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The cloud has become the norm for

SaaS companies across the world and

the new home for the cloud LMS.

LMS in Cloud…

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In the previous times, Learning Management Systems used to be installed on the internal servers of the organization that is implementing them, keeping the information local and leaving maintenance up to the purchasing institution. This left reliability to the mercy of local servers, and maintenance in the hands of administrators whose area of expertise may not necessarily be e-learning.

More importantly, a locally hosted LMS limited the accessibility of e-learning material, seriously curtailing its overall reach.

Before Cloud Came in…

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With a cloud LMS, there is absolutely no need to download or install any software on your network.

Besides, it is possible to get your first learners up and on the cloud LMS in a matter of hours after purchase.

And, it is the responsibility of the cloud LMS company to set the system up for you, which saves you time and costs as you get to know your new learning management system.

In the Times of Cloud…

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Paradiso LMS come with full training on how to use the LMS and continued support for as long as the license is held.

Site maintenance, updates and system faults are all taken care of by the LMS vendor company – things which would otherwise use a lot of your time and resources.

Likewise, the maintenance support provided by a cloud LMS company like Paradiso Solutions is dedicated and specific to only cloud LMSs and not the locally-hosted ones. So we can safely say you would be in the best of hands.

Increased Reliability

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A cloud LMS actually provides greater security as the security system is specifically designed for e-learning.

The users implementing Single Sign On ( SSO) are still required to authenticate the process API authentication.

All of the data that gets exchanged between the LMS and the User’s PCs remain securely encrypted. This happens via a SSL/HTTPS connection through a wildcard certificate like Geotrust.

Heightened Security

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Good news coming your way! Cloud LMS can reduce your costs, especially implementation costs.

Cloud LMS training is provided, as well as 24/7 support is levied in the case of Paradiso’s cloud LMS.

All LMS data is hosted on the cloud LMS company servers, freeing up space on your own servers, which also saves considerable costs.

Costs are Lowered

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With increasingly globalized workforces and learners wanting access to on-the-go training, it is now more important than ever for the cloud LMS being able to reach the widest audience possible.

A cloud LMS allows learners to connect wherever they are in the world and access their training. All they need for a cloud LMS to work is a web browser and you are good to go.

The benefits for the instructors are also great, as they can log on from anywhere and monitor the performance of their learners in real time.

Increased Accessibility

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Mobile access helps easy access to e-learning, be it from a computer, tablet or a smartphone.

Cloud LMS also has the potential to increase participation and engagement. It also does give learners the opportunity to continue their training on the device of their choice.

The Paradiso Offline Player takes this one step further by allowing learners to download their courses and material when connected to the internet, to be completed later at their convenience.

Mobile Access

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The cloud LMS really does represent a big part of the future of the internet, as it gives users instant access to what they need and right when they need it.

In the context of a cloud LMS, it removes many of the problems associated with the LMS, and gives learners the opportunity to learn at their own pace.

The start up costs get lowered because there is no software to purchase. Faster deployment also becomes possible.

Data security is enhanced when a cloud-based LMS is employed.

Cost predictability is one factor that gets pitched in, as you are aware of the amount you’ll be paying each month for the services.

Why Cloud?

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That’s All Folks!

You can get in touch with us at [email protected]

OR Just dial +1 800 513 5902

One of our LMS experts will get in touch with you within 2 business days.

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