Page 1: COA Central #7 - 8 August 2010

COA Central Issue #7

8 August 2010, Sunday

Page 2: COA Central #7 - 8 August 2010

COA Project Grant Application

The Project Grant System basically aims to provide financial aid to your organization' s

projects. Each accredited organization may submit multiple proposals, as long as all requirements

are accomplished.

This year's theme for the COA Project Grant is Social Relevance Development.

For more information, kindly download the zip file and see the file on Project Grant Guidelines.

Attachments include:

1. Project Grant Guidelines

2. Project Proposal (OSA Format)

3. Budget Proposal

4. Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

5. Essay

6. First Status Report Template

7. Post Project Report Template

Deadline of Proposals:

August 9, 2010 (Monday) ; 4:30 PM (for both soft and hard copies)

Soft copy: Send to coaprojectgrant1011

Hard copy: Submit to MVP 205 (COA Room)

For inquiries, please contact COA Finance Officer Ara Arguenza at 0917-8807088.


Watch out for the launch of the new and improved COA Website on August 15, 2010!

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The Possibility of Happiness

An opportunity for learning and growth has once again presented itself to us. A talk entitled "The

Possibility of Happiness" will be given by Ms. Monica L. Esgueva. Reminders for those who

confirmed, the talk will be on August 9, 2010 (Monday) at 4:30-6:00PM in the OSA Conference

Rooms 1 and 2.

11th International Youth Day

The United Nations Association of the Philippines (UNAP) and the United Nations Youth

Association of the Philippines (UNYAP) are inviting schools to participate in the11th International

Youth Day (IYD) Celebration and International Youth Summit on Peace and Human Rights

slated on August 10-12, 2010 at the Philippine International Convention Center. Delegates will

be selected from the Council. There will be a P4,000 fee for each participant, which will cover the

whole 3-day fees.

If interested, please contact Kenneth Isaiah Abante (0915-4176081 begin_of_the_

skype_highlighti ng 0915-4176081 end_of_the_skype_ highlighting).



Mock Elections on August 11-12

Sanggunian Freshman and Special Elections on August 16-17

Stay tuned for more announcements!

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Have problems with your X? Then sign-up for AGIMATH+! AGIMATH+ is the Math tutorial service of the Ateneo Mathematics Society, which is held throughout the year. This is

open to all Loyola Schools students. For more information, go tohttp://www.ateneoma thsociety. org/main/ oagimath.


AGIMATH+. We get the F... out of your long test! :)

Business Cluster

August 13

(Friday) Ateneo LEX Paths in Law Seminar

Faith Formation Cluster

August 9 -

August 13 YFC-A Household Week

August 9 -

August 14 ACLC General Principles Awareness Week

August 10

(Tuesday) AtSCA National Situationer

August 14

(Saturday) AtSCA Server’s and Mass Training

Health and Environment Cluster

August 9 -

August 13 PMSA Tambay Week

August 9 PMSA Fun Run, Media Workshop

Page 5: COA Central #7 - 8 August 2010


August 13


LM Post-climb for Training Climbers

PMSA BONDAGE: Formation Session

Issue and Policy Analysis Cluster

August 9

(Monday) The Assembly Team Building

August 13

(Friday) The Assembly Policy Debates

August 14

(Saturday) The Assembly Mock LAE Review Session 1

Media and the Creative Arts Cluster

August 9


LFC Isapelikula 2

AMP Song Writing Workshop

August 11


CoSA Department Training Seminar

LFC Kapelikula

AMP Tech Workshop

MCA Release of MCA Newsletter #3

August 13



AMP Marketing and PR Workshop

August 14

(Saturday) AMP Jam Session

Performing Arts Cluster

August 12-

August 14 TA Walang Sugat

Science and Technology Cluster

August 9


CompSAT Tambay Week

LeaPs Kindergarten Session with Paolo Baylon

August 10

(Tuesday) CompSAT Programming Varsity Training: Pro

August 11

(Wednesday) CompSAT Programming Varsity Training: Lite

August 13


CompSAT CS21a Midterms Tutorials, IT Forums (Tie-UP Project known

as ‘Triple Threat: Ad Worskshops’), Deadline of Geek Shirt Design


August 14


AECES Second Team Building Seminar

LeaPs Tutorial Training

Council of Organizations of the Ateneo

COA Facebook Page | COA RecWeek2010: DiverseCity FaceBook Page

RecWeek2010: DiverseCity Manual

www.coacentral. com | www.ateneosanggu. com

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