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Civilizations Collide - The Wars of the Aztecs, the Inca, the Maya, and the Conquistadores

A Supplement for Feudal Patrol™


Mark A. Morin

1. Introduction 1.1. Overview of the Historical Period

In Mesoamerica, a relatively few Spanish Conquistadores under Hernan Cortes (in alliance with other city states such as the Tlaxcalans of the Aztec-Chichimec Alliance, and others) managed to bring down the empire of the mighty Aztecs of the Triple Alliance. The Spanish subsequently did the same to the diminished Maya in Central America, though not without casualties and great difficulty. In the Andes, Francisco Pizarro and his Conquistadores similarly brought down the Incan Empire. Most of this supplement will focus on the Aztec conquest, but I include some information on the other New World empires as well. Most (if not all) of the terms used to describe the weapons, armor, geographic places, and culture of these New World empires definitely do not roll off the tongue, but I will attempt to help as much as possible.

The Spanish certainly had many technological advantages over their New World opponents, such as gunpowder and crossbows; however, these were not the decisive advantages. The Conquistadores were mercenary veterans of years of warfare in Italy and elsewhere. Conquistadores were known for their excellent swordsmanship. Also, one must add that skill with blades (and armor) of Toledo steel to the shock and awe of the horse and war hounds when looking at how the Conquistadores brought down their foes.

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For victory, the combat experience of the Conquistadores alone was necessary but not sufficient. The Spanish definitely needed allies. Cortes’ successful efforts in recruiting enemies of the Aztecs were Machiavellian to the extreme, and they worked. Many of the Aztecs’ neighboring city-states (like the Tlaxcalans) were all too happy to help bring about their downfall after centuries of warfare. They were also very happy to share in the plunder. Without his gathering of thousands of allied troops, Cortes would never have succeeded against the Aztecs. Indeed, on multiple occasions he would have likely been killed or captured and sacrificed alive to the bloodthirsty Aztec god Huitzilopochtli (wheat-zeeloh-poch-tlee) in the capital of Tenochtitlan (ten-ohch-teet-lon). (The reader must disabuse himself of the fanciful myth of natives communing peacefully with nature and cooperating collegially with each other.)

As most of the tactics and weaponry of each of the New World empires did not change for centuries, their statistics can also be used to recreate battles that occurred among the Aztecs and their neighbors before the arrival of the Conquistadores. Pre-Colombian warfare for the most part revolved around gathering resources – be it luxury goods, food, agricultural slave labor, or subjects for human sacrifice. It was practically incessant.

It is safe to say that warfare and human sacrifice dominated every aspect of pre-Colombian Mesoamerican and Andean culture long before the Spanish arrived. Priests and shamans affected the morale of the troops of the New World empires, while the Spanish brought with them their Christian faith and the recent memories of defeating and ridding the Iberian Peninsula of the Islamic Caliphate. These two cultures and civilizations did indeed collide with historic implications. Captured Conquistadores were sacrificed alive to Huitzilopochtli by having their hearts removed on Aztec altars. The Spanish were far from angels as well in their conduct during The Conquest. In the end the smallpox and other pathogens that the Spanish brought with them to the New World killed far more than any Toledo blade.

This supplement will allow the fielding of Elements and War Bands in conjunction with the Feudal Patrol™ rules such that many different scenarios can be played – both involving forces that are both pre-Colombian and during the Conquest.

1.2. Further Reading

If you would like to seek out more information on this period, please check out the following sources:

• Diaz del Castillo, Bernal and Carrasco, David (2008). The History of the Conquest of New Spain. Albuquerque, NM: University of New Mexico Press.

• Pohl, John M. D. (1991). Aztec, Mixtec, and Zapotec Armies – Men-at-Arms. London: Osprey Publishing.

• Pohl, John M. D. (2001). Aztec Warrior, AD 1325-1521. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. • Pohl, John M. D. (2005). Aztecs & Conquistadores. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. • Sheppard, Si. (2018). Tenochtitlan: 1519-21. Oxford: Osprey Publishing. • Wise, Terence (1980). The Conquistadores – Men-at-Arms. London: Osprey Publishing.

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1.3. What will be covered in this supplement.

This supplement roughly covers the period of the Spanish Conquest of the 16th Century. This supplement is designed to allow the players to recreate battles both during the Conquest – and in the centuries before it happened. Optional and special rules will be covered first, then weapons, figure and unit characteristics, and a couple of suggested scenarios.

2. Optional and Special 2.1. The taking of captives and Aztec element organization (veteran/novice warrior element “twinning”)

A major aspect of warfare in this period was the overriding need to take captives. The Aztecs would place the taking of captives at a higher premium than actually killing the enemy. Rank and prestige in the Aztec army (and Aztec society) were dependent on two things – the number and the quality of the enemy warriors one had captured. Those captured were used for ritualized sacrifice or for making into slaves. The value of all captives was not equal – capturing a high-ranking member of a strong warrior tribe was better than a weaker one from a less-respected foe.

Because this was a predominant aspect of Aztec warfare, it takes precedence for all Mesoamerican Aztecs – to include both the Aztec Triple Alliance and the Aztecs of the Aztec-Chichimec Alliance (such as the Tlaxcalans). When attacking in Melee and the enemy’s Endurance is reduced to zero, instead of being incapacitated, the figure is subdued and must be carried to the deployment area designated by the game master. When carrying a captive, the figure’s LoE is increased one level. This capture can be used to accrue victory points per the game master or the scenario. Capturing and removing the enemy has an effect on Aztec forces and how they are organized as described below.

Aztec Warbands were typically composed of an Element of veteran warriors and an attached Element of novices. The novices were usually (but not always) in a second rank, following the veterans. The veterans were supposed to be responsible for the novice’s training. In the game, each element of novices is “twinned” to an equally-sized group of veterans (not Elite units). In the game a typical Aztec non-elite element should be composed of an equal number of veteran warriors and novice warriors (probably 5 and 5). Veteran Aztec elements may be “twinned” with fewer than 5 novice warriors as well.

• The veteran elements should be “twinned” to the novices. Only the Veteran element has a leader, which also serves as the leader for the “twinned” novices. Thus, in general, there should be 10 figures per Aztec Element. Most veterans will be armed with an obsidian-bladed wooden sword club, called a macuahuitl (ma-kwa-wheat), though some may have other weapons such as a roundhead club called a cuauhololli (kwa-ho-lolly), or an obsidian-bladed thrusting pole-axe (a tepoztopilli (tay-pose-toe-pee-lee)).

• The veterans fight in the front rank, setting the example for the novices. The novices may fight in the front rank or the second rank. The first and second ranks must be in base-to-base

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contact. Note that this will generally make an Aztec unit in close order formation according to the rules.

• If the novices use a long weapon, such as a spear or a tepoztopilli they may fight in either rank. This means that novices in the second rank participate in melee against the same opponent as their veteran twin on the front rank, even though they are not in base-to-base contact with that opponent. A sling, bow, or other weapon may also be used in the second rank if that weapon has the range or capabilities to be effective (generally speaking it must be a missile weapon or have a reach of 5 or better. If a novice is moved to the front rank, he fights as usual with whatever weapon the figure is using.

• Elite elements would not have novice warriors twinned to them (such as Eagle, Jaguar, Arrow Knights, and Cuahchic Shock Troops). Elite units must be homogenous elites of the same type.

As for the process of capturing captives and moving them to collection point/deployment area for sacrifice or slavery:

• When an enemy figure’s Endurance is reduced to zero, that figure can be captured. Indeed, if the attacker is an Aztec in Melee with the incapacitated figure, capture is required. When a figure is in base-to-base contact with an enemy whose Endurance has been reduced to zero, the attacker announces that the incapacitated figure is captured. The figure may begin the activation within six inches of the captive, move into contact, and capture the figure all with a single activation. The captured figure is subdued and must be marked as such.

• Captive figures must begin to be moved to the rear by a figure on the next activation. A novice may do this for a veteran if the novice is in the same Element. Elites must do this for themselves. Leaders that dispatch a foe in melee may choose to designate another commanded figure to drag the subdued enemy to the collection point/deployment area. The GM should designate the deployment area to which captives must be moved. Any figure carrying a captive has his LoE increased by one level.

• Removing a captive is a permanent duty. Once this happens, the figure with the captive must proceed to the collection point/deployment area. They can defend themselves but may not initiate melee or missile fire. They are not pinned by exceeding command radii or affected by any subsequent morale results to their element or higher. The captor must proceed directly to the deployment area unless engaged in combat at the game master’s discretion. If the captor is a leader, he may designate another figure to take command while he drags the subdued captive away to the designated collection point/deployment area.

• Captives can be rescued by incapacitating the captor. This has the appropriate victory point implications.

• Missile fire directed at captor/captive combinations may strike either one as normally randomized. If hit, the incapacitated captive will be then truly dead, and not capable of gaining victory points as a captive – but may gain victory points for the original captor as an otherwise incapacitated figure.

The Maya were not similarly organized as the Aztecs (with novices) – but they also took captives, and were masters of guerilla warfare. Their battles should by necessity be smaller raids, using the methods of capture described above as desired, but unlike the Aztecs, they can choose to kill in lieu of capture.

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Therefore, in this supplement, all Aztecs must attempt capture. Conquistadores, Maya, Mixtecs, and Zapotecs may attempt capture based upon the scenario. Inca never capture, they only attempt to kill.

2.2. Shock Troops – Aztecs of the Triple Alliance The Aztecs had elite shock troops known as cuahchic (kwa-cheek). These were elite warriors that had captured many enemies and who could, as a result, become an officer or a member of the cuahchic. All cuahchic had passed up the opportunity to become officers in lieu of being of this special status. They would be deployed in front of the Aztec line, offering insults and any other incendiary obscene gestures to the enemy in the hopes of provoking a premature enemy movement. After a barrage of missile weapons from any allied Aztec troops, they would be the first to charge into the enemy lines.

Cuahchic can be in Elements of 2 or more figures.

Cuahchic have two special rules:

• They may attempt to provoke an enemy into moving to charge them. This is often a good way to draw the enemy out of a good defensive position into the open. To do this:

o The cuahchic leader designates an enemy Element leader within 12” of his figure. o All figures within the cuahchic’s Element are within the command radius of the

leader. o The cuahchic leader draws a card from his Action Deck and consults the hit

indicator. He needs 7 colored shields for success. § If unsuccessful, the cuahchic Element’s activation is over. His Element has spent

their activation attempting to provoke the enemy into a rash attack. § If successful, the opposing Element immediately executes a charge move toward

the cuahchic using sprinting movement. It will be stunned at the end of this move, whether or not it made contact with the cuahchic Element, since it has essentially activated early.

§ The figures in the cuahchic Element may React to this “charge” as normal, but the figures automatically pass the React attempt.

• The cuahchic may become berserkers as described in Section 2.15 of the rules.

2.3. Devastating slings – all New World peoples The peoples of the New World empires had used slings to hunt small game since childhood. They were expert in their use and carried rocks that were hand-shaped to be as aerodynamically effective as possible. Hence the following sling adaptations are used in this supplement:

• All New World slingers have an “Accuracy” rating of “3” or better. • Slingers may use slings in close order. • Slingers may use slings in second ranks. • Any figure hit in the head by a rock from a sling may have been hit in the face, and not

gotten protection from his helmet.

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o To resolve this, if a head shot happens by a sling and there is no shield protection, draw a second card. If there are 7 colored shields then the face was hit, the helmet provided no protection, and the damage goes up by two points.

o Any figure hit in the head without helmet protection automatically takes two more levels of damage.

• Inca only – the Inca could launch flaming stones at an enemy. o To hit an enemy with these the reload time is one activation. o If a target is hit by Inca slings with flaming stones increase the damage level by one.

2.4. Effects of Priests and Shamans – all New World peoples The peoples of the New World empires had gods that required human sacrifice. Often,

the priests fought alongside troops of all New World empires. The sight of a priest wearing the flayed skin of a sacrificed captive could embolden his side and frighten the other. To reflect the effects of priests on morale the following rules are used in this supplement:

• Priests should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules. • Priests on your side can remove 2 morale pips per activation from an element with which

they are within base-to-base contact. • Priests who fight and win a melee battle cause three morale pips on the other side’s

leader. • However, Conquistadores are unaffected by priests and shamans for morale purposes.

2.5. Bola – Inca only The Inca used a three-ball bola as a weapon to both wound and immobilize an enemy. If

struck by a bola, in addition to possibly being wounded and stunned, a figure may be immobilized. Use the following rules for bola:

• Bola may not be used in close order. • An infantry figure receives two stun markers to represent the challenge of extricating

from the bola. While so wrapped up, any combat on his part is done with three shifts to the right. No defensive use of a shield is permitted by the entrapped warrior.

• Follow the procedures outlined in section 2.13.2 of the main rules for missile fire against cavalry. If the horse is hit by a bola, it is removed from the game.

2.6. Morale effects of Conquistador cavalry and war dogs/hounds on all New World peoples

The peoples of the New World empires had never seen a horse or large dog prior to the arrival of the Spanish. The largest Mesoamerican dog was a Chihuahua - and that small dog was raised for meat. When the Spanish arrived with cavalry and huge mastiffs it was unnerving to those opposing the Conquistadores. The Spanish had very few horses, but their effect was decisive. Most scenarios should not have more than one horse element for the Conquistadores. To reflect the effects of these animals on New World morale the following are used in this supplement:

• For war hounds:

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o One war hound can be added to any Conquistador element not armed with a black powder weapon with the appropriate point cost.

o Any war hound gets its own extra attack equivalent to an unarmed attack. • Successful war dog attacks add one additional morale pip in addition to the one for

damage. o Defenders can fight the war hound or its master – but not both. This has the effect of

causing the defender to choose a target. o War hounds have an endurance of 3 and move with their handlers. o If the war hound’s handler is incapacitated, the faithful mastiff will defend it from

capture until it is also incapacitated. War hounds cannot be captured themselves. • For horse cavalry:

o All horses may have some armor. If a horse is wearing armor and is struck, reduce the amount of damage by two for plate armor and one for non-plate armor, just as for soldier-worn armor.

o If the horse still takes damage (one or more points of damage), apply the results as indicated in Section 2.13 of the rules.

o Any successful horse cavalry attacks add two additional morale pips in addition to the one for damage.

2.7. Black powder weapons, crossbows, and their effects in the New World The peoples of the New World empires had never seen a black powder weapon or a

crossbow prior to the arrival of the Spanish. Early in the conquest, the firing of black powder weapons had an additional psychological effect on the peoples of the New World empires; however, due to the logistics of transportation, and the climate, a few other negative issues need to be addressed.

First, gunpowder was scarce, and the wet and humid climate often rendered what was available useless. Second, the logistics of transporting and storing black powder and adequate lead shot for arquebuses, harquebuses, and large and small cannon was also a challenge. Third, crossbows also suffered from these same climactic conditions, and bolts for them were also in short supply. Last, 16th century firearms were not overly reliable even under the most ideal conditions of Europe. The conditions of the New World of the time were more detrimental.

Most scenarios should have limited numbers of Conquistadores armed with black powder weapons and/or crossbows; however, to reflect that they were there, and their effects on morale, the following rules modifications are used in this supplement:

• Any fumble result (that is, any red text on the hit shields, regardless of what the text is or whether the weapon is a crossbow or a black powder weapon) results in a broken and non-functioning weapon for the remainder of the game. The weapon may be used as a club afterwards subject to the game master’s discretion; although, all Conquistadores would at least have a sword as a secondary weapon.

• The successful firing of a black powder weapon always causes the intended New World target to take two morale pips, even if no hit occurred. If a hit occurred, this results in a total of three morale pips.

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• Black powder weapons may affect adobe and wooden walls and gates, and war canoes as determined by the game master.

2.8. Eagle Warriors, Jaguar Warriors, and Arrow Warriors of the Aztecs The Aztecs had specialized elite warrior units in addition to the cuahchic shock troops.

The best promoted warriors could join the Eagle Warriors, the Jaguar Warriors, or the Arrow Warriors/Arrow Knights. These all wore specialized suits over quilted cotton armor.

Eagle and Jaguar warriors are armed the same but wear different costumes. They are armed with Melee weapons, usually macuahuitl, tepoztopilli, and cuauhololli, and have quilted cotton ichcahuipilli armor (under their dazzling outfits) and wooden helmets.

The Arrow warriors had two long javelin-like darts, and one would be held onto for melee combat as a spear, but the other could be thrown. All of these units should have Elite Guts. Similar to the cuahchic shock troops, all of these three types also have the berserker capability.

2.9. Cortes, Pizarro, and the Conquistador leaders Time and again Cortes and other Conquistador officers overcame incredible odds to

either win the day or survive to win on another day. Certainly, being hundreds of miles away from your home base (and thousands away from Spain), the Conquistadores did not break often. On many occasions, Cortes and Pizarro (second cousins by the way) both rallied their men and managed to hold out even when vastly outnumbered, achieving improbable victories. Of note, their New World allies also helped to save them as well at times (such as the Tlaxcalans).

To reflect this leadership:

• As an action, both Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro may remove up to three morale pips from each Element within eight inches as an action during their activation. This may result in more than three total pips removed if there are multiple Elements within eight inches of the leader. For example, if there were four Elements within eight inches of Cortes, he could remove twelve morale pips total, but no more than three per Element. No Element may have “negative” morale pips.

• As an action, any Conquistador Warband leader may remove up to three morale pips from one Element with which they are in base-to-base contact with at least one figure during their activation. This may result in no more than three total pips removed. No Element may have “negative” morale pips.

• As an action, any Conquistador Element leader may remove up to two morale pips from their own Element during their activation. This may result in the Element Leader not directing fire. No Element may have “negative” morale pips.

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2.10. The Aztec and Inca Emperors – the Huey Tlatoani (way-tla-toe-ani) and the Sapa Inca

These emperors (the Huey Tlatoani and the Sapa Inca) held their Empires together through force of will and loyalty of the troops under them. Similar to Conquistador leaders, both the Huey Tlatoani and the Sapa Inca can inspire their troops (by loyalty or dread fear) – only the effect is wider.

As an action, an emperor may remove up to six morale pips from Element within twenty-four inches of him during their activation. This may however only result in a total of six total pips removed per activation across multiple elements. For instance, if there were four eight elements within twenty-four inches, each with two morale pips, nor more than six total pips may be removed. No Element may have “negative” morale pips.

3. Weapons and tactics – New World Empires All of the New World peoples - the Aztecs of the Triple Alliance, the Aztecs of the

Aztec-Chichimec Alliance, the Mixtecs, the Zapotecs, the Tlaxcalans, the Maya, and the Inca all used different weapons and tactics. Each of these will be summarized in separate sections below. In any game, the Elements should be set up as the figures are armed (WYSIWYG).

3.1. The Aztecs of the Triple Alliance - Weapons The Aztecs of the Triple Alliance was the largest in Mesoamerica and had its capital in

Tenochtitlan. Historically, it was an alliance of three city-states – Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tecuba from 1428 AD onwards. They warred with many, many other kingdoms, some of which had slightly different warriors, tactics and organizations. The Aztecs of the Triple Alliance had a single emperor, and was bent on conquest.

Aztecs of the Triple Alliance Weapon Short Med. Long RoF Reach+ Damage

Unarmed -- -- -- -- 0

Obsidian Knife -- -- -- -- 1

Club/Torch -- -- -- -- 2

Macuahuitl (obsidian-bladed club/sword)

-- -- -- -- 2

Tepoztopilli (obsidian-bladed thrusting spear/pole-axe)

-- -- -- -- 5

Cuauhololli (Roundhead Wooden Club)

-- -- -- -- 2

Stone or Copper Hand Axe

-- -- -- -- 1

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Aztec “Morning-star” -- -- -- -- 2

Thrusting Spear or Dart (on foot)

-- -- -- -- 5

Atl-Atl (Spear thrower) 6 12 18 1 0

Arrow Darts (Arrow Warriors)

4 8 16 1 # 0

Thrown objects 1 2 4 1 0

Sling (see Rule 2.3) 3 6 12 1 0

Bow 7 14 28 1 0

Spear 2 4 8 1 + 5 # large javelin-like spears – may throw one and use one in melee

+ may only be thrown as many times as the figure has spears

3.2. The Aztecs of the Aztec-Chichimec Alliance - Weapons The Aztecs of the Aztec-Chichimec Alliance fought the Aztecs of the Triple Alliance as

they defended themselves over a period of a century from Triple Alliance conquest. Historically, it was an alliance of three city-states – Tlaxcala, Huexotzingo, and Cholula. However, in Mesoamerican history, alliances and enemies changed like the wind. Their uniforms and markings were slightly different, though like the Triple Alliance, they fought for the same resources, especially for food, and captives for slavery and sacrifice. The Tlaxcalans were a major ally of the Conquistadores, and were noted for their fast-firing bowmen. Hence their rate of fire is higher than the Aztecs of the Triple Alliance – and their forces should be more bow-heavy and atl-atl-heavy versus those of the Triple Alliance.

Aztecs of the Aztec-Chichimec Alliance Weapon Short Med. Long RoF Reach+ Damage

Unarmed -- -- -- -- 0

Obsidian Knife -- -- -- -- 1

Club/Torch -- -- -- -- 2

Macuahuitl (obsidian-bladed club/sword)

-- -- -- -- 2

Tepoztopilli (obsidian-bladed thrusting spear/pole-axe)

-- -- -- -- 5

Cuauhololli (Roundhead Wooden Club)

-- -- -- -- 2

Stone or Copper Hand Axe

-- -- -- -- 1

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Aztec “Morning-star” -- -- -- -- 3

Thrusting Spear or Dart (on foot)

-- -- -- -- 5

Atl-Atl (Spear thrower) 6 12 18 1 0

Arrow Darts (Arrow Warriors)

4 8 16 1 # 0

Thrown objects 1 2 4 1 0

Sling (see Rule 2.3) 3 6 12 1 0

Bow 7 14 28 2 ^ 0

Spear 2 4 8 1+ 5

# large javelin-like spears – may throw one and use one in melee

^ increased RoF versus others

+ may only be thrown as many times as the figure has spears

3.3. The Mixtecs and Zapotecs - Weapons The Mixtec (or “Cloud People”) and Zapotecs (or “The People”) both lived in the area of

the current Mexican states of Oaxaca, Guerrero and Puebla. They warred with each other, and were eventually allied against both the Aztecs of the Triple Alliance and later the Spanish.

Their uniforms and markings were different from the Aztecs, though like them, they fought for the same resources, especially for food, and captives for slavery and sacrifice. Their cities tended to be more fortress-like, making them tougher to conquer. They both used priests as battle captains, often in the flayed skins of their enemies (see section 2.4). Forces of the Mixtecs and Zapotecs should be more armed with the atl-atl and hand axes, with peasants with slings and bows in support.

Mixtecs and Zapotecs

Weapon Short Med. Long RoF Reach+ Damage

Unarmed -- -- -- -- 0

Obsidian Knife -- -- -- -- 1

Club/Torch -- -- -- -- 2

Stone or Copper Hand Axe

-- -- -- -- 1

Mixtec “Morning-star” -- -- -- -- 3

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Atl-Atl (Spear thrower) 6 12 18 1 0

Thrown objects 1 2 4 1 0

Sling (see Rule 2.3) 3 6 12 1 0

Bow 7 14 28 1 0

Spear 2 4 8 1+ 5

+ may only be thrown as many times as the figure has spears

3.4. The Maya - Weapons The Maya were located in the Yucatan and Central America, and were similar to the Aztecs of the Triple Alliance in terms of the practices of human sacrifice and unending war. Their city-states were at war with each other incessantly – and any invaders would face attack. However, they were very difficult to subdue (as both the Conquistadores and the Aztecs learned the hard way). This was partly a function of the different terrain of the Mayan’s homeland versus that of the Aztecs.

War was a means to gain captives for slavery and for sacrifice, and they did not campaign long in the field. Missile weapons were similar to those of the other Mesoamericans, except that the bow was not highly favored in warfare versus the atl-atl and sling. Alone among the Mesoamericans, the Maya were seafarers. Their melee weapons included a long thrusting spear, obsidian-edged clubs (similar to the macuahuitl), flint knives, and tridents made from turtle shells.

The Maya Weapon Short Med. Long RoF Reach+ Damage

Unarmed -- -- -- -- 0

Flint Knife -- -- -- -- 1

Club/Torch -- -- -- -- 2

Macuahuitl (obsidian-bladed club/sword)

-- -- -- -- 2

Thrusting spear -- -- -- -- 5

Stone or Copper Hand Axe

-- -- -- -- 1

Trident -- -- -- -- 5

Atl-Atl (Spear thrower) 6 12 18 1 0

Thrown objects 1 2 4 1 0

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Sling (see Rule 2.3) 3 6 12 1 0

Spear 2 4 8 1+ 5

+ may only be thrown as many times as the figure has spears

3.5. The Inca - Weapons The Inca were not in Mesoamerica – they were in the Andes, in modern day Ecuador,

Peru, and western Brazil. Until the Conquest, they never lost a battle, Unlike the Mesoamericans who wanted to capture enemies alive, the Inca wanted to kill their enemies. Their armies were well-disciplined and their culture very regimented. Petty warfare for human sacrifice was not their desire, only conquest and acquisition of land and resources.

Missile weapons included the atl-atl, the sling, and the bola. The bola had three balls that could deliver a nasty set of wounds. The bola could also wound and immobilize a foe (see section 2.5). The Inca could also use slings to launch bitumen covered flaming rocks. If using flaming rocks, the rate of fire is similar to that of an arquebus. Their melee weapons included a pole-axe, a “morning star”, a long thrusting spear, bronze-edged and bronze swords, and short and long axes.

The Inca Weapon Short Med. Long RoF Reach+ Damage

Unarmed -- -- -- -- 0

Bronze dagger 1 2 4 1 + 1

Club/Torch -- -- -- -- 2

Bronze edged or bronze sword

-- -- -- -- 2

Pole-axe -- -- -- -- 5

Stone, Copper, or bronze Hand Axe

-- -- -- -- 1

Inca “Morning-star” edged club

-- -- -- -- 3

Long axe -- -- -- -- 4

Atl-Atl (Spear thrower) 6 12 18 1 0

Thrown objects 1 2 4 1 0

Sling (see Rule 2.3) 3 6 12 2 ~ 0

Bola 3 6 12 1 0

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Spear 2 4 8 1 + 5

~ increased RoF versus others with regular rocks – flaming rocks take one turn to reload but do extra damage

+ may only be thrown as many times as the figure has daggers or spears

3.6. The Conquistadores - Weapons The Conquistadores weapons were technologically far advanced versus their foes in the

New World. The uses of steel, the horse, and gunpowder were completely unknown. The Conquistadores used many of the weapons in the main set of rules. These are summarized here for completeness, but there are some minor differences, such as sword use from a horse having a longer reach. Again, any misfire card pulled during the use of a crossbow or black powder weapon renders that weapon useless for the remainder of the scenario – except as a club if desired. As Conquistadores often had a sword as a secondary weapon, this should be a rare situation.

The Conquistadores

Weapon Short Med. Long RoF Reach+ Damage

Unarmed -- -- -- -- 0

Dagger 1 2 4 1 + 1

Club/Torch -- -- -- -- 2

Sword of Toledo Steel on ground

-- -- -- -- 3

Sword of Toledo Steel on horse

-- -- -- -- 4

Thrusting spear/pole-axe) -- -- -- -- 5

Pike -- -- -- -- 6

Thrusting Spear/Lance (on horse)

-- -- -- -- 5

Crossbow 6 12 24 1 † 0

Thrown objects 1 2 4 1 0

Arquebus/Harquebus 5 10 20 1 † 0

Falconet 10 20 30 1 † 0

+ may only be thrown as many times as the figure has daggers

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† Weapon requires one activation to reload.

4. Figure Characteristics and Point Values All of the forces of this era and theater were varied and for the most part not standardized

in terms of weapons, armor, organization, etc. The Inca were more standardized than the others. Also, the 28mm figures (made by different manufacturers) of these are also varied. I have decided to list the most common features of each of the figures of these armies, plus some guidance on how to incorporate them into Feudal Patrol™ system of Elements and War Bands. These are a guide – in general the figures weapons and armor should be used as they actually are. For example, a figure with medium armor and a helmet would not substantially be different from one without a helmet as far as point values go. However, in the game it might make a difference – but not enough to get extra layers of minutia. I have rounded the points to a quarter of a point per figure.

The armor of the empires of the New World was typically a thick braided cotton tunic called an ichcahuipilli (each-ca-wee-pee-lee). Sometimes the Conquistadores wore these, or leather armor, or steel, or a combination. For combat resolution, please use what is on the actual figure (WYSIWYG). For element building points, if you cannot find an exact match, just pick the closest similar type. An example could be the Tarascans, another enemy of the Aztecs whose weapons were similar to those of the Aztecs.

You can use these values below to choose individual figures and then incorporate them into Elements, Elements into Warbands, Warbands into Battle Groups, and Battle Groups into Armies as described in section 2.3 of the main rules. Think of the below as a menu that you can use to build the forces for this supplement, figure by figure; however, Elite figures should only be part of Elite unit elements of the same type. As an example, an Eagle Warrior would only be part of an Eagle Warrior Element, and not part of a Jaguar Warrior or veteran warrior element. Obviously, Elite Elements can be part of mixed Warbands and higher.

Leaders (such as Montezuma, Cortes, an Aztec General, or a War priest), and war hounds and falconets are additional items that can be added to an army, battlegroup, warband or element as appropriate.

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4.1. Aztecs of the Triple Alliance Unit G A M E R Armor Shield Notes Aztecs of the Triple Alliance, Leaders Montezuma (2 pts)

E 5 7 3 5 • The Huey Tlatoani – see section 2.10. • May remove up to six morale pips from each element of which they are within 24”. This may result in a total of six total pips removed. • Armed with an obsidian dagger • Wears cotton armor and a wooden helmet. • Should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules.

Aztec General or Captain (2 pts)

E 3 1 4 4

• Warband Commander or higher. • Armed with a macuahuitl, a shield, helmet, and an obsidian dagger. • Should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules

Aztec War Priest (1.5 Points)

E 5 5 3 5

• One allowed per Warband. • Armed with a macuahuitl, a shield, helmet, and an obsidian dagger. • Priests should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules. • Priests on your side can remove 2 morale pips per activation from an element that they are within base-to-base contact. • Priests who fight and win a melee battle cause three morale pips on the other side’s leader. • Conquistadores are unaffected by priests and shamans for morale purposes

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Aztec Warriors, Aztecs of the Triple Alliance Cuahchic (shock troops) (2.5 pts)

E 3 2 3 3

• Armed with a macuahuitl, a shield and an obsidian dagger. • May attempt to provoke an enemy into moving to charge them per Section 2.2. If there was a success, the opposing element’s next action must be to move towards the cuahchic at sprinting movement. • The cuahchic may become berserkers as described in Section 2.15 of the rules.

Eagle/Jaguar Warrior with macuahuitl (1.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a macuahuitl, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Eagle/Jaguar Warrior with a tepoztopilli (1.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a tepoztopilli, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Eagle/Jaguar Warrior with a roundhead club (1.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with roundhead club, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Eagle/Jaguar Warrior with an atl-atl (2.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with an atl-atl and a macuahuitl, a shield, and a helmet.

Arrow Warrior with arrow darts (2.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3 • Armed with two arrow darts (javelin-size), a macuahuitl, and a helmet.

Veteran Warrior with a macuahuitl (1.25 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a macuahuitl, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Veteran Warrior with a tepoztopilli (1.25 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a tepoztopilli, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Veteran Warrior with a morning star (1.25 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a morning star, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Veteran Warrior with an atl-atl (1.75 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with an atl-atl and a macuahuitl, a shield, and a helmet.

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Veteran Warrior with a bow and Medium armor (2 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a bow, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Veteran Warrior with a bow and light armor (1.75 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a bow, a shield, and a hand axe.

Veteran Warrior with a bow and no armor (1.5 pts)

R 4 4 3 5 • Armed with a bow and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a macuahuitl and light armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with a macuahuitl, a shield and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a macuahuitl and no armor (.75 pts)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a macuahuitl and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a tepoztopilli and light armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with a tepoztopilli, a shield and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a tepoztopilli and no armor (.75 pts)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a tepoztopilli and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a roundhead club and light armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with a roundhead club, a shield and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a roundhead club and no armor (.75 pts)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a roundhead club and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with an atl-atl and light armor (1.25 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with an atl-atl, a shield and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with an atl-atl and no armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with an atl-atl and a hand axe.

Novice Slinger and armor (1 pt.)

G 3 7 3 7 • Armed with a sling and a hand axe.

Novice Slinger and no armor (.75 pts)

G 3 7 3 7 • Armed with a sling and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a bow and medium armor (1.25 pts)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with a bow, a shield, a helmet, and a hand axe.

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Novice Warrior with a bow and light armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with a bow, a shield, and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a bow and no armor (.75 pts)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a bow and a hand axe.

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4.2. Aztecs of the Aztec-Chichimec Alliance

Unit G A M E R Armor Shield Notes Aztecs of the Aztec-Chichimec Alliance, Leaders Aztec-Chichimec Alliance General or Captain (2 pts)

E 3 1 4 4

• Warband Commander or higher. • Armed with a macuahuitl, a shield, helmet, and an obsidian dagger. • Should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules

Aztec-Chichimec Alliance War Priest (1.5 Points)

E 5 5 3 5

• One allowed per Warband. • Armed with a macuahuitl, a shield, helmet, and an obsidian dagger. • Priests should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules. • Priests on your side can remove 2 morale pips per activation from an element that they are within base-to-base contact. • Priests who fight and win a melee battle cause three morale pips on the other side’s leader. • Conquistadores are unaffected by priests and shamans for morale purposes

Aztecs of the Aztec-Chichimec Alliance, Warriors Elite Tlaxcalan Warrior with macuahuitl (1.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a macuahuitl, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Elite Tlaxcalan Warrior with a tepoztopilli (1.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a tepoztopilli, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Elite Tlaxcalan Warrior with a roundhead club (1.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with roundhead club, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

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Elite Tlaxcalan Warrior with an atl-atl (2.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with an atl-atl and a macuahuitl, a shield, and a helmet.

Veteran Warrior with a macuahuitl (1.25 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a macuahuitl, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Veteran Warrior with a tepoztopilli (1.25 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a tepoztopilli, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Veteran Warrior with a morning star (1.25 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a morning star, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Veteran Warrior with an atl-atl (1.75 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with an atl-atl and a macuahuitl, a shield, and a helmet.

Veteran Tlaxcalan Warrior with a bow and medium armor (2.25 pts)

R 4 3 3 5

• Armed with a bow, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe. • Increased RoF with bow.

Veteran Tlaxcalan Warrior with a bow and light armor (2 pts)

R 4 3 3 5

• Armed with a bow, a shield and a hand axe. • Increased RoF with bow.

Veteran Tlaxcalan Warrior with a bow and no armor (1.75 pts)

R 4 3 3 5

• Armed with a bow and a hand axe. • Increased RoF with bow.

Novice Warrior with a macuahuitl and light armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with a macuahuitl, a shield and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a macuahuitl and no armor (.75 pts)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a macuahuitl and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a tepoztopilli and light armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with a tepoztopilli, a shield and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a tepoztopilli and no armor (.75 pts)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a tepoztopilli and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a roundhead

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with a roundhead club, a shield and a hand axe.

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club and light armor (1 pt.) Novice Warrior with a roundhead club and no armor (.75 pts)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a roundhead club and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with an atl-atl and light armor (1.25 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with an atl-atl, a shield and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with an atl-atl and no armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with an atl-atl and a hand axe.

Novice Slinger and armor (1 pt.)

G 3 7 3 7 • Armed with a sling and a hand axe.

Novice Slinger and no armor (.75 pts)

G 3 7 3 7 • Armed with a sling and a hand axe.

Novice Tlaxcalan Warrior with a bow and medium armor (1.5 pts)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with a bow, a shield, a helmet, and a hand axe.

Novice Tlaxcalan Warrior with a bow and light armor (1.25 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with a bow, a shield, and a hand axe.

Novice Tlaxcalan Warrior with a bow and no armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with a bow, and a hand axe.

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4.3. Mixtecs and Zapotecs

Unit G A M E R Armor Shield Notes Mixtecs and Zapotecs, Leaders Mixtec/Zapotec General or Captain (2 pts)

E 3 1 4 4

• Warband Commander or higher. • Armed with a morning star, a shield, helmet, and a hand ax. • Should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules

Mixtec War Priest (1.5 Points)

E 5 5 3 5

• One allowed per Warband. • Armed with a morning star, a shield, helmet, and an obsidian dagger. • Priests should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules. • Priests on your side can remove 2 morale pips per activation from an element that they are within base-to-base contact. • Priests who fight and win a melee battle cause three morale pips on the other side’s leader. • Conquistadores are unaffected by priests and shamans for morale purposes

Mixtec/Zapotec Warriors Elite Mixtec Warrior with morning star (1.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a morning star, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Elite Mixtec Warrior with a hand axe (1.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a hand axe, a shield, helmet, and an obsidian knife.

Elite Mixtec Warrior with a spear (2 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a spear, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Elite Mixtec Warrior with an atl-atl (2.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with an atl-atl and a hand axe, a shield, and a helmet.

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Elite Mixtec Warrior with a bow (3 pts)

E 3 3 3 5

• Armed with a bow, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Veteran Warrior with a morning star (1.25 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a morning star, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Veteran Warrior with an atl-atl (1.75 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with an atl-atl and a hand axe, a shield, and a helmet.

Veteran Warrior with a bow (2 pts)

R 4 3 3 5

• Armed with a bow, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a hand axe and no armor (.75 pts)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a hand axe and an obsidian knife.

Novice Warrior with a spear and no armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a spear and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with an atl-atl and no armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with an atl-atl and a hand axe.

Novice Slinger and no armor (.75 pts)

G 3 7 3 7 • Armed with a sling and a hand axe.

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4.4. The Maya

Unit G A M E R Armor Shield Notes Maya, Leaders Mayan General or Captain (2 pts)

E 3 1 4 4

• Warband Commander or higher. • Armed with a either a morning star, trident, or a thrusting spear, a shield, and a flint knife. • Should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules

Mayan War Priest (1.5 Points)

E 5 5 3 5

• One allowed per Warband. • Armed with a either a morning star, trident, or a thrusting spear, a shield, and a flint knife. • Priests should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules. • Priests on your side can remove 2 morale pips per activation from an element that they are within base-to-base contact. • Priests who fight and win a melee battle cause three morale pips on the other side’s leader. • Conquistadores are unaffected by priests and shamans for morale purposes

Mayan Warriors Elite Mayan Warrior with morning star (1.75 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a morning star, a shield, and a flint knife.

Elite Mayan Warrior with a trident (2 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a trident, a shield, and a flint knife.

Elite Mayan Warrior with a spear (2 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a spear, a shield, and a flint knife.

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Elite Mayan Warrior with an atl-atl (2.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with an atl-atl a shield, and a flint knife.

Elite Mayan Warrior with a bow (3 pts)

E 3 3 3 5

• Armed with a bow, a shield, and a flint knife.

Veteran Mayan Warrior with a morning star (1.25 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a morning star, a shield, and a flint knife.

Veteran Mayan Warrior with a trident (2 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a spear, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Veteran Mayan Warrior with a spear (1.5 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a spear, a shield, and a flint knife.

Veteran Warrior with an atl-atl (1.75 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with an atl-atl and a hand axe, a shield, and a helmet.

Veteran Warrior with a bow (2 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a bow, a shield, helmet, and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a hand axe and no armor (.75 pts)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a hand axe and an obsidian knife.

Novice Warrior with a spear and no armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a spear and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with an atl-atl and no armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with an atl-atl and a hand axe.

Novice Slinger and no armor (.75 pts)

G 3 7 3 7 • Armed with a sling and a hand axe.

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4.5. The Inca

Unit G A M E R Armor Shield Notes The Inca Leaders Sapa Inca (Inca Emperor) (2 pts)

E 5 7 3 5 • The Sapa Inca – see section 2.10. • May remove up to six morale pips from each element of which they are within 24”. This may result in a total of six total pips removed. • Armed with a bronze dagger • Wears cotton armor and a wooden helmet. • Should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules

Inca General or Captain (2.5 pts)

E 3 1 4 4

• Warband Commander or higher. • Armed with a morning star, poleaxe, or bronze sword, a shield, helmet, and a bronze. • Should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules

Inca War Priest (1.75 Points)

E 5 5 3 5

• One allowed per Warband. • Armed with a morning star, poleaxe, or bronze sword, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger. • Priests should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules. • Priests on your side can remove 2 morale pips per activation from an element that they are within base-to-base contact. • Priests who fight and win a melee battle cause three morale pips on the other side’s leader.

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• Conquistadores are unaffected by priests and shamans for morale purposes

Inca Warriors Elite Inca Warrior with pole-axe (1.75 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a pole-axe, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

Elite Inca Warrior with morning star (2 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a morning star, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

Elite Inca Warrior with bronze-edged or bronze sword (1.75 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a bronze-edged or bronze sword, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

Elite Inca Warrior with a club or an axe (1.75 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a club or an axe, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

Elite Inca Warrior with an atl-atl (2.5 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with an atl-atl, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

Elite Inca Warrior with spear (2 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a spear, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

Elite Inca Warrior with a bow (2 pts)

E 3 3 3 3

• Armed with a bow, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

Veteran Inca Warrior with pole-axe (1.5 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a pole-axe, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

Veteran Inca Warrior with morning star (1.5 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a morning star, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

Veteran Inca Warrior with bronze-edged or bronze sword (1.55 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a bronze-edged or bronze sword, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

Veteran Inca Warrior with a club or an axe (1.5 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a club or an axe, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

Veteran Inca Warrior with an atl-atl (2 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with an atl-atl, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

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Veteran Inca Warrior with spear (1.75 pts)

R 4 4 3 5

• Armed with a spear, a shield, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

Veteran Inca Warrior with a bola (1.75 pts)

R 5 4 3 5 • Armed with a bola, helmet, and a bronze dagger.

Novice Warrior with a club and light armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a club and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a club and no armor (.75 pts)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a club and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a spear and light armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with a spear and a shield and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a spear and no armor (.75 pts)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with a spear and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with a bola and light armor (1 pt.)

G 4 7 3 7 • Armed with a bola and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with an atl-atl and light armor (1.25 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7

• Armed with an atl-atl, a shield and a hand axe.

Novice Warrior with an atl-atl and no armor (1 pt.)

G 5 7 3 7 • Armed with an atl-atl and a hand axe.

Novice Slinger and armor (1 pt.)

G 3 7 3 7 • Armed with a sling and a hand axe.

Novice Slinger and no armor (.75 pts)

G 3 7 3 7 • Armed with a sling and a hand axe.

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4.6. The Conquistadores

Unit G A M E R Armor Shield Notes Conquistador Leaders Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro (2.5 pts w/o horse, 4.5 pts with a horse)

E 3 1 5 3

• See section 2.9 on Leadership and Morale effects. • As an action, both Hernan Cortes and Francisco Pizarro may remove up to three morale pips from each element of which they are within 8”. This may result in more than three total pips removed. • Armed with a Toledo blade, dagger, shield, helmet, and medium armor. • Should be considered individual “Heroes” as described in the rules

Conquistador Officer with sword (2 pts w/o horse, 4 pts with a horse)

E 3 2 4 4

• Warband Commander or higher. • Armed with a Toledo blade, shield, helmet, and medium armor.

Conquistador Officer with arquebus (2.5 pts w/o horse, 4.5 pts with a horse)

E 3 2 4 4 • Warband Commander or higher. • Armed with an arquebus, Toledo blade, helmet, and medium armor.

Conquistadores Conquistador with a sword (1.75 pts w/o a horse, 3.75 with a horse)

E 4 3 3 3

• Armed with a Toledo blade, shield, helmet, and medium armor.

Conquistador with a poleaxe, pike, or spear (1.75 pts)

E 4 3 3 3 • Armed with a poleaxe, or pike, or spear, helmet, and medium armor.

Conquistador with lance or spear on horseback (3.75 pts)

E 4 3 3 3

• Armed with a lance or spear on horseback, helmet, shield, and medium armor.

Conquistador with a crossbow (2.25 pts w/o a horse, 4.75 with a horse)

E 4 3 3 3

• Armed with a crossbow, Toledo blade, shield, helmet, and medium armor.

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Conquistador with an arquebus or harquebus (2.25 pts w/o a horse, 4.75 with a horse)

E 4 3 3 3

• Armed with an arquebus or harquebus, Toledo blade, shield, helmet, and medium armor.

Conquistador Small Cannon or falconet Gun itself is 8 points, plus need to add crew)

E 4 3 3 3

• Includes cannon and crew. Crew are poleaxe, Toledo blade, shield, helmet, and medium armor. • See updated rules for cannon.

War Hound (.25 points)

R 10 3 5 3 • War hound fights as an extra unarmed trooper. • See section 2.6 on War Hounds

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4.6.1. Force Composition considerations in this supplement:

All Elements can be constructed as in the normal rules, that is as shown by the following from the main rules. In this supplement there are a few considerations to consider as you build Elements and War Bands. Aztec Elements:

• When novices are deployed in an Aztec Element, they must be “twinned” with a group of veterans as described in Section 2.1. That is to say that there are 5 veterans (including a leader) and 5 novices (using the same leader as the veteran) in a twinned Element.

• A non-Elite War Band would therefore have: o 1 Warband Leader o 2 Element Leaders o 10 Veterans (including the 2 Leaders) o Up to 10 Novices (with no separate Leaders)

• All other Aztec Elements are assembled as in 2-1 above. Other Element and Warband Considerations:

• Horses and War Hounds do not count towards Element construction limits.





War BandLeader

War Band

War Band

War Band

War Band

War Band


Battle Group

Battle Group

Battle Group

Battle Group

Battle Group



Figure 4-1: Basic taxonomy of units in Feudal Patrol (TM)

Figure 4-2: Example of Veteran and Novice "Twinning"

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• Leaders and War priests/shamans do not count towards Element construction limits. They are additional.

• All other Elements and are assembled as in 2-1 above. • An Element or Warband Leader must be of equal or greater point value than any other

figure in the unit.

5. Scenarios 5.1. Scenario 1: Raid to Satisfy Huitzilopochtli 5.1.1. Introduction

The Aztec conduct a raid of a neighboring village to gain captives for slavery and blood sacrifice. The defender may choose to be Aztecs of the Aztec-Chichimec Alliance, Mixtec/Zapotec, or Maya. The attacker gets 60 points that he may use to purchase troops composed of Elements and Warbands per The defender gets 26 points. This can be played with 2-4 players on a 6’ x 4’ table. Special Rules:

The attacker gets 60 points that he may use to purchase troops composed of individuals, Elements and Warbands per The attacker and defender select their forces before deployment. The attacker deploys first. Half of the attacking Elements must be deployed in zone 1, the other half in zone 2. Each zone is within 12 inches of the edge of his side of the table.

The defender gets 26 points that he may use to purchase troops composed of Elements and Warbands per The defender deploys second in the area from the fields’ edges to the village. He may not deploy in the village or the woods. Reinforcements

There are no reinforcements.

5.1.2. Situation

This is similar to a “Flower War” (see during which both sides deployed for a showdown.

5.1.3. The Map The green, cloud-like icons represent woods. The village is surrounded by a fence or wall that will stop missile weapons (wall cover icon on Action Deck cards). The field is surrounded by a hedge/wall structure that also gets the wall cover icon cover. The defender can deploy Elements in the fields or between the fields and the village.

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5.1.4. Time Limit

This scenario lasts 10 turns.

5.1.5. Victory Points

The attackers gain 5 points for each prisoner taken, 2 points for each enemy otherwise incapacitated, and 1 point for any enemy that run off the tabletop. The defenders gain 8 points for each prisoner taken, and 3 points for each enemy otherwise incapacitated, and 2 points for any enemy that run off the tabletop.

5.2. Aztec raid on the Conquistadores’ Brigantines: 5.2.1. Introduction

Cortes planned to return to Tenochtitlan and seize the city. In conjunction with his Tlaxcalan allies, he began construction of a canal to a building site supposedly safe from Aztec intervention. He then had recovered lumber hauled from his scuttled fleet at Veracruz to Texcoco in order to build several brigantines. With these, he hoped to amphibiously assault Tenochtitlan. This can be played with 4-6 players on a 6’ x 4’ table.

5.2.2. Special Rules:

The attacker gets 100 points that he may use to purchase troops composed of individuals, Elements and Warbands per The defenders select their forces before deployment. The Aztecs deploy first in the deployment area indicated on the map. The Conquistadors deploy

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second and must split their forces evenly between the three deployment areas indicated on the map.

The defender gets 50 points (25 for Conquistadores, and 25 for Tlaxcalans) that he may use to purchase troops composed of Elements and Warbands per Fifteen of the 50 Conquistador points are for reinforcements starting on turn 5. The reinforcements only deploy on a “Random Event” card. All the reinforcements arrive in the same are, either area one or two, determined randomly by the game maser.

Each side must choose at least two leaders for the battle, to include Cortes and Chichimecatecle for the defenders.

The Aztecs can set fire to the Brigantines by remaining next to them for 1 turn undisturbed by melee or missile fire. The Aztecs must deal with captured enemy as described in section 2.1 during this scenario.

5.2.3. Situation

The Aztecs are making a raid to destroy the brigantines before they can be assembled and floated down the canal under construction to Lake Texcoco. The number of brigantines can vary from 2-6. Chichimecatecle, the Tlaxcalan chief, helped with massive amounts of labor to both move the lumber and dig the canal. Meanwhile, Martin Lopez and Cortes had been supervising the construction of the brigantines.

5.2.4. The Map The green, cloud-like areas are woods. The dry, unfinished canal provides entrenchment cover to figures defending the banks of the canal. The gray rectangles are the unfinished brigantines.

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5.2.5. Time Limit

This scenario last ten turns.

5.2.6. Victory Points

The Aztecs can set fire to the Brigantines by remaining next to them for 1 turn undisturbed. The Aztecs win by setting fire to at least half of the brigantines. The Conquistadores win by preventing this from happening. There are no victory points for captured figures, though the Aztecs must deal with captives as described in section 2.1.

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