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ISBN-10: 0-691-13018-3 (cloth: alk. paper) l. Electromagnetism-Textbooks. l. Title.
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To my parents, and to Neelja, Gaurav, and Aljun
ITJ lntroduction 1
2 The equations of electrodynamics 2
3 A lightspeed survey of electromagnetic phenomena 7
4 SI versus Gaussian 10
[I] Review of mathematical concepts 18
5 Vector algebra 18
7 Integration of vector fields 30
8 The theorems of Stokes and Gauss 32
9 Fourier transforms, delta functions, and distributions 37
10 Rotational transformations of vectors and tensors 45
11 Orthogonal curvilinear coordinates 51
[TI Electrostatics in vacuum 55
12 Coulomb's law 55
14 Electrostatic energy 58
16 Uniqueness theorem of electrostatics 65
viii Contents
18 Energy in the electric field 71
19 The multipole expansion 73
20 Charge distributions in external fields 80
0 Magnetostatics in vacuum 82
21 Sources of magnetic field 82
22 The law of Biot and Savart 89
23 Differential equations of magnetostatics; Ampere's law 93
24 The vector potential 101
25 Gauge invariance 105
26 \1 · B and \1 x B for a point dipole 108
27 Magnetic multipoles 112
28 Induction 114
31 Inductance 121
33 Potentials for time-dependent fields 128
0 Symmetries and conservation laws 132
34 Discrete symmetries of the laws of electromagnetism 132
35 Energy flow and the Poynting vector 137
36 Momentum conservation 140
38 Relativity at low speeds 148
39 Electromagnetic mass* 150
0 Electromagnetic waves 152
41 Plane electromagnetic waves 154
42 Monochromatic plane waves and polarization 156
43 Nonplane monochromatic waves; geometrical optics* 160
44 Electromagnetic fields in a laser beam* 165
45 Partially polarized (quasimonochromatic) light* 168
46 Oscillator representation of electromagnetic waves 171
47 Angular momentum of the free electromagnetic field* 174
w 1 nterference phenomena 178
48 Interference and diffraction 178
49 Fresnel diffraction
50 Fraunhofer diffraction
53 The Pancharatnam phase*
0 The electromagnetic field of moving charges 54 Green's function for the wave equation
55 Fields of a uniformly moving charge
56 Potentials of an arbitrarily moving charge-the Lienard-Wiechert
58 Radiation from accelerated charges: qualitative discussion
ITQJ Radiation from localized sources 59 General frequency-domain formulas for fields
60 Far-zone fields
61 Power radiated
63 Higher multipoles*
67 Radiation reaction
ITIJ Motion of charges and moments in externa! fields 68 The Lorentz force law
69 Motion in a static uniform electric field
70 Motion in a static uniform magnetic field
71 Motion in crossed E and B fields; E< B
72 Motion in a time-dependent magnetic field; the betatron
73 Motion in a quasiuniform static magnetic field-guiding center
74 Motion in a slowly varying magnetic field-the first adiabatic
@] Action formulation of electromagnetism 77 Charged particle in given field
78 The free field
80 Gauge invariance and charge conservation
Contents 1 ix
82 The macroscopic charge density and the polarization
83 The macroscopic current density and the magnetization
84 Constitutive relations
85 Energy conservation
~ Electrostatics around conductors 86 Electric fields inside conductors, and at conductor surfaces
87 Theorems for electrostatic fields
89 The method of images 313
90 Separation of variables and expansions in basis sets 320
91 The variational method* 329
92 The relaxation method 334
93 Microscopic electrostatic field at metal surfaces; work function and
contact potential* 339
95 Boundary value problems for linear isotropic dielectrics 347
96 Depolarization 350
98 Force on small dielectric bodies 360
99 Models of the dielectric constant 361
~ Magnetostatics in matter 370
101 Thermodynamic relations for magnetic materials 371
102 Diamagnetism 375
103 Paramagnetism 378
106 Ferromagnetic domain walls* 391
107 Hysteresis in ferromagnets 394
108 Demagnetization 397
109 Superconductors* 399
110 Ohm's law 405
example* 407
113 The Van de Graaff generator
114 The thermopile
115 The battery
116 Lumped circuits
120 The dielectric function and electric propensity
121 General properties of the ac conductivity*
122 Electromagnetic energy in material media*
123 Drude-Lorentz model of the dielectric response
124 Frequency dependence of the magnetic response*
[2I] Quasistatic phenomena in conductors 125 Quasistatic fields
126 Variable magnetic field: eddy currents and the skin effect in aplanar
1 xi
geometry 445
127 Variable magnetic field: eddy currents and the skin effect in finite
bodies* 450
128 Variable electric field, electrostatic regime 455
129 Variable electric field, skin-effect regime 457
130 Eddy currents in thin sheets, Maxwell's receding image construction, and maglev*
131 Motion of extended conductors in magnetic fields*
132 The dynamo*
l 20 1 Electromagnetic waves in insulators 133 General properties of EM waves in media
134 Wave propagation velocities
lm Electromagnetic waves in and near conductors 138 Plasma oscillations
139 Dispersion of plasma waves*
140 Transverse EM waves in conductors
141 Reftection oflight from a metal
l 22 I Scattering of electromagnetic radiation 145 Scattering terminology
146 Scattering by free electrons
147 Scattering by bound electrons
148 Scattering by small particles
149 Scattering by dilute gases, and why the sky is blue
150 Raman scattering
~ Formalism of special relativity 152 Review ofbasic concepts
153 Four-vectors
155 Four-tensors
157 Integration of vector fields*
158 Accelerated observers*
l 24 I Special relativity and electromagnetism 159 Four-current and charge conservation
160 The four-potential
162 Covariant form of the laws of electromagnetism
163 The stress-energy tensor
165 Angular momentum and spin*
166 Observer-dependent properties oflight
168 Thomas precession*
170 Angular distribution of power
171 Synchrotron radiation-qualitative discussion
174 Angular distribution and polarization of synchrotron radiation*
175 Undulators and wigglers*
Appendix D: Caustics
Appendix F: Power spectrum of a ran,dom fun,ction,
Appendix G: Motion, in, the earth 's magn,etic field-the Stormer problem
Appendix H: Altemative proof of Maxwell's recedin,g image con,struction
[ Preface [
In the United States, a graduate course in classical electromagnetism is often seen as a vehicle for learning mathematical methods of physics. Students mostly perceive the
subject as hand-to-hand combat with the v symbol, with endless nights spent gradding,
divvying, and curling. Instructors ha ve a more benign view, but many of them too regard
the subject as a way of teaching the classical repertoire of Green functions , Sturm­
Liouville theory, special functions, and boundary value problems. Perhaps this viewpoint
is traditional. In the 1907 preface to the first edition of his classic text Electricity and
Magnetism, James Jeans writes:
Maxwell's treatise was written for the fully equipped mathematician: the present book is
written more especially for the student, and for the physicist of more limited mathematical
The emphasis on mathematics continues throughout the preface: words derived from
mathematics appear ten times in the single page, while derivatives of physics appear just
five times.
To me, this point of view is both a puzzle and a pity, for while the mathematics of
electrodynamics is indeed very beautiful, the physics is much more so. And so, while this
book <loes not shy away from mathematical technique, the emphasis is very much on the
physics, and I have striven to provide physical context and motivation for every topic in
the book. Naturally, greater mastery of the mathematics will lead to greater enjoyment of
the physics. I try to model good and efficient methods of calculation, but this is never an
end in itself, and Ido not hesitate to use the physicist's quick and dirty methods when ap­
propriate. I urge readers, students in particular, to approach the subject in the same spirit.
This book started out many years ago as lecture notes for students in a graduate course.
Over the years , to keep my own enthusiasm from waning, I varied the topics in the latter
part of the course. A few others that I never got to teach are also included in the book.
xvi 1 Preface
As a result, there is more material here than can be covered in a single full-year course. I
hope that all instructors will find something to interest them among the more advanced
topics and applications, and that the book will serve as a reference for students after the
course is complete.
The sequence of topics is as follows. After a very brief survey [1] and a longish math
review [2], 1 we proceed to electrostatics (3] and magnetostatics [4] in vacuum, Faraday's
law of induction [5], and electromagnetic waves in vacuum [7]. Chapter 6 is on the
symmetries of the laws of electromagnetism, and it is here that the concepts of field
energy and momentum are introduced. These chapters are part of the core of the subject
and belong in all courses.
Chapter 8 deals with interference and diffraction. This material is somewhat nonstan­
dard in an electromagnetism course and may be skipped without loss of continuity. On
the other hand, the phenomena of interference and diffraction are the most striking
manifestations of the wave aspects of light, and the related topics of coherence and
intensity interferometry (the Hanbury-Brown and Twiss effect) are among the more
subtle aspects of light that were understood in the twentieth century. They also connect
to our understanding of quantum mechanics, and similar ideas are active research topics
even today in other areas of physics. A section on the Pancharatnam phase and how the
polarization oflight affects interference rounds out the chapter.
Next we come to radiation from accelerated charges [9, 10]. Although the field of a
moving charge is found in full generality [9], only nonrelativistic sources are considered
for the present [10], and relativistic sources are treated later [25] . While this is also core
material, the more advanced sections, such as those on higher multipoles , radiation of
angular momentum, and radiation reaction, can be omitted in a first reading.
The motion of charges and magnetic moments in external fields is studied next
[11]. In addition to charges in uniform and static fields , and the betatron, I have
included a moderately complete account of AlfVen's guiding center method for charges
in inhomogeneous magnetic fields . This method is indispensable for the study of
plasmas. I also discuss Larmor precession of magnetic moments, in both static and
time-dependent magnetic fields. The concept of adiabatic invariants is developed both
for charges and moments in magnetic fields. Again, subsequent chapters do not depend
on this development in an essential way and many sections in this chapter may be skipped
in a first pass.
Chapter 12 puts electromagnetism within the framework of the action principle. It is
thus an essential launching point for the study of quantum electrodynamics, and even
within the classical theory it is a deep unifying principle. For the study of electromagnetic
phenomena, however, it is inessential, and less formally minded readers may choose to
skip it.
Chapters 3 through 12 constitute a fairly complete treatment (except for relativity, for
which see later) of the basic laws and phenomena of electromagnetic fields in vacuum.
With these fundamentals over, we turn to electromagnetic fields in matter [13-21 ]. This
1 Chapter numbers are in square brackets.
Preface 1 xvii
separation of the study of fields in vacuum and matter is a little nonstandard, 2 and it
is more common to study the electrostatics of conductors (14] and dielectrics (15] along
with electrostatics in vacuum, and electromagnetic waves in matter (20, 21] along with
those in vacuum. I believe that no good can come of this fusion. It appears to me to
be motivated by the incidental similarity of the mathematics required. However, the
interesting physical questions are quite different in the two situations, and the basic
electromagnetic equations in vacuum and in macroscopic materials have rather different
meaning and ontological status. Thus, studying the propagation of light in glass and
vacuum as common instances of the solution of the wave equation obscures the physical
content of the dielectric constant, or the Kramers-Kronig relations, or the interplay
between electromagnetic energy, mechanical work, and heat dissipation in a medium.
A mathematically oriented approach also misses out on the beautiful physics involved in
modeling constitutive relations. With specific reference to electrostatics, most students
have studied it with conductors and in vacuum as one topic as undergraduates, so they
already know that the field is strong near sharp points and edges and other similar
facts, and there is little compelling reason to follow the same path again. Nevertheless,
instructors who wish to stress the solution of Laplace's equation through methods such
as separation of variables and orthogonal functions, can cover chapter 14 earlier.
In more detail, the treatment of electromagnetism in matter is organized as follows.
A short survey chapter [13] introduces the concepts of spatially averaged or macroscopic
fields, magnetization and polarization fields, and the vital role of constitutive relations.
It is particularly stressed that the latter are largely phenomenological, but no pejorative
connotation is attached to this word. It is also stressed that the similarity of form of the
macroscopic or material Maxwell equations with those in vacuum is deceptive and sweeps
important physics under the rug. This chapter is very important, and readers are urged
not to skip any of it.
Chapter 14 covers electrostatics with conductors. My treatment is quite traditional, and
it is with sorne ambivalence that so much detail is given. The prevalence of numerical
methods has rather reduced the importance of the classical mathematical techniques,
but they provide invaluable insight, and even the numerical solver would be unwise to
ignore them. I have also included a section on the work function and contact potentials,
if for no other reason than to show the reader that there is subtle physics in this
otherwise mathematical territory. The coverage of electrostatics with dielectrics (15] is
also traditional. In both chapters, there are several advanced sections that may be skipped
without loss of continuity.
Magnetostatics in matter comes next (16]. The central point of physics here is to
understand the constitutional differences (constitutive relations, if you will) between
para-, dia-, and ferromagnets. Much of the chapter is devoted to ferromagnets, and
relevant phenomena, such as domain walls, hysteresis, and demagnetization, ancient
topics that are astonishingly current for the design of hard disks and other computer
elements. The dangers of uncritical use of equations such as B = µ,H are dwelt on. I have
2 The same approach is taken in the Landau and Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics, vols. 2 and 8.
xviii 1 Preface
tried hard to obey Paul Muzikar's exhortation to explain the difference between B and H
carefully, and I am sure I will hear from him if I have let him clown! The chapter also
includes a short section on superconductors and the Meissner effect.
The next chapter is on Ohm's law, emf, and electrical circuits [17]. These tapies are
of great practica! importance, but they are often regarded as belonging to the realm of
engineering. My focus is on understanding of the meaning of emf, and of the physics of
the lumped circuit approximation. I also discuss the distribution of current in extended
conductors, and van der Pauw's method of measuring resistivities.
With this , we turn to dynamic phenomena, beginning with the general issue of
frequency-dependent response or constitutive relations [18]. This chapter covers the
Drude and Drude-Lorentz models for the frequency-dependent conductivity and dielectric
functions, which are of great pedagogical value because they fix several key physical con­
cepts in the student's mind. I also discuss Kramers-Kronig relations and electromagnetic
energy in material media. N one of this material should be skipped.
Quasistatic phenomena [19], such as the skin effect, eddy currents, and maglev, come
next, followed by electromagnetic waves in insulators [20] and conductors [21 ]. The former
chapter covers dispersion, and refiection and refraction at interfaces, while the latter
includes plasma oscillations, ultraviolet transparency and metallic refiection, waveguides,
and resonant cavities.
This ends the discussion of macroscopic electromagnetism. Completeness would
demand that I include tapies such as spin waves and Walker modes in ferromagnets,
light in anisotropic media, sorne magnetohydrodynamics, and nonlinear optics. But life
is short, and the interested reader must seek these elsewhere.
Scattering of light [22] is a vast subject, and the selection of subtopics refiects my
personal tastes. I do not discuss scattering of charged particles, collision radiation, virtual
quanta, or the energy loss formula, as there are excellent treatments of these tapies by
other authors, and my own knowledge of them is limited.
The formalism of special relativity [23], its role in electromagnetism [24], and radiation
from relativistic particles [25] bring up the rear, but they could in fact be covered any
time after chapter 12. I have chosen not to present electromagnetism as an outgrowth of
relativity as many other authors do, partly because that is ahistorical, but mainly because
I have found that students find it hard to relate the formal relativistic underpinnings
to actual electromagnetic phenomena, especially in matter, and the machinery of four­
vectors and four-tensors seems unconnected to concepts such as the multipole expansion
and mutual inductance. This machinery also requires more sophistication to master, so
I have found it helpful to delay introducing it. Nevertheless , relativity is used to provide
insight throughout the book, the first-order transformation of E and B fields is found
early on, and much of the treatment of radiation and charged particle motion is fully
relati vistically correct.
functions, the Wiener-Khinchine theorem, etc.), which need not be covered explicitly.
Appendix A on spherical harmonics is an exception, as these are used throughout the
book, and an easy familiarity with them is a must. I have also included two appendixes
Preface 1 xix
on caustics (the rainbow and the teacup nephroid) and the motion of charged particles in
the earth's magnetic field as specialized applications of matter in the main text.
Several colleagues have asked me if my book would include numerical methods. It
does, but in a very limited way. My experience has been that good use of numerical
methods requires so much attention to basic calculus and linear algebra that it reduces
the time students can devote to physical concepts. Further, solving problems numerically
requires much trial and error, making the exercise closer to experimental than theoretical
physics, and thus ill suited to a traditional lecture-based course. Secondly, the peripheral
aspects of computer use-the operating system, the precise computer language, the
graphics package-are so varied and riddled with minutiae that they often end up
dominating the learning of the numerical methods themselves. I do not advocate the
use of canned black-box packages, as the student learns neither much physics nor much
numerical analysis from them.
The book includes over three hundred exercises. These appear in each section rather
than at the ends of chapters, because in my view the immediacy of the problems makes
them more relevant. Sorne exercises are quite simple and designed to develop technical
skills, while others may require significant extension of concepts in the text. The latter are
often accompanied by short solutions or hints. I have tried to make sure that all exercises
have a point and to explain that point, often by adding explicit commentary, and that none
are just make-work for the sake of having a large number. A few exercises are purely
mathematical or formal, but these are generally used to develop results used elsewhere in
the book.
The book does not require in-depth understanding of quantum mechanics or thermo­
dynamics, and though quantal and thermodynamic concepts are used or mentioned in a
matter-of-fact way when needed, they are not critical to the central development, and an
acquaintance with them at the undergraduate level will suffice.
I have benefited from encouragement and discussions with so many colleagues and
students over the years that I am sure I cannot remember them all. I am indebted,
among others, to Greg Anderson, Mike Bedzyk, Carol Braun, Paul Cadden-Zimansky,
Pulak Dutta, Shyamsunder Erramilli, André de Gouvéa, Nick Giordano, C. Jayaprakash,
John Ketterson, Mike Peskin, Mohit Randeria, Wayne Saslow, Surendra Singh, Mike
Stone, and Tony Zee. I am materially indebted, in addition, to David Mermin and Saul
Teukolsky for lectures at Cornell University, which I relied on in writing appendix A
on spherical harmonics and chapters 23 and 24 on relativity. I am likewise indebted to
Jens Koch for his invaluable help with sorne of the figures. I am particularly indebted to
Onuttam Narayan and Paul Sievert for reading large sections ofthe text, and their valuable
feedback and criticisms. None of these people are, of course, responsible for any errors or
omissions in the book.
I also wish to thank Karen Fortgang and Ingrid Gnerlich at Princeton University Press
for their gentle prodding and guidance through the production process.
I owe a different kind of debt to the authors of the texts from which I learned this
subject. These include the delightful Electricity and Magnetism by Purcell; The Feynman
Lectures (all three volumes) by Feynman, Leighton, and Sands; Classical Electrodynamics
xx 1 Preface
by J ackson; Vols. 2 and 8 of the Course of Theoretical Physics by Landa u and Lifshitz; and
Classical Electrodynamics by Schwinger, DeRaad, Milton, and Tsai. I have consulted these
books so often that I am sure I have internalized and come to regard as my own the ideas
and the very language that they use, and I hope I have not failed to give them credit on
any occasion. To all these authors, I am deeply grateful.
I cannot adequately acknowledge my wife, Neerja, for her unwavering encouragement
and support and uncomplaining acceptance of the domestic burdens created by my
absorption with this project.
Lastly, I thank you, the readers, in advance. Your comments, suggestions, and
notifications of mistakes are welcome and will be gratefully received.
Anupam Garg
Wilmette, Illinois
December 2010
List of symbols
Professor, to student on oral exam: Was ist diese Gleichung, E= hv? (What is this
equation, E = hv?)
Student, after a while: Das ist das Ohm 'sche Gesetz in der phantastichen Darstellung.
(That is Ohm 's law in fancy notation.)
The following is a list of the principal symbols used in this book, along with key
sections where their meanings are discussed or where they are first introduced. Many
symbols do double and even triple duty-they mean more than one thing. It is usually
clear which meaning is intended from the context. In such cases, the table lists all the
different usages. Sorne symbols are used generically, e.g., a, b, f, etc., to denote lengths,
v to denote a velocity, and so on. Such usages are not listed. Other symbols not listed are
used in specific, local contexts, and they are defined in that context.
Symbol(s) Meaning Key Sections/First Mention
ªº Bohr radius, interatomic spacing 14, 81
a1 , a2, a3 Stokes parameters 45
ªª apparent acceleration of moving charge 56
a, retarded acceleration of moving charge 56
aco acceleration in comoving frame 154
al' acceleration four-vector 154
A vector potential 24
Ak Fourier component of A 78
A'' four-vector potential 160
Appendix E
dipole moment 19
element of solid angle 19
electric displacement 82, 94
microscopic electric field in medium 81
electric field,
in vacuum
magnetostatic energy in ferromagnets
[ energy of a particle/system/radiation 35, Chap. 10, Chap. 11
Ji oscillator strength 123, 147
F, F, Fbod various free energies 97,98, 101
F force 2, Chap. 11
FW electromagnetic field tensor 161
g g-factor 75
G Green function (for various equations) 48, 54
G total momentum in electromagnetic field 46
et transverse current-current autocorrelation 61, Appendix F
Hex exchange field in ferromagnets 105
H magnetizing field 83, 100
Hd demagnetizing field 83, 105, 108
1{ Hamiltonian Chap. 12
I intensity oflight 44, Chap. 7
In modified Bessel functions Appendix B
volume current density,
in vacuum 23
irree free (mobile) current density 83, 100
imag magnetization current density 83
j LT, j ll._¡_ longitudinal and transverse currents 33,60
j '' four-current 159
]"" four-angular momentum of composite system 165
k,k wave vector, spatial FT variable 9, Chap. 7
kB Boltzmann's constant
K surface current density 83
Kmag surface magnetization current density 83
K, effective surface current in superconductors/ 109, 126
skin effect
L Lagrangian Chap. 12
L angular momentum 37,47,66
L angular density 37
m mass of a particle, often electron
m,M magnetic dipole moment 21, 75
M magnetization 83, 100
M;J angular momentum flux 37
Mem magnetic multipole 27
n number density of electrons/atoms/molecules 23, 82, 99
n real part of refractive index 133
ñ complex refractive index 133
nb density ofbound electrons 123
n¡ density of free electrons 119, 123
n;1 depolarization/demagnetization tensor 96
outward normal to surface, generic unit vector 7
direction from radiation source to observer Chap. 10
N electron or molecular number density
N torque
p pressure
canonical momentum
P power of radiation field
PJ.L total four-momentum of composite system
Pe(z) Legendre polynomials
P electric polarization
dP / d Q angular power distribution
d2 P / dwd Q frequency and angular power distribution
q, Q charge
Q quality factor of cavity
qem electrostatic 2e-pole moment
Q rate ofheat evolution
r, cyclotron radius
23, 149
21, 75
ra, Ra apparent position of accelerating charge 56
R, Rs resistance, sheet resistance 110, 112, 116
RTE, RTM reflectivity of surface in TE, TM modes 135-136, 141
s, t:,.s interval in special relativity 152
S action Chap. 12
S entropy 97, 101
in vacuum 35
S " spin four-vector 165
t:,.tobs elapsed time in inertial observer's frame 170
T temperature 97, 101
T;J stress tensor 36
u energy density ofEM wave 41
u 1" velocity four-vector 154
velocity of a particle
Fermi velocity
Va apparent velocity of accelerating charge 56
v, retarded velocity of accelerating charge 56
V voltage 110, 116
VAB contact potential 93
w work function 93
W(w) power spectrum 51, Appendix F
xJ.l four-vector of position coordinates 153
Yem spherical harmonics Appendix A
Yn Bessel functions of second kind Appendix B
z total number of electrons per atom 123, 147
Za impedance of the vacuum, 376.7 Q (SI) 61
Z, effective surface impedance (skin effect) 126
Z(w) impedance of circuit 116
Z(r, t), Zw displacement field at high frequency 120
CI power attenuation coefficient in waveguides 143
a,aiJ polarizability, tensor of 89, 99, 149
p,fJ dimensionless velocity, v /e, v /e 56
/3 extinction or absorption coefficient 149
y (1 - v2 ¡c 2¡- 112 , Lorentz or time dilation factor 152
y gyromagnetic ratio 75
b skin depth 126
vz ¡¡ angular part of La placian 6
€, €¡j static dielectric constant, tensor of 94
Eo permittivity of the vacuum (SI) 12
xxviii 1 List of symbols
Symbol(s) Meaning Key Sections/First Mention
Eijk. Ea[Jyb Levi-Civita symbol/tensor 5, 155
E(úJ) frequency-dependent dielectric constant 119
Eb(w) bound electron contribution to E(w) 120, 123
E' (w), E11 (w) real and imaginary parts of E(w) 121, 122
( inverse of pulse compression factor 56
((w) electric propensity or full dielectric function 120
/( complex skin effect wave vector 126
/( imaginary part of refractive index 133
IC,l( y compressibility, isothermal 139
}, wavelength oflight 48
/.lo magnetic permeability of the vacuum (SI) 4,21
µ, magnetic permeability of medium 84, 100
µ, (electro)chemical potential 93
µ,(w) frequency-dependent susceptibility 122
µ,' (w), µ, 11 (w) real and imaginary parts of µ,(w) 122
j,l B Bohr magneton 103
p charge density,
in vacuum 12
p resistivity 110
Pfree free (mobile) charge density 82,94
PiJ polarization tensor 45
a static conductivity 110
a scattering cross section
a poi polarization surface charge density
a(w) ac or frequency-dependent conductivity
a' (w), a" (w) real and imaginary parts of a(w)
I: , surface charge density
r collision time in conductors
r proper time in relativity
r d quasistatic diffusion time
re classical electron time
azimuthal angular coordinate
angular velocity 75
cyclotron frequency 70
plasma frequency 138
Larmor frequency 75
1 Suggestions for using this book 1
As stated in the preface, there is more material in the text than can be covered comfortably
in a one-year course, but I believe that all essential topics are treated, so there should be
enough to accommodate many different instructors' tastes. Further, not everyone will
agree with my order of presentation of topics. I have already commented in the preface
on what I think the essential topics are . However, I have also added two further aids to
navigation. First, sections that present advanced applications or topics are identified by an
asterisk. These sections can be skipped in a first reading orina course where time is short.
Second, in the table below, I show what the prerequisites for each chapter are. Naturally,
if a prerequisite chapter itself has prerequisites, then the earlier prerequisites must also
be studied. A chapter of which only a small part is required or that is not required in an
essential way is given in parentheses. Where the prerequisite is given as "UG," it means
that a familiarity with the topic at an undergraduate level is necessary.
Readers will note that chapter 2 is not listed as a prerequisite for any of the later
chapters for the simple reason that it (or rather the mathematical content that is
summarized there) is essential for ali of them. I strongly urge readers, students, and
instructors alike not to skip this chapter. It will help the students strengthen their
mathematical technique, so that the math is not in the way when they need to focus
on the physics. Equally importantly, it aids in separating the mathematical ideas from
the physical ones and helps the student to see which are which. I particularly recommend
investing the time on Fourier methods, as the book makes heavy use ofthem, and not only
are they ubiquitous in all other areas of physics, but they always lead to deeper physical
Chapter Prerequisites
5. Induced fields 4
6. Symmetries 1 (3-5)
8. Interference UG(7)
10. Radiation 9
13. Material media 1 (3-6)
14. Electrostatics with conductors 3, 13
15. Dielectrics 13 (3)
17. Ohm's law 13 (3, 7)
18. Response functions 13 (6, 15-17)
19. Quasistatic fields 13, 14 (3-5, 18)
20. EM waves in insulators 18 (7, 13)
21. EM waves in conductors 18-20
22. Scattering 7, 10 (18)
23. Formalism of relativity UG
24. Relativistic EM 5,6, 12, 23 (3,4,7)
25. Relativistic radiation 10, 23 , 24
C lassical Electromagnetism in a Nutshell
m lntroduction
1 The field concept
The central concept in the modern theory of electromagnetism is that of the electromag­
netic field. The forces that electrical charges, currents, and magnets exert on each other
were believed by early thinkers to be of the action-at-a-distance type, i.e., the forces acted
instantaneously over arbitrarily large distances. Experiments have shown, however, that
this is not true. A radio signal, for example, can be sent by moving electrons back and
forth in a metallic antenna. This motion will cause electrons in a distant piece of metal
to move back and forth in response-this is how the signal is picked up in a radio or cell
phone receiver. We know that the electrons in the receiver cannot respond in a time less
than that required by light to travel the distance between transmitter and receiver. Indeed,
radio waves, or electromagnetic waves more generally, are a form oflight.
Facts such as these have led us to abandon the notion of action at a distance. Instead,
our present understanding is that electrical charges and currents produce physical entities
called fields , which permeate the space around them and which in turn act on other
charges and currents. When a charge moves, the fields that it creates change, but this
change is not instantaneous at every point in space. For a complete description, one
must introduce two vector fields , E(r, t), and B(r, t), which we will call the electric and
magnetic fields, respectively. In other words , at every time t , and at every point in space r,
we picture the existence of two vectors , E and B. This picture is highly abstract, and
early physicists had great trouble in coming to grips with it. Because the fields did not
describe particulate matter and could exist in vacuum, they seemed very intangible, and
early physicists were reluctant to endow them with physical reality. The modern view is
quite different. Not only do these fields allow us to describe the interaction of charges and
currents with each other in the mathematically simplest and cleanest way, we now believe
them to be absolutely real physical entities, as real as a rhinoceros. Light is believed to be
nothing but a jumble of wiggling E and B vectors everywhere, which implies that these
2 1 Chapter l 1 ntrod uction
fields can exist independently of charges and currents. Secondly, these fields carry such
concrete physical properties as energy, momentum, and angular momentum. When one
gets to a quantum mechanical description, these three attributes become properties of a
particle called the photon, a quantum of light. At sufficiently high energies, two of these
particles can spontaneously change into an electron and a positron, in a process called
pair production. Thus, there is no longer any reason for regarding the E and B fields as
adjuncts, or aids to understanding, orto picture the interactions of charges through lines
of force or flux. Indeed, it is the latter concepts that are now regarded as secondary, and
the fields as primary.
The impossibility of action ata distance is codified into the modern theory of relativity.
The principle of relativity as enunciated by Galileo states that the laws of physics are
identical in all inertial reference frames. 1 One goes from Galilean relativity to the modern
theory by recognizing that there is a maximum speed at which physical influences or
signals may propagate, and since this is a law of physics, the maximum speed must
then be the same in all inertial frames. 2 This speed immediately acquires the status of
a fundamental constant of nature and is none other than the speed of light in vacuum.
Needless to say, this law, and the many dramatic conclusions that follow from considering
it in conjunction with the principle of relativity, are amply verified by experiment.
The application of the principle of relativity also leads us to discover that E and B are
two aspects of the same thing. A static set of charges creates a time-independent electric
field, anda steady current creates a time-independent magnetic field. Since a current can
be regarded as a charge distribution in motion, it follows that E and B will, in general,
transform into one another when we change reference frames. In fact, the relativistic
invariance of the laws of electrodynamics is best expressed in terms of a single tensor
field, generally denoted F . The fields E and B are obtained as different components of F.
At low speeds, however, these two different components have so many dissimilar aspects
that greater physical understanding is obtained by thinking of them as separate vector
fields . This is what we shall do in this book.
2 The equations of electrodynamics
The full range of electromagnetic phenomena is very wide and can be very complicated.
It is somewhat remarkable that it can be captured in a small number of equations of
1 That such frarnes exist is a rnatter of physical experience, and actual frarnes can be rnade to approxirnate an ideal inertial reference frarne as closely as we wish.
2 Einstein took the frarne invariance of the speed of light as a postulate in addition to the principie of relativity. 1t was recognized fairly soon after, however, that this postulate was not strictly necessary: the relativity principle alone was enough to show that the rnost general forrn of the velocity addition law was that derived by Einstein, with sorne undetermined but finite lirniting speed that any object could attain. That this speed is that of light is, then, a wonderful fact, but not of essential irnportance to the theory. Sorne works that explore this issue are W. V. Ignatowsky, Arch. Math . Phys. 17, 1 (1911); 18, 17 (1911); V. Mitavalsky, Am. J. Phys. 34, 825 (1966); Y. P. Terletskii (1968); A. R. Lee and T. M. Kalotas, Am. J. Phys. 43, 434 (1975); N. D. Mermin, Am. J. Phys. 52, 119 (1984); A. Sen, Am.j. Phys. 62, 157 (1994) .
Section 2 The equations of electrodynamics 1 3
relatively simple form:
Gauss's law \J. E= 4np p
\l·E=- Eo
Ampere-Maxwell law 4n 1 aE . a E
\l x B=-j+-- \l x B = µ..oJ + µ..oEo- e e at at
Faradays law 1 aB
\lxE+--=0 e at
No magnetic monopoles \l·B=O \l·B=O
Lorentz force law F = q (E+ ~v x B) F =q(E+v x B)
These laws are confirmed by extensive experience and the demands of consistency with
general principies of symmetry and relativistic invariance, although their full content can
be appreciated only after detailed study. We have written them in the two most widespread
systems of units in use toda y and given them the names commonly used in the Western
literature. The first four equations are also collectively known as the Maxwell equations,
after James Clerk Maxwell, who discovered the last term on the right-hand side of the
Ampere-Maxwell law in 1865 and thereby synthesized the, till then, separate subjects of
electricity and magnetism into one.3
We assume that readers have at least sorne familiarity with these laws and are aware
of sorne of their more basic consequences. A brief survey is still useful, however. We
begin by discussing the symbols. The parameter e is the speed of light, and Eo and µ..0
are constant scale factors or conversion factors used in the SI system. The quantity pis a
scalar field p(r, t), denoting the charge distribution or density. Likewise, j is a vector field
j(r, t), denoting the current distribution. This means that the total charge inside any closed
region of space is the integral of p(r, t) over that space, and the current flowing across
any surface is the integral of the normal component of j(r, t) over the surface. This may
seem a roundabout way of specifying the position and velocity of all the charges, which
we know, after all, to be made of discrete objects such as electrons and protons.4 But, it is
in these terms that the equations for E and B are simplest. Further, in most macroscopic
3 Although modern practice attaches the names of particular scientists to these laws, it should be remembered that they distill the collective efforts of severa! hundred individuals over the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, if not more. A survey of the history may be found in E.M. Whittaker (1951). For a more modern history covering a more limited period, see O. Darrigol (2000) .
4 1 n fact, in dealing with di serete point charges, or idealized current loops of zero thickness, the distributions p(r, t) and j(r, t) must be given in terms of the Dirac delta function. A certain amount of mathematical quick­ stepping is then necessary, which we shall learn how to do in chapter 2.
4 1 Chapter 1 lntroduction
situations, one <loes not know where each charge is and how fast it is moving, so that, at
least in such situations, this description is the more natural one anyway.
The four Maxwell equations allow one to find E and B if p and j are known. For this
reason, the terms involving p and j are sometimes known as source terms, and the E and
B fields are said to be "dueto" the charges and currents. However, we began by talking
of the forces exerted by charges on one another, and of this there is no mention in the
Maxwell equations. This deficiency is filled by the last law in our table-the Lorentz force
law-which gives the rule for how the fields acts on charges. According to this law, the
force on a particle with charge q at a point r and moving with a velocity v depends only on
the instantaneous value of the fields at the point r, which makes ita local law. Along with
Newton's second law,
equating force to the rate of change of momentum,5 it allows us to calculate, in principle,
the complete motion of the charges.
Let us now discuss sorne of the more salient features of the equations written above.
First, the Maxwell equations are linear in E and B, and in p and j. This leads immediately
to the superposition principle. If one set of charges and currents produces fields E1 and
B1 , and another set produces fields E2 and B2 , then ifboth sets of charges and currents
are simultaneously present, the fields produced will be given by E1 + E2 , and B1 + B2.
This fact enables one to simplify the calculation of the fields in many circumstances. In
principle, one need only know the fields produced by a single moving charge, and the
fields due to any distribution may be obtained by addition. In practice, the problem of
addition is often not easy, and one is better off trying to solve the differential equations
directly.6 A large part of electromagnetic theory is devoted to developing the classical
mathematical machinery for this purpose. This includes the theorems named after Gauss,
Stokes, and Green, and Fourier analysis and expansions in complete sets of orthogonal
functions. With modem-day computers, direct numerical solution is the method of choice
in many cases, but a sound grasp of the analytic techniques and concepts is essential if
one is to make efficient use of computational resources.
The second point is that the equations respect the symmetries of nature. We discuss
these in considerably greater detail in chapter 6, and here we only list the symmetries. The
first of these is invariance with respect to space and time translations, i.e., the equivalence
of two frames with different origins or zeros of time. As in mechanics, this symmetry
is connected with the conservation of momentum and energy. The fact that it holds
5 In the form (2.2) the eguation remains relativistically correct. This is not so if we write F = ma, with m anda being the mass and the acceleration, respectively. The reason is that for particles with speeds clase to e, pojmv.
6 Supplemented, one might add, by boundary conditions. Note though, that not ali boundary conditions that lead to a well-posed mathematical problem are physically sensible. The physically acceptable boundary conditions are that in static problems, the fields die off at infinity, and in dynamic problems, they represent outgoing solutions, i.e. , that there be no Aow of energy from infinity into the region of interest, unless such irradiation is specifically known to be present.
Section 2 The equations of electrodynamics 1 5
for Maxwell's equations automatically leads us to assign energy and momentum to the
electromagnetic field itself. The second symmetry is rotational invariance, or the isotropy
of space. That this holds can be seen directly from the vector nature of E and B, and the
properties of the divergence and curl. It is connected with the conservation of angular
momentum.7 The third symmetry is spatial inversion, or parity, which in conjunction
with rotations is the same as mirror symmetry.8 We shall find that under inversion,
E-+ -E, in the same way that a "normal" vector like the velocity v behaves, but B-+ B.
One therefore says that E is a polar vector, or just a vector, while B is a pseudovector or
axial vector. The fourth symmetry is time reversa!, or what might be better called motion
reversa!. This is the symmetry that says that if one could make a motion picture of the
world and run it backward, one would not be able to tell that it was running backward.9
The fifth symmetry is the already mentioned equivalence of reference frames, also known
as relativistic invariance or Lorentz invariance. 10 This symmetry is extremely special and,
in contrast to the first three, is the essential way in which electromagnetism differs from
Newtonian or pre-Einsteinian classical mechanics. We shall devote chapter 23 to its study.
Historically, electromagnetism laid the seed for modern (Einsteinian) relativity. The
problem was that the Maxwell equations are not Galilean invariant. This fact is mostly
clearly seen by noting that light propagation, which is a consequence of the Maxwell
equations, is described by a wave equation of the form
2 1 a2 f 'V f - c2 at2 =o. (2.3)
Here, f stands for any Cartesian component of E or B. As is well known, classical wave
phenomena are not Galilean invariant. Sound, e.g., requires a material medium for its
propagation, and the frame in which this medium is at rest is clearly special. The lack
of Galilean invariance of Maxwell's equations was well known to physicists around the
year 1900, but experimental support for the most commonly proposed cure, namely, that
there was a special frame for light as well, and a special medium (the ether) filling empty
space, through which light traveled, failed to materialize. Finally, in 1905, Einstein saw
that Galilean invariance itself had to be given up. Although rooted in electromagnetism,
this proposal has far-reaching consequences for al! branches of physics. In mechanics,
we mention the nonabsolute nature of time, the equivalence of mass and energy, and
7 The connection between space translation invariance and the conservation of momentum, time translation invariance and the conservation of energy, and rotational invariance and the conservation of angular momentum is a general consequence of Noether's theorem, which states that any continuous symmetry leads to a conservation law and also gives the form of the conserved quantity. Noether's theorem is proved in almost aU texts on mechanics. See, e.g., )ose and Saletan (1998) , secs. 3.2.2., 9.2.
8 The weak interactions do not respect this symmetry, but they lie outside the realm of classical physics. The same comment applies to time reversa!.
9 Anyone who has seen the Charlie Cha plin gag where he rises from his bed, stiff as a corpse, while his heels stay glued in one spot, will disagree with this statement. In fact, the laws of physics possess only microscopic reversibility. How one goes from this to macroscopic irreversibility and the second law of thermodynamics is a profound problem in statistical mechanics, and continues to be a matter of debate.
10 This term is sometimes expanded to include the previous four symmetries also, and one then speaks of foil or general Lorentz invariance.
6 1 Chapter 1 1 ntrod uction
the impossibility of the existence of rigid bodies and elementary particles with finite
dimensions. Today, relativity is not regarded as a theory of a particular phenomenon
but as a framework into which all of physics must fit. Much of particle physics in the
twentieth century can be seen as an outcome of this idea in conjunction with quantum
Another feature of the Maxwell equations that may be described as a symmetry is that
they imply charge conservation. If we add the time deriva ti ve of the first equation, Gauss's
law, to the divergence of the second, the Ampere-Maxwell law, we obtain the continuity
equation for charge,
ap . -= -V·J. at (2.4)
If we integrate this equation over any closed region of space, and any finite interval of
time, the left-hand side gives the net increase in charge inside the region, while, by
Gauss's theorem, the right-hand side gives the infiow of charge through the surface
bounding the region. Thus, eq. (2.4) states that charge is locally conserved. This conser­
vation law is intimately connected with a symmetry known as gauge invariance. We shall
say more about this in chapter 12.
The last symmetry to be discussed is a certain duality between E and B. Let us consider
the second and third Maxwell equations and temporarily ignore the current source term.
The equations would then transform into one another under the replacements E ---+ B,
B ---+ - E. The same is true of the remaining pair of equations if the charge source term
is ignored. This makes it natural to ask whether we should not modify the equations for
V · B and V x E to include magnetic charge and current densities Pm and jm, in other
words , to write (in the Gaussian system),
1 BB 4n. V x E = ---+-1 e at e m,
V· B = 4npm. (2.6)
All the existing experimental evidence to date, however, indicates that free magnetic
charges or monopoles do not exist.11
In the same connection, we should note that there is another source of magnetic field
besides currents caused by charges in motion. All the charged elementary particles, the
electron (and the other leptons, the muon and the taon) and the quarks, possess an
intrinsic or spin magnetic moment. This moment cannot be understood as arising from
a classical spinning charged object, however. The question then arises whether we should
11 For extremely precise-minded readers, we should note that there is a certain convention implicit in the making of this statement. By adopting a larger set of duality transformations, one could, in fact, modify Maxwell's equations as per eqs . (2 .5) and (2.6) . Instead of asserting the absence of magnetic monopoles, one would then say that the ratio p 111 /p , (Pe being the electric charge) was the same for all known particles. There is little to be gained from this point of view, however, and it is simpler to pick a fixed representation for E and B and write Maxwell's equations in the usual form. See Jackson (1999), sec. 6.12, for more on this point.
Section 3 A lightspeed survey of electromagnetic phenomena 1 7
not add a source term to the equation for \l · B to take account of this magnetic moment.
If we are interested only in describing the field classically, however, we can do equally
well by thinking of these moments as idealized current loops of zero spatial extent and
including this current in the source term proportional to j in the Ampere-Maxwell law.
The integral of the divergence of this current over any finite volume is always zero, so the
equation of continuity is unaffected, and we need never think of the charge distribution
carried by these loops separately. In fact, the alterna ti ve of putting all or sorne of the source
terms into the equation for \l · B is not an option, for it leads to unacceptable properties
for the vector potential. We discuss this point further in section 26.
3 A lightspeed survey of electromagnetic phenomena
Having surveyed the essential properties of the equations of electrodynamics, let us now
mention sorne of the most prominent phenomena implied by them. First, let us consider
a set of static charges. This is the subject of electrostatics. Then j =O, and p(r) is time
independent. The simplest solution is then to take B =O, and the E-field, which is also
time independent, is given by Gauss's law. In particular, we can find E(r) for a point
charge, and then, in combination with the Lorentz force law, we obtain Coulomb's force
law-namely, that the force between two charges is proportional to the product of the
charges, to the inverse square of their separation, and acts along the line joining the
charges. We study electrostatics further in chapter 3.
Similarly, suppose we have a time-independent current density j(r), and p =O. (The
current density must be divergenceless to have a well-posed problem, for otherwise the
equation of continuity would be violated.) This makes up the subject of magnetostatics.
The simplest solution now is E =O, and a time-independent B, which is given by the
Ampere-Maxwell equation (now known as just Ampere's law) and the equation \l · B =O.
There is now no analog of Coulomb's law, but several simple setups can be considered.
One can, for example, calculate the B field produced by a straight infinite current-carrying
wire. A second wire parallel to the first will experience a force which is given by the
Lorentz force law. The force per unit length on any wire is proportional to the product
of the currents, is inversely proportional to the distance between the wires, and lies in the
plane of the wires, perpendicular to the wires themselves. This relationship is the basis of
the definition ofthe unit of current in the SI system, the ampere. We study magnetostatics
in detail in chapter 4.
The simplest time-dependent phenomena are described by Faraday's law. This law says
that a changing magnetic field, which could be created in several ways-a time-dependent
current j(r, t), ora moving magnet-produces an electric field. If a metallic wire loop is
placed in the region of the electric field, a current and an emf will be induced in the
loop. This phenomenon, known as induction, is the basis of transformers, generators,
and motors, and therefore of the unfathomable technological revolution wrought by these
devices. We study this in chapter S. A related phenomenon is seen when a wire loop, or,
more generally, any extended conductor, moves in a static magnetic field. The induced
8 1 Chapter l lntroduction
electric field can then drive currents through the conductor. This effect is exploited in
dynamos and is believed to lie behind the earth's magnetic field , as we shall see in
section 131.
The term aE¡at in the Ampere-Maxwell law is needed to make the equations consistent
with charge conservation. Its greatest consequence, however, is seen by considering
the equations in the absence of any currents or charges. If we take the curl of the
Faraday equation, for example, and use the Ampere-Maxwell and Coulomb's laws,
we obtain
The same equation is obtained for B if we take the curl of the equation for V x B.
These two equations have nonzero solutions that are consistent with the first-order
equations coupling together E and B, and with V · E = V · B = O. These solutions de­
scribe electromagnetic waves or light, and we study them in chapter 7, except for
certain observer-dependent properties, such as the Doppler effect, which are covered in
chapter 24. We have already commented on the implications of the existence of these
solutions for the reality of the electromagnetic field.
Maxwell's equations also describe the production of electromagnetic waves via the
phenomenon of radiation. We shall see this in chapters 9 and 10, when we consider
the fields produced by moving charges. We shall see that an accelerating charge emits
fields that die away only inversely with distance from the charge at large distances and
that locally look like plane electromagnetic waves everywhere. These radiated fields carry
energy and momentum. This phenomenon underlies radio, TV, cell phones, and all other
wireless communications. If the charges are moving at speeds close to that of light, the
properties of the radiation change dramatically. This is illustrated by the phenomenon
of synchrotron radiation, which we study in chapter 25 after we have discussed special
relativity in chapters 23 and 24.
The interaction of radiation or light with matter opens a whole new set of phenomena,
which can be divided into large subclasses. First, when the matter is microscopic­
individual charges, atoms, and molecules-interest attaches to scattering, i.e. , the
acceleration of the charges by the incident radiation, and reradiation of an electromagnetic
field due to this acceleration. One now obtains the phenomena of Compton scattering,
atomic and molecular spectra, etc. A proper treatment of these must be quantum
mechanical. Nevertheless, much can be learned even in a classical approach, and
we do this in chapter 22 using phenomenological models of atoms and molecules.
Second, when the matter is in the form of a bulk medium, the most striking fact is
that at certain wavelengths, light can propagate through matter, e.g., visible light goes
through window glass. How this happens is examined in chapter 20. We also examine
the attendant phenomena of reflection and refraction at interfaces between different
media. If the medium is inhomogeneous, then, in addition to propagation, one also gets
sorne scattering of the light. We see this phenomenon every day in the sky, and it also
occurs when the medium is denser, such as a liquid. These topics are also discussed
Section 3 A lightspeed survey of electromagnetic phenomena 1 9
in chapter 22. Third, when the matter is in the form of opaque obstacles, large on the
scale of the wavelength, application of the superposition principle to light fields leads
to distinctive phenomena known as interference and diffraction. We take these up in
chapter 8.
Next, let us turn to the behavior of charges in externa! fields. This is described
by the Lorentz force equation. A large variety of motions is obtained, especially in
inhomogeneous magnetic fields. We discuss these in chapter 11. Motion of charges in
the earth's magnetic field is discussed in appendix G. The motion of magnetic moments
in a magnetic field is also discussed in chapter 11.
We have already touched on the phenomena encountered when light interacts with
bulk matter, without indicating how these are to be understood. For that, one must
first tackle the larger problem of describing electromagnetic fields in matter more
generally, not just for radiation fields. This is a very complex problem, as evidenced
by the huge variety in the types of matter: conductors, insulators , magnets , and so
on. Indeed, matter is itself held together largely by electromagnetic forces, and much
of the distinction between the broadly different types of matter we have mentioned
above is based on the response of these types to electromagnetic fields. Thus, it
would seem that one first needs to develop a theory of matter, so that one may
understand how sorne materials can be, say, conductors, and other materials insulators.
Fortunately, one can make substantial progress by relying on intuitive and simplified
notions of these terms. The key property that helps us is that matter is neutral on
a very short distance scale, essentially a few atomic spacings. Thus, coarse-grained
or macroscopic electromagnetic fields may be defined by spatially averaging over this
length scale. These fields obey equations that resemble those for the fields in vacuum.
The resemblance is only skin deep, however. The response of the medium cannot
be trivialized. It is modeled through so-called constitutive relations that differ from
medium to medium. In conductors, e.g. , we have Ohm's law, which says that an
interna! electric field is accompanied by a proportionally large transport current. In
insulators (also known as dielectrics), it relates the polarization of the matter to the interna!
electric field. It is in these constitutive relations that the complexity of the material
is buried. Finding them from "first principies" is the province of condensed matter
physics and statistical mechanics, which we shall not enter. Instead, we will work with
semiempirical and phenomenological constitutive laws. Essentially all phenomena can
be understood in this way. The coarse-graining procedure is discussed in chapter 13,
and Ohm's law and the related topics of emf and electrical circuits in chapter 17.
A simple but widely applicable constitutive model for time-dependent phenomena in
many materials is developed in chapter 18.
The simplest kinds of phenomena involving matter are static. Electrostatic fields in
the presence of conductors and insulators (or dielectrics) are discussed in chapters 14
and 15. In the first case, the central phenomenon is the expulsion of the electrical field
from the interior of the conductors and from any hollow cavity inside a conductor. In the
second case, the field is not expelled entirely, but is reduced, and the concern shifts to
understanding why and estimating the reduction.
10 1 Chapter 1 lntroduction
In contrast to the electric case, the response of most materials to static magnetic fields
is rather tame. Permanent or ferromagnets are a notable exception. Unfortunately, the
most interesting phenomena that they exhibit, such as hysteresis, domain formation ,
etc., are rather difficult to analyze or even formulate, since the particulars are dom­
inated by material properties and even the shape of the body because of long-range
dipole-dipole interactions. Still, several general aspects can be studied, and we do so
in chapter 16.
When matter is subjected to time-dependent fields, even more phenomena emerge.
In conductors, when the frequency is low, one gets eddy currents, and the expulsion of
electric fields that was perfect in the static case is only slightly weakened. We discuss this
in chapter 19. When the frequency is high, we get plasma oscillations and waves, as dis­
cussed in chapter 21. The near-perfect reflectivity of metals is also discussed in this chap­
ter, along with the waveguides and resonant cavities that this property makes possible.
Needless to say, in attempting to understand such a vast array of phenomena, one
must develop and draw upon many general concepts. These include conservation laws,
relativistic invariance, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, causality, stochasticity,
the action principle, and the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations of mechanics.
The discussion of these concepts is woven into the entire text intimately, for it is
in this way that we see the relation between electromagnetism and other branches
of physics. The two exceptions are the action formalism, to which we devote an
entire chapter, chapter 12, and the formalism of special relativity, which is covered
in chapter 23. We shall, by and large, stay away from quantum mechanics, although
a knowledge of sorne elementary quantum mechanical ideas is presumed in a few
4 SI versus Gaussian
Two common systems of units and dimensions are used today in electromagnetism.
These are the Gaussian and the SI or rationalized MKSA systems. The Gaussian system is
designed for use with the cgs (centimeter-gram-second) system of mechanical units , and
the SI is designed for use with the MKS (meter-kilogram-second) system. Unfortunately,
converting between Gaussian and SI is not as easy as converting between dynes and
newtons, or even foot-pounds and newtons, as physical quantities do not even have the
same engineering dimensions in the two systems. In the Gaussian system, E and B have
the same dimensions, while in the SI system, E has dimensions of velocity times B. This
means that equations intended for use in the two systems do not have the same form, and
one must convert not only amounts but also equations. For example, in the SI system, the
factor 1/ e <loes not appear in Faraday's law or the Lorentz force law. Additional differences
are present in the relations for macroscopic fields D and H that arise in the discussion
of material bodies. Further, the SI system entails two dimensional constants, Eo and µ,0 ,
known as the permittivity and permeability of the vacuum, respectively. The net result is
that converting between the two systems is almost invariably irritating, but there seems to
Section 4 SI versus Gaussian 1 11
be little that can be done to bring about a standardization. A prominent twentieth-century
magnetician captures the frustration perfectly:
Devotees of the Giorgi system will not be happy with my units; but I can assure them
that the unhappiness that my system infiicts upon them will be no greater than the
unhappiness that their system over the last thirty years has infiicted on me.12
In this book, we shall give the most important formulas in both systems, but intermediate
calculational steps will be given in Gaussian only. From the point of view of physics
and conceptual understanding, the Gaussian system is better. From the point of view
of practical application, on the other hand, the SI system is better, as it gives currents
in amperes, voltages in volts, etc. Thus, a hard insistence on using one system or the
other gets one nowhere, and it is necessary for everyone who works with electricity and
magnetism to understand both systems and to have an efficient and reliable method of
going back and forth between them. Conversion tables that achieve this end can be found
in almost all textbooks.13 We too give such tables (see tables 1.1 and 1.2, pages 16 and
17). However, we also show how to derive these conversion factors . For now, we limit
ourselves to the basic quantities E, B, charge, etc. Relationships for the macroscopic fields
D, H , etc., and related quantities are discussed in chapter 13.
The scheme given here requires knowing (i) that the symbols for all mechanical
quantities-mass, length, time, force, energy, power, etc.-are the same in the two
systems, and (ii) formulas for three mechanical quantities in both systems. Other choices
for this set of three are possible, but the one that we find most easy to remember is
tabulated below.
Coulomb force q2 q2
1 1 Energy density -(E2 +B2) 2 (EoE2 + llol B2)
Lorentz force q (E+ ~v x B) q(E +v x B)
The first formula is for the Coulomb force between two equal charges q separated by a
distance r. Since the symbols for force and distance are the same, it follows that
12 Brown (1966). By the Giorgi system, Brown means SI. He himself uses a mixed sys tem he calls Gaussian rnks, which allows for conversion between SI and Gaussian at the expense of introducing a multiplicative factor in Coulomb's law whose value is different depending on the unit system, and replacement rules for the current and emf.
13 See, e.g., Jackson (1999), appendix, or Pugh and Pugh (1970), chap. l.
12 1 Chapter 1 lntroduction
where the suffix "Gau" is short for Gaussian. The same conversion applies to charge
density p, current I, and current density j. (Recall that current is the amount of charge
ftowing through a surface per unit time.)
The second formula is for the energy density in the electromagnetic field. Since we can
vary E and B independently, this is a "twofer"-it gives us two conversions for the price
of one. Since energy and volume are the same in the two systems, we see that
Ecau Es1= ~,
v..,.nEo (4.3)
The Lorentz force formula is the third one. It too is a "twofer." Consider a situation
in which there is only an electric field. Since the symbol for force is unchanged in going
from one system to the other, so must be the product qE:
(qE)s1 = (qE)Gau· (4.5)
But, this is exactly what we get from eqs. (4.2) and (4.3), so we already knew this.
Something new is learned when we apply the same reasoning to the magnetic field term.
We get
Changing q and B to the Gaussian system using eqs. (4.2) and (4.4), we get
1 .jEOiIO = - .
These relationships are enough to convert any formula in the SI system to the
Gaussian, or vice versa. Take, for example, the magnetic field of an infinite current­
carrying wire. In the Gaussian system this is given by the formula
2I B=- ,
cr .l (4.8)
where r .l is the distance from the wire to the point where the field is desired. To get the
SI formula, we replace B by (4n/ µ,0 )112 B and I by (4nEo) - 112 I. This yields
1 {i70 2I B = 4nV ~ cr .l
µ,o I
where we have used eq. (4.7) to eliminate c.
As another example, let us take the formula for the power radiated by an electric dipole
oscillator. In the SI system, this is
c2 Z-Ok4 P=--idi 2
· l2n '
Section 4 SI versus Gaussian 1 13
Here k is the wave number of the radiation, and d is the dipole moment. Since the dipole
moment for a charge distribution is the volume integral of rp(r), its conversion is the
same as that for charge. The quantities P and k are evidently unchanged, so the Gaussian
formula is
2~0 k4 2 ck4 2 P=c -4nEo-ldl =-ldl. Eo 12n 3
One check that this is correct is that it is free of Eo and µ., 0 .
As the third example, let us change the Ampere-Maxwell law from its SI to the Gaussian
form. In the SI system, the law reads
a E \1 x B = µ,oj + fJ.,oEo-. at
Using eqs. (4.2)-(4.4), we see that the Gaussian system form is
~· f,1,oEo aE \1 x B = µ.,0y4nEoJ + ~-,
.y4nEo at
or, dividing by .J µ,0 /4n and using eq. (4.7) ,
4n 1 aE ílxB=-j+-- ,
e e at
as given in the table on page 3. The reader should carry out the same exercise for the
remaining Maxwell equations.
The rules for converting capacitance, inductance, and conductance, and related quan­
tities such as resistance and impedance will be found later when these quantities are
Finally, let us see how to carry out ordinary or "engineering" dimensional analysis. We
will denote the dimensions of a quantity by putting square brackets around it: [E] will
denote the dimensions of E, and so on.
In the Gaussian system, all quantities have dimensions that can be expressed in terms
of M, L, and T, the dimensions of mass , length, and time. However, these quantities
often have to be raised to fractional exponents. Let us see how this happens, starting
with charge. From the Coulomb force formula , we have [q] = [ F L 2 ] 112
, and since [ F] =
The dimensions of E now follow from a formula such as E = q / r 2 for the electric field
magnitude dueto a point charge. We get
[E)= M1; 2 1 - 1; 2y- 1 . (4.16)
As a check, we examine the dimensions of the product q E:
[qE] = ML Y-2 , (4.17)
14 1 Chapter 1 1 ntrod uction
which are the same as those of force, as they should be. Similarly, E2 has dimensions
of ML - 1 y - 2 , which are the same as those of energy density [Energy (ML 2 T-2)/Volume
(L 3)].
In the Gaussian system, the dimensions of B and E are the same. This can be seen
either from the expression for the energy density, or the Lorentz force law. Thus,
[B] = M1; 2 1 -1; 2 y-1. (4.18)
Exercise 4.1 Obtain the dimensions of I, p, and din the Gaussian system, and verify the
dimensional correctness of all formulas given in this chapter in the Gaussian system .
In the SI system, fractional exponents are avoided by including current ( I) as a fourth
basic unit. The dimensions of all electromagnetic quantities, including the constants Eo
and µ 0 , are given in terms of M, L, T, and J.
As the starting point, we again consider the dimensions of charge. This is now very
simple. By the definition of current, we have
[q] =TI.
The Lorentz force formula now gives us [E] and [B]:
[E]= ML Y- 3 r1,
[B] = MY-2¡-1 _
Note that E and B do not have the same dimensions in SI; rather E has dimensions of
velocity times B, as already stated.
The dimensions of Eo and µ 0 can now be obtained from the formula for energy density:
[Eo] = M - 11 - 3y412 ,
Exercise 4.2 Verify the dimensional correctness of all formulas given in this chapter in the
SI system.
Exercise 4.3 A famous text in quantum mechanics states that "in atomic units," the
probability per unit time ofionization of a hydrogen atom in its ground state in an externa!
electric field E (al so in atomic units) is given by
4 W = -e - (2/ 3E)
E (4.24)
Atomic units are such that n, m (electron mass), and a0 (Bohr radius) ali have the value l .
Rewrite the above formula in the Gaussian and SI systems, and find the value of the
ionization rate for a field of101º V/m .
Answer: 104 sec-1 .
Section 4 SI versus Gaussian 1 15
We conclude with a brief history of the two systems of units. Knowing this helps in
keeping an open mind about the benefits of one versus the other. In the early 1800s,
with the cgs system for mechanical quantities (force, energy, mass, etc.), Coulomb's law
provided the natural unit of charge. Likewise, the law for the force between two magnetic
poles gave the unit of magnetic pole strength. 14 With Oersted's discovery that currents
also produce magnetic fields, and the precise formulation of this discovery via the Biot­
Savart law, current could be defined in terms of the magnetic pole strength. All other
quantities, such as capacitance, resistance, magnetic flux, etc., could also be connected to
the pole strength. This led to the so-called electromagnetic or cgs-emu units. However,
current is also the rate of charge ftow, so the magnetic field and all other electromagnetic
quantities could be related to the unit of charge. This led to the electrostatic or cgs-esu
units. lt was then noticed by many workers that the ratio of the numerical value of
any quantity in cgs-emu units to that in cgs-esu units was very close to 3 x 1010 , or its
reciproca!, or the square of one of these numbers, 15 and that this number coincided with
the speed of light in cgs units . Gauss saw that by putting a quantity with dimensions of
velocity in the denominator of the Biot-Savart law, the cgs-emu and cgs-esu systems could
be replaced by a single system; this is how the Gaussian system carne to be. Further,
this appearance of the speed of light was a key factor behind Maxwell's proposal of the
displacement current in 1865, and the idea that light was an electromagnetic wave. All this
while, man y workers had adopted a "practica!" system of units based on the same idea as
the cgs-emu, but with units oflength and mass equal to 109 cm and 10- 11 g, respectively.
In 1901, Giorgi adjusted the constants µ 0 and Eo to make the practica! units compatible
with the mks system; this is essentially the SI system in use today. It may surprise sorne
readers that the joule and the newton were not created until the 1930s!
14 Since magnetic monopoles do not exist, this sentence requires sorne explanation. The only sources of magneti sm known in the eighteenth century were permanent magnets. lt was well known that the poles of a magnet could not be separated and that breaking a bar magnet produced new poles at the broken ends. By careful torsion balance experiments with long magnetic needles, however, Coulomb was able to establish in 1785 that they behaved as if there were a force between the poles at the ends of the needles that varied as the inverse square of the separation and the product of the pole strengths.
15 For example, the ratio for charge was measured by Weber and Kohlrausch to be 3.107 x 1010 in 1856; that for resistance was found to be (2.842 x 101º) 2 by Maxwell in 1868, and (2.808 x 101º) 2 by W. Thomson in 1869.
i 6 1 Chapter l lntroduction
Table 1.1. lf Gaussian makes you groan
Physical quantity Replace By 1 Gaussian unit (symbol) Equals
Charge q (4nEo¡-1t2q esu or statcoulomb 109 / 3 e Current I (4nE0¡-112 I esu/sec or statampere 109 / 3 A
Electric field E (4nEo) 1t2E statvolt/cm 3xl04 V/m
Potential, voltage <P (4nEo) 112</J statvolt 300V
Electric displacement D (4n/Eo)1¡2D statvolt/cm 10- 5 / (3 x 4n) C/m2
Electric polarization p (4nEo) - 112P esu/cm3 105 / 3 C/m2
Magnetic field B (4n/ /,lo)1¡2B gauss (G) 10- 4 T
Magnetic flux <t> (4n/µ,0)1 12<t> gauss cm2 or maxwell 10- s Wb
Magnetizing field H (4nµ, 0)112H oersted (Oe) 103 / 4n A/m
Magnetization M (µ,o/4n)1 ¡2M emu/cm3 103 A/m
Conductivity a a/4nE0 sec- 1 10- 9 /3 x 3 mho/m
Resistance R (4n/cZo)R sec/cm 3 X 3 X 1011 Q
Conductance G G/4nE0 cm/sec 10- 11 /3 x 3 mho
Capacitance e C/4nE0 cm 10- 11 /3 X 3 F
Inductance L 4nE0 L esu, or stathenry, 3 X 3 X 1011 H
or Gaussian unit
Electric polarizability a a / 4n dimensionless 4n x Gaussian value
Magnetic susceptibility X x / 4n dimensionless 4n x Gaussian value
This table is designed to convert equations and numerical values of quantities from the Gaussian to the SI
sys tem. Conversions for purely mechanical quantities (force, power, etc.) are not listed. The following should be noted:
Factors of 3 should be replaced by 2.997 924 58 to be exact.
e = 2. 997 924 58 x 108 m/sec (speed of ligh t by fiat; 1 meter ~ distance covered by light in so man y seconds) J.Lo = 4rr x 10- 7 H/ m :::: 1.257 x 10- 6 H /m
Eo = 1/ (µ,oc 2) :::: 8.854 x 10- 12 F /m Zo == (µ,o/Eo) 112 :::: 376.7Q
Section 4 SI versus Gaussian 1 17
Table 1.2 . lfSI makes you sigh
Physical quantity Replace By 1 SI unit (symbol) Equals
Charge q (4nEo)112q coulomb (C) 3 x 109 esu or statcoul
Current I (4nE0 ) 1/2 I ampere (A) 3 x 109 esu/sec or statamp
Electric field E (4nE0¡-112E volt/m 10- 4 /3 statvolt/cm
Potential, voltage <P (4nEo¡-112<P volt (V) 1/ 300 statvolt
Electric displacement D (E0 / 4n) 1120 coulomb/m2 3 x 4n x 105 statvolt/cm
Electric polarization p (4nEo )112P coulomb/m2 3 x 105 esu/cm3
M agnetic field B (/Lo / 4n) 1/2B tesla (T) 104 G
Magnetic flux <P (/Lo / 4n)l /2cp weber (Wb) 108 G cm2
Magnetizing field H (4nµ,o¡-1 12H ampere/m 4n x 10-3 Oe
Magnetization M (4n/ /Lo) 1/2M ampere/m 10- 3 emu/cm3
Conductivity a 4nE0a mho/m 3 x 3 x 109 sec1
Resistance R (cZo/4n)R ohm (Q) 10- 11 /3 x 3 sec/cm
Conductance G 4nE0 G mho 3 x 3 x 1011 cm/sec
Capacitance e 4nE0 C farad (F) 3 x 3 x 1011 cm
Inductance L L/ 4nE0 henry (H) 10- 11 /3 x 3 esu
Dielectric constant E E o E dimensionless same
Magnetic permeability µ, /Lo/L dimensionless same
Electric polarizability a 4na dimensionless (SI value)/4n
Magnetic susceptibility X 4nx dimensionless (SI value)/4n
This table is designed to convert equations and numerical values of quantities from the SI to the Gaussian system. Conversions for purely mechanical quantities (force, power, etc.) are not listed. The following should be noted: Factors of 3 should be replaced by 2. 997 924 58 to be exact. e= 2.997 924 58 x 108 m/sec (speed oflight by fiat; 1 meter = distance covered by light in so man y seconds) JLO = 4n x 10- 7 H/ m '.:::'. 1.257 x 10- 6 H/m Eo = l / (t~oc 2 ) '.:::'. 8.854 x 10- 12 F /m
Z1 == (µo/Eo) 112 :::::o 376.7 Q
Review of mathematical concepts
We review m this chapter sorne mathematical tools that are of use in the study of
electromagnetism. The most common of these concern vectors, vector calculus, and the
integral theorems of Gauss, Stokes, and Green. We will carry out vector manipulations
both via direct use of vector identities and via tensor notation and the Einstein summation
convention. Experience shows that it is highly useful to master both techniques, and that
very often a mix of the two is needed.
We also briefly discuss Fourier transforms, the Dirac delta function and its derivatives,
and generalized functions more generally. These concepts are of direct value in solving
many boundary value problems, in plane wave decompositions of the fields, and also
provide additional insight in to general properties of vector fields.
For completeness, we also include a discussion of rotation matrices and the transfor­
mations of vectors and tensors under rotations. This material is not needed for most
of the mathematical manipulations that arise in the study of electromagnetism, but an
understanding of the concepts is especially useful when one goes on to study relativity
and four-vectors, four-tensors, etc.
Lastly, we discuss orthogonal curvilinear coordinates. Particular examples are cylindri­
cal and spherical polar coordinates. We show how the formulas for gradient, curl, etc.,
arise naturally from the geometrical meanings of these operations.
We stress that our discussion here is only a review, and that the reader is expected to
have seen most of this material before, at least atan elementary level. 1
5 Vector algebra
We begin by recalling sorne rules for vectors in ordinary three-dimensional Euclidean
space. We denote generic vectors by lowercase bold letters, a, b, c, etc., and scalars by
1 There are many excellent texts that meet this need. Sorne that the author particularly likes are Hardy (1952) (basic one-variable calculus); Boas (2005) or Kreyszig (2005) (more advanced and multivariable calculus, linear algebra, vectors); Copson (1970) (complex analysis); Bender and Orszag (1978) (asymptotic analysis); Courant and Hilbert (1953) (classical mathematical physics).
Section 5 Vector algebra 1 19
italic letters f, g, h, etc. The Cartesian components2 of a vector with respect to sorne
suitably chosen set of axes will be denoted interchangeably by subscripts x, y, and z,
or 1, 2, and 3, whichever is convenient. Thus, a general component of a vector a is
denoted a;, where the index i stands for any of the three values 1, 2, and 3.
Components of vectors are manipulated in the same way as ordinary numbers, i.e.,
with the rules of simple arithmetic. The i th component of the sum of two vectors is given
by adding their corresponding components. Thus, if e= a+ b, then
C¡ = (a+ b) ; = a; + b;. (5.1)
We now recall the various ways of multiplying vectors. First, vectors may be multiplied
by scalars to obtain new vectors, which may be added as before. The resulting algebra is
straightforward, and one has identities such as
(fa+gb); =fa; +gb;.
Second, the length or magnitude of a vector a, denoted lal, ora, is given by
a= lal =Ja~ + a~ +a~.
This is a special case of the dot product or scalar product of two vectors , which may be
defined in terms of components as
The squared length of a vector (often known as just the square) is then the dot product of
the vector with itself:
a2 =a· a. (5.5)
By considering the square of the sum a+ b and making use of the cosine formula from
trigonometry, we are led to the geometrical meaning of the dot product, namely,
a . b = ab cose, (5.6)
where e is the angle between a and b. For this reason, we often refer to a · b as the
projection of a onto b, or vice versa.
Third, the cross product or vector product of two vectors a and b is a third vector c. W e
Cx = aybz - azby,
Cy = azhx - axhz,
Cz = axby - aybx.

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