
The Civil War

Looking into the details

When and Why?

-The Civil War broke out in 1861 and lasted

until 1865

-Why the Civil War was started can be

debated, however the issue of slavery was the

central source of escalating political tension in

the 1850s.


The Union


The Confederate

The Union Soldiers

-Mostly white males from the age of 18-45

-Boys as young as 12 were serving as calvary

buglers or drummer boys.

-Occupations and education level ranged

widely in the Union during the civil war (men

with degrees marched along side men that

could not read or write).

The Union continued...

-Black men were able to serve as soldiers

starting in May of 1863 when the Bureau of

Colored Troops was established.

-It is estimated that over 400 women dressed

as men to serve in the army. A great example

is Jennie Hodgers who served in the 95th

Illinois as Albert Cashier.

The Confederate Soldiers

-Most soldiers were under 30

-Young boys under 18, served as drummer boys

-Black men could serve as armed soldiers in

1865, late in the war.

-More than half of the soldiers were farmers

even though (which only a small percentage

owned slaved)

The Confederate Continued...

-Educated and uneducated soldiers fought side

by side.

-The Confederate army was not as

technologically specialized as the Union was,

due to a larger focus on Agriculture rather

than a focus of industry.

Soldier Clothing

Politics during the Civil War

-After the cotton gin was invented, slavery

accelerated rapidly. This became a moral

issue for many people in the Union.

-People in the south wanted to bring slavery

west to grow more cotton in more fertile soil.

-The north wanted to keep the west a land for

the free.

Politics Continued...

-Abraham Lincoln became president and

desired first to “save” the Union and secondly

deal with slavery.

-After Lincoln became the president the south

rebels, due to the belief that Lincoln would

abolish slavery.

-Clear separation from north and south.


Music Continued...

-Mostly in the categories of christian,

freedom, war, and death.

-Bugles, drums, and fifes were the instruments

played to issue marching orders or to boost

the morale of the soldiers.

-Music was used as an outlet away from the

pain and suffering of the war.


-Abraham Lincoln saw value in religion for the

Union. on May 4th, 1861, he ordered all

regimental commanders to appoint chaplains

for their units (chaplain was expected to be an

ordained christian minister).

-Lincoln offered support to the United States

Christian Commission.

Religion Continued...

-The U.S.C.C was dedicated primarily to

spreading the Gospel in the Union armies.

-Jefferson Davis and his administration did not

support chaplains as much as Lincoln did for

the Union.

-Southern Christian leaders tried their best to

provide Bibles and tracts to the soldiers.

Religion Continued...

-Although Davis did not support religion within

the army as much as he could have, there

were some Confederate Military leaders that

encouraged the spreading of the Gospel

(Robert E. Lee, “Stonewall” Jackson, and

Leonidas Polk are some examples).

Religion continued...

-Some Confederate soldiers would form

reading clubs, in which the soldiers would pass

around a Bible.

-J. William Jones was known as the “Bible and

Tract man” because he gave Bible and tracts

out for free.

Slavery and Religion

-Debates over slavery often involved religious

views. Religious, especially of the protestant

denomination had their opinions on slavery.

-Some people that wanted slavery and some

people that thought it was wrong both used

versus in the Bible for back up.


Hardtack (hard “crackers”),

Salted meats

(mostly pig, but some beef),

coffee or tea. These were

some of the most popular

along with rice and beans.


"Civil War Culture." A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2014.

Food. What Did Civil War Soldiers Eat? Union Fare Hard “crackers” (n.d.): n. pag. Http://

curriculum-food.pdf. Web.

"Religious Revival in Civil War Armies." Great American History Civil War Religious Revivals. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

"[Suggestion] American Civil War (24 Sigs)." Battlefield Heroes â Free Shooter Game. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

"Who Fought?" Council on Foreign Relations. Council on Foreign Relations, n.d. Web. 11 Nov. 2014.

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