  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    2015 Budget at a Glance

    Maintaining Momentum An Affordable CityA Caring CityA Sustainable CityA Prosperous City

  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    Budget highlights

    The 2015 budget provides the foundation from which City Council can continueto invest in and build a city that is affordable, caring, sustainable and prosperousfor all residents. It maintains investments in the ongoing major projects that arecurrently reshaping and improving our city, while setting the course towardsmeeting the future needs of residents and businesses.

    While this budget builds on the Citys momentum of progressing toward a moreliveable city, it also includes funding to address the current needs of residents byimproving mobility, supporting a new crime prevention strategy and increasingaffordable housing to address the needs of our most vulnerable residents.

    The budget provides stability for City Council as it establishes its 2015-2018 Termof Council Priorities this spring. The priorities are the framework in which the

    City will continue to develop sound and fiscally responsible plans for 2016 andbeyond.

    2015 budget will deliver:

    An Affordable City

    n Hold the line on current spending, while keeping tax revenue increases to1.75 per cent the lowest increase in eight years, which translates to a

    2 per cent increase for a residential property.n Limit the Rate-Supported Water and Sewer Charge increase to

    6 per cent, as approved in the latest Long Range Financial Plan.

    n Freeze garbage fees for the third consecutive year.

    n Limit the average OC Transpo fare increase to 2.5 per cent, while alsoproviding a $4.2-million investment in new and improvedservice including increasing bus routes and approximately 5,700 more

    Para Transpo trips.

    n Reduce 20 full-time equivalent (FTE) City positions , excluding OttawaPolice Ser vices. This will be the fourth consecutive budget that reduces thenumber of FTEs for a total of 228 since 2012.


  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    A Caring City

    n Fund a strategy for crime prevention and gang activity .

    n Increase funding for maintenance of Ottawa Community HousingCorporation assets.

    n Enhance and increase funding for the Adult School Crossing GuardProgram .

    n Deliver funding for commemoration of the victims of the tragic September2013 bus-train collision.

    n Involve the City in the renewal of the Ottawa Pride Festival .

    A Sustainable Cityn Support the 2013 Ottawa Cycling Plan , which will see the expansion and

    improvement of cycling networks and multi-use pathways across the city tomake cycling a safe and convenient option for residents.

    n Move the Ottawa River Action Plan forward with the construction of thecentral storage tunnel, putting in place the last elements of funding fromfederal partners to match investments from the City and Province.

    n Increase funding for tree planting by $125,000 to 1.3 million.

    A Prosperous City

    n Modernize Ottawas transit system through Light Rail Transit (Stage 1and Stage 2) .

    n Continue the construction of the Confederation Line , the light-rail transitline from Blair Station to Tunneys Pasture, which is the backbone of the Citys

    planned light rail network.n Prepare for the transition from construction of the Confederation Line to

    full operation in 2018.

    n Launch the Western T ransitway expansion as the City continues to seekfunding for Stage 2 of the Light Rail Transit system that will extendto neighbourhoods in the east, west, and south.


  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    New Term of Council Priorities

    Early in 2015, City Council will develop a City Strategic Plan for the four-year(2015-2018) Term of Council that will provide the framework for Council andCity staff decision-making and guide future budgets. It will ensure City programsand services continue to address the changing needs of the community.

    Since the Term of Council Priorities will be finalized after the 2015 budget isadopted, funding envelopes of $5.4 million in the City Managers Office budgetand $32 million in the capital budget have been identified to fund newlyestablished Strategic Initiatives. This totals an investment of $37.4 million.These envelopes allow for flexibility over the coming year to ensure public fundsspent correspond with priorities once they are set.

    The Strategic Initiatives are expected to include:

    n Housing and homelessnessn The Citys transit plann Neighbourhood road safety, including pedestrian and cycling mobilityn Ottawa 2017 Celebration of Canadas 150 th birthdayn Economic development, specifically the growth of tourism and small

    businessesn Ottawa River cleanupn Increasing forest covern Accountability and oversight on spending, procurement and contract

    managementn Accessibility initiativesn Energy managementn Arts and culturen Recreation services


  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    Property Tax ImpactUrban Home Rural Home Commercial Property

    Average Assessment Average Assessment Average Assessment$355,000 $355,000 $283,100

    Area 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015

    City Wide 2,138 2,183 1,975 2,016 3,268 3,306

    Police 542 553 542 553 827 841

    Transit 577 589 174 177 890 906

    Garbage Fee 82 82 82 82 - -

    TOTAL 3,339 3,406 2,773 2,828 4,985 5,053$ Change 67 55 68

    % Change 2.00% 2.00% 1.37%

    Property Tax Revenue Changes





    2008 2010 2011 2012 2013


    2.45 2.392.09








  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    An Affordable City

    Effective budget management is a delicate balance between providing residentswith optimal service, programs, building or renewing necessary infrastructure andholding the line on rising inflationary and operational costs to minimize theimpact on the taxpayer. This budget takes a fiscally responsible approach tomaking Ottawa a liveable and vibrant city that is well positioned nationally andinternationally to meet the challenges of the 21 st century. Tax RateThis budget holds the line on current spending and maintains the trend of thepast few years in stabilizing tax-rate increases at lower levels. It proposes a1.75 per cent tax revenue increase the lowest in eight years, which translatesto a 2 per cent increase for a residential property.

    City staff will be reviewing the 2016 to 2018 operational plans for each service

    area and identifying measures that need to be implemented in order to ensure thatCouncils target of keeping the annual tax revenue increase to 2 per cent or lesscan be achieved.

    Transit FaresBudget 2015 proposes to limit the average OC Transpo Fare increase to2.5 per cent, while also providing a $4.2-million investment in new and improvedservice, including adding approximately 5,700 more Para Transpo trips.

    Water and Sewer RateThis budget proposes capping the water and sewer increase at 6 per cent translating into a $48 per year increase for each household. The water and sewerrate is in accordance to the City of Ottawas Long Range Financial Plan to financecapital projects, the Ottawa River Action Plan, and manage aging water and sewerinfrastructure.

    Recreation User FeesOver the past four years, recreation fees have remained unchanged, while the costof delivering these programs and facilities has increased. This budget proposes tolimit the fee increase to 2 per cent with an effective date of either May 1 orSeptember 1, depending on the program.

    Garbage FeesIn 2013, the garbage fee was reduced by 11 per cent from $93 to $82 for eachOttawa household. Budget 2015 proposes that this lower rate remain in effect fora third consecutive year.


  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    A Caring City

    As Ottawa moves towards becoming a more livable city as a result ofinfrastructure and transportation investments, the 2015 budget demonstrates theCitys ongoing commitment to addressing the current needs of all residents in our

    community. The budget provides support for Ottawas most vulnerable residentsby removing barriers that prevent inclusion and by protecting the health andsafety of all residents.

    Affordable Housing and HomelessnessThe budget continues the Citys $14 million commitment towards its 10-yearHousing and Homelessness Plan, in addition to increased funding of $3.1 millionfor the maintenance of the Ottawa Community Housing Corporation assets. Acapital investment of $19 million for affordable housing is also proposed.

    Guns and Gangs Exit StrategyIn 2013, Ottawa Police Services reported that the crime rate in Ottawa decreasedby 11 per cent. The reduction of break and enters led the way with a 20 per centdrop. While these figures demonstrate that Ottawa remains a safe community, aspike in gang-related gun violence between members occurred in 2014.

    This budget contains $400,000 to allow the City to work in partnership withOttawa Police Services and Crime Prevention Ottawa to determine and developan effective exit strategy for gang members including employment and trainingstrategies.

    Neighbourhood Road SafetyAs the City continues to build and improve our transportation network, theamount of traffic on our roads and the way we use them is changing. The 2015budget allocates funding for road safety infrastructure that is tailored to meet thespecific needs of each ward, which will promote safety among all road users(cyclists, pedestrians, motorists).

    The strategic budget funding envelope will allot funding to ward-based,

    community road safety initiatives that will enhance the safety of roads. A fundingincrease will also augment the Adult School Crossing Guard Program.


  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    AccessibilityThe 2015 budget will continue the necessary funding to ensure the City ofOttawa meets the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with DisabilitiesAct. The provincial legislation legally requires Ontario organizations to meetspecified accessibility standards under five areas: customer service, employment,information and communications, transportation and the design of public spaces.

    In addition, a number of accessibility initiatives will be assigned to the StrategicInitiative budget allotment, including funds to retrofit various city assets.

    A Sustainable City

    Ottawa is renowned for its abundant greenspace and the easy access residentshave to natural environments within and around the city. The budget continues

    to uphold a vision of a sustainable and healthy community that protects ournatural environment and preserves and increases greenspace. It providesinvestments that encourage an active lifestyle and provide residents with multiplesafe and convenient options for getting around the city.

    CyclingThe budget will continue to support the 2013 Ottawa Cycling Plan, which willexpand and improve our cycling and multi-use pathways and will close gaps inour transportation network. Connecting pathway networks between communitieswill make it safer and easier for residents to bike or walk to where they want to goin the city.

    Among other projects, the 2015 budget includes funding for consolidating theEast-West Bikeway, widening Greenbank Road, ongoing construction of thepedestrian and cycling bridge over the Rideau River to connect Somerset andDonald Streets and the completion of the pedestrian and cycling bridge overHighway 417 near Coventry Road.

    Ottawa River Action Plan (ORAP)The Ottawa River and our many waterways are part of our communitys heritageand scenic beauty, essential for our daily consumption, and are an invaluablehabitat for thousands of species of fish, birds and mammals. The budget willcontinue funding the Ottawa River Action Plan and efforts to protect the OttawaRiver and the 4,500 kilometres of waterways including four major rivers, fourmajor tributaries and hundreds of creeks and streams that run through thiscommunity.


  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    Much work has been completed since ORAP started in 2010. With thelonger-term, multi-year project continuing, projects will continue to build onthose achievements, including an 80 per cent reduction in combined seweroverflows into the waterways. The budget also allots funding to help moveforward with the construction of the central storage tunnel, a project aimed atfurther reducing runoff and protecting the purity of the Ottawa River. The finalelements of funding will be put in place from federal partners to match that ofthe City and Province.

    Tree ProgramsIn addition to the Citys forestry efforts with tree planting in new communitiesand replenishing the many areas and neighbourhoods that were ravaged by theEmerald Ash Borer, the City of Ottawa will also partner with Ecology Ottawa forTree Ottawa a special community effort to plant one million trees by 2017. Theforestry budget has been increased by $125,000, resulting in a total $5.6 million

    funding for trees.

    A Prosperous City

    The 2015 budget provides continued and strategic funding for key capital andoperational projects that create a liveable Ottawa and a strong, diverse economythat attracts investment, tourism, and an experienced and talented workforce.

    Light Rail Transit (Stage 1 and Stage 2)The budget continues ahead on the modernization of Ottawas transit system by:

    n Continuing the construction of the Confederation Line, the light-rail transitline from Blair Station to Tunneys Pasture.

    n Planning the transition from construction to full operations including farecontrol and operational control centre.

    n Going forward with the Western Transitway expansion.


    Continuing to work on the Stage 2 plan of the enhanced transportation systemto reach neighbourhoods in the east, west, and south.


  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    Tourism and Welcoming the World in 2017Funding will continue to support the Citys "Bid More, Win More, Host More"economic development strategy, showcasing Ottawa on the national andinternational stage. Major events hosted here attract tourism and investment tothe local economy.

    Funding is also included to host a Tourism Summit in 2015 to develop long-termgrowth strategies for Ottawas third-largest industry. Each event also buildsmomentum, setting up Ottawa as the national centre of attention for Canadas150 th birthday celebrations in 2017.

    Redevelopment of Arts Court and Ottawa Art GalleryThe budget will fund the redevelopment of Arts Court and the Ottawa Art Gallery,with work beginning this year. This is a major centrepiece in the Rideau Street ArtsPrecinct of Ottawas centre core, cultivating the citys local art, culture and talent.Arts and culture accentuate the quality of life in any major city, and this will be akey feature to attract and retain business, investment and talent into our localeconomy.

    Innovation Centre at BayviewWith economic resiliency and diversity being keys to our citys growth, the budgetwill continue to fund the economic momentum built from the efforts of InvestOttawa. The commencement of the Innovation Centres development will expandthe current works of Invest Ottawa for incubation and support of new start-ups andentrepreneurs. This budgetary funding is a key investment to the backbone to oureconomy: small businesses, which are major contributors to job growth in the localmarket.

    Investing in Our Future

    The City continues to invest in infrastructure that is essential to our ongoingprosperity by renewing our existing assets and building new infrastructure that willresult in a more livable city by 2031. Work is underway on the Confederation Linelight rail transit project, which is the most ambitious infrastructure project

    undertaken by the City since the construction of the Rideau Canal.The 2015 budget proposes $689.1 million in tax-and-rate supported capital projectsacross the city . Of that total, $448 million consists of city-wide projects and$241 million for projects that are ward specific or span several wards.More than half the total capital budget is allocated to investing in the renewal ofroad, water and wastewater assets.


  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    City-wide Projects Include:n $122 million for wastewater services, including $105.5 million for renewal of

    wastewater treatment assets and $9.2 million for stormwater managementretrofits.

    n $104.9-million investment in transit services, including $60.6 million forrenewal of transit assets, including bus refurbishments, Transitway projects andsignals. There is also $4.2 million for 2014 and 2015 for increased bus service,Para Transpo trips and the Trillium Line.

    n $45.3 million for renewal and growth of various City water treatment assets.

    n $43.2 million for transportation services, including $18.6 million for city-wideroad resurfacing, $2.4 million for major street lighting replacements and $2.8million for new traffic control devices.

    n $32 million for Strategic Initiatives to be determined by City Council.

    n $19-million capital investment in affordable housing.

    n $15.7 million for renewal of fleet assets.

    n $9.1 million for solid waste investments, including $7 million for landfillcapping.

    n $4.9 million for renewal of Paramedic Services assets.n $2.7 million for renewal of security and emergency management assets,

    including $2.35 million for a new corporate radio system.

    n $2.5 million for renewal of fire service assets.

    n $2.5 million for renewal of Parks, Recreation and Culture assets.

    n $2.1 million for a Library Strategic Initiative for the radio frequency

    identification (RFID) project.n $1.7 million for renewal of the City of Ottawas Information Technology


    n $1.3 million for lifecycle renewal of the Tree Program.

    n $403,000 for renewal of Long Term Care assets.


  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum


    10.6%Ottawa Police Services9.5%

    Ottawa Public Library1.6%

    Public Health1.8%

    CapitalFormation Costs8.9%


    Transit Service15.6%

    General Government7.1%

    Parks, Recreation, Cultural& Building Services


    Emergency &Protective Services


    Planning, Building Code& Community Sustainability


    Community & Social Services13.2%

    Housing Services5.2%

    Solid Waste2.2%


    Federal/Provincial/Municipal Grant17.0%

    Payment InLieu of Taxes6.1%

    Fees & Services Charges25.3%


    Property Taxes


    2015 Tax Supported Revenue$3.073 Billion - By Funding Sources

    2015 Tax Supported Expenditures$3.073 Billion - By Services


  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    Budget Process and Public Consultation

    The annual budget guides how the City will fund projects, programs and servicesfor the year to come. The publics input in the budget process is essential toensuring that the budget reflects the needs of Ottawa residents. There are severalkey dates in the budget process and many ways you can have your say.

    February 4Tabling of the 2015 operating and capital tax-supported budgets.

    February 17 to March 5All Standing Committees, Boards and Commissions meet to consider their 2015budgets. Public delegations are invited to attend these meetings.

    March 11

    Council will consider for approval 2015 budget recommendations received fromall Committees of Council and relevant Boards at its regularly scheduled CityCouncil meeting on Wednesday, March 11.


  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    How You Can Have Your Say on The 2015 Budget

    1. Attend one of the four regional bilingual public consultations

    Central District Monday, February 9 7 to 9 p.m. City Hall, Andrew S. Haydon Hall 110 Laurier Avenue West, Ottawa

    West District Tuesday, February 10 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Holy Trinity Catholic High School


    180 Katimavik Road, Kanata

    The Central District consultation will be available live in French on TV Rogers,Cble 23.

    It will air in English on Rogers TV, Cable 22 on Tuesday, February 10 at noon andagain on Thursday, February 12 at noon.

    The Central District consultation will include assistive listening devices andsimultaneous translation. The East District consultation will include simultaneoustranslation. If any accessibility requirements, such as ASL sign languageinterpretation or CART services, are needed, please call the Citys AccessibilityCoordinator at 613-580-2424, ext. 16654, or email [email protected].

    If you are unsure about which consultation to attend, contact your City Councillorsoffice.

    2. Register as a public delegation at a Standing Committee, Board or Commission

    budget review meeting

    Members of the public can make a five-minute presentation to StandingCommittees, Boards and Commissions at meetings taking place from February 17to March 5. Presentations on specific subjects must be brought to the StandingCommittee, Board or Commission that is responsible for that subject.

    South DistrictWednesday, February 117 to 9 p.m.Nepean Sportsplex, Hall A1701 Woodroffe Avenue, Nepean

    East DistrictThursday, February 127:30 to 9:30 p.m.Shenkman Arts CentreRichcraft Theatre

    245 Centrum Boulevard, Orlans


  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum

    To register in advance of the meeting or to find out which meeting you shouldattend for the subject you want to address, contact the relevant CommitteeCoordinator through or by calling 3-1-1.

    Presenters are encouraged to provide a copy of their presentation electronically inadvance of the meeting. All meetings will be held at Ottawa City Hall, 110 LaurierAvenue West, Champlain Room.


    Environment Committee Tax-supported Tuesday, February 17, 9:30 a.m.

    Transit Commission Wednesday, February 18, 9:30 a.m.

    Community and Protective Services Committee Thursday, February 19, 9:30 a.m.

    IT Sub-committee Monday, February 23, 2 p.m.

    Police Services Board Monday, February 23, 5 p.m. Planning Committee Tuesday, February 24, 9:30 a.m.

    Audit Committee Thursday, February 26, 9:30 a.m.

    Public Health Board Monday, March 2, 5 p.m.

    Finance and Economic Development Committee Tuesday, March 3, 9:30 a.m.

    Ottawa Public Library Tuesday, March 3, 5 p.m.

    Transportation Committee Wednesday, March 4, 9:30 a.m.

    Agriculture and Rural Affairs Committee Thursday, March 5, 9:30 a.m.

    3. Contact your City Councillor

    4. Email [email protected]

    5. Tweet @ottawacity using hashtag #ottbudget

    6. Call 3-1-1 (TTY: 613-580-2401) or fax 613-560-2126Rural residents call 613-580-2400

    For full information on the 2015 budget, visit


  • 8/9/2019 City of Ottawa Budget at a Glance 2015


    Maintaining Momentum formats and communication supports are available upon request.

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