  • Classification of living organism

  • Kingdom classification:जन्त ुजगत का वगीकयण: •Biologists, such as Ernst Haeckel (1894). Robert Whittaker (1959) and Carl Woese(1977) have tried to classify all living organisms into broad categories, called kingdoms.

  • •अननस्ट हेकेर (1894) यॉफटन व्हहटकय (1959) औय कारन वोएज़ (1977) जैसे जीव वैऻाननकों ने सबी जीववत जीवों को हमाऩक शे्रणणमों भें वगीकृत कयने की कोशिि की है, व्जन्हें जतं ुजगत कहा जाता है।

  • Whittaker(व्हहटेकय) proposed five kingdom classification : 1.Monera(भोनेया) 2.Protista(प्रॉटटस्टा) 3.Fungi(कवक) 4. Plantae(ऩौधे) 5.Animalia(जीव)

  • •These groups are formed on the basis of their cell structure, mode and source of nutrition and body organization. • The modification introduced by dividing the Monera into (or Archaea) and Eubacteria (or Bacteria) is also in use.

    “Thus, by separating organisms on the basis of a hierarchy of characteristics into smaller and smaller groups, we arrive at the basic unit of classification, which is a 'species‘”.

  • •इन सभूहों का गठन उनकी कोशिका संयचना, प्रणारी औय ऩोषण औय ियीय संगठन के स्रोत के आधाय ऩय ककमा जाता है

    •इस संिोधन भें भोनेया को आकन फैक्टीरयमा (मा आककन मा) औय मूफैक्टेरयमा (मा फैक्टीरयमा) भें ववबाव्जत कयके उऩमोग भें रा कय ऩेि ककमा गमा।

    "इस प्रकाय, जीवों को छोटे औय छोटे सभूहों भें वविषेताओं के ऩदानुक्रभ के आधाय ऩय ववबाव्जत कयके, हभ वगीकयण की भूर इकाई भें ऩहंुचत ेहैं, जो कक एक 'प्रजानत' है।"

  • 1.Monera(मोनेरा) :•These organisms do not have a defined nucleus or organelles, nor do any of them show multi-cellular body designs. •On the other hand, they show diversity based on many other characteristics. Some of them have cell walls while some do not have.•The mode of nutrition of organisms in this group can be either by synthesizing their own food (autotrophic) or -getting it from the environment - (heterotrophic). This group includes bacteria, Blue-green algae or cyanobacteria, and mycoplasma.

  • •इन जीवों भें ऩरयबावषत नाशबक मा ऑगेनेर नहीं होते हैं, औय न ही उनभें से कोई बी फहुकोशिकीम ियीय की यचना टदखाता है।

    •दसूयी ओय, वे कई अन्म वविेषताओ ंके आधाय ऩय ववववधता टदखाते हैं। उनभें से कुछ भें कोशिका शबवि होती है जफकक कुछ के ऩास नहीं होती।

    •इस सभहू भें जीवों के ऩोषण का साधन है मा तो, स्वमं के बोजन को सशं्रेवषत कयना (स्वऩोषी) मा - ऩमानवयण से प्राप्त कयना (ऩयऩोवषत)। इस सभहू भें जीवाण,ु ब्र-ूग्रीन िैवार मा सामनोफैक्टीरयमा औय भाइकोप्राज़्भा िाशभर हैं

  • 2.Protista (प्रॉटटस्टा):•This group includes many kinds of unicellular eukaryotic organisms. •Some of these organisms use appendages, such as hair-like cilia or whip-like flagella for moving around. •Their mode of nutrition can be autotrophic or heterotrophic. •Examples are unicellular algae, diatoms and protozoans.

  • •इस सभहू भें कई प्रकाय के एककोशिकीम मूकैरयमोटटक जीव िाशभर हैं•इनभें से कुछ जीव घूभने के शरए एऩेंडसे का उऩमोग कयते हैं, जैसे कक फार जैसे ऩक्ष्भाशबका मा व्हहऩ जैसे किाशबका।•उनके ऩोषण का तयीका स्वऩोषी मा ऩयऩोषी हो सकते है। •उदाहयण के शरए एककोशिकीम िैवार, डामटभ औय प्रोटोजोआ हैं।

  • 3.Fungi(कवक):•These are heterotrophic eukaryotic organisms. • They use decaying organic material as food and are therefore called saprophytes.•Many of them have the capacity to multicellularorganisms at certain stages in their lives.•They have cell-walls made of a though complex sugar called chitin.

  • •मे ऩयऩोषी मूकेरयमोटटक जीव हैं।

    •वे बोजन के रूऩ भें सड़ ेहुए काफनननक ऩदाथों का उऩमोग कयते हैं औय इसशरए उन्हें सैप्रोपाइट्स कहा जाता है।

    •उनभें से कई अऩने जीवन भें कुछ चयणों भें फहुकोशिकीम जीवों की ऺभता यखते हैं।

    •उनके ऩास कोशिका शबवि होती हैं जो एक जटटर िकन यासे फनी हैं व्जसे काइटटन कहा जाता है।

  • •Examples are- yeast and mushrooms •Some fungal species live in permanent mutually dependent relationships with blue green algae (or cyanobacteria). •Such relationships are called symbiotic. •These symbiotic life forms are called lichens. •We have all seen lichens as the slow-growing large coloured patches on the bark of trees.

  • •उदाहयण के शरए खभीय औय भिरूभ

    •कुछ कवक प्रजानतमां नीरे हये िैवार (मा शसमानोफैक्टीरयमा) के साथ स्थामी रूऩ से ननबनय सफंंधों भें यहती हैं।

    •ऐसे सफंंधो को सहजीवन कहा जाता है।

    •इन सहजीवी जीवन रूऩों को राइकेन कहा जाता है।

    •राइकेन, ऩेड़ों की छार ऩय धीभी गनत से फढ़ते फड़ ेयंगीन ऩचै के रूऩ भें देखा है।

  • 4.Plantae (ऩौधे) :•Plants are multicellular and most don't move, although gametes of some plants move using cilia or flagella. •Organelles including nucleus, chloroplasts are present, and cell walls are present. Nutrients are acquired by photosynthesis (they all require sunlight).

  • •ऩौधे फहुकोशिकीम होते हैं औय अधधकांि टहरते नहीं हैं, हाराकंक कुछ ऩौधों के मुग्भक के शरए ऩक्ष्भाशबका मा किाशबका का उऩमोग कयते हैं। •ऑगेनेर भें नाशबक, क्रोयोप्रास्ट सटहत भौजदू हैं, औय कोशिका शबवि बी भौजदू होती हैं। प्रकाि सशं्रेषण द्वाया ऩोषक तत्वों का अधधग्रहण ककमा जाता है (इन सबी को समून के प्रकाि की आवश्मकता होती है)।

  • 5.Animalia (जीव):•Animals are multicellular, and move with the aid of cilia, flagella, or muscular organs based on contractile proteins. • They have organelles including a nucleus, but no chloroplasts or cell walls. Animals acquire nutrients by ingestion.

  • •जीव फहुकोशिकीम होते हैं, औय ऩक्ष्भाशबका, किाशबका औय भासऩेशिमा जो कक कॉन्रैव्क्टरे प्रोटीन के आधाय ऩय व्स्थत हैं, इनकी सहामता से चरते हैं।

    •उनके ऩास एक नाशबक सटहत ऑगेनेर हैं, रेककन कोई क्रोयोप्रास्ट मा कोशिका शबवि नहीं है। जानवय अतंग्रनहण द्वाया ऩोषक तत्व प्राप्त कयते हैं।


  • 1.Study of zoology deals with…..?

    जन्तु विज्ञान.....का ऄध्ययन ह ै?

    a) Living animal only /केिल जीवित जन्तु

    b) Living plant only /केिल जीवित पादप

    c) Both living and death animals/ जीवित और मृत जन्तु

    d) Both living and death plants / जीवित और मृत पादप

  • 2.Who discovered that life is in plant and trees?

    पेड़ और पौधे मे जीिन की खोज ककसने की?

    a) Robert Koch/रोबर्ट कोच

    b) J.C.Bose/जी सी बोस

    c) Louis Pasteur/लुइस पाश्चर

    d) Benjamin Franklin/बेंजावमन फ़्रें कवलन

  • 3.A microbe that commonly used for alcoholic fermentation in

    wine industry is a?

    शराब ईद्धोग मे समान्यतः ईपयोग ककए जाने िाला एक सूक्ष्म जीि


    a) Yeast / खमीर

    b) Bacterium /जीिाणु

    c) Cyanobacterium/साएनोबैक्र्ीररया

    d) Actionomycete/ ऄक्तीनोमयसएते

  • Exp:- Fermentation is the anaerobic process in which microbes convert the

    pyruvate into organic acids, ethyl alcohol, carbon dioxide and ATP.

    During fermentation, yeast convert the sugar present in juice into ethanol. The

    most common genera, wild yeasts . found in wine includes Candida, Pichia,

    Zygosacchromyces and species of Sacchromyces. In this process of fermentation,

    yeast acts as catalyst and mediator through a series of reaction that convert sugar

    into alcohol.

    1. Bacteria are used in economic importance for the production of swiss cheese,

    youghurt and medicines. Bacteria are also used in genetic engineering.

    2. Cyanobacteria are nitrogen fixing Bacteria cyanobacteria have internal

    membranes, with flattened sacs called thylakoids, where photosynthesis occur Eg;

    Nostoc, Anabaena.

    3. Actinomycetes are gram positive anaerobic bacteria which helps in the

    production of agents like antibiotics, enzymes and vitamins.

  • 4) Lichens are composite organisms made up of?

    लाआकेन वमवित जीि होते हैं?

    a) Fungi, Bacteria / किक, जीिाणु

    b) Fungi, Algae / किक, शैिाल

    c) Fungi, Bryophyte / किक,ब्रायोफाआर्

    d) Algae, Bacteria / शैिाल, जीिाणु

  • Exp:-Lichens are composite organisms made up of Fungi and algae,

    the fungal component of a lichen is called the mycobiont which

    belongs to Ascomycetes or Basidiomycetes. Fungus due to the

    presence of mycelium and hyphae provide the shelter to algae. The

    algae component of a lichen and is called phycobiont. Algae due to

    the presence of chlorophyll prepare the food by the process of


    It is estimated that 6% of Earth's land surface is covered by lichen.

    There are about 20,000 known species of lichens. Lichens are

    sensitive to environmental disturbances and can be used as air

    pollution indicators.

  • 5) Litmus, the acid base indicator is obtained from ?

    एवसड बेस आंवडकेर्र, वलर्मस ककससे प्राप्त ककया जाता ह?ै

    a) Bacterium / जीिाणु

    b) Lichen / लाइकेन

    c) Virus / िायरस

    d) None of the above/ ईपरोक्त में से कोइ नहीं

  • Exp:-Litmus is a coloured matter obtained from the

    lichens, especially Roccella Tinctoria. The main use of

    litmus is to test whether a solution is acidic or basic. In the

    alkali solution litmus turns blue, in acid solution litmus

    turn red. Litmus is used as chemical indicator and pH

    indicator. Litmus was used for first time about 1300 A.D.

    by Spanish physician Arnaldus de Villa Nova.

  • 6.Alexander Fleming discovered:

    ऄलेक्जेंडर फ्लेममग की खोज :

    a) Penicillin/ पेवनवसवलन

    b) X-Ray/ एक्स-रे

    c) Streptomycin / स्ट्रेप्र्ोमाआवसन

    d) Nitrate / नाआरेर्

  • Exp:- Alexander Fleming, born on 6 August, 1881 in Scotland,

    discovered the Penicillin in 1928, while working on gram-positive

    bacteria Staphylococcus. He published his discovery in 1929 in the

    British Journal of “Experimental Pathology."

    He explained that due to the presence of fungus Penicillium the

    colonies of gram-positive pathogenic bacteria named as

    Staphylococcus had been destroyed, so the penicillium can work as


    Penicillium is an ascomycetes fungi, which kills or stop the growth of

    certain Bacteria and is regarded as the first antibiotic to be

    discovered. The word penicillium means “painter's brush".

  • 7.Iodine is obtained from......?

    अयोडीन..... से प्राप्त होता ह:ै

    a) Laminaria / लावमनाररया

    b) Polysiphonia/ पॉलीवसफोवनयाc) Chara / कैया d) Spirogyra / वस्ट्परोग्य्रा

  • Exp:-Iodine is obtained from Algae Laminaria. In characteristics of algae are:

    1. Algae are chlorophyll-bearing, thalloid autotrophic organisms

    2. They are largely aquatic (both marine and fresh water) and some occur on moist soil, rocks or

    wood. Some are epiphytes and some are symbionts in lichens. 3. Sexual reproduction may be

    isogamous, anisogamous and oogamous.

    4. Algae are classified on the basis of:

    (i) The types of pigment

    (ii) The nature of reserve food

    Algae is divided into three classes namely chlorophyceae, phaeophyceae and Rhodophyceae.

    A) Chlorophyceae- commonly known as green algae and - have the dominance of pigments

    chlorophyll a and b. These pigments are localise in definite chloroplast.

    B) Phaeophyceae- commonly known as brown algae and have the dominances of chlorophyll a

    and c, and fucoxanthin (provide brown color to the algae).

    C) Rhodophyceae- Commonly known as red algae. Major pigments are chlorophyll a, d and

    phycoerythrin (provide red color to algae).

    Laminaria is a species of pheophyceae (brown algae) found in North Atlantic ocean and Northern

    Pacific ocean. Laminaria is a main source of iodine. Certain carbohydrates such as mannitol

    obtained from laminaria is used to decrease high pressure in eyes.

  • 8.A hydrophyte is:

    एक हाआड्रोफाआर् ह:ै

    a) A marine animal / एक समुद्री जानिर

    b) An aquatic plant / एक जलीय पौधा

    c) A plant disease / एक पौधे की बीमारी

    d) A rootless plant /एक जड़ रवहत पौधा है

  • Exp:- A hydrophyte (hydro-water, phyte-plant) is an aquatic plant.

    Aquatic plant serve as food and habitat for animals living in the sea.

    Characteristics common to aquatic plants

    1. Plants have thick leaves because of the presence of air in it, which

    helps to provide the buoyancy.

    2. Aquatic plants have rigid structure since water pressure supports them.

    3. The presence of air sacs enable them to float.

    4. Specialized roots are present to take the oxygen. There are three types

    of aquatic plants on the basis of their adaptations

    i) Totally submerged plants- are considered true water plant or


    (ii) Floating plants -are rooted in floating water (eg-water Lily).

    (iii) Swamp plants - are emergent plant with their lowest part submerged.

  • 9.Which one of the following is the largest flower in the


    वनम्नवलवखत में से कौन सा दवुनया में सबसे बड़ा फूल ह?ै

    a) Lotus / कमल

    b) Sunflower / सूरजमुखी

    c) Rafflesia / रैफलेवसया

    d) Glosy Lily / ग्य्लॉसी वलली

  • Exp:- Rafflesia is the world's largest flower with many

    species. Rafflesia arnoldii, may grow over 100 centimeters (39

    in) in diameter, and weigh up to 10 kilograms. It was first

    discovered by Louis Deschamps in Java between 1791 and

    1794. It was later found in 1818 by Dr. Joseph Arnold.

    Wolffia species are smallest flowering plants, which measures

    about 0.6nm (0.0236 inch) and 0.33 (0.073] in width. Wolffia

    globose has been described as the smallest flower with 0.1-0.2

    mm in diameter.

  • 10.Potato is a:

    अलू एक ह:ै

    a) Tuber / कंद

    b) Roots / जड़ें

    c) Fruit / फल

    d) Bulb / बल्ब


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