  • 1. Social Reading (a brief history in getting it wrong) Tony ODonoghue @iaboom

2. To be or not to be Social? Media Companies always face this question To integrate Social typically means adding the latest features from Facebook Why do we do it? What Facebook doesnt want you to know 3. Kobo goes social Focus on two projects: Pulse: Allow people to post Public Comments FB Timeline integration (frictionless sharing) 4. Pulse Design new features for VOX Developing private notes make those public. FB required to post publicly At the time, this was novel So what went wrong? 5. Timeline Timeline launch: Sept 2011 (Kobo an official partner) Frictionless Sharing FB worked with us on the implementation Implemented cross-platform So what went wrong? 6. Conclusions Implement social features across all platforms Know your market: how are they using your products and what do they want to do? Dont trust Facebook

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