
1 Lenz Nicholas Lenz Professor Garver English 10121 February 2014 A League of Their OwnIn this hilarious comedy, a smooth cool minded Genna Davis, a tough talking Rosie ODonnell, and a loud mouthed vulgar Tom Hanks and a team full of ready and willing beautiful ladies embark on a journey to save Americas favorite past time, Baseball. Satire and Farce create gut-wrenching laughter when an everyman, a bumpkin, a Pompous authority figure, and a wise cracking side-kick get thrown into an arena of new, and unexpected obstacles that they must face to get to victory and fame. All of these elements come together to create a great American classic comedyTo begin, Satire and farce drive this movie to be as hilarious as it is. The satire of the movie commences when a team of fresh rookies on the diamond has to be pulled together to help to raise money for the WWII war effort but to get on the team there had to be try-outs and if you dont laugh during that process there must not be a funny bone in your body! There are girls rolling around in the dirt and some who just stand gazing at their nails while their mits fly empty in the air. It is quite the spectacle. The farce is displayed when it comes time to play the games. There are women diving, sliding and, screeching to catch the ball or to get an out on the field. However, there is a highlight of the movie in which the girls have to go to a school of etiquette and to see all of the girls trying to be classy and eloquent is sure to bring a tear of hilarity to your eye! To continue, the Characters in this movie are one of the biggest attributes to the comedy displayed on the silver screen. Dotty, the everyman is a tom girl who is willing to do whatever it takes to get the team to where they need to be until her husband to be steps into the picture, she then realizes that her sights for her future are unclear and this creates some drama amongst dotty and her kid sister Kat who is portrayed to be the bumpkin of the story. Kat being a, shy, soft spoken girl is definitely the character you want to cheer for! She has what it takes and everyone seems to know it but her. Then the pompous authority figure Jimmy, the coach of The Peaches, steps into the picture and is instantly portrayed as a drunk has been but who we later find out to have been one of the best baseball players of his time. The wise-cracking sidekick is none other than Dorris Murphey played by Rosie ODonnell who couldnt be more sarcastic if she tried. Doris is that girl who everyone knows that puts the tough front on but deep down knows that behind that shell is a heart of gold. Furthermore, Throughout the duration of the movie there are several plot lines to follow. The love story between Dot and her husband to be, the deteriorating sisterhood between Dot and Kat after Kat leaves the team, and the most important who will win the national event. The backstories of each individual girl on the team also played a huge part in the development of the movie, there is one scene in particular that all the girls share a small amount of their past with the team and it is very heartwarming for the audience to watch but also a pivotal moment for the sisterhood of the team, bringing them closer together. Lastly, this movie is a classic American feel good comedy. Its characteristics include, a love story that resolves itself in the end, a team who, at the beginning, were uncomfortable and competitive with eachother but, in the end, come together and unite to form a solid group, and over all a happy ending for everyone on the team in the future. To Conclude, A League of Their Own brings audiences to tears of laughter and, in some moments, tears of sadness. The movie and its characters remind each and every one of us that we are all human. We all make mistakes, we all have a temper, we all hide some parts of ourself, WE ALL have family problems, and we all feel lonely sometimes. However, we also have the power to forget abut all those things for just a couple hours, come together, and PLAY BALL!

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