
Clinical Conversion Text Files

These layouts are compatible with Intergy Release 6.10.00.

This document lists all the clinical files and their text files layouts. The Intergy release number of when

it was added to the conversion is also listed.

Table: Allergy.txt

Allergy codes are used to record any food, drug, or other allergies for a patient. Once the codes are set

up, and once the corresponding allergies are recorded for each patient, these codes allow the Prescription

Writer to advise the physician of any drugs or drug classes to which the patient is allergic. Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Allergy Code STR Allergy Code - Specifies a specific allergy or reaction to a food, drug, or other substance. In Medical Manager, this code is stored in Clncode.dat as record type 905.


2 Allergy Type 2 STR Valid values in Intergy are: DC = Drug Class DS = Drug Specific ND = Non-Drug UD = User Defined prefix.


3 Description STR Text that describes the allergy code. This description can appear in reports and should clearly describe the allergy.


4 Drug If the Allergy Type is ‘DS’, then this field should be filled in with the appropriate code from the drug file.


5 Status 1 STR A = Active, I = Inactive


6 DURClass STR Drug Class - Specifies a specific class or type of drugs, such as ACE inhibitors, benzodiazepines, or nitrates, which triggers an allergic response. This field should be filled in if the Allergy Type is ‘DC’.


Table: Catalog.txt

This table is a list of transcriptions in the system for all patients. It has data fields that can be used to

filter by patient, provider, document type, etc.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel Other Comments


1 Catalog Key This field (along with the practice id which will be updated during the processing) makes the record unique in the conversion database. Each catalog entry will point to this field to identify the path for the file. In Medical Manager, the data for the catalog directory comes from the imgscan.dme. file. This field should be the concatenation of the Station Description (field 2) + the system type (field 11). For example, the key to the typical “trans” directory would be “11”, and the key to the typical “archive” directory would be “12”.


2 Provider This field should contain the full pathname that the catalog key points to.


3 Patient ID 3.50.00

4 Guarantor 3.50.00

5 Document Type 3.50.00

6 Catalog Status 3.50.00

7 Status Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD 3.50.00

8 Description 3.50.00

9 View Access Level 3.50.00

10 Edit Access Level 3.50.00

11 Delete Access Level 3.50.00

12 Reference Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD 3.50.00

13 Priority 3.50.00

14 Archive on Completion? 3.50.00

15 Original File Name 3.50.00

16 Archived File Name 3.50.00

17 Legacy Catalog Directory Key


18 Archive Sub Directory 3.50.00

19 Sent to User 3.50.00

20 Original Transcriptionist ID


21 Number of Pages 3.50.00

22 Number of Lines 3.50.00

23 Number of Words 3.50.00

24 Number of Characters 3.50.00

25 Original Transcription Date


26 Manager ID 3.50.00

27 Legacy Sequence Number


28 Convert from Document? 1 STR Y/N 5.50.02 This field will be used to indicate whether the document should be converted from the original text file or whether it cane be copied directly from the TMSCatalogBlob table in the conversion database. Y = Original file N = TMS Catalog Blob

29 Legacy Practice Code 4 STR Practice code from which we are converting

6.10.00 This field will only be filled in from the Intergy Export if this is an Intergy to Intergy conversion. All otherexports should leave this field blank.

Table: Catalogtype.txt

Document types are used when creating new transcription catalog entries to organize and identify the

transcription documents stored in the system. The document type determines whether the document will

be archived on approval and whether it requires provider.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Catalog Type The Catalog Type from the legacy system that makes the record unique. This code can either be mapped to another code or used to create a new code in Intergy. In Medical Manager, this code is stored in Translat.dat as record type 1018H.


2 Description 60 STR This should be the description of the Catalog Type, maximum length is 60 characters.


3 Default Archive Flag 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

4 Require Provider at Approval

1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

Table: Catdirectory.txt

Text file contains directory information.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Catalog Directory Key This field (along with the practice id which will be updated during the processing) makes the record unique in the conversion database. Each catalog entry will point to this field to identify the path for the file. In Medical Manager, the data for the catalog directory comes from the imgscan.dme. file. This field should be the concatenation of the Station Description (field 2) + the system type (field 11). For example, the key to the typical “trans” directory would be “11”, and the key to the typical “archive” directory would be “12”.


2 Legacy Directory STR This field should contain the full pathname that the catalog key points to.


Table: Ctmnotes.txt

This table contains comments and activities associated with the clinical task.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel Other Comments


1 Comment Key / Task Key STR This is the field that makes the comment entry unique in the comment table. This field along with the following sequence makes the comment unique and links the comment to the task.


2 Sequence STR A sequence to order the comments, oldest to newest.


3 Text STR 3.50.00

4 Activity Class STR This field indicates the origin of the note.

6.10.00 For Medical Manager, this field should be set to ‘Note’, if the field is not available. Intergy Export will set this value to the data in Note Class field. Any invalid values will be set to ‘Note’.

Table: Ctmtask.txt

The only clinical tasks that will be converted in this portion of the conversion are those tasks that are not

system defined. Any clinical task that is part of an application such as transcriptions, labs, or

prescriptions will be converted as part of that application conversion.

In Medical Manager, the data for clinical tasks is stored in mrstask.dme.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Task Key STR This field is the field in the legacy system that makes the task record unique.


2 Task Type STR This field must exist in the tasktype.txt file.


3 Assigned User STR This is user to whom the task is assigned. This user must exist in the user.txt file.


4 Doctor STR 3.50.00

5 Patient ID STR 3.50.00

6 Description STR 3.50.00

7 Task Status 3.50.00

8 Priority 3.50.00

9 Due Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD 3.50.00

10 Reference Name 3.50.00

11 Completed Flag 3.50.00

12 Completed Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD 3.50.00

13 Completed Time 3.50.00

14 Acknowledge Flag 3.50.00

15 Original User STR 3.50.00

16 Original Time Stamp 3.50.00

17 Task Completion User From field 22, ctmCompUsr 3.50.00

Table: Customfinding.txt

This data comes from mrcpref.dme for records that have field 2, prfType, = ‘UDF’. (I don’t think this

file has an assigned file number.) The records should be sorted by field 4, section number. Each time

there is a break on section number a new ODS Custom Finding record should be created.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Medcin ID This data comes from the prfSection field,

field 4, to use as the key to link all of the

custom findings to the custom finding attributes.


Table: Customfindingattr.txt

A record will be exported for each record in the mrcpref.dme file where field 2, prfType, = ‘UDF’.

As noted above, the records should be sorted by field 4, section number so that a unique finding can be


Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Medcin ID This data comes from the prfSection field, field 4, to use as the key to link all of this attribute to the custom finding.


2 Class This data will come from field 5, prfKey. It should be noted that the values in this field will be converted to lower case during the import.


3 Attribute Value This data will come from field 6, prfSetting.


Table: Drlabaccounts.txt

Provider Lab IDs – the alternate id the lab uses to identify the provider

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Doctor 3.50.00

2 Facility Must be in the loacation.txt file. 3.50.00

3 AltID Alternate id used by facility to identify the doctor.


Table: Drug.txt

Drug – This file contains drugs used by the prescription system.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 DrugCode The Drug Code from the legacy system that makes the record unique.


2 Name STR . 3.50.00

3 RouteOfAdministration Must exist in rxroute.txt 3.50.00

4 DosageForm Must exist in rxform.txt 3.50.00

5 Strength 3.50.00

6 StrengthUnitOfMeasure 3.50.00

7 ControlledSubstanceInd Must be mapped to a valid Intergy 3.50.00

value in the mapping utilities.

8 OTCDrugFlag O = over the counter, R = restricted, U = unknown


9 Brand 3.50.00

10 DESICode 3.50.00

11 GPI 3.50.00

12 BioEquivCode 3.50.00

13 NameSource 3.50.00

14 KDCFlag 3.50.00

15 ScreenFlag 3.50.00

16 KDC 3.50.00

17 GenericFlag 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

18 AllowEDI 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

19 Restricted 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

20 RecordStatus Valid values are: A = Active, I = Inactive


Table: Favoritefinding.txt

This information comes from file #137, mrcmedrc.dme. As each type 2 record (standard record instance

from file # 136), is processed, its corresponding finding header and detail records should be exported.

To find the header record, the following selection should be used:

Field 2, mrfInstance = field 8, finId from the mrcinst record just processed

Field 3, mrfSectionId = “001”

Field 5, mrfItemNum = “00Nxx” where xx is a sequentially updated counter in base 36

Field 6, mrfParentSecInstance = “”

Field 7, mrfParentItemNum = “”

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Instance ID The data for this field comes from field 2, mrfInstance, and will be used to link the individual findings to the header record


2 Section Instance This data will come from field 4, mrfInstance, and along with the following field will be used to link the qualifier records to the individual finding.


3 Item Number This data will come from field 5, mrfItemNum, and along with the previous field will be used to link the qualifier records to the individual finding.


4 Orders Related Default to ‘N’. 3.50.00

5 Medcin ID This information comes from field 9, mrfRemark. This may include the clinical type ‘993-’, which should be stripped from the data. If for some reason, the MedcinID is a zero, don’t


process this record.

6 Memo This field will come from file # 143, mrccomm.dme The primary key (field 6) in this file is derived by concatenating the primary key values of the finding "header" record in mrcmedrc.dme (file #137). This consists of:

(2) Form Instance (3) Section Id (5) Item Num

There can be multiple comment records for any header record, so this data must be merged into one text block per finding record.


7 The information for the next 14 fields also comes from file #137, mcrmedrc.dme. As each finding “header” record is processed, its corresponding finding “detail” must be read to get the value for these fieldsTo find these records, the following selection should be used: Field 2, mrfInstance = field 8, finId from the mrcinst record just processed Field 3, mrfSectionId = “008” Field 6, mrfParentSecInstance = field 4, mrfSecInstance of the finding header being processed Field 7, mrfParentItemNum = “00Nxx” where xx is equal to the sequence of the finding header currently being processed. The first 3 characters of Field 5, mrfItemNum must equal a specific Item Number to find the value for each of these fields. In each case the value for the field will be in the remarks field


8 ROS Flag mrfItemNum = ‘00T’ This one is a little different. It’s defined as an integer, but is a series of bit flags. You will need to convert it to binary and set this flag based on the last bit. If the last bit is a ‘1’, set this field to ‘Y”. Otherwise set it to ‘N’.


9 Duration mrfItemNum = ‘00D’ 3.50.00

10 Episode mrfItemNum = ‘01K’ 3.50.00

11 Modifier mrfItemNum = ‘009’ 3.50.00

12 Onset mrfItemNum = ‘00C’ 3.50.00

13 Prefix mrfItemNum = ‘008’ 3.50.00

14 LinkQualifier mrfItemNum = ‘00V’ 3.50.00

15 NormalRangeHigh mrfItemNum = ‘00Q’ 3.50.00

16 NormalRangeLow mrfItemNum = ‘00R’ 3.50.00

17 ResultFlag mrfItemNum = ‘00A’ 3.50.00

18 Encounter Finding Status mrfItemNum = ‘00B’ 3.50.00

19 Unit mrfItemNum = ‘00F’ 3.50.00

20 Finding Value mrfItemNum = ‘00E’ 3.50.00

21 Link Finding SID mrfItemNum = ‘00W’ When this record is found, and a value other than zero or blank is found in the remarks field, you have a sequence number that links back to another finding. The way you get this finding information is to read the ‘00U’ records for all the finding header records (field 7 = 00Nxx), looking for the same sequence. When this record is found, the value in field 7 should be exported to this field.


22 Record Status Default to ‘A’ 3.50.00

Table: Finding.txt

This information comes from file #137, mrcmedrc.dme. As each type 0 record (patient instance from file

# 136), is processed, its corresponding finding records should be exported. To find these records, the

following selection should be used:

Field 2, mrfInstance = field 8, finId from the mrcinst record just processed

Field 3, mrfSectionId = “001”

Field 5, mrfItemNum = “00Nxx” where xx is a sequentially updated counter in base 36

Field 6, mrfParentSecInstance = “”

Field 7, mrfParentItemNum = “”

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Instance ID The data for this field comes from field 2, mrfInstance, and will be used to link the individual findings to the header record


2 Section Instance This data will come from field 4, mrfInstance, and along with the following field will be used to link the qualifier records to the individual finding.


3 Item Number This data will come from field 5, mrfItemNum, and along with the previous field will be used to link the qualifier records to the individual finding.


4 Medcin ID This information comes from field 9, mrfRemark. It includes the clinical type ‘993-’, which should be stripped from the data. If for some reason, the MedcinID is a zero, don’t process this record.


5 Memo This field will come from file # 143, mrccomm.dme The primary key (field 6) in this file is derived by


concatenating the primary key values of the finding "header" record in mrcmedrc.dme (file #137). This consists of:

(2) Form Instance (3) Section Id (5) Item Num

There can be multiple comment records for any header record, so this data must be merged into one text block per finding record.

Table: Imgcatalog.txt

This table is a list of patient images. It has data fields that can be used to filter by patient, document

type, etc.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Image Catalog Key This is a field to make the catalog entry unique. For Medical Manager, this should be the account + dependent + the sequence number (all spooled to their maximum length).


2 Document Category STR This code must exist in LegImgType.


3 Provider If it is not blank, this value will be updated to the table Medman.DocumentAttributeValue to the Provider attribute.


4 Patient ID 3.50.00

5 File Extension File extension of the original document. This data will be converted to Medman.Image.


6 Number of Pages INT Convert from base 36 (ime_PageNum) This data will be converted to Medman.Image.


7 Scan Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD from ime_SDate This data will be converted to Medman.Image.


8 Scan User ID From ime_SopID This data will be converted to Medman.Image.


9 Last View Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD from ime_SLVDate This data will be converted to Medman.Image.


10 Original ID From ime_OID If it is not blank, this value will be updated to the table Medman.DocumentAttributeValue to the ID attribute.


11 Document Type Valid values are: F – for FILEX, 3.50.00

otherwise set W - Use the registered viewer for the file type to display the image. Ime_SViewer

12 Document Status Image Status: S - Image/document has been scanned or otherwise captured into the database. R - Image/document has only been requested. Ime_Status


13 Reference Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD from ime_ODate 3.50.00

14 Description From ime_label 3.50.00

15 View Access Level Valid values in Intergy are: Low - 1 Medium - 2 High - 3 Currently, MM values are translated as follows: 1-3 = Low (1) 4-6 = Medium (2) 7-9 = High (3)


16 Priority INT Valid values in Intergy are: Low – 1 Medium – 2 High – 3 Currently, MM values are translated as follows: 1-3 = High (3) 4-6 = Medium (2) 7-9 = Low (1)


Table: imgcattype.txt

This table contains document category info types associated with document categories in imaging


. Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 R Category Type 8 STR The identifier that makes the category type unique on the legacy system.


2 R Description 25 STR 6.00.00

3 R Patient Related 1 STR Y/N 6.00.00

4 Entity Class 15 STR Validate against the Lookup Type “AllSourceTypes”


5 Record Status 1 STR Y/N

Table: Imgcomment.txt This table contains comments associated with images. Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Image Catalog Key This is the field that makes the catalog entry unique in the catalog table. This field along with the following sequence makes the comment unique and links the comment to the catalog entry.


2 Sequence STR A sequence to order the comments, 3.50.00

oldest to newest.

3 Text 3.50.00

4 Note Class STR This field indicates the origin of the note.

6.10.00 For Medical Manager, this field should be set to ‘Note’. Intergy Export will set this value to the data in Note Class field. Any invalid values, will be set to ‘Note’.

Table: Imgparm.txt There are two preferences necessary for converting DIM/DOM,the IP Address of the Imaging Server

and the Image Catalog path

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 IPAddress In Medical Manager, this information is stored in param.dme. System code = IMG and record sub-type = 1. This field will be updated to Medman.Preference.PreferenceValue where the PreferenceSID = 661. Once it has been set in Intergy, I don’t think we should update it.


2 Image Catalog Path STR In Medical Manager, this information is stored in param.dme. System code = IMG and record sub-type = 1. This field will be updated to Medman.Preference.PreferenceValue where the PreferenceSID = 341, if it does not exist. If it does, the value being converted must be compared to the existing value, and if they are different, updated to Medman.PracticePreference instead. If they are the same, the practice will use the system level preference by default.


Table: Imgtask.txt

In Medical Manager, the data for clinical tasks is stored in mrstask.dme as type “IMAGE” for Imaging


Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Task Key This field is the field in the legacy system that makes the task record unique.


2 Task Type This field must exist in the tasktype.txt file.


3 Assigned User This is user to whom the task is assigned. This user must exist in the user.txt file.


4 Doctor 3.50.00

5 Patient ID 3.50.00

6 External Key Should contain the same image catalog key from the image catalog record


7 Description 3.50.00

8 Task Status 3.50.00

9 Priority 3.50.00

10 Due Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD 3.50.00

11 Reference Name 3.50.00

12 Completed Flag 3.50.00

13 Completed Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD 3.50.00

14 Completed Time 3.50.00

15 Acknowledge Flag 3.50.00

16 Original User 3.50.00

17 Original Time Stamp 3.50.00

18 Completed User 3.50.00

Table: Imgtasknotes.txt

This table contains comments and activities associated with the clinical task.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Comment/Task Key This is the field that makes the comment entry unique in the comment table. This field along with the following sequence makes the comment unique and links the comment to the comment entry.


2 Sequence A sequence to order the comments, oldest to newest.


3 Text 3.50.00

4 Activity Class STR This field indicates the origin of the note.

6.10.00 For Medical Manager, this field should be set to ‘Note’, if the field is not available. Intergy Export will set this value to the data in Note Class field. Any invalid values will be set to ‘Note’.

Table: Imgtype.txt

Document categories are used when creating new image catalog entries to organize and identify the

images stored in the system.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 ImageCategory The Image Type is a code from the legacy system that uniquely defines an image category. This code can either be mapped to another code or used to create a new code in Intergy. In The Medical Manager, this code is stored in Translat.dat as record type 1017N. Image types from TMM may also be


found in imgcat.dme entered as free text. These should be exported into imgtype.txt as they are encountered. In these cases the Image Category and Description will get the same value.

2 Description STR Image category description. 3.50.00

3 Document Category Type Will always be ‘PI’ for now. 3.50.00

Table: Labagency.txt

Carrier ID’s are used to cross-reference a carrier with a lab specific carrier code. Plan ID’s are used to

cross-reference a plan with a lab specific plan code. These codes can be set up for all labs.

Quest Diagnostic has both carrier specific and plan specific insurance and billing codes, and includes the

agency number, billing code, and agency category fields.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Facility 3.50.00

2 CarrierCode Only fill in if type = ‘C’ 3.50.00

3 PlanCode Only fill in if type = ‘P’ 3.50.00

4 Alternate ID 3.50.00

5 AgencyNumber Quest Only 3.50.00

6 BillingCode Quest Only 3.50.00

7 AgencyCategory Quest Only 3.50.00

Table: Labcatalogtest.txt

This is the catalog test information. The information from this table is loaded into

Medman.LabCatalogTest. This table also includes the alternate name which is loaded into

Medman.LabTestAltName in Intergy, the Procedure which creates a LabProcedure and a


Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Facility 3.50.00

2 TestCode 3.50.00

3 TestName 3.50.00

4 ProcedureCode In intergy store this field on LabCatalogTest, and also create LabProcedure and LabCatalogTestProcedure


5 FrequentTest 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

6 Profile 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

7 Orderable 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

8 Question Mnemonic Used to find Medman.EAPage, the SID from there is stored in LabCatalogTest.EAPageSID X(10)


9 RecordStatus ‘A’ctive / ‘I’nactive 3.50.00

10 TestInformation Up to 32000 chars in Med 3.50.00

11 Electronic 1 STR Y/N. Defines whether or not the lab test was electronically downloaded or


created manually

12 Modifier Valid modifier. This is the default modified used for lab order test.


13 AltName Alternate name for test, in Intergy store in Medman.LabTestAltName.


14 TestType When Profile = Y, this field is used to create the Medman.LabProfileTest. Medman.LabProfileTest.ProfileCode = Conversion.LabCatalogTest.TestCode Medman.LabProfileTest.TestCode = Conversion.LabCatalogTest.TestType


Table: Labcattestcomp.txt

This is the component information for the lab catalog tests in LegLabCatalogTest. The information in

this table is loaded into LabCatTestComp.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Facility 3.50.00

2 TestCode 3.50.00

3 ComponentID 3.50.00

4 ComponentName 3.50.00

5 DefaultUnits Default units of measure for this test component


6 DefaultRange Range information for this test component


7 Procedure Code 3.50.00

Table: Labdef.txt

In MM the data listed here is available from the param.dme (system code = “LAB”) and labcfg.dme

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 LabMnemonic * + STR This needs to be used as the Medman.Service Center.ServiceCode when converted into Intergy.


2 FacilityNumber

STR Legacy system unique identifier for lab. Zero is a valid facility number in MM. Must be a service center in the location.txt. If LIS, should be facility zero. ‘MAN’ is 999.

3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 1, field 7

3 PatientBillingCode

Only set when LabMnemonic is QDI (see ui\clt\system\conversion\ConvertServiceCenter.p\setup-billing for special handling of QDI billing setup)

3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 2, field 24

4 InsuranceBillingCode

Only set when LabMnemonic is QDI 3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 2, field 26

5 ProviderBillingCode

Only set when LabMnemonic is QDI 3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 2, field 25

6 PatientBillingAllowed 1 STR Y/N – comes from param.dme, subtype 1, field 24 3.50.00

7 InsuranceBillingAllowed 1 STR Y/N – comes from param.dme, subtype 1, field 25 3.50.00

8 ProviderBillingAllowed 1 STR Y/N – comes from param.dme, subtype 1, field 26 3.50.00

9 LabType

STR Indicates the type of laboratory interface. Valid values (I)nternal, (E)DI, (M)anual. Defaults to “E”. If field 29 is set to ‘I’ or ‘E’, use that.

3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 3, field 29

10 MaxTestsPerReq

INT Maximum number of tests that the lab allows on a requisition

3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 2, field 12

11 MaxDiagsPerReq

INT Max number of diags that the lab allows on a requisition

3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 2, field 13

12 NumberArchiveFiles

INT Number of transmission/results files kept in the system. Default to 99 is not avail.

3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 1, field 14

13 LastRequisitionNumber The last requisition number used on the legacy system. *This field was not in Viv’s original layout.

3.50.00 – from param.dme, sub-type 1, field 10

14 DefaultNumberReqs

Default number of requisitions printed 3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 6, field 9

15 RealTimeTransmission

Indicator to determine if a requisition must be printed prior to transmission. Valid values – Y/N. Default to N if not available.

3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 1, field 26

16 RequisitionPrefixType 1 STR Defines the type if prefix assigned to the requisition number. Based on the prefix type the value of the requisition prefix will be used to determine the requisition number prefix. Valid values: Y- Four digit year A – Provider Lab Account C – Constant value N – None L – Lab facility ID P – Practice facility ID From the LabReqNumBasis field in labcfg.dme


17 RequisitionPrefix Set when RequisitionPrefixType is C. This is pre-pended to the requisition number. If the lab is not ‘LIS’, this field is set to the LabReqPgm field in labcfg.dme.


18 DefaultWeightUnits

Units of weight. Valid values LBS or KGS 3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 2, field 28

19 DefaultSpecVolUnits

Units of specimen volume. Valid values LBS or KGS 3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 2, field 29

20 PrintNewResult

1 STR Indicates when new results are to be printed. Valid values: P – Prompt N – Never print new results A - Never print new results and accept without printing

3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 2, field 31

21 UnlistedCarrierCode Represents a carrier that the lab does not have a cross-reference for.

3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 2, field 32

22 DefaultSpecDate

8 DATE Specimen date default. Valid values: S – System N – None

3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 2, field 27

23 RequisitionPrintReq

Determines when a requisition print is required before transmission. Valid values Y/N

3.50.00 – from param.dme, sub-type 1, field 23

24 RequisitionSeqSize Number of digits to be used in the formatting of the requisition number. Valid values 5, 6, 7. From field LabReqNumLen in labcfg.dme


25 FacilityApplication

Lab processing application supplied by the lab rep. (Currently not converted in MM conversion)

3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 1, field 36

26 PracticeApplication

Processing application supplied by the practice. (Currently not converted in MM conversion)

3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 1, field 37

27 ErrorCheckOption

Error Reporting Options 3.50.00 from param.dme, sub-type 2, field 30

28 Practice Facility ID Comes from param.dme. When not QDI it comes from subType1 Field 24. When QDI it comes from subtype 4 field 24.


29 Lab Facility ID Comes from param.dme, SubType 1 Field 25. 3.50.00

Table: Labfavoriteorder.txt

This is the header of the Favorite indicating the name, provider and note.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 FavUnique 3.50.00

2 Doctor 3.50.00

3 Description STR 3.50.00

4 Note STR Comes from labcomnt.dme, 3.50.00

5 Diagnosis STR 6.00.00

6 Due Date Days INT 6.00.00 Default is 30

7 Due Date Unit of Measure

STR Ties back to the value in the previous field. D = Days W = Weeks M = Months

6.00.00 Default is ‘D’

8 Results Required STR Y = Yes N = No P = Use practice default

6.00.00 In the conversion to Intergy, if this field is “P”, set it to ? (null)

9 Priority INT 1 = High 2 = Medium 3 = Low

6.00.00 Default is Low

10 Select Lab STR Determines whether to include all tests on this requisition, or just those for the selected lab Y = only those tests for the selectected lab N = includes all tests on the requisition

6.00.00 Should default to ‘N’

Table: Labfavoritetest.txt

This is the details for the Favorite – listing all the tests on the favorite lab order.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 FavUnique 3.50.00

2 Facility 3.50.00

3 Test 3.50.00

4 Diag1 3.50.00

5 Diag2 3.50.00

6 Diag3 3.50.00

7 Diag4 3.50.00

Table: Laborder.txt

In MM the data listed here Is available form the labord1.dme file.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Lab Order Unique This field along with the facility field below will be used to make the record


unique and to tie the Lab Order to the Lab Test and Lab Results.

2 Facility 3.50.00

3 Patient 3.50.00

4 Guarantor 3.50.00

5 Doctor 3.50.00

6 RefDoctor 3.50.00

7 RequisitionNumber 3.50.00

8 BillingMethod Valid values (I)nsurance, (P)atient, (D)octor


9 PatientWeight INT Weight of Patient 3.50.00

10 PatientWeightUnits STR Valid values KGS or LBS 3.50.00

11 PatientFasting 1 STR Indicates if patient was fasting. Valid values Y/N


12 Priority 1 STR Priority of Lab order. Valid values (S)tat, (R)outine or (C)all


13 Confidential Confidentiality Value. 3.50.00

14 OrderDate 8 DATE Date lab was ordered. 3.50.00 YYYYMMDD

15 OrderStatus 1 STR Status of order. Valid values (O)pen, (H)old, (T)ransmit or (D)elete


16 TransmissionDate 8 DATE Date Lab order transmitted. 3.50.00 YYYYMMDD

17 TransmissionTime Time lab order was transmitted 3.50.00

18 LabReceiptDate 8 DATE Date of lab receipt 3.50.00 YYYYMMDD

19 LabReportDate 8 DATE Date results were reported 3.50.00 YYYYMMDD

20 ResultStatus 1 STR Status of results. Acceptable values are (T)ransmitted, (P)artial, (F)inal, (C)orrected or (D)elete


21 RequisitionPrintStatus 1 STR Print status of requisition. Valid values Y/N or blank


22 ResultsPrintStatus 1 STR Indicates if results have been printed. Y/N


23 ElectronicResults 1 STR Flag to indicate if requisition has electronic results. Y/N


24 AbnormalResults Labres.dme Indicates if there are any abnormal results for the order. Y/N


25 ReviewedResults Set to Y if Review user is set. Y/N 3.50.00

26 ReviewUser ID of user that reviewed the lab results 3.50.00

27 PanicResults Labres.dme Indicates if panic results were posted for the lab order. Possible values 1 – Panic, 2 – No Panic


28 PrimaryIns In Intergy create Medman.LabOrderInsConverage, setting Coverage Order to 1 and set the rest of the fields from the policy info


29 SecondaryIns In Intergy create Medman.LabOrderInsConverage, setting Coverage Order to 2 and set the rest of the fields from the policy info


30 ReferenceNote Labcomnt.dme 3.50.00

31 Reviewed Date 3.50.03 YYYYMMDD

Table: Labordertest.txt

In MM the data listed here is available from the labord2.dme file. ALSO: Labres.dme also contains lab

order test for lab orders processed electronically.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 LabOrderUnique This field along with the facility and 3.50.00

order line field below will be used to make the record unique and to tie the Lab Order Test to the Lab Results.

2 Facility 3.50.00

3 OrderLine 3.50.00

4 TestCode 3.50.00

5 ResultOrder Order that the test was reported by the lab.


6 SpecimenCode The info for the specimen comes from the Lab order record (labord1.dme). Place the specimen info from the lab order on the first Test for that laborder. Create Medman.LabSpecimenType from this field and the following specimen specific fields.


7 SpecimenSource Source of specimen 3.50.00

8 SpecimenDate 8 DATE Date specimen was collected 3.50.00 YYYYMMDD

9 SpecimenTime Time Specimen was collected 3.50.00

10 Volume Volume of speciment 3.50.00

11 VolumeUnits Measurements of specimen volume 3.50.00

12 LabSpecimenReceiptDate 8 DATE Date lab speciment was received 3.50.00 YYYYMMDD

13 Note Labcomnt.dme In intergy convert into LabOrderTestNote table.


14 Diag1 For each of the Diags, in Intergy,create LabOrderTestDiag record. At least 1 Diag is REQUIRED


15 Diag2 3.50.00

16 Diag3 3.50.00

17 Diag4 3.50.00

18 Modifier The data in this field comes from labord2.dme, field 12


19 Status The value for this field comes from field 8 in labord2.dme


20 Lab Speciment ID 20 ???

Table: Labordertestresult.txt

In MM the data listed here is available from the labres.dme, where field 19, the component number, is

not equal zero.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 LabOrderUnique This field along with the facility, order line, and the result number fields below will be used to make the record unique and to tie the Lab Result to the Lab Test and Lab Order. This data comes from field 5.


2 Facility This data comes from field 4. 3.50.00

3 OrderLine This data comes from field 18. 3.50.00

4 TestResultNumber This data comes from field 19. 3.50.00

5 TestCode Test Code as transmitted from the lab 3.50.00

6 TestName Test Name as transmitted from the lab 3.50.00

7 ComponentID Component identifier as transmitted by the lab


8 ComponentName As transmitted by lab 3.50.00

9 ReportDate 8 DATE Date result was reported by lab 3.50.00 YYYYMMDD

10 ModifyDate 8 DATE Last date result was modified by lab 3.50.00 YYYYMMDD

11 Modify Time INT Last time result was modified by lab 3.50.00

12 ResultType Result type as returned by the lab 3.50.00

13 ResultStatus Result status as returned by lab 3.50.00

14 ResultValue Result value as returned by the lab 3.50.00

15 ResultUnits Result units of measure as returned by the lab


16 ResultConfidence Result confidence as returned by the lab


17 Abnormal Indicates if results were abnormal as returned by the lab


18 PerformingLab This field is the lab downloaded code that identifies the performing lab.


19 Note Labcomnt.dme In Intergy convert into LabOrderTestResultNote.


Table: Labtask.txt

In Medical Manager, the data for clinical tasks is stored in mrstask.dme as types “LAB” and “LAB-O”

(even though this is really a manual code). Type “LAB-P” is currently skipped.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Task Key This field is the field in the legacy system that makes the task record unique.


2 Task Type This field must exist in the tasktype.txt file.


3 Assigned User This is user to whom the task is assigned. This user must exist in the user.txt file.


4 Doctor 3.50.00

5 Patient ID 3.50.00

6 External Key For “LAB” types this field is the facility and requisition number, for “LAB-O” this is the favorite unique field should be left blank


7 Description 3.50.00

8 Task Status 3.50.00

9 Priority 3.50.00

10 Due Date 8 DATE 3.50.00 YYYYMMDD

11 Reference Name 3.50.00

12 Completed Flag 3.50.00

13 Completed Date 8 DATE 3.50.00 YYYYMMDD

14 Completed Time 3.50.00

15 Acknowledge Flag 3.50.00

16 Original User 3.50.00

17 Original Time Stamp 3.50.00

18 Task Completion User From field 22, ctmCompUsr 3.50.00

19 Diags from Favorite? 1 STR Y/N – If field 20, the Ext_Name, contains a pipe then the second field will be a Y/N flag that indicates whether the Diagnosis is an existing diagnosis code or should come from the lab order favorite when creating the Lab Order Task Test Diagnoses. If the pipe does not exist or the field after the pipe is not equal to ‘N’, then this field should be set to ‘N’. Otherwise, if the field after the pipe = ‘N”, this field should be set to ‘Y’.


20 Diagnosis If the ‘diagnosis from favorite’ field is 3.50.00

set to ‘N’, and there is a value in field 20 either before the pipe or without the pipe, it is a single diagnosis and should be exported in this field.

Table: Labtasknotes.txt

This table contains comments and activities associated with the clinical task.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Comment/Task Key This is the field that makes the comment entry unique in the comment table. This field along with the following sequence makes the comment unique and links the comment to the comment entry.


2 Sequence INT A sequence to order the comments, oldest to newest.


3 Text This is user to whom the task is assigned. This user must exist in the user.txt file.


4 Activity Class STR This field indicates the origin of the note.

6.10.00 For Medical Manager, this field should be set to ‘Note’, if the field is not available. Intergy Export will set this value to the data in Note Class field. Any invalid values will be set to ‘Note’.

Table: labrequestorderfavorite

This table contains favorite information associated with LAB-O clinical tasks.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 R Task Key This field ties the lab order request back to the lab-o task and is the key to the task


2 R Sequence This field will tie the favorite to the favorite diags

For TMM, this field will always be set to 1. For the Intergy Export, this field will be set to the patientorder set sid.

3 R Favorite This is the key to the lab order favorite associated with the lab-o task. If there is no favorite, the lab-o task record should be tied to at least one labrequestordertest record


4 Description Description for the favorite 6.10.00

5 Use Favorite Diags STR Use the diagnosis codes from the favorite specified in field 2

6.10.00 Medical Manager Only. If the answer to this is no, and there are diagnosis codes, you should create a record in labrequestorderfavdiag for each diagnosis

6 Request Order Status STR 6.10.00 C = Closed O = Ordered

Q = Requested S = Result V = Void If this value is unknown or invalid, it will be defaulted to closed.

7 Comments STR Comments associated with the request favorite

Table: labrequestordertest

This table contains lab request test information associated with LAB-O clinical tasks. It should only

exist if no favorite is associated with the task.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 R Task Key This field ties the lab order request back to the lab-o task and is the key to the task


2 R Sequence This field will be used to create the patient order set in Intergy. Because one lab-o task can have multiple patient order sets, we will use this field for grouping records together.

For TMM, this field will always be set to 1. For the Intergy Export, this field will be set to the original patient order set sid.

3 R Lab This is the key to the lab order favorite associated with the lab-o task. If there is no favorite, the lab-o task record should be tied to at least one labrequestordertest record


4 R Test Code 6.10.00

5 Description Description for the test 6.10.00

Table: labrequestorderfavdiag

This table contains favorite diagnosis information associated with LAB-O clinical tasks.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Task Key This field ties the lab order request back to the lab-o task and is the key to the task


2 R Sequence This field will tie the favorite to the favorite diags

For TMM, this field will always be set to 1. For the Intergy Export, this field will be set to the patientorder set sid.

3 R Favorite This is the key to the lab order favorite associated with the lab-o task. If there is no favorite, the lab-o task record should be tied to at least one labrequestordertest record


4 R Diagnosis Code 6.10.00

Table: Labtestaltname.txt Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Facility 3.50.00

2 TestCode 3.50.00

3 AlternateName 3.50.00

Table: Listfinding.txt

This information comes from file #137, mrcmedrc.dme. As each type 3 record (list record instance from

file # 136), is processed, its corresponding finding records should be exported. To find these records, the

following selection should be used:

Field 2, mrfInstance = field 8, finId from the mrcinst record just processed

Field 3, mrfSectionId = “001”

Field 5, mrfItemNum = “00Nxx” where xx is a sequentially updated counter in base 36

Field 6, mrfParentSecInstance = “”

Field 7, mrfParentItemNum = “”

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Instance ID The data for this field comes from field 2, mrfInstance, and will be used to link the individual findings to the header record


2 Section Instance This data will come from field 4, mrfInstance, and along with the following field will be used to link the qualifier records to the individual finding.


3 Item Number This data will come from field 5, mrfItemNum, and along with the previous field will be used to link the qualifier records to the individual finding.


4 Medcin ID This information comes from field 9, mrfRemark. It includes the clinical type ‘993-’, which should be stripped from the data. If for some reason, the MedcinID is a zero, don’t process this record.


5 Memo This field will come from file # 143, mrccomm.dme The primary key (field 6) in this file is derived by concatenating the primary key values of the finding "header" record in mrcmedrc.dme (file #137). This consists of:

(2) Form Instance


(3) Section Id (5) Item Num

There can be multiple comment records for any header record, so this data must be merged into one text block per finding record.

Table: Listqualifier.txt

This information also comes from file #137, mcrmedrc.dme. As each list finding “header” record is

processed, its corresponding finding “detail” (qualifier) records should be exported. To find these

records, the following selection should be used:

Field 2, mrfInstance = field 8, finId from the mrcinst record just processed

Field 3, mrfSectionId = “008”

Field 5, mrfItemNum = *****

Field 6, mrfParentSecInstance = field 4, mrfSecInstance of the last finding header processed

Field 7, mrfParentItemNum = “00Nxx” where xx is equal to the sequence of the last finding header


Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Instance ID The data for this field comes from field 2, mrfInstance, and will be used to link the individual findings to the header record


2 Parent Section Instance This data will come from field 6, mrfParentSecInstance, and along with the following field will be used to link the qualifier records to the individual finding.


3 Parent Item Number This data will come from field 7, mrfParentItemNum, and along with the previous field will be used to link the qualifier records to the individual finding.


4 Item Number This data comes from field 5, mrfItemNumber, and will be used in update mode to identify the legacy data.


5 Class The data in this field will come from the first three characters of field 5, mrfItemNum but must be translated into the Intergy value as follows: MM Item Number Intergy Qualifier 008 prefix 009 modifier 00A


result 00B status 00C onset 00D duration 00E value 00F unit 00O rx 00P lab 00Q rangelow 00R rangehigh 00S referid 00T chartflag 00V qlink 00W qlinksequence 01B sumgroup 01C sumpriority 01D sumtype 01G sumdatetime 01K episode Any records with other item numbers than those listed above should not be processed.

6 Qualifier Value This information comes from field 9, mrfRemark.


Table: Monitor.txt

Clinical task monitoring enables a monitoring user to see and work another user's tasks. Tasks can be

monitored by specific type if needed, and monitoring can be set up to be permanent or temporary.

Expiration dates can be specified so that monitoring assignments expire automatically.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Original User STR The Intergy system user who originally receives the tasks that will be monitored by the monitoring user. This user must be in the user login text file. In Medical Manager, this code is stored in Translat.dat as record type 1059.


2 Monitor User STR The Intergy system user who will 3.50.00

monitor the tasks of the receiving user. This user must be in the user login text file.

3 Task Type STR If the monitoring user monitors all task types, leave this field blank. Otherwise, specify the task type here. If the monitoring user handles more than one task type for the original user, send one record in this text file for each task type monitored.


4 Expiration Date 8 DATE Indicates the date on which the monitoring assignment will cease. The monitoring user will no longer have access to the receiving user's tasks after this date.

3.50.00 YYYYMMDD

Table: Odsfavorite.txt

This data comes from file #136, mrcinst.dme, records that have field 13, finType, = 2, and field 4,

finFormId = ‘ODS’.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Header Key This data comes from the finID field, field 8, to use as the key to link all of the header and detail information together for the list files. This is another base 36 number and probably should be sent in that format to make the data easier to track back to the medical Manager files. It will not be converted to Intergy anywhere.


2 Name This data comes from field 11, finRemark.


3 Staff ID This data comes from field 12, finDR. It should be noted that ‘0’ is an accepted value and should be converted as such throughout each phase of the conversion.


Table: Odsheader.txt

In Medical Manager, this data comes from file #136, mrcinst.dme, records that have field 13, finType, =

0, and field 4, finFormId = ‘ODS’.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Patient ID The data for this field comes from fields 2 and 3, finAccount and finDependendent.


2 Catalog Sequence This field links the findings to the actual document converted. It is found in field 21, finflags, bytes 2-4. This is a base 36 number, and should be exported in the same format as the sequence number


in the catalog file.

3 Header Key This data comes from the finID field, field 8, to use as the key to link all of the header and detail information together for the ODS files. This is another base 36 number and probably should be sent in that format to make the data easier to track back to the medical Manager files. It will not be converted to Intergy anywhere.


4 Status This field comes from field 21, finFlags, byte 1. Valid values in Intergy are:

(I)ncomplete - Data entry requirements

not met. (U)nsealed - Data

entry requirements. (S)ealed -

Encounter sealed. Valid values in Medical Manager are:

(I)ncomplete (C)omplete

If the Med value is “I”, then the Intergy value will be “I”. If the Med value is “C”, then the Intergy value will be “U” , if the finCommitDate field is blank, or “S” based on the presence of a finCommitDate (field 10) value.


5 Seal User This data comes from field 16, finSealUsr.


6 Seal Stamp This data will come from fields 10, finCommitDate, and field 18, finCommitTime. It should be in the format of CCYYMMDDHHMM for this field. It doesn’t follow the format guidelines for an Intergy timestamp.


7 Summary Updated This data comes from field 21, finFlags, byte 6. Valid values in Intergy are:

0 = no, 1 = yes. Valid values in Medical Manager are:

0 = no, 1 = yes, <empty> = no.


8 Memo This field will come from field 11, finRemark.


Table: Odslist.txt This data comes from file #136, mrcinst.dme, records that have field 13, finType, = 3, and field 4,

finFormId = ‘ODS’.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Header Key This data comes from the finID field, field 8, to use as the key to link all of


the header and detail information together for the list files. This is another base 36 number and probably should be sent in that format to make the data easier to track back to the medical Manager files. It will not be converted to Intergy anywhere.

2 Name This data comes from field 11, finRemark.


3 Staff ID This data comes from field 12, finDR. It should be noted that ‘0’ is an accepted value and should be converted as such throughout each phase of the conversion.


Table: Odstask.txt In Medical Manager, the data for clinical tasks is stored in mrstask.dme as type “OMDOCS.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Task Key This field is the field in the legacy system that makes the task record unique.


2 Task Type This field must exist in the tasktype.txt file.


3 Assigned User This is user to whom the task is assigned. This user must exist in the user.txt file.


4 Doctor 3.50.00

5 Patient ID 3.50.00

6 External Key This field should contain the key to the mrcinst record from field 8


7 Description 3.50.00

8 Task Status 3.50.00

9 Priority 3.50.00

10 Due Date 3.50.00

11 Reference Name 3.50.00

12 Completed Flag 3.50.00

13 Completed Date 3.50.00

14 Completed Time 3.50.00

15 Acknowledge Flag 3.50.00

16 Original User 3.50.00

17 Original Time Stamp 3.50.00

18 Task Completion User From field 22, ctmCompUsr 3.50.00

Table: Odstasknotes.txt

This table contains comments and activities associated with the clinical task.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Comment/Task Key This is the field that makes the comment entry unique in the comment table. This field along with the following sequence makes the comment unique


and links the comment to the comment entry.

2 Sequence A sequence to order the comments, oldest to newest.


3 Text 3.50.00

4 Activity Class STR This field indicates the origin of the note.

6.10.00 For Medical Manager, this field should be set to ‘Note’, if the field is not available. Intergy Export will set this value to the data in Note Class field. Any invalid values will be set to ‘Note’.

Table: Patientrx.txt

Text file contains patient prescriptions.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Prescription Key This field (along with the patient id in the next field) makes the record unique in the legacy system. In Medical Manager, the data for prescriptions is stored in rxfile.dme.


2 Patient ID 3.50.00

3 Rx Type 1 STR Valid values in Intergy are: O = Original R = Renewal P = Patient Reported


4 Provider 3.50.00

5 Pharmacy Must exist in the phrfile.txt if not blank. 3.50.00

6 Pharmacy Rx Number 3.50.00

7 Date Written 8 DATE 3.50.00 YYYYMMDD

8 Status 1 STR Status of prescription. Possible values: (C)urrent, (D)iscontinued, (O) On-Hold, (J) Rejected, (Q) Queued For MM, if the Transmit Mode = ‘H’, set the status to ‘O’ If the transmit mode is set to Q, set the status to ‘Q’. If the transmit mode is set to ‘R’, set the status to ‘J’. If the discontinued date is not blank, set the status to ‘D’. Otherwise set the status to ‘C’. The application will determine if the prescription is lapsed.


9 Drug Code Must exist in the drug.txt file 3.50.00

10 Quantity INT 3.50.00

11 Refills In MM, if ‘P’, set to 0. 3.50.00

12 Dispense As Written Y/N 3.50.00

13 Diagnosis 3.50.00

14 Days Supplied INT 3.50.00

15 Issue Method For Medical Manager, this field should be based on the Transmit Mode field. Valid values in Intergy are: O = Other P = Print


E = Electronic H = Handwritten D = Dispensed T = Phoned to Pharmacy

16 PRN Flag 1 STR Refill as needed - Y/N In MM, if the number of refills is set to P, set this flag to Y, otherwise N.


17 DURDone INT System set flag to indicate the drug utilization requirements have been done. Acceptable values are: 1 - DUR done 2 - Formulary 3 -– Both Valid Vaues are: 'N' - DUR not run 'Y' - DUR ran with no warnings 'Q' - DUR ran and warnings were quick-accepted 'A' - DUR ran and warnings were accepted Blank is also acceptable


18 Sig Description STR 3.50.00

19 Directions For MM, concatenate the DirectionsLine1 and DirectionsLine2 fields


20 SigCode

21 Quantity UOM In Medical Manager, convert to base 36.

22 Discontinued Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD

23 Original Rx Number

24 Extended Rx Num

25 Prescription Notes STR

26 Drug Name STR This field will be used only when the drug code from the legacy system is obsolete. It will be appended by the import to any existing note so that the user will have some record of the drug prescribed.


27 Issued By STR This field contains the user that issued the prescription. This data is in file 31, field 33.


Table: Patientvitals.txt

The vital statistic information for a patient.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 R Patient ID STR The legacy patient id.


2 R OccurrenceDate 8 DATE Date the vital was recorded 4.00.00 YYYYMMDD

3 R OccurrenceTime 4 INT Time the vital was recorded. 4.00.00

4 BloodPressureType 1 STR Standing, Sitting, Supine, Unspecified 4.00.00

5 SystolicBloodPressure INT 4.00.00

6 DiastolicBloodPressure INT 4.00.00

7 TemperatureType 1 STR Tympanic, Oral, Rectal, Axillary, Temporal


8 Temperature DEC Format 9.99 4.00.00

9 PulseRate INT 4.00.00

10 Respiration INT 4.00.00

11 Weight INT Pounds 4.00.00

12 Ounces INT 4.00.00

13 Height DEC Format 9.99; Inches 4.00.00

Table: patproblem.txt

The patient problem list for encounter notes.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Patient Problem Key STR 4.00.01 This field should be a concatenation of field 2 and field 5 of the summary finding record. This field, along with the patient ID, will make the record unique and will be used to identify the legacy record for update.

2 R Patient ID STR The legacy patient id.

4.00.01 The data for this field comes from fields 2 and 3, finAccount and finDependent in the header record (mrcinst.dme ).

3 MedcinID INT 4.00.01 This information comes from field 9, mrfRemark, in the summary finding record. It includes the clinical type ‘993-’, which should be stripped from the data. If for some reason, the MedcinID is a zero, don’t process this record.

4 Onset Date String 8 STR 4.00.01 This is a “fuzzy” date field that comes from field 9 in the “00C” detail record. To find this, you would look for Field 2, mrfInstance = field 8, finId from the mrcinst record just processed Field 3, mrfSectionId = “008” Field 5, mrfItemNum = The first 3 characters are “00C” Field 6, mrfParentSecInstance = field 4, mrfSecInstance of the last finding header processed Field 7, mrfParentItemNum = “00Nxx” where xx is equal to the sequence of the last finding header processed.

5 Problem Status 1 STR 4.00.01 This field comes from bit 8 of the summary type field in the “01D00” we read to determine if this is a problem record. If this bit is true, then status would be set to “A” (active). Otherwise, set this field to ‘”I” (inactive). For Intergy, the values include: A = Active I = Inactive E = Error R = Resolved

6 Comment 5000 STR 4.00.01 This field will come from file # 143, mrccomm.dme The primary key (field 6) in this file is derived by concatenating the primary key

values of the problem "header" record in mrcmedrc.dme (file #137). This consists of:

(2) Form Instance (3) Section Id (5) Item Num

There can be multiple comment records for any header record, so this data must be merged into one text block per problem record.

7 Entered By STR This code must exist in the user text file

4.00.01 This field and the next come from field 9 in the “01J” detail record. To find this, you would look for Field 2, mrfInstance = field 8, finId from the mrcinst record just processed Field 3, mrfSectionId = “008” Field 5, mrfItemNum = The first 3 characters are “01J” Field 6, mrfParentSecInstance = field 4, mrfSecInstance of the last finding header processed Field 7, mrfParentItemNum = “00Nxx” where xx is equal to the sequence of the last finding header processed. The data in field 9 is in the format of YYYYMMDDmmhhuuu. The extract the entered by user from this data, take everything after the 12th character, since the way the user is stored can be variable length. Please strip any leading characters (zeroes, I assume) so the format of this data is in the same format as the legacy id in the user.txt.

8 Entered By Date Stamp 14 STR 4.00.01 Send this field in the format of CCYYMMDDHHMM as described above. The Import will format it as an Intergy timestamp.

9 Prefix 2 STR 4.00.01 This is the Medcin Prefix field that comes from field 9 in the “008” detail record. To find this, you would look for Field 2, mrfInstance = field 8, finId from the mrcinst record just processed Field 3, mrfSectionId = “008” Field 5, mrfItemNum = The first 3 characters are “008” Field 6, mrfParentSecInstance = field 4, mrfSecInstance of the last finding header processed Field 7, mrfParentItemNum = “00Nxx” where xx is equal to the sequence of the last finding

header processed.

Table: personallergy.txt

The allergy records for a patient. In Medical Manager, the data for person allergies is stored in clihist.dat.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 R Patient ID STR The legacy patient id.

3.50.00 This field, along with the allergy code, makes the record unique in the legacy system.

2 R Allergy Code STR 3.50.00 Validated in the LegAllergy table.

3 Onset Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD 3.50.00

4 Skin Reaction 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

5 Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

6 Shock / Unconsciousness 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

7 Anemia / Blood Disorder 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

8 Asthma / Short of Breath 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

9 Other Reaction 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

10 Other reaction description 25 STR 3.50.00

Table: Personimu.txt

In Medical Manager, the data for person Immunizations is stored in clihist.dat.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Patient ID STR This field (along with vaccine code and the vaccination date in the next two fields) makes the record unique in the legacy system.


2 VaccineCode STR Validated in the LegVaccine table. 3.50.00

3 Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD 3.50.00

4 User Required by Intergy, if not avail will need to be defaulted in the PreConversion to a “Conversion User” added specifically for this reason.


5 Provider STR Required by Intergy, if not avail will need to be defaulted in Preconversion to a “Conversion Provider” added specifically for this reason.


6 Description STR Pass as ‘comment’ input field to ssp. 3.50.00

7 Dose Status STR A = Administered O = Ordered C = Contraindicated V = Voided Ref = Refused Rep = Reported

6.10.00 If there is no dose status associated with the immunization, default this field to ‘A’

8 Dose Number INT Default to 1 if not available 6.10.00

Table: Pharmacy.txt

Pharmacies – This file contains pharmacies used by the prescription system.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel Other Comments


1 PharmacyCode The Pharmacy Code from the legacy system that makes the record unique.


2 Name STR . 3.50.00

3 Address Line 1 STR 3.50.00

4 Address Line 2 STR 3.50.00

5 City STR 3.50.00

6 State STR 3.50.00

7 Zip 3.50.00

8 Phone 3.50.00

9 Phone Extension 3.50.00

10 Pharmacy NABP 3.50.00

11 Issue Method 1 STR Valid values in Intergy are: D = Dispensed Sample E = Electronic H = Hand Written O = Other P = Print T = Phoned to Pharmacy This field is set for Medical Manager based upon the PhrXmitDft field.


12 Fax Number 3.50.00

13 Favorite 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

14 HUB ID 3.50.00

15 Status 1 STR A = Active, I = Inactive 3.50.00

16 Mail Order 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

Table: Phnactivity.txt

This table contains comments and activities associated with the is a list of transcriptions in the system

for all patients. It has data fields that can be used to filter by patient, provider, document type, etc.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Message Key This is the field that makes the message unique in the PHN Message table. This field along with the following sequence makes the comment unique and links the comment to the message


2 Sequence INT A sequence to order the comments, oldest to newest.


3 Text STR 3.50.00

4 Activity Class STR This field indicates the origin of the note.

6.10.00 For Medical Manager, this field should be set to ‘Note’, if the field is not available. Intergy Export will set this value to the data in Note Class field. Any invalid values will be set to ‘Note’.

Table: Phnfreq.txt

The list of frequent callers is used to enter those people or companies that often call the practice such as

drug representatives or family members of office staff.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel Added

Other Comments

1 Caller Name STR 3.50.00

2 Call Back Type 1 STR Valid values are: Home Work Mobile Pager Fax Data (modem)


3 Phone Number 1 3.50.00

4 Phone Ext 1 3.50.00

5 Call Back Type 2 STR Valid values are: Home Work Mobile Pager Fax Data (modem)


6 Phone Number 2 3.50.00

7 Phone Ext 2 3.50.00

8 Call Back Type 3 STR Valid values are: Home Work Mobile Pager Fax Data (modem)


9 Phone Number 3 3.50.00

10 Phone Ext 3 3.50.00

Table: Phnmessage.txt

This table contains phone message data logged in the legacy system.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Message Key This is a field to make the message unique in the legacy system.


2 Patient ID 3.50.00

3 Provider 3.50.00

4 Referring Provider 3.50.00

5 Caller Name STR 3.50.00

6 Phone Class Code 3.50.00

7 Reason 3.50.00

8 Call Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD 3.50.00

9 Completed Flag 0 = Open, 1 = Closed 3.50.00

10 Priority INT Valid values in Intergy are: 1 = High 2 = Medium 3 = Low Currently, MM values are translated as follows: 1 = High 2 = Medium 3 = Low


11 Call Time 4 INT HHMM – military time zero-filled 3.50.00

12 For User Logon Id from the user.txt 3.50.00

13 Phone Tag 1 Valid values in Intergy are: Home


Work Fax Mobile Pager

14 Phone Number 1 3.50.00

15 Extension 1 Note: In Medical Manager, the extension and the note are combined into one field. The current conversion from Medical Manager leaves the extension field in Intergy blank, and puts this content into the note.


16 Note 1 STR 3.50.00

17 Phone Tag 2 Valid values in Intergy are: Home Work Fax Mobile Pager


18 Phone Number 2 3.50.00

19 Extension 2 Note: In Medical Manager, the extension and the note are combined into one field. The current conversion from Medical Manager leaves the extension field in Intergy blank, and puts this content into the note.


20 Note 2 STR 3.50.00

21 Phone Tag 3 Valid values in Intergy are: Home Work Fax Mobile Pager


22 Phone Number 3 3.50.00

23 Extension 3 3.50.00

24 Note 3 STR 3.50.00

25 Taken By User Must exist in the user text file 4.00.00

Table: Phntasknotes.txt

This table contains comments and activities associated with the clinical task.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Comment/Task Key This is the field that makes the comment entry unique in the comment table. This field along with the following sequence makes the comment unique and links the comment to the comment entry.


2 Sequence INT A sequence to order the comments, oldest to newest.


3 Text STR 3.50.00

4 Activity Class STR This field indicates the origin of the note.

6.10.00 For Medical Manager, this field should be set to ‘Note’, if the field is not available. Intergy Export will set this value to the data in Note Class field. Any invalid values will be set to ‘Note’.

Table: Phoneclass.txt

This table allows the user to categorize phone messages by class, such as general, personal, urgent, etc.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Class Code STR 3.50.00

2 Description STR 3.50.00

Table: Phonetask.txt

In Medical Manager, the data for clinical tasks is stored in mrstask.dme as types “PHONE” and

“MESSG”. There was no phone message application until release 10.x. However, there were manual

phone message types in clinical tasks. So, here’s what you need to do:

Release 9.x – All ‘PHONE’ types become ‘PHONE_’. All ‘MESSG’ types become ‘MESSG_’.

Release 10.x – All ‘MESSG’ types become ‘PHONE’ types. All ‘PHONE’ types become ‘PHONE_’


Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Task Key This field is the field in the legacy system that makes the task record unique.


2 Task Type This field must exist in the tasktype.txt file.


3 Assigned User This is user to whom the task is assigned. This user must exist in the user.txt file.


4 Doctor 3.50.00

5 Patient ID 3.50.00

6 External Key If not blank, will be verified against PHNMessage.MessageKey


7 Description 3.50.00

8 Task Status 3.50.00

9 Priority 1 = High 2 = Medium 3 = Low


10 Due Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD 3.50.00

11 Reference Name 3.50.00

12 Completed Flag 0 = No, 1 = Yes 3.50.00

13 Completed Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD 3.50.00

14 Completed Time INT HHMM – military time zero-filled 3.50.00

15 Acknowledge Flag 3.50.00

16 Original User This user must exist in the user.txt file. 3.50.00

17 Original Time Stamp This field should be formatted as follows: YYYYMMDD from the create date + ‘-‘ + NNNNN where NNNNN is the create time converted to seconds since midnight.


18 Task Completion User From field 22, ctmCompUsr 3.50.00

Table: Provpref.txt

Provider Preferences contain various defaults for the way processing should be handled for each

provider, including transcriptions.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Provider In Medical Manager, this information is stored in uprfile.dme.


2 Default manager for transcriptions


3 Require provider approval for transcripts

1 STR Y = Yes N= No U = Use document setting


4 Suppress auto generation of requests

1 STR Y = Yes N = No


Table: Qualifier.txt

This information also comes from file #137, mcrmedrc.dme. As each finding “header” record is

processed, its corresponding finding “detail” (qualifier) records should be exported. To find these

records, the following selection should be used:

Field 2, mrfInstance = field 8, finId from the mrcinst record just processed

Field 3, mrfSectionId = “008”

Field 5, mrfItemNum = *****

Field 6, mrfParentSecInstance = field 4, mrfSecInstance of the last finding header processed

Field 7, mrfParentItemNum = “00Nxx” where xx is equal to the sequence of the last finding header


Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Instance ID The data for this field comes from field 2, mrfInstance, and will be used to link the individual findings to the header record


2 Parent Section Instance This data will come from field 6, mrfParentSecInstance, and along with the following field will be used to link the qualifier records to the individual finding.


3 Parent Item Number This data will come from field 7, mrfParentItemNum, and along with the previous field will be used to link the qualifier records to the individual finding.


4 Item Number This data comes from field 5, mrfItemNumber, and will be used in update mode to identify the legacy data.


5 Class The data in this field will come from the first three characters of field 5, mrfItemNum but must be translated into the Intergy value as follows: MM Item Number Intergy Qualifier 008 prefix 009 modifier 00A result 00B status 00C onset 00D duration 00E value 00F unit 00O rx 00P lab 00Q rangelow 00R rangehigh 00S referid 00T chartflag 00V qlink 00W qlinksequence* 01B sumgroup 01C sumpriority 01D sumtype 01G sumdatetime 01J lastmodified** 01K episode Any records with other item numbers than those listed above should not be processed. * mrfItemNum = ‘00W’ When this record is found, and a value other than zero or blank is found in the remarks field, you have a sequence number that links back to another finding. The way you get this finding


information is to read the ‘00Uxx’ records (in field 5) for all the finding header records (field 7 = 00Nxx), looking for the same sequence in the remarks field. When this record is found, the value in field 7 should be used as the class value. In the conversion to Intergy portion, this will be the Linked FindingSID.

6 Qualifier Value This information comes from field 9, mrfRemark.


Table: Quicktext.txt

This table contains quick text for entry of repeated verbiage throughout the system.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 R Quick Text Key 6.00.00 We have an issue with the way we are structuring and keying this record. If you enter quick text in Intergy, the shortcut is a required field and is forced to be unique. In EHR this field is optional, and most of the pre-loaded stuff is blank like the 'RXDIR' We will use the Quick Text Sid for the key in the Intergy Export and make the short name optional. Medical Manager will need to populate the short name in both fields.

2 Quick Text Shortcut STR This should be the key to the record in the legacy system. Please note that it cannot contain spaces. In MM, spaces do exist and should be replaced by underscores


3 Quick Text Type STR For phone text, this should always be hard-coded to ‘PHNMSG’. For phone text, this should always be hard-coded to ‘RXDIR’.

3.50.00 We will now convert all quick text. This will require changes to the import. If there are other quick text types in Medical Manager, they should be translated by the export to one of the defined Intergy quick text types. These quicktext types are defined in the lookup code table as lookup type “QuickTextType”.

4 Text STR 3.50.00

5 Keyword List STR This field is required. If no keyword lists exists (in MM it does not), set the field equal to the first 80 characters of the text.

3.50.00 This field is no longer required. That restriction will be lifted. If a keyword list is being generated, that code can be removed.

6 CTM Task Type STR This field must exist in the tasktype.txt. 6.00.00

7 Quick Text Sub Type STR

Table: Routing.txt

You can create task routing assignments that enable the practice to send a person's tasks directly to the

task list of an alternate user. The alternate user can then work the tasks as if they were his or her own.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Original User STR The Intergy system user who originally receives the tasks that will be routed


to the monitoring user. This user must be in the user login text file. In Medical Manager, this code is stored in Translat.dat as record type 1053.

2 Route To User STR The Intergy system user who will receive routed tasks in place of the route-from user.


3 Task Type STR If the route to user receives all task types, leave this field blank. Otherwise, specify the task type here. If the route to user handles more than one task type for the original user, send one record in this text file for each task type routed.


4 Route Priority 1 1 STR Y/N - This field is not used if all task types are routed.


5 Route Priority 2 1 STR Y/N - This field is not used if all task types are routed.


6 Route Priority 3 1 STR Y/N - This field is not used if all task types are routed.


Table: Rxform.txt

Dosage Form - Specifies the form in which the drug is dispensed such as tablets, cream or liquid.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 RxFormCode The Dosage Form Code from the legacy system that makes the record unique. This code must be mapped a code in Intergy. In Medical Manager, this code is stored in Translat.dat file as record type 1017X.


2 Description STR This should be the description of the Dosage Form.


Table: Rxquom.txt

Units of Measure - Specifies the type of units, such as (milliliters or packages) for a prescription.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 RxUnitofMeasure The Unit of Measure Code from the legacy system that makes the record unique. This code must be mapped a code in Intergy. In Medical Manager, this code is stored in Translat.dat file as record type 1018Q.


2 Description STR This should be the description of the Unit of Measure.


Table: Rxsig.txt

SIG Codes allow a physician to write a prescription using abbreviations which tell the pharmacist how

the patient should use the prescribed item or medication.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 SigCode STR The Sig Code from the legacy system that makes the record unique. This code can either be mapped to another code or used to create a new code in Intergy. In Medical Manager, this code is stored in Labfile.dat as record type 13, dosage interval codes ‘D’, ‘L’, and ‘N’.


2 Description STR This should be the description of the Sig code, maximum length is 50 characters.


3 DosageInterval 1 STR This field details the amount of days between doses. Valid values are ‘D’ – Daily, ‘L’ – Less than daily, or ‘N’ – Unknown. This field may also be left blank. There are no other valid values.


4 DosesPerDay STR This value is the number of doses to be taken per day. If the dosage interval is ‘L’, ‘N’, or ‘’ this field should be set to 0.


5 UnitsPerDose INT Specifies the number of units of the prescribed item the patient should take for each dose. For example, one dose might consist of 2 tablets. If the dosage interval is ‘N’ or ‘’, this field should be set to 0.


6 DayInterval INT Specifies the number of days that should pass before the patient should take another dose of the prescribed item. For example, a patient might be required to take a prescribed item once every 3 days. If the dosage interval is set to ‘D’, this field should be set to 1. If the dosage interval is either ‘N’ or ‘’, this field should be set to 0.


Table: Rxroute.txt

Route of Administration - Specifies the method by which the drug is administered to the patient such as

oral, injection or inhalation.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 RxRouteCode The Route of Administration Code from the legacy system that makes the record unique. This code must be mapped a code in Intergy. In Medical Manager, this code is stored in Translat.dat file as record type 1017W.


2 Description STR This should be the description of the Route of Administration.


Table: Rxstandard.txt

Rx Favorites - Rx Favorites are used to create and maintain favorite prescriptions for each provider.

Favorite prescriptions are frequently prescribed medications stored in the system to save time when

entering a prescription.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Favorite Key The code for the favorite from the legacy system that makes the record unique. In Medical Manager, this code is stored in rxfile.dme as record type 3.


2 Provider Required field that is verified against the legcodemap table


3 Drug Code Required field that is verified against the legcodemap table


4 Sig Code Must exist in the RxSig 3.50.00

5 Rx Directions 3.50.00

6 Quantity Required 3.50.00

7 Refills If this field is ‘P’ in Medical Manager, set this field to 0 and the PRN Flag below to ‘Y’


8 Days Supplied Required 3.50.00

9 Dispense as Written Y/N 3.50.00

10 PRN Flag Should be ‘N’, unless the refills flag in Medical Manager is a ‘P’


11 Quantity Unit of Measure Must be in RXQUOM file 3.50.00

12 Favorite Name 3.50.00

Table: Rxstddiagnosis.txt

Rx Favorite Diagnosis - Rx Favorite Diagnosis records are used to create and maintain favorite

prescriptions for each provider for specified diagnoses. Favorite prescriptions are frequently prescribed

medications stored in the system to save time when entering a prescription.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Favorite Key The code for the favorite from the legacy system that makes the record unique, that points back to the record in the rxfile. In Medical Manager, this data is stored in rxfavmap.dme and is optional.


2 Diagnosis Code 3.50.00

3 Default Diagnosis 1 STR Y/N 3.50.00

Table: Rxtask.txt

In Medical Manager, the data for clinical tasks is stored in mrstask.dme as type “RXN” and “RX” (even

though this is really a manual code). Types “RXR” and “RXP” are currently skipped.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Task Key This field is the field in the legacy system that makes the task record unique.


2 Task Type This field must exist in the tasktype.txt file.


3 Assigned User This is user to whom the task is assigned. This user must exist in the user.txt file.


4 Doctor 3.50.00

5 Patient ID 3.50.00

6 External Key Prescription # 3.50.00

7 Description STR 3.50.00 YYYYMMDD

8 Task Status 3.50.00

9 Priority 3.50.00

10 Due Date 8 DATE 3.50.00

11 Reference Name 3.50.00

12 Completed Flag 3.50.00

13 Completed Date 8 DATE 3.50.00

14 Completed Time INT 3.50.00

15 Acknowledge Flag 3.50.00

16 Original User 1 STR 3.50.00

17 Original Time Stamp 3.50.00

18 Task Completion User From field 22, ctmCompUsr 3.50.00

Table: Rxtasknotes.txt

In Medical Manager, this data is stored in the cmsnarr.dme.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Comment/Task Key This is the field that makes the comment entry unique in the comment table. This field along with the following sequence makes the comment unique and links the comment to the comment entry.


2 Sequence INT A sequence to order the comments, oldest to newest.


3 Text 1 STR This is user to whom the task is assigned. This user must exist in the user.txt file.


4 Activity Class STR This field indicates the origin of the note.

6.10.00 For Medical Manager, this field should be set to ‘Note’, if the field is not available. Intergy Export will set this value to the data in Note Class field. Any invalid values will be set to ‘Note’.

Table: Tasktype.txt

Task Types are designations used to categorize and organize the different kinds of tasks used in the

Clinical Task Manager. System-defined task types are shipped with the system. User-defined task types

are set up in Clinical Task Setup and enable the practice to customize additional tasks to reflect its

unique work environment. Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Task Type STR The task type from the legacy system that makes the code unique. Valid codes in Intergy are: CARDIO Cardiology Results CORSPN Correspondence F-UP Follow-up IMAGE Image LAB Lab Result LAB-O Lab Order LAB-P Lab Prepare OMDOC Omni Doc ORDRSN Order Cosign ORDFOL Order Follow-up ORDNOT Order Notify ORDREQ Order Request ORDRES Order Result ORDRXC Rx Cosign ORDRXN RxCosignNotify PHONE Phone Message RXN Rx Notify RXP Rx Prepare RXR Rx Request TRANS Transcription TRANSR Transcription Review In Medical Manager, this code is stored in Translat.dat file as record type 1018B. It should be noted that prior to release 10, there were no system phone messages, even though the type ‘PHONE’ may exist. This type should be mapped to the ‘MESSG’ code prior to 10. In version 10, ‘MESSG’ types are actually system phone messages. So, for release 10, ‘MESSG’ should be mapped to ‘PHONE’, and ‘PHONE’ should be mapped to ‘MESSG’.


2 Description STR This should be the description of the Task Type.


3 Priority INT 1 = High 2 = Medium 3 = Low


4 Archive 1 STR Specifies whether tasks of this type should be deleted or archived once the task has been completed. You can select from the following choices: N – Deletes tasks when completed. Y – Archives tasks when completed. A – Archives tasks when completed, but first prompts you for the date and time the task was completed.


5 Alert User 1 STR Specifies whether users should be alerted to new tasks of this type.



6 Auto Complete 1 STR Y/N This field determines whether the tasks can be completed from outside the task syste. For al user defined task types, this should be set to "N".

6.00.00 This field will default to “N”o

7 System Defined 1 STR Y/N 6.00.00 This field should be set to “N” unless it is for one of the system defined task types listed in field 1

8 Show on Orders 1 STR Y/N Indicates whether this task should show on the orders page in Intergy EHR

6.00.00 This field will default to “N”

9 Task Class 10 STR Only two valid values currently – GENERAL CHARGE

6.00.00 Will default to GENERAL

10 Hold Insurance Billing 1 STR Only applies to task class CHARGE 6.00.00

11 Default Note 500 STR Only applies to task class CHARGE

Table: Tmsactivity.txt

This table contains comments and activities associated with the transcription.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Catalog Key This is the field that makes the catalog entry unique in the catalog table. This field along with the following sequence makes the comment unique and links the comment to the catalog entry.


2 Sequence STR A sequence to order the comments, oldest to newest.


3 Text 3.50.00

4 Activity Class STR This field indicates the origin of the note.

6.10.00 For Medical Manager, this field should be set to ‘Note’, if the field is not available. Intergy Export will set this value to the data in Note Class field. Any invalid values will be set to ‘Note’.

Table: Tmstask.txt

In Medical Manager, the data for clinical tasks is stored in mrstask.dme as type “TRANS”. Transcription

tasks with a status of “OIP” are currently skipped.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Task Key This field is the field in the legacy system that makes the task record unique.


2 Task Type This field must exist in the tasktype.txt file.


3 Assigned User This is user to whom the task is assigned. This user must exist in the user.txt file.


4 Doctor 3.50.00

5 Patient ID 3.50.00

6 External Key Should be the same as the key to the TMS Catalog


7 Description 3.50.00

8 Task Status 3.50.00

9 Priority 3.50.00

10 Due Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD 3.50.00

11 Reference Name 3.50.00

12 Completed Flag 3.50.00

13 Completed Date 8 DATE YYYYMMDD 3.50.00

14 Completed Time INT 3.50.00

15 Acknowledge Flag 3.50.00

16 Original User 3.50.00

17 Original Time Stamp 3.50.00

18 Task Completion User From field 22, ctmCompUsr 3.50.00

Table: Tmstasknotes.txt

This table contains comments and activities associated with the clinical task.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Comment/Task Key This is the field that makes the comment entry unique in the comment table. This field along with the following sequence makes the comment unique and links the comment to the comment entry.


2 Sequence STR A sequence to order the comments, oldest to newest.


3 Text 3.50.00

4 Activity Class STR This field indicates the origin of the note.

6.10.00 For Medical Manager, this field should be set to ‘Note’, if the field is not available. Intergy Export will set this value to the data in Note Class field. Any invalid values will be set to ‘Note’.

Table: Vaccine.txt

Vaccine codes are used to record any Immunizations for a patient. Once the codes are set up, and once

the corresponding Immunizations are recorded for each patient, the physician can determine what

vaccines are necessary for the patient.

Field Name Len Type Notes Rel

Added Other Comments

1 Vaccine Code STR Vaccine Code - Specifies the legacy code for the vaccine. This code will be mapped to the Medman.Vaccine.ShortName field.


2 Description STR Text that describes the vaccine code. This description is used when mapping the legacy vaccine code to the equivalent Intergy vaccine code. This field is equivalent to the Medman.Vaccine.LongName field.


3 Medcin ID INT This field should be left blank if it is a user defined finding


4 CDC Code 20 STR 6.00,00

5 MedispanDrugCode 6 STR 6.00.00

6 Default Admin Site 20 STR 6.00.00

7 Default Lot Number 50 STR 6.00.00

8 Default Expiration date YYYYMMDD 6.00.00

9 Default Manufacturer 50 STR 6.00.00

10 Default Procedure Code STR This code must exist in the proccode.txt 6.00.00

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