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    2007 - 2009

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    BANGALORE – 560034

    Ph (080) 22065050 Telegrams:



    This is to declare that this dissertation entitled ‘To Compare The Creatinine Clearance

    In 12 Hour And 24 Hour Timed Urine Collection In Healthy Volunteer’   has been

     prepared by me under the guidance and direct supervision of Dr. Anitha Devanath,

    Associate Professor, Dept of Biochemistry, St. John’s Medical College. This dissertation

    is submitted in partial fulfillment of the regulations of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health

    Sciences and has not formed the basis of a degree or diploma to me by any other

    university before.

    I hereby declare that the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka shall

    have the rights to preserve, use and disseminate this dissertation in print or electronic

    format for academic / research purpose. 

    Date: 28th

     April 2009 Mr. Raj Kumar Yadav

    Place: Bangalore MSc MLT student (Biochemistry)SJMC, Bangalore

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    Ph (080) 22065050 Telegrams:



    This is to certify that the study entitled ‘To Compare The Creatinine Clearance In 12

    Hour And 24 Hour Timed Urine Collection In Healthy Volunteer’   is the bonafide

    work of Mr. Raj Kumar Yadav, BSc MLT, and was carried out under the guidance and

    supervision of Dr. Anitha Devanath, Associate Professor, Dept of Biochemistry, St.

    John’s Medical College, Bangalore, in partial fulfillment of the regulations for the degree

    MSc. MLT (Biochemistry). 

    Date: 28th

     April 2009  Dr. Sultana FurruqhPlace: Bangalore MD

    Professor and Head,

    Department of BiochemistrySJMC, Bangalore

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    Ph (080) 22065050 Telegrams:



    This is to certify that the study entitled ‘To Compare The Creatinine Clearance In 12

    Hour And 24 Hour Timed Urine Collection In Healthy Volunteer’   is the bonafide

    work of Mr. Raj Kumar Yadav, BSc MLT, and was carried out under the guidance and

    supervision of Dr. Anitha Devanath, Associate Professor, Dept of Biochemistry, St.

    John’s Medical College, Bangalore, in partial fulfillment of the regulations for the degree

    MSc. MLT (Biochemistry).

    Date: 28th

     April 2009  Dr. Prem Pais,

    Place: Bangalore  MD


    SJMC, Bangalore

  • 8/19/2019 clcr 5 - Copy




    BANGALORE – 560034

    Ph (080) 22065050 Telegrams: “SAINJOHNS”

    Declaration by the candidate

    I hereby declare that the Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences,

    Karnataka shall have the rights to preserve, use and disseminate this dissertation in print

    or electronic format for academic / research purpose.

    Date: Mr.Raj kumar yadav.

    Place: Bangalore MSc. MLT student (Biochemistry)

    SJMC, Bangalore.

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    I am thankful to Rev. Fr. Lawrence D’souza, Director, St. John’s National Academy of

    Health Sciences, Dr. Prem Pais, Dean, Dr. Karuna Rameshkumar, Vice Dean & the

    course Co – Ordinator, St. John’s Medical College for giving me the opportunity to

     pursue my postgraduate studies.

    I wish to thank Dr. Sultana Furruqh, Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry,

    for all the help and encouragement given to me while conducting this study.

    I am ever grateful to Dr. Anitha Devanath, Associate Professor, Department of

    Biochemistry for the immense help, guidance and support regarding this dissertation


    I am thankful to all the teaching and non- teaching staff of the Department of

    Biochemistry for their help, assistance and co-operation.

    I thank my colleagues for their valuable support and help. I thank all the subjects who

    consented for this study, without whom, conducting this study would not have been


    Date: 28th

     April 2009 Mr.Raj Kumar Yadav

    Place: Bangalore MSc. MLT student,SJMC.

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    Introduction: The kidneys remove creatinine, which is produced at a constant rate as a

    result of muscle metabolism, from the blood. Like inulin, creatinine is filtered, but neither

    reabsorbed nor secreted by the kidneys. Thus, the creatinine clearance test, which

    compares a patient's blood and urine creatinine concentrations, can also be used to

    calculate the GFR. A significant advantage is that the bloodstream normally has a

    constant level of creatinine. Therefore, a single measurement of plasma creatinine levels

     provides a rough index of kidney function.

    Aims and Objectives:  To compare the Creatinine clearance in 12-hour and

    24-hour timed urine collection in healthy volunteer.

    Materials and Methods: 50 Healthy volunteers are selected based on criteria. Out of

    these, 25 volunteers will be female and 25 volunteers will be male. Each volunteer will

     be given 2 cans for urine collection. Urine collection will begin at 7 am in the morning on

    day 1 till 7 am on day 2 (next day); The first can is used for collection from 7 am to 7 pm

    on day 1. The second can will be used for another 12 hour collection study from 7pm on

    day 1 to 7am on day 2. Mix well and measure the volume separately in both the can. Take

    5ml of sample from the first can; labeled it as sample1. Then mix both the contents of the

    can by transferring from can 1 to can 2 .Mix well and take another 5ml of sample; labeled

    it as sample 2. Sample1will pertain to 12-hour turned urine collection. Sample 2 will

     pertain to 24-hour turned urine collection. The creatinine is measured by using

    modification of the kinetic Jaffe reaction.

    Result: The pearson’s correlation between 12-h and 24-h urine samples showed a

    significant correlation in both males and females (r = 0.8 and 0.6 respectively, p values <


    Conclusion: This is clinical acceptable and hence 12 hr urine collection can be adopted

    in patients who are well hydrated and it can replace 24-h urine collection

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    1.1 Inulin Clearance Test…………………………………………….…..…..……2

    1.2 Urea Clearance Test………………………………………..…….…..………..3

    1.3 Para-Aminoh ippu ric acid (PAH) Clear ance Test ………..……...... . .4

    1.4Creatinine Clearance Test………………………………….……..…..5

    1.5 Pitfalls with 24 hour Urine collection………………….……..……5

    2. AIM AND OBJECTIVES……………………………………………………..……7

    3. REVIEW OF LITERATURE…………………………………………………..…..8

    3.1 Creatinine...........................................................................................…...8

    3.2 Clinical Utility…………………………………………………………...….11

    3.3 Markers used …………………………………………………………12

    3.4 Creatinine in biological fluid ……………………………..….…..12

    3.5 Cockcroft and Gault formula………………………….………...…19  

    3.6 MDRD Study equation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19  

    3.7 Factors that affect creatinine secretion. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .23 

    3.8 Kidney………………………………………………………………..28

    3.8.1 Anatomy…………………………………………………...28

    3.8.2 Physiology………………………………………………...31

    3.8.3 Function…………………………………………………...31

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      3.8.4 Acute Renal Failure………………………………….…..34

    3.8.5 Chronic Kidney Disease…………………………………41 

    4. MATERIALS AND METHODS…………………………………………………48

    4.1Source Of Data……………………………………………………………48

    4.2 Criteria……………………………………………………………………48

    4.3 Method of Sample Collection……………………………………………48

    4.4 Method of Creatinine Analysis………………………………………….49

    4.5 Principle…………………………………………………………………..49

    5. STASTICAL ANALYSIS………………………………………………..50

    6. RESULT…………………………………………………………………………..50

    7. TABLE……………………………………………………………………………51

    8. DISCUSSION……………………………………………………………………53

    9. C0NCLUSION…………………………………………………………………..54


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    GFR : Glomerular Filtration Rate

    ml : milli liter

    min : minute

    CKD : Chronic Kidney Disease

    CVD : Chronic Vascular Disease.

    PAH : Para-aminohippuric acid.

    EDTA : Ethlenediaminetetraacetic acid

    DTPA : Diethylenetriaminepentacetic acid

    PECT : plasma exogenous creatinine clearance test

     NKDEP : National Kidney Disease Education Programme

    ADH : Anti-Diuretic Hormone

    ARF : Acute Renal Failure

    ATN : Acute Tubular Necrosis

    ACE : Agiotensin Converting Enzyme

    ASN : American Society Of Nephrology

    CCr : Creatinine Clearance

    CrC l : Creatinine Clearance

    SCr : Serum Creatinine

    ESRD : End Stage Renal Disease

     NSAID : Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug

    RIFLE :

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    GFR is usually accepted as the best overall index of kidney function in health and disease.

     Normal GFR varies according to age, sex, and body size; in young adults it is approximately

    120-130 mL/min/1.73 m2 and declines with age. A decrease in GFR precedes the onset of

    kidney failure; therefore a persistently reduced GFR is a specific diagnostic criterion for

    CKD. Below 60 mL/min/1.73 m2, the prevalence of complications of CKD increases, as

    does the risk of cardiovascular disease.

    Kidney function is proportional to kidney size, which is proportional to body surface area. A

     body surface area of 1.73 m2  is the normal mean value for young adults. Adjustment for

     body surface area is necessary when comparing a patient’s estimated GFR to normal values

    or to the levels defining the stages of CKD.

    The GFR declines with age. Although the age-related decline in GFR has been considered

     part of normal aging, decreased GFR in the elderly is an independent predictor of adverse

    outcomes such as death and CVD. In addition, decreased GFR in the elderly requires

    adjustment in drug dosages, as in other patients with CKD.

    GFR cannot be measured directly. The urinary clearance of an ideal filtration marker, such

    as inulin, iothalamate or iohexol, is the gold standard for the measurement of GFR. This is

    cumbersome in clinical practice and serum levels of endogenous filtration markers, such as

    creatinine, have traditionally been used to estimate GFR.

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    Renal clearance is defined as the rate at which a particular chemical is removed from the

     plasma and it indicates kidney efficiency. Tests of renal clearance can detect glomerular

    damage or judge the progress of renal disease.

    The renal clearance tests available for measurement of Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR)

    are: Inulin Clearance Test, Urea Clearance Test, Para aminohippuric acid test and Creatinine

    Clearance Test.

    1.1 Inulin Clearance Test:

    Inulin, a complex polysaccharide found in certain plant roots. 100ml of sterile 10% solution

    of inulin is given up as slow intravenous drip within 2 hours. Urine specimen formed during

    this period is collected totally. Blood sample is taken at the middle of the test. Inulin is

    estimated by resorcinol giving a red colour. The test needs continuous infusion of inulin so

    as to keep the plasma level adequate.

    The inulin passes freely through the glomerular membranes, so that its concentration in the

    glomerular filtrate equals that of the plasma. In the renal tubule, inulin is not reabsorbed to

    any significant degree, nor is it secreted. Consequently, the rate at which it appears in the

    urine can be used to calculate the rate of glomerular filtration. The value of GFR as

    measured by inulin clearance is 125ml/min . Inulin is estimated by resorcinol giving a red

    colour. The test needs continuous infusion of inulin so as to keep the plasma level adequate.

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    The advantage of Inulin clearance test is that Inulin is neither absorbed nor secreted by the

    tubules. It is not metabolized by the body. The disadvantage is it involves administration of

    an extraneous compound (Inulin).

    1.2 Urea Clearance Test:

    Urea is the end product of protein metabolism .The urea clearance is less then GFR, because

    urea is partially reabsorbed. Urea clearance is the measure of ml of blood that contains the

    urea excreted in a minute by the kidneys.

    Allow the patient to have a normal breakfast. On day 1, at 9 AM give a cup of water and the

     patient is instructed to void the bladder and the urine is discarded. Start collecting the urine

    until day 2. At 10 AM bladder is completely emptied into the 24-hour urine collection. The

    volume of urine is measured and the urine urea is estimated. A blood sample is taken to

    estimate blood urea. The urea clearance is calculated by the formula

    U x V


    Where U = mg of urea per 100 ml of urine

    P = mg of urea per 100 ml of plasma

    V = ml of urine excreted per minute or (total volume / 24h x 60 min)

    This is called the maximum urea clearance and the reference value is 75ml/minute when

    urine flow rate is > 2 ml / min1


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    The disadvantage of urea clearance test is that urea is normally reabsorbed from the renal

    tubules and therefore tubular function also affects urea clearance2. Due to passive diffusion

    across the tubular cells, urea is reabsorbed at low GFRs and measurements tend to

    underestimate GFR. Consequently urea is now considered inadequate for measuring GFR.3,4


    1.3 Para-aminohippuric acid (PAH) Clearance Test:

    PAH, a substance that filters freely through the glomerular membranes. However, unlike

    inulin, any PAH remaining in the peritubular capillary plasma after filtration is secreted into

    the proximal convoluted tubules. Therefore, essentially all PAH passing through the kidneys

    appears in the urine. For this reason, the rate of PAH clearance can be used to calculate the

    rate of plasma flow through the kidneys. Then, if the hematocrit is known, the rate of total

     blood flow through the kidneys can be calculated.

    1.4 Creatinine Clearance Test:

    The kidneys remove creatinine, which is produced at a constant rate as a result of muscle

    metabolism, from the blood. Like inulin, creatinine is filtered, but neither reabsorbed nor

    secreted by the kidneys. Thus, the creatinine clearance test, which compares a patient's

     blood and urine creatinine concentrations, can also be used to calculate the GFR. A

    significant advantage is that the bloodstream normally has a constant level of creatinine.

    Therefore, a single measurement of plasma creatinine levels provides a rough index of

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    kidney function. For example, significantly elevated plasma creatinine levels suggest that

    GFR is greatly reduced. Because nearly all of the creatinine the kidneys filter normally

    appears in the urine, a change in the rate of creatinine excretion may reflect a renal disorder.

    For creatinine clearance, 24-hour urine sample has to be collected and an associated blood

    sample is taken to estimate the creatinine levels. The procedure remains the same while

    there are many formulas available for calculating the Creatinine Clearance.

    Creatinine clearance approximates GFR but overestimates it due to the fact that creatinine is

    secreted by the proximal tubule as well as filtered by the glomerulus. Creatinine clearance

    can be measured from serum creatinine and creatinine excretion or estimated from serum

    creatinine using estimating equations. Measurement of creatinine clearance requires

    collection of a timed urine sample, which is inconvenient and frequently inaccurate.

    Repeated measurements of creatinine clearance may overcome some of the errors.

    1.5 Pitfalls with 24 hour Urine collection

    Inaccurate and inconvenient

    Sample has to be refrigerated during collection

    Risk of Contamination, if procedure is not followed.

    Cumbersome procedure

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    Since 24-hour urine collection was found to be inconvenient and cumbersome, I investigated

    further to see if 12hour timed urine sample collection could replace the 24-hour timed urine


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    •  To compare the Creatinine clearance in 12-hour and 24-hour timed

    urine collection in healthy volunteer.

    •  To assess whether 12-hour urine collection can replace 24-hour urine


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    3.1 Creatinine

    Creatinine is the metabolic product of creatine and phosphocreatine, found exclusively in

    muscle. It is formed in muscle from creatine phosphate by irreversible, non-enzymatic

    dehydration and loss of phosphate. Creatinine production to muscle mass varies little from

    day to day5. Creatinine, molecular weight of 113 Daltons does not bind to plasma proteins. It

    is freely filtered by renal glomerulus6. Creatinine is excreted not only by glomerular

    filtration but also by the renal tubule secretion. The secretion of creatinine varies


     In addition, the proportion of total renal creatinine excretion due to tubular

    secretion increases with decreasing kidney function9. 

    Synthesis of Creatinine: 

    Creatine is synthesized in the kidney, Liver and pancreas by two sequential enzymatically-

    mediated reaction but synthesis occurs primarily in the liver. It is synthesized from Arginine,

    Glycine, and Methionine. The two sequential enzymatic reactions are transamidation and

    methylation. In transamidation reaction, Arginine and Glycine form guanidinoacetic acid.

    In the methylation reaction, guaidinoacetic acid is methylated to form creatine. S-

    adenosylmethionine acts as the methyl donors. Creatine is transported in blood to other

    organ such as muscles and brain, where it is phosphorylated to phosphocreatine, a high

    energy compounds.

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    Interconversion of phosphocreatine and creatine is a particular feature of metabolic

     processes of muscle contraction. A proportion of the free creatine in muscle (~1% to 2%/

    day) spontaneously and irreversibly converts to creatinine, its anhydride. Thus the amount of

    creatinine produced each day is related to the muscle mass (and body weight) and does not

    vary greatly from day to day. The level of creatinine in the bloodstream is fairly constant,

    although diet may influence the value, depending on the individual’s meat intake (by about

    10%). The free creatinine is a waste product of creatine, is present in all body fluids and

    secretions, and is freely filtered by the glomerulus. Although creatinine is not reabsorbed to

    any great extent by the renal tubules, there is a small but significant amount of creatinine

    secreted that increases with increasing levels of plasma creatinine. Creatinine production

    also decreases as the circulating level of creatinine increases; several mechanism for this

    have been proposed, including feedback inhibition of production of creatine, reconversion of

    creatinine to creatine, and conversion to other metabolites10,11,12

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    Figure 1: Creatine Synthesis from the Amino Acids: Arginine, Glycine and Methionine

    Creatinine is released into the circulation at a relatively constant rate that has bean shown to

     be proportional to an individual muscle mass. It is removed from the circulation by

    glomerular filteration and excreted in urine. Additional amount of creatinine are secreted by

    the proximal tubule. Small amount may also be reabsorbed by the renal tubules.13


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    The amount of creatinine in the blood stream is reasonable stable,although the protein

    content of the diet does influence the plasma concentration because of the observed

    constancy of endogeneous roduction, detrmination of creatinine excretion has been used to

    measure of the completeness of 24 hour urine collection in a given individual.

    Creatinine is water soluble, it is present in small concentrations in sweat (0.1-1.3 mg/dl).

    Creatinine also has been detected in peritoneal fluid, synovial fluid, bronchoalveolar lavage

    fluid, and aqueous and vitreous humor.


     Research in the 1950s and 1960s discovered small

    quantities of creatinine in the vomitus and feces of uremic human beings.15


    3.2 Clinical Utility:

    The most widely used endogenous marker of GFR is measurement of serum creatinine or

    creatinine clearance . The use of creatinine as a marker of GFR was developed in 1962 by


    who used exogeneously administrated creatinine. This led to the work of Popper

    and Mandel,17

    who in 1937 developed the use of endogenous creatinine clearance. This has

     been extremely popular in clinical medicine despite formidable difficulties associated with

    its quantification and interpretation.18

      The main patho-physiological difficulties include

    variations in the rates of generation and secretion of creatinine by the renal tubules.19

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    3.3 Markers used:

    Exogeneous marker:

    The use of exogeneous markers to measure GFR is recommended for the monitoring of

    slowly progressing nephropathes such as that associated with diabetes. Exogeneous markers

    are also used to determine a GFR that is used to set a benchmark against which to monitor

    deterioration in GFR using an exogeneous molecules does enable smaller deteriorations in

    renal function to be observed even when the imprescision in measurement is taken into


    Measurement of GFR, on the basis of either urinary clearance or plasma clearance of the

    isotope, can be reliably undertaken using the radiopharmaceuticals51


    ethlenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA),20,21,22

      125 I-iothalamate, and 99m Tc –

    diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) as exogeneous markers. Nonradioactive

    compounds used as exogeneous markers to measure GFR include iOhexol,inulin,

    iodoacetate, and diethylenetriaminepentacetic acid (DTPA).

    Endogenous marker:

    Example of endogenous marker include creatinine, urea and low- molecular-weight protiens

    ( e.g., cystatin C ). Endogenous molecules are advantageous in that no injection is required

    and only a single blood sample is needed, which enormously simplifies the procedure for the

     patient, clinical, and laboratory.

    3.4 Creatinine in biological fluid:- Creatine constitutes only a small fraction of the total

    nonprotien nitrogen of plasma and urine. It is unstable at both alkaline and acidic pH and

    rapidly undergoes conversion to creatinine. Creatine in urine is usually measured as the

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    Accurate determination of GFR using endogenous creatinine clearance in clinical practice is

     beset with a number of problems. These problems relate to the difficulty in sample

    collection, performance of the test, inconvenience to patients, waste of work time, and use

    and cost of concomitant drugs. In addition, incomplete urine collection sometimes result in

    imprecise estimation of GFR.26

     Other more accurate modalities for assessing GFR are either

    unavailable or very expensive and beyond the reach of most patients particularly in the

    developing world.

    Elevated creatinine concentration is associated with abnormal renal function, especially as it

    relates to glomerular function .

    The glomerular filteration (GFR) is the volume of plasma filterated(V) by the glomerulus

     per unit of time(t).

    GFR = V/t 1

    Assuming a substance S, can be measured and is freely filtered at the glomerulus and neither

    secreted nor reabsorbed by the tubule, the volume of plasma filtered would be equal to the

    mass of the S filtered( MS ) divided by the plasma concentration( Ps).

    V = MS / PS 2

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    The mass of S filtered is equal to the products of its urine concentration(U S) and urine

    volume VU .

    MS = USVU  3

    If the urine and plasma concentration of S,The volume of urine collected and the time over

    which the sample was collected are known, the GFR can be calculated.

    GFR = USVU/ PSt 4

    an increasing muscle mass from conditioning or exercise will result in an increase of

     phosphocreatine and serum creatinine. Males often have higher creatinine values than

    females, as well.27


    A small amount of creatinine is reabsorbed by the tubules and a small quantity of creatinine

    that appears in the urine ( 7-10%) is due to tubular secretion.28

     As the GFR falls, the plasma

    creatinine rises disproportionately and the creatinine clearance can reach twice that of inulin.


    Serum or plasma creatinine can be measured more accurately and reproducibly and, despite

    many confounding factors, can be used to predict the creatinine clearance(GFR) using one

    of several algorithms.

    The serum creatinine concentration can vary based on a number of factors including an diet,

    muscle mass, and gender. Diets that contain high concentrations of muscle offer a large pool

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    of creatine and creatinine that are absorbed in the small intestine and contribute to the serum

    concentration of creatinine. Muscle mass harbors the precursor of creatinine,

     phosphocreatine , as an energy source. This compound is often mistakenly referred to as

    "phosphocreatinine." A constant amount of phosphocreatine is spontaneously, irreversibly

    and nonenzymatically converted to creatinine daily and utilized by the body. This amount is

    directly proportional to the individual’s muscle mass. Therefore, a stable amount of

    creatinine is presented to the kidneys daily for excretion. Muscle disease or wasting

    decreases the amount of phosphocreatine available for conversion and thereby decreases the

    serum creatinine concentration. Conversely, an increasing muscle mass from conditioning or

    exercise will result in an increase of phosphocreatine and serum creatinine. Males often have

    higher creatinine values than females, as well.29

      This finding is most likely due to their

    typically increased muscle mass as compared to females.

    creatinine is water soluble, it is present in small concentrations in sweat (0.1-1.3 mg/dl).

    Creatinine also has been detected in peritoneal fluid, synovial fluid, bronchoalveolar lavage

    fluid, and aqueous and vitreous humor.30

     Research in the 1950s and 1960s discovered small

    quantities of creatinine in the vomitus and feces of uremic human beings

    Serum creatinine values also depend on the kidney’s ability to excrete creatinine. An

    elevation in creatinine is called azotemia and usually occurs simultaneously with an increase

    in blood urea nitrogen, a compound that is also freely filtered by the glomerulus. This can be

    due to prerenal, renal or postrenal processes causing a decrease in GFR. Examples of

     prerenal processes that could cause azotemia include dehydration and some medications,

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    such as gentamicin, oxytetracycline, amphotericin B, trimethoprim-sulfadiazine, and


      Renal processes could encompass anything from congenital or breed

    abnormalities like Cocker Spaniel familial nephropathy or Greyhound glomerular

    vasculopathy, to acquired renal failure from such causes as amyloidosis or intoxications by

    sodium arsenate or vitamin D.30

     Postrenal causes include urinary tract obstruction or rupture.

    The endogenous creatinine clearance test is based on the principle that serum creatinine is a

    constant value for that patient because of the irreversible nonenzymatic catabolism of

     phosphocreatine from the muscle. Inaccuracies with this method are possible due to

    incomplete evacuation of the bladder both before or after the procedure, tubular secretion of

    creatinine in some male dogs, possible increased extrarenal secretion of creatinine (such as

    in the gastrointestinal tract) and measurement of noncreatinine chromagens like ketones that

    occur in the serum sample but not in the urine sample, as the chromagens are not present in

    the urine. Patients that undergo this test usually are suspected of having renal disease

     because they are polyuric, not azotemic.

    The plasma exogenous creatinine clearance test (PECCT) is very similar to the iohexol

    clearance test, currently considered the gold standard in human medicine. The PECCT is

    useful for evaluating renal function in cases of known renal disease, detecting early renal

    dysfunction in predisposed breeds, evaluation of GFR during or after certain drug protocols

    that are nephrotoxic (like aminoglycoside therapy) and monitoring continued GFR failure in

    cases of known renal failure.31

      A pre-injection serum creatinine sample is collected, the

     bladder emptied and an injection of creatinine is administered subcutaneously,

    intramuscularly or intravenously. After a set period of time, 20 minutes to 24 hours, all of

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    the urine created is collected and a post-injection serum creatinine value is determined. The

    same calculation as described above is used to determine this value. This test is believed to

     present an increased challenge to the kidney because of the presence of the exogenous

    creatinine in addition to the endogenous creatinine concentration and is thought to better

    represent the true GFR value. Also, with the increased amount of creatinine present, the

    error from the presence of noncreatinine chromagens in the serum becomes less significant.

    Serum and urine creatinine values measured over a 10 hour period give the practitioner the

    most accurate picture of renal health, although reliable information can be gained with fewer

    samples in a shorter time period, if desired. However, there is a lack of standardization of

    methods between practioners that makes comparisons difficult. Also, it is unknown whether

    some of the exogenous creatinine is shuttled to the proximal tubules and excreted there in

    larger amounts as the kidney copes with the elevation in creatinine challenge.32


    The National Kidney Disease Education Program (NKDEP) of the National Institute of

    Diabetes, Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), National Kidney Foundation (NKF) and

    American Society of Nephrology (ASN) recommend estimating GFR from serum creatinine.

    Two commonly used equations are the MDRD Study equation and Cockcroft and Gault

    equation. Both equations use serum creatinine in combination with age, sex, weight or race

    to estimate GFR and therefore improve upon several of the limitations with the use of serum

    creatinine alone.

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    3.5 Cockcroft and Gault formula:

    The Cockcroft and Gault formula was developed in 1973 using data from 249 men with

    creatinine clearance (CCr) from approximately 30 to 130 mL/m33

    . It is not adjusted for

     body surface area.

    CCr={((140-age) x weight)/(72 SCr)} x 0.85 if female

    where CCr is expressed in milliliters per minute, age in years, weight in kilograms, and

    serum creatinine (SCr) in milligrams per deciliter.


    3.6 MDRD Study equation:

    The 4-variable MDRD Study equation was developed in 1999 using data from 1,628

     patients with CKD with GFR from approximately 5 to 90 milliliters per minute per 1.73 m2.

    It estimates GFR adjusted for body surface area and is more accurate than measured

    creatinine clearance from 24-hour urine collections or estimated by the Cockcroft and Gault


    . The equation is:

    GFR = 186 x (SCr)-1.154 x (age)-0.203 x (0.742 if female) x (1.210 if African American)

    The equation was re-expressed in 2005 for use with a standardized serum creatinine assay,

    which yields 5 percent lower values for serum creatinine concentration 36,37 

    GFR = 175 x (Standardized SCr)-1.154 x (age)-0.203 x (0.742 if female) x (1.210 if

    African American)

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    GFR is expressed in mL/min/1.73 m2, SCr is serum creatinine expressed in mg/dL, and age

    is expressed in years. In the MDRD Study, the equation has an R 2 value of 89.2%, with 91%

    and 98% of the estimated values falling within 30% and 50% of measured values,


    The MDRD study equation includes a term for the African American race to account for the

    fact that African Americans have a higher GFR than Caucasians (and other races included in

    the MDRD Study) at the same level of serum creatinine. This is due to higher average

    muscle mass and creatinine generation rate in African Americans. Clinical laboratories may

    not collect data on race and therefore may report GFR estimates using the equation for

    Caucasians. For African Americans, multiply the GFR estimate for Caucasians by 1.21.

    The MDRD study equation includes a term for age to account for the fact that younger

     people have a higher GFR than older people at the same level of serum creatinine. This is

    due to higher average muscle mass and creatinine generation rate in younger people.

    Applicability of the MDRD Study equation

    The MDRD Study equation was developed in a group of patients with chronic kidney

    disease (mean GFR 40 mL/min/1.73 m2) who were predominantly Caucasian, non-diabetic

    and did not have a kidney transplant.36

     The MDRD Study equation has now been evaluated

    in numerous populations, including African Americans, Europeans, and Asians with non-

    diabetic kidney disease, diabetic patients with and without kidney disease, kidney transplant

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    recipients and potential kidney donors. These studies have shown that the MDRD Study

    equation has reasonable accuracy in non-hospitalized patients thought to have CKD,

    regardless of diagnosis.38



    Populations or individuals where the MDRD Study equation cannot be applied:

    The MDRD Study equation has been reported to be less accurate in populations without

    kidney disease, such as young patients with type 1 diabetes without microalbuminuria or

     people selected for evaluation of kidney donation.38

      The MDRD Study equation has not

     been validated in children (age 85 years), or

    in some racial or ethnic subgroups, such as Hispanics. Furthermore, any of the limitations

    with the use of serum creatinine related to nutritional status or medication usage are not

    accounted for in the MDRD Study equation .

    Cockcroft and Gault and MDRD Study equations differ:

    The Cockcroft and Gault equation estimates creatinine clearance and is not adjusted for

     body surface area.33

     The MDRD Study equation estimates GFR adjusted for body surface

    area. GFR estimates from the MDRD Study equation can therefore be applied to determine

    level of kidney function, regardless of a patient’s size. In contrast, estimates based on the

    Cockcroft and Gault equation can be used for drug dosage recommendations, whereas GFR

    estimates based on the MDRD Study should be "unadjusted" for body surface area. Many

    studies have compared the performance of the two equations to measured GFR. In some of

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    these studies, the MDRD Study equation was more accurate than the Cockcroft and Gault

    equation. Other studies demonstrated similar performance. The Cockcroft and Gault

    equation appears to be less accurate than the MDRD Study equation, specifically in older

    and obese people.39

      In general, drug dosing is based on pharmacokinetic studies where

    kidney function was assessed using creatinine clearance levels estimated from the Cockcroft

    and Gault equation. For the majority of patients, the difference in GFR estimates based on

    the MDRD Study and the Cockcroft and Gault equations will not lead to a difference in drug

    dosages. If the estimates differ, the Cockcroft and Gault estimate should be used to be

    consistent with pharmacokinetic studies.

    Estimating equations are limited by: (1) use of serum creatinine as a filtration marker;

    (2) Decreased accuracy at higher levels of estimated GFR; and (3) non-steady state

    conditions for the filtration marker when GFR is changing.

    Despite these limitations, GFR estimates using equations are more accurate than serum

    creatinine alone. Understanding these limitations should help clinicians interpret GFR

    estimates. In particular, GFR estimates will be underestimates of true GFR in individuals

    with GFR levels >60 mL/min/1.73 m2. As such, GFR estimates may not be useful for

    quantification of declines in GFR to levels of 60 mL/min/1.73 m2 or more and may lead to a

    “false positive” diagnosis of CKD (GFR under 60 milliliters per minute per 1.73m2) in

     people with mildly reduced GFR. However, even in the general population, an estimated

    GFR under 60 milliliters per minute per 1.73 m2 is associated with an increased risk of

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    adverse outcomes of CKD.40

      If more accurate estimation of GFR is necessary, then one

    should obtain a clearance measurement.

    Creatinine is a 113 dalton amino acid derivative that is generated from the breakdown of

    creatine in muscle, distributed throughout total body water, and excreted by the kidneys

     primarily by glomerular filtration. Although the serum level is affected primarily by the

    level of GFR, it is also affected by other physiological processes, such as tubular secretion,

    generation and extra renal excretion of creatinine. Due to variation in these processes

    amongst individuals and over time within individuals, particularly the variation in creatinine

    generation, the cutoff for normal versus abnormal serum creatinine concentration differs

    among groups. In addition, assays for serum creatinine vary across clinical laboratories,

    leading to differences in GFR estimates for the same patient when creatinine is measured in

    different labs. Because of the wide range of normal for serum creatinine in most clinical

    laboratories, GFR must decline to approximately half the normal level before the serum

    creatinine concentration rises above the upper limit of normal. The main factors affecting

    creatinine generation are muscle mass and diet. Table 1 shows the effect on serum creatinine

    of factors affecting creatinine generation.

    3.7 Factors that affect creatinine secretion

    Some medications, including trimethoprim, cimetidine and some older cephalosporins,

    inhibit tubular secretion of creatinine, thereby decreasing creatinine clearance and increasing

    serum creatinine without a change in GFR.

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    Impact of calibration and inter-laboratory variation of serum creatinine assays on the

    estimation of GFR:

    The most commonly used assay for serum creatinine, the alkaline picrate (“Jaffe”) assay,

    detects a color change when creatinine interacts with picrate under alkaline conditions and is

    subject to interference from substances other than creatinine (“non-creatinine chromogens”),

    such as proteins and ketoacids. Newer enzymatic methods improve upon some of the non-

    specificities of the alkaline picrate assay but some are subject to other interferences.

    Calibration of creatinine assays to adjust for this interference is not standardized across

    methods and laboratories. Since the concentration of non-creatinine chromogens does not

    increase as GFR declines, the difference in serum creatinine assays between laboratories is

    greater at low serum creatinine values; therefore, differences in GFR estimates related to

    differences in calibration are most apparent at higher levels of GFR.41


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    Table 1: Factors affecting serum creatinine concentration.42 

    Measurement of creatinine clearance should be considered in circumstances when the

    estimating equation based on serum creatinine is suspected to be inaccurate (Refer to Table

    2) or patients with estimated GFR >60 mL/min/1.73 m2 when a more accurate clearance

    measure is required for clinical decision making. Such circumstance may occur in people

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    who are undergoing evaluation for kidney donation, treatment with drugs with significant

    toxicity that are excreted by the kidneys (for example, high-dose methotrexate) or

    consideration for participation in research protocols

    Table 2: Indications for a clearance measurement because estimates based on serum

    creatinine may be inaccurate


    Routinely, the creatinine clearance is performed by obtaining a 4-,12-,or 24- hour urine

    specimen and also a blood specimen sometime within the period of urine collection. The

    volume of the urine is measured, urine flow rate is measured, urine flow rate is calculated

    (in milliliters per minute ), and the assay for creatinine is performed on plasma and urine to

    obtain the concentration in milligrams per deciliter ( or millimoles per liter ). This method

    has been adopted since there are limitations to Above mentioned equations based on serum


    It can be seen that the plasma concentration of creatinine is inversely proportional to

    clearance of creatinine. Therefore, When plasma creatinine concentration is elevated, GFR

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    is decreased, indicating renal damage. Unfortunately, plasma creatinine is a relatively

    insensitive marker and may not be measurably increased until renal function has deteriorated

    more than 50%.43

      The observed relationship between plasma creatinine and GFR and the

    observation that plasma creatinine concentrations are relatively constant and unaffected by

    diet should make creatinine a good analyte for the assessment of renal function. However,

     because of the difficulties encountered in analyzing the small amont of creatinine normally

     present , measurement of plasma creatinine may not provide sensitivity for the detection of

    mild renal dysfunction. Several other analytes, including cystatin C, have been proposed to


    The serum creatinine level is often used in clinical practice as

     an index of kidney function,

     but abnormal values may not be  present until the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) has

    decreased  by 50-80%

    44 . Because of the limitations associated with the

     serum creatinine, the

    24-hour creatinine clearance is still the standard clinical technique for measuring GFR, but

    even this measurement is far from ideal. A 24-hour urine collection is

     an inconvenient

    outpatient measurement that restricts mobility; mandates two trips to the hospital or clinic;

    and requires urine collection, storage, and transport. Most important for both

     outpatients and

    inpatients, the creatinine clearance measurement will not be accurate if the urine collection is

    incomplete. Even if the urine collection is complete, the clearance measurement

     can be

    affected by muscle mass and diet. Creatine from ingested meat is converted to creatinine and

    can account for as much as 30%  of total creatinine excretion45. Creatinine is excreted not 

    only by glomerular filtration but also by the renal tubule. The secretion of creatinine varies

    substantially both in the same individuals over time and among different individuals

    46,47. In

    addition, the proportion of total renal creatinine excretion due to tubular secretion increases

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    with decreasing kidney function  48

    . This is particularly problematic in the follow-up of

     patients with a significant degree of renal dysfunction because the GFR 

     can fall more rapidly

    than indicated by either serum creatinine or creatinine clearance.


    3.8 KIDNEY

    The kidneys  are organs that have numerous biological roles. Their primary role is to

    maintain the homeostatic balance of bodily fluids by filtering and secreting metabolites

    (such as urea) and minerals from the blood and excreting them, along with water, as urine.

    Because the kidneys are poised to sense plasma concentrations of ions such as sodium,

     potassium, hydrogen, and compounds such as amino acids, creatinine, bicarbonate, and

    glucose, they are important regulators of blood pressure, glucose metabolism, and

    erythropoiesis (the process by which red blood cells (erythrocytes) are produced). The

    medical field that studies the kidneys and diseases of the kidney is called nephrology.49


    3.8.1 ANATOMY

    In humans, the kidneys are located in the posterior part of the abdominal cavity. There are

    two, one on each side of the spine; the right kidney sits just below the diaphragm and

     posterior to the liver, the left below the diaphragm and posterior to the spleen. Above each

    kidney is an adrenal gland (also called the suprarenal gland). The asymmetry within the

    abdominal cavity caused by the liver results in the right kidney being slightly lower than the

    left one while the left kidney is located slightly more medial. The bulk of water re-

    absorption in the vertebrate kidney takes place in the loop of Henle.

    The kidneys are retroperitoneal and range from 9 to 13 cm in diameter; the left slightly

    larger than the right. They are approximately at the vertebral level T12 to L3. The upper

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     parts of the kidneys are partially protected by the eleventh and twelfth ribs, and each whole

    kidney and adrenal gland are surrounded by two layers of fat (the perirenal and pararenal

    fat) and the renal fascia which help to cushion it. Congenital absence of one or both kidneys,

    known as unilateral (on one side) or bilateral (on both the sides) renal agenesis, can occur.

    Renal agenesis is also the base for the renal anal gland which helps the large intestine absorb


    The kidneys receive unfiltered blood directly from the heart through the abdominal aorta

    which then branches to the left and right renal arteries. Filtered blood then returns by the left

    and right renal veins to the inferior vena cava and then the heart. Renal blood flow accounts

    for 20-25% of the cardiac output.50


    figure: 1

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    figure: 2

    figure: 3

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    The renal corpuscle is the site of the nephron, where blood is "filtered".

    The blood enters the kidney through the renal artery in the renal sinus. It branches into

    segmental arteries, which further divide into interlobar arteries penetrating the renal capsule

    and extending through the renal columns between the renal pyramids. The interlobar arteries

    then supply blood to the arcuate arteries that run through the boundary of the cortex and the

    medulla. Each arcuate artery supplies a variety of additional interlobar arteries that feed into

    the afferent arterioles to be filtered through the nephrons. After filtration occurs the blood

    moves through a small network of venules that converge into interlobar veins. As with the

    arteriole distribution the veins follow the same pattern, the interlobar provide blood to the

    arcuate veins then back to the interlobar veins which come to form the renal vein exiting the

    kidney for transfusion for blood.

    Blood filtering takes place in the nephron, which is found in the kidney.

    3.8.3 FUNCTION

    Excretion of waste products

    The kidneys excrete a variety of waste products produced by metabolism, including the

    nitrogenous wastes: urea (from protein catabolism) and uric acid (from nucleic acid

    metabolism) and water.

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    The kidney is one of the major organs involved in whole-body homeostasis. Among its

    homeostatic functions are acid-base balance, regulation of electrolyte concentrations, control

    of blood volume, and regulation of blood pressure. The kidneys accomplish these

    homeostatic functions independently and through coordination with other organs,

     particularly those of the endocrine system. The kidney communicates with these organs

    through hormones secreted into the bloodstream.

    Acid-base balance

    The kidneys regulate the pH of blood by adjusting H+ ion levels, referred as augmentation of

    mineral ion concentration, as well as water composition of the blood. Renal production of

     bicarbonate (HCO3 – 

    ) ions buffer pH by reducing hydrogen ion concentrations in plasma; the

     bicarbonate serves as a proton acceptor.

    Blood pressure

    Sodium ions are controlled in a homeostatic process involving aldosterone which increases

    sodium ion reabsorption in the distal convoluted tubules.

    Plasma volume

    Any significant rise or drop in plasma osmolality is detected by the hypothalamus, which

    communicates directly with the posterior pituitary gland. A rise in osmolality causes the

    gland to secrete antidiuretic hormone (ADH), resulting in water reabsorption by the kidney

    and an increase in urine concentration. The two factors work together to return the plasma

    osmolality to its normal levels.

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    ADH binds to principal cells in the collecting duct that translocate aquaporins to the

    membrane allowing water to leave the normally impermeable membrane and be reabsorbed

    into the body by the vasa recta, thus increasing the plasma volume of the body.

    There are two systems that create a hyperosmotic medulla and thus increase the body plasma

    volume: Urea recycling and the 'single effect.'

    Urea is usually excreted as a waste product from the kidneys. However, when plasma blood

    volume is low and ADH is released the aquaporins that are opened are also permeable to

    urea. This allows urea to leave the collecting duct into the medulla creating a hyperosmotic

    solution that 'attracts' water. Urea can then re-enter the nephron and be excreted or recycled

    again depending on whether ADH is still present or not.

    The 'Single effect' describes the fact that the ascending thick limb of the loop of Henle is not

     permeable to water but is permeable to NaCl. This means that a countercurrent system is

    created whereby the medulla becomes increasingly concentrated setting up a osmotic

    gradient for water to follow should the aquaporins of the collecting duct be opened by ADH.

    Hormone secretion

    The kidneys secrete a variety of hormones. Erythropoietin is released in response to low

    levels of O2 in the renal circulation. It stimulates erythrocyte production in red bone marrow.

    Calcitriol, the activated form of vitamin D, promotes the absorption of Ca2+

     from the gut and

    the excretion of PO32-. They both help to increase Ca2+

      levels.The kidneys also secrete

    Renin, an enzyme involved in the regulation of aldosterone secretion by the renin-

    angiotensin-aldosterone system.

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    Renal failure can broadly be divided into two categories: acute or chronic renal failure. The

    type of renal failure is determined by the trend in the serum creatinine.

    3.8.4 Acute renal failure

    Acute renal failure (ARF), also known as acute kidney failure or acute kidney injury, is a

    rapid loss of renal function due to damage to the kidneys, resulting in retention of

    nitrogenous (urea and creatinine) and non-nitrogenous waste products that are normally

    excreted by the kidney. Depending on the severity and duration of the renal dysfunction, this

    accumulation is accompanied by metabolic disturbances, such as metabolic acidosis

    (acidification of the blood) and hyperkalaemia (elevated potassium levels), changes in body

    fluid balance, and effects on many other organ systems. It can be characterised by oliguria or

    anuria (decrease or cessation of urine production), although nonoliguric ARF may occur. It

    is a serious disease and treated as a medical emergency.

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    Kidney showing marked pallor of the cortex, contrasting to the darker areas of surviving

    medullary tissue. The patient died with acute renal failure.


    Acute renal failure is usually categorised (as in the flowchart below) according to pre-renal,

    intrinsic and post-renal causes.

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    Acute Renal Failure

    Pre-renal In trinsic Post-renal

    Pre-renal (causes in the blood supply):

    hypovolemia (decreased blood volume), usually from shock or dehydration and fluid loss or

    excessive diuretics use.

    hepatorenal syndrome in which renal perfusion is compromised in liver failure

    vascular problems, such as atheroembolic disease and renal vein thrombosis (which can

    occur as a complication of the nephrotic syndrome)

    infection usually sepsis, systemic inflammation due to infection

    severe burns

    sequestration due to pericarditis and pancreatitis

    hypotension due to antihypertensives and vasodilators

    Intrinsic (damage to the kidney itself) [It is most irreversible of the 3]:

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    toxins or medication (e.g. some NSAIDs, aminoglycoside antibiotics, iodinated contrast,

    lithium, phosphate nephropathy due to bowel preparation for colonoscopy with sodium


    rhabdomyolysis (breakdown of muscle tissue) - the resultant release of myoglobin in the

     blood affects the kidney; it can be caused by injury (especially crush injury and extensive

     blunt trauma), statins, stimulants and some other drugs

    hemolysis (breakdown of red blood cells) - the hemoglobin damages the tubules; it may be

    caused by various conditions such as sickle-cell disease, and lupus erythematosus

    multiple myeloma, either due to hypercalcemia or "cast nephropathy" (multiple myeloma

    can also cause chronic renal failure by a different mechanism)

    acute glomerulonephritis which may be due to a variety of causes, such as anti glomerular

     basement membrane disease/Goodpasture's syndrome, Wegener's granulomatosis or acute

    lupus nephritis with systemic lupus erythematosus

    Post-renal (obstructive causes in the urinary tract) due to:

    medication interfering with normal bladder emptying (e.g. anticholinergics).

     benign prostatic hypertrophy or prostate cancer.

    kidney stones.

    due to abdominal malignancy (e.g. ovarian cancer, colorectal cancer).

    obstructed urinary catheter.

    drugs that can cause crystalluria and drugs that can lead to myoglobinuria & cystitis


    In general, renal failure is diagnosed when either creatinine or blood urea nitrogen tests are

    markedly elevated in an ill patient, especially when oliguria is present. Previous

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    measurements of renal function may offer comparison, which is especially important if a

     patient is known to have chronic renal failure as well. If the cause is not apparent, a large

    amount of blood tests and examination of a urine specimen is typically performed to

    elucidate the cause of acute renal failure, medical ultrasonography of the renal tract is

    essential to rule out obstruction of the urinary tract.

    Consensus criteria (RIFLE)52,53

    for the diagnosis of ARF are:

    Risk: serum creatinine increased 1.5 times OR urine production of 44) or urine output

     below 0.3 ml/kg for 24 h

    Loss: persistent ARF or complete loss of kidney function for more than four weeks

    End-stage Renal Disease: complete loss of kidney function for more than three months

    Kidney biopsy may be performed in the setting of acute renal failure, to provide a definitive

    diagnosis and sometimes an idea of the prognosis, unless the cause is clear and appropriate

    screening investigations are reassuringly negative.


    Acute renal failure may be reversible if treated promptly and appropriately. Resuscitation to

    normotension and a normal cardiac output is key. The main interventions are monitoring

    fluid intake and output as closely as possible; insertion of a urinary catheter is useful for

    monitoring urine output as well as relieving possible bladder outlet obstruction, such as with

    an enlarged prostate. In the absence of fluid overload, administering intravenous fluids is

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    typically the first step to improve renal function. Fluid administration may be monitored

    with the use of a central venous catheter to avoid over- or under-replacement of fluid. If the

    cause is obstruction of the urinary tract, relief of the obstruction (with a nephrostomy or

    urinary catheter) may be necessary. Metabolic acidosis and hyperkalemia, the two most

    serious biochemical manifestations of acute renal failure, may require medical treatment

    with sodium bicarbonate administration and antihyperkalemic measures, unless dialysis is


    Should hypotension prove a persistent problem in the fluid replete patient, inotropes such as

    norepinephrine and/or dobutamine may be given to improve cardiac output and hence renal

     perfusion. While a useful pressor, there is no evidence to suggest that dopamine is of any

    specific benefit,54

     and at least a suggestion of possible harm. A Swan-Ganz catheter may be

    used, to measure pulmonary artery occlusion pressure to provide a guide to left atrial

     pressure (and thus left heart function) as a target for inotropic support.

    The use of diuretics such as furosemide, while widespread and sometimes convenient in

    ameliorating fluid overload, does not reduce the risk of complications and death.55  In

     practice, diuretics may simply mask things, making it more difficult to judge the adequacy

    of resuscitation.

    The use of an ACE Inhibitor (such as benazepril) can help protect renal function in patients

    with advanced renal insufficiency.56

    However, an increase of up to 30% in SCr (serum

    creatinine) is expected. This is because the ACEI reduces Angiotensin II levels. Angiotensin

    II causes renal efferent arteriole vasoconstriction, and reduction of angiotensin II leads to

    vasodialation which in turn reduces GFR. This reduction in GFR causes the predicted

    increase in SCr.

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    However, one must not use a NSAID as NSAIDs reduce prostaglandin production.

    Prostaglandins cause vasodialation of the renal afferent arteriole, and a reduction in

     prostaglandin leads to vasoconstriction thus reducing GFR. However, this can lead to

    nephrotoxicity and thus NSAIDs must be avoided.57


    Lack of improvement with fluid resuscitation, therapy-resistant hyperkalemia, metabolic

    acidosis, or fluid overload may necessitate artificial support in the form of dialysis or

    hemofiltration. Depending on the cause, a proportion of patients will never regain full renal

    function, thus having end stage renal failure requiring lifelong dialysis or a kidney



    Before the advancement of modern medicine, acute renal failure might be referred to as

    uremic poisoning. Uremia was the term used to describe the contamination of the blood with

    urine. Starting around 1847 this term was used to describe reduced urine output, now known

    as oliguria, which was thought to be caused by the urine's mixing with the blood instead of

     being voided through the urethra.

    Acute renal failure due to acute tubular necrosis (ATN) was recognised in the 1940s in the

    United Kingdom, where crush victims during the Battle of Britain developed patchy necrosis

    of renal tubules, leading to a sudden decrease in renal function.58

     During the Korean and

    Vietnam wars, the incidence of ARF decreased due to better acute management and

    intravenous infusion of fluids.59


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    3.8.5 Chronic kidney disease

    Chronic kidney disease (CKD), also known as chronic renal disease, is a progressive loss of

    renal function over a period of months or years. The symptoms of worsening kidney

    function are unspecific, and might include feeling generally unwell and experiencing a

    reduced appetite. Often, chronic kidney disease is diagnosed as a result of screening of

     people known to be at risk of kidney problems, such as those with high blood pressure or

    diabetes and those with a blood relative with chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease

    may also be identified when it leads to one of its recognized complications, such as

    cardiovascular disease, anemia or pericarditis.52 

    Chronic kidney disease is identified by a blood test for creatinine. Higher levels of creatinine

    indicate a falling glomerular filtration rate (rate at which the kidneys filter blood) and as a

    result a decreased capability of the kidneys to excrete waste products. Creatinine levels may

     be normal in the early stages of CKD, and the condition is discovered if urinalysis (testing of

    a urine sample) shows that the kidney is allowing the loss of protein or red blood cells into

    the urine. To fully investigate the underlying cause of kidney damage, various forms of

    medical imaging, blood tests and often renal biopsy (removing a small sample of kidney

    tissue) are employed to find out if there is a reversible cause for the kidney malfunction. 

    Recent professional guidelines classify the severity of chronic kidney disease in five stages,

    with stage 1 being the mildest and usually causing few symptoms and stage 5 being a severe

    illness with poor life expectancy if untreated. Stage 5 CKD is also called established

    chronic kidney disease and is synonymous with the now outdated terms end-stage renal

    disease (ESRD), chronic kidney failure (CKF) or chronic renal failure (CRF).60

    There is no

    specific treatment unequivocally shown to slow the worsening of chronic kidney disease. If

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    there is an underlying cause to CKD, such as vasculitis, this may be treated directly with

    treatments aimed to slow the damage. In more advanced stages, treatments may be required

    for anemia and bone disease. Severe CKD requires one of the forms of renal replacement

    therapy; this may be a form of dialysis, but ideally constitutes a kidney transplant.60


    Signs and symptoms:

    Initially it is without specific symptoms and can only be detected as an increase in serum

    creatinine or protein in the urine. As the kidney function decreases:

     blood pressure is increased due to fluid overload and production of vasoactive hormones,

    increasing one's risk of developing hypertension and/or suffering from congestive heart


    Urea accumulates, leading to azotemia and ultimately uremia (symptoms ranging from

    lethargy to pericarditis and encephalopathy). Urea is excreted by sweating and crystallizes

    on skin ("uremic frost").

    Potassium accumulates in the blood (known as hyperkalemia with a range of symptoms

    including malaise and potentially fatal cardiac arrhythmias)

    Erythropoietin synthesis is decreased (potentially leading to anemia, which causes fatigue)

    Fluid volume overload - symptoms may range from mild edema to life-threatening

     pulmonary edema

    Hyperphosphatemia - due to reduced phosphate excretion, associated with hypocalcemia

    (due to vitamin D3 deficiency). The major sign of hypocalcemia being tetany.

    Later this progresses to tertiary hyperparathyroidism, with hypercalcaemia, renal

    osteodystrophy and vascular calcification that further impairs cardiac function.

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    Metabolic acidosis, due to accumulation of sulfates, phosphates, uric acid etc. This may

    cause altered enzyme activity by excess acid acting on enzymes and also increased

    excitability of cardiac and neuronal membranes by the promotion of hyperkalemia due to

    excess acid (acidemia)61


    People with chronic kidney disease suffer from accelerated atherosclerosis and are more

    likely to develop cardiovascular disease than the general population. Patients afflicted with

    chronic kidney disease and cardiovascular disease tend to have significantly worse

     prognoses than those suffering only from the latter.


    In many CKD patients, previous renal disease or other underlying diseases are already

    known. A small number presents with CKD of unknown cause. In these patients, a cause is

    occasionally identified retrospectively.

    It is important to differentiate CKD from acute renal failure (ARF) because ARF can be

    reversible. Abdominal ultrasound is commonly performed, in which the size of the kidneys

    are measured. Kidneys with CKD are usually smaller (< 9 cm) than normal kidneys with

    notable exceptions such as in diabetic nephropathy and polycystic kidney disease. Another

    diagnostic clue that helps differentiate CKD and ARF is a gradual rise in serum creatinine

    (over several months or years) as opposed to a sudden increase in the serum creatinine

    (several days to weeks). If these levels are unavailable (because the patient has been well

    and has had no blood tests) it is occasionally necessary to treat a patient briefly as having

    ARF until it has been established that the renal impairment is irreversible.

    Additional tests may include nuclear medicine MAG3 scan to confirm blood flows and

    establish the differential function between the two kidneys. DMSA scans are also used in

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     Stage 1 CKD

    Slightly diminished function; Kidney damage with normal or relatively high GFR (>90

    mL/min/1.73 m2). Kidney damage is defined as pathologic abnormalities or markers of

    damage, including abnormalities in blood or urine test or imaging studies.60


    Stage 2 CKD

    Mild reduction in GFR (60-89 mL/min/1.73 m2) with kidney damage. Kidney damage is

    defined as pathologic abnormalities or markers of damage, including abnormalities in blood

    or urine test or imaging studies.60


    Stage 3 CKD

    Moderate reduction in GFR (30-59 mL/min/1.73 m2).

    60  British guidelines distinguish

     between stage 3A (GFR 45-59) and stage 3B (GFR 30-44) for purposes of screening and



    Stage 4 CKD

    Severe reduction in GFR (15-29 mL/min/1.73 m2) Preparation for renal replacement therapy

    Stage 5 CKD

    Established kidney failure (GFR

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    The most common causes of CKD are diabetic nephropathy, hypertension, and

    glomerulonephritis. Together, these cause approximately 75% of all adult cases. Certain

    geographic areas have a high incidence of HIV nephropathy.62


    Vascular, includes large vessel disease such as bilateral renal artery stenosis and small

    vessel disease such as ischemic nephropathy, hemolytic-uremic syndrome and vasculitis

    Glomerular, comprising a diverse group and subclassified into

    Primary Glomerular disease such as focal segmental glomerulosclerosis and IgA nephritis

    Secondary Glomerular disease such as diabetic nephropathy and lupus nephritis

    Tubulointerstitial including polycystic kidney disease, drug and toxin-induced chronic

    tubulointerstitial nephritis and reflux nephropathy

    Obstructive such as with bilateral kidney stones and diseases of the prostate


    The goal of therapy is to slow down or halt the otherwise relentless progression of CKD to

    stage 5. Control of blood pressure and treatment of the original disease, whenever feasible,

    are the broad principles of management. Generally, angiotensin converting enzyme

    inhibitors (ACEIs) or angiotensin II receptor antagonists (ARBs) are used, as they have been

    found to slow the progression of CKD to stage 5.63,64 

    Replacement of erythropoietin and vitamin D3, two hormones processed by the kidney, is

    usually necessary, as is calcium. Phosphate binders are used to control the serum phosphate

    levels, which are usually elevated in chronic kidney disease.

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    When one reaches stage 5 CKD, renal replacement therapy is required, in the form of either

    dialysis or a transplant.

    In some cases, dietary modifications have been proven to slow and even reverse further

     progression. Generally this includes limiting a person’s intake of protein.


    The prognosis of patients with chronic kidney disease is guarded as epidemiological data has

    shown that all cause mortality (the overall death rate) increases as kidney function


    The leading cause of death in patients with chronic kidney disease is

    cardiovascular disease, regardless of whether there is progression to stage 5.66,67,68


    While renal replacement therapies can maintain patients indefinitely and prolong life, the

    quality of life is severely affected.67,68

      Renal transplantation increases the survival of

     patients with stage 5 CKD significantly when compared to other therapeutic

    options;69,70however, it is associated with an increased short-term mortality (due to

    complications of the surgery). Transplantation aside, high intensity home hemodialysis

    appears to be associated with improved survival and a greater quality of life, when compared

    to the conventional three times a week hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.71


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    4.1 Source Of Data

    50 Healthy volunteers are selected based on criteria. Out of these, 25 volunteers will be

    female and 25 volunteers will be male. The study will be carried out in Department of

    Clinical Biochemistry, St. John Medical College Hospital, Bangalore.

    4.2 Criteria

    Inclusion Criteria: Healthy Volunteer of 20-30 year age group

    Exclusion Criteria: Renal dysfunction

    Conditions with increased Serum and urine creatinine

    4.3 Method of Sample Collection:

    Each volunteer will be given 2 cans for urine collection. Urine collection will begin at 7 am

    in the morning on day 1 till 7 am on day 2 (next day); The first can is used for collection

    from 7 am to 7 pm on day 1. The second can will be used for another 12 hour collection

    study from 7pm on day 1 to 7am on day 2. Mix well and measure the volume separately in

     both the can. Take 5ml of sample from the first can; labeled it as sample1. Then mix both

    the contents of the can by transferring from can 1 to can 2 .Mix well and take another 5ml of

    sample; labeled it as sample 2. Sample1will pertain to 12-hour turned urine collection.

    Sample 2 will pertain to 24-hour turned urine collection.

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    4.4 Method of Creatinine Analysis:

    The creatinine is measured by using modification of the kinetic Jaffe reaction72

    . This

    method has been reported to be less susceptible than conventional method to interference

    from non creatinine, Jaffe positive compound. Creatinine is generally regarded as the most

    useful endogenous substance to measure for the assessment of kidney function73


    4.5 Principle:

    In the presence of a strong base such as NaOH, lithium picrate reacts with creatinine to form

    a red chromophore. The rate of increasing absorbance at 510 nm due to the formation of this

    chromophore is directly proportional to the creatinine concentration in the sample and is

    measured using a bichromatic (510, 600 nm) rate technique. Bilirubin is oxidized by

     potassium ferricyanide74

    to prevent interference.

    The Cockcroft–Gault formula is used for calculation of creatinine clearance. It is corrected

    for body surface area which may have significance with short or tall frames. The results

    were accepted based on the acceptable Quality control run.

    Formula for Creatinine Clearance = UxV x 1.73

    P A

    U= Urinary Creatinine concentration in mg/dL

    V= Volume of urine per minute or total volume / 24h x 60 min

    P = Plasma or Serum Creatinine Concentration in mg/dL

    A = Body surface Area derived from the patients’s height and weight.

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    The samples were analyzed statistically by using paired sample ‘t’ test. The pearson’s

    correlation was doen to evaluate if there was correlation between the samples.

    6. RESULT:

    Table 3 depicts the descriptive statistics for Creatinine Clearance for all the samples (both

    males and females) and also gender wise. Table 4 depicts the mean difference, standard

    deviation and standard error with 95% Confidence Interval. The person’s correlation

     between 12-h and 24-h urine samples showed a significant correlation in both males and

    females (r = 0.8 and 0.6 respectively, p values < 0.05)

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    7. TABLE

    Table 3 : Descriptive statistic of Creatinine Clearance

    12 – h Creatinine Clearance 24-h Creatinine Clearance

    95 % C.I 95 % C.IMean S.D S.E





    Mean S.D S.E





    Cr Cl

    for all


    88.5 9.0 1.3 89.3 97.3 101 11.4 1.6 103.6 112.3

    Cr Cl in


    93 9.7 1.9 89.3 97.3 108 10.5 2.1 103.6 112.3

    Cr Cl in


    83.7 4.8 1.0 81.8 85.8 95.3 8.4 1.6 91.9 98.9

    *SD signifies standard deviation

    *SE signifies standard error.

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    Table 4 : Comparison of groups for Creatinine Clearnce for 12-h and 24-h urine


    95 % C. IMean


    SD SE





    ‘p’ value

    CrCL 12 hr


    CrCl 24 hr


    -13.09 7.84 1.109 -15.3 -10.9 < 0.001

    CrCL 12 hr


    CrCl 24 hr


    -14.61 8.42 1.68 -18.1 -11.1 < 0.001

    CrCL 12 hr


    CrCl 24 hr

    Female .

    -11.56 7.05 1.41 -14.5 -8.6 < 0.001

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    The study was conducted to evaluate the Creatinine Clearance in two different timed urine

    collection namely 12-h and 24-h. The study was done to find out if the duration of urine

    collection can be reduced from 24-h to 12 h. The results showed there was significant

    difference in creatinine clearance in both males and females. The creatinine clearnce was

    found to be lower in 12-h urine collection in comparison to 24-h urine collection. The 12 hr

     period was during the day i.e., 7am to 7pm on the day 1. The probability the creatinine

    clearance is lower during the day than during the night. The diurnal variation is not

    incorporated if the urine collection period were to be reduced from 24-h to 12-h. This is

    appropriately depicted in our study. There is a significant correlation between 12-h and 24-h

    urine collection. There is a difference of approximately 15 % in creatinine clearance

     between 12-h and 24-h urine samples.

    If circumstance of specimen collection are not defined and controlled, variability in values

    for an individual 12 hour and 24 hour clearance can be expected . Rates of glomerular

    filtration and creatinine excreation

    75normally show diurnal variations which in many people

    are large.75,76

    .Dietry protein,salt and water balance,physical activity, and even the emotional

    state can influence glomerular filteration rate.75

    Concentrations of serum creatinine also vary

    during a day.77.

    The results of the study is very similar to previous studies. Baumann TJ et al in their study

    on 10 critically ill patients for accurate determination of creatinine clearance has shown that

    an 8-h urine collection is acceptable if the deviation is 20% from the 24-h value. In their

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    study, they have shown that the mean difference between each 2-h interval and 24-h interval

    were not significantly different. Clearance values determined from 8- and 12-h collections

    were within 20 % of the 24-h urine creatinine clearance.78

    Another study by Roberti Riera E et al studied 30 children for creatinine clearance in 3- and

    24-h urine collection. The study showed no significant difference in these two different

    timed urine collections. In their study they have recommended that 3-h urine collection can

     be adopted if the patients are adequately hydrated and hospitalized patients especially

    infants or young children.



    Richardson James in his study has showed that there is no significant difference in one-hour

    creatinine clearance and 24-hour creatinine clearance.80

    9. C0NCLUSION:

    In this study the creatinine clearance is significantly different in urine sample collected over

    12 hr period and 24 hr period in both male and female but the difference is about 15 %

     between the two timed collection. This is clinical acceptable and hence 12 hr urine

    collection can be adopted in patients who are well hydrated and it can replace 24-h urine


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