  • 8/14/2019 City Profile Santa Ana and Orange County 1924 by Linn L. Shaw Realtor


    382 The P'eal,t! Bl, e Book ol Caliloruia$#flfd, Y:*fr#":*o dailynewspapersnda charnberf cohmerce. . We have 201 rnanulaclu.ring lanls doing an anDualbusiness Ieigh y m llion dottarc.wir h a pa1..rolof ton niition dottail. 'O;; .;";;bankswith ^f if tJ-fvemil l iondeposils"na "n *nu^t "t"r"un"" oi iuit3i"s"d5idY"0'0:T"llJJ"fl-#;'U1dii"'"""::'o',i:e""',;':*p,eflocrwlth sixly-tbur cities having a populabion of o"ne t unareaKJ":X|*,;"T?1";Yt,;Sil5rff&'#lIjlou B 'dn and.oa

    OrangeCountyand SantaAnaB3rLrNN L. SHAW, RdJror

    A WONDERLAN.Dof resources.which producesfrom its soil,/:a lore. wetth.llan any similar area in the worlcl_oranse. uounry. t-rooabty he onty county n Calii"orniawhich has ocneap andsro oner; leads Jleworld in produciion l Valenciaoranges.English walnuls.andsugar. eers. i igt ty aer"fop"a .e"iinlgrowrng ealrhulryand rapidty offaring plendidnducements; therrxvssroratner Lhan-the pe.ulator. ith unl imjted pponunjiv olqeveropmenr,.af lrcularly long ndustrialand commprnialinei: agrsrr orr reglon.wlthal the bestof Cali lomia's l imaie o aaldas apremium to all its other advantagesand allurements, and y"i, "#"?:i;:ff*T:,:"tl'i:,iil,'f :;f,f;H'iil"lxl"""l7t+,*t"*ljn";iTiili,ii,i;,i.ifl'fi',ry"i,i"'i,,i""Jrl',li'ii,lll!;ru;r+gilr",I*l+l:maJorproducl,,measured y dollars,nd cents, s.oil, while the prod_:i '"ti;b,lTfl:i;: u,"siilfl.,#:ilTflli"*,,",ffj,i",n3"i"ff;"ilfll'il,i11T,J^1,li""ifx""T,?i,.q#i:"J*"1T":liTi"ll

    Within the limits of Orange counry are iwo great commercialffi liirtlf:.I!:l; h;,,xi1li;i.i?',"ilil".,lX,f,irtffirli*et$i$i."Jl':l#-fffrlfr':#its"'liH'ili*rui:i4f""r"",ili'"fxi:tlfHt*"lf,#"i.'"iht$ftj*]f",]:#li*"tffil*""ild1t",ff,[.i;i,:Tri i;x***,s]ii,xil-,,J'ilu"Jlflf,'llilfil'inT""H""ilix""ff"ifl,",i.*,i1i*T""$3:i:'J"il"Tli'"Ji**iti":"ili]:{:'i$,,iflill,xi"t**li;*lilt}

  • 8/14/2019 City Profile Santa Ana and Orange County 1924 by Linn L. Shaw Realtor


    The Re(LItltEhLeBoak al CalilorLiathirty rniles o{ *-h:rr-ves. -{ million dollars has ,ileady been expenaledoD a breakw:rter at the entrance:ud the dtedgirlg of a foltl mile" i n n n n rn . l d a . o g n r l a r ' \ ' 1 \ l I l l - n i g b a . i " I i F I . p " r . r d , a f o r d _.n E s r l e n r . . s d : p r r J d r l o ' : r g p n r ' t r } l . . r . j . f a . d b , , g e s . W i l hploper dcvelopnent this h:ubor is oDc of lhe glcatesl commercialassetsof Olnnge countt. This shonld not be delayed; ils completion\rould be of inestiruble benefit to this region, rendaring praciicablecomnrelci:rl nnd iDdustr.ial gl.r\rth for the entile r'egion.. . S \ \ T a . A \ I i s L 'a . o r , n r \ p j l r . r c i t l . o f : i . r r u 0 u u t , I . i o , , , $ i r hbnnl dFpositsol or.r gl: .000.00n .the s,1nnl .)o:pm iq unpr-. e l a d . ; . l u d i n s a - r , . c j . r ,i . " n rP u t \ 4 . , ' . . , j . g t . . t u u i p l o u t s p i " n J , drlrrr.oI rglr sr ' l 'ooi. ,l d l$r l fa gjr.nnj l t cr.hool. . .Lt i lo c t- nroet.F:si n s o c a " q a . . i l a . S . n ' 1 A r i , L , . i n g h F i | | t r , , . , t \ . ' , p s r ; . . , \ \ i ra U r , r l d r r j ' , o r n l n . ' u i j l i , ! " o \ " . f i v " r ' ;1

    " '( l o ' n ' ^ r . I - t , . , s rr ' p r f .Located on the statc high$-ay betweenLos Ang.elesand San iiego, thetourist t avel thmgh Santa ADa is heryr'':rnd constnnt.llhlee grcat railr.aj. sysiems serve the city, an(l a s pre,paling to ioin in its development. There :ue fine hotels, clubs iDdtheatres, ard th _socialife is of a high ot,der'. Santn Ana is regardaclas the cornmerci:rl nettopolis lbl the Orangc coulll region, anal s oneof the rnost beautifLil horne cities in Catifolnin; it is tlhe ahr],salis ofa comme]'cialcenter,of suchvealth that it is at tjh ront rank of Caii_f " , n i n . i i a . i i , r l : : I p . t . . r D . i , l r i . u , t r t , , , ! . 0 . l l s l , t - r , d i d. ; n d sr ' . d i : f r , r y o : . l l p . , ' q u f S o u . t , r , rc i l t i t u i . ' , n : " , , r , d i . L i r l . n n r h er. ior;oxsPirc:fr. pn.h n ci ] prFf irp, l Lr Cod. 1i" , \ , f .d L, l . Un"l" ;l J r ' l rs a u ts p o | | \ . ' l s f l p n , l i , l . \ o o . - . . u t , s n d n d g e . . h . . i r y . h . . 1 .a r r F n d !g r . e s r n . t t p p r ' o m i F p , j r l , r l , r f " g n a l . . c n f . r . t , . r o n d i t sparent 's ondcst hopes.Ir :r word, Santa Anr is destired to becomeone of the gr.eatcitieso{ the coAsl,by adding to its manufactudng and irdustriai-resources.Ne\r entryrises as well as coDsl.antella|g:ement of its ot

  • 8/14/2019 City Profile Santa Ana and Orange County 1924 by Linn L. Shaw Realtor


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