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Closed Doors

Dark threatening music suggests that the door could hold danger. Equilibrium is instantly broken. Camera zooms in suggesting to audience that were going to see what is inside building up suspense .This is helped by the dull lighting round the door and the fact it is isolated suggesting there is a reason why the door has been left alone.

Straight cut to the gong sound similar to one heard in the hunger games builds suspense as it signifies to the audience that something is about to happen. The background is most likely dark and plain to create cohesion with the title as if you cant see what is happening on the other side of the door when it is closed so you are in the dark.

We then see a juxpostion as we see a straight cut to show the main character on his laptop at a college or university. This gives the audience the sense of calm before the storm. The close up of the guy working on his laptop gives us the sense that the guy is a hard working individual as he is typing up school work in the dark lighting of his room which conveys to us that it is night time.

We then hear the non-diegetic sound of two individuals walking down the hallway. This makes the main protagonist look through his key hole implying that he is very conscious of what others are talking about as he clearly thinks that everything is about him. This could suggest that the main protagonist is very nervous of others and feels isolated from everyone around him. The shot through the key hole also helps the audience understand the location as they see two other students giving the audience the idea that the short is based at a college/university.

We then get a straight cut to a close up of the main protagonist again. This shows the sad face of the protagonist suggesting he used to hearing harsh things said about him. This makes the audience feel sorry for the main protagonist. However it also makes the audience worry as it starts them thinking how much longer is he going to take it before he snaps.

We then get a tracking shot of the main protagonist walking towards a photo frame on his desk. We then see a close up of the photo frame showing an image of the boy at a young age with his mum. This suggests to the audience that the teen misses the comfort of his home and family as they make him feel welcome. This again makes the audience feel sorry for him and again wonder what the twist in the film is.

We then hear the equilibrium in the film get broken. This is done by a loud knocking being heard on the wall. This suggests to the audience that something bad is happening next door. We see this disrupts the teens concentration. This then intrigues the main character as we see him stare at the wall for a brief amount of time before deciding to walk up to it. The audience then start hearing the non-diegetic music of an dramatic build-up suggesting to the audience that something bad is about to happen.

We then see the main character go up to the wall and put his ear to the wall in order to understand what is going on. We see he is unable to hear so goes and gets a glass to put between the wall and his ear in order to hear what is going on. This again suggests that the teen has a tendency to get involved in something he is not supposed to showing his nosiest nature.

When we see the teen put his ear to the glass we get a quick flash sequence of images suggesting that a brutal murder is going on. This makes the audience jump implying that they in shock from horror. This same face is shown on the teen suggesting that the director was trying to make the character more relatable to the audience in order to make the twist more hard hitting.

We then see the characters face turn to determination and we see the teen leave the room and go next door and knock on the door. As the teen knocks on the door the camera cuts to a long shot showing the teen knocking on the door in the distance. This is done to show the audience the isolation of the teen as there is nobody else there to possibly help or to hear what is going on. The darkness emphasises the narrowness of the corridor giving the audience of a dark and tense atmosphere

A girl that the teen knows answers the door and tells the teen that everything is ok. However the teen yet again has another flash of images of a brutal murder in his head and stops the door from closing. This could suggest he is trying to predict what is actually going to happen or that he is seeing a flashback to a murder he couldnt stop and wants to stop this one as he possibly feels guilt

The teen finally lets the girl shut the door and starts to walk away however from another long shot of the corridor we see the teen stop as he has spotted something on his shoe. We then see a close up of the shoe and see a blood stain. This provides a shock factor to the audience as they realise what he thinks is going on is true. We then see the teen turn back and knock on the door more violently this time.

When the door opens we see a guy answers the door he tells the teen to go away and shoves him away from the door. We then see a close up of the teen in the corridor angry. This is accompanied with the sound of a boiling kettle telling the audience that he has been pushed too far. This is highlighted when the teen kicks the door into the other guys face and a fight ensues. The teen then pins the other guy down and grabs a bottle he then repeatedly hits the boy with the bottle. During this we repeatedly see a flashback showing the murderer the teen was seeing. This suggests to the audience that he is copying what he saw in the past giving the twist that he has turned into the murderer.

We then see the teen get hit on the head by the girl. We then see a brief blackness followed by a close up of the teen coming to. We see the realisation on the teens face as he firsts sees the victims body followed by realisation that there was never any blood on this shoe. This makes the audience feel upset as they know the good side to them and makes them realise it only takes a small thing to change someone in to a killer.

We then see the teen run back to the room and take the photo out of the photo frame in his room. We see him unfold the photo and a man is revealed possibly his farther. This creates a shock factor as the audience realise that the flashbacks are of his dad. This creates a very intriguing twist as he has murdered in the same way as his farther.After the credits we then see the same zoom in shot of the door as at the beginning. However police sirens can be heard suggesting that the police are going to open the door and are going to see something they wont want as the synopsis for this film is that some doors shouldnt be opened.

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