
Civics and EconomicsSOL Review

The electoral college meets to

25% 25%25%25%1. impeach the president.

2. appoint Supreme Court Justices.

3. choose the President.

4. override a President’s veto.

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In what document did the colonists declare that Great Britain no longer looked after their interests?

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25% 25%25%25%A. Mayflower CompactB. Declaration of

IndependenceC. Articles of

ConfederationD. Intolerable Acts

In the Declaration of Independence, Jefferson argued that

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25% 25%25%25%A. a government has the power to take away rights of citizens who criticize it.

B. the basic rights of any people are jobs and property.

C. a government that does not protect the rights of its people loses the right to rule.

D. no government should rule a place outside its borders.

Under the Articles of Confederation

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25% 25%25%25%A. each state had one vote in the law making house.

B. a President carried out the nations laws.

C. a national court system interpreted the nation’s laws.

D. the nation had a strong central government.

A weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that

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25% 25%25%25%A. states could not pass laws.

B. Congress had no power to enforce the laws it passed.

C. Congress had too much power.

D. additional states could not join the Confederation.

The United States Constitution contains

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25% 25%25%25%A. 10 amendments.B. 15 amendments.C. 27 amendments.D. 50 amendments.

One of the basic ideals of American government is that

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25% 25%25%25%A. government should be based on the consent of the governed.

B. majority rule can be overruled by Presidential veto.

C. the Constitution should be easily amended.

D. the executive branch should be the most powerful branch.

The ideal of government by popular sovereignty can best be expressed by citizens who

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25% 25%25%25%A. respect the opinions of their neighbors.

B. choose to practice a religion.

C. vote in elections.D. live in totalitarian


Written rules of behavior that enforced by government are called

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25% 25%25%25%A. ideals.B. amendments.C. rights.D. laws.

The people of a nation elect officials to govern for them in a(n)

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25% 25%25%25%A. a direct democracy.

B. absolute monarchy.

C. representative democracy.

D. totalitarian government.

Branches of Government

The branch of government that has the power to make laws is

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25% 25%25%25%A. the legislative branch.

B. the executive branch.

C. the judicial branch.D. the federal


The branch of government that has the power to interpret laws is

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25% 25%25%25%A. the legislative branch.

B. the executive branch.

C. the judicial branch.D. the federal


The branch of government that has the power to enforce laws is

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25% 25%25%25%A. the legislative branch.

B. the executive branch.

C. the judicial branch.D. the federal


To be elected President of the United States, a person must

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25% 25%25%25%A. have been a resident of the U.S. for 20 years.

B. be at least 45 years old.

C. be college educated.D. must be a natural

born citizen.

The term of office for the President is

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25% 25%25%25%A. 2 years.B. 4 years.C. 6 years.D. 8 years.

The writers of the Constitution established a two-house (bicameral) legislature in order to

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25% 25%25%25%A. provide equal representation in one house for all of the states.

B. streamline the process for which a bill becomes a law.

C. prevent Congress from imitating the British Parliament.

D. make it more difficult for Congress to declare war in the future

To ensure that the majority of all senators are experienced,

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25% 25%25%25%A. junior senators are elected for eight year terms.

B. only 1/3 of the senators are up for reelection every two years.

C. senior senators chair all committees.

D. all senators are guaranteed two terms in office.

The Supreme Court does NOT

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25% 25%25%25%A. serve as a final court of appeals.

B. have original jurisdiction in some federal cases.

C. interpret the Constitution.

D. have powers listed in the Constitution.

The Supreme Court can check the powers of the other two branches by

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25% 25%25%25%A. impeaching the President and/or the Speaker of the House.

B. ratifying laws passed by Congress.

C. declaring a law passed by Congress unconstitutional.

D. approving treaties signed by the President.

The President can check the power of Congress by

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25% 25%25%25%A. appointing members of

the cabinet.B. impeaching the Speaker

of the House.C. appointing committee

chairpersons in each house.

D. vetoing bills passed by Congress.

Federal, state, and local governments cooperate to

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25% 25%25%25%A. maintain an army and navy.

B. attract industry.C. enforce laws.D. set voting


The amendment process requires the involvement of

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25% 25%25%25%A. Congress and the states.

B. Congress and the President.

C. the President and the Supreme Court.

D. the Supreme Court and the States.

What would happen if a proposed amendment were NOT ratified by ¾ of the states?

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25% 25%25%25%A. It could be ratified by 2/3 of the states.

B. The President could ratify the amendment.

C. Congress could ratify the amendment.

D. The amendment would not be added to the Constitution.

You have just turned 18 years old. The first thing you will have to do before you are allowed to vote is:

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25% 25%25%25%A. take a literacy test.B. register to vote.C. join a political party.D. prove that you have

complete high school.

The Democratic and Republican parties do all of the following EXCEPT

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25% 25%25%25%A. organize at the local, state, and national levels.

B. raise money to pay for their expenses.

C. establish state qualifications for voting.

D. set up committees to carry out their parties’ programs.

Congress is in session and the President is given a bill to sign. She lets the bill sit on her desk for 10 days. It can be concluded that

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25% 25%25%25%A. the bill has become a law.

B. the bill has been vetoed.C. the bill will have to go

back to committee.D. both houses of Congress

will have to vote on the bill again.

For a bill to become a law, the

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25% 25%25%25%A. President must sign it.B. House and Senate both

must pass it.C. President must veto it.D. Speaker of the House

must approve.

The police can arrest

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25% 25%25%25%A. anyone they choose to.B. only people for whom

they have a warrant.C. only people indicted by

the grand jury.D. anyone for whom they

have probable cause.

When a person accused of a crime comes to trial, all of the following rights are protected EXCEPT the right

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25% 25%25%25%A. to question any witnesses called by the prosecution.

B. to tell a lie to protect himself/herself

C. to call witnesses.D. not to testify.

The juvenile court system assumes that young people

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25% 25%25%25%A. are unlikely to commit serious crimes.

B. should not be punished if they commit crimes.

C. are led into crime by older people.

D. need rehabilitation more than punishment.

Juveniles convicted in juvenile court may be sent to any of the following EXCEPT a

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25% 25%25%25%A. maximum security prison.

B. foster home.C. juvenile detention

center.D. training school.

The authority to administer and interpret the law is called

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25% 25%25%25%A. common law.B. jurisdiction.C. judicial review.D. administrative law.

The courts’ power to declare a law unconstitutional is known as

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25% 25%25%25%A. judicial priority.B. supreme

interpretation.C. judicial check.D. judicial review.

The law of supply states that

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25% 25%25%25%A. businesses will provide more

products when they can sell them at higher prices.

B. businesses will provide fewer products when they can sell them at higher prices.

C. consumers will purchase fewer products when they must buy them at higher prices.

D. consumers will purchase fewer products when they must buy them at lower prices.

The law of demand states that

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25% 25%25%25%A. businesses will provide more

products when they can sell them at lower prices.

B. businesses will provide fewer products when they can sell them at higher prices.

C. consumers will purchase fewer products when they must buy them at higher prices.

D. consumers will purchase fewer products when they must buy them at lower prices.

As a consumer, if the price of apples doubles and your salary remains the same, you would

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25% 25%25%25%A. buy more apples.B. buy the same number

of apples.C. buy fewer apples.D. buy more

complementary goods.

If the price of a product falls, producers will generally

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25% 25%25%25%A. offer less for sale.B. increase output.C. offer more for sale.D. hold a clearance sale.

Last Christmas, a popular toy was sold out all over town. When a local toy store received a shipment, it advertised the toy at twice its normal price. The store doubled the price due to

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25% 25%25%25%A. scarcity.B. competition.C. increased productivity.D. monopoly.

The former Soviet Union was primarily

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25% 25%25%25%A. a market economy.B. a traditional economy.C. a command economy.D. an even mix of all


All of the following are characteristics of a free market economy EXCEPT

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25% 25%25%25%A. economic freedom.B. government control.C. voluntary exchange.D. private property.

Karl Marx is known as the father of

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25% 25%25%25%A. capitalism.B. communism.C. the free market

economy.D. fascism.

The U.S. economy can be described as a

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25% 25%25%25%A. free market economy.B. a command economy.C. quota system.D. traditional economy.

Commercial and savings banks are forms of

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25% 25%25%25%A. the Federal Reserve System

B. financial institutions.

C. credit unionsD. sole proprietorships

Money is

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25% 25%25%25%A. a means of exchange.B. printed by the Internal

Revenue Service.C. a medium used for

barter.D. a substitute for credit.

A three year old girl receives a doll for her birthday. After she plays with the doll for a short time, the girl breaks one of the doll’s arms and exposes a sharp metal connecting piece. Concerned, the girl’s parents contact the

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25% 25%25%25%A. Department of Commerce.

B. Consumer Product Safety Commission.

C. National Institute of Standards and Technology.

D. Truth in Packaging and Labeling Commission

To keep prices from rising, the Federal Reserve may

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25% 25%25%25%A. try to increase the growth of the money supply.

B. purchase government bonds from banks.

C. try to slow down the growth of the money supply.

D. keep the money supply constant.

Deposits in commercial banks are protected by the

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25% 25%25%25%A. Securities and Exchange Commission.

B. Federal Reserve Bank.C. Federal Deposit

Insurance Corporation.D. Resolution Trust


During periods of inflation

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25% 25%25%25%A. banks voluntarily lend less money.

B. people can buy less with their money.

C. unemployment is always low.

D. more people are able to save money.

A nation’s standard of living is the well being of its population based on the amount of goods and services

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25% 25%25%25%A. the population can sell.B. owned by the

government.C. the population can

afford.D. available.

A risk taker in search of profits is called a(n)

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25% 25%25%25%A. capitalist.B. entrepreneur.C. economist.D. a conspicuous


Why are entrepreneurs important in a free market economy?

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25% 25%25%25%A. Entrepreneurs don’t pay

taxes.B. Entrepreneurs limit the

amount of goods and services available.

C. Entrepreneurs decrease employment.

D. Entrepreneurs start new businesses.

In China, which has a command economy, the purpose of government is to

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25% 25%25%25%A. prevent imports.B. encourage the

formation of privately owned corporations.

C. promote economic freedom.

D. make major economic decisions

What type of economy recently collapsed in the communist block countries of Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union?

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25% 25%25%25%A. a traditional economy.B. a command economy.C. a market economy.D. a free market economy.

A customer has a charge account at a leading department store. When he receives his bill, he pays of the amount on the bill. As a result

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25% 25%25%25%A. he will have to pay the balance within thirty days.

B. he will be charged interest on the unpaid portion of his bill.

C. the department store will close his account.

D. he will not be able to make any more purchases until he pays off the bill in full. 

Americans save money in all of the following ways EXCEPT

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25% 25%25%25%A. buying luxury items on sale.

B. investing in certificates of deposit.

C. buying stocks.D. buying bonds.

There will probably continue to be a high demand for

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25% 25%25%25%A. agricultural workers.B. machine operators.C. unskilled laborers.D. law enforcement


The price paid to use another’s money is called

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25% 25%25%25%A. dividends.B. interest.C. principal.D. stocks.

If an investor wants to lend money to a private or public corporation, she will purchase

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25% 25%25%25%A. stock.B. bonds.C. certificate of

deposit.D. promissory notes.

The gross domestic product is used by economists to

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25% 25%25%25%A. measure how well the

economy is doing.B. analyze the national

system of mass production.

C. measure how well retailers are doing.

D. track the purchasing habits of consumers.

The indicator that measures changes in prices for common items is called the

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25% 25%25%25%A. gross domestic product.

B. consumer price index.C. gross national

product.D. index of leading

economic indicators.

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