
Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Newsletter Items, Idle Gossip, etc to [email protected] (deadline midnight Monday)


Club Newsletter 12/3/19

Nick Peate’s Mum Janice on the left

Race Reports for March 10th

Nick Peate Memorial Race

Catamaran Report (Jonathon Horsley)

Commodore Phill Robbins 0466668541 Vice Commodore Jonathan Horsley 0412798505 Rear Commodore Chris Hallett 0414866998 Secretary Nola Hallett 0414866999 Treasurer Norm Hunt 66291366 Class Reps Gennakers – Duncan Dey Catamarans – Col Woodbry Trailers – Ian Michie Monos – Graham Hams Rowing Officer Gerald Anderson Webmaster Mark Pierce Training team Graeme Turner


CORRESPONDENCE TO: [email protected] CONTENTS 1. Catamaran report 5. Gennaker report 6. Monohull report 10. Trailer Sailor report 13. Get to know a club member 18. Club weather station 20. Race Q’s 21. Use of club tractor 22. Club Shirts, Idle Gossip, away events 23. WotIf, Crew available/wanted 24. For sale/wanted/free to a good home 25. Learn to sail photos

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Action for the Nick Peat race started early with capsizing not far off the half tide wall just before the starting sequence.

Nola from ‘Finely Tuned’ watching out for cyclists prior to the start

With the northerly breeze blowing sailed past and lifted the end of ’s mast to assist. was able right the boat and make it to the starting line on time.

A fleet of 9 cats faced the starting line which was nicely set across the river to give a wide option of starting positions on the tight reach up river. The northerly breeze was varying from 8 to 15 knots and the leg past the Ramada favoured the boats which stayed on the southern side of the river. The early tussles were between , ,

, and with chasing after a slow start.

The leg to the ferry favoured , , with and close behind.

With closing in by the ferry. The gaps across the fleet continued to change as the inconsistent breeze would favour different boats at different times. was doing well until an unfortunate capsize all caught on video. The capsize can be just seen in the back ground behind

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Newsletter Items, Idle Gossip, etc to [email protected] (deadline midnight Monday)


Col ‘Shore Thing’ Woodbry prior to the start

The lead changed numerous times past the ferry as the boats in the lead generally out ran the wind, thus allowing the following boats to catch up. This was very evident as

got well ahead around Pimlico Island only to watch the following boats catch up on the increasing northerly breeze. ” managed to catch up and lead around the Wardell mark closely followed by

, , and .

On the leg from the mark to Pimlico Island used the strengthening

breeze to pull ahead and lead from there to the finish. The dagger board equipped cats all now had the advantage over the 4.5’s in long work up to the ferry with numerous tacks required. soon passed

and powered away. was doing well until a gear failure resulted in Michael being unable to use the trapeze and thus fell back in the fleet.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Newsletter Items, Idle Gossip, etc to [email protected] (deadline midnight Monday)


The leg from the Ferry to the club was a great ride for most of the cats with the work occasionally easing to a tight reach and the numerous bullets providing plenty of challenges.

enjoyed the strengthened breeze and passed to come in third.

finished 5th across the line. A damaged limped home in 6th. made an amazing recovery from their capsize to beat home.

Col and Drew laying low after reports of some missing Chinese lamp shades

Norm on managed to sail back to club in the strong breeze and he was heard to ask if anyone wanted a 4.5 as it had been a real test of his stamina.

After the handicapper played his magic the race winner was despite capsizing before the race started. which was first across the line was relegated to 6th. The marathon course was enjoyed by most with several suggesting that we should do this race more often.

Many thanks to the club members who volunteered to do the duty and man the starting/rescue boat. A special thanks to Rolly for bringing his boat with crew and for setting the Wardell mark.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Crew of 2 Foot Extra Martine in the rigging area with Toxic being rigged behind

Gennaker Report (Duncan Dey)

Yes, we were all knackered - goal achieved on an up-river race! The strong northerly was taxing with gusts across the river that don’t suit boats designed for upwind / downwind courses - not for reaching. But a three-hour race is a joy. Thanks Mike and Tara for doing shore duty.

Tom took off from the reach start in F15 Toxic and lead all the way except for one cross by RS100 in the fluky downwind conditions south of the ferry. F15 was there too. They were 'so

hot' they had to do a prolonged capsize once the lead was in their grasp. Crew Francine was still smiling however, hours later back on the beach. Well done skipper Daniel!

Both F15s looked spectacular downwind with their masthead kites stretched. No-one saw on its way home to windward - too far ahead. So far ahead as to take the day on handicap as well. Rumour has it crew Brendan took a break on the tiller, to get away from constant tea-bagging by son on father.

Vince played his cards right in RS100 #495 and only let Duncan in RS100 get 3 minutes ahead by the turn at Wardell. Vince then sailed 6 minutes quicker on the way home upwind to take the day. Not-so-newcomer Garry did well in #243 , leading the RS100s for the first sector to the ferry and staying within reach for the whole race to take runner-up on handicap.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


First across the line and on handicap, Toxic lead from start to finish

Monohull Report (Trent Morgan)

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Superb conditions for the Up- River Race, plenty of breeze and an outgoing tide on the way back to the club. The early cloud burnt off and the river was a lovely blue with the full tide. Despite this, numbers were down from previous weeks in the monohull division.

Lining up for the marathon were Des in his Impulse – , Roy in his Aero - , Peter and Susie in the Pacer, Mark Harper in , and three NS14’s – Graham Hams in

, Graham Hodgins in and regulars Trent and Daisy who finally launched the Morgan family’s new aquatic beast .

At the start Trent noticed a sailboard crossing the start line and he thought it was being cheeky joining in the fun, little realising that the sailboard was in the race! After the briefing when Janice Peate (Nick’s Mum) wished the fleet well, the mass of boats assembled in time for a tight reach start opposite the club. and got away early with

not far behind.

Many thanks to Mark Pierce for snapping the starts from the club deck

made up ground after a tentative first start with good boat speed but was forced to tack in the ‘Straits of Ramada’ while the others were able to point high enough to avoid this.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


At this stage of the race the breeze was steady with some good puffs. almost caught and at the ferry but once around the bend and running dead square in lighter air and pulled away. Meanwhile Graeme in had pulled out, succumbing to a

knee problem. , Neil on his sailboard, and were a fair way back at this point, sailing amongst the trailer sailors.

No issues reported on the way to the rounding mark at Pimlico Island other than with Trent and Daisy who need much gybing practice in the new boat. A gybe was needed after passing a green channel marker. Mid-gybe a gust hit, balance was lost, tiller jammed to one side and Trent rolled out the back of the boat! Daisy reacted well and prevented the capsize while Trent had managed to hold the stern and then hauled himself in. Upon reviewing the situation they had found they had successfully gybed – onwards!

Aquamarine. Trent and Daisy’s new speed machine! No wonder Trent rolled out the back, there isn’t one there! Post-race Mark in declared he had gone well past the rounding buoy at Pimlico, probably attracted to the mystery of further river exploration and the tussle he was having with the RS 100’s. Looking back he soon learned of his mistake when he saw round the mark. Kicking himself he turned around in pursuit. The crew of e after rounding the mark quickly realised they needed much tacking practice – thankfully they were soon to get it, due to the narrow river and frequent savage knocks. Roy in started to catch them early in the work but eventually some better boat skills were learned and the NS14 pulled away. and

sailed past on their run to the mark, Des, Peter and Susie all seemingly relaxed and enjoying the trip as they waved their hellos.

got home first with about a minute and a half behind. crossed next after a wonderful learning and sailing experience. Neil crossed next doing amazingly well to sail that far. How sore would his arms be? followed after a bit of trouble near the finish line with

and not too long after.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


A huge thanks to the rescue boat crews of Ric and Kirah, Rolly and Blade. Also many thanks to Gunter and Michael in the tower and Tara and Michael in the kitchen, Tara providing some wonderful food to nibble on at the end.

Ric and Rolly, rescue boat operators extraordinaires

Thanks Tara for the wonderful work with the very nice food

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Trailer Sailor Report (Graeme Fleming)

The line up was , , (borrowed by Todd), with new owner and Kynan in his yacht . Wind was the dreaded Northerly swinging to the even less desirable NW at times = all over the place in direction and strength.

Long start line with making a break early followed by and the rest. Not bad reaching conditions to the ferry then downwind with breaking away until the turn west. and

finally got their kites working with taking the lead and pushing and following with further back. The entry in behind Pimlico Island had some big holes and the fleet positions changed around with coming out in the lead followed by , , and .

Another long run to the bottom mark and in a part of the river we don’t see very often, murky water and not sure how far to push the tacks. Heading for home it was , , ,

with heading around Pimlico Isl. At this point discovered rocks, the boat stopped and the crew kept going into the cabin and not to get more drinks. Skipper and keel with some minor damage but they were off and going again after a while.

Keel repair after the event for Treasure Isle, skipper Paul also showing some damage on right leg

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Coming around the end of Pimlico the wind hit with gusts close to 30kts but down around 20 most of the time but still close to survival mode at times. stopped for a head sail change,

going well in the lead with having to depower due to lack of crew weight, was gaining with back in action and back there somewhere. That was the finishing order and a very long hot and gusty race with every bit of water consumed on the boat. We will all remember Nick Peate for days to come as we recover from that one!

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Charlie and Seamus rigging White Tail

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Fiona and Graeme from Spider 550 Inci Winci and Commodore Phill

Get To Know A Club Member

Every newsletter will feature an interview with a different club member The questions are designed with a focus on sailing experiences. This week we venture into the world of the wonderful Des Mayblom, who sails that very photogenic Impulse, ‘ .

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Name: Des Mayblom

Nickname: Dirty May Blotting Paper

Preferred Name: Des

Type and name of boat raced at club:

Impulse –

Number of Seasons at RRSRC:

Currently in third

Roles in the Club (now and previously):

Unofficially – I often put the little rescue boat away – I flush the engine

Where did you learn to sail? In what class/classes of boat?

When I was six years old I would sail in a Sharpie every second weekend with my Dad. This went on for a couple of years. It was on the Tinaroo Dam near Atherton, Qld.

Then at the club about five or six years ago when Michael Wiley ran the learn to sail programme – in a pacer.

Have you been a member of other sailing clubs, if so, which?


What class or type of boats have you sailed in your life?

Sharpie, Pacer, Impulse

Favourite and why?

Impulse, because it’s the only one I’ve really sailed on. It’s stable and light.

Best sailing experience?

A race last year at the club when I capsized at the final gybe before the run to the finish. I was just in front of and after righting the boat just got across the line before me. It was a very strong breeze.

Also I’ve had some really good sails by myself when the scary/fun wind picks up the boat and throws it down the river.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Des racing against his regular sparring partners Trent and Daisy

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Worst sailing experience?

Days when there is no wind. Fat man in a little boat – not much fun.

Have you sailed at any state or national titles? If so, what ones?


Best results in a series at RRSRC?

First on handicap last year

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Suggestions on how sailing as a sport could be improved?

Don’t know enough – not really.

I’m worried that there is a risk of the club getting too big with not enough room to launch etc. Some clubs are too successful. I think the club is doing really well. There is a variety of members, young people, girls etc.

Why do you go sailing?

I have an injured hip and I can’t play soccer any more. I was looking for another passion. Everyone can sail as long as you want to.

Apart from the cheese/dips and crackers why do you sail at RRSRC on a Sunday?

I love the exhaustion after sailing. I like being out on the water. There is something new something to learn. Everyone is friendly.

Are there any sailing dreams you aspire to?

I would like to have a go at a high performance monohull.

I think Cats are too big and the F15’s are eating cheese and crackers before the Cats.

Any boat you aspire to?

Maybe my next boat will be an NS14.

Any advice for up and coming sailors?

No, I don’t know enough to tell anyone anything.

Des displaying the sense of humour which endears him to people. He’s doing this mid-race.

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Any superstitions or customs in relation to your sailing?

No, but I sing on the way to sailing.

Would you like to share anything that people at the club might not know about you?

I’ve been a computer programmer for ten years.

I’m a keen sportsman. I love sport. I’m lousy at it but I have room to improve. I’m a touch football referee and player. I’ve been involved with touch football for thirty five years – I’m a life member. I played soccer for thirty years until my hip let me down.

I’ve been involved with theatre at the Drill Hall Theatre in Mullumbimby. I’ve done fifty or sixty shows there. I’m thinking I would like to do some directing there.

Club Weather Station The clubhouse now has a Davis weather station on the roof, with a display panel in the clubhouse. There are two ways you can access our weather station. Firstly, you can find our weather station online at Log in with the following:


Password: (email Phill if you haven’t yet received the password.)

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Secondly, you can download the WeatherLink app for iPhone or Android.

Download this app, set up your account and search for our weather station by map of Ballina or by name:

“Richmond River Sailing Club.” - Phill

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478



From Graeme Fleming FYI We used this app at the Sail Paradise regatta as it was compulsory for all Yachts. Amazing playback of races

Welcome to raceQs, the innovative sailing program that will change the way you sail!

To confirm you registration please click to link below

Check out this video for a quick demo of the raceQs sailing system.

Download It

Download and register the FREE raceQs app, available in the iPhone store or the Android market.

Go Sailing

With just a push of a button, create your own 3D replays by recording a race with raceQs’ free smartphone app. The app is also a powerful race computer designed

to help you sail faster. Learn More

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Watch It

After you are done sailing, login to your raceQs account on a computer to view your automatically generated 3D race replay. Learn more

Share It Easily share your replay with your crew, post it on Facebook, or replay it at

the Yacht Club. If you prefer, you can always choose to keep your replay private.

Need more help now? Check out our website and FAQ. We would love to hear from you with your questions and suggestions by email [email protected]


The raceQs Team

Commonly Asked Questions

Do I need to keep my phone on deck, in view of "open sky" like my GPS?

No, the app will still work below decks, safely stowed in your bag. You can even set it to automatically shut-off when your phone battery reaches various levels.


New Rules re Trailer:

1. At low tide you must ask one of 3

people to supervise (Chris Hallett,

Jonathan Horsley or Col Woodbry)

2. At high tide approved drivers are ok

to retrieve or launch on the ramp.

We will find a process that works and is safe for the RIB.

- Phill

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Newsletter Items, Idle Gossip, etc to [email protected] (deadline midnight Monday)


Club Shirts

(As worn by Secretary Nola and Commodore Phill –

reflective safety vest optional)

Here’s your chance to wear the colours of your club, to proudly display what you do every Sunday – wear a club shirt! Royal Blue Club shirts payment required at time of order into RRSRC account with your name as reference BSB: 728728 ACC: 22288328 Email or text Nola with size [email protected] or 0414 866999

Mens Long sleeve polo - $37 Short sleeve polo - $35 Cotton T-shirt - $20 Ladies Short sleeve polo - $31 Kids Cotton T-shirt - $17

Idle Gossip – Please send anything interesting sailing or club related to [email protected].

“What do you call a sail with only two corners?”

“I haven’t got a clew!”

Upcoming Away Events

• 16th/17th March – BRSC (Harwood) Annual Regatta Sat/Sun

• 4th/5th May – Bay to Bay

• 4th/5th May, Qld Pacer championships. Lake Cootharaba If anyone knows of any more events or would like an event posted please let me know – [email protected]

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Newsletter Items, Idle Gossip, etc to [email protected] (deadline midnight Monday)


Wotif Offer to our Club!

Book your next travel or accommodation with Wotif and quote this code: ASF043153 and we will receive a donation from Wotif. Support our club when you or your family or friends travel.

Crew Available/Crew Wanted

Seamus, an enthusiastic graduate from our last Learn to Sail course, is keen to continue his learning by crewing on any boat available. Seamus has already crewed on a NS14, Nacra 5.8 and Spider 550. Please help him continue his involvement with the club by giving him a place, if possible. Email his mother Jill at [email protected] if you have a spot for him

If you need some crew or are wanting to have a sail in a race please make your intentions known here by contacting [email protected]

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


For Sale/Wanted/Free to a Good Home

If you have any sailing related items for sale or if you want to buy something sailing related and want it put in the newsletter please let me know – [email protected]


• Anyone interested in buying a Nacra Sirroco catamaran in excellent condition? Asking $4750 ono. Scott Lewin


Laser Radial and 4.7 rig This laser dinghy has been well maintained and stored under cover its whole life. Turbo wang set up, carbon fibre tiller, stiff dry hull includes 1 training and one regatta sail barely used and laser cover. Price: $4000 For any enquires please call Georges on: 0431 213 774

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478

Newsletter Items, Idle Gossip, etc to [email protected] (deadline midnight Monday)


Learn to Sail Photos (Many thanks to Nola for the photos, and all the volunteers who made learn to sail possible)

Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


Richmond River Sailing and Rowing Club website:

P.O. Box 963 Ballina 2478


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