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You are Tushar/Tuhina Sharma, a resident of 31, M.G. Road, Agra. Write a letter to the editor of a national daily highlighting the harmful effects of using plastic bags and the need to create an awareness in this regard in not more than 150 words. 31, M.G. RoadAgra, U.P.

July 13, 2010

The EditorThe Hindustan Times Agra

Sub: Harmful effects of plastic bags


I am quite keen to highlight the ill-effects of using plastic bags. Plastic bags are non-biodegradable and are extremely hazardous to the environment. They are a major constituent of the filth and garbage in our society. Every year many animals die after swallowing these plastic bags.

Furthermore, plastic bags block drains and release toxic fumes when burned. The government did impose a ban on the use of plastic bags but it was short-lived. This however should not dissuade the government from taking another step. Jute bags are slowly becoming the vogue.

The government can show an advertisement on television wherein someone is shown using a jute bag in place of plastic bags. The same can be shown on hoardings as well. I feel that I have raised a very serious issue and will be grateful if it reaches your large readership.

Yours truly

Tushar Sharma

You are Anurag Banerjee, a resident of 37, Ashok Vihar, Kanpur. Your colony is grappling with acute water shortage. Write a letter to the chairman of the Water Supply Department apprising him of the situation and requesting him to take necessary actions.

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37, Ashok ViharKanpur, U.P.

July 16, 2010

The ChairmanWater Supply DepartmentKanpur

Sub: Water shortage in Ashok Vihar


The residents of Ashok Vihar have been troubled by acute water shortage for the past two months. Our locality does not have any fixed time for water supply. Sometimes, people don’t get any water for three or four days at a stretch.

When your department does supply water, it is only for a short duration. The water that the residents finally get is often muddy and infested with germs. As a result, people have to buy water for drinking and other uses which is an extremely expensive affair.

We have sent several complaints but there has been no response from your side. On behalf of the entire residents of Ashok Vihar, I once again request you to urgently consider this matter which is causing a lot of inconvenience to us.

Yours truly

Anurag Banerjee

Write a letter to the editor of Hindustan Times on the issue of global warming.

25, G.T. Road

New Delhi

30th April, 2010

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The Editor

The Hindustan Times

New Delhi

Sub: Global Warming


It has become increasingly apparent that the weather is changing drastically. The only plausible explanation is global warming. The earth’s temperature is rising. Summers are becoming unbearable, there is less rainfall, glaciers are melting and many wild species are fast becoming extinct.

The situation is alarming. If we don’t make a conscious effort to check global warming, we might find ourselves in a completely different world after 20 years. Humans contribute to global warming through various ways in their everyday life but are oblivious.

If they learn what precautions need to be taken, they might just end up saving their planet. For instance, one of the simplest measures is minimal use of electrical appliances. I will be grateful if my concern is made public through your widely read national daily.

Yours truly

Varun Singh

Niharika Singh recently visited Safdarjung’s Tomb in New Delhi. The deteriorating condition of the monument saddened her. She decided to express her concern by writing a letter to the editor of a national daily. The letter is written in about 150 words.

150, Kamala Nagar


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March 16, 2010

The Editor

The Asian Age

New Delhi

Sub: Deteriorating condition of historical monument


Recently, I visited Safdarjung’s Tomb and was quite appalled to see the deteriorating condition of one of the famed historical monuments of Delhi. Safdurjung’s Tomb is an important part of the cultural heritage of Delhi and it should be properly maintained.

Unfortunately, the monument is fast decaying and losing its lustre. The extreme weather conditions are adversely affecting it. The huge building is corroding because of negligence and lack of proper maintenance by the authorities.

It is the duty of the Archeological Survey of India to look after this monument. I am afraid that if the body doesn’t spring into action immediately, the building will be damaged beyond repair. I feel that my request will reach the authorities concerned if it is published in your national daily.

Yours truly

Niharika Singh

Himanshu Jain is an active social worker. One day he came across a sight which is shown below. He was so touched that he immediately decided to write a letter to the editor of a national daily voicing his protest against child labour. The letter is written in about 150 words.

25, Punjabi Bagh

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New Delhi

14th July, 2010

The Editor

The Hindustan Times

New Delhi

Sub: Child labour


The other day I was passing by a construction site when I saw some children carrying bricks on their heads. I was so touched that I felt incumbent upon myself to voice my protest against child labour.

Child labour is a shame to say the least. In spite of the presence of NGOs and the formulation of rules by the government, the phenomenon still exists. If the government is really concerned about the welfare of the children, it will have to be more vigilant.

It must ensure that those who break the law in relation to child labour are severely punished. Moreover, free meals and free education to children below 14 years of age is definitely the need of the hour. I will be grateful if my views on child labour find some space in the editorial of your national daily.

Yours truly

Himanshu Jain


1. Write a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school on ‘The importance of wild life conservation’. Write the speech based on your

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ideas and from the unit ‘Environment’ in your Main Course Book in about 150 words.

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends, I really relish this opportunity to share my views on ‘The importance of wild life conservation’. Wildlife is important for us in many ways. Wildlife helps in maintaining the ecological balance on earth and the food chain.

Wild creatures enhance the natural beauty of the earth. Because of pollution, destruction of habitats and poaching, many animals are on the verge of extinction. The Indian government has started many projects like Project tiger, Nature Camps etc. to encourage wildlife awareness among people.

But this is not enough for conserving the wildlife. Protecting the forests is necessary for the conservation of wildlife as the forests are the habitat of wild animals.

All of us will have to join hands together and make an effort to sensitise people on the importance of wildlife. I appeal all of you to write poems, essays and articles which would be sent to the newspapers.

2. Your school is celebrating World Literacy Day. You have been asked to deliver a speech on this occasion on ‘The role of students in removing illiteracy’. Write the speech based on your ideas and from the unit ‘Education’ in your Main Course Book in about 150 words.

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends As you all know that our country is progressing very fast but one of the fields in which it is lagging behind is literacy. The literacy rate of India is 65% as per 2001 census.

Illiteracy is the root cause of many other problems like unemployment, poverty, child labour, etc. There are certain rural areas where there is not even a school to educate children.

Students can play a major role in removing illiteracy. I am sure that there must be some children in your neighbourhood who do not have the opportunity to go to school, who are not as lucky as you are, so what you can do is to spare one or two hours every day and teach those children.

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We can also donate our old books to an NGO. With our small efforts we can make a great difference. If each of us takes a stand against illiteracy, we can spread the light of knowledge.

3. Write a speech to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school on ‘The importance of games and sports’ in about 150 words. Refer to the MCB Unit 'Health and Medicine' for more details.

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends I stand before you to express my views on the importance of games and sports. It is said that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body. Active participation in games and sports helps in maintaining our health and physical fitness.

They keep our body active and energetic and away from diseases. They are also a means of recreation and enjoyment. Through participation in games and sports students learn discipline, co-operation, teamwork and time- management.

It develops a healthy spirit of competition in a person. It also facilitates us to accept victory as well as defeat equally. A student who wants to be an all rounder should actively take part in games and sports.

Sometimes students tend to neglect sports and games as they feel that studies will be affected. In my opinion, a little time should be spared for games and sports.

4. You have to address your class about the precautions and measures to be taken against Dengue which is spreading in your town. Write the speech based on your ideas and from the unit ‘Health and Medicine’ in your Main Course Book in about 150 words.

My dear friends, as you all are aware that dengue is spreading rapidly in our town, I am here to speak a few words about the precautions and measures to be taken to avoid Dengue. It is a viral disease usually caused by the Aedes aegypti mosquito.

The symptoms of Dengue are high fever, severe headache, pain in joints and muscles and loss of appetite. If any of the above mentioned symptoms persists, then you should immediately seek medical attention.

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As there is no vaccine for Dengue available yet, the only way you can protect yourself from dengue is to take proper preventive measures. The most important thing to prevent dengue is to ensure that there should not be any stagnant water in your locality or in and around your house because it is the breeding place of mosquitoes.

Water in the flower vases, air coolers and the containers of the pets should be replaced regularly. Insecticides should be sprayed on a regular basis. You should keep your body covered with proper clothing to avoid mosquito bites. Remember that prevention is always better than cure.

5. ‘World Food day’ is being observed in your school to generate awareness of balanced and healthier food. You are the school captain and are asked to deliver a speech on ‘Say no to Junk Food’ on this day. Write the speech based on your ideas and from the unit ‘Health and Medicine’ in your Main Course Book in about 150 words.

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friends As you all know that our school is celebrating ‘World Food day.’ I really cherish this opportunity to share my views on the harmful effects of Junk Food.

Fast food is very popular especially among youngsters. In today’s fast-paced world, we need everything fast and we least bother aboutour health. Children find junk food very tempting and can’t resist themselves but do you have any idea, how harmful these fast foods are for your health?

Junk foods do not contain any nutrients and so the body does not get the necessary vitamins and minerals. The lack of nutrients, as a result, leads to weakness in the body and very prone to illnesses.

Regular intake of fast foods can lead to Obesity and they also fasten the effects of ageing. They have also been identified as a major cause of heart diseases. It has been rightly said that ‘health is wealth’. So if you want to lead a healthy life, ‘say no to junk food’.

6. Your school is celebrating World Environment Day. You have been asked to deliver a speech on the occasion, stressing the need to use environment friendly products. Write a speech on ‘The use of environment friendly

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products’ based on your ideas and from the unit ‘Environment’ in your Main Course Book in about 150 words.

Respected Principal, teachers and my dear friendsHave you ever wondered how the world will look like, if there are no trees? It is a known fact now that our environment is in danger, which is evident from the melting of glaciers, extinction of species, global warming and increased pollution. So the need of the hour is to use environment friendly products.

The products which are made of leather, wood or any other parts of animals are made by killing animals or by cutting trees which therefore results in deforestation and extinction of animals.

The eco-friendly products are made of jute, waste materials, recycled products, fabric etc. and do not harm the environment in any form. Environment friendly products such as handmade papers, eco furniture, solar system not only reduce pollution but also help in saving trees.

Last but not the least, I would like to conclude my speech by appealing to all of you to use environment friendly products to prevent cruelty towards animals and deforestation and most of all to save our environment.



A father cleans his scooter himself. School-going children are seen polishing their shoes. A mother never lets anyone else prepare lunch for her family. An old man does not ask someone else to pay the electricity bill. What does all this suggest?

It just suggests that it is best to do our work ourselves. Doing our work ourselves gives us immense satisfaction. Moreover, it is the best way to stay occupied. Nothing is worse than sitting idle and the cliché that an empty mind is a devil’s workshop will always hold true.

When you do your work yourself, you become independent and responsible. It is one of the best habits that parents can inculcate in their children. Moreover, if you

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expend your energy and time doing a particular thing, it creates a sense of attachment. If you have cleaned your room yourself, you will feel proud and make it a point that no one dirties it.

When you make a soft toy or draw a painting, you will look at it several times once it is done. After standing in a long queue for a couple of hours, when you finally get your rail ticket, the feeling is blissful. Hence, we come to the conclusion that although time is at a premium in today’s world, we should still try to do our work ourselves.


"A healthy mind resides in a healthy body" is a proverb that everyone must have heard but very few consider. Humans give utmost importance to intellect and money as the two are directly proportional. The more knowledgeable or intellectual you become, the more money you may earn.

In the mad rush for knowledge and wealth, health takes a back seat or is completely forgotten. One really feels strange when even the educated lot does not understand the importance of staying healthy. You will find officers who work for 12 to 14 hours a day without taking proper rest.

Such people even skip meals and are prone to heavy consumption of beverages. What is worse, many of them are inveterate smokers. The same is true in the case of students. There are those who study from morning till night. However, the ones who burn the midnight oil hardly care about taking a healthy diet or indulging in some kind of physical exercise.

The need of the hour is to understand that physical fitness must complement mental agility. Professionals must realise that the extra hours that they spend in office at the cost of their health can prove to be counter-productive.

Similarly, students have to know that the energy required for remaining awake before a crucial exam comes from a balanced diet and there is nothing more invigorating than a sound sleep.


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There are several advantages of waking up early. People who wake up at 5 ‘o’ clock in the morning begin their day on a perfect note. They have ample time for themselves. Waking up early might not be easy but it ain’t that difficult either. It is all a matter of being strong-willed as it is just the first five minutes that cause discomfort.

Of the 24 hours in a day, the time before sunrise is the most beautiful. One can feel the freshness of the air while breathing and the effect is truly therapeutic. Office goers and school children have to willy-nilly wake up early. However, they lead a disciplined life.

They exude confidence and freshness which emanates from their habit of waking up early. The benefit of rising early becomes quite apparent in their case. Moreover, if you wake up early, you may find time for exercising or any other activity which can just not happen if you are a late riser.

All of us must have experienced that spending those few extra hours in bed might be very cosy but one feels groggier on waking up. So, the crux of the matter is that if you intend to lead a healthy life, you must wake up early.


Everyone knows that one of the main ingredients of success is confidence. You cannot achieve your goal if you are not confident. Lack of confidence stems from lack of faith in one’s own ability. One also feels short of confidence when one is not fully prepared. A sound performance always comes on the back of thorough preparation.

If we take examples from different walks of life, we will see how confidence leads to success. For instance, a candidate who clears an interview does it so because they have full faith in their ability and had come fully prepared. Similarly, a singer will successfully perform before a large audience when they have practiced properly and are not afraid.

Confidence is the hallmark of champions. Champions are able to consistently perform at their best because they practice that hard. Regular practice gives them that edge over others. Confidence also comes from perseverance. People who keep trying honestly despite repeated failures eventually taste success.

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When an honest trier achieves success once, it does their confidence a world of good. As the saying goes, “nothing succeeds like success”; so, an initial bit of success is then followed by a series of successful endeavours. Therefore, one comes to the conclusion that practice, perseverance and faith in one’s own ability are the qualities that help one gain confidence.

ACTION MUST BE PRECEDED BY PLANNING Any important action should always be preceded by proper planning. Those who do not think or plan properly before taking an action are considered impulsive. Planning is the first and foremost step in any important matter, be it a personal work at home or an important project at office.

A common example is the way students prepare for an examination. It will be fatal for the students if they just study whatever they feel like. Preparing diligently for an exam calls for a lot of planning. Students have to first be aware of all the topics, the question pattern, their strengths and weaknesses and then start preparing.

Similarly, if an employee is to do an important project, they have to do a lot of research and prepare a blueprint. If they simply start working on the project with no clear plan in mind, there is every chance that they might get stuck.

The importance of planning becomes most apparent in the case of engineers. For instance, civil engineers will first prepare a map or formulate a plan and then act accordingly. In view of all this, it will be proper to say that planning is the better part of action.

You wish to spread awareness among the students about the valuable water being wasted due to negligence and carelessness. Write an article for your school magazine appealing to the students of your school to conserve water for future. You are Himanshu.


By Himanshu

Water is of paramount importance for our life but every year the crisis of water scarcity is increasing in the world. The potable water runs short in supply during summer and people suffer. As per the U.N. report, by 2025 about 40% countries of

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the world will be facing water crisis.

People are in a habit of wasting lots of water in different activities. For example, students at schools leave taps open daily and due to their carelessness water is wasted. Moreover, the drinking water is used for washing vehicles and gardening.

In order to avoid water crisis in future, we should not be reckless and negligent about the conservation practices. We must make sure the taps are closed after the usage. The left-over water from the cleaning of vegetables and cooking can be used for gardening.

Moreover, the used water from the washing machine can be reused for cleaning vehicles. Besides practising these simple tips, we can also encourage people to start harvesting rain water. Thus, we can ensure our active participation in water conservation.

Write an article for the school newsletter highlighting the importance of the science exhibition in schools, in about 150 words.You are Bhanu.



Science is an essential part of any educational system. It is indispensable for the students to develop scientific sense during their young age. A wonderful way of doing so is to organize exhibitions.

It helps students to develop a scientific approach towards different aspects of life. It also instills a spirit of healthy competition and creativity among the young budding scientists of the institution.

Students can prepare working models as well as non-working models in a Science exhibition. It requires a lot of planning and hard work to accomplish the tasks of creating models. Awarding the best models is always a boost for students to strive for perfection.

The successful completion of every exhibition is the result of the team work of the students as well as the support and guidance of teachers. Thus, the science

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exhibition prepares the ground for the young minds to grow and helps them to become revolutionary scientists of the future.

After analysing the present condition of the women in the Indian society, you, Sujata, felt that the women are still facing a lot of discrimination in the political, economical and social fields. Write an article to be published in the School magazine about the need of women empowerment in our country.



There are a number of movements aimed at establishing and defending equal political, economic, and social rights and equal opportunities for women around the world. In India, women have been denied the right to education and work for centuries.

Now the situation is changing as the upliftment of women is a matter of great concern in the various governmental and non-governmental organizations. The government has passed many laws so as to empower the women.

These rules have ensured the equality of women in the social, political and economic fields. Moreover, women should be educated and better informed, only then they can take rational decisions. It is said that when you educate a woman you educate the whole family.

Thus, a clear vision is needed, both from the government and women themselves, to promote women's emancipation. Efforts should be directed towards all round development of each and every section of Indian women by giving them their due share.

You,Ranju, were impressed by a saying 'Great leaders are not born but made. Acquisition of the leadership qualities begins at school.' Write an article about the role of the school in fostering the leadership qualities in the students to become great leaders of the society.


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'Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other' , says John F. Kennedy, former president of the USA. The school is a platform for the young minds to learn the basic lessons of leadership and grow as great leaders of the society, in future. The curricular as well as the extra-curricular activities help the children to acquire necessary qualities of leadership.

Stories and events taken from the lives of great personalities inspire the tiny tots to follow their glorious path. The lessons dealing with extra-ordinary courage and outstanding character traits of world leaders motivate the young minds to acquire those qualities.

The active participation in sports and games pave the way for developing leadership qualities. Various responsibilities that the children shoulder also help them to inculcate such qualities.

The teachers and other staff at the school provide all necessary support and guidance for the children to excel in their academic as well as non- academic events. Thus, the school plays a major role in the life of the children to bring them up as the responsible and creative leaders.

Recently, the trend of brain drain has increased to a great extent in our country. The large scale emigration of professionally qualified people from India to the developed countries will affect the progress of our country adversely. Write an article for your school magazine to make the students aware about this problem.You are Vidhi.



Human capital flight, more commonly referred to as "brain drain" is the large-scale emigration of a large group of individuals with technical skills or knowledge. The curse of brain drain has become a serious concern for our country as the young and brilliant ones seek opportunities in the foreign countries after getting the valuable education in India.

There are two main reasons for the brain drain. First one is related to the deficiency

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in the social environment of the home country. Professionally qualified people find that the foreign country is more secure with better payment and living conditions.

In terms of individual reasons, there are family influence, overseas relatives and personal ambitions. As our country faces this problem very severely, it is high time, preventive measures were taken.

It can be solved by improving the living conditions and ensuring a peaceful, free and a secure environment for the professionals to work in. Thus, the problem of brain drain can be curbed.

Write an article for your school magazine describing the various kinds of environmental pollutions and make an appeal to take preventive measures. You are Ankit.



Pollution is one of the most terrible issues of the modern world. People of all age groups have to take active measures to curb it; otherwise it may make the earth, a place improper to live in.

We need to think about the pollution which exists at different levels and get informed about the preventive steps, to save our planet from further contamination. There are mainly four types of pollution; Water pollution, soil pollution, air pollution and noise pollution.

Water pollution is caused by letting off waste water, filled with chemicals from the houses and factories into the water sources, like rivers and lakes. Soil pollution is the result of indiscriminate dumping of solid wastes on the land.

The disastrous plastic wastes are a major cause of land pollution. Air is polluted by the poisonous gases and smoke released from the factories and vehicles. Loudspeakers, the whirring vehicles and loud music are some of the sources of noise pollution.

Pollution has become a prime concern among the scientists and environmentalists.

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All are expected to contribute their share for preventing pollution. Then only we can make this world a better place to live in.


1. You are Naman/Namita. You came across stunning news in the newspaper about the sighting of a UFO by a farmer in Madhya Pradesh that sets you thinking about the aliens who visit our earth in these UFOs. So you decide to have a class debate on aliens. Write the debate in about 150 words on “Are there aliens- Do they really exist? Give your views for or against the motion.


There is one ultimate truth which the world is afraid to accept is the reality that we are not alone in the universe but we share it with aliens, the beings from other worlds. The proof of the existence of the UFOs and the photographs taken by people are the proofs about the existence of aliens on other planets.

There are strong propagators of the theory that the aliens have been regular visitors to earth. Several scientists have theorised that alien life such as bacteria exist not only in our planet but throughout the universe. They also insisted that it is impossible that no other intelligent life exists in the universe other than Earth.

Research projects like space mission have tried to establish that there are aliens on Mars, due to evidence of methane in the atmosphere and on moon, due to presence of water. Of course, there are alien abduction stories which can’t be overlooked. Real alien sightings are also events that cannot be dismissed as overactive imagination.

2. You are Simi, a class 10 student in ABC Public school affiliated to the CBSE. You have read about the grading system in class 10 Board being made optional. You don’t seem to agree with this and decide to have a class debate on “Should grading system in CBSE board be made optional”. Give your views for or against the motion in about 150 words.


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The Central Board of Secondary Education is all set to roll out the grading system and do away with the conventional method of evaluation. The CBSE is known to have prepared a format of an aptitude test emphasising on continuous and comprehensive evaluation through the year instead of a single public exam at the end of class 10.According to Mr. Sibal this system is being changed to de-stress the students but I feel that instead of de-stressing, it will distress the students more as the students scoring 91% and 99% will be treated equally. They will not take their studies seriously. It will take away their competitive spirit and studies will no longer be a challenge for them. Boards provide impartial evaluation to the students. I feel the school teachers will be biased and their favourites will benefit and the deserving students will be the losers. Hence, we are degrading our education system. The old method has been a time tested method and has always stood us in a good stead.

3. You are Lalit. Recently you heard your friend grumbling about his younger brother, always wasting his time, playing violent video games and neglecting his studies which led you to give it a deep thought and you decided to have a class debate on “Should violent video games be banned”. Write your views for or against the motion in about 150 words.


Video games are gaining popularity among the younger generation. The demand of violent video games is increasing day by day. Many people are not in favour of these games and want a ban to be put on them as they say that the children are becoming violent because of violence and blood shown in these games.“Should these games be banned”? This is a very controversial question. I feel that the games are for enjoyment and normally there is age limit of eighteen years and above for these games. The youngsters are wise enough to differentiate between right and wrong. The adults also play these games for entertainment as they are good for developing the mind skills. Video games have been under a lot of scrutiny over the last few years and are blamed for spoiling the kids but the parents must keep a vigil on their children’s activities. They can’t blame the companies for making these games. I feel that the video games shouldn’t be banned but there should be warnings

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narrating the harmful effects and shouldn’t be sold to the under aged.

4. You are Tanya studying in class 10 in all girls public school and you are very satisfied with your performance. You have a few friends studying in co-ed schools. On comparing your performance with theirs you feel privileged for studying in a single-sex school. So you decide to express your views on “Are single-sex public schools more effective than their co-ed counterparts” in the form of debate. Write the debate in about 150 words for or against the motion.


Single–sex schools definitely prove better than their co-ed counterparts. Girls as well as boys are more comfortable in these schools and are known to be doing better academically. Academic studies and results are better. There are fewer distractions for both boys and girls in single-sex environment. They enjoy the advantage of freedom to express themselves as well as the freedom to make educational choices without worrying about the number of students in the classes of the subjects of their choice.The threat of judgement about the choice of subjects is also removed. They are more likely to explore in non- traditional subjects which otherwise in co-ed schools they hesitate to do. Their performance is remarkable and a dramatic improvement in their test scores and grades can be perceived. Most teenagers choose the subjects of their choice they know they are good at, rather than risking embarrassment. Thus in every way the single-sex schools are better than their co-ed counterparts.

5. Recently you heard the news about Mr. Mulayam Singh Yadav demanding 50% reservation for women in jobs. You feel that it is a favourable action to encourage the women to study and take up jobs. You are Sunidhi/Sumant studying in class 10. You hold a class debate on the subject. Write the debate on “Reservation should be provided to women in jobs” in about 150 words for or against the motion.


Women form 50% of the human population on earth but in our male dominating society they are deprived of many rights. Today’s women are no lesser than men in any field. Urban women in spite of being intelligent, with

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good academic career and performing well at the interviews are refused to be appointed at certain posts, then why shouldn’t they demand reservation? In many fields women are excelling their male contenders but are denied jobs for being women. If reservation is provided they can have access into those fields and can prove their potential even in the all men field. Women in the metropolitan cities are better in awareness level than their counterparts in villages and small towns, so to encourage them reservation should be provided to bring them at equal level in the competitive world.Certain men consider this reservation as preferential treatment of women in India as discrimination against them in admissions to schools, colleges and universities. Progressive political opinion is strongly in favour of providing preferential treatment to women in order to create an equal level for all its citizens.

6. You are Gagan. Recently you visited your uncle’s house to see your ailing aunt who was in severe pain due to cancer and was almost on the death bed. You were much disturbed to see her and felt that there should be a law about mercy killing. So you decide to have a debate on this very controversial topic. Express your views in about 150 words on “Does Euthanasia deserve a place in civilised society?” for or against the motion.


Euthanasia is a term borrowed from history for mercy killing. Some governments have legalised voluntary euthanasia. A survey in the U.S. shows that more than 60% physicians agree to this.If a person has lived a happy, fruitful, creative life for seventy five or more years but in the last phase of his life he is having acute physical suffering due to cancer or tuberculosis or any other incurable disease, then he should be granted the right to demand peaceful death. Rather than seeing the patient lying in bed with unbearable and excruciating pain, with no hope of recovery, then mercy killing, with his and family’s consent, is not a crime. If these people are simply kept alive with the help of injections, sleeping pills, activators or ventilators or other such life saving devices, then I think their sufferings are being multiplied. So mercy killing should be legalised and the person should be granted the right to put his life to eternal rest.


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Revered principal, distinguished teachers and my dearly loved fellow mates, I take this opportunity to speak in favour of the topic – 'Indians are too crazy about cricket.'

The passion for cricket in India is unmatched. Indians are simply crazy about the game. The advent of the IPL gave a new zing to this madness. However, excess of anything is bad and that is exactly the case with the cricket fans in India. They are too fanatic, so much so that they don’t let their cricketers breathe easy.

An Indian cricketer is praised to the skies when he does well. The public and the media start hero-worshipping him. But if the same player fails to deliver in an important tournament, his house is vandalised and his effigies are immolated. This kind of behavior is scandalous. No player worth his salt would ever like to underperform for his country.

Cricketers, along with Bollywood stars, are sought after the most in India. A successful Indian cricketer cannot even think of visiting a public place alone. He is bound to be mobbed by his fans. This excessive admiration by the fans sometimes causes discomfiture to the Indian cricketers.

Life comes to a standstill when the Indian team is playing a cricket match. Students as well as office-goers become shirkers as they remain glued to their television sets. This irresponsible behavior stems from excessive zeal which does no good.



My heartiest wishes to everyone present here. I stand before you to speak in favour of the topic – 'One should start working only after completing one’s education.'

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The present generation has become mercenary. It is crazy about money. Young students are quite fascinated by showbiz. They grow up watching their favourite film stars and are desirous of emulating their lifestyle. As a result, many students quit education midway and start working. This practice boomerangs in the long run.

Education is indispensable. There is a purpose behind sending a child to school and college. Children strengthen their fundamentals when they do their schooling properly. When they join college, they gain specialisation in their favourite subject. College serves as the perfect launch pad for the students to enter into their respective professions. This is the reason why graduation is considered the minimum that a student should aspire for.

Moreover, college is a landmark stage in a student’s life. Students learn many things when they attend college. For instance, a ragging session helps a fresher break free. Students who pursue their graduation through correspondence miss out on something very valuable. A student really comes of age on his convocation day. Those who make a premature foray into the professional world often seem to lack the desired expertise. Therefore, it is advisable to become well-educated and then take up a job.



My warm greetings to the august gathering that has assembled here. The topic for today’s debate is - Indians are not proud of their culture. I, however, beg to differ and would like to share my views with all of you.

Every country has its own culture and so does India. However, Indians, especially those living in cities, are enamoured of the West. They try to ape the western culture, but this does not mean that they have completely forgotten their own roots. Even if urban India speaks English, it denizens will remain Indians at heart.

India is a country of festivals. Till date, all the festivals are celebrated with the same gusto. When there is a festival or an auspicious occasion, Indians never forget to don ethnic outfits. Similarly, the pilgrimages and holy shrines seldom fail to draw the devotees.

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What satisfies Indians' palate most are home-made sweets and not cakes and pastries. Hindi, as a language, can help differentiate between an elderly and a young person. This distinction is not possible in the case of English. The Indian culture is such that it offers immense respect to the elderly. A courteous Indian will show respect to elders by joining his hands or touching their feet.

The family values in India are an intrinsic part of the country’s culture. In India, a son or a daughter can stay with their parents as long as they want. This is not possible in the western nations where once someone turns 18, they are told to fend for themselves. The Indian culture is exceptional and the Indians take immense pride in it.



My warm greetings to our venerable principal, dignified teachers and much loved school mates. I stand before you to speak against the topic – 'Children become more disciplined in a boarding school.'

Many feel that sending a child to a boarding school can help instill discipline in him. While it is true that those who stay in hostels learn to become independent, the same can be taught at home as well. It is not just a stern hostel warden who can tame a notorious child.

What gives maximum pleasure to parents is to see their children grow up. Many guardians miss on this delightful experience by sending their kids to school. Today’s parents are busier than ever before. But that does not mean that they can shirk their responsibility of rearing their children properly. When parents give good culture to their child, they leave a rich legacy.

By being firm and spending enough time with their children, parents can make them disciplined. The carrot and stick approach comes in handy in dealing with children who are bound to be mischievous. However, parents ought not look for an easy way out by sending their child to a boarding school.

Parents can teach discipline to their children by leading by an example. When parents themselves are disciplined, there is every chance that their children would

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like to follow them. Therefore, one can say that the notion that children become disciplined when they are sent to a boarding school is just a perception.



My heartiest wishes to everyone who has assembled here. It is said that things don’t get better by worrying about them. I completely agree with this belief and would like elucidate on it.

Worrying is a bad habit which proves detrimental to one’s health and well-being. A person who worries does not gain anything. When confronted with a problem, many people feel that they may come up with a solution if they constantly fret over it. They fail to realise that worrying is akin to thinking negative. When your mindset is negative, you cannot get positive results.

Worrying has many ill-effects. Those who worry day in and day out age faster. They develop wrinkles as they frown and furrow their eyebrows. Moreover, if you worry, you cannot stay healthy. The habit of worrying has an equally pernicious effect on one’s health. Worry can easily lead to stomach ulcers, indigestion, heart attack etc. It also has an adverse effect on one’s peace of mind.

It is advisable to quit worrying altogether as nothing positive comes out of it. If one is alive and breathing, one will face problems. Worrying, however, is not a solution to a problem. Instead, one should be rational and take corrective action. Many people in fact start to worry over trivial things. One can do away with this habit through patience and positive thinking. Life is meant to be lived. Worrying ain’t the way to live it.


It was “Rakshabandhan” on 24th August. The festival was celebrated with great gusto in the national capital. Write a newspaper report on all the festivities.


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New Delhi: On 24th August, the city came alive on the auspicious occasion of ‘Rakshabandhan’. There was plenty of hustle and bustle in all the markets of Delhi. Girls were seen buying ‘rakhis’ for their brothers while the former were busy purchasing gifts for their sisters.

The Delhi Government especially released 100 extra buses for the convenience of the commuters. The buses were obviously crammed and so were the metro trains. The crowd at the metro station in Connaught Place was unbelievably heavy throughout the day.

The confectionery shops had a field day. Many boys prefer gifting chocolates to their sisters. And as all the sisters have to offer a sweet to their brothers when they tie a rakhi, the sweet shops were in for a good business.

The chief minister of Delhi offered her good wishes to the Delhites which was repeatedly broadcasted on different radio channels. The most celebrated siblings of our country, i.e. Priyanka Gandhi and Rahul Gandhi were in news. The former was shown tying a rakhi on the wrist of her brother. As it was a national holiday, everyone had a whale of a time.

The Bangladesh cricket team caused a huge upset when it beat England by 6 runs. Write a newspaper report on this match. Refer to the Unit 'Sports and Games' in MCB for more details.


London: The Bangladesh cricket team, which has earned the sobriquet ‘giant killer’, added another feather to its cap on Sunday. After already beating experienced teams like Australia, India and Pakistan, one of the minnows of world cricket beat England in the second ODI at Lord’s to level the three match series 1-1. The 2010 Twenty-Twenty champions went down fighting in the final over of the match.

Bangladesh scored 235/8 in their stipulated 50 overs. The English batsmen perhaps took the Bangladeshi bowlers a little lightly which proved to be fatal. Ian Bell, who is a regular batsman in the English line-up, was retired hurt in the 25th over of the match. When he finally came out to bat again, Bangladesh were just one-wicket away from a historic win.

James Anderson was the final batsman to be dismissed. England needed 6 runs from 3 balls when the tall left-hander failed to judge a slower ball and edged it to

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the wicket keeper. It took 10 years and 21 matches for Bangladesh to defeat the English in their own game. Shakib Hassan, who grabbed 5 wickets after conceding just 32 runs in 10 overs was adjudged man of the match.

Several people lost their lives when the Jan Shakti Express derailed on its way to Kolkata. Write a newspaper report on this rail accident. You may refer to the MCB Unit 'People' for more hints.


Mumbai: The country awoke to an extremely sad piece of news on Monday morning. The Kolkata-bound Jan Shakti Express went off track while crossing a bridge and fell into the lake below it. The incident happened at around 2:30 a.m. on Monday. The train was some 50 kilometers away from its destination when the tragedy took place.

As all the coaches along with the engine have fallen in the lake, therewere fewsurvivors. The rescue operation has already begun. Huge cranes have reached the spot and they are pulling out the coaches that lie submerged in the water. The railway minister has apologised to the Indian public and offered condolences to the families of the victims.

He has already appointed a high-level committee to probe into the cause of this mishap. It is conjectured that the accident might have happened because of human error, i.e. it could be the driver’s fault. There is also the possibility of some fissures in the railway track. The number of rail accidents in the country is on the rise as this is the fourth rail accident in the last 10 months.

Write a newspaper report on yesterday’s weather which saw the capital reeling under searing heat. Refer to the MCB Unit 'Environment' for more details.


New Delhi: The weather was hot like hell on Thursday. It turned out to be the hottest day of the decade. The mercury rose to 46 degrees and the heat wave that is currently prevalent in north India worsened the situation. The normally busy roads of the capital wore a deserted look. It was so hot that the black paint on zebra crossings and dividers started melting.

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People preferred to stay indoors and the only respite was that the scorching heat was not coupled with power cuts. Otherwise, the situation would have gone out of hand. As the humidity too was well above 60%, air coolers weren’t that effective.

Life was absolutely miserable as the earth’s surface did not cool down even after sunset. People could feel the heat radiated from the earth as they covered their faces with scarves and hand towels. Doctors have advised to drink lot of water to avoid heat stroke.

The scorching heat has already led to an early summer vacation for the students. However, it is the office-goers who find it hard to deal with the torrid weather. They have to go to office no matter how hot it is. The heat wave has already killed many people in Rajasthan and now it is claiming lives in the national capital region.

Write a newspaper report on the Class X results declared by CBSE on Sunday night. You may refer to the MCB Unit 'Children' for more details.


New Delhi: The much-awaited Class X results are finally out. CBSE chose an opportune moment to make the results public as it displayed them on the Internet at 8 p.m. on Sunday. With the grading system now in place, students and teachers were all the more excited. No sooner were the results announced than the news channels started their coverage.

It is for the first time in many years that the declaration of board results has not been followed by reports of suicides. This is largely due to the grading system that gives a student five chances to improve their performance even if they have failed in all the subjects.

Students have definitely fared better this time around. CBSE will be awarding merit certificates to A1 grade holders whose number is as high as 11,000. These include students who have scored 90 and above in all the subjects. As has become the norm now, the girls have performed better than the boys. The initiatives taken by the HRD Ministry are now paying dividends as very few students have grades in the range of CI and C2.

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The Junior Doctors of Bihar went on strike following an incident of open fire at the interns of a hospital in Gaya district. Write a report in about 150 words.


PATNA: Hundreds of junior doctors in Bihar went on an indefinite strike on Monday, demanding action against a Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) legislator and his bodyguard who fired at three interns of a hospital in Gaya district.

Three interns of the Anugrah Narain Magadh Medical College Hospital (ANMCH) in Gaya, about 100 km from here, were injured on Sunday night when the security guard fired at them after a scuffle over the treatment of a woman patient.

According to police officials, some supporters of RJD manhandled doctors at the emergency ward over the treatment of a woman patient. The doctors protested and the security guard opened fire, injuring three interns. Soon, relatives of other patients and locals joined the protesting doctors and torched a police jeep.

The functioning of the ANMCH was paralysed late Sunday night following the incident and the doctors struck work, demanding action against the security guard.


You are a reporter of the Times of India. You have been asked to write a report about a train accident Write a report in about 120 words with the help of the notes given below. • What happened where, when • Cause of the accident • Number of people injured • Rescue operation


New Delhi, July 22: A passenger train crashed into a goods train at Badarkha Station, about 150 miles north of Bhopal. At least twenty people have been killed and sixty injured. Three coaches of the train have been damaged.

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According to the railway officials the accident occurred early on Monday at around 5:00 a.m. The railway minister has apologised to the Indian public and offered condolences to the families of the victims.

The exact cause of the accident is under investigation and a probe has been ordered to determine how both trains ended up on the same track. The rescue operation is underway and a relief train has been sent to the site.

The local people are also helping in the rescue operation. The injured people have been taken to the hospitals.

Recently your school observed World Earth Day. A seminar on ‘save our planet’ was organised and various other activities such as poster making, planting saplings were organised as a part of the celebrations. As the student Correspondent of the school newsletter, write a report in about 120 words.


J.K. public school, Ghaziabad observed World Earth Day on 22th April, 2010. A seminar was organised on ‘save our planet’ to raise awareness about the degenerating conditions of the environment. It was duly attended by all the students as well as their parents.

The chief guest of this occasion was Dr. S. P. Das, a renowned environmentalist who graced the event with his presence. He expressed his concern over the problems that the earth is facing such as global warming, water pollution, air pollution etc. and enlightened the students about the importance of planting trees.

He also suggested various ways to protect the environment. Students actively participated in poster making competition. The aim was to enable them to express their ideas on topics such as preservation of the environment. The celebration ended with the planting of the saplings by the chief guest and the students.

DAV Public School, Ajmer organised its annual day. Cultural programmes were performed and prize distribution was also done. As the Secretary of cultural Club of the school write a report in about 120 words for your school magazine.

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DAV Public School, Ajmer celebrated its annual day on November 28, 2011. The programme commenced with the lighting of the lamp by the chief guest Mr. Priyanshu Verma and the guest of honour, Mr. K. P. Singh.

The school principal, Ms. Nalini Jayant presented the annual report. The students of U.K.G. presented a welcome dance. The programme moved further with the cultural programmes.

The students performed various dance forms such as Rajasthani, classical dance etc. The students of martial arts displayed their skills. Students excelling in academics and sports were felicitated by the chief guest during the prize distribution ceremony.

He also expressed his views on the role played by the school. The programme concluded with vote of thanks by the principal.

You are Aakash/Anshika, head boy/head girl of your school. Your school organised annual sports meet for four days in which various competitions were held. Write a report in about 120 words for your school magazine.


K.D. Public school organised annual sports meet from January 16 to 19. Students enthusiastically participated in various events conducted among participants from the four houses. On the first day, the tiny tots were in action.

The races such as lemon race, frog jump and butterfly race were held. The day proceeded with a series of athletic events including 100 m race, 200m, 4x100 m relay, football, kho-kho, where students actively participated.

On the last day of the event, the students presented a spectacular show of yoga and demonstrated martial art form, Taekwondo. The event concluded with the distribution of prize to students who performed well in various sports activities by the chief guest Mr. D. P. Sharma.

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You are Archita/Ashwin, head boy/head girl of your school. The newly constructed auditorium of your school was inaugurated. Write a report in about 120 words for the school newsletter.


The newly constructed auditorium of MRV School, Raipur was inaugurated on September 12th 2010. It was a red letter day in the history of the school. Mr.Y.S.Kishore, an educationist was the chief guest who graced the occasion with his presence.

The director of the school Dr. Anil Gautam, school principal, the manager, the staff members, the students were also present. The students’ representatives cordially welcomed the guests. The inaugural ceremony commenced with prayers invoking the blessings of God.

The auditorium is huge and spacious with a seating capacity of about 500 students. It aspires to provide to the students the infrastructure which will help them in excelling in extracurricular activities. It is designed to host various events such as annual day, inter-school competitions etc.

Recently your school organised English literary week during which various activities and competitions were held. Write a report in about 120 words to be published in local daily. You are Karan/Kanika, Head boy/Head girl of ABC Public school, Rohtak.


ABC Public School, Rohtak organised English literary week from January 7 to 11. The aim was to sensitise the students about the rising impact of English as a global language and to develop proficiency in the same.

Many programmes and competitions were held during this period to enhance the literary capabilities among children. A special assembly was conducted by the students of class XII in which the students threw light on the importance of English language and the history of English literature.

Students were also acquainted with the Indian writers in English whose literary works have been internationally acclaimed. Various competitions such as poetry recitation and writing, story writing, English debate, elocution were held. The

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event culminated with the distribution of prizes to the winners of the competitions by the principal.

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