Page 1: Circler Magazine - February 2016


spring 2016

Children in Need

Circlers having a ball

80 years of Ladies Circle

& so much more!

Time To Grow Circle...together we can make it bigger & better!

CARINGWe are a caring charity; we care about bringing you a handcrafted wish that is right for you, your circumstances and at a time when it can be enjoyed as much as possible. We care about the important role of families in the life of the child or young person, whatever their shape and size. No two children or families are the same, so no two wishes are the same either.

Round Table Children’s Wish is a Registered Charity in England & Wales (1060225).

Handcrafted wishes for children with life-threatening illnesses

For further information contact us on:

Call 01202 514515 Email [email protected] Visit

Page 2: Circler Magazine - February 2016


winter 2014

UPCOMING TANDEM SKYDIVES27th April & 14th September 2014Sibson Airfield, PeterboroughTAKE THE CHALLENGE - CALL OR EMAIL FOR DETAILS:

T: 01327 220045 E: [email protected]

Charity No.

Ladies on SafariProudly on ParadeJoin the Fundraising Frenzy& so much more!...

Girls just want to have fun… at home and on tour!


summer 2014


Making A Splash!

Come Dine With Us

Ladies Go Global

& so much more!...

Fun, Friendship

and Fundraising...

Circle's for "One and All"!!

Style yourself from head to toe

in our Berkshire Boutique


14/07/2014 09:10

Happy New Year everyone! Welcome to the first issue of 2016.

2015 was a fabulous year for Circlers, read on to see how many Circles made headlines locally and nationally.

This presidential year it’s all about ‘TIME TO GROW’ Circle. Communication is a key factor in doing this; Facebook and Twitter give prospective members a way of seeing what you are all up to in your local areas, so keep the status updates going!

I hope you enjoy the magazine and don’t forget, once you have read it, pass it on to a friend/work colleague. Hopefully they will see all the fun we have in Ladies Circle and want to join us.

See you all soon,

Lara xxxLara LachelloNational Media & PR Officer 2015-17 [email protected]

The magazine of the National Association of Ladies Circles of

Great Britain & Ireland

All press enquiries to:Lara Lachello - Media & PR

e: [email protected]:

Circler Magazine is published twice a year by Zest! Graphics Limited

t: 01527 457404e: [email protected]


Printed by The Lemon Press Limited t: 01527 510262

FOLLOW US ON FACEBOOK: Search for Ladies Circle

Great Britain and Ireland


a message from the editor...

Your circler magazine is now even easier to share! Simply download the latest version from and forward on to your friends, community websites and Facebook groups. Enjoy!!



january 2015

Circler SpooktacularFestive FundraisingHaving a Ball& so much more!...

Team Work Makes The Dream Work...we are Ladies Circle Great Britain & Ireland!!


26/01/2015 12:41

CARINGWe are a caring charity; we care about bringing you a

handcrafted wish that is right for you, your circumstances and

at a time when it can be enjoyed as much as possible. We care

about the important role of families in the life of the child or

young person, whatever their shape and size. No two children

or families are the same, so no two wishes are the same either.

Round Table Children’s Wish is a Registered Charity in England & Wales (1060225).

Handcrafted wishes for children

with life-threatening illnessesFor further information contact us on:

Call 01202 514515

Email [email protected]



july 2015


Circlers take over Aviemore

Rocking Around the Clock

Fun, Friendship & Fundraising

& so much more!...

What you waiting for...

it's Circle Time!


31/07/2015 13:36

Dear all

Time flies when you're having fun and it's been great meeting members, prospects, ladies who are interested in starting new clubs (how exciting!) and “welcoming" new members with my Presidential Challenge (each new member is to give the programme of their new club to at least three friends who have no involvement in Circle and pick an event they want to join in with). I have loved listening to all your ideas and views about what we should be doing in the future over the past eight months. It's no secret how

much I love Ladies Circle and I'm so honoured to be serving as your

President. You're all doing a fantastic job in growing our association so

that others can enjoy and experience some of the fantastic opportunities our

association offers.

My goals for the year were to assist you to: Sustain and grow Ladies Circle

(membership), Think about trying different things in your Circles, Think about a programme which suits your circle and to Think about media (Internet, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and video clips to name a few) and I have been so excited about how you have been growing circle. We have had 182 new members registered between May to December 2015 and circa 17 new Circles in the pipeline - yippee.

Thank you to everyone who was able to attend and support my Presidential Ball, which raised

money for Round Table Children’s Wish. Without my Presidential Liaison Committee this would not have been

possible and I would like to thank them for putting on a fabulous event.

There is still time to raise money for Round Table Children’s Wish via my presidential merchandise - available through There are also other useful links and information on my site so please take a look. Being part of the Round Table Family, while there has been such devastation due to the recent flooding, has shown how we can all work together within our communities; which makes me feel very proud of all your hard work. We had a great September Council Meeting - held for the first time at Marchesi House, Round Table Britain & Ireland headquarters - and the exec and I were so pleased to have 24 Areas out of 26 represented, plus over 30 observers. It was a little cosy to say the least, but there was a great atmosphere! The morning concentrated on the past and the afternoon on the future via discussion groups, a different format to normal.

I am looking forward to seeing all members of the four club family at our AGM in Cardiff.

Yours in friendship and service Zoë xZoë GaskillNALC National President 2015-16

e: [email protected]

a message fromthe national president...

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Ginny Vorwerg - Exec. Admin

spring 2016


Greetings from your National Executive Team

Interesting stats about your National Exec? Match the team member to the fact!

1 I was once on Record Breakers

2 I had a cricket scholarship to uni, first female ever in the UK

3 I’m double jointed in my hands & wrist - and can still do the splits!!

4 I swam 1500m in the Thames in 35 minutes

5 I have written a number of ‘saucy’ pieces which are published online

6 Olly Murs used to be my client

7 I competed at the first ever Henley Women’s Regatta

8 Ainsley Harriott has sung to me and cupped my face with his hands!

Answers can be found on page 23.

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Do you know of a child or young person with a life-threatening illness who would benefit from a wish?Round Table Children’s Wish grants “handcrafted” wishes for children, aged between 4 and 17, who have a life-threatening illness.

A wish means a great deal to a child who has undergone the trauma and upset associated with a life-threatening illness. From giving them a precious memory, to rewarding their bravery or simply bringing some normality into their lives a wish can mean so much to a child and their family.

Do you know that anyone can refer a child to us for a wish?

Provided that a child or young person meets our criteria, and they have not received a wish before, we will do what we can to make their wish happen and bring a little joy into their lives. Anyone can make a referral and we receive these from lots of different people; GPs to Social Workers, relatives, friends and even local people volunteering within their communities.

Want to know more?

Contact the charity by calling 01202 514 515 or emailing

Round Table Children’s Wish is a Registered Charity in England & Wales (1060225).

Make a donation by texting RTCW14 and the amount you would like to give to 70070. For further information contact us on:

Call 01202 514515 Email [email protected] Visit Handcrafted wishes for children

with life-threatening illnesses

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Ladies Circle GB&I Celebrate being fabulous since 1936

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Where did it all start?

Across the UK and no doubt around the world too, the name Louis Marchesi is revered within Round Table. He was the man who nearly 90 years ago, was inspired by a speech by the then Prince of Wales, in post Great War Britain and decided to create a club specifically aimed at YOUNG men in our society, and call upon them to make a difference to their communities.

Less than 10 years later, the wives and long standing girlfriends (the word ‘partner’ back then was reserved solely for business partners) of those early Tablers decided it was time for them to have some fun too. And so in 1932 in the town of Bournemouth the first group of women met and formed the first ever Ladies Circle who helped organise the Round Table Conference. In 1936 eight Circles had come to fruition Manchester, Hastings, Liverpool, Middlesborough, Wolverhampton, Doncaster and Southampton and the decision was taken to form a national organisation. After the war the expansion carried on with Cardiff in 1955, Dumfries in 1956, Enniskillen in 1959. 1959 saw the formation of Ladies Circle International by founder countries GB&I, Sweden and Denmark. We owe a lot to the women of 1932 and founder President Win Hussey and today having adapted to modern ways (1993 rules changed and open to all ladies from 18-45 instead of wives of Round Tablers) we still share those original values and beliefs of fun and community, support and making a difference.

A lot has changed since then! Back then chips were made only from potato and not silicone, a mack was a large waterproof coat not a computer, the word apple only meant a piece of fruit and PC meant Police Constable not Political Correctness or another computer. The world was a bigger place, we did not have a single currency across all of Europe, travelling to another country would take days or weeks not hours, passenger airplanes were not commonplace, man had not stepped on the moon, or even made it into space, let alone considering the real potential to holiday there.

The world was such a different place and yet, those values of yesteryear are as true and fundamental as they are today.

We may be able to travel the world, video conference each other, carry a phone on our person and meet friends from across the world as easy as catching a bus or walking to the local shops.

I am sure, however, that despite the passage of time, all of our friends around the world, in your regions and clubs, are just as strong, fulfilling and inspiring as they were 80 years ago. Did those founding ladies know what they would be creating? Did they have the vision of what we know today? Probably not! Can we see what the future might hold for our future members for the next 80 years? No! But one thing is for certain, we owe it to those founding ladies, to all previous members of our amazing clubs and associations, and to all future members across the world to do everything in our power to not just live life to the full today, but to have at least one eye on the future. We have a duty to ensure that we continue to change as the world changes to remain as relevant in the future and to be the club of choice for the women who have not yet even been born.

We owe so much to those founding members who 80 years ago decided that if it was good enough for their men, then it would be good enough for us ladies too.

To celebrate this special anniversary, we have arranged for you a fabulous afternoon full of fun and friendship to give us all the opportunity to raise a glass to those ladies of 80 years ago, and to those future members in 2096.

Ladies Circle GB&I Celebrate being fabulous since 1936 If you have

not yet booked in, DO NOT DELAY!

Tickets are selling fast, and this is one

event not to be missed!

Page 5: Circler Magazine - February 2016

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We would love to say a big THANK YOU to all our members for giving up their time for volunteering and fundraising in aid of Children in Need.

It all started back in the summer when Circlers from the north and south gave up their weekend to sell raffle tickets at Carfest. They helped raise, together with Round Table and other voluntary organisations, a total of £85,000.It wasn’t all work and no play…. volunteers were given a free pass for the weekend and were able to enjoy the music and entertainment.

Then the big day came, 13th November, and all over GB&I Circlers were out collecting from dusk till dawn for this great cause.

We had the opportunity to film the ‘THANK YOU’ video for Children in Need, and Maidenhead Ladies Circle organised an Afternoon Tea Party with Pudsey. They had great fun with our Vice President Alex Bennett and Pudsey, and the short film clip was seen by many people on the live show. If you missed it, go to our YouTube Channel ‘Ladies Circle GBI’.

As you can see from all the photos, we all had a great time.

Keep an eye out on Facebook and the ‘Full Circle’ E-flash for your opportunity to get involved in 2016.

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Fun, Friendship & Fundraising for BBC Children in Need 2015

Reg. charity England & Wales no. 802052 and Scotland no. SC039557

Page 6: Circler Magazine - February 2016

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Ladies, have you booked in for Conference yet? Are you new to Circle, or have you been a Circler for many years but never really thought about attending Conference? Are you missing out on something special? Your Conference 2016 Team think the answer is definitely “Yes!”

The Round Table & Ladies Circle National Conference 2016 is being held at the Vale Resort in the Vale of Glamorgan, just 20 minutes from Cardiff City centre, between Friday 6th – Sunday 8th May 2016. The Conference 2016 Team is working tirelessly to bring you a fabulous weekend of fun, friendship and business.

Conference is not just a chance to socialise (much!). It is a chance to be part of NALC and to make a personal contribution to the running of our fabulous organisation. The Saturday AGM is very special – while it is a formal meeting, there are tears and laughter in equal measure. The achievements and successes of the previous year are celebrated and fascinating stories are shared by our members from all over the UK and beyond. New members are welcomed to the fold and new hopefuls have the chance for election onto the National Executive. Most important of all is the lively, open debate on the issues most important to every Circler and the opportunity to directly influence proposed changes, motions and new directions that affect them. It is a chance for your voice and that of your Circle to be heard. The AGM allows an amazing insight into how the organisation works and really helps you to understand and appreciate the wider Circle family. If you have never been before it is guaranteed to change your perception of NALC - for the better!

But the AGM is not all that is on offer. Two sumptuous hotels with amazing 4* facilities offer you relaxation and activities throughout the weekend. The Friday evening Cwl Cymru theme party will allow you to renew old friendships and make new ones. Food, entertainment and celebrating all things that are “Cwl” (Cool) about Wales (where will your fancy dress take you – sheep; Dr Who; Ivor the Engine or even Mr Jones himself??). The Saturday night Gala dinner offers the chance to dress up, relax, enjoy the company and dance the night away.

Conference is selling fast, almost 300 delegates are booked in already. With prices starting at £219 it is great value. Don’t miss out – book NOW for the best weekend in the Circle calendar.

DOn’t delay – book today!! Call 01202 514515 Email [email protected] Visit blbk

September Council MeetingFirst time to be held at Marchesi House, headquarters for Round Table

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presidentialball2015Time to Grow A massive THANK YOU

to all! We raised over £2000 for Round Table

Children's Wish

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Page 8: Circler Magazine - February 2016


The Alsager Ladies Circle annual One World Festival 2015 was held on Saturday 10th October 2015.

The festival welcomed all members of the local community and spanned the generations.

The key aims of celebrating the richness and diversity of cultures within our community were achieved in several ways- community members who have origins in other cultures displayed items and foods and interacted with the festival visitors throughout the event. In addition, we facilitated a range of workshops within our local schools to explore elements such as dance, drumming and singing which were then performed at the festival.

There was a range of craft activity- linking with local community groups including guides, Ladies Circle and ‘Messy Church’ and ‘story telling’ led by the local library.

The festival also allowed to us to explore some of the issues common to us all- this year this included recycling, waste reduction and sustainability. This was supported by Cheshire East council and also reflected in our craft activities.

It was a great community day enjoyed by all. We are looking forward to many more successful festivals in the years to come.

BROMSGROVE FASHION SHOW On Tuesday 13th October 2015 Bromsgrove Ladies Circle hosted their Annual Charity Fashion Show at the Hilton Hotel in aid of Primrose at the Princess & The Primrose Hospice. The event doubled in size from last years and was attend by nearly 100 guests one of whom was Emma Williams the community fundraiser from the Primrose.

Libby Walton from Styling You hosted the event & showed clothes from Frox in Old Swinford, Captain Tortue, Joseph Ribkoff & Tiffany Standfords 7 Dresses.

The models were a mixed of Ladies Circle members & professional models Jeannie & Tiffany. Jeannie herself is at the moment going through a cancer journey so it meant a lot for her to be able to strut her stuff on the catwalk having just been through chemotherapy & currently coming to the end of her radio therapy.

We would also like to thank all the contributors to the event and everyone who donated prizes to the raffle, with their help we were able to raise an amazing £1089.00 to be donated to the Ward & the Hospice.

Models Left to right: Jeannie Frith, Jayne Spittle, Jo Till, Tiffany Stanford

Fun, Friendship & Fundraising...

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We may come from all corners of the globe, speak different languages and come from different cultures, but we all have one thing in common - we are all Ladies Circle members.

Here are some pictures from our Ladies Circle International AGM in Iceland.



SOUTH AFRICA 24th - 28th August 2016

Visit www.lci2016.0rg for more information


UNITED KINGDOM 3rd - 5th February 2017

Want to be part of the international fun, friendship & fundraising, get yourself booked into one of the upcoming events:


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YOUNG MINDS IN LLANDRINDODOn the 24th October Llandrindod Ladies Circle held a charity dinner in aid of this years Area Charity "YoungMinds". The event was attended by members of Llandrindod Circle and Tangent and we were joined by Chasey Davies-Wrigley, Area 46 Chair and Meinir Hurford, Area 46 Vice Chair.

As well as gorgeous food and company we held a very competitive "bitch" raffle and played games. We raised £50 for YoungMinds a charity that supports young people with mental health issues but also provides much needed support and guidance to parents and carers to ensure they are coping and are able to support their young person too.

WINCHESTER GREAT FUNDRAISERWinchester Ladies Circle were delighted to present Trinity Winchester with a cheque for over £2000 following a year of fundraising events in aid of the Women's Service at the local charity. Trinity Women's Service offers a space where women who are feeling vulnerable can be listened to and supported to make positive changes in their lives. It is the only local provider of the nationally accredited Freedom Programme, which is a 12-week course aimed at helping women suffering from domestic abuse to develop the skills and confidence to recognised and break free from their physical and psychological abuse.

The main event of the year's fundraising was a Burn's Night Supper held in January, complete with bagpipes, haggis and Scottish country dancing.

Helen Dawson, Immediate Past Chair, said: “Ladies Circle is all about three things: fun, friendship and fundraising. Supporting Trinity's Women's Service has given us a great opportunity to do something really worthwhile for other women in Winchester and have a bit of fun at the same time.

At the start of April last year, we had hoped to raise about £1000, but the final total has far exceeded our expectations. Our Burns Night Supper was the biggest event we have run in a number of years, and we were apprehensive about whether we could pull it off. The event was a great success and a good time was had by all, thanks to the hard work and commitment of the girls from Circle."

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TURRIFF CIRCLE SUPPORTING THEIR ROUND TABLE SANTA FLOATWe had a fantastic time supporting the Santa float! A special moment in particular was when a little girl asked if she could give me her 'special penny' - despite her parents already having donated - at which she ran upstairs at full speed and came flying back down with a £2 coin which was very special to her. Bless her, we thanked her very much and told her we'd let Santa know how kind she was.

We just love helping out with this. Seeing all the childrens faces when they run out into the street in their pyjamas and see Santa its absolutely priceless.

SLEAFORD OKTOBERFESTSleaford Oktoberfest "best year yet" was the setting for a great weekend for Sleaford Circle.

The "little circle that could" pulled out all the stops once again to run a fantastic FREE children's craft and play area all day on Saturday as well as pulling their weight in pints behind the bar both nights.

The bar was also graced with a visit from our National Vice President, Alex Bennett who came in full Oktoberfest dress and made it to the front page of the local paper! Sleaford Circle also seem to have a new member as she was described inside the paper as "Sleaford Ladies Circle member"... And we are pleased to have her!

Other notables visiting to help out include past National President Ruth Curry and Area 28 Chairman Sarah Hill who worked for twenty hours across the two days. Julie Moore of Holbeach Circle was also a beer serving maniac on Saturday night when the stampede began.

Sleaford Circle used a poster template from the website and turned it into a flyer to hand out and we made a lot of contacts during the weekend that we hope to convert into guests and eventually members.

All in all a great weekend working with the boys for the benefit of the local community.

Thanks to all the circlers who visited with moral support or stayed and worked. Here's to a record breaking membership year for Sleaford Circle!

FALKIRK LADIES ARE FRIENDS OF CHERNOBYL'S CHILDRENFalkirk Ladies Circle held a leaving party for children from Chernobyl who had been staying with host families in the area.

The children visit each year, staying with the same host family, for a month of fresh air, healthy eating and fun. This is arranged through the charity "Friends of Chernobyl's Children".

This is the third year that Falkirk Ladies has held such a party for the children and it is lovely see them again and each year seeing them having fun and growing up!


ACTIVITIES IN ROTHWELLIt’s been a busy few months for the Rothwell Girls. In August they grabbed their tea towels and became trolley dollies, helping out at a lunch for over 100 old folks in Rothwell.

Socially they had a great night at the Dogs and then a more stressful one at the Bingo where they shared their winnings of £8.33 each!

Charity wise they have had a fantastic 999 Night where they raised £3,450 for Martin Hospice and the Teenage Cancer Trust and this was followed by a charity fashion show and Xmas Fayre. The week before Xmas, they meet to make reindeer food to hand out to the children as they came to see Santa fly into Rothwell Park by helicopter!! WOW :-)

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BATLEY TURN 65!!!Batley Ladies Circle celebrated their 65th Charter on the 10th October with a 1950s style afternoon tea.

We were delighted to welcome NALC National President and Vice; Zoë and Alex to our celebration.

Zoë inducted 2 new members. Welcome to Charly and Donna!

We are having a fantastic year and have managed to double the number of members, hence securing Batley's future for many years to come.


WITHAM ARE BACK… On the 12th November Witham Ladies Circle gathered everyone outside Witham train station and handed out instructions to take part in a treasure hunt with a difference. Each team was given a list of items they had to take pictures with.

Pictures included taking a photo of a Witham sign, a photo of a photo and a photo of a tattoo. This involved one of the ladies getting half naked in the street so they could take a picture of her tattoo. Only in Ladies Circle I hear you say :-)

After all the fun activities, they gathered back in the Railway pub which was decorated with Ladies Circle bunting and memorabilia that had been found from the previous circle.

Our Vice President Alex Bennett inducted 4 new members on the night.

All the best to Kirsty Ahmed, who has taken the role of Chairman for this year.

Chairman Ali Goodspeed and Vice Becky Wood


MURDER IN LICHFIELDLichfield Ladies Circle hosted a Murder Mystery night at St Johns House, Lichfield in aid of the Stan Bowley Trust on Saturday 7th November 2015.

The 1920's themed evening was attended by 58 guests all of whom were dressed in period clothing. The gathering were treated to a superb three course meal whilst Fradley players put on a creative performance of a 1920's who dunnit. The cast of seven played out an intriguing scenario, and then placed themselves at the mercy of the super sleuth guests who were able to question them individually, and try and identify the culprit.

Denise Softley, Lichfield Ladies Circle Chair, who organised the event said " We chose the Stan Bowley Trust" as a local Charity who work

hard at trying to get recognition for CyberKnifeRobotic Stereotactic Radiosurgery System, a non-invasive alternative to open surgery for the treatment of tumours, a very worth cause"

The Stan Bowley Trust was presented with a cheque for £280, which was then matched by the gentlemen of Lichfield Round Table.

Founder Trustee Ian Bowley commented, "It has been a pleasure and a honour to be the chosen charity for the evening. It was an excellent night all round and has helped us spread the CyberKnife message a little further"

More information about the Trust can be found on

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SHIRLEY LADIES CIRCLEWall climbing social - For one of our monthly social events we decided to give wall climbing ago at our local climbing centre. The ladies were able to reach new heights during the 90 minute induction, much to the shock of the instructor who was met by a bunch of giggling girls! Although some of the girls were nervous, everyone managed to scale the walls. It was a great experience to try something different at our socials.

70s Night fundraiser - In October we all put on our glad rags to head to the disco to party 70s style. With great party games, food and fantastic music we danced the night away to raise money for our chosen charity Lyndon House. The charity provides therapeutic respite for children with learning disabilities in a caring environment. The night involved a fancy dress competition, best dancer and design your own pet rock competition. We had a fantastic MC from the 41 club who topped the night off brilliantly. Altogether we raised £250.

THREE NEW CIRCLERS, TWO NEW BABIES AND AN EXTRA DATE WITH SANTARedditch Circle continues to grow! We’ve recently welcomed three new members – Ceri-Ann, Tina & Susan – to the gang. It’s great to have them and we know they won’t regret it.

The last few months have been jam packed from truck driving and shooting with the Army Reserve, a progressive supper, getting creative with pottery painting, learning how to eat chips with a spoon at the local quiz night, learning about wine AKA ‘getting hungover’ with a spot of wine tasting and a bit more shooting with the Redditch Air Rifle club. Watch out as some of us were rather good…at the shooting that is, not the wine tasting!

Two of our members also managed to find time to extend their families, congratulations Ceri-Ann and Elle. Welcome to the world Mollie & Charlie…Circler and Tabler of the future?

After the success of our very first sleigh run last year we managed to persuade the Alcester & Stratford District Tablers to lend us Santa and his sleigh for two nights this year. Knowing that we’re part of this great Table/Circle tradition means a lot.

We are also delighted to be supporting Redditch Tangent which was re-chartered this year by our honorary Circlers. No more worries about what happens when we hit 45!

AREA 2 SHARE A FEW MOMENTSThe Area 2 Girls certainly CAN! We have had a fabulous year so far and delighted to have welcomed 10 new ladies into our Area. It’s hard to write down all the places we’ve visited, what we’ve done and who we’ve seen so we’d like to share a few moments….and memories of our #circletime.

Girls just want to have fun!

THE SOUND OF TURRIFFDo, Re, Me, the Turriff girls felt like they were sixteen going on seventeen dressed as nuns to do a spot of hill climbing sound of music style. The hills were alive with the sound of music especially when we met a lonely goat herd!

The 'Climbers Kit List' consisted of walking shoes and wine lol, we played music and sang all the way to the top and back..... it was wild and wet and windy at the top as you can see by the pic :) Then we all met together with the others at the local pub for a few of our favourite things (drinks and nibbles) It was a fun night, edelweiss :)


Biggleswade Ladies Circle have had an active few months. Two years ago, the Circle was struggling with only one member and now we have 7 paid and several

honorary members.

We celebrated our 55th charter in September with an afternoon tea with Circlers from Biggleswade past and present - who all spoke about what Biggleswade Ladies Circle had meant to them. A very humbling and inspiring day, which even raised money for our charity ‘Angela’s small cell ovarian research fund’.

We also held a knitting night to create innocent smoothie hats.

Biggleswade Ladies Circle sent 85 hats to innocent (all with a big felt blue L) so look out for those in shops. Of course noLadies Circle evening would be complete without alcohol so the knitting was accompanied by copious amounts of Prosecco.


Knowle & Dorridge recently enjoyed a fantastic Bollywood night with our Area Chair, Tracey and a number of potential new members! Our two instructors decorated the hall to set the mood and bought with them an array of beautiful scarves and bindis in a rainbow of colours for us to accessorise.

The music started and we were treated to an awesome demonstration of typical bhangra routines. We were inspired to try ourselves, shoes were discarded and moves were learned.

Although we may not have been worthy of a starring role in a Bollywood blockbuster, we made up for it with enthusiasm and attitude! The night ended with a curry and piles of poppadoms and naans.

Song of the night was "1,2,3,4 - Get on the Dance Floor". We certainly did!

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Vice-Chair Mel appears to missing a vital piece of equipment at our Bell Target shooting night

New member Susan getting creative

We got ourselves in the local paper with this one!

We’re humble at winning!

We look great in Pudsey ears

We do lots for charity Don’t mess with Jean!

Reindeers or Mr Potatoheads?

New Ladies mean new friends

We can't escape to save our lives!

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spring 2016

Check out our latest

Ladies Circle is part of a family of clubs offering ‘something for everyone’ across all age-groups.

Dear Circlers

As I write to you for the last time of my year as President I would like to ponder on the great fun and friendship I have had with you Circlers, and hope that this will encourage you to ‘make friends’ with your Tangerines!!

Zoë and I have gelled well and often message each other very (too) early in the morning, Alexandra and Ginette are so amusing, although Ginette will never convince me phones are a better alternative to cameras!! Lara and I had the most fun at the RT Birdman event in Ilfracombe last year, jumping off the pier, singing karaoke and camping (arghhhh).

The South West Regional lunch organised by Adele Clarke, and her team,

was superb, especially the travelling photo booth, even after a very girly wardrobe malfunction and quick change of outfit in the carpark by me!!

I was also delighted to meet up with Alison Uzzell and hope to see her ‘under the sea’ again at the next Birdman!!

I have been given much friendship by the lovely Rugby Circle including their Chair Clare, the Area 48 Chair Gemma, and the beautiful Stephanie (less her hat nowadays!!) and am sincerely looking forward to their Shakespeare SERL on 19 March, and hope to see many of you there, please do book in.

So all in all ‘we are family’, the four club family, so let’s work together yeah, yeah, yeah.

With love and hugsAlex Voller, Tangent National President

Everything is changing....those were the words I used at last years AGM in Aviemore and I think it is fair to say many changes have taken place with the new foundations built in the last year not only for Round Table but also with you our partners. Our main focus areas have covered the following:

• engagement with the current members• feeder clubs for our future members• new partnerships to add value to the

membership experience

These new exciting work streams have brought real growth in Round Table:

• Business Clubs• member engagement forums• Half Year meeting for our area teams• a targeted demographic report that identifies

the 200 towns showing where new clubs should open

• Round Table Training Academy

We have also now registered every club in RTBI with the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), meaning every single member is now officials recognised for giving their time as a volunteer. This stream of exciting work has opened new channels with the government and raised our profile.There is so much more, when you add all this to the passion, determination and belief from our members then all I can say is Round Table has earned the right for success and we are sharing these streams with your team. There is one final piece of work which we will launching very soon, and that's our very first university club to engage, educate and encourage a new generation.

All this work is being shared with you board and we will continue to work together to develop these new foundations. I am proud to work with your team and you as members and together we will achieve more. Over the years I personally

have worked and supported many of your National Presidents and this year is no different, Zoë and the team have worked tirelessly on your behalf and that is greatly recognised by all.

We are building up a huge momentum to the year end with one thing in mind: ensuring the foundations are stronger and that we celebrate our success more.

Most of all we know that in a very diverse society both clubs are more relevant, why? Simply put, the young men and women of Great Britain and Ireland need organisations like ours to be part of and they want to be part of them.

'Bringing People Together' is exactly what we are best at and I know we have earned the right for success.

Yours in friendshipMarcus Jones, National President Round Table Great Britain and Ireland 2015-16

ARE WE UNIQUE?We believe we may be a first in the Round Table family!

Our daughter Julia McClean is Chairman of Chelmsford Ladies Circle this year 2015 and her husband Stuart is Chairman of Chelmsford Round Table. Both of them asked me (Jean Pinkney) a member of Tangent and Doug Pinkney a member of 41 Club, to be their respective Presidents for their year. Our picture therefore shows us all in our year of office.

Julia says: “Born in Chelmsford to parents who were in both Ladies Circle & Round Table, I grew up with a whirlwind of social madness around me as well as approximately 30 ‘surrogate like’ parents. Seeing my parent’s friendships with all these people and the events and charity work they did was a valuable lesson as a child. In my adult years I spent many years working abroad, but in recent years returned to Chelmsford with a husband who knew no one in the area apart from my Dad. Curiously, my husband joined Round Table via my Dad to create his own network of friends - I then naturally ended up joining the Ladies Circle.”

Jean adds: “I have been associated with Ladies Circle and Tangent for some 32 years. I was Chairman of Circle in 1988/9 and Chairman of Chelmsford County Tangent in 1994/95. As Julia has said, the long and valuable friendships with so many people, the involvement with all different types of events and the fundraising element, are key to having an exciting and fulfilling life. This of course means a very busy life, but one that is never dull.

The quote ‘You only get out what you put in’ is so true and Circle life is one not to be missed and there is even more fun later in life in Tangent!!”

Doug remembers “I joined Chelmsford Round Table in the autumn of 1974. I was chatting to a neighbour of mine who was a member, and he suggested I came along to a meeting.

I was in the process of moving to a house that was semi derelict and I knew this project would absorb all my spare time. I needed an escape, maybe RT could be the answer.

This was a time when membership was thriving and at my first meeting I found the members very welcoming, and used to new faces turning up. Soon I felt very much part of an organisation that was able to offer a great social life, fellowship, travel, the opportunity to work and help others in the community. Most importantly it has enabled me to make good friends. The process continues in 41 Club.

Looking back it’s amazing how a chance meeting 40 years ago changed my life for ever.”

Stuart sums up the situation " I was always intrigued by the great and varied group of friends that seemed to surround Doug and Jean

whenever we visited them in Chelmsford. There was no end of social events and community based projects going on which on occasion would always call for careful diary management when we were in town.

It was therefore a natural progression when we moved into the area over 4 years ago to get involved. I now

have a great group of guys that I spend far too much time with and to top it all a new business

partner who joined on the very same day as me. It is an honour to be Chairman of

Chelmsford 132 alongside Julia in

Circle and to have the support of Doug and Jean is amazing in this busy year."

we are family...keep it in the family... spring 2016


1 Ginny 2 Alex 3 Lara 4 Zoë 5 Kirsty 6 Ginette 7 Tamsin 8 Claire

INTERESTING FACTS! Answers from page 4 cn

Page 13: Circler Magazine - February 2016

Rather than just give a report on my year and the wonderful time I'm having travelling around this amazing Association of ours speaking and attending events, I want to use my space for a different purpose.

I've had the pleasure this year of chairing the Round Table Family Meetings, something that rotates between the Associations every four years. Having attended last year as 41 Club Vice President it's given my the opportunity to see how this group is progressing over two years and I'm delighted to report that's it's progressing very well indeed. The meeting has moved to what we call in Business "Face Up Poker" which instead of everyone keeping their cards close to their chest people put

their cards on the table face up so the best hand can be used to suit everyone. All four Associations are now sharing information and working towards joint goals which will benefit all concerned for the future.

Come mid April I know I will be just a bit tired as I'll have driven over 20,000 miles and visited all 26 Regions that make up the National Association of Ex-Round Tablers' Clubs. I'll have attended Charters, Balls, Clusters, Quizzes, Dinners, Ladies Nights, Burns Nights and Ladies Lunches all of which have been great fun.

Being 41 Club National President is a fabulous experience, particularly in this our 70th Charter Year, and one I would not have missed for the anything. I've had a brilliant year and one of the best parts of it was to share the experience with your President Zoë Gaskill and the other National Presidents from the Round Table Family.

Yours in Continued Friendship,Terry Cooper, National President 2015-16

Spread the word & pass this copy on! Psst...

spring 2016 we are family...

J no ui s!

Ladies Circle were proud to attend and participate in the Remembrance parade at the Cenotaph again in November and were well represented at local community services too. It is always a very special and humbling day.

New to your area? Looking to expand your

social life, try something new, or give something back?

Ladies Circle is a fantastic club for women aged between

18 & 45 who want to make new friends, have lots of fun and do

some fundraising along the way.

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