Page 1: CITY CENTER PARISHES...She took care of everyone in her family: her sister who returned home a Ler a failed marriage, her brother who ended up in prison, and a nephew born out of wedlock



Page 2: CITY CENTER PARISHES...She took care of everyone in her family: her sister who returned home a Ler a failed marriage, her brother who ended up in prison, and a nephew born out of wedlock


More informa on to follow in next week’s bulle n.

CITY CENTER PARISH OFFICE 164 Washington Place Pi sburgh, PA 15219 Reverend Christopher Donley, Administrator—cdonley@diopi .org

Reverend John Odeyemi, Parochial Vicar—jodeyemi@diopi .org Deacon Samuel Toney—stoney@diopi .org

In Residence : Rev. Edward Bryce Monsignor Ronald Lengwin Rev. Augus ne Wayii

                Business Manager— Chuck Goetz Email: [email protected] Administra ve Assistant and Safe Environment— Priscilla Davis Email: [email protected] Administra ve Assistant – Cindy Goetz Email: [email protected]

Congratula ons to our newly married couple: Kathryn Bly and Mark DeVita (Church of the Epiphany) Congratula ons to our newly bap zed: Vera Cox, daughter of Ma hew and Keri

SAINT BENEDICT THE MOOR 91 Crawford Steet Pi sburgh, PA 15219 Phone: 412-281-3141 Fax: 412-471-1345 Email: [email protected] Music - Antonia Long

CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY 164 Washington Place Pi sburgh, PA 15219 Phone: 412-471-0654 Fax: 412-471-1345 Email: [email protected] Music - Dr. John Raevens

SAINT MARY OF MERCY 202 Stanwix Street Pi sburgh, PA 15222 Phone: 412-261-0110 Fax: 412-471-1345 Email: [email protected]

Outreach Staff - Carole Clifford Music - A.R. Valle a Red Door ‐ Heidi Po er Maintenance - Ray Krivanek

Special Second collec on November 2 – 3 The collec on will help the Archdiocese for the Military Services and its priests bring the Church’s full range of pastoral services to the men and women in uniform, as well as their families, and pa ents in the na on’s VA medical Centers. Archdiocese depends en rely on private giving to serve those who serve.



Date Time Church Loca on

10/31 5PM Saint Mary of Mercy

11/1 6:30AM Saint Mary of Mercy

11/1 7:30AM Saint Mary of Mercy

11/1 Noon Saint Mary of Mercy

11/1 12:05PM Church of the Epiphany

11/1 6:30PM Saint Benedict the Moor

11/2 Noon Saint Mary of Mercy

11/3 10:30AM Saint Benedict the Moor


Saint Mary of Mercy After the 8AM Mass

Saint Benedict the Moor After the 10:30AM Mass

Church of the Epiphany After the 5PM Mass

Page 3: CITY CENTER PARISHES...She took care of everyone in her family: her sister who returned home a Ler a failed marriage, her brother who ended up in prison, and a nephew born out of wedlock


A Message from Fr. Chris,

As many of you know, I o en encourage the faithful to get to know five saints. With the Solemnity of All Saints being cele-

brated this me each year, I thought this would be a good me to remind everyone to form a rela onship with the saints.

Recently, Pope Francis canonized five new saints for us to turn to in our prayers and in our lives. This is the first part of a

two-part series that will talk about who these new saints are. Who knows, maybe one of them will enter your top five?

Dulce Lopes Pontes Her secular name was Maria Rita, and she was born in Salvador de Bahia in 1914. A er her mother died, she went to live with her aunts. When she was 13, they took her to visit one of the poorest areas of the city. Maria Rita was so struck by what she saw that she began dedica ng herself to the poor and needy of her neighborhood. Maria Rita was par cularly devoted to Saint Therese of the Child Jesus and felt a strong calling to religious life. She said she was ready to perform the "small acts of love" that Jesus transforms into great works. A er entering the Congrega on of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Concep on of the Mother of God, she became Sister Dulce, her mother’s name, and spent her me a ending to the local poor and des tute. Eventually she founded the Sao Francisco’s Workers Union and opened a clinic, a library, a school and even a cinema for the poor. As Sister Dulce’s reputa on grew, so did the number of people seeking her help and a en on. She started out housing them in abandoned buildings in a rundown area of Bahia, known as “Rat Island”. A er a series of evic ons, Sister Dulce’s Superior said she could use the henhouse a ached to the convent, on condi on she took care of the chickens. She did: by feeding them to her sick pa ents. That chicken coop was later to become the present-day Santo Antonio Hospital, a 1500-bed health care centre specializing in cancer treatment. Sister Dulce herself developed serious respiratory problems and had to spend 16 months in that hospital. It was there that Pope John Paul II came to visit her while he was on a trip to Brazil in 1990. The President of Brazil had already nominated her for the 1988 Nobel Peace Prize, in recogni on of her work with the Charitable Works Founda on of Sister Dulce, which she founded in 1959.The "Mother Teresa of Brazil", as she was known, died on March 13, 1992 at the age of 77. Pope Benedict XVI proclaimed her Blessed on May 22, 2011.

Marquerite Bays Marguerite Bays was born in La Pierraz, in the Swiss canton of Fribourg, in 1815. She was the second of seven children and grew up in a farming family. When she was 15 she began her appren ceship as a seamstress, a skill she prac ced all her life. Marguerite used to pray the Rosary regularly and a ended daily Mass, paying frequent visits to the Blessed Sacrament, and invi ng everyone she met to join her in prayer. She spent all her free me working in the parish, where she taught catechism to the children, visited the sick, took care of the poor, and all those people she thought of as "God's favorites". This life of ac ve apostolate led her to join the Franciscan Third Order, now the Secular Franciscan Order, in 1860. Her profound spirituality caused many people to ask Marguerite why she did not enter the convent. Instead, she understood that her place was at home, and her way to holiness lay in her daily service to her family. This choice did not always make things easy for her. When her elder brother married her housemaid, Jose e, Marguerite had to suffer the harassment of her sister-in-law who did not understand her prayer life. Marguerite endured everything in silence, and when Jose e was dying, the only person she wanted by her side was Marguerite. She took care of everyone in her family: her sister who returned home a er a failed marriage, her brother who ended up in prison, and a nephew born out of wedlock who she brought up single-handedly. In 1853, when she was 35, Marguerite was operated on for intes nal cancer. The treatments were very invasive, and she prayed to Our Lady for healing and for a different understanding of suffering. When Pope Pius IX proclaimed the dogma of the Immaculate Concep on, on December 8, 1854, both of her prayers were answered. From then on, Marguerite was forever bound to the figure of the suffering Christ on the cross. She developed the s gmata, the crucifixion wounds of Jesus, on her hands, feet and chest. At first she kept it secret, but the news soon leaked out. On Fridays and during Holy Week, she would fall ill or experience moments of ecstasy. Gradually the pain became more and more intense, and on June 27, 1879, Marguerite died. Pope Saint John Paul II proclaimed her Blessed on October 29, 1995.

Page 4: CITY CENTER PARISHES...She took care of everyone in her family: her sister who returned home a Ler a failed marriage, her brother who ended up in prison, and a nephew born out of wedlock

Please pray for those who have requested our prayers: Jerry Barry, Laurie Bozik, Robert Dougherty, William Egger, Richard Gazzam, Katherine Gross, Margaret Hurney, Marva Josie, D.M.K., Barbara Kuhn, F.M.M., Jessie Marsh, Patricia Morra, Daniel Murphy, Dennis Murphy, Jus n Murphy, Jean O’Hanlon, Mary Ann Pacini, Clara Jane Roy, Marianne Wisdom Oines, C.Z.R., Sr. Mary Ann Troup, Elsie Urban, Bill Vergot, Derrick Gardener, Leah Lindenfelser, Diane and Jim Foley, Elizabeth Kochin

CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY 86th Interna onal Rosary March

Addi onal pictures were submi ed from the 86th Interna onal Rosary March which was held on October 6 at Epiphany Church.


Television Ministry The daily Mass at Noon at Saint Mary of Mercy is televised and can be viewed seven days a week on Comcast channel 95 in the Greater Pi sburgh area or at www.chris Pi sburgh’s Faith and Family channel 40.9 also carries it Monday-Saturday.

OFFERTORY 10/20 First Collection - $1,728.95

10/20 World Mission Sunday - $586.57

Red Door Ministry: Those in need can receive a bagged lunch Monday through Saturday from 10:30 AM-11:30 AM The actual Red Door is located on the Boulevard of the Allies. New Hours Tuesday - Friday 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM and Saturday 8:00 AM-12:00 PM

OFFERTORY 10/20 Collection $1,779.00

10/20 World Mission Sunday $400.00


Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist, Lectors and Ushers are needed on Sundays at the 9 AM and 5 PM Masses. Please contact Pat Wilson at 412-527-0465 for more informa on.

***All volunteers must be in compliance with the Diocesan Safe Environment Policy. ***

Reminder-Offertory Loose Checks If a loose check is placed in the collection basket, please include a notation in the memo line: Regular Collection, Parish Share, Maintenance, or Diocesan Collection.

It's a delight to take a moment to reflect on the Red Door Ministry's longest serving volunteer, Kathy Pren ss. She would be the first to chuckle if it were touted that she were the "oldest" volunteer, because besides Kathy's tremendous and generous work ethic, she also has an amazing and joyful sense of humor! Kathy has served at the Red Door for approximately 28 years and has many fascina ng and heart-warming stories to tell about the ministry's venerable history. When Kathy first began volunteering in the early 1990's, there was a wai ng list of volunteers and the ministry was then managed by Vincen an Sister Marilyn Malacki. Kathy started serving as a "floa ng volunteer", and because of this, she met and worked with most of the Red Door volunteers across the five-day schedule. Kathy reports (with a smile) that she soon came to know how passionate people could be about the correct amount of mustard as well as proper cheese alignment on a sandwich! At that me, Sr. Marilyn ran two shi s of morning volunteers and would collect dona ons from downtown restaurants and bakeries. Sr. Marilyn would ask the Red Door clients to help her gather the dona ons, and Kathy shared, "she would traipse across Market Square with four or five guys struggling behind her with boxes of food." She added, "it was a great and inspiring thing to watch as the clients were so happy to help." Finally, a er several years of floa ng, Sr. Marilyn invited her to fill in on Wednesdays for a

volunteer who had taken sick leave... she quickly became a "regular" and Kathy says the posi on was worth wai ng for! Kathy currently serves as a regular volunteer on Thursdays and readily shares that it is her "honor to do so." Thank you, Kathy, for your many years of faithful and dedicated service to the Red Door ministry. You are a true gi ! Thank you, too, to your husband Mike who has been a constant support in your volunteer efforts as well as a volunteer himself from me to me as needed. May God con nue to bless you both abundantly as you seek to serve Him in your life and through your service at the Red Door! “Do not grow slack in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord. Rejoice in hope, endure in afflic on, persevere in prayer. Contribute to the needs of the holy ones, exercise hospitality.” Romans 12:11-13

Page 5: CITY CENTER PARISHES...She took care of everyone in her family: her sister who returned home a Ler a failed marriage, her brother who ended up in prison, and a nephew born out of wedlock

African American History

During the late nineteenth and the early twen eth century, Philip Bell Downing successfully filed at least five patents with the United States Patent Office. Among his most significant inven ons were a street le er box. A li le over a year later, on October 27, 1891, his two patents for a street le er box gained approval. Downing’s design resembled the mailboxes that are now ubiquitous, a tall metal box with a secure, hinged door to drop le ers. Un l this point, those wishing to send mail usually had to travel to the post office.


PRAYER LIST...KEEPING FOLKS BEFORE THE LORD Be y Bell, Gordon Bullard, Edward Davis, Dolores Denton, Carol Derewcz, Grace Dixon-Kizzie, Patricia Ellis, Debra Foster, Woody Frazier, Ann Fultz, Richard Gazzam, Janet Glass, Brenda Glenn, Helena Harris, Harold G. Heim, Jr., Osaruyi Osasere Igbineweka, Billy Jenkins, Sandra Johnson, Sean Kraus, Tiffany Livsey, Aisha Lado, Andrew Lyke, Ruth McCartney, Sherry McGinnis, Todd Ma ei, Be y Muse, Josephine O’Connor, Ira Ri er Sr., Mary Samuels, Gene-vieve Sanford, Debbie Sturm, Vincent Tucker, Barbara Tucker, Lyle Williams, Margaret, Leslie Wilson, Regina Zelik, Sager McDill FMM, DMK, Vic ms of Abuse

Vagabond Missions

OFFERTORY 10/20 $4,227.50

Theresa Randall 10/28 Kemberly Stevenson 10/31

Madelyn Olivia Rubin 10/28 Keith Davis 11/1

Marisol Valen n 10/28 Dena Young 11/1

Donald Finch 10/30 Reginald Cox 11/2

Olivia Eke 10/31


This past month, Vagabond Missions has been so kindly welcomed in by the Saint Benedict family. It has been such a blessing to

transi on into some of the rectory space here at Saint Benedict's and to have a central hub for our missionaries in Pi sburgh to

meet regularly. We have had really awesome moments in our Sharpsburg and Garfield loca ons the last few weeks. One of the

ways our missionaries serve the community is by bringing the teens together every week on Tuesday nights for an outreach youth

night. These evenings include dinner, music, games, a me to talk about God, and end with prayer together. These nights help

build fellowship between teens and develop trust; they are simple examples of living life alongside the youth in the neighborhood.

Whether we’re smashing bananas, guessing candy bars, praying for a loved one or difficult situa on, or learning about our need for

a rela onship with Jesus - these nights are a blast. Our loca on in Allentown is new this year! The missionaries have started bring-

ing kids over to Garfield for the outreach night so that the teens can see what will become part of their community. Last week, they

brought along 5 new teens who absolutely loved it! Please con nue to keep us in your prayers, as well as the teens we serve. If

you’re interested in ge ng involved and learning more about the mission, please visit our website, or contact Shannon Kea ng

at [email protected]. We also spend an hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays from 10:30AM-

11:30AM here at Saint Benedict's and we'd love for you to join us some me! We are so thankful to be a part of this community,

and look forward to the many more ways we can grow in Christ together. Thanks and God bless!

Ministries Commission Sunday, November 3

Sunday School and Sacrament Prepara on classes Children PreK through Confirma on age will begin Sunday, November 3 following the 10:30 AM Mass. Classes will meet on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month. Catechists include: PreK-1st Grade: Chris Hsu First Communion: Julie Mondello 3rd-4th: Charelise Davis 5th-6th: Damitra Penny 7th-Confirma on: Lisa Joy Finch If not currently registered, call the church office at 412-281-3141.


Please go to the link below to read an ar cle published in Triblive by two of our parishioners, Thomas Reiter and Victoria Betsill: Black Catholics’ Faith inspires in challenging mes. h ps:// ps%3a%2f%2 mes%2f&c=E,1,dR9XUEMeZpc4WGtT2ZcLV9aeprsKJ-5SQ0j6Z9CIuhRBsKMrV9UMaUIobhsPiGWRvxEhJMZBqLxted-w5AXqJ5xl5dPO3mOk2ZLeWsCA7HFrf&typo=1

Page 6: CITY CENTER PARISHES...She took care of everyone in her family: her sister who returned home a Ler a failed marriage, her brother who ended up in prison, and a nephew born out of wedlock

CONFESSIONS: CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY Monday and Friday 11:15 AM-11:45 AM SAINT MARY OF MERCY Monday through Friday 11:00 AM-11:45 AM NOVENAS: CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY Saint Rita, Mondays a er 12:05 PM Mass Sorrowful Mother, Fridays a er 12:05 PM Mass SAINT BENEDICT THE MOOR Begins 9 weeks prior to Feast Day after Sunday Mass SAINT MARY OF MERCY Miraculous Medal, Mondays after 12:00 Noon Mass

Saturday, October 26

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Phebe Aubry †

4:00 PM Saint Mary of Mercy August and Frances Beck †

Sunday, October 27 Thir eth Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Ellen Marie Brosnan †

9:00 AM Church of the Epiphany Evelyn Brennan Donovan † (Joyce and Ed)

10:30 AM Saint Benedict the Moor Herma and Sco Henderson+ (Patricia Ellis)

10:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Salvatore Gaetano DiBacco † (Godmother/Aunt Gracey DeIuliis)

5:00 PM Church of the Epiphany Eileen Meyer "Sisteck"† (Kenneth and Chris ne and Kellie)

Monday, October 28 Saints Simon and Jude Apostles

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Members of Michalski Family

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Dorothy Schnabel †

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Claude e Brearley † (Eileen and Joe Sisca)

12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Laurence Winter † (Rev. Christopher Donley)

Tuesday, October 29

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy August and Frances Beck †

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy John and Mildred Burke † (Bud and Karen Burke)

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Eileen Marie Brosnan†

12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Eileen (Babe) Ferris † (Family)

Wednesday, October 30

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Daniel G. Higgins Sr. †

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Sharon Roche †

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Dorothy Schnabel †

12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Mary Lou Leopardi † (Debbie and Dino)

Thursday,October 31

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Maha Basil † (Rick and Ann Valdes)

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Kelly Kemp †

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Joseph DeIuliis † (Gracey DeIuliis, Sister)

12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Kenneth Cook Hahn, Jr. † (Cynthia Hahn Yothers)

5:00 PM Saint Mary of Mercy People of Saint Mary of Mercy Parish

Friday, November 1 All Saints

6:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Betrose and Petriga Families †

7:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Connie Vaskov † (Judi and Joe N.)

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Kenneth Bonenberger † (Bill and Nancy Boneberger)

12:05 PM Church of the Epiphany Richard Ferris † (Family)

6:30 PM Saint Benedict the Moor For the People of Saint Benedict the Moor

Saturday, November 2 The Commemora on of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls'Day)

Noon Saint Mary of Mercy Kathleen Reola † (Family)

4:00 PM Saint Mary of Mercy Hugh and Catherine Crawford † (Grandchildren)

Sunday, November 3 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

8:00 AM Saint Mary of Mercy August and Frances Beck †

9:00 AM Church of the Epiphany Carol D. Bucci † (Debbie and Dino)

10:30 AM Saint Benedict the Moor Helen Watson † (Keith and Brenda Younger)

10:30 AM Saint Mary of Mercy Helen McKeegan †

5:00 PM Church of the Epiphany Stella Olsheski † (Sylvia Duffy)

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