
Class 2 

With Beloved Cyclopea and Virginia

© HeArt Expressions

Required Reading and Course Material

Looking into the Invisible: Intuition, Clairvoyance, Dreams

by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

Five HeartStreams

by beloved Cyclopea

and Virginia

as shared in slides in powerpoint

Recommended Course Reading

Conscious Seeing: Transforming Your Life

through Your Eyes by Roberto Kaplan

A Gift of Prophecy: The Phenomenal Jeane Dixon

by Ruth Montgomery

Recommended Course Reading

The Power Behind Your Eyes: Improving Your Eyesight with Integrated Vision Therapy by Robert-Michael Kaplan O.D.

Cyclopea’s 18 &

Virginia’s 5

transcribed HeartStreams on the website


Looking into the Invisible: Intuition, Clairvoyance, Dreams

by Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov

How we relate only to that which resonates with our own vibrations

“Each of us can only attract to himself the currents and entities that have an affinity with his own inner state. This is a law.” (p.59)

“A true Initiate is a magus rather than a clairvoyant; he is concerned with acting on other beings, on the elements and the forces of nature.” (p.58)

How to protect ourselves in our receptive, intuitive state from dark forces/entities

“Being active and dynamic, he projects forces capable of counteracting any dangers that may threaten him.”

“Begin by making the effort to rise to a higher plane, to create a bond with the light and to project that light round about you.” (pp. 58-59)

“If you really want to communicate with heaven, start by making an effort to reach the peak of your own inner being.” (p. 61)

What clairvoyants see and the potential traps for those whose inner vision is open

“It is often better, in our everyday lives, not to see what is going on in the hearts and minds of other people.” (p.81)

Clairvoyants see both the good and the bad, the light and the darkness and have to deal with it.

Photographer: Jerome Tweedy


Why and how love opens our eyes and higher vision

“Man attains true clairvoyance only when his heart begins to love… true clairvoyance, true sight, resides in the heart… people say that love is blind; on the contrary, love opens our eyes.”

“If you want to become clairvoyant (clear-sighted) you must begin with love.” (p.85-86)

A Heart Full of Love

Create a Personal Vision Statement of Your Fulfilled Life


Conscious Seeing: Transforming Your Life through Your Eyes

by Roberto Kaplan

“I call the skill of maintaining sharp eyesight, which is part of conscious seeing, looking—and I distinguish looking from seeing.

When we direct clear vision through the fovea centralis (the central valley of the macular area of the retina) then we are good lookers.”


“To see is to have feelings about what we are perceiving, not merely to register the presence or absence of an object or person. Seeing is an active process, one that calls upon the participation of the seer on many different levels.” (p. 34)

“In order to practice conscious seeing we need to link looking with seeing.” (p.34)

“An over-looker is one who spends more time looking than seeing. The over-looker focuses his or her attention on developing a rational, logical, and analytical way of perceiving the world. Looking generally leads to a “doing” of one’s life…” (p. 35)

“You cannot observe self. Self is the process of observing.” Ricardo Rojas, a Peruvian theoretical researcher of the neurosciences. (p. 51)

“In a fully conscious state, your personality harmonizes with your true essence. You might call this state your ‘soul essence.’” (p. 65)

Photographer: Richard Lorenz


The Power Behind Your Eyes: Improving Your Eyesight with Integrated Vision Therapy

by Robert-Michael Kaplan O.D.

“Seeing within changes one’s outer vision.” Joseph Chilton Pearce (p. 80)

“Look into all things without prejudice and you will see into the very nature of what you are looking at.” From the Flowering Light Tantra, an ancient story from the Tibetan Dur Bon tradition (p. 91)

“The way you speak about yourself is the way you see your life in your mind. Interference in eyesight, whether it be a refractive situation or a disease of the eye, can often be traced to self-defeating language, both internalized and spoken aloud. Vision disturbances are your eyes expressing your doubts and fears. What you say becomes what you see.” (p. 91)

“Acknowledge how your life is aided by the modern-day conveniences, but spend some time not watching television, reading or working on a computer. Walk in nature, look at a river, lake or ocean, or hike a mountain. Bring varied experiences to your eyes. Feel the power of nature charging your ‘vision batteries.’ Give your soul a chance to peer out when next confronted by the noise of your visual world. Every moment is an opportunity to stimulate and relax your vision.” (p. 83)

Photographer: Richard Lorenz

“The Buddhists believe that when light primes your body’s metabolism, the root cause of unclear vision becomes apparent. Your body remembers how to see.” (p. 118)

October 4, 2011

You Have Studied Conscious Language— Now Practice Conscious Seeing

Beloved Students,

Co-creation is a sacred activity that involves complete trust between those involved in the alchemy of the conception and then the actualization of their collective work.

This trust results in a bonding that allows the Alpha-Omega currents of Father-Mother Divine Light to be employed within the very act of creation itself. And this bonding is born of pure motive, pure mindfulness and pure love.

© Creation by Mario Duruay

You have two human eyes and yet you desire to discover the secret of employing pure vision through your third eye, which we term your inner eye. This inner eye is activated through stillness and by coming into congruity with your Higher Self through a type of surrender that is fulfilled as your being is subsumed into the divine state of reality, where you begin to see with clarity, with “real eyes.”

Bodhnath Stupa, Nepal

Many attempt to see beyond the human veil into the realms of the invisible. Yet all that is unseen in your world is not beautiful, nor will it give rise to a more spiritual you. Practicing the science of pure vision allows all that you behold to be wrapped in light and to be sanctified through the energy of your conscious awareness focused on perfection.

To see into the murky astral world of darkness and even into the mental plane of human thoughts can mire you in a debilitative state, where you can be stuck for years, decades or lifetimes—looking as through a glass darkly and not face-to-face with your God!

Beloved students, avoid the pitfalls that will surely come your way through impure desire, for they invariably lead to impure vision.

Much of the training that occurs at our retreat involves ascended beings focusing the light of God through the emerald-crystal lens of their inner eye on a high ideal until their goal is outpictured in a perfect geometric pattern of purity.

We have taught time and again that purity of consciousness is the key to precipitating the desired results with greater ease and speed. The greater the level of purity of disciples and of their consciousness, the more quickly their goal may be realized. For there is nothing within to inhibit the focused ray of light from coalescing around the desired thoughtform that spiritual substance requires to bring it into physicality.

Dear ones, God-vision is your goal. Desire to see as God sees in every situation, especially in your relationships with close family, friends and co-workers. When you always give the “benefit of the truth” to others and allow pure thoughts, feelings and visions to flow through you, you’ll be amazed to see how things work out for the best and people rise to their highest potential.

Change your attitude from one of attempting to change others or to change situations that irk you to one of assisting the universe to bring divine intelligence into play through you and through all life.

Affording God the option to bless through you rather than to judge through you brings the highest blessings of grace.

Once you have cleared your own grandiose egoic illusions, as well as your delusions of human grandeur, the universe will open the way for you to see as we see, to know as we know, to become as we are. Practical spirituality is won through gracing the lives of others with an attitude of gratitude, where charity is born again and again by your conscious seeing of the good within all. In this way you learn to truly see for the first time as God beings.

You have studied conscious language. Now practice conscious seeing. Smile as you view life around you. Bless all that you see with crystalline eyes.

© Paul Maska (photographer)

Some spiritual devotees continue to involve much of their precious time in reading the daily news and studying every type of conspiracy theory, dark prophecy or jaded psychic prediction. These have a certain astral glaze over their inner eye that inhibits higher vision and intuition and precludes them from accessing the higher frequencies that flow from our All-Seeing Eye! During the remainder of this course, watch what you read, and observe what you focus your attention upon. Then note how you feel when you are more reliant upon the Divine One to assist you in objectively viewing life from a loving space of purity and harmony.

Just as you utter your positive I AM statements of light, consider silently affirming, “I see as God sees today! I see as my Beloved sees, with crystal clarity! I see into the true nature of things and make right choices every moment! I see all as pure, pure, pure! I see into the Holy City and am choosing now to manifest that vision upon Earth! I see the perfection within all life and glorify God through my pure heart of fire! I see life as beautiful and full of the radiance of the Almighty, the all-powerful, all-seeing One!”

We now send a ray of light into your pineal gland to dis-solve ancient encrustations of darkness that have clouded your higher inner sight for eons. Burn through, O sacred ray of emerald-crystal light! Burn through and dissolve the dross of illusory seeing, the cataracts of impure vision and the tears of sympathetic feeling that cloud the truth of being and hide the reality of the Higher Self.

We are with you as you practice the science of co-creative alchemy this week, seeing your enemies as friends and those you abhor or ignore as God-realized ones!

Blessings of the Emerald Way, the Emerald Truth and the Emerald Life,

Cyclopea and Virginia



Homework for Session Three

Read Chapters 7-10 of Looking into the Invisible and be prepared to comment in class.

Weekly question #2 to be posted on the Forum: Have you ever given your power away to clairvoyants, mediums or psychics that you could have used to develop your own spiritual gifts, including your intuition and inner sight? If so, how, and what lessons have you learned from these experiences?

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