits own

limitations and failingsn Is not afraid to be vulnerable.



“Humble people don’t thinkless of themselves - theyjust think more of otherpeople.”



A person who is Accountable . . .n Takes initiative to get things

donen Is not afraid to hold others

accountablen Is always willing to help others

in a crunchn Takes personal responsibility for

the success of the organization.

A person who Doesn’t Blame . . .n Is willing to admit mistakesn Does not look for a scapegoat in a

crisisn Spends time fixing problems, not

assigning blamen Is free from “us versus them”




A person with Courage . . .n Is willing to act; avoids getting

caught up in analysis paralysisn Is willing to champion new or

unpopular ideasn Lets people know where they

standn Takes the ball and runs with it,

even when there are obstaclesn Is brave enough to accept

feedbackn Is brave enough to talk to

others when there is a problem,not about them

A person who Focuses on theWhole . . .

n Sees how the work in their areaaffects the entire project or theentire company

n Gathers information from allstakeholders when makingdecisions

n Shares information throughout thecompany and understands thevalue of a knowledgeableworkforce.



Accountable people take 100%responsibility for the success ofthe organization.

“Jobs discourage accountability."



“Now, people do what needs to bedone, whether it's stocking bread,helping in floral, or bagginggroceries. Employees takeownership of the store now - theycome in smiling."



“I used to worry when I left thestore. Now when I leave thestore, I have fifteen or twentypeople who have my interestand the store’s interests atheart.”

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